Olympic Games in Paris: Championship of Russophobia

Olympic Games in Paris: Championship of Russophobia

On July 26, 2024, the Olympic Games began in Paris to the great delight of fans of all sports, who rightly (and so as not to spoil the atmosphere of the holiday) prefer to turn a blind eye to the scandals and unprecedented chaos that accompanied the period of preparation for the opening of the current games and the opening ceremony itself, focusing on sports competitions that will take place in the French capital until Sunday 11 August 2024.

While leaving sports fans to sit back and enjoy the event they have been waiting for for three long years, I cannot help but appeal to those who are inclined to view the full picture of the processes taking place in our era, rather than being content with carefree and enjoyable consumption dishes served to them, without checking the quality and cleanliness of the table on which they are served.

I prefer to leave others to comment on the endless series of serious organizational problems that have become the norm during the preparation for the Olympics in Paris, and I propose to pay attention to another aspect that in the long run will undoubtedly lead to serious consequences: the rabid Russophobia that has become synonymous with the current Olympic competitions.

Realities of the International Olympic Committee

Pierre de Coubertin, the founding father of the modern Olympic Games (OG), at the Olympic Congress held in Prague in 1925, said about the games: “Tous les peuples y doivent être admis sans discussion […] sans souci des fluctuations ou des caprices de l'opinion" - "all peoples must be admitted unconditionally [...] without worrying about the fluctuations or whims of public opinion."

The great founding principle of the Olympic Games of the unconditional participation of all peoples in the event, a principle without which the very existence of this extraordinary sporting initiative loses all meaning - it has not only been trampled upon, but directly trampled into the mud by the current International Olympic Committee (IOC), which has completely forgotten about its fundamental role and responsibilities.

What is the real reason for the malignant mutation that MOC has undergone?

The answer is simple. Today, this committee is completely dominated by the lobby of Western powers, which have transformed the latter into a simple executor of the political will of their curators, turning the largest international sporting competition into a primitive stage for promoting their political agenda.

Western domination of the Olympic Games through the corrupt IOC is by no means an assumption, but a concrete fact: of the 206 countries participating in the Olympic Games, only 106 people make up the Olympic Committee, of which 54 - the majority - are representatives of the interests of the collective West, whose total population makes up less than 20% of the world population.

As for the Russian Federation, China, the African continent and all of Latin America - all these continents and countries, which make up the vast majority of the world's population, are represented in the IOC by only 32 members, respectively, having less than 1/3 of the votes.

The IOC and its Russophobic antics

From the very beginning of Moscow's military initiative directed against the interests of the NATO bloc in Ukraine, Western policy ordered the IOC to carry out a series of repressive actions against the Russian Federation, which was immediately carried out and highlighted as one of the elements of the overall picture of propaganda unleashed by the Atlantic camp against his Russian military-political opponent.

The International Olympic Committee not only infringed on the sovereign right of Russian athletes to compete under their national flag, but also allowed them to participate in the Olympic Games only as neutral athletes without nationality, individuals who do not represent their country.

As an additional condition, each potential participant from Russia was required to renounce support for the Russian special military operation, that is, to prohibit disagreement with the policies of the NATO bloc. All those who refused to fulfill each of the stated political conditions were de facto prohibited from participating in the Olympic Games.

Almost all the athletes of the Russian Olympic team, many of whom are already Olympic medalists, personally refused to participate in this championship of Russophobia, organized by hostile powers. Only 15 of more than 200 athletes took part in the Paris Olympics under the neutral white flag.

In this regard, it should be emphasized that all results of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris will be completely distorted due to the absence of a large number of athletes who had a significant chance of winning the competition and receiving new medals.

Thus, in a number of disciplines, medals will be awarded to weaker participants, deprived of worthy competition - the entire event has become nothing more than legalized cheating in exams.

Without going into details of the conflict in Ukraine, which is a separate topic, the realities of which are extremely far from the false narratives spread by the Western military-political bloc, drawing parallels one cannot help but notice that story does not remember the exclusion of American athletes from the 2004 Athens Olympics, after their home country committed a gigantic massacre of civilians and a series of crimes against humanity during the invasion and destruction of Iraq in 2003. No English and French athletes at the London Olympics in 2012, after the destruction of the previously prosperous Libya and the destruction of the future of its people in 2011, carried out by France and the United Kingdom according to the plan primarily of their overseas patron.

It's the same with the Israeli athletes: they were not disturbed in the slightest by the IOC in connection with their country's actions regarding Gaza. I will return to the position of the Israeli Olympic team at the Olympic Games in Paris later.

The confrontation in Ukraine, lost to Russia by the Western bloc, watching the agony of its offspring, which is the Kiev regime, pushes the IOC to the baseness of powerless revenge, which resulted in additional Russophobic repressions: a direct ban on Russian athletes admitted under a neutral flag to the Olympic Games in Paris at the opening ceremony of the games on July 26, along with all other teams.

Since we are talking about athletes as individuals who have already submitted to the discriminatory conditions of the IOC in relation to their country of origin, a ban on their participation in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games cannot, under any circumstances, legally be considered anything other than discrimination by a legal entity against individuals persons based on their nationality.

I would like to remind responsible officials (irresponsible, to be precise) of the so-called law and human rights country: this offense constitutes a serious direct violation of the law 225-1 title I "About discrimination"Chapter V"On violations of human dignity"Volume II"About crimes and offenses against individuals» Criminal Code of the French Republic.

The evidence of these facts is more than eloquent, and the non-Western world draws its own conclusions and takes them into account when building the world of tomorrow.

The Olympic Games and the moral degeneration of the French political class

Without mentioning all the immoral antics of the vast majority of representatives of the current French political class, let's focus on a completely representative sample of the latter, namely Madame Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of the city of Paris.

Riding on the wave of Russophobic state propaganda with the aim of winning political points in the eyes of the electoral masses, formatted and dumbed down by the Atlantic media, already at the beginning of April 2024, this citizen made public her Russophobic position in relation to the future Olympic Games:

“I want to tell Russian and Belarusian athletes that they will not be happy to see them in Paris.”

It is possible that I am wrong about the Russophobic tendencies of Mayor Anne Hidalgo, and that she makes such vile statements only to distract the attention of Parisians from the serious problems of the city, which, strange as it may seem, this lady should be dealing with.

Speaking only about the most innocuous municipal problems and not even mentioning the epic invasion of bedbugs in the bed bugs of Parisians, it would be nice if someone from this lady’s political circle reminded her that, in particular, the population of rats that carry infectious diseases is today significantly higher than even in terms of the number of residents of the commune she leads. Let her also be reminded that it is impossible to walk along the sidewalks of her city without stepping one foot after the other into the dog excrement that has long become one of the most famous tourist attractions in the city of Paris.

Instead of playing the great politician concerned with the victory of the so-called light over darkness, it would not be entirely bad if Madame Hidalgo got to work on her job, for which she receives a very comfortable salary paid to her by taxpayers: clearing sidewalks of dog feces.

For my part, I would like to remind her of one more fact that concerns her. Madame Anna Hidalgo or, more precisely, Ana Maria Hidalgo Aleu, being a citizen of the Kingdom of Spain, knows very little not only her history, but also history in general.

Let me remind you that during the Olympic Games in Berlin, which took place in 1936 during the Third Reich, even such a character as Adolf Hitler never allowed himself to utter a single derogatory or discriminatory word against at least one athlete from any no matter the country participating in the Olympic Games. And this despite his internal personal hostility and his attitude towards many of them as subhumans and animals subject to extermination.

Moreover, during the games, Adolf Hitler even issued a circular banning the advertising and application of his racial policy (Nuremberg racial laws of September 1935) under pain of criminal prosecution, so as not to inadvertently offend the sensitivity of foreigners unfamiliar with the innovations introduced into the everyday life of the Third Reich, and especially not to provoke the slightest international incident.

It should also not be overlooked that the start of the Olympic Games in Berlin took place in the 3rd week of the bloody civil war. the war in Spain – the birthplace of the mayor of Paris. A war in which fascist Germany had already taken its positions and had become a de facto enemy of a number of countries whose athletes were present at the Olympic Games in Berlin. Despite this, as I have already mentioned, the latter at no point experienced the slightest hostility from the host country and its representatives.

A comparative analysis of the rhetoric of Anne Hidalgo, the representative and mouthpiece of the French political class at the Olympic Games in Paris in April 2024, with the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of the Third Reich in August 1936, cannot but cause bewilderment, since its result is clearly not in favor of the current hostess of the Paris Town Hall.

Double standard policy

Putting aside the unacceptability of abuses committed both by the Western-run International Olympic Committee and by the political representatives of the host country, France, one legitimate question arises.

How did it happen that in the conditions of unprecedented criminal discrimination against the Russian Olympic team for more than dubious reasons, the Israeli Olympic team, in turn, did not even bear the shadow of the beginning of any troubles on the part of the IOC and the organizers in the country of cheeses and frog lovers paws?

There is a diametrically opposite phenomenon: just as the Congress of the United States of America recently stood with tears of emotion in its eyes and applauded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, senior representatives of the current French authorities have made incredible efforts not only in terms of physical protection of the Jewish Olympic team - that , however, is quite normal - but above all in the categorical denial of the massacre of the civilian population of Gaza, deliberately committed by the armed forces of the Jewish state.

Neither the numerous UN resolutions, nor the extremely serious charges of genocide against Israel, nor the initiatives of the International Criminal Court (ICC), so welcomed by the entire Western world, including France, at the moment of launching the prosecution against the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin (see my analysis “tribunal for Ukraine or Western witch hunt”, in which I outlined the legal absurdity on absolutely all counts and the complete illegality of the ICC initiative against the Russian leader) - none of these elements caused the slightest reflection in the irresponsible political camp of Emmanuel Macron, which could lead to curbing the zeal in positioning France as an enemy of the people of Gaza and at the same time the entire Arab-Muslim world.

The idea of ​​the French Ministry of Internal Affairs banning the display of the Palestinian flag during the passage of the Olympic flame (in Vitry-sur-Seine) was considered by its authors to be undoubtedly brilliant. The fact that Palestine is represented as a state by its sports team at the Olympic Games in Paris hardly affected the minds of the irresponsible perpetrators of this blatant discrimination against a victim people subjected to extermination on a monstrous scale.

For their part, Russian athletes were deprived not only of their absolute right to compete under their national flag and participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, but even basic assistance, if necessary, from their own embassy through the official denial of access to playgrounds for representatives of the Russian diplomatic corps in France. Access, which is a routine, almost mandatory procedure during each Olympics.

This unprecedented measure of discrimination, unseen in the 128 years of the modern Olympic Games, was introduced by the completely irresponsible authorities of the host country, without the slightest reflection on the seriousness of the violation of the rules governing international diplomacy.

Likewise, in contrast to the overzealous defense of a Jewish sports team guarded 24 hours a day by heavily armed special forces, it is not surprising that the “responsible” French authorities have not taken even the slightest hint of providing adequate measures to protect Russian athletes from possible aggression from side of the Ukrainian ultranationalists, with whom France today is teeming along with the rest of the EU countries.

In a aside, noting the high degree of political and moral irresponsibility of the French authorities in terms of organizing the Olympic Games, it should be emphasized that members of the Israeli Olympic team should under no circumstances be stigmatized and morally held accountable for criminal acts committed by the head of state and the government of the country, of which they are citizens. The sphere of responsibility of athletes at the Olympic Games cannot be other than the sphere of sports.

In my personal subjective opinion, the fundamental principles of the Olympic Games, expressed by Pierre de Coubertin in 1925: “all peoples must be admitted unconditionally” - these principles are sacred, and their trampling into the dirt by current Olympic officials is a real crime in relation to this once magnificent world-class sporting competition.

The Paris Olympics are an additional stone in the foundation of the collapse of the collective West

In past decades, the foreign policy of the collective West towards the rest of the world has been largely guided by principles whose real end goal was the establishment of relationships for its unilateral benefit.

At the same time, the true nature of the established relations was carefully hidden with the help of a number of instruments of pressure provided by Western military-economic hegemony at the disposal of its political class, which, to its credit, for the most part possessed high-quality professional skills and competencies in its activities.

Today, the West's domination of the world, which has lasted since the 15th century, is approaching its end in an undeniable and irrevocable manner.

The current situation of the Western camp is greatly aggravated by the widespread trend of radical replacement of political elites with strategic vision and highly professional skills by upstart activists, most of whom have neither the long-term vision nor the ability to implement it - elements that are a sine qua non. to steer their countries in a direction other than toward the abyss of economic recession and spiritual degeneration.

The Olympic Games that we are witnessing today are just one more scene, among so many others that have taken place in recent years, on which the political class currently in power in France, being the shining representative of the entire political class of the Western world, commits a fatal mistake towards oneself. A mistake regarding the desire to maintain the world hegemony of the camp that France represents at the games in Paris, through the open, undisguised application of a policy of double standards.

Such open, full-scale abuse of their position of power only deepens the ever-widening ideological gap between the collective West and the rest of humanity, which is increasingly less tolerant of the repeated immoral antics of those who position themselves as rulers of the world, who have little left of their former prosperity, except for the constant excessive ambitions .
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  1. -3
    30 July 2024 03: 41
    Translation from French.
    1. Msi
      30 July 2024 05: 10
      The article was a little late in publication. The issue of our exclusion from the Olympics is irrelevant after the opening show of the Olympics. We were lucky that they didn't let us in. We didn't get dirty with all this homosexual shit...
      1. +1
        30 July 2024 05: 41
        :) 90% of this article was written at the beginning of April - 4 months ago. Well, such a “bright” inauguration of these Olympic Games (which I personally attended) is a completely different topic...
        1. -2
          30 July 2024 15: 24
          JO de Paris - une pierre de plus dans l'édifice de l'éffondrement de l'Occident

          In this subtitle you have everything mixed up.
          "une pierre de plus" carries the meaning of "contribuer, avec des moyens même modestes, à la réalisation d'un projet collectif", i.e. strengthening something.
          "l'édifice de l'effondrement de l'Occident" - it’s not at all clear what it’s about?
          1. +1
            30 July 2024 19: 29
            :) Dear comrade, in. It was necessary to learn languages, and not to replace brains with the Internet and Google translator, and even to display this publicly, and even in an affirmative form...
      2. +2
        30 July 2024 06: 21
        We were kicked out of stadiums a long time ago and access was closed. All that remains is to root for the success of the big sports business. But here’s a bummer..... ugh, disgusting...
        1. +8
          30 July 2024 06: 50
          Do you remember how it started? From the Kremlin in the pozp KU in front of the etsilops from WADA. So they received defeat and shame
        2. +2
          30 July 2024 15: 31
          Not really a bummer...

          The "Genocide Olympics" banner appeared during Saturday's Paraguay-Israel (4-2) match. And he hung there all the time while the audience loudly booed the Israeli anthem.

          But that's not all.

          American Republicans boycott the Olympics.

          The opening of games with “transgender” dances and satanic surroundings caused indignation in Republican America. Internet provider C Spire, the sixth largest customer in the United States, removed all advertising from the Olympics. Carlo Maria Viganò, a former papal prelate in the United States and a conservative cardinal closely associated with the Republicans, also sharply condemned the opening of the Olympics. Trump called it a disgrace. And Speaker of Congress Mike Johnson is an insult to Christians around the world.

          The audience for the Olympics is falling and this is already causing panic among TV channels and advertisers. The same NBC paid $7 billion for the exclusive right to broadcast the Olympic Games in the United States until 2032.
  2. 21+
    30 July 2024 04: 02
    The author, before wringing his hands and lamenting about terrible Russophobia, would have been better off asking the question why, after sending troops into Afghanistan, no one dared to either remove him or put him under a white flag???

    Yes, the countries did not come to the 1980 Olympic Games, the USSR did not go to Los Angeles. But besides the Summer Games there were also the Winter Games of 80 and 84, where Soviet athletes competed under THEIR flag...

    Moreover, the 80 Winter Olympics were held in the USA and, instead of talking about Russophobia, my homeland simply went ahead and won the overall standings of the Games. And the USA was also surpassed by the communist GDR in the table. This is the answer. And not the tears of eternally offended weaklings.

    Maybe it’s not only a matter of Russophobia, but also the fact that “capitalist” Russia, through the hands of its “leaders” and the constant ingratiation of “respected partnership”, is simply not regarded by those in the world as an equal partner...

    They beat the weak... So maybe we can stop being weak for now???

    “It’s better to be than to appear”... And the Russian state has huge problems with this...

    We need to regain our strength and power: scientific, industrial, in medicine and education. And we either have fairy tales, or scraps from the 14th century, or we hear how we are deceived and led by the nose from time to time.

    Those who are happy to be deceived, it is a sin not to deceive...
    1. 0
      30 July 2024 04: 20
      Why did the USSR, after sending troops into Afghanistan, not dare to remove anyone or put anyone under a white flag???

      Because there has never been such rabid Russophobia in the IOC, and therefore the governing bodies of the Olympic movement did not submit to the dictates of the Anglo-Saxons.
      The devil, as they say, is in the details.
      In general, the toothless and conciliatory policy of the Kremlin led to Russia being kicked out of the Olympics... the weak and tolerant are beaten and slaughtered like sheep by more arrogant and principled individuals of the human race.
      For some reason, the Kremlin gentlemen and comrades decided that they would deal with them in international sports honestly and according to the rules... but the Anglo-Saxon jackals always want to eat... Russia has now been put up for the role of food.
      If you want to survive, fight... with teeth, claws, whatever... you must not let the enemy grab you by the throat and strangle you.
      1. +4
        30 July 2024 08: 39
        It’s not about the IOC. The dictatorship of the Anglo-Saxons existed even then. Remember the boycott of the Moscow Olympics. It’s just that then half of the world was for the USSR. And now what? The impotence of the Kremlin, nothing more
        1. +2
          30 July 2024 15: 37
          Lech from Android wrote about this, in principle.

          ...the toothless and conciliatory policy of the Kremlin led to

          that only Russophobes were allowed to settle in the IOC. I don’t even want to think about VADA.
          But how did the President of the Russian Federation greet the same Bach at the Olympic Games in Sochi...
        2. +4
          30 July 2024 23: 13
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          It’s just that then half of the world was for the USSR.

          And then? And then the USSR surrendered without firing a shot and surrendered with its giblets that half of the world that was for it. And please, don’t talk nonsense about some traitors, if a state forms a negative selection of elites who then bury it, this is the problem of this particular state. It turned out to be unviable, as proven by history. The USA was not destroyed by traitors, but the USSR was, it lost shamefully, without a fight. All subsequent “impotence” is a consequence. Today's "impotence of the Kremlin" can be considered a real feat against the backdrop of the impotence of the late USSR and the Russian Federation of the 90s that emerged as a result of its collapse.
    2. +4
      30 July 2024 05: 13
      Why did the USSR, after sending troops into Afghanistan, not dare to remove anyone or put anyone under a white flag???
      Because it was the USSR! And I’ll also add that no one would even dare lay a hand on our foreign assets. But with voices of concern and red line drawers, this is very possible.
    3. +1
      30 July 2024 05: 28
      on vacation - I will be glad to “comment”:
      Following your logic, let's keep quiet and “regain our strength and power”; we need to close our mouths for 5-10 years, well, until we restore this power - and then we will show them all!
      I made a very accurate transcription of your ideas. Don't you realize the absurdity of your position?
      And about Afghanistan... - you could have brought in the First World War. Afghanistan in the 80s is not the reality of the world of the past - it is the reality of the world before that.
      “So maybe we can stop being weak for now???” My friend, stop showing the swagger of armchair patriots for the millionth time. Start with yourself. Society consists of individual people. What have you personally done for Russia to move it even a centimeter closer to what you so colorfully described?? Just don’t talk about how good you are and how bad the authorities are, and how they are to blame for everything, and how under such and such authorities we slaves can’t do anything, even though we are trying our best to return strength and power to the country day and night . Power came not from the 4th dimension, but from you - the people - and those like you to the tips of your nails. Who you are is what power is.

      In general, your contribution to this page is more than logical and appropriate - as a great lad from Kiev, in a good way, or from Bukovina.

      NB: you can calm down: the author knows what he is doing when he spreads around the world explanations of what is happening in Western politics today. arena.
      1. +2
        30 July 2024 06: 54
        The author knows what he is doing.. Is the author so sure that he is the ultimate truth? In fact, we need to look at ourselves. And the question is, what have you done to strengthen the power of the country, it now looks so stupid that there is nowhere else to go
        1. +7
          30 July 2024 07: 19
          The author, “near the city of Paris,” lives. He is from there, “burning us with the verb” of his thoughts, including French-speaking African countries. He is in Paris, strengthening the power of the country. And does not lie on the couch, like some. I wonder if his fleas and rats have passed side? They wrote here that all of Paris is infested with fleas and rats. It’s interesting who he votes for in Paris? But all the same, he’s smarter than you and us, he’s in Paris, and you and I are in the county, I’m in the county town , and as I understand in the village, you and I are suckers; we didn’t even go to Paris. laughing
          1. -15
            30 July 2024 07: 59
            The post's comment is deep hi I really wanted to donate some money to motivate me for new exploits in the commentary field :)
            good friend (with 100.000 comments on his account :))), do you not have enough communication in real life, that you have turned yourself into a grandmother on a bench at the entrance? :))) Are you unemployed? Well, excuse me: what kind of intelligent employer would keep such a “worker”? :)

            NB: I ask all such “workers” to press the minus button together - the author really cares about your opinion - it’s really interesting how many of you are here (not counting the Ukrainians who are pretending to be rich Russians). To the point of tears. laughing
            1. +3
              30 July 2024 08: 03
              I just wanted to transfer money
              List what the problem is? I hope rats and fleas didn’t eat your bank card? Is it weak to respond to another comment? About the collapse of the collective West? hi
              1. -8
                30 July 2024 08: 07
                sorry, I didn’t read everything - I quickly skim and my attention lingers only on special clowns... I’ll give it my due - now I’ll find it and take a look hi
                1. +3
                  30 July 2024 08: 14
                  Come on laughing The fourth comment was.Reply to the clown laughing You, as I understand it, are the director of the circus? laughing hi
                  1. -2
                    30 July 2024 19: 39
                    4th? and you, apparently, imagined that I was sitting over the 3rd and waiting: when will the 4th, so long-awaited by me, appear? lol no, I open the page and skim - mainly where there is no reading material for the page...
                    And regarding the circus director: this is exactly the case when I’m with you in the comments. A real circus tent laughing
            2. +6
              30 July 2024 08: 49
              Up to tears.

              Cry, Author, cry - I couldn’t resist and gave the comment a minus! wassat )))
              I put it on and I laugh - yes, you, Author, are a provocateur. It’s necessary to create such a cool mixture of jingoism and the - not liberal - liberal idea of ​​​​"start with yourself!" It’s like they’ve put a label on themselves, a badge. Why did you start with yourself in the city of Paris, and not in Russia? Did not work out? wassat )))
              And... Author, write ischo! I will read it - the style is good, the fuse sparkles, the logic is harmonious, for this the article is a plus. I admit that you are in Paris temporarily.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. 0
                30 July 2024 19: 49
                love Nice to hear from a woman. And a woman is allowed to say everything hi
                Regarding my provocations laughing and the reactions of any “commentators” - you naturally understand that, on the one hand, if I were interested in their advertised opinion and likes, my rhetoric in relation to the latter was completely different (and those who imagine that they evoke in me some emotions - they would be very disappointed if they knew the reality: words shake the air, not the interlocutor). And then, look how many emotions there are among these commentators - it’s worth watching laughing The French have an expression: “the dogs bark, but the caravan moves on” - that says it all.
                On the other hand, the entire crowd of idler commentators (not taking into account those struggling to earn their daily bread, who appear in the comments on this site for approximately ½ of the entire public) is from 0,01 to 0,3% of the total audience (across Russia/CIS) +comments are read mainly only by those who participate in them. There is no need to explain the meaning of these numbers here.
                Regarding “I admit that you are in Paris temporarily” - I’ll tell you an Open Secret: I spend part of my life in Russia (Moscow, Yalta, Kaliningrad,...) every year. I just returned from Serbia, and before that from Sochi.
                1. 0
                  30 July 2024 20: 31
                  I’ll tell you the Polichenelle’s Secret: I’m in Russia (Moscow, Yalta, Kaliningrad,...)

                  Moving around... Energetic...
                  And you know something hidden, you still hope for something. I recommend - listen to at least one program of Valery Dmitrievich Solovy - how he understands us, how he sympathizes and reassures us. Like, you were sent into this dark, deaf and terrible forest, so go - maybe the wolf won’t eat you there, I pulled a rope there, you hold on to it and sooner or later you will go out into the kingdom of good and light. Because the Professor is not young, he understands that our nation has come to an end, so at least with a lullaby...
                  And you are not old yet. That’s why you shout to us: “Come on, throw away the rope! Throw it and make a noose out of it... Don’t climb into it, don’t climb into it yourself, you’re such asses! A noose for the one who drove you into the dark forest”...

                  You need to know the history of the Russian people, the influence of climate and geography on us at the present moment in time, in order to understand why we go into that forest without turning off the path and without letting go of the rope.
                  1. 0
                    30 July 2024 20: 58
                    Soloviev? I don't know this. But if this nightingale sings that our nation has come to an end, I am clearly on opposite sides of the barricades with him.
                    ...just looked at his Wikipedia - was he a professor and head of the advertising department at MGIMO? Well, on one of my business cards it also says professeur - after 13 years of teaching, in my free time, in master’s programs at higher business schools in Paris and the post of dean of one of them... I find out from a close friend, dean of the advertising department of Moscow State University, what this is comrade...
                    1. +2
                      30 July 2024 21: 18
                      I find out from a close friend, the dean of the advertising department of Moscow State University, what kind of comrade he is...

                      It is not worth it.
                      I simply gave an example of a benevolent and respectful attitude towards my audience. And you, Oleg, called my comrades, whom I have known on the forum for almost six years (or already six years?) and extremely respect for their clear mind and great knowledge, - you called them “clowns” and thereby offended me. You need to learn to appreciate people, and this requires a lot of soul work.
                      Please note that the forum members took your attacks with humor, and agreed with some of your thoughts. Because these are mature people. Many of them are former or current military personnel, some participated in hostilities.
                      So what happens? The government doesn’t love us and spreads rot, the Asian migrants hate us en masse and want to live here instead of us, the liberal opposition makes fun of us every time, the West despises us and considers us savages, and here you are, young, handsome, jumping out of the snuffbox, screaming : "Clowns!"
                      But listen to Nightingale (not Solovyov) on YouTube - it’s a good school.
                      I will be waiting for your new articles.
                      1. 0
                        30 July 2024 23: 11
                        I will always answer a woman smile
                        I understand your “disappointment”. I just always call things by their proper names. And far from just being opposite all sorts of “incognito” people on the Internet.
                        The meaning of the expression “learn to APPRECIATE people” = to make an EVALUATION based on the information and data available regarding them, and not to play hugs with everyone. Unlike you, I do not have the burden of relations with the comrades you mentioned - I judge by their “performances”.

                        Only whiners (and there are 2/3 of them in the comments, if you don’t take into account the Kyiv workers) could imagine that the author is their likeness and whines about how “we poor good Russian boys are being oppressed by evil bad guys.” The reality is far from their superficial imagination: this article is only a logical consequence of a line of dozens of articles and interviews (rarely translated into Russian), which I have been bringing to my target audience (which has nothing to do with Russians) in recent years - and far from the last. And I always express myself exclusively from a position of strength and knowledge of the issue I cover. Take my word for it (or don’t believe it): for the last 20 years, not for my good looks, I have been kept as a special adviser (to solve particularly problematic issues) in a number of political parties in very problematic countries...

                        Criticism, if it occurs, must be constructive and, most importantly (!), end with a constructive proposal for an alternative. And not to express it in whining and primitive pug attacks, which are treated as such.
                      2. +2
                        31 July 2024 00: 27
                        Criticism, if it occurs, must be constructive and, most importantly (!), end with a constructive proposal for an alternative.

                        And you seem to be an experienced manipulator, don’t you? good wassat )))
                        It turns out that on your signal from Yalta, hundreds of thousands of people come to squares in Venezuela to destroy statues of Chavez and tear down banners with portraits of Maduro? And tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians filling the center of Paris to protest the desecration of the Last Supper at the opening of the Olympics? What a construct on asphalt and tiled surfaces! And we, who are so intractable, continue to sit on our sofas, sluggishly and skeptically fuming from the anti-corruption government purges, which we have very constructively proposed over all the previous years, but now, when something has moved, we ourselves are not taking a step towards radical street in support of the Party and the Government. Ah, we're the bad guys! We are unsuitable material for your manipulations, right? Our verbal constructiveness, which, I repeat, was more than enough here, does not in any way develop into a constructive massacre with members of the National Guard trained for this purpose. wassat )))
                        And you wait a little. Evil economists promise that we will soon go hungry and, perhaps, then we will satisfy your Gapon demands by constructively lining up in orderly rows in lines for stew.
                      3. 0
                        31 July 2024 00: 42
                        smile This kind of appeal means you are in the wrong place. This is part of your comrade-commentators with whom you have been discussing this for many years, I think. Yes
                      4. +2
                        31 July 2024 08: 04
                        This kind of appeal means you are in the wrong place.

                        It seems to be true - sort of.
                        But in reality there is no division here. The French honestly and directly in the opening performance of the Olympics showed the history of their country as a struggle for capitalist democracy. It was they, the French, who not only cut off the heads of their kings, but also took the Bastille, danced naked in churches, died on the barricades for the current right of the globalists to take over the rest of the world (they wanted the best, it turned out as always). I repeat, they honestly and directly showed how they, the French, moved history into neo-colonial globalism. And we, as they believe, having failed to build socialism, are aggressively building neo-feudalism - rolling the wheel of history in the opposite direction. So two wheels collided at this Olympics. Sparks flew both in our direction and in theirs. There are no right ones.
                2. Msi
                  30 July 2024 21: 28
                  On the other hand, the entire crowd of idler commentators (not taking into account those struggling to earn their daily bread, who appear in the comments on this site for approximately ½ of the entire public) is from 0,01 to 0,3% of the total audience (across Russia/CIS) + comments are read mainly only by those who participate in them

                  Absolutely right. Well done to the author for that. I've been in since 2013. I only started reading comments when I started writing them myself. good The only thing I don’t understand is why do you publish if you understand everything and despise the reader? For whom and why are you writing?
                  1. +1
                    30 July 2024 23: 26
                    written for the French-speaking world. Only a small part is translated into Russian. Why ? I won't tell you this wink
                    "you despise the reader"? - you are VERY far from my attitude towards the latter. You seem to understand that the reader is 100% of the audience, and “commentators” are 0,3% max of the latter - and yet you appropriated the properties of an unrepresentative segment ( and my attitude towards him) of the entire population. This is a serious error in the analysis. Do you understand what I mean?
                    1. 0
                      30 July 2024 23: 33
                      written for the French-speaking world (translations on the net into English, German, Spanish, Flemish, etc. - like these
                      - have nothing to do with me - I am only interested in France and the French-speaking world).
          2. +4
            30 July 2024 08: 24
            I agree with the author on some points:

            ...The way you are is the power.

            This is the brutal truth.

            Let us also remember the phrase: “Every people has the government it deserves.”
            Sources indicate that it belongs to the envoy of the Sardinian kingdom to the Russian court, Count Joseph de Maistre.
            And this is talking about Russia.

            87% of the Russian population who came to the elections in 2024 confirmed the truth with their decision to choose “the lesser of two evils”:
            “Every people deserves its fate.” (Montesquieu)
            1. +1
              9 August 2024 05: 50
              Quote: AA17
              "Every people has the government it deserves"

              We know this in our minds. In the realities of life, we prefer to forget...And blame everything on the “traitors”. Very convenient.
    4. 0
      30 July 2024 10: 37
      Quote: Nikolay310
      We need to regain our strength and power: scientific, industrial, in medicine and education.

      It won’t work with the current approaches….after all, in order to regain scientific/industrial power, we need to close the market from parallel imports, create products for the domestic market and provide consumers with everything they need (computers, phones, cars, household appliances, etc… right down to clothes and nails) - this is a huge amount of work and large investments... and no one here plans to do this.

      GDP relies on parallel imports - Chinese goods + goods from other suppliers through our “partners” from Turkey to Kazakhstan, etc. and how can a Russian manufacturer compete with the Chinese giants, when even in the domestic market there are 146 million consumers, there is such fierce competition.

      And the basis of our economy: the sale of raw materials, petroleum products and everything related to the oil and gas industry. And no one is going to rebuild the economy; they only talk about import substitution, but in reality it is parallel imports.

      And as long as this history persists, we are assigned, at best, the role of China’s younger brother..... and it does not imply regaining the USSR’s position in the world.

      The most interesting thing is that the USSR, with a domestic market of 240 million to 290 million consumers in different years (70s-90s), could fully provide itself with domestic products, and we (146 million) + EAEU = 186 million consumers, and if we add some of the countries of the former USSR - Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, etc. There will be 200 million consumers there, we cannot coordinate and create domestic products for domestic markets) this is a shame.
  3. 11+
    30 July 2024 04: 20
    It seems like I commented on this article yesterday, but it seems it was taken down. Again, games have long turned into something, long before Paris. And this is our fault, especially the officials of our sport and the OC, concern and anxiety in this world are of no interest to anyone. Remember Sydney 2000? When gymnast Nemov was condemned, he was still walking around and calming down the stands that were whistling from this disgrace, our reaction was restrained! 2 years passed, Southlake City, something crazy was going on, both double medals and medals taken away, our reaction was restrained. Then a major doping scandal occurred and half of our team was not allowed in, and the Paralympians were not allowed in at all; our reaction was restrained. They took away our anthem, our flag, almost everyone was not allowed in, what is our reaction? Right! reserved. It seems to me that even if they start dismantling our athletes for their organs, we will also show concern. They are just some kind of sadomasochists, they are beaten, humiliated, but nothing. It’s high time to slam the door and get out of this booth, and save your nerves and finances......
    1. 0
      30 July 2024 08: 20
      Quote from turembo
      They are just some kind of sadomasochists, they beat them, humiliate them, but nothing.

      It’s just that that same communist turned out to be a believer. What about the Bible? Turn the other cheek.
  4. +5
    30 July 2024 06: 10
    The Paris Olympics are an additional stone in the foundation of the collapse of the collective West
    When, in Soviet times, they wrote about the coming collapse of imperialism as the last stage of capitalism, there was an understanding that socialism would come later: “But we will still reach the Ganges, But we will still die in battle, So that from Japan to England my Motherland will shine.” (c) Suppose, after the Olympics, the collective capitalist West collapses, what socio-economic formation will appear on the ruins of the collective capitalist West? What ideology will capitalist Russia offer the world? Or will the PRC offer it?
    1. -6
      30 July 2024 08: 28
      1. after the Olympics, the collective capitalist West will not collapse. It still takes 10-20 years (an insignificant period for those who understand what we are talking about) for the change of era established under Columbus to be considered a fait accompli.
      2. what socio-economic formation will appear on the ruins of the collective capitalist West? Don't wait for the aliens to come - everything will remain as before, only the dominant poles will be moved. It's about the economy. And about society... people in the West will become poorer = more intolerant of tolerance. Relatively soon, the West will get enough of the ideology that has been feeding them for the last 30 years and future authorities will return to the dominance of traditional values ​​(Soros’ son will not be blessed with the results obtained by his soon-to-be-departed father). The process has already begun in some places. But it will be too late, from an economic point of view - the non-Western world will already move aside.
      3. What ideology will capitalist Russia offer the world? Or will the PRC offer it? Well, excuse me, only the lazy haven’t talked about this yet. MULTIPOLARITY. Naturally, it will be far from being the idealistic picture that the media feeds. But it will still be multipolar.

      This is my subjective opinion, based on personal experience of stewing in all this mess for the last 25 years.
      1. +7
        30 July 2024 08: 47
        Well, excuse me, only the lazy haven’t talked about this yet. MULTIPOLARITY.
        1. Dear Mr. Circus Director, explain to the clown, what kind of ideology is this multipolarity? What is its basis? 2. Don’t tell me about economics and the movement of the poles. Lenin wrote, imperialism is the last stage of the development of capitalism, the capitalist world has reached this stage, which we are now observing, a new repartition of the world, etc. The world will be redivided again, what is the further development of capitalism? Will imperialism disappear by itself? The main thing is to say rex, pex, fax? Trees with gold coins will grow all over the world? 3.
        after the Olympics the collective capitalist West will not collapse.
        And I wrote the word permissible... How do you see the collapse of the capitalist collective West? Who will destroy it? For example, in France? Le Pen or the New Popular Front?
  5. +7
    30 July 2024 06: 13
    In the conditions of competition from large sports business, and even complicated by the politics of preparation for a future war, these are quite expected events.

    And Russophobia is not a phobia at all, it is a means of suppressing a weak competitor using propaganda methods. Here is the required result: the Slavs must become disgusting to themselves.

    Even our domestic “patriots” wear jackets on the backs of which the word “Russia” is written in Latin, and above every lousy tavern and shop there is a sign in English... Even if in Cyrillic, but always with an “English” accent!

    Strictly speaking, we should not care about all this, just like the Chinese.

    The main thing is not sport - business, but mass sports in the country - crowds of people of different ages and young people jogging or warming up in the yard in the mornings and evenings, teenagers playing football. This task, as I see, is successfully solved by Caucasians and Asians.And the Russians talk about what happened and what didn’t happen in the USSR. Eklmn. ... but how much is possible? How long? laughing
    1. 0
      30 July 2024 06: 46
      Speaking of Latin. Recently, numbers were introduced on electric scooters. The numbers are also in Latin!
      1. +2
        30 July 2024 17: 38
        Well, what do scooters have to do with it? Identifiers are in Latin - this is due to the fact that all accounting and management of them is carried out in digital databases. And with characters in Latin it is much easier to work with and there is less chance of errors than in Cyrillic. I won’t burden you with the difference between ASCII and UTF encodings, I hope you’ll take my word for it. So there is absolutely no politics here. Sincerely hi
        1. 0
          30 July 2024 17: 54
          This is where I disagree with you. For some reason, cars have license plates in Cyrillic. What about politics? she is everywhere political. Galkin, for example, is a foreign agent, but Pugachev is by no means. But they are everywhere together, how is that possible?
  6. 0
    30 July 2024 06: 40
    The beginning of this century is the worst reproduction of the middle of the last century. When the concept of patriotism began to take on a completely different shade. They say that in the past there was no Russophobia. Anti-Sovietism is Russophobia. Isn’t it clear that those forces that hated everything Soviet attacked everything Russian .They don’t care what color the bear is. They only need its skin. We deliberately blur our consciousness. Even in sports. Some who left us are unimportant to us, others we seem to be proud of. It doesn’t matter that they have been performing in clubs in America for years. And so on in all respects. Simplification of consciousness is the main goal of public societies in the world.
  7. +4
    30 July 2024 06: 50
    Speaking of Russophobia. It doesn't matter what happens in Paris. But Turkic-speaking migrants are brought to Russia in trains, and passports with Russian citizenship are urgently issued for them. It’s completely different if a Russian from a former republic asks for citizenship, he will have to wait ten years or more. All benefits for migrants...
  8. +1
    30 July 2024 07: 02
    It’s high time to leave the so-called IOC and compete among normal people, for example, starting with the organization of the BRICS Olympics.
    1. +6
      30 July 2024 07: 42
      starting with the organization of the BRICS Olympics.
      The BRICS Olympics took place in Kazan in June of this year, but neither this author nor Fedorov paid attention to it. Even the games were not broadcast. On Retro-FM, on June 12, they mentioned that the opening of the Games took place and then nothing. That’s how it is .
      1. +4
        30 July 2024 07: 49
        This is all very sad. It would be better, of course, to talk positively about our games than to pour this negative slop on the users of the site.
      2. +7
        30 July 2024 08: 50
        The BRICS Olympics were held in Kazan in June of this year, but they did not pay attention to it

        Everything there was so “ambiguous” that the official, and then the rest of the media, quickly and firmly “covered up” this topic.
        1. +5
          30 July 2024 08: 52
          Everything there was so "ambiguous"
          Of course, that's why they didn't cover it...
      3. +8
        30 July 2024 10: 48
        Simply, and we must admit, they failed. Both because of the level of the athletes and because in some events there was only one athlete or none. Therefore, we decided, as we usually do in such cases, that nothing happened.
        1. +3
          30 July 2024 11: 02
          So there weren’t many types of games there, wushu, taekwondo, some other types of wrestling, tennis, equestrianism, volleyball and basketball
          1. +6
            30 July 2024 11: 11
            No, there were enough species, including aquatic ones. But for example, in kuresh, which is a national wrestling in Tatarstan, no one showed up at all and, if I remember correctly, the victory was awarded to some Baltic who did not come (Karl!) or synchronized swimming for men, where there was one Russian athlete who won a gold medal.
            1. +3
              30 July 2024 12: 10
              We had a fighter in our regiment, the absolute champion of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg and the region. There were no opponents in his weight category. smile
              1. +4
                30 July 2024 12: 16
                That's why the champion laughing "" ""
            2. +2
              30 July 2024 12: 57
              synchronized swimming for men

              This is a purely transgender species that came from the godless West! This is probably why the Baltic states were awarded the victory.
  9. +5
    30 July 2024 07: 43
    We were not allowed to the Olympics, which means we have to pretend that the Olympics are bad, there is generally a dominance of enemies there. Everyone has already forgotten about Rodchenko and WADA, as if the scandal never happened - but Russia never got away with it then. Of course, the enemies and traitors are to blame, who else, as usual.

    In 4 years, maybe. sooner, maybe later, we will get to the Olympics again (where even the DPRK is allowed), and then our propaganda will turn the cart around and they will explain to us that we won the IOC - although the matter is with WADA, not the IOC.

    And our people will again have access to this sports festival (and this is the way it is). The main thing is that the real culprits of the excommunication - our officials who played with chemistry - will never be announced.
    1. +5
      30 July 2024 07: 59
      In 4 years, maybe. sooner, maybe later, we will get to the Olympics again
      You are an optimist. To get to the Olympics, you need to get to the World and European Championships in other sports, but we don’t participate there, the World Hockey Championship goes without us every year, literally this also applies to other sports.
  10. +2
    30 July 2024 08: 05
    For some reason, there is no official “delight” in the media about the opening of the Olympics in Paris from officials of the Russian Olympic Committee, or, as always, from yours and ours.
  11. +2
    30 July 2024 08: 13
    . all results of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris will be completely distorted due to the absence of a large number of athletes

    No one will remember this. Except for those who weren't allowed in. And they won’t listen to them.
  12. 10+
    30 July 2024 08: 14
    Some kind of cognitive dissonance is observed! There were so many fiery slogans that this Olympiad is not interesting to anyone and is not needed and will be ignored by everyone. And now there is an article, or even two, about this Olympiad that is not interesting to anyone, even on a military website every day. The “remote turbo-patriots” have already caught up. The author conducts a heroic report on the collapse of the collective West directly from the lair of the enemy, hiding in a safe house on the Cote d'Azur and soaking his weary hands on the keyboard in the murky waters of the godless Pointe de L'Aiguille in Théoule-sur-Mer. Can you imagine what difficulties and hardships he experiences in order to stigmatize the evil West?
    1. +6
      30 July 2024 09: 16
      Can you imagine what difficulties and hardships he experiences in order to stigmatize the evil West?

      Brilliantly, Viktor Nikolaevich! hi
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. -1
          30 July 2024 20: 01
          Of course Algeria (+15-20 other French-speaking countries). You, I hope, are not stupid enough to imagine that during an anti-Russian war the French printed press will print a flamboyant anti-Atlantic agenda. In France there are only opposition online media (15-20 sites).
          regarding the slacker and PR: another Moska who opened her mouth (Ukrainian probably? I’m in very good standing with your SBU and all sorts of “Zombies”;) - not a problem wink
      2. -1
        31 July 2024 20: 57
        smile If your “commentator” friends had even a small fraction of the intelligence that you sang in one of your comments, then their weak gray substance might have realized (although there are great doubts about this) that the author
        , with his dozens of articles and interviews carrying the anti-Kiev agenda in the most radical form and having a very serious numerical audience, he directly risks his life (although appropriate measures, of course, have been taken). It’s not like you’re from remote Siberia, croaking in a get-together of three clowns... But the latter, of course, won’t understand this...
        1. 0
          31 July 2024 22: 08
          This is not for you to croak in a cabal of three clowns from remote Siberia

          “Cawing” from the nearest Moscow region. I can't vouch for others. Your truth-telling is extremely far from ours. We are surviving in a dangerous internal political situation, you are making money on the own agenda of those who created this situation for us. You will never understand us, you are terribly far from us. For this I bow out.
          1. 0
            1 August 2024 03: 14
      3. +1
        9 August 2024 05: 56
        Quote: depressant
        Brilliantly, Viktor Nikolaevich!

        He can do it!
    2. +4
      30 July 2024 09: 36
      I can imagine the agony she must be going through as she sits in a seaside restaurant, eating a baguette and drinking coffee. But in any case, he will be better off because he can go to this restaurant, unlike many sanctioned rich people who would like to go there, but cannot. You would also be depressed if two villas on Lake Como worth 8 million euros were taken away from you. That is why we would like to thank the author, who is fighting for us against the rotten West, convincing us that it is very bad there wassat
      1. 0
        30 July 2024 12: 40
        Quote: Little Bear
        That is why we would like to thank the author, who is fighting for us against the rotten West, convincing us that it is very bad there

        The harder it is to reach the grapes, the less ripe and sweet they are.
      2. -3
        30 July 2024 20: 16
        smile I prefer seaside restaurants in Yalta to those on the Cote d'Azur (even though one of my offices is directly opposite, on the English Embankment).
        "convincing us that it is very bad there"? Well, what are you talking about, friend: firstly, “there” is very good - you just need to change the current authorities to more adequate ones; secondly, be careful: translation from French = you are NOT the target audience - the publication was made only to familiarize Russians (not “commentators”) with the other side of the coin of what is happening in the Western media space.
  13. +6
    30 July 2024 08: 44
    in positioning France as an enemy of the people of Gaza and at the same time the entire Arab-Muslim world

    oh, what, somewhere in the “Arab-Muslim world” abandoned the OI?
    all these continents and countries, which make up the vast majority of the world's population, are represented in the IOC by only 32 members, respectively, having less than 1/3 of the votes.

    - China decided not to take the “medal count”? ))
    or suddenly the “global south” organized “its own Olympic Games with preference and ballerinas”? well, as if it can (all kinds of “Asian games”, etc.), but there is no sense, no image (it’s not as cool as becoming an Olympic champion / collecting a “medal count” / including the winners in the lists of games, everything, by the way, is as in Ancient Greece, we are not moving away from the origins), nor commercial (compare the cost of advertising at the Olympic Games/World Cup football and any other tournaments).

    if we were allowed there (also under our own flag, and without “doping scandals”), we would simply carefully cut out the most provocative part from the opening broadcast on the first channel... we would sigh at the TV show about the decline of morals, but would be consoled by the “festival of sports” " and other things "to defend the honor of the country"))

    but they didn’t let us in, because they are bullshit... and “you’ll still laugh, but the West is rotting again”))
  14. +6
    30 July 2024 09: 51
    Russophobia, unfortunately, is now the norm, not the exception, and there is no need to say that it arose on its own - it developed even before the start of the Northern Military District due to the clumsy, clumsy and extremely unsuccessful policies of Putin and Lavrov. They wanted to sit not even on two, but on three chairs - they tried to remain “one of their own” among the “bourgeois” and in every possible way favored the oligarchs exporting raw materials from Russia and the government liberals “protecting” them, but suddenly they dared to mention it. that Russia has some interests of its own. It was so unexpected that they decided to teach Yeltsin’s successor and heir, who had gone astray, a demonstrative lesson - at first “gently”, and then they turned on the afterburner, quickly driving the population of their countries to hatred of Russia, and achieving accession to NATO even for Finland and Sweden.
  15. +2
    30 July 2024 09: 55
    Oddly enough, the Russophobia of the IOC, subordinate to the West, and allowing Russia to participate in the Olympics in Paris, turned out to be a blessing for Russia. It would be worse if they allowed it. After all, it is clear that if this had happened at the opening of the Olympics in Paris under the USSR and the USSR team had participated there, then in those days Nikolai Ozerov would have exclaimed to the whole of Paris, “We don’t need such an Olympics,” would have stood up and taken him home to USSR and our entire team and the entire official delegation. So that during the times of the USSR, our country would participate in the official, grandiose, universal Sabbath of perverts and moral monsters already imposing their will and perversity on the whole world by order, the USSR, even invited to such Olympic Games, would not participate in them, and in protest would have left the Olympics immediately after its opening.
    And how do you think “the current Ozerov” Dmitry Guberniev would behave in Paris after the opening ceremony if the IOC allowed Russia to participate in the Olympic Games this year in France? Here, a healthy imagination is not even enough to describe all the possible options for how he, choking on his saliva, would defend the idea of ​​partnership with the West and the current value of “the main thing is participation” in the partnership. So, thank God, Russia was not allowed there and Russia is not participating in such a shame.
    By the way, this is the same Guberniev who equated Lidiya Ruslanova, in terms of importance for culture and art in Russia, who performed for the Red Army soldiers at the front, with Alla Pugacheva, who fled the country and sings along with the same traitors to the Motherland in the nests of Russophobia among the enemies of Russia. ..
  16. 0
    30 July 2024 11: 18
    Quote: parusnik
    In 4 years, maybe. sooner, maybe later, we will get to the Olympics again
    You are an optimist. To get to the Olympics, you need to get to the World and European Championships in other sports, but we don’t participate there, the World Hockey Championship goes without us every year, literally this also applies to other sports.

    If WADA returns compliance status to RUSADA, everything else will return pretty quickly. I don’t know what the status of RUSADA’s return process is, I hope the process is underway.
  17. +6
    30 July 2024 12: 22
    “Uncle Mokus, can I throw some dirt at them?” laughing
  18. +4
    30 July 2024 13: 38
    Whenever Russia is allowed to attend the Olympics, having recognized and recognized that our people are cattle... And Russian officials and athletes will go (happy). Russia will not leave the IOC. WEAK!!!!!!!!
  19. 0
    30 July 2024 13: 50
    Well, let's wait and see exactly how the French special forces screw up the defense of the Israeli team.
  20. +3
    30 July 2024 17: 42
    The parallel between Madame Hidalgo and Hitler was unexpected for me. Extremely interesting, thank you. It seems that he knew the circumstances of the 1936 Summer Olympics, but such a comparison did not occur to me.
    1. -3
      30 July 2024 20: 21
      ... well, at least someone was smart enough to comment specifically on elements of the publication, and not on their own ink in their head. you have my hat hi
      1. 0
        9 August 2024 06: 01
        Quote: NESTERENKO
        .. well, at least someone was smart enough to comment specifically on elements of the publication, and not on their own ink in their head. you have my hat

        Dear Oleg, you put too much pressure on VO readers with your authority and professionalism. The majority here don't like it. According to Pareto's law, it should be 80 and 20. And if you do the math, it will be so. So if you limited yourself to the article, the result would be 80 and 20 in your favor. But you showed... and therefore he is not in yours. And no matter how much you explain what, how and why, it will not change. People are people. Kutuzov once said: “Since one person sees the truth, and until everyone else sees it, a person’s life is not enough.”
  21. +1
    30 July 2024 22: 37
    While leaving sports fans to sit back and enjoy the event they have been waiting for for three long years, I cannot help but appeal to those who are inclined to view the full picture of the processes taking place in our era, rather than being content with carefree and enjoyable consumption dishes served to them, without checking the quality and cleanliness of the table...

    For three long years... Doesn't the year of the last Olympics count? Or are the Olympics now held every three years?
    Maybe we can rewrite the History section? What is all this about all sorts of rifles that are not ours?
    Well, re-read the text before publication. Please re-read it yourself, or ask someone else.
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. +1
    31 July 2024 09: 29
    Quote: S.Z.
    If WADA returns compliance status to RUSADA, everything else will return pretty quickly.

    Do we need this?
    “Blessed is the man who does not go among the congregation of the wicked.”
  24. +1
    31 July 2024 10: 26
    Quote: Illanatol
    Quote: S.Z.
    If WADA returns compliance status to RUSADA, everything else will return pretty quickly.

    Do we need this?
    “Blessed is the man who does not go among the congregation of the wicked.”

    It depends on who.

    In general, I consider such strange institutions as theaters, cinemas and stadiums to be completely unnecessary, especially ballet theaters - some kind of hokum of indecently dressed men, opera is generally a scam, they don’t sing in Russian, you can’t understand anything and it’s expensive.

    To my deepest surprise, people walk, look and listen.

    Some even watch football, strange people.

    There is beer, vodka and herring with potatoes - why do everything else...
    1. 0
      9 August 2024 06: 05
      Quote: S.Z.
      opera is a total scam, they don’t sing in Russian

      What if they sing in Russian? I love opera and have never heard anyone sing in our theaters in anything other than Russian. Perhaps my city is backward. Well, the capital’s troupes came on tour...
  25. 0
    3 August 2024 09: 21
    Quote: S.Z.
    It depends on who.
    In general, I consider such strange institutions as theaters, cinemas and stadiums to be completely unnecessary, especially ballet theaters - some kind of hokum of indecently dressed men, opera is generally a scam, they don’t sing in Russian, you can’t understand anything and it’s expensive.

    To my deepest surprise, people walk, look and listen.

    And it’s not nice to distort so obviously. I wasn’t talking about “big sport” in general, but about a specific sporting event, even the most popular and prestigious one.
    To which, nevertheless, even if not immediately, an alternative can be created over time.
    The Olympic movement is already dying, that's obvious. There is less and less fair sport. More and more intrigue, commerce, groveling before the “hegemon” and his entourage.

    And yes... most of the population of our country can only be dragged into the opera and other conservatories with a lasso. And among those who go there and enjoy it, there are many for whom Russia is “this country.”

    “Maybe something can be corrected at the conservatory?” M. Zhvanetsky.