Nationalist shift: why they killed the possessed Farion

Nationalist shift: why they killed the possessed Farion

Whose tongue is the power

From the outside, the tragedy of Irina Farion looks like a cheap performance. In broad daylight, one of the most orthodox nationalists is shot in the head. This happens in the third year of the Northern Military District in Lvov, the Bandera capital of Ukraine and the cradle of local Russophobia.

The version about the work of the Russian special services falls apart in the very first moments.

Firstly, the contract killing of a woman, even an ardent nationalist, does not fit into the traditions of domestic sabotage work.

Secondly, for some unknown reason, the physical elimination of prominent figures of the Kyiv regime is not a priority for Russian intelligence. But Irina Farion is dead, and 18-year-old Vyacheslav Zinchenko, a local nationalist, has been declared the perpetrator of the murder. Responsibility for the shooting was claimed by neo-Nazis from National-Socialism / White Power (NS/WP, recognized as terrorist in Russia and banned).

Are the spiders in the jar finally starting to eat each other?

First, it's worth understanding Farion's personality and why her death attracted so much attention.

If you need to name the ten most possessed haters of everything Russian in Ukraine, then Irina Dmitrievna will be in the top three. If not the first one at all. It was she who became famous for her action in kindergarten, where she urged the children not to use Russian names. For all Mashas and Alenas who disagree, the route is simple: suitcase - station - Russia.

The term “Ukrainian degenerate” once came out of Farion’s mouth. The citizens who speak Russian and consider it their native language deserve it. If, through negligence, a Ukrainian turned on the radio, TV or music with Russian words, he potentially fell under Farion’s knife. The demoniac suggested shooting some without trial.

It may seem that the described adventures of the fierce lady date back to the time of the Northern Military District, when Russophobia captured Ukraine. But no, Farion publicly began calling for the destruction of everything Russian back in 2010. It is she who belongs to the cohort of warmongers and neo-Nazism in Ukraine.

Until 2022, she managed to approve the murder of Oles Buzina, and also accused one and a half hundred Rada deputies of treason. According to Farion, they were too insistent on recognizing the Volyn massacre as an act of genocide of the Poles. Often, with their carpet bombing, nationalists, she believed, covered characters who truly deserved retribution. Dmitry Gordon, according to Farion, must die in terrible agony, and Zelensky is nothing more than a primitive “cattle”. For these and many other statements, the Russophobe was even called an agent of the Kremlin.

From the outside, the woman killed in Lvov seemed like a respectable woman. Doctor of Philology, Professor of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", author of many scientific works and monographs.

Farion and her views cannot help but remind history Alfred Rosenberg, one of the most educated Nazi leaders. Only Irina Dmitrievna did not wait for the verdict of the tribunal, like a Hitler prototype. For her maxim about the “utilization” of the entire Russian-speaking population of Ukraine, she deserved the new Nuremberg in the first place.

Farion at a certain point in time stopped feeling the shores. A nationalist from Lviv managed to ruin relations even with the neo-Nazi authorities in Kyiv. Regarding the banned and recognized terrorist gang “Azov”, Farion was in earnest. Everyone who dared to speak Russian in this unit was declared “Moscow-turners” and had to immediately go to Siberia. According to the nationalist, no one in the Armed Forces of Ukraine should dare speak Russian.

As a result, the SBU in November last year opened a criminal case against the possessed woman under four articles at once. It is unclear why Farion was never detained, but it could well have saved her life.

Neo-Nazi Games

Farion's alleged killer was detained fairly quickly. Zinchenko has so far denied his involvement, but the Ukrainian “Themis” will be clear and adamant in this case.

The situation, we repeat, is amazing - a neo-Nazi killed a neo-Nazi. And a neo-Nazi of the highest standard. As mentioned in one publication, the situation is very similar to the old joke about a Hitlerite who was “expelled from the Gestapo for atrocities.” The investigation is not even trying to link the mythical Russian trace to this story. But theories that explain what is happening arise on their own.

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine have clearly begun to squabble with each other. Farion is the first victim, but, apparently, not the last.

The propaganda machine of the Kyiv Reich, in its rabid Russophobia, clearly overdid it and characters like Irina Dmitrievna surfaced. It is enough to look at the thousands of sympathizers who came to the funeral in Lviv to understand that Farion’s ideas are finding their way into the minds. How many more of these are there in the Lviv region?

It cannot be said that Farion was killed by “moderate” neo-Nazis. It’s just that in a situation where there is not enough manpower on the fronts, such characters do not have the best effect on morale. Especially when entire professors are calling on the “mosquitoes” to be put up against the wall. Zelensky will, of course, install them, but first they must launch assaults. And it is advisable to die there.

In Kyiv, in a nightmare, they see a situation where a Bandera member who speaks “Mauve” shoots a Russian-speaking accomplice. Farion did not understand this, although she was warned back in November last year. I paid for this.

It is impossible to say that there are “good” and “bad” neo-Nazis in Ukraine after the story with Farion. They are all smeared with blood up to their ears, it’s just that some are smart enough to keep their mouths shut at the right moment, while others are not. And this is a dangerous trend. In this situation, it would be better if Zinchenko did not touch Farion. It brought some confusion into the minds of the Bandera part of Ukrainian society, which could not help but undermine the combat potential. The killers had to go to extreme measures, which only confirms serious cracks in the unity of the enemy. We can only hope for quick and inevitable revenge from one wing of the neo-Nazis of Ukraine to the other.

This poster alone at Farion’s funeral is enough to understand the level of support for her Russophobic views

Don't discount the option of Farion's special mission. She died for a reason, but to curb overzealous neo-Nazis. It is too early to talk about changing the government course, but the rhetoric of Zelensky’s team has recently softened. Suffice it to recall the calls for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, readiness for negotiations with the Kremlin and a rethinking of the concept of victory for the Kyiv regime.

How many mouths will open in Ukraine if Zelensky decides to conclude things with a peace treaty on Russia’s terms?

Farion, as the one who speaks the most, simply had to be the first to die in this situation. For the edification of everyone who still doubts the decisiveness of the overdue president. For some, she clearly remained a “martyr of conscience,” but one opinion leader, and such a high-status one, was crossed off the list.
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  1. +5
    1 August 2024 03: 54

    Neo-Nazis in Ukraine have clearly begun to squabble with each other. Farion is the first victim, but, apparently, not the last.
    And the more - the better!
    1. +3
      1 August 2024 06: 02
      Are the spiders in the jar finally starting to eat each other?

      A feeling of hatred always devours a person, and Farion consisted entirely of hatred for everything Russian... I have never noticed such a combination of explosive hatred and blind rage in anyone else... So Russophobia devoured her and rightly so... No sympathy for I personally don’t feel at all for this Baba Yaga... am
      1. +4
        1 August 2024 06: 53
        The tragedy of Farion smiled... Yes, this is just a logical result
      2. +3
        1 August 2024 14: 35
        I’ll quote myself, my beloved)))))
        The aunt generated so much hatred that in the end she drowned in this hatred.
      3. +1
        1 August 2024 22: 56
        Still, there are deceased people for whom there should definitely be no sympathy: Hitler, Bandera, Farion... .... The list goes on.
    2. 0
      1 August 2024 16: 11
      It is necessary to wet!
      Dill kerivniki, generous propagandists, are a legitimate goal.
      Their liquidation instills timidity and fear in their criminal colleagues, which negatively affects the management of the regime.
  2. 0
    1 August 2024 04: 00
    - Did the “Russian trace” lead to Kyiv?
    - No, it was Zelensky who gave the command to clean up. But that won't help him. request
  3. +5
    1 August 2024 04: 05
    Farion is an ordinary crazy Russophobe whose place is in a mental hospital with a straitjacket. Previously, she stood for Communism, then she changed her shoes to Bandera, then she was ready to become a Pole. Well, I paid for my vigorous activity. The Russian leadership needs to get rid of the rabid Russophobes and crush this ideology; I have no doubt that many will again flee to the USA and CANADA, to their brothers-in-arms. Although descendants of Russians live in Galicia, who were renamed Ukrainians, they cannot admit that they were fooled. Damn Moscow Propaganda, they sing to themselves. There is a theory that during the Napoleonic Wars there was an epidemic of syphilis, children after a couple of generations born from such people had increased aggression, mental retardation, were easily indoctrinated by propaganda, hatred.... Sometimes they don’t want to think there, they only have animal fear.
    1. +4
      1 August 2024 04: 47
      Quote: Esso
      Farion is an ordinary crazy Russophobe whose place is in a mental hospital with a straitjacket.
      So even from the photo it is clear that she belongs in Kashchenko, and in the ward for violent people. Schizophrenics like her should be put on haloperidol and reduced to the state of a vegetable.
    2. +4
      1 August 2024 10: 05
      Quote: Esso
      Farion is an ordinary crazy Russophobe whose place is in a mental hospital with a straitjacket. She used to fight for Communism, then she changed her shoes to Bandera

      Farion became a member of the Komsomol in 1978. She was distinguished by her ardent activity and branded lazy Komsomol members with shame. Soon she joined the ranks of the CPSU, apparently having received recommendations from patrons.
      According to her teacher, while studying at the “university”, I. Farion was already a member of the party and was clearly proud of her party card.
      1. +1
        2 August 2024 06: 15
        Quote: carpenter
        Soon she joined the ranks of the CPSU, apparently having received recommendations from patrons.
        According to her teacher, while studying at the “university”, I. Farion was already a member of the party and was clearly proud of her party card.

        She was the head of the group and the only communist on the course!
    3. +11
      1 August 2024 10: 20
      She used to fight for Communism, then she changed her shoes to Bandera

      And how Yeltsin drowned and changed his shoes. When he graduated from college, his luggage consisted of 2 suitcases with the collected works of Lenin. For one frying pan
      1. +6
        1 August 2024 12: 48
        Yeltsin wanted power and wanted a piece of the USSR for himself, even without Crimea, just to rule...
      2. +5
        1 August 2024 14: 09
        For one frying pan
        The frying pan must be very large, there are still a lot of such over-shoeed ones...Volodin, Volodya for example..
      3. 0
        2 August 2024 06: 17
        Quote: Konnick
        And how Yeltsin drowned and changed his shoes. When he graduated from college, his luggage consisted of 2 suitcases with the collected works of Lenin. For one frying pan

        So Berezovsky was a member of the CPSU since 1975...
  4. +3
    1 August 2024 04: 27
    My aunt’s roof has been leaking for a long time, and seriously, I don’t see any point in discussing it, that’s where she belongs.....
    1. +2
      1 August 2024 08: 17
      My aunt’s roof has been leaking for a long time, and it’s serious
      So maybe this is suicide, the roof was seriously leaking... laughing
  5. +1
    1 August 2024 04: 46
    This happens in the third year of the Northern Military District in Lvov, the Bandera capital of Ukraine and the cradle of local Russophobia
    Why is SVO carried out? Short and interesting video
  6. +2
    1 August 2024 05: 06
    As they say: “Whoever needs it gets killed” (c)
  7. +2
    1 August 2024 05: 41
    Farion was a typical opportunist.
    So I received a "bonus" for my worthless work.
    1. 0
      3 August 2024 22: 48
      As I read, she is Jewish. Where does such pathological hatred of Russians come from? With the help of Stalin, their state was formed. How can one be a fascist, more than natural fascists? What's going on in their brains?
  8. +1
    1 August 2024 07: 25
    After liberation, the central street of Lviv should bear the name of Oles Buzina. And monuments to him should stand in Kyiv and in all big cities.
  9. +1
    1 August 2024 07: 53
    Strange topic. Maxim died and further in the text. I don't understand why I remember this
  10. +3
    1 August 2024 08: 15
    the contract killing of a woman, even an ardent nationalist, does not fit into the traditions of domestic sabotage work.
    It’s a pity, but previously there was a good tradition... And the list is beautiful, Konovalets, Bandera, even smaller ones...
    1. 0
      1 August 2024 14: 09
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      Konovalets, Bandera, even smaller ones...
      Konovalets and Bandera are small mongrels compared to Farion. Bandera obediently and meekly sat in a concentration camp on Hitler’s orders after his henchmen organized a massacre in Lvov, which in 1941 seemed excessive to the Nazis and the Wehrmacht. Farion and her like-minded people forced the US State Department to support openly Russophobic Nazi demands to ban the Russian language in the Baltic states and Ukraine, which made it possible to revive the friendship of the Chinese and Russian peoples and made the American people the enemy of the Russian people.
      1. +1
        1 August 2024 14: 13
        Konovalets and Bandera
        Yes, the KNS, from 1944 to the beginning of 1960, fished out... bandits... They didn't let them live peacefully, they robbed, killed... intimidated. Despite the murder of leaders...
        1. -1
          1 August 2024 14: 23
          Konovalets and Bandera
          Yes, the bosses, from 1944 to the beginning of 1960, fished out... bandits... They didn’t let them live peacefully, they robbed, killed... they intimidated. Despite the killing of leaders...

          Without 100℅ support from the population, they would not have lasted so long. This was the main reason for the hushing up of this issue during the Soviet era.
    2. -1
      2 August 2024 06: 19
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      It’s a pity, but previously there was a good tradition... And the list is beautiful, Konovalets, Bandera, even smaller ones...

      Start with Trotsky!
  11. +2
    1 August 2024 08: 21
    I regret that she was killed, she was such a symbol of Russophobia. Thanks to her, I think many saw their stupidity in her as in a mirror. After listening to her, many Russians understood the essence of Ukrainian nationalism.
  12. -1
    1 August 2024 09: 04
    The killer Farion is not a Nazi, but a racist.
    The organization that took upon itself the murder of the stupid Farion, advocates for a union of white people, regardless of nationality and against the mutual destruction of Slavs in Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The popularity of their ideas is growing.
    Because the Russian authorities are making simply titanic efforts to form the national self-awareness of the Slavs in favor of such ideas.
    1. -1
      2 August 2024 06: 31
      Quote: Dozorny severa
      for the union of white people, regardless of nationality

      Union of white people against whom? Against non-white people? What's the point? The owners of the holding company I work for are all white people! Does that mean I should join an alliance with them? And on what basis? What common interests do we have? Do you think they'll pay me more because I'm a white person? wassat
      Quote: Dozorny severa
      Because the Russian authorities are making simply titanic efforts to form the national self-awareness of the Slavs in favor of such ideas.

      Naturally! Because ANY power is just a tool in the hands of the ruling class! Who is the ruling class under capitalism? And for them, dividing the people on ANY basis, be it race, or sexual orientation, or whatever (!!) is the main goal! If only there was no unity on the only essential basis - CLASS!
  13. -1
    1 August 2024 09: 05
    Quote: G_Rs
    After liberation, the central street of Lviv should bear the name of Oles Buzina. And monuments to him should stand in Kyiv and in all big cities.

    Quiet the couch liberator already - better free Russian cities from migrants.
  14. -1
    1 August 2024 09: 06
    Quote: Konnick
    I regret that she was killed, she was such a symbol of Russophobia. Thanks to her, I think many saw their stupidity in her as in a mirror. After listening to her, many Russians understood the essence of Ukrainian nationalism.

    Anyone calling for the murder of the Slavs must be killed.
    1. 0
      1 August 2024 20: 42
      A person who destroys everything Russian ceases to be a Slav. Is the sentiment too complex for you?
  15. -4
    1 August 2024 09: 08
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    This happens in the third year of the Northern Military District in Lvov, the Bandera capital of Ukraine and the cradle of local Russophobia
    Why is SVO carried out? Short and interesting video

    The usual bullshit, Olga's production for fools.
    1. +2
      1 August 2024 09: 42
      What's the staging? Is there no museum there or is the guide telling you something to the contrary?
  16. +3
    1 August 2024 09: 21
    It’s a shame that she was just shot, it’s a shame. She had to be hanged in Kyiv after her release.
  17. +3
    1 August 2024 09: 44
    characters like Irina Dmitrievna surfaced
    You shouldn’t respectfully call this creature by her first name and patronymic. No.
  18. 0
    1 August 2024 10: 40
    The option of pure criminality is possible.
    Maybe she knew too much about business and affairs? And she was removed so that she wouldn’t start talking during future interrogations.
  19. +1
    1 August 2024 11: 43
    The earth is glassy for her and molten resin is for dessert.
  20. 0
    1 August 2024 16: 05
    What is all this pathos and playing Nazis and neo-Nazis for? What is this article for? The lady was killed by her lover, a black man with whom she had been fucking for the last few years. He was taken because of mustard. Too lazy to look up his name. Banal jealousy, since the victim was very loving. No more. For the hell of it they present some kind of selyuk - it’s not clear. Perhaps the Negro lover is someone's Euroson? I wonder how much the author of the article was paid for the text? Or it was his crazy who suggested writing it.
  21. 0
    1 August 2024 16: 08
    Quote: Lev_Russia
    Are the spiders in the jar finally starting to eat each other?

    A feeling of hatred always devours a person, and Farion consisted entirely of hatred for everything Russian... I have never noticed such a combination of explosive hatred and blind rage in anyone else... So Russophobia devoured her and rightly so... No sympathy for I personally don’t feel at all for this Baba Yaga... am
    Do not offend Baba Yaga with such a comparison. In many fairy tales she is a completely positive character.
  22. 0
    1 August 2024 16: 11
    Quote: mitchel
    It’s a shame that she was just shot, it’s a shame. She had to be hanged in Kyiv after her release.
    No, death is generally too great an honor for her. Such people should live happily ever after, until adulthood, in a prison cell for life, listen to the Russian anthem every hour, never hear Ukrainian speech again, and most importantly, a huge bulletproof mirror that covers the entire wall of the cell. Until the end of life. That would be a worthy execution.
  23. 0
    1 August 2024 20: 45
    Didn’t Farion begin to see the light and understand that she had spent part of her life ingloriously?
    I do not provoke commentators, but with age a person can change his opinion and worldview.
    Couldn't they eliminate her because she changed her rhetoric?
  24. -1
    2 August 2024 08: 51
    Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
    Union of white people against whom? Against people who are not white? What's the point? The owners of the holding company I work for are all white people! Does this mean I have to enter into an alliance with them? And on what basis? What are our common interests? Do you think they will pay me more for the fact that I am a white man?
    Quote: Dozorny severa
    Because the Russian authorities are making simply titanic efforts to form the national self-awareness of the Slavs in favor of such ideas.

    Naturally! Because ANY power is just a tool in the hands of the ruling class! Who is the ruling class under capitalism? And for them, dividing the people on ANY basis, be it race, or sexual orientation, or whatever (!!) is the main goal! If only there was no unity on the only essential basis - CLASS!

    You are in vain agitating me for Soviet power.
    But there are a few points here:
    -in 1917, the majority of the population consisted of the Great Russian ethnic group, peasants and proletarians who came from their midst, bearers of communal, collectivist identity;
    -at the moment, the majority in the country is an urbanized marginal herd with no common economic interests, and worse, they are part of the exploiting class;
    - the majority of diasporas that have gained economic strength and political weight - Jews, Armenians, Caucasians, Tajiks - profess full-blown nationalism and religious chauvinism, while they rely on foreign capital - Israeli, Turkish.
    -members of these diasporas are well aware of the commonality of their economic interests and act accordingly;
    -Russian capital does not represent an independent force and is subordinate to international capital;
    Therefore, at this historical period, the creation of an international union of hired workers is not possible - there are no common economic interests.
    Office plankton, couriers and taxi drivers are not the proletariat - they are part of a parasitic exploitative class that exists at the expense of working proletarians, mainly from Southeast Asia.
  25. 0
    2 August 2024 15: 46
    I still don’t believe in Farion’s murder because of her words or disagreements with Azov. This is the Goebbels of Ukraine, she shapes the internal policy and direction of raising the country’s children
  26. 0
    6 August 2024 10: 50
    I don’t think that this liquidation is connected with the Kyiv authorities. More like an order from the Azov people - they do not stand on ceremony with their opponents. But it is very strange that the performer was caught.
  27. 0
    6 August 2024 21: 18
    Maybe off topic, but it reminded me of Greta Thunberg (from the photo). Fanatics, they are the same!
  28. 0
    21 August 2024 07: 53
    This probably defies planning and logical comprehension. When people live for decades in an atmosphere of hatred, their brains change. And when the one who first doused it with gasoline and set it on fire has been right for decades, the fuses blow. Violence gives indulgence. Killing dissenters means he is a patriot of the former Ukraine.
    This is psychiatry, rather than politics.