Linguistics lessons: in loving memory of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Linguistics lessons: in loving memory of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Nastya, Potap and the confusion of languages

Just a couple of weeks ago, the fortieth anniversary of the death of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk passed. And then another scandal happened, or rather a small scandal. Ukrainian singer Potap decided to make jokes about the death of “our nanny”, focusing on the fact that, supposedly, in the successful series she spoke Surzhik.

About Potap to a minimum - he later, of course, apologized, but an apology from a two-meter turnip, unceremoniously criticizing a woman who died in agony from an incurable disease, alas, is almost impossible to accept.

It is clear that in Ukraine no one, without any options for dealing with the clown president, to use Schweik’s lexicon, is going to kiss Russians. But the question in this case is different: a change in attitude towards a mixed language.

If earlier such creativity often caused homeric laughter, now it is criticism, and obscene criticism at that. It should be mentioned that Potap himself, in fact, does not even speak Surzhik, speaking only Russian - with a shame. Well, he glorified mixed languages ​​quite well and was not criticized.

The most probable reasons for the emergence of the phenomenon of mixing languages, in contrast to the long-worn topic of forced Russification, were, objectively speaking, two. The phenomenon developed in the European part of the USSR. This did not happen in the Caucasus and Central Asia; Dagestan, due to its multinationality, is a separate conversation, which will be discussed later.

Did this happen in the barracks?

The reasons are rapid urbanization and the presence of a huge number of garrisons on the western border of the USSR after the Hungarian uprising. Naturally, the indigenous population did not assimilate the language of Pushkin and Lermontov, but the vocabulary of their comrade warrant officers.

Isn’t this where these linguistic chimeras come from, which cause laughter among some and, as it recently turned out, hatred among others? And after all, the topic was developed in popular culture a long time ago, long before the unfortunate Zavorotnyuk.

The first were the Belarusians, where for a long time, apparently due to the strengthening of the Polish border, Russification had reached its limit. This is understandable: why, for example, Romanian and Portuguese turned out to be so similar: soldier’s Latin.

This kind of “Latin” began to be actively exploited back in the mid-eighties by a Belarusian punk band with the symptomatic name “Zasrali barracks”. Their repertoire included various themes, from banal army hazing to Satanism and perverted sex.

However, the group did not gain much fame even in their homeland; the success was only temporary. Their next followers from Minsk, “YYY”, gained much greater fame. And that’s mainly because their leader Vasya Shugaley was the director of a number of Bravo videos.

But the Ukrainian followers became much more famous. Les Podervyansky - Podya or Podi, in Ukraine, probably even children in sandboxes know. And not at all because of criticism of Zelensky, especially since he criticized Yushchenko and Yanukovych much more clearly, saying that “in the elections we chose between the bad and the unbearable.”

And more because of his literary creativity. Outside of Ukraine, Podervyansky became more famous as a talented artist; his painting “In Memory of Jim Morrison,” where Morrison is depicted on fire, hangs in Woody Allen’s own home.

And surzhik, mixed with choice swearing, varies greatly in Les’s work. Somewhere this is close to literary Ukrainian, although with vigorous swearing, but more reminiscent of half-educated Russian. Particularly impressive is Podervyansky’s position on “language”, expressed in “Katsapy”.

Katsaps, patsaks - what difference does it make in the end?

It’s Misha the boxer and Grisha the wrestler, of course, “katsaps,” discussing the Baltics with the words: “But no one speaks our language.” What language no one speaks, neither of them specified. But it is clear that we were talking about Russian.

This happened to “our nanny”

Podi’s work, even with such sedition, did not receive criticism in Ukraine, but Zavorotnyuk, by the way, is a Western Ukrainian surname, somehow found itself under fire. Well, they also became famous in Moldova.

Around the beginning of the 2000s, the group “Graeshte Moldoveneste” appeared and almost simultaneously the “drug trilogy” of Sandu Vakulovschi was released. Let's start with the second one, since one of the books in the trilogy has at least received international recognition.

At least in Romania, apparently, this is a conjuncture, since such a “language” is not understood there. The book bears the title “P….ts”, corresponding to the descendants of the ancient Romans in laconic terms. The main characters are two hucksters involved in drug trafficking from the other side of the Prut.

The main part is written in literary Romanian, but the direct speech of the characters consists of a mishmash of the Moldovan dialect, criminal Russian slang and the finest mixed Russian-Romanian swearing with slang names for drugs.

In the work of Graeste Moldoveneste there was no swearing, with rare “bleeped” exceptions. Although their tapes contained a warning about the presence of obscene language. The reason is a huge amount of Russian criminal jargon. Which, in general, corresponded to the theme of the songs.

But the group fell apart after one of the founders, Anatol Cebotari, won an American green card in the lottery and safely left Moldova.

Regarding the early work of “Planet Moldova” there is a completely separate conversation. Mitos Miklusanu, originally from the Crimean Bakhchisarai, and Adrian Nastase initially used the grotesque “Moldavian” language, but, apparently, then the state learned and stopped.

But their early work deserves attention. This is definitely grotesque. Not even Graeshte Moldoveneste has come to this. This amount of Russian swearing is still not used in everyday life in Moldova, although Russian criminal jargon is used with might and main. Just look at the play “Anigdoati”, in which every “anecdote” ended in a coma in intensive care. Agree, from the point of view of a normal person this is not funny.

In the migrant's language

And finally – the work of Alisa Ganieva, an Avarka by nationality. The book “Salaam to you, Dalgat” raised a lot of linguistic questions, like: “Do they really talk like that?” Yes, unfortunately, that’s how they talk.

Sometimes - in their own languages, more often - in the wildest mixture of Russian with Muslim words of Arabic or Persian origin: “Sabur, boys”, “I’ll give you mercy right now, haivan”, “Saol, lads”, “Atashka from Albirukent”.

This refers to the Kumyks, among whom the name Atai is common. Among all this linguistic splendor, there are also phrases in pure Russian, but very specific: “You come alone, we will be alone too,” “I threw it on the return line,” “Why, there’s no such thing as swinging?” “What, saol doesn’t happen?”, “But it happens.” And, of course, the signature: “Is there anything”?

In general, the late Zavorotnyuk did not go too far with her surzhik and did not outdo many others. But Potap - yes. At least he apologized.
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  1. +7
    3 August 2024 04: 32
    Nanny’s vocabulary is even cute, it didn’t cause any rejection or rejection. I need to look for at least part of the series on YouTube, I’ll watch it with pleasure. By the way, they showed part of the original American version on TV and our Nanny is a cut nicer than their Jewish girl!
    1. -1
      3 August 2024 05: 22
      Quote: andrewkor
      Our Nanny is much nicer than their Jewish woman!

      Why? Was it possible? Pleasantness measured in your heads? belay Or let's "diversify"! Measure “pleasantness” as a percentage! Or let’s say this: “Our nanny is much nicer than their Jewish nanny!” The Russian language is great and powerful! So why limit it to heads? You can measure, for example, “pleasantness” in parrots! The main thing is to start!
      1. +8
        3 August 2024 07: 55
        Ukrainian singer Potap decided to make jokes about the death of “our nanny”, focusing on the fact that, supposedly, in the successful series she spoke Surzhik.

        There is no surzhik in “Our Nanny”... The leadership of Ukraine in Kyiv speaks in surzhik, and even then with half a sin... Only a few people in Ukraine know truly Ukrainian language, and no one really knows Newspeak... Surzhik is Ukrainian the language is diluted by a third or half with Russian... Zavorotnyuk spoke Russian perfectly, and in the film she added a Ukrainian grunt and some Ukrainian words to the Russian... It turned out very nice... It’s a pity that she left so early - there are still so many unplayed roles... But cancer doesn’t give anyone any favors, and the Lord takes away the worthy - he doesn’t need any riffraff there either... And Potap, well Potap - without his Nastya he’s nothing without a stick... An ordinary ill-mannered villager... It was Nastya who was much more interesting to me in their Duet... However, this is understandable... feel
      2. +4
        3 August 2024 09: 27
        Quote: Nikolaevich I
        You can also measure in parrots

        You, gold-bearing connoisseur of the Russian language!
        What, do you enjoy your cacography and narratives?
        Determine the size, size, or generally any quantitative characteristics of something
        1. -1
          3 August 2024 09: 53
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Determine the size, size, or generally any quantitative characteristics of something

          Drink Pyramidone and calm down! There was a banal typo! But how it excited you! belay
          PS "Measure" is mandatory for use in literary language! In colloquial language it is permissible to “measure”!
          1. +4
            3 August 2024 09: 56
            Quote: Nikolaevich I
            Drink Pyramidone and calm down!

            Your illiteracy is your personal property!
            If you are not a doctor, then there is no point in giving advice on issues in which you “don’t know”...
            1. 0
              3 August 2024 10: 05
              Quote: ROSS 42
              Your illiteracy is your personal property!

              I repeat! "Calm down!" Of course, I can sympathize with you if, like Biden, you stumbled on the stairs and that’s why you’re in a gloomy mood! But still, you shouldn’t lose your sense of humor on these stairs and find fault with me when I joke! Yes
    2. +5
      3 August 2024 23: 34
      Where did you get the idea that Zavorotnyuk speaks Surzhik? It’s her Nanny who speaks Surzhik.
  2. +3
    3 August 2024 05: 42
    I wonder if this Potap heard how they play guitar on the Don?
    1. +1
      3 August 2024 06: 59
      Yes, and in the Kuban villages. True, it’s becoming less and less common.
      1. 0
        3 August 2024 23: 24
        Even among young people, “sho” and bright “G” are often found, but about old people, to be honest, I myself don’t always understand everything smile
        Onion-tsybulya, work-rob, etc.
        South Russian dialect, however, in that series about the nanny, Anastasia used words from a very light version of it.
        Yes, by the way, according to the story, she was from Mariupol.
        And Mariupol is now Russia.
        From now on and forever.
        In general, this linguistic “nationalism” is fierce nonsense.
        If you watch a video with Donetsk people, you’ll see “sho” and “G”, but they’re all Russian, if you watch a video with some Ukrainian pro-Gordon of unknown origin, you’ll see pure literary Russian...
  3. +6
    3 August 2024 06: 48
    The Portuguese and Romanian languages ​​are similar only conditionally, and then mainly in the sound of speech, and not because of the “Portugueseization” of the Romanian language. Because they belong to the same language group - Romance. In the Roman Empire they were united by the Latin language, but they are not called Latins, but called Romanes. From the name of the empire. There are also Spanish and Italian and Portuguese and French languages.
    The formation of the Belarusian language and the tendency of Belarusians to speak more in Russian than in the Belarusian languages ​​were influenced, they say, by Russia's strengthening of the border with Poland. First of all, the Belarusian language back in the fourteenth century was formed by the dialects of the Smolensk and Polotsk Krivichi - that is, the dialects of the Old Russian language. By the way, Old Russian was also spoken during the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
    As for the film that made Zavorotnyuk famous, this primitive “soap opera” cannot correspond to the seriousness of the meaning and be an indicator of research into the distribution of the area of ​​the dialect and dialects of the Russian language, the so-called Surzhik. As in relation to the Belarusian language, these are the Belarusian punk groups listed by the author from the mid-eighties of the last century. By the way, if we take their values ​​in general in the world of punk rock, then this indicator is actually equal to zero. As are Zavorotnyuk’s acting abilities. And that the young woman died from a serious illness, she is certainly sorry.
    1. +7
      3 August 2024 07: 07
      and are called novels. From the name of the empire.
      By the way, the tsars in Russia also have a surname from the name of the empire. How else can we explain that the title of count was given to the Russians by the emperor of the Roman Empire.
      And it also happens that small nations distort the Russian language. Remember after the collapse of the USSR they forced Tallinn to pronounce it with an endless “n”. Or I don’t understand why Belarus should be called Belarus. Here, of course, many are perverted, but I still write in Ukraine, and not in any other way. At least because the entire Russian kingdom was surrounded by Ukrainians back in the 17th century. It was only later that they all acquired their own names. And only in the west did the borderland residents remain Ukrainians.
      And the languages! I think you still can’t understand many Russian villages without a translator.
      1. +5
        3 August 2024 08: 23
        Dear Gardamir, not only in Russian villages in greater Russia, in order to understand the dialects of the Russian language, but also in areas in small countries, such as Lithuania and Estonia, you cannot figure it out without a translator in order to understand the dialects of Lithuanian and Estonian. . So, for example, it is difficult for someone who came from Vilnius to Telšiai in Lithuania, where they speak the Zhmud dialect, to understand what they are saying, and for someone who came from Talin to Värska or Saatsa in Estonia, where they speak the Seto dialect, it will be impossible to understand without an interpreter.
        1. +3
          3 August 2024 09: 43
          you won't understand

          So is he actually a classical Russian? When I was a child in the Vladimir region, I heard that there is, was and will be a classical Russian. But? What is your opinion?
    2. +6
      3 August 2024 09: 12
      this primitive “soap opera” cannot correspond to the seriousness of the meaning and be an indicator of research into the distribution of the area of ​​the dialect and dialects of the Russian language, the so-called Surzhik

      The characteristic pronunciation of nanny Vicki in the series was taken
      The characteristic Ukrainian accent was borrowed from her theater colleague Olga Blok-Mirimskaya.

      originally from Petrozavodsk.
  4. VLR
    3 August 2024 07: 47
    It is a dangerous tendency to pay so much attention to such dubious characters with their more than dubious merits. This way, we’ll soon end up discussing some Instagram stories (forgive me, Lord).
    1. +5
      3 August 2024 08: 23

      Hello *brave new world*! Well, isn’t it right to discuss the mossy Cleopatra? Although? And these persons mentioned by the author have long been out of resonance. bully
    2. +1
      3 August 2024 08: 49
      let's get there.

      Got it???? Already, my friend, already! And Savva Ignatyich with his *Rosamunda* will seem just...well, I don’t know. bully
  5. +1
    3 August 2024 08: 13
    It’s not worth it. Why touch something that simply DOESN’T NEED to be touched.
    By the way. Who can name the classic Russian dialect? In which province?
    1. +1
      11 August 2024 00: 04
      Quote: ArchiPhil
      Who can name the classic Russian dialect? In which province?

      In the old Russian encyclopedia there was an article about Westerners and Slavophiles. The most striking argument about the Slavophiles who considered the Slavic traits to be the best and called for a return to the original Slavic traditions was the remark that such a formulation of the question should inevitably lead to the conclusion where the original Slavs are located - on the Solomennaya Storozhka or on the Sivets Vrazhek, that they need to be exalted beyond measure, that they should be damned and forget?
  6. +4
    3 August 2024 08: 23
    Mocking at people's illnesses is the very last thing. Even if this is a person whom you do not respect. As for Russian speech, now it is stuffed with such slangs.. Simple words such as, Brother, Boy, Concepts, have acquired a completely different designation. If before Only the thieves expressed themselves in their own language, but now it has all penetrated into simple everyday life. It seems that this is how it is necessary.
    1. +4
      3 August 2024 09: 08
      how, Brother, Boy, Concepts, acquired

      My friend! Russia and the whole world are flying.... to put it mildly..... into the abyss. Discussion Zavorotnyuk??? At VO? Is this really eight years ago?
  7. +7
    3 August 2024 08: 48
    There are simply no words for what to expect next from Voennoye Obozreniye? Articles about the influence of the great TV series “Univer” and “Interns” on Russian culture?
    1. +7
      3 August 2024 09: 02

      Why not? Maria in the State Duma. Perhaps. In the Russia that Putin built, everything is possible. For his friends! For the plebs? SVO.
      1. -1
        23 August 2024 09: 32
        Why not? Maria in the State Duma. Perhaps. In the Russia that Putin built, everything is possible. For his friends! For the plebs? SVO.

        Okhlobystin volunteers at SVO.Plebs? Or does it all depend on the person and in the CPSU by the collapse of the USSR there was a mountain of crooks/ass-lickers - who easily sold their party cards to outbids on the Arbat?
  8. +3
    3 August 2024 10: 30
    Quote: ArchiPhil
    you won't understand

    So is he actually a classical Russian? When I was a child in the Vladimir region, I heard that there is, was and will be a classical Russian. But? What is your opinion?

    From my non-philological perspective, I see that the classical Russian language exists only in classical literature. The classical Russian language itself, spoken by native Russians, is full of Russian words that have synonyms, which native Russians in the neighboring region have hardly heard of either. Remember Shukshin’s film “Stoves and Benches”, where the knowledgeable Russian professor-linguist played by Sanaev first heard from the Russian, Shukshin’s hero, as many as five synonyms for the Russian word “hit”. It can be assumed that in the neighboring region to the region where Shukshin’s hero lived, they used such synonyms of Russian words that neither Shukshin’s hero nor Sanaev’s hero knew or heard. And so throughout the vastness of Russia with its richest Russian language.
    So, from my non-philological bell tower, I have not yet begun to analyze how rich the Russian language is in classical Russian literature itself with Russian words, synonyms for various organs and processes. For example, in the poetry of the Russian classic Ivan Barkov, a student of Lomonosov himself. They say that the poem "Luka Mudishchev" is the creation of the pen of this classic of Russian literature.
    1. +1
      3 August 2024 13: 14
      Russian literature

      You know, my friend, it’s possible. But I’m talking about something else. About dialects. Where they say it, where they say it. So it’s in the Vladimir region that they speak correctly. Don’t be offended, really! With all due respect!!! hi
      1. +1
        11 August 2024 00: 14
        Quote: ArchiPhil
        .So it is in the Vladimir region that they say it correctly.

        Language constantly changes and adapts to the needs of communication between people. I would put the question this way: where is the correct language among doctors, military men or engineers? Surely people of complex professions will simply laugh at the posing of the question of finding a village and street where they speak the most correct language. There are hundreds of textbooks in Russian or English on mathematics. But new textbooks on this science are constantly being written. But the goal of any textbook is to present the topic better or to come up with a better language for presenting the topic. Every person, speaking or writing, strives to express his thoughts more accurately and improve his language. Not all of this is really good, but some of the new things take root and become the norm.
      2. -1
        23 August 2024 09: 37
        So it’s in the Vladimir region that they say it correctly
        Where did you get this from? DO YOU SEEM so or is there some scientific work in which it is written - “Only Vladimir!!”?
    2. BAI
      3 August 2024 16: 44
      There are as many as five synonyms for the Russian word “hit”.

      And on the live broadcast of radio "Mayak" they somehow brought up more than 20 synonyms for the term "female breast"
  9. 0
    3 August 2024 14: 19
    I don’t recommend anyone to dance on other people’s bones. No kidding.
  10. +1
    3 August 2024 16: 02
    The article sucks! I started reading, flattered by the mention of the name of a good actress. I'll go wash my eyes, mouth and ears with soap...
  11. 0
    3 August 2024 16: 15
    I didn’t understand a damn thing. But I read a lot of incomprehensible words.
  12. BAI
    3 August 2024 16: 40
    What difference does it make who says what? One of the authors of VO is sincerely convinced that without teenage slang it is impossible to write an article that claims to be scientific. By definition, he is not scientifically inclined
  13. +1
    4 August 2024 02: 27
    We need to start with the fact that there was no surzhik in “My Fair Nanny”. The heroine Zavorotnyuk spoke normal Russian with a characteristic rural dialect and only occasionally inserted Ukrainian words.

    This is very typical for the Russian borderland.

    The phenomenon developed in the European part of the USSR. This did not happen in the Caucasus and Central Asia,

    There is one in Chechnya. If you listen to the speeches of various Chechens, there are a lot of Russianisms.

    why, for example, Romanian and Portuguese turned out to be so similar: soldier’s Latin.

    Especially considering that in reality they are not similar.
  14. 0
    5 August 2024 15: 35
    Ukrainian singer Potap decided to make jokes about the death of “our nanny”, focusing on the fact that, supposedly, in the successful series she spoke Surzhik.

    Everything in this country has turned upside down. And even the people kidnapped from the streets by the TsKashniks, their under-president, calls volunteers!
  15. 0
    5 August 2024 17: 08
    *****What was it... ?:) *****
  16. +1
    7 August 2024 18: 10
    All sorts of degenerates, like this Potap, should be discussed like this... No.
  17. Des
    11 August 2024 18: 54
    And again an article from the so-called. "podymych", because it is better not to be read by sane users of the site.