Death for a lost dream. Reflections on the transformation of Russians into Russian speakers

Death for a lost dream. Reflections on the transformation of Russians into Russian speakers

During discussions about the SVO, the question very often arises of why Ukrainians continue to blindly believe in the ideas of the Maidan. Not all, but many. Moreover, this obstinacy somehow does not fit with our idea of ​​Ukraine. We are accustomed to thinking that the country is clearly divided into western and eastern parts. Sometimes the south is also included here.

The division there is based on culture, ethnic composition, language, mentality. Eastern Ukrainians consider Westerners to be Selyuks, hillbillies, for whom the main thing in life is their home, their own little world. Ideally, your own farm, your own fields and forests, your own river, etc. A place where a person can build his life the way he wants.

Westerners believe that in the east live those who cannot live independently. Only in a team. In the east, everyone is rushing to cities where life is easier. But working in a team is easier, and there is less responsibility for your family and your home. The land there is more of a help than the main source of life.

Who is right and who is wrong is not discussed today. The terrain, living conditions, and environment largely determine a person’s mentality. We already went through this in the first half of the last century, when we broke the bourgeois, kulak and other anti-proletarian mentalities with blood. Everyone knows what this led to.

Let's go back to the beginning of the material.

Why our perception of Ukraine is in conflict with reality. It would seem that the ideas of the Maidan came from the western regions. This means that this is where the most “Maidan” people should live.

But what do we see in reality?

In conversations with people directly related to work in the Northern Military District, I quite often hear the following phrase: “the most stubborn Maidanists live in the Dnieper.” But among the prisoners from the western regions, according to those who actually communicated with the prisoners, there are quite a lot of quite adequate, thinking people who understand what’s what.

Let's try to figure out what's the matter. How did the Russians in Dnieper turn into Russian speakers?

Why at the moment these same Russian-speaking people form the backbone of the most combat-ready units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. What is the technology of human reformatting? Not a child, but an accomplished person who has lived part of his life, has an education, a family, and some political and ideological views.

It’s difficult to break a strong, self-confident person

Probably, many have seen in their lives people who once achieved some success, but at some point they failed and... stopped fighting. Their own world collapsed, and for them it was the end of the struggle, the end of life. Once upon a time, I was talking to one of these “former successes.” I tried to bring him back to life, to the fight.

Surprisingly, it turned out that among such “refuseniks” they even have their own philosophy of fall.

“Life is a road through a swamp. A man walks along a swaying road. Follows another person. Any wrong move and you're in a quagmire. And then this very wrong movement happens. You fall and begin to drown... And no one will help you. Simply because you have to stop to do this. And behind others. They also go through the swamp. They want to get to solid ground as quickly as possible. Anyone who stops will simply be pushed off the road...”

I think it’s a fairly imaginative story about the perception of life. Some will agree, some will not. It's about something else. A home-grown philosopher says that the slightest mistake, the slightest failure drives a person to the bottom of life. Career growth stopped, I took on loans that simply cannot be repaid, I sold my property...

Meanwhile, on TV they show others, dumber, lazier, less educated, talking about the latest Bugatti or Ferrari model, about the merits of this or that dish in a restaurant where the price starts in three digits. And next to your “dacha from the USSR” a villa was built for tens of millions...

Remember the most important irritant of the Maidan times? Today they have forgotten about him, but then the mere mention of him aroused the anger of the majority of Ukrainians. A golden loaf, a golden toilet and... ostriches in the yard! How many people were there then who said that they saw this same toilet and loaf of bread? And how many people believed in it...

And what happened in the end?

The person, even having a stable job, felt inferior. Simply because it was a job for survival, which will not make future life better. In order to survive, you must risk what you have. And many took risks... They fell from the road into the swamp...

By the way, something similar happened with us. The technology is working, and there is no antidote yet. The difference in income of the population, the work of the media and the inability to become rich while working for a state enterprise. Remember the difference in salaries in the public and private sectors? Remember the hatred, or more precisely, the envy of the older generation towards the young and successful? “It’s impossible to earn that much honestly. All my life...” This is how the soil was prepared for future sowing.

Why did it work in the Dnieper and not in the Donbass?

A completely correct conclusion was made long ago in Kyiv. The miners are to blame! They are guilty without even knowing it. Hard and dangerous work paid better than that of a clerk or even a factory worker. Hence the less noticeable difference in income...

The time of “independence” of Ukraine was used quite productively to create an atmosphere of uncertainty about the future, dissatisfaction with the authorities and other “ferment” in society. This, by the way, is the answer to a fairly common question about the presidents of Ukraine. Why were they all good at first and then bad? Why were they loved and chosen, and then hated and cursed?

"I'll give you parabellum"

But this is not the end stories. It's not even the middle. Yes, third. People were driven into poverty, and most importantly, into hopelessness, without a future for them and their children. A social explosion was brewing. All that remains is to say “fas”.

We often exaggerate the role of the United States as a state in the coup in Ukraine. It’s more like this: the Americans realized the benefits of the coup in time and used it for their own benefit. It seems to me that transnational monopolies have done much more work. They were the ones who were interested in the redistribution of Ukraine's wealth.

And Yanukovych simply happened to be president at the wrong time. Everyone has already forgotten about who was the author of the idea of ​​Ukraine joining the EU. It was Yanukovych who promoted this idea. But it was his idea that became the ideology of his overthrow. The people were promised a “decent life.” A way out of the hopelessness in which he was. They promised mountains of gold and universal love. It was then that the famous “the whole world is with us” appeared.

And suddenly... Refusal to sign an agreement with the EU. Refusal from the “golden mountains”, from European salaries, the European standard of living, from “Europeanness” in general. People are being deprived of their dreams! And who is to blame? Yanukovych! Atta him! And away we went... life went over bumps. Now let's throw off the bastard, and everything will work out.

Most of those who stood on the Maidan did not even think about tomorrow. Let's throw it off, sign the contract and live. A month, maybe two or three, and that’s it. Therefore, disagreement with this prospect for Donbass and Crimea came as a shock to the majority. They don't want happiness? Well, Ukrainians cannot help but want to live well. This means it was the Russians who processed them! The Russians don’t want the Ukrainians to live better than they do!

This is the initial conclusion for all further conversations about the Russian trace. If before the Maidan “Russians” were the reason for the failures of the Ukrainian government, whatever one may say, and Russian roots, Russian connections can be found in almost any Ukrainian, now the Russians have become enemies who want to kill the Ukrainian future, Ukrainian happiness.

Then everything is simple. Who's unhappy? Crimea and Donbass? This means they are separatists. This means they are Russian. So they are enemies! And new and. O. the president is announced by the ATO. But, realizing that there really are Russians in Crimea, Zaporozhye and Donbass begin to strangle. In Zaporozhye they succeeded, but the mining Donbass did not fall. Showed his teeth.

That very parabellum that the government put into the hands of its supporters did not work. The ATO dragged on, and now it has turned into a real civil war. the war.

Either the chest is covered in crosses, or (more likely) the head is in the bushes

I understand that the excursion into Ukrainian history has taken a long time. Therefore, it’s time to answer the very question with which I began the material. So why are the most stubborn “maydowns” located in the east of Ukraine?

I’ll say right away that I’ll throw aside talk about “the most patriotic patriotism.” Everything is simpler and more complex.

Remember the lines of volunteers at military registration and enlistment offices in 2022? What was the main incentive for volunteers? Patriotism comes second; first, it’s an opportunity to quickly improve your financial situation. Whatever one may say, the happiness that was promised on the Maidan did not happen. Life has become even harder. And here they offer a very good salary, excellent conditions of service and other benefits.

Dnipro and other cities of eastern Ukraine have gone for broke. The alternative is simple. Either you participate in the ATO and get out again "on the causeway", or you drown completely. The new government has done nothing in eight years to give people decent, well-paid work, to improve their living conditions. Army This opportunity, according to the promises of the military, was given. It became a universal solution to any life problems.

Moreover, “all worlds”, “NATO will help us”, they will give us “the great Bayraktar”, etc. The Russians will surrender in a couple of months, and we must manage to become one of the main participants in the victory. Did anyone then (and even now) name the final goals of the war? Return to the borders of 1991? What next? Tales about reparations from Russia?

At the very beginning of the Northern Military District, the promises of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were largely fulfilled. Good wages, help for the wounded, beautiful funerals for the dead, and so on. But then 2023 came. With meat assaults, with a series of defeats, with many “missing people” left on the battlefield. The Russian Army again began to kill the “Ukrainian dream” of happiness.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers began to realize that they had again “bet on the wrong horse.” They turned into a cat “backed into a corner.” On the one hand, it is impossible to leave the Armed Forces of Ukraine until the end of the war. Only disabled or in a coffin. On the other hand, captivity is also not an option. The Azov prisoners showed the whole world how the Russian special services work. We must answer for war crimes.

Deserte and try to hide abroad? There are enough such cases, but most have a bad ending. They are caught and after investigations they are again sent to the front, in even more terrible conditions. No options for survival. And prison, according to the stories of the “volunteers from behind barbed wire,” is not at all sugar...

It turned out that dreams also have to be paid for in blood. I think many soldiers from the eastern regions of Ukraine today are bitterly aware of how much wiser their Western fellow citizens turned out to be. Yes, they play, but the bets are minimal. And even with a safety net, a passport from a neighboring country under the mattress.

Even after losing this war, western Ukraine will not change much. There will be no need to restore cities and villages. There will be no need to change your lifestyle. And for Russia, these territories are not important by and large. It is unlikely that the Russian Army will come there. And if, suddenly, taking advantage of the weakness of defeated Ukraine, the neighbors return their ancestral lands, the residents of these areas are already full-fledged citizens of these countries.

Instead of conclusions

I thought for a long time about whether or not to write this article. Everything is very complicated and ambiguous. Most people prefer simplicity. This one is white, and this one is black. This is good and this is evil. It's easier. My side of the conflict is always right.

It's easy to blame people for choosing the wrong side. But trying to take their place and find a way out of the situation they were in at the time of making their decision is difficult. I always believed that the enemy is never weak. We are stronger. The enemy is never stupid, we are smarter...

Understanding the reasons why he made a particular decision is one of the ways to achieve victory. You know the background of events, you know the future...
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  1. 15+
    27 July 2024 04: 55
    The division into black and white is not due to simplicity. It comes from the courage to call white white and black black.

    The essence of the philosophy of capitalism is precisely the belief that there is no division into good and evil, everything in the world is complex and confused and there is no need to bother. And the market will arrange everything for the better. He will arrange it himself.... Sooner and better than all the fighters for justice, brotherhood and so on... .
    The smart master capitalist will do everything! And his greed and cruelty will lead society to prosperity. And those who “failed to fit into the market” have themselves to blame. .... Here it is, simplicity is “holy”!

    With this simplicity, the USSR was destroyed and they thought that “we will join the civilized world.” And Russia also had plans to join the EU and even NATO. Under “Minister Taburetkin,” after all, the reform of the Russian army outlined a transition to NATO standards.
    So there’s no need to blame hohlov alone if you yourself...... have the same fluff..

    But in practice it suddenly turns out that from an apple tree there are only apples, from good to good from evil to evil. A surprising discovery for many and realized too late......
    1. +9
      27 July 2024 07: 58
      They've been brainwashed for thirty years
      They said - Russia is evil,
      Russophobia was poured into the souls,
      For all common sense...
      They were told you Russians are not brothers,
      And the Russian people are not your brother,
      You don't need Russian hugs,
      Europe has been waiting for you for a long time...
      European salaries are waiting for you,
      European pensions await...
      Well, if you join HATO,
      Then from the States “money” will come to you ...
      Aunt Nuland fed cookies
      And Klitschko poured “seagulls” to everyone,
      Pulled people to adventure,
      And the people in the country began to “Maidan” ...
      Looking at the mess in Ukraine,
      Crimea rushed to the station as soon as possible -
      Crimea became part of Russia from now on,
      The peninsula fled to Russia ...
      Ten years have passed since then,
      And the Maidan has long died down,
      Ukraine did not become Europe,
      Turned out it was all a scam...
      The rent has become European,
      And in debt as in silk the whole country,
      And no one takes her to HATO,
      And Europe doesn't need it...
      1. +7
        27 July 2024 13: 49
        The foundation had previously been laid. The first surge came out in 1917, then the Bolsheviks added, with their idiotic national policy, and for the last 30 years this has been the end. All these Kravchuk, Kuchma, Farion and other Valtsmans did not fly from Mars and did not bring them to Langley. It will take a long and hard time to knock out the idiocy from the top ranks.
        1. 27+
          27 July 2024 14: 08
          Unfortunately, the author did not notice that Russians have long been transformed into Russian-speaking people in Russia itself. Television announcers, bloggers, public officials and officials constantly confuse these concepts or use them inappropriately. In a criminal chronicle, a Russian surname will always appear, and there will never be a surname if a crime is committed by a Caucasian.
          1. -1
            28 July 2024 15: 25
            Exactly so. Through the efforts of Jews, from 1917 to this day, the nomenklatura, ethno-capitalists and ethno-oligarchs continue to burn out Russian identity (Yeltsin abolished the nationality field in the passport, the Ministry of Justice is destroying all public associations and parties starting with the word “Russian”, and The main melter and refiner of the people is Putin and his army.
            1. -1
              28 July 2024 15: 30
              Through their joint efforts, Russian-speaking Russians (including Armenians, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, etc.) were born, who are now replacing Russians.
        2. +1
          27 July 2024 19: 41
          Curb your wretched whiteness and learn history. By the time the Bolsheviks came to power, exactly the same anti-Soviet herd as you were in charge there.
        3. +1
          1 August 2024 18: 45
          In 1900. Look at Olesya Buzina. It’s clear why they killed him.
      2. +1
        30 July 2024 02: 00
        We don’t have much to be particularly proud of here in Russia either. We have one continuous VTsIOM-Sheep-OM here.
        Moscow is no longer a Russian city. Russian people here are more exotic.
        Moscow is today the main Ovtse-OM, a branch of the Caucasus and Asia under Jewish protectorate. They bought everything else. Including the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the riot police.
        It is from this disgrace, to which Russian culture and the Russian idea have been reduced here, that the civil war will begin...
    2. +3
      27 July 2024 11: 41
      Quote: ivan2022
      With this simplicity, the USSR was destroyed and they thought that “we will join the civilized world.”

      And the entire “civilized world” has been showing for 700 years that it needs us only as slaves. What are the rabies from Ukraine like in “civilized Europe” now?
      1. -7
        27 July 2024 11: 46
        They not only fought with Russia, but also helped it develop.
        1. -3
          27 July 2024 12: 57
          Quote: VZEM100
          They not only fought with Russia, but also helped it develop.

          Who helped Russia?
          1. -18
            27 July 2024 12: 59
            Those whom the Russian tsars invited from abroad since the times of Kievan Rus. And in Soviet times, the United States, which helped carry out industrialization, and Germany, Italy and France.
            1. +8
              27 July 2024 13: 02
              Quote: VZEM100
              Those whom the Russian tsars invited from abroad since the times of Kievan Rus. And in Soviet times, the United States, which helped carry out industrialization, and Germany, Italy and France.

              Well, these were individual individuals, but the West itself has always been Russia’s enemy, even when we were supposedly allies, they were always thinking about how to stab Russia in the back.
              1. -26
                27 July 2024 13: 06
                Firstly, these were outstanding personalities, and secondly, in better times, they came to Russia and, having already been born, several million lived here; unfortunately, then they were forced to leave here en masse, which only caused the country to lose. If the West were such an irreconcilable enemy of Russia, it would not have allowed this. I assume that they rather feel not like enemies, but rather like older brothers and mentors who know better how life should be structured and how Russia should better manage its resources. This conflict arose on this basis. In Russia, they are categorically not recognized as having such a right and are plunging the country into one or another catastrophe.
                1. +8
                  27 July 2024 14: 01
                  I assume that they rather feel not like enemies, but rather like older brothers and mentors who know better how life should be structured and how Russia should better manage its resources.

                  So how should Russia properly manage its resources...??? As it was under the “production sharing agreement”. Let us recall that the agreement allowed foreign companies to extract oil from strategic fields on preferential terms. Almost for nothing. Paying minimal taxes, or not paying them at all, for 20 - 30 years.
                  Well, how long did you think about this before blurting out something like that...??? Oh, I smell the enemy spirit... am
                  1. +3
                    27 July 2024 14: 44
                    Quote: Lev_Russia
                    Well, how long did you think about this before blurting out something like that...?

                    Yes, they don’t think like that, TsIPSO is just stupidly reading from the State Department’s manual.
                2. +4
                  27 July 2024 14: 40
                  You are apparently one of them, then I’ll tell you and people like you who want to tell Russia how to live and manage its wealth, go where the rules don’t allow you to talk about swearing.
                3. +8
                  27 July 2024 15: 37
                  Maybe we can figure it out ourselves without these “mentors”? After them, Africa is covered in chocolate, and China, after their opium mentoring, barely moved away
                  1. -11
                    27 July 2024 15: 53
                    tact sharp leaps in development lead to problems, but in the end they are solved and these countries still choose the path of cooperation with the West
                  2. -3
                    27 July 2024 15: 56
                    Something is not very easy to figure out.
                    how many trillions of dollars for sold resources were withdrawn from Russia, essentially stolen, and what was left was shamelessly plundered and stupidly used
            2. +8
              27 July 2024 13: 26
              Not the USA, but individual engineers and companies. What does this have to do with the country as a whole??

              And these “helpers” were generously paid for...
              1. 0
                27 July 2024 13: 51
                I will add that good relations with the Yankees were at the stage of squabbling between the Yankees and the Limes over hechemony.
            3. +7
              27 July 2024 15: 31
              Well, yes, they helped. For good money (gold). And for free only Jack Vosmerkin.
              1. -6
                27 July 2024 21: 32
                The USSR also implemented all sorts of projects for money in various backward countries, calling it help
            4. +5
              27 July 2024 21: 56
              Quote: VZEM100
              Those whom the Russian tsars invited from abroad since the times of Kievan Rus. And in Soviet times, the United States, which helped carry out industrialization, and Germany, Italy and France.

              Gold! Rus' paid these “helpers” in red gold. Yes, among these “Germans - French, English, Spaniards” there were those who served their new homeland not for gold, but out of conscience. But these are only a few...
              1. -7
                27 July 2024 21: 58
                You consider it normal that Russian citizens are paid money for their service and in general for their service in the army, but you demand complete self-sacrifice from them. they also needed to live for something. I'm sure that money was not their first priority.
                1. +1
                  27 July 2024 22: 02
                  Quote: VZEM100
                  You consider Russian citizens to be paid money for their work and in general for serving in the army as normal, but you demand complete self-sacrifice from them.

                  I am not saying that you need to work and serve for free. But there is a huge difference between serving your homeland and serving gold.
                  1. -4
                    27 July 2024 22: 04
                    Most of them, by modern standards, went to Russia for a regular salary or in the hope of getting a plot of land
                    1. +1
                      28 July 2024 08: 04
                      Quote: VZEM100
                      Most of them, by modern standards, went to Russia for a regular salary or in the hope of getting a plot of land

                      Correctly . Both in these and those times, they did not go to serve the Motherland, but went for purely mercantile reasons. That is, they were going for gold. Purely selfish considerations..
                      1. -7
                        28 July 2024 08: 06
                        Everything is not so clear cut. Europeans have a desire for creation and progress in their blood.
                        In general, it’s ridiculous to initially demand from foreigners some kind of patriotism towards Russia. As they lived and worked here, it came naturally to many.
                      2. +3
                        28 July 2024 08: 11
                        Quote: VZEM100
                        Everything is not so clear cut.

                        Everything is very clear. Selfish interests are the main instinct. Take Ukraine. All residents were attracted by the standard of living in Germany and France. But they didn’t say that this is not achievable in the next hundred and fifty years. Selfish interests are the pipe of the pied piper.
                      3. -9
                        28 July 2024 08: 14
                        In Ukraine, too, not everything is determined by the desire for a high standard of living. To a greater extent, they want peace of mind and predictability of joining the system of Western values. They also don’t like the Azitization of Russia.
                      4. +3
                        28 July 2024 20: 20
                        Do you want peace of mind? That’s why they started bombing Donbass and took all possible measures to eradicate the Russian language and the Russian Orthodox Church? Predictability? So how did their expectations and predictions come true? And what Western values ​​did they want to join at that time? LGBT+, the desire for godlessness, multiculturalism? And there was no Asianization in Russia yet in 2014.
                      5. -5
                        28 July 2024 08: 15
                        Who would say that? This is how you imagine that everyone in Russia is completely free of money and altruists.
                      6. +1
                        2 August 2024 12: 48
                        Why is it unattainable, it worked quickly in Poland.
                      7. +4
                        28 July 2024 14: 25
                        Europeans have a desire for creation and progress in their blood.

                        No comments, just no words. fool
                      8. 0
                        2 August 2024 12: 50
                        Why are the Germans trying to destroy and ruin everything?
                      9. 0
                        2 August 2024 20: 17
                        The last time they were in my city, they destroyed it.
        2. 0
          27 July 2024 21: 05
          Quote: VZEM100
          They not only fought with Russia, but also helped it develop.

          Did Hitler and Napoleon help Russia?
          1. -11
            27 July 2024 21: 41
            Under Hitler, Germany collaborated with the USSR in the 30s and therefore helped. Napoleon also had such plans, but they were not destined to be realized.
            1. +1
              2 August 2024 12: 52
              Then Russia chose the side of England and in vain, it was necessary to take the side of France, and, if possible, choose neutrality.
        3. +1
          3 August 2024 14: 11
          That is, the Teutonic troops, the Swedes, Napoleon, the Germans, the Nazis (taking into account the European divisions of all countries) are just marketers?
      2. 0
        27 July 2024 17: 58
        What are the rabies from Ukraine like in “civilized Europe” now?

        I’ll tell you a secret, refugees in Russia feel no better, working in low-paid jobs with the same unrecognized diplomas and so on, except that the language is the same.
        1. +2
          30 July 2024 19: 33
          It's different for everyone. But the state is not doing its best to deal with immigrants to Russia. Doesn't improve much(!).
        2. 0
          3 August 2024 14: 13
          But this is not the employer’s policy, but legal or personal obstacles. Have the Russians themselves gone far in their own country?
    3. 0
      30 July 2024 19: 32
      The later we realize it, the worse it is for us. A big fight will cost a return to yourself.
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  2. 0
    27 July 2024 05: 00
    You know the background of events, you know the future...
    The ways of the Lord are mysterious... recourse
    1. +1
      8 August 2024 18: 16
      inscrutable. I just liked the word +
  3. 30+
    27 July 2024 05: 21
    The people were promised a “decent life.”

    They promised everyone. They told us how we would live without communists, the Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Armenians, Balts, how they would live without Russians... it’s the Russians who are to blame for the fact that they could live like in Switzerland or Sweden... but what’s the difference? Better and that's it. They removed the Russians, only local cadres came to power, and no “stone flower” emerges, more than 30 years have already passed, but... it’s the same with us, they removed the CPSU and got an incomprehensible hybrid of “power with capital”... everything is disgusting This
    1. Msi
      27 July 2024 06: 22
      They promised everyone. They told us how we would live without communists

      Well, not all of us and not the majority were communists in the USSR. And in Ukraine the majority are Russians who called themselves Ukrainians... How can you give up on yourself? It's just a mental disorder. Now they are giving up their lives, paying the highest price for their choice.
      1. 0
        27 July 2024 06: 55
        you probably lived in Ukraine for a long time since you know so well how they abandoned themselves
      2. +1
        27 July 2024 08: 36
        Quote from Msi
        How can you give up on yourself?

        Can. Nazism really helps. Ukraine was offered to be supermen, and the Russians were untermensch. You can do nothing, fall into that very quagmire, but having found the Ukrainian in yourself, you are already a person of the highest standard. What does Russia offer? Work and there is a chance to advance, but not always smoothly and fairly, but no matter what, you have to work hard. And here you don’t need anything, just become Ukrainian and hate us and that’s it. This is exactly what they are fighting for, for their exclusivity. Why is the East bigger? In the West, Ukrainians are of the highest standard by birth, but in the East this must be proven.
        1. 0
          27 July 2024 11: 15
          in the East this must be proven.

        2. -2
          27 July 2024 11: 49
          Examples can be given: who in Russia worked hard and achieved something? everything is assessed and decided according to completely different criteria. To be honest, they won’t let you rise. So they don’t observe such things.
          1. -4
            28 July 2024 09: 16
            Quote: VZEM100
            everything is assessed and decided according to completely different criteria

            I would like to clarify these criteria. Because Earning money for an apartment, a house, a car, and more is within the power of everyone. Open your own business too. Buying islands and football clubs - here I agree, you can’t earn money with honest work, but you can try and maybe even succeed. The one who walks will master the road.
            1. 0
              28 July 2024 09: 18
              Everything is mostly on credit due to the high cost. Career growth is almost impossible everywhere. I have my own experience.
              I’m not going to overpay millions for cars out of the blue.
          2. 0
            3 August 2024 14: 16
            This is true. Individual highly paid (for now) occupations are not the rule.
    2. +1
      30 July 2024 19: 36
      A hybrid of the party, the KGB, ministers and underground traders took shape back in 1987-89. It was they who divided the USSR between 35-40 ghouls. They and the Dodgens were to become oligarchs. Yes, the Komsomol skins intervened and pulled up the CIA.
  4. 27+
    27 July 2024 05: 33
    The problem is not the Maidan. The problem is that Russia has nothing to offer.
    Horseradish radish is not sweeter.
    Russians in Ukraine are fighting for their homeland so as not to be Russia. Already now, many people see that the Russian world is actually anything, but not Russian, but Chechen, Tajik, Uzbek and others.
    That’s why they fight for every meter of land.
    1. -3
      27 July 2024 07: 37
      Quote: Gankutsu_
      Russians in Ukraine are fighting for their homeland so as not to be Russia. Already now many see that the Russian world is actually anything but Russian,

      No, they are fighting for their children NOT to study in Russian schools (they are all closed, like universities), for the right to get punched in the face for asking a question in Russian, for deprivation of the right to work without a language, for deprivation of the right to speak their Russian literature, culture, television, books.
      They are fighting for the right to be third class, for the right to disappear and merge.

      But WHAT is Russian about them? What are they like? "Russians"? A?

      And “motherland” is what curses and destroys the Russian word, monuments and calls you m, etc.? What kind of “homeland” is it for Russians? Not for them
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    2. man
      27 July 2024 11: 25
      Russians in Ukraine are fighting for their homeland so as not to be Russia. Already now, many people see that the Russian world is actually anything, but not Russian, but Chechen, Tajik, Uzbek and others.
      That’s why they fight for every meter of land.

      Do you think that if we remove the Chechens and other Uzbeks from Russia, the Russians in Ukraine will immediately lay down their arms? Bravo, you found the culprits!
      Now, finally, it has become clear who is discrediting the Russian world! fellow Just “please announce the entire list”; it is highly desirable that you also name those whom you meant by “others”. The people must know all their enemies who are preventing them from building a real Russian world!
    3. 0
      30 July 2024 19: 40
      I think this is only one part of the truth. There is no idea that is equally necessary for both the people and Putin and his team. The people need democracy and socialism, and the power of the Anis-Soviet and Russophobes capitalism (even if it is dead). Ukrainians understand this too. Everything else can be solved.
  5. -6
    27 July 2024 05: 41
    Quote: Konnick
    Better and that's it. The Russians were removed, only local cadres came to power, and the “stone flower” does not emerge,

    Everything would have worked out for them if it weren’t for hokey nationalism. At the very least, political and economic processes were going on.
    As for why there are many enemies of Russia in Dnepropetrovsk (although this is a controversial issue and there are still more of them in the area), it’s not the east, they are rather closer to the center, these are the habitats of the former Zaporozhye Cossacks where large cities with a significant share of the Russian urban population were built and the village that fed them with the Khokhlyak element remained that way. The descendants of the Ukrainians who moved to these cities did not have time to completely Russify in one and a half to two centuries and carry within themselves the historical memory of who their ancestors were. They perceive Russia as a backward Asian authoritarian state based on violence and suppression of individual freedom.
    1. -2
      27 July 2024 05: 57
      this is roughly reminiscent of the attitude of the Don Cossacks to the Moscow state at the early stage of their relationship when attempts to subjugate them began
      1. GGV
        27 July 2024 14: 27
        Stop dragging the Zaporizhian Cossacks into Ukraine, Catherine2 disbanded the Zaporizhian Cossacks, and resettled everyone who considered themselves Cossacks to new lands where the Kuban and Terek Cossacks were founded. Cossacks have not lived on the territory of modern Ukraine since the end of the 18th century.
        1. +1
          27 July 2024 16: 00
          resettled the most militant and irreconcilable part, but others remained and the memory of them remained among the people at the level of a cult.
          1. 0
            30 July 2024 19: 42
            That's right, just a memory, a phantom, epics.
        2. -1
          27 July 2024 22: 01
          what is hetmanship?
    2. 10+
      27 July 2024 06: 51
      The mood of any Ukrainians stems from the strength or weakness of the Moscow authorities. The stronger the Moscow government at a given time, the more pro-Russian the Ukrainians are and the less separatism they have, and vice versa, the worse their mood.
  6. +9
    27 July 2024 05: 45
    On the ancestral lands of the Indians, having destroyed the Indians, the United States created Americans from English speakers in two hundred years, and on the ancestral Russian lands, over the same two hundred years, from Russians they created and are creating Russian speakers. For this purpose, on the outskirts of the primordially Russian lands, a language and grammar called Ukrainian was even artificially developed. Well, to disintegrate the Russians like that. The process was and is going on slowly, because, especially now, the disintegrators began to look at the history of the United States, with its colossal experience of planting its own on foreign lands in order to achieve its own on a foreign land. Here see the beginning of my comment about the destruction of Indians by the Americans. Undoubtedly, with the Russians on the outskirts of Russian lands, looking to the United States as a teacher and idol, they decided to do the same as the Americans once did with the Aboriginal Indians. The Russians must also be destroyed. But first, Russians from Russians must be turned into Russian-speaking people. Well, in Ivanov, who do not remember kinship and tribe. And the process began...
    The so-called Russian-speaking people on the outskirts of primordially Russian lands are not the same as Russians living, say, in France, Germany or Italy and speaking Russian there. These are Russian speakers. And on the outskirts of the original Russian lands, those who speak Russian are Russians, and not Russian speakers at all..
    1. +1
      27 July 2024 06: 55
      Quote: north 2
      In two hundred years, the United States created Americans from English-speaking people

      Have you held an American ballot in your hands? Application for a driver's license? Application for any kind of social benefits? And I filled them out. While the parents were alive, this was generally every year, since benefits (including the SSI old-age benefit, since they did not have time to earn a pension) must be renewed annually. So, all questionnaires are duplicated in Spanish. Well, okay, driver's licenses and social benefits are also available to non-citizens legally residing in America. But the ballot papers are also duplicated in Spanish!!! This is despite the fact that vote according to law (for now!) only citizens are eligible, and one of the conditions for naturalization is proficiency in English. You can simply show such possession at an interview with the immigration official who makes the decision on naturalization, or you can bring a certificate of passing an official exam, then you can speak through a stump at the interview, they will write it off as excitement, and you can even use the services of an interpreter brought by you. But some knowledge of English is still required to obtain citizenship. The question is, for whom are the ballots duplicated in Spanish?
      1. +1
        27 July 2024 07: 32
        And what does the Spanish language have to do with it, when before the arrival of Europeans in North America, the indigenous Indians there had their own languages. You report that in the United States the ballots are printed in English, dubbed in Spanish - but where is the language of the indigenous Indians? They definitely turned them into English-speaking people on their ancestral lands, just like the Russians on the outskirts of their ancestral lands, they want to turn them into Russian-speaking ones... And how many millions of Indians were destroyed there before they were turned into English-speaking ones..?
        1. -8
          27 July 2024 11: 56
          What could they do? After all, they could not get along with the savages from the Stone Age, and the laws of nature require a person to move forward, develop, and explore new territories. The same thing happened at about the same time in Russia, which was moving east to the lands of the Siberian Indians.
    2. -2
      27 July 2024 12: 48
      Just by “destroying the Indians”? There are many more of them now than, for example, in the 18-19 centuries
  7. -7
    27 July 2024 05: 54
    Quote: north 2
    For this purpose, on the outskirts of the primordially Russian lands, a language and grammar were even artificially developed, called Ukrainian

    you want to say that before the arrival of Russia they spoke Russian balak. It is unlikely that their language at that time was very different from the present one. it developed naturally in the conditions of centuries of life outside Russia.
    1. +7
      27 July 2024 07: 41
      Grushevsky created Ukrainian grammar only in the twentieth century, sitting on a windowsill with a cheat sheet on his knee and taking Russian, Polish, Austrian words and from this compote deducing words and grammar for Ukrainian language.
      1. -5
        27 July 2024 07: 45
        and that ... in the literary Khokhlyak language there are not so many borrowings on everyday topics, but as for the technical ones, most of them are from Russian, which in turn came from European languages. There is nothing criminal at all in Polish borrowings; it is the native Russian language, like the people themselves.
        according to you, he created the grammar in the 20th century and they all instantly relearned it, or were the peasants still babbling in their native language for several centuries before him?
      2. +2
        27 July 2024 12: 50
        Grushevsky and grammar... Do you even slightly understand that you are writing outright nonsense?
  8. -4
    27 July 2024 06: 00
    live for three hundred four hundred years separately and you will no longer want to go under any uncle, even if he is your distant relative, because you have already developed your own way of life
    1. -1
      27 July 2024 08: 47
      Quote: VZEM100
      live three hundred four hundred years separately and you won’t want to go under any uncle

      tell me what's there separately was in the territory from Uzhgorod to Belgorod, from Khadzhibey to Polesie 400 years ago. Probably the state of Ukraine, right?.
      1. -4
        27 July 2024 08: 51
        In some places there are remnants of ancient Russian principalities, in some places there are Cossacks, in others there are Turks and Asians. This is common knowledge. And the core of today’s Ukraine and their independence originated in the Zaporizhian Sich because only they had the opportunity for a real armed struggle. Just where Dnepropetrovsk is located. And they still remember this even in Svatovo Belovodsk Markovka on the outskirts of their settlement territories; their descendants with whom I studied at vocational school back in the 80s said - we are Cossacks. Russia in its current form also did not exist 400 years ago. Only the Moscow kingdom.
        1. +4
          27 July 2024 09: 00
          Quote: VZEM100
          In some places there are remnants of ancient Russian principalities, in some places there are Cossacks, in others there are Turks and Asians. This is common knowledge. And the core of today’s Ukraine and their independence originated in the Zaporizhian Sich because only they had the opportunity for a real armed struggle.

          so where is it:
          Quote: VZEM100
          live three hundred four hundred years separately and you won’t want to go under any uncle
          By the way, almost 400 years ago the RUSSIAN (they called themselves Russians) Zap seized and asked to be under the Russian Orthodox Tsar - read the primary source documents ..

          Where in the military meeting did they talk about Ukraine?
          1. -7
            27 July 2024 09: 03
            some asked and some didn’t. Khmelnitsky also began to rush after joining. It doesn’t matter what this place was called then, what matters is that it was there that this light lit up in them.
            1. 0
              27 July 2024 10: 20
              Quote: VZEM100
              there this light lit up in them

              WHO caught fire? Western Sich went to Kuban, a small part - to Turkey
              1. -6
                27 July 2024 11: 37
                in them and caught fire before they were forced to leave. their history before that already numbered three or four hundred years.
                In addition to the fact that they managed to achieve national independence, they also managed to get rid of the feudal lords and essentially became a republic. At that time, only England had one.
                the same Ukraine, only more eastern and Asian, could have appeared on the Don and Volga, but Russia took control of them.
                1. 0
                  27 July 2024 11: 45
                  Quote: VZEM100
                  in them and caught fire before they were forced to leave

                  In WHOM did you stay if there was no one left there?
                  Quote: VZEM100
                  besides what they managed to achieve national of independence

                  and what was it called?

                  Quote: VZEM100
                  essentially become a republic. At that time, only England had one.

                  I don't discuss fairy tales
                  Quote: VZEM100
                  same Ukraine only the more eastern and Asian could appear on the Don and Volga, but Russia took control of them.

                  ZS Ukraine did not call itself
          2. -3
            27 July 2024 12: 04
            They could have asked to go anywhere, but after some time, having gained experience of living under the rule of the Russian Orthodox Tsar, they suddenly no longer wanted to. although I remember the problems began immediately when they wanted to swear themselves from this very king to receive a mutual oath, to which they were told that this had never happened and would not happen. I remember they were promised freedom from enslavement, like in Russia, and as a result they introduced the same system. They, having achieved freedom from local and Polish feudal lords, did not want to tolerate this.
            1. -4
              27 July 2024 12: 15
              You don’t answer questions; you tell stories.

              That's all.
              1. -2
                27 July 2024 12: 20
                you obsess over little things. Ukraine as a full-fledged state with the name Ukraine did not exist then, but there was already a kind of quasi-state formation in which the processes of the birth of a new nation were underway. After all, they were already recognized by Western countries and the Turks and Russia as an international entity.
                You had to try hard for this.
                1. +7
                  27 July 2024 13: 43
                  Any state is born in confrontation with its neighbors because, first of all, the issue of borders is resolved only through war. There is no other way. This is the law. The Zaporozhye Sich had no chance of gaining independence. Khmelnitsky rushed between Turkey, Poland and Russia and chose the lesser of two evils - he made the optimal decision. Today's war with Russia will determine the future fate of the quasi-state entity called Ukraine.
  9. -2
    27 July 2024 06: 05
    Quote: north 2
    The USA, with its colossal experience of planting its own on foreign lands,

    They don’t plant theirs; it spreads on its own, being attractive to the whole world.
    1. +2
      27 July 2024 14: 10
      They don’t plant theirs; it spreads on its own, being attractive to the whole world.

      Seriously...??? Don’t you want to ask the residents of Serbia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan what they saw so attractive in the States and how it spread to them??? If you seriously think so, then even a doctor won’t help you... fool
  10. Msi
    27 July 2024 06: 17
    ...Everyone chooses for themselves
    woman, religion, road.
    Serve the devil or the prophet -
    everyone chooses for themselves... (Yu. Levitansky).
    Residents of Ukraine (for the most part) have made their choice; soon the time will come to answer for their choice... Yes but for many it (the time) has already come.
    1. +6
      27 July 2024 06: 32
      Quote from Msi
      Residents of Ukraine (for the most part) have made their choice; soon the time will come to answer for their choice

      Nobody chooses anything. Neither there nor here. It's an illusion. The real choices are made by those at the top. And then only if they are not puppets of the West.
      1. Msi
        27 July 2024 06: 34
        Nobody chooses anything

        I don’t know about you, but I constantly make and have made choices in my life. There are key points in life, when influenced, you can change everything dramatically...
        1. +2
          27 July 2024 06: 38
          You can choose some things in your life. But I didn’t write about personal choice. What processes are taking place in the state does not depend in any way on your personal choice.
    2. +1
      27 July 2024 20: 27
      Quote from Msi
      ...Everyone chooses for themselves
      woman, religion, road.
      Serve the devil or the prophet -
      everyone chooses for themselves... (Yu. Levitansky).
      Residents of Ukraine (for the most part) have made their choice.
      Living in Ukraine RUSSIAN decided to choose a new “Motherland”...
      I explain - русскиеwho lived in USSR, in 1992 chose a new homeland - Ukraine, but they could have sent Kravchuk and Western Ukraine “to the West”; in 1992 it became clear that the USSR had disappeared and the Russians remained to live in “some kind of Ukraine” (figuratively speaking), but practically NO ONE did not object to this - DECIDEDwhat do they have now "new homeland" и "the path to wealth and Europe" they will have a “shorter” life - they will live “closer to the West”...
      What could they have done otherwise?? - the same thing that Crimea did in 2014 - give up power in Kyiv and move to Russia along with the regions in which there was a majority of Russians...
      In the event that the EBN in Moscow began to object - abandon Ukraine and form New Russia - separately from Kyiv-Ukraine and separately from Moscow-Russia. As an example, Transnistria - those who refused 1992g to be together with Moldova, however, in 2014 in Donbass what I described above happened.
      Let me explain - in 1992, the Moldovans decided to expel and kill the Russians in Bendery, and the Russians refused to die and run away, the same as in the Donbass in 2014 (adjusted for the terrain).
      If you disagree, give your reasons...
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        2. +3
          28 July 2024 09: 56
          Chechnya has always been part of Russia, don’t invent something that doesn’t exist.
          1. -1
            28 July 2024 11: 29
            Quote: Third District
            Chechnya has always been part of Russia, don’t invent something that doesn’t exist.

            TsIPSO lives in its own world, as I already wrote in a parallel reality, and it is pointless to explain anything to it.
  11. +4
    27 July 2024 06: 25
    This topic must be researched, studied far and wide. The process of denaturation of Russians is in full swing in Russia. This requires national science, but it has been destroyed.
    1. +2
      27 July 2024 10: 21
      What is national science? There must be a correct national policy. But it has just been destroyed.
      1. 0
        27 July 2024 10: 38
        National in the literal sense – corresponding to a specific population-people. The uniqueness of the Russian people obliges them to have their own national science; this does not diminish the uniqueness of other peoples and does not prevent them from having their own science. And not in the overly expanded sense - state - and essentially supranational.
  12. 12+
    27 July 2024 06: 42
    In order to make Russians out of Russian speakers again, a state ideology is needed. But according to the constitution of the Sverdlovsk drunk, written by advisers from the State Department, we don’t have it.
    1. +3
      27 July 2024 07: 15
      In addition, the guarantor used the words “Russians” and “idiots” in the same sentence.
    2. +3
      27 July 2024 23: 55
      Quote: Metallurg_2
      But according to the constitution of the Sverdlovsk drunk, written by advisers from the State Department, we don’t have it.

      When it doesn’t exist, it can be created, but the problem here is the prohibition of ideology in the constitution.
  13. -12
    27 July 2024 06: 52
    Quote: north 2
    on the ancestral lands of the Indians

    ancestral lands of the Indians in Siberia
  14. 0
    27 July 2024 06: 57
    In a developed capitalist consumer state, the individual is the center of everyone's attention. The Ukrainian, with his centuries-old dense individual curculality, was perfectly suited to enter this society of consumption.... lace panties. we, with our undying communalism and subsequently superimposed socialist justice, tried to live according to other people's laws...... but we created a consumer society only for a small category of citizens, reproducing tsarist Russia of the late period..... well, the entire population of a communal society cannot country to be rich without exception... but for a community the wealth of only individual citizens is impossible.
    So Putin has to give back. It dawned on us that we are different.
    and a Ukrainian, he is a Ukrainian....even speaking Russian. I am Belarusian by nationality, I speak only Russian. and internally I am absolutely Russian.
    what to do with Ukraine? tempt her completely. take all yours... and a little more. and give a kick in the the lace panties.
    1. -1
      27 July 2024 07: 55
      Russia has long been massively affected by the desire for consumerism.
      1. +2
        27 July 2024 23: 57
        Quote: VZEM100
        Russia has long been massively affected by the desire for consumerism.

        And what country in the world is not affected by this infection?
  15. 11+
    27 July 2024 07: 02
    What if there is faith in the ideas of the Maidan? What kind of idea, perspective can we offer? So that it would be clear and understandable to them. For thirty years they have been indoctrinated about a bast Russia, a better life in the West. This is what they believe. And that people with weapons came to their house, from whom we naturally need to defend ourselves. What have we ourselves been able to convey over these thirty years? High standard of living, scientific and technological achievements, security, supremacy of the titular nation? The question is, why are we there? Mariupol residents are shocked by the influx Asians and Caucasians, along with their liberation from the “Maidan ideas”
    1. -4
      27 July 2024 07: 52
      Russia is here and there trying to ensure its security as Putin and his circle see it. And the explanation for the locals is a second question.
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      The question is, why are we there?
      1. +4
        27 July 2024 07: 54
        Otherwise, I don’t see this “security” that has happened in the Krasnodar Territory. We’ve achieved it, damn it
        1. -2
          27 July 2024 07: 56
          This is all due to their low level and inability to calculate the consequences of their actions. Putin and others didn’t graduate from Harvard.
          1. 0
            27 July 2024 08: 57
            Only he, and many others in power, ended up with something else. Where they were taught to calculate. Either they studied poorly, or betrayal in the soul is ineradicable
            1. -12
              27 July 2024 08: 59
              And what did they graduate from...Soviet military schools or academies, which are still secondary to those who once brought it here. This is not the right level of understanding and planning, which is why Russia endlessly gets into all sorts of troubles.
              1. +2
                28 July 2024 00: 01
                Quote: VZEM100
                Soviet military schools or academies, which are still secondary in relation to those who once brought it here.

                This is how Ukrainianness comes out of you, because Ukrainianness is nothing more than a feeling of being secondary.
                1. -6
                  28 July 2024 00: 03
                  I just really look at what is happening
                  1. +1
                    28 July 2024 00: 05
                    Quote: VZEM100
                    I just really look at what is happening

                    You live in parallel reality.
                  2. 0
                    29 July 2024 13: 50
                    “I just really look at what’s happening”

                    It's funny, you and I just have a different reality.
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  17. +7
    27 July 2024 07: 14
    I thought for a long time about whether or not to write this article.

    Not worth it. “Psychoanalysis” didn’t work out at all.
    1. 0
      27 July 2024 07: 21
      But here I agree with Staver. The article describes the real situation in the minds of people there
      1. +5
        27 July 2024 08: 01
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        The article describes the real situation in the minds of people there

        Dmitry doesn't describe it. Staver tied everything up for welfare, and this is wrong.
        Why did the USSR collapse? Because some of its citizens wanted to move from the place of the head of the republic to the chair of the president. I really wanted to rub my butt on this magical chair. And these comrades are not used to denying their ass.
        What is the worst horror for the leadership of the former republics? That's right, return to republican status again. The end of arbitrariness, the end of power, money, etc.
        Could the peoples of the republics want to return to the USSR? It would be easy if the Russian Federation provided its citizens with a better standard of living. And this was not difficult, since we still have oil and gas.
        So it was necessary to make sure that the people did not want to. But as? Very simply - anti-Russian propaganda and education.
        That is, we need to assure the same Ukrainians that they are the best, and if they live worse, then the Russians are to blame. This has been done for 33 years, it turns out. Many who today fight in the Armed Forces of Ukraine from childhood absorb stories about lazy “vatniks” and great Ukrainians.
        Staver completely ignores this fact, which completely devalues ​​his “analysis”
        1. 0
          27 July 2024 08: 08
          There is an opinion about changing places from the First Secretary to the President. Only this is secondary. Primary and pure betrayal of the members of the Politburo. Ensuring a standard of living through oil and gas? Yes, with such leadership and a system of public relations it is simply impossible. As for propaganda, you are absolutely right hi
      2. -1
        27 July 2024 08: 11
        A person writes about something he doesn’t know. If I lived in Ukraine, talked to Ukrainians ala the early 90s, I would understand why the Easterners became Nazis, and the Westerners remained moderate nationalists, and that is why the Eastern rednecks go to die while the Westerners are hiding.
        1. +1
          27 July 2024 08: 17
          I already wrote about a team of Ukrainians in Vyazma at a dairy plant in 2001. Outwardly, the people are normal, hard-working. But in a conversation with vodka, it started to happen. We have everything the best, the hryvnia exchange rate, etc.. I tell them, why are you bothering in the Smolensk region? And they are again talking about the hryvnia exchange rate. Moreover, not Westerners, but Kharkovites. Personally, I didn’t see any differences between us then. Indeed, then there was the war in the Caucasus and the default recently. But they preferred not to notice their problems
  18. 11+
    27 July 2024 07: 22
    This article is just a preface to future explanations of events that will soon occur. And they will talk about the fact that the denazification of all of Ukraine is almost unnecessary, that demilitarization has already occurred and much more.
  19. -5
    27 July 2024 08: 00
    Quote: Stas157
    The real choices are made by those at the top.

    but they still look back at those below
  20. -6
    27 July 2024 08: 10
    Nonsense. Firstly, Dnepropetrovsk was always called Dneprozhidovsk, where are the Russians? Secondly, any Ukrainian is envious and wants his neighbor to live worse. Thirdly, the Ukrainian’s brain is smaller than that of a stegosaurus, so he is not able to think ahead, cannot foresee the consequences, they gave 200 UAH, he is happy, but he does not think that it will fall apart further. The Ukrainian has the psychology of a slave, for whom imported masters have decided for 700 years.
    Eastern Ukrainians differed from Western ones in ideology. Westerners were nationalists, but over a hundred years they turned into moderates. Eastern ideologies did not exist, and Nazism fit perfectly into this void.
    1. +2
      27 July 2024 08: 36
      Quote: Victor Sergeev
      Nonsense. Firstly, Dnepropetrovsk was always called Dneprozhidovsk, where are the Russians?

      real nonsense
      1. -3
        27 July 2024 08: 37
        Are you writing to me, a person who studied in Dneprozhidovsk from 1987 to 1991? Don't write what you don't know.
        1. 0
          27 July 2024 08: 40
          Yes, at least for starters, look at the statistics on the national composition. there were more of them in Kharkov and no one called it that. a small admixture can give a difference to a large one, but this does not stop it from being one.
          1. -3
            27 July 2024 09: 41
            Who burned down the trade union house in Odessa? Westerners? No.. There were only a few of them there... They practically burned their own
            1. -1
              27 July 2024 09: 54
              In Odessa, people were burned by Westerners and football fans from the eastern regions. But it is not correct to draw a conclusion about the entire population based on football fans. These are such pretzels - they don’t care who they burn. Our football fans are no better, if someone needs to burn in the same way - for them it’s a “game”.
              1. +2
                27 July 2024 10: 09
                The majority were local and eastern. Footage of Odessa girls pouring gasoline into bottles says a lot...
                1. 0
                  27 July 2024 10: 32
                  Then, based on the “bulk” of Moscow, draw a conclusion about all the inhabitants of Russia.
                2. +1
                  27 July 2024 11: 40
                  the majority did not take part in anything, just like everywhere else.
                  They are more active and organized, so it seemed that there were many of them among the locals. the longer Russia chews snot, the further all this will develop
            2. -2
              27 July 2024 11: 40
              It is necessary to take into account the specifics of this region bordering Moldova and western Ukraine
              1. 0
                27 July 2024 12: 55
                Which region borders Moldova and Western Ukraine?
                1. -2
                  27 July 2024 12: 57
                  Odessa Directly connected to Moldova and not far from western Ukraine
                  1. -1
                    27 July 2024 14: 23
                    It would be nice to improve geo-affiliation...
  21. +3
    27 July 2024 08: 16
    The origins of Maidan (IMHO). Basic driving force of Maidan there were... "Selyuks" i.e. villagers from western Ukraine. Have you ever wondered where so many of them came from in Kyiv? And the answer lies on the surface:
    Urbanization is the growth of cities due to the movement of people from rural areas in search of better jobs and better living conditions.
    No one followed the urbanization process; Seluks came to the cities in search of a better life, but there was no work for them there (except for girls of easy virtue). Since this all started.
    Remember how industrialization took place in the USSR - the cities needed hundreds of thousands of workers, but... the so-called "limit" (there was such a term - limit workers) Comrade Stalin allowed into the cities in doses - as soon as he was informed that a new enterprise had been built, he from villages to cities and launched i.e. the urbanization process was under complete control, cities accepted only as many villagers as they could digest.
  22. -1
    27 July 2024 08: 34
    All this can be explained more simply, country 404 is divided into two camps: one is stupid, the other is even more stupid.
  23. -3
    27 July 2024 08: 37
    Russians are very different and there are almost no standard ones left
    1. +2
      27 July 2024 11: 34
      The “standard” Russians are also not far from Nazism, don’t you think? Or is it humor?
      1. -2
        27 July 2024 11: 37
        I mean the image of the Russian from literature and cinema.
      2. +1
        3 August 2024 14: 24
        Nazism is an extreme form of national self-preservation. This means that something is wrong on the board. And what is wrong, today, if in Russia, this is known.
    2. +1
      3 August 2024 14: 22
      Yes, there are few of us... smile ............
  24. +3
    27 July 2024 08: 40
    "How did the Russians in the Dnieper turn into Russian speakers"? - Is it only Dnepropetrovsk, and the Russians of the same Kharkov are not fighting with us? Why did it happen that Russian people are fighting against us in Ukraine - Prigozhin explained back in 22. And this is the tragedy of all Russians and the main merit in this is due to such individuals as the Yanukovychs and Medvedchuks, and not the Yushchenkos and Poroshenkos. We still haven't given up on the idea of ​​imposing our godfather on them. Godfather is for them as Chubais is for us.
    A simple example, the fact that a Nazi godfather was exchanged for 70 Nazis from “Azov” was at least understandable and predictable... But it is not possible to understand why, after the surrender in Mariupol, only “Volyn” was shown on TV with a bucket and a rag, but “ “we were embarrassed” to show the Nazis from “Azov” different “Kalin-Malins” with a bucket and a rag. Whatever one may say, "Volyn" is not a Nazi, unlike "Kalin-Malin", an officer who took the oath to his country, although he is our enemy. Is this just stupidity or is there something else going on here?
    1. Eug
      27 July 2024 08: 59
      Also constantly in my head - why bets in Ukraine are constantly placed on those whom, to put it mildly, ALL of Ukraine does not like... the same AzIrov... and now, most likely, the most suitable candidate will be Poroshenko... and who is he married to? His older son? That's it... there's also the story of the oil pipeline through which they pumped oil to Slovakia and Hungary... and who owns it? And who was paid to pump this oil? (perhaps all this is about gas - but this does not change the essence).
      1. +4
        27 July 2024 09: 20
        The same Kharkov rose before Donbass, and was ready to become part of Russia back in 14. And now the Russians of Kharkov are fighting us.
        And now we wonder why they “suddenly” became Nazis and Banderaites. And really why?
        1. +3
          27 July 2024 17: 27
          In April he wrote about Kharkov:
          Yes, Slobozhanshchina, of course not Russia. But Russian-speaking Kharkov itself is more Russia than Ukraine, and at all times. And small towns and villages in the region spoke Ukrainian. According to a survey conducted by the International Republican Institute (USA) in April-May 2023, 16% of the city’s population spoke Ukrainian at home, and 78% spoke Russian. Of course, not all Russian speakers are Russian. Many of them come from Ukrainian villages and towns with ancestors whose parents spoke Ukrainian. However, they Russified. In particular, in the 70s he studied in Kharkov. Once there was a cultural trip to the Ukrainian Drama Theater for a performance in Ukrainian. The hall was half empty. There were only students who, if not for the cultural trip, would not have gone there, although the performance was not bad. But in the Russian drama theater the hall was almost always full. That's how it was once. But now the situation is a little different. In Soviet times, there were many Jews in Kharkov who slowly left during independence. Their places were taken by Western rogues and simply ordinary Ukrainian workers from small towns and villages. Many Russians by origin left Kharkov for Russia. Young people in the Square were brought up in a nationalistic spirit and often perceive Russia as a foreign, or even hostile, country.
          1. +1
            27 July 2024 18: 00
            Neither in Kharkov, nor in Dnepropetrovsk, even in Kyiv, did the locals speak Ukrainian. With the exception of the "villagers" of course. At the beginning of 23 years (precisely 23 years, not 22 years) they had such a “trick” - to speak Ukrainian. Even the Russians, who come from the same Siberia, “speaked” in Ukrainian, distorting the words. But for the sake of fairness, the reverse process is now observed.
    2. 0
      3 August 2024 14: 43
      Are there not enough people with a similar worldview in Russia itself? But they don’t care about the oath, that’s not the point.
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. Owl
    27 July 2024 09: 47
    The abolition of the “nationality” entry in the Russian passport is not a way to create a multinational state, it is a clear attempt to blur and destroy the indigenous ethnic groups of Russia.
  27. -4
    27 July 2024 10: 02
    Quote: A. Staver
    Most people prefer simplicity. This one is white, and this one is black. This is good and this is evil.

    It is no different in war. There is our trench and there is theirs. There is no third!
    We must remember that the outermost hut always burns first.

    So why are we fighting?! Episode from the film "Ordered to destroy! Operation: "Chinese Box":

    1. ada
      27 July 2024 12: 16
      Not bad.
      Well, this one - no, it is rather weak, but the one that follows it and the subsequent ones - yes, will meet this position, they really were conceived this way from the very beginning, because their concept and strategies were developed by the bearers of this ideology themselves - the true sons of the West. True, here we must not forget about the “daughters”, the carriers of blood.
  28. -4
    27 July 2024 11: 30
    To simplify, the junta, under the strict leadership of the Anglo-Saxons, destroyed production, turning millions into poverty and the need for urgent and possibly radical action. They were shown the reason the puppeteers needed and gave the command to the front, spinning welfare cookies from all the media irons like that carrot in front of a donkey. Join the army, you'll serve for a couple of months and you won't hurt your hands. Many fell for it, and they were forced by barrage detachments to starve to death, closing the road to independence of choice. To justify their betrayal, they themselves decided to believe in a fairy tale. This is the breakdown of consciousness, meet a Russian-speaking person. In a civil war, they wash away their shame only with blood. Therefore, the way out for Russian-speaking people remains the same: break with the junta, exterminate the main officers, commanders and surrender, try to forgive yourself and try to start a new life as a Russian person, and not as a Ukrainian sectarian for a blue piece of passport. I fully understand that my radical position is bloodthirsty, but here every free person has a choice and you cannot run away from yourself, you cannot wash away the blood on your hands with chatter, destroy the one who tempted you into betrayal.
  29. +4
    27 July 2024 12: 30
    I immediately guessed the author of the article by the title. bully
  30. +2
    27 July 2024 12: 35
    Alexander, you describe “consequences”, terrible, tragic consequences. But the reason for these consequences is that those who disposed and managed everything in the USSR decided to own this “everything” as a private bourgeois owner, and transfer this privatized property, assets, and capital “made” from this predatory and thieves' privatization, to their children. Who was it? And this was the SOVIET, PARTY, ECONOMIC AND KOMSOMOL "NOMENKLATURA", LEADERS, AND THEIR DEPUTIES IN THE UNION AND REPUBLICAN MINISTRIES AND DEPARTMENTS, MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES, INFRASTRUCTURE ORGANIZATIONS, SPECIAL SERVICES AND TRADE MAFIA. How many people have already written and talked about this on your website! And me too(... All these “soon to be rich” didn’t fly to us from Mars or Venus? No! These are OUR Soviet bastards - “nouveau riche”, raised by the Soviet population ON THEIR OWN NECKS, who, for example, in Ukraine, over the past 30 years, they transformed into cynical “Jewish Banderaites,” and in our country, into patriots, “imperials.” They used all propaganda, economic, political, administrative and power resources to launch mechanisms and tools for the privatization of Soviet state property. and created, throughout the former Soviet Union, regimes of domination of private property by “peripheral” oligarchies, built as “squirrel cages” into the financial and economic liberal matrix of the West. And today, these “nomenklatura-trading” oligarchies are fighting each other for. right, from the peripheral and colonial ones, to become a self-sufficient “regional” oligarchy and eat up all the rest? And the population? And the population, what they have, what we have, how their “squirrel cages” have been spinning all these 30 years, continues to do so. twist until it dies(. Either in new imperialist wars, or from overstrain in these “squirrel cages”. That's the whole reason.

    PS What is an imperialist war? This is a war in which some poor people kill other poor people. But, for the interests of the rich. For their property, for their capital, for their assets, for their economic and political dominance. Just cause and effect...
    1. +3
      27 July 2024 16: 13
      Stop blaming the Soviet communists already. Those who captured the USSR are radically different from the Soviet communists and their supporters - both in work, they were only capable of ruining, plundering, and parasitizing at the expense of the results of the work of the communists and their supporters, and in mentality, intelligence, and attitude towards their country and the people, the history of their country, and even the vocabulary. Including the fact that Soviet communists and their supporters are people FOR, and their enemies by mentality are people AGAINST.
      And their anti-Soviet government takes advantage of this, sets them against whomever it benefits them, including each other, and they happily rush to fiercely hate those against whom their power sets them.
      1. +2
        27 July 2024 17: 37
        You are generalizing. And I share. I share ordinary, ordinary communists, on whose enthusiasm and heroism the second world superpower was built. And the nomenklatura scumbags and, especially, their children. Who robbed and robbed their own population in the 90s. And, the most disgusting thing, they allowed us to be robbed and robbed by “alien” predators from all over the world. Therefore, flies separately, cutlets separately.
        1. +1
          27 July 2024 18: 51
          I’m just not generalizing, I’m separating the real, by conviction, Soviet communists who never betrayed their party, the USSR and the Soviet people, and the enemies of the communists and the USSR, who always, both under the USSR and after their capture of the USSR, pretended and are pretending by those who benefit them at the moment - from the communists and their supporters under the rule of the communists - to the “great lovers of philanthropy” in slandering the Bolshevik communists.
          Perestroika is the “moment of truth” when all of them, who joined the CPSU, the Soviet government, immediately showed their true essence, their fierce hatred of the communists, the USSR and the Soviet people.
          1. +2
            27 July 2024 20: 58
            Unlike you, I don’t believe in communism, because, for my age, I know people well and saw, in the late 80s and early 90s, how these same communists and Komsomol members were “in intimate relationships” and with the party, and with ideology, and with communism itself. In short, we saw it all in one place. Why? Because those who were obliged to illuminate this very “historical path” for the working class cynically laid it on it “with all the equipment” and were preparing with all their might for the privatization of property, means of production, infrastructure, mineral resources, and the savings of the population. And then, this very “working class” was robbed, robbed and sent into retirement! (And where were all your principled communists? On what barricades?

            PS Crimes against one's own population should not have a statute of limitations.
            1. -1
              27 July 2024 21: 03
              You are invincible. You stubbornly unite real communists with the enemies of the communists, who for years and decades, for the sake of profit and career, pretended to be communists and their supporters.
              And with this you justify these enemies of the communists, who captured the USSR solely with the goal of becoming the same rich and rich parasites that the Bolsheviks slandered by them threw off.
              1. +2
                27 July 2024 22: 31
                I don’t justify them, but I despise them. And I feel sorry for simple, ordinary communists, as a human being. Naive and gullible people, led by arrogant parasites and cynical bastards, whom the Soviet population raised on its own neck. To your own misfortune(.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +1
                    28 July 2024 20: 00
                    I didn’t communicate with the party nomenklatura; I was in the same class with a guy whose father was a representative of the economic nomenklatura in the regional executive committee. I communicated in the late 80s, after the army and, in the early 90s, with the Komsomol nomenklatura. VERY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. I would never be friends with them. And, by the way, they all settled down well and fit into the existing financial and trade oligarchies. Shit doesn't sink.
  31. +2
    27 July 2024 12: 41
    I thought for a long time about whether or not to write this article.

    And as always, I was wrong.
  32. -5
    27 July 2024 12: 51
    No need to feel sorry for them! And we haven't won yet!
  33. -1
    27 July 2024 13: 06
    I just don’t understand from the article why we are at war with Ukraine?
  34. +1
    27 July 2024 15: 09
    What is the Dnieper like? I didn't understand.
    Poor Ukrainians, they were deceived again - either by the President, then by the Europeans, or by the insidious Russians... And they are completely out of business. And the all-powerful KGB, which imitated the FSB, put the saucepan on them. And the Russians also force them into the trenches - they have their own people.
  35. 0
    27 July 2024 16: 51
    Everything is very complicated and ambiguous.

    Of course everything is complicated. What matters is history and just the stupid propaganda of the “zombie boxes” that the majority of the population in both Ukraine and Russia fall for. Of great importance is simply ordinary human envy and greed, to which a significant part of people are subject both here and there. However, the main thing is that the population of Ukraine, regardless of language, the overwhelming majority felt that they were Ukrainians, who were different from Russians. And this took place back in the USSR. I must say that this was typical for Russians in relation to Ukrainians. Taking into account the propaganda, when suddenly impoverished Ukrainians heard that Russia was to blame for everything, the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine was perceived for the most part as aggression. Of course, this does not apply to the Crimeans, where the overwhelming majority are Russians, and in many respects to the population of Donbass.
  36. +4
    27 July 2024 16: 54
    Many people have already commented on the article and expressed different opinions. Few people will probably like my opinion, but I will still be frank and directly express my view on the problem posed in the article.

    It seems to me that our problem (this also applies to the political leadership) lies mainly in the incorrect perception of the situation on our western borders. And it’s not even about material factors, although they also play a role. I spent the entire 40s in Ukraine: I have relatives there, I live in Belgorod, it’s about 2008 km from Volchansk, no more, and my mother’s origin is Ukrainian, from the Ostrogozh Cossacks. I have been speaking both languages ​​since childhood. The difference in the standard of living was felt, as well as in the level of infrastructure development. But at the same time, the local population did not even think about returning to Russia or coming up with some new allied associations with it only on the grounds that it was better there materially. The Skhidnyaks had a warm attitude towards Russia, many had relatives there, many worked and lived there for a long time, but at the same time they were very clearly aware of their difference from it. I remember well how in XNUMX I was surprised that in Melitopol many curbs and almost all bridges were painted in yellow-black colors. This was still atypical for Russia at that time. By the way, it’s the same story with Belarusians, there are relatives in Gomel, it’s almost like in Ukraine in the XNUMXs, it’s very reminiscent of that situation. Well, this is in my subjective opinion, based on empirical experience.

    2014 changed everything dramatically. And here it was not even the Maidan that played the key role; something similar happened in 2004, but then those events did not lead to such radical changes. Crimea played a key role. Even before that, he looked at Ukraine like a wolf, I remember that in 2006 they could beat you for the Ukrainian anthem or language, there it was felt that the peninsula was a problem for Ukraine, and in principle everything ended as it should have, but for the rest of the Ukrainians Crimean history definitely became a trigger. They took it in such a way that “Russia attacked”, stabbed them in the back in difficult times (they are scumbags, I don’t know any of the zahidnyaki at all, there are no relatives there). This then became a turning point for many of their military men - I communicated with many of them even before the war, before I was ’22. You can’t explain to them that it was the decision of the Crimeans themselves (and it really was so), for them it became a national humiliation that the whole region was shaved off without a single shot being fired. Like, it’s ours, we don’t care how the Crimeans themselves think, we’ll explain to them how to think, and they nodded to Chechnya as an example, like it’s not for us to teach them life (although there are different situations, in Crimea there was no hotbed of banditry and slave trade, as in Dudayev’s and, especially, Islamist Ichkeria). After this, in general, current events became inevitable. Considering that Russia also could not have acted differently at that time, I think that this whole process is objective in nature. We protect our interests, they protect theirs. The union has collapsed and will not return, but we have a lot of things to share with them. After all, this is not the first post-Soviet conflict. It seems that it will not be the last.

    And it is understandable that it was the swindlers who became the driver of their final separation from us. An industrialized region, a higher level of urbanization, a higher level of education, and in general there are more of them than slums. And they, by the way, are the basis of the elite. Look where Zelensky, Poroshenko, Danilov, Kuleba, Ermak come from. All their key functionaries are either from the East or from the Center (it is closer to the East in mentality). This is historically determined - for a long time the skhidnyaks and zakhidnyaks existed separately from each other, and the skhidnyaks for a long time had autonomy and their own hetman elite within Russia, they have more experience in political activity in an organized state. You can say that we raised them on our own, but who, under the tsars and communists, knew that everything would turn out like this... And the zakhidnyaki spent their whole lives under the Poles and the Austrians, they only learned to be partisans, but running the state is not theirs. To rebuild a hut, feed pigs, go to earn money - yes, the people are hardworking and good-natured, you can’t take it away, but they don’t see beyond their own noses. For the most part. In any case, that’s how they think about them in the East. And, in principle, the zakhidnyak, deep inside, has a soft spot for Ukraine; for him, Ukraine is an abstract concept that does not extend beyond the boundaries of his district or region. Although shouting “Glory to Ukraine!” he will be the loudest as long as it is profitable. What, in principle, has now become clear is that the majority of hijackers are in the West of Ukraine, and not in the East.

    What thought do I want to convey with my entire stream of consciousness? That we need to look at reality with a sober eye. Ukrainians are very similar to us, but they are not us for sure since the 17th century. We were once one people with them, yes, but everything flows and everything changes. The French and Germans were also once Franks, and the relations between them are reminiscent of our relations with the Ukrainians. The USSR collapsed a long time ago, a generation has already grown up that does not remember it, and it will not return. We have our own state, they have theirs, we have our own interests, they have theirs. We perceive the Euro-Atlantic as a threat to our very existence, and they treat us the same way we treat NATO, which is why they strive there, just as we strive to be friends with China. And let's face it: we are waging war against them because, firstly, we need strategic depth (as recent events have shown, this remains important even in the nuclear age) and new resources and culturally similar populations (due to demographic crisis), and secondly, because the existing world system is collapsing under the blows of economic and demographic turmoil, the balance of power is shifting, and in order to take an advantageous position in the new world that will sooner or later emerge, you need to be on horseback and safe, and Until the Atlanticists get hit in the teeth, we won’t see that security like our ears. It’s not our problem that the Ukrainians took the other side and exposed themselves, effectively leaving us no choice. And all the talk about one people and liberation from Nazism is nonsense, not worth a damn, a reason to start a war, that’s all. I feel sorry for the civilians, yes, both ours and theirs (I myself suffer from the war every day), but nothing can be done - this is how the circumstances developed. Life is a complicated thing, and the Kingdom is Heavenly because it does not exist on Earth.

    Now you can downvote, I expressed my opinion.
    1. +3
      28 July 2024 13: 39
      It’s not our problem that the Ukrainians took the other side and exposed themselves, effectively leaving us no choice.

      I completely agree with your opinion. This is close to me. At least someone else can write something sensible on the topic of Russia-Ukraine. I also live in Belgorod. Yes, and my roots are about the same. I also speak Ukrainian well, although when a waitress in Lviv spoke in Ukrainian about 20 years ago, it turned out that the language there was a little different - it arrived with a delay. That is, I didn’t catch it right away, not like in eastern Ukraine. He was born in the Belarus-Russia-Ukraine triangle, where even now there are Ukrainian relatives who speak Surzhik, which raises questions throughout Ukraine. However, he went to school in a mining village in the Donbass, which he graduated from in a village in the Poltava region with the nickname “katap”. Further studies in Russian-speaking Kharkov, the army and Belgorod for more than 50 years. So, I know perfectly well who breathes what, the ordinary population and I think even the leadership of Russia and Ukraine. All my Ukrainian relatives are opposed to Russia, and even some acquaintances tried to recruit me to work against Russia. Even my wife’s brother is Russian, with a higher education, who lived in the Luhansk region and was opposed to Russia, even before the Maidan. This is propaganda. It turns out that people can mostly be reconfigured. 20 years and everything is ready. If only the propaganda was structured correctly. It’s a pity, of course, that the Ukrainian leadership ruined the country, but it could have been a friendly country. It’s a pity, of course, that our leadership started the SVO so mediocrely.
      1. 0
        28 July 2024 14: 52
        I don’t know about your relatives, mine (or rather, my godfather, who is from there) live in the Cherkasy region, and they are just as sick of it all as we are. We communicate quite normally, without problems, no one tried to recruit anyone. I noticed that in the Center there is less radicalism than in the war-stricken East, and the hardships of mobilization there are not felt as strongly as in Odessa, for example. In general, the closer you are to Kyiv, the less noticeable the war there and the safer it is. And the worst thing is in the East. I think this also affects the general situation.

        Regarding the start of the operation, it is easy to be a commander, seeing the battle from the outside. We don’t know all the details of those days, and we won’t know for sure in the next 30 years. What were the plans initially in the GOU General Staff, what adjustments did the Security Council make to these plans, what agreements with local elites, how did the Americans and Europeans resist (this is also an important factor, if not the key one - fighting the Russians alone is suicide, but when they support you dozens of states, then the situation looks completely different), what was China’s role in all this? It is quite possible that on February 24 the matter looked resolved, and Putin is not the kind of person who embarks on adventures - he would never have given such an order if he had not been confident in the happy outcome of the matter. Or if there was another solution to the problem. This means that either everything collapsed at the last moment due to unforeseen circumstances, or they really left no other choice, provoking an attack. You can only guess here; there is still no reliable information. The same can be said about 2014. I remember very well how then, as a 3rd year political science student at BelSU, I had a conversation in a raised voice with a teacher of geopolitics and the theory of international relations, who also taught a course on military and security policy. I almost obscenely tried to explain to him that if we don’t send troops to Donetsk and crush all this riffraff, then in the future we will have a big war in Europe with unclear prospects and mass casualties, and he asserted in the same almost obscene manner, that Russia is not ready for radical steps, and Crimea at the moment is the maximum we are capable of, which means we need to look for diplomatic means to resolve the conflict. It’s not entirely inadequate people on the other side. It turned out that absolutely. Then he and I apologized to each other - it had just happened on May 2, everyone was on edge. Primakov’s student, by the way, defended his doctorate under his leadership, at IMEMO, it seems. Now I look back, already matured, and I begin to think that maybe he was right, even though everything happened exactly as I was afraid...
        1. +1
          28 July 2024 18: 42
          It also seems to me that your teacher was right. And in the Istanbul agreements, “Crimea is ours”, and Donbass is part of Ukraine. It would seem that this was beneficial for Kyiv. In this situation, Crimean Russians no longer influence the elected electorate. Donbass in Ukraine. Probably GDP was counting on this. Quickly, quickly and everything is ok. However, it didn’t work out. As for our armed forces, it is clearly clear that they were not ready. And what about Donbass? All the years of Soviet power, it was fueled mainly from Ukraine, although it was truly multinational. And Russian-speaking Ukrainians are still Ukrainians. In March 2014, the Kiev weekly “Zerkalo Nedeli” conducted a survey in Donbass on the topic of what to do, who to be with. And here are its main results: half of those surveyed were in favor of expanded autonomy within Ukraine, a quarter were in favor of being part of Russia, and another quarter were in favor of United Ukraine. I will add that the most Russian cities are Lugansk and Donetsk with Mariupol. Small rural towns and villages are mostly Ukrainian. Around 2014, 2015, Konstantin Zatulin, in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda TV channel, when he was still around, said that they quietly conducted research on the mood of Donbass and came to the conclusion that it was mainly Ukrainian, unlike Crimea. Of course, events after 2014 most likely changed the composition and opinion of the population of Donbass about where they should be.
  37. +1
    27 July 2024 16: 55
    I thought for a long time about whether or not to write this article.
    - how often do I read this phrase of the thinker, in almost every article of his laughing
  38. 0
    27 July 2024 17: 01
    As for Russian speakers in the large cities of eastern Ukraine, today's Russian speakers were largely formed from rural Ukrainians who moved to the cities starting in the 50s, when the then population was predominantly rural. And the purely Russian population was replenished with Ukrainians who began to speak Russian, but this did not stop them from being Ukrainians.
  39. +3
    27 July 2024 17: 12
    The slightest mistake, the slightest failure drives a person to the bottom of life. Career growth stopped, I took on loans that simply cannot be repaid, I sold my property...

    they talk about the latest Bugatti or Ferrari model, about the merits of this or that dish in a restaurant where the price starts in three figures. And next to your “dacha from the USSR” a villa was built for tens of millions...

    A golden loaf, a golden toilet and... ostriches in the yard!

    The person, even having a stable job, felt inferior. Simply because it was a job for survival, which will not make future life better. In order to survive, you must risk what you have. And many took risks...

    The difference in income of the population, the work of the media and the inability to become rich while working for a state enterprise. Remember the difference in salaries in the public and private sectors? Remember the hatred, or more precisely, the envy of the older generation towards the young and successful? “It’s impossible to earn that much honestly. All my life I..."

    All this can be said with 100% confidence about Russia.
    And there is no way out at all.
    1. 0
      27 July 2024 18: 42
      Quote: Poru4ik
      The difference in income of the population, the work of the media and the inability to become rich while working for a state enterprise. Remember the difference in salaries in the public and private sectors? Remember the hatred, or more precisely, the envy of the older generation towards the young and successful? “It’s impossible to earn that much honestly. All my life I..."

      Did this appear recently? Then here it is: “The labors of the righteous do not make stone chambers.” These proverbs seem to date back to the times of “King Pea.” There has always been stratification in society.
      1. +1
        27 July 2024 19: 14
        Strictly speaking, it is not me who needs to answer, but the author of the article. I have quoted excerpts from his work. What I meant was that all of the above processes occur everywhere. This is not the privilege of Ukraine, it is not their know-how, as they say, although they dug the Black Sea with spoons, they are not ahead of the rest. In our country, similar processes are proceeding with the same direction, but what will this all lead to?
        1. +1
          27 July 2024 20: 01
          Poru4ik (Alexandr)
          The stratification of society in the Russian Federation, unfortunately, has taken an ugly form. What could this lead to? I'm not Vanga. But let's think: if there is no betrayal on the part of the leadership of the Russian Federation. Ukraine signed the act of surrender. Those men who went through the hell of the SVO returned home. Do you think they will tolerate the arbitrariness of officials, the behavior of the bigwigs, the behavior of new migrant citizens who have arrived? These men know how to fight and how to kill!
          How do you personally feel about the “Prigozhin March”? Yes, there are things that I cannot explain, because I don’t know for sure. But Prigozhin’s actions showed a lot, IMHO.
          1. +1
            27 July 2024 20: 37
            Do you seriously believe that people “who know how to fight and know how to kill” will be given the opportunity to change anything in Russia? At the helm of the state there are far from naive and simple-minded people, as they like to present themselves as “we were deceived again.” No, these people are terrible predators, they know how to fight and kill better. Only their scale is different, gigantic, I would say universal, long-term, even if they themselves may not get it, but their heirs will. Do you really think that these people have not already calculated all the options for the development of events and have not prepared a counteraction scenario? They have in their hands a huge repressive apparatus, purchased media, pocket judges, criminal associates, controlled diasporas. Yes, they will eat these people who came from the Northern Military District without choking, and they will also slander and defame those who are now shedding blood so that they can grab more.
            1. +1
              27 July 2024 20: 42
              Poru4ik (Alexandr)
              I agree with you! But what if there is a person like Prigogine? Who can unite such power. What then? Those who have passed the SVO, as they say, are “not done with a finger.” I don't think they will tolerate everything.
              1. -1
                27 July 2024 21: 52
                first they'll blow off his ear
            2. +1
              27 July 2024 21: 02
              Poru4ik (Alexandr)

              Quote: Poru4ik
              Do you really think that these people have not already calculated all the options for the development of events and have not prepared a counteraction scenario?

              Did they calculate their actions at the very beginning of the SVO? Did you think that Russian troops would be “welcomed with flowers” ​​in Kharkov? Didn’t they expect that they would be deceived at Minsk1, 2? Gorbachev also “took his word for it.” What did it lead to?

              Quote: Poru4ik
              Yes, they will eat these people who came from the Northern Military District without choking, and they will also slander and defame those who are now shedding blood so that they can grab more.

              I don't think so. These are not gangs of 100-200 people that have plagued Russia. There are hundreds of thousands of battle-hardened people here. Not a small force!
              1. +2
                27 July 2024 21: 43
                100 -200 people? Don’t make me laugh, there are already more than 10 million of them. Organized, armed, pumped up to their ears with hatred of everything Russian. Remember the scandal with the Chechen lawyer who broadcast from the blue screen to all of Russia that they would flood all of Moscow with blood. Only these “irreplaceable specialists” will fill all of Russia with blood. And when all the Russians are driven like cockroaches into various cracks, then the authorities, at the numerous requests of the working people, will introduce a state of emergency, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and the Armed Forces will come into play and will certainly have a blast. These naive children of villages and villages believed that everything in Russia belonged to them. They forgot what would happen to them if they came to their bai and said let’s share. Narrow-minded migrants believe that the Russian bai will be frightened and will give them his castles, banks, Bugattis, steamships and newspapers, as well as his daughters and mistresses. The Russian bai will give them such things that they will crap further than they can see. But it won’t matter to us.
                1. 0
                  27 July 2024 21: 51
                  Quote: Poru4ik
                  Only these “irreplaceable specialists” will fill all of Russia with blood.

                  That's what I'm telling you! I don’t think that men after SVO will tolerate all this.
                  1. +1
                    27 July 2024 22: 33
                    Against well-armed, trained, motivated by the hatred of millions with crowbars and stakes? How, how! Just try to get a self-defense weapon, let alone an actual firearm. You will curse everything and everyone. And rafiki are received wholesale and retail. So we will sit at home and tremble from every knock, and the men will not help here because strength breaks strength. And the power, thanks to our talented and fictitious people, is on their side.
                2. 0
                  27 July 2024 22: 32
                  Quote: Poru4ik
                  100 -200 people? Don't make my hooves laugh

                  This is news to me. I didn’t know that you had “hooves.” Did Basayev have thousands of militants? Nord-Ost was also captured by a thousand?
                  1. 0
                    27 July 2024 22: 37
                    Hooves is a catchphrase, but here’s how the militants traveled across all of Russia and no one had any questions anywhere. Do you think this is luck or an accident? No matter how it is, everything was worked out and carried out, as in the best houses of “London and Paris”
                    1. 0
                      27 July 2024 22: 41
                      Poru4ik (Alexandr)
                      90s “For currency is the slogan of our days” remember this song? Well, the legend about the donkey loaded with gold.
                      1. +1
                        27 July 2024 23: 15
                        Do you seriously believe that the “saints of 90” have passed? Don't be naive, they changed Adidas to Cartier, removed nuts and chains, removed tattoos, switched from geldings to Cayennes, but the animal essence did not change. They became even more cunning, cruel, without morals, frostbitten. And they will never give up everything “that they have acquired through back-breaking labor.” Fortunately, they have learned the historical experience 17 very well.
              2. +1
                27 July 2024 21: 48
                Did they calculate their actions at the very beginning of the SVO? Did you think that Russian troops would be “welcomed with flowers” ​​in Kharkov?
                Most likely the classic police scam “Bad cop, good cop”, or maybe the scenario is like this. It is difficult to judge this, there is too little information. But all these absurdities, clumsy body movements, outright lies lead to very unpleasant thoughts.
                1. +2
                  27 July 2024 21: 58
                  Poru4ik (Alexandr)
                  IMHO - Putin is a rather cowardly person or is he really being held for Faberge! Suffice it to recall the situation when Ukraine blocked the Crimean canal, leaving people without water. In my opinion, it was necessary to destroy this dam to Benya’s mother with a couple or more missiles! At one time, Israel bombed the Iraqi nuclear center. So what? Everyone gave a standing ovation!
              3. -2
                27 July 2024 21: 53
                in 45 millions came and didn’t ask anything from anyone
                1. +2
                  27 July 2024 22: 03
                  Quote: VZEM100
                  in 45 millions came and didn’t ask anything from anyone

                  Were there many majors in 1945? Didn't both of Stalin's sons fight? Was there a huge gap between the oligarchs and ordinary people? Under Stalin, did they steal on such a scale as now?
                  1. -5
                    27 July 2024 22: 05
                    Stalin's son became a general at the age of 26, so don't la-la
                    I read the memoirs of one Jewish artillery veteran who was sent from the front to study at a school in Saratov, so he wrote that the overwhelming majority of the cadets there were the sons of generals and party workers who saved them from the front in this way.
                    1. 0
                      27 July 2024 22: 08
                      Quote: VZEM100
                      Stalin's son became a general at the age of 26, so don't la-la

                      That is, he, Stalin’s son, was not at the front???? Well, now 30-year-old generals in skirts don’t surprise you!
                      1. -3
                        27 July 2024 22: 09
                        ....It was according to my mood.
                        I’m not defending the current regime; it’s just as vile as the others; I’m talking about the fact that there is little chance of overthrowing it. The West will also support him if anything happens.
                      2. -1
                        27 July 2024 22: 13
                        Quote: VZEM100
                        ....It was according to my mood.

                        You don’t deny that Stalin’s son was at the front? At the age of 30, what sectors of the Northern Military District were the generals noted in? Please, enlighten me!
                    2. -1
                      27 July 2024 22: 18
                      Quote: VZEM100
                      Stalin's son became a general at age 26

                      Which son was a general?
                  2. -4
                    27 July 2024 22: 08
                    Under Stalin they killed. There was enough of his own nastiness with him.
                    1. +2
                      27 July 2024 22: 15
                      Quote: VZEM100
                      Under Stalin they killed.

                      In your opinion, bribe takers and traitors should be sent to resorts? I wanted to write more rudely, but there are already 2 warnings from moderators
                      1. -4
                        27 July 2024 22: 17
                        56 showed how many real bribe-takers and traitors there were. and it’s a fact that a bunch of ordinary people were destroyed to this tune.
                      2. +1
                        27 July 2024 22: 22
                        Quote: VZEM100
                        56 showed how many real bribe-takers and traitors there were. and it’s a fact that a bunch of ordinary people were destroyed to this tune.

                        Who noted this fact? Solzhenitsyn, Razgon?
                      3. -5
                        27 July 2024 22: 24
                        commissions for the rehabilitation of Soviet citizens killed during the years of Stalin's terror.
                      4. 0
                        27 July 2024 22: 27
                        Quote: VZEM100
                        commissions for the rehabilitation of Soviet citizens killed during the years of Stalin's terror.

                        Both on! Did this commission, by any chance, “sing to Khrushchev’s tune”? Is the rehabilitation of former policemen and Bandera members also the right step?
                      5. -3
                        27 July 2024 22: 32
                        we are talking about victims of political repression when people were exterminated for dissent or simply because of a denunciation based on a conspiracy because a plan was launched from above against the enemies of the people
                      6. +1
                        27 July 2024 22: 36
                        Quote: VZEM100
                        we are talking about victims of political repression when people were exterminated for dissent or simply because of a denunciation based on a conspiracy because a plan was launched from above against the enemies of the people

                        Here, as they say, proof in the studio! I'm talking about plans against the enemies of the people! I read something else - not literally: you can’t let your guard down. I haven't read about the plans.
                      7. -3
                        27 July 2024 22: 40
                        arguing with you is part of the series: Americans have not been to the moon.
                        I wish you never experience this yourself
                      8. -1
                        27 July 2024 22: 45
                        [quote=ВЗЭМ100]disputes with you are part of the series: Americans haven’t been to the moon.
                        Well, to be honest, yes, I doubt it! Now they cannot remove their astronauts from orbit! With more advanced technology!
                      9. -2
                        27 July 2024 22: 56
                        VZEM100 (Vladimir)
                        Good night to you
  40. -3
    27 July 2024 17: 52
    In 1618, a campaign against Moscow took place led by the Polish prince Vladislav. The Zaporozhye army was led by the hetman of the registered Cossacks, Pyotr Sagaidachny. The Belsk Chronicle testifies to the beginning of this campaign, marked by the capture of the small town of Livny (now Oryol region) by the Cossacks. Livny was a small town from the “zasechnaya” line on the way of the Crimeans during their raids on Russia along the Muravsky Way:
    “...And he came, Pan Sagadachna, from Cherkasy near the Ukrainian city of Livny, and took Livny by storm, and shed a lot of Christian blood, he flogged many Orthodox peasants with their wives and children innocently, and he committed desecrations to many Orthodox Christians and desecrated the temples of God and he destroyed and plundered all Christian houses and took many wives and children captive..."
  41. -2
    27 July 2024 18: 03
    Grandfather Lenin also needs to say thank you for destroying the Russian idea.
    Russians have been recast as mythical Ukrainians for over 100 years.
    And now even the Minister of the DPR Miroshnik calls himself a Ukrainian, just like the nyashmyash Polonskaya. What can we say about simple cattle.
    1. +1
      27 July 2024 21: 45
      .......Maybe Miroshnik from the LPR? and when Belarusians call themselves Belarusians....
    2. 0
      27 July 2024 21: 49
      What does Lenin have to do with it? The Khokhly, even without his help, immediately distanced themselves from Russia as soon as such an opportunity presented itself.
      1. -2
        27 July 2024 22: 01
        Because Lenin introduced the policy of Indigenization and, according to his ideas, Russians had to repent for their imperialism and Russianness.
        1. 0
          27 July 2024 22: 02
          and everyone immediately began to repent. Most people didn't give a damn what he introduced there
          1. -1
            27 July 2024 22: 10
            Of course, you can read letters of complaints to newspapers from those years when Russians were broken over the knee.
            1. 0
              27 July 2024 22: 13
              I don’t need to read them, I went through the same thing since 91 only worse
          2. 0
            27 July 2024 22: 11
            The majority of the people are always plasticine; with proper ideological work, you can sculpt anything - either a communist or a Nazi... and if you’re lucky, a Russian will come back.
  42. +1
    27 July 2024 18: 18
    The Grassroots Zaporozhian Army, due to its spontaneous nature, was not strictly controlled by the central government of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
    His unbridled temper and considerable military strength attracted many political adventurers. In 1648, the Cossacks of the Nikitin Sich rebelled. The reason for the uprising was brought by the Cossack registered colonel Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who was at enmity with the Chigirin headman, the nobleman Chaplinsky
    . Kosh took the side of Khmelnitsky. The performance of the Cossacks was supported by the humble Orthodox population of Polish Ukraine. Initially, the Cossacks were successful. After a series of impressive victories over the gentry in 1648 (Zhovti Vody, Korsun, Pilyavtsy), the rebels concluded a truce with the Polish king John II Casimir. The victorious campaign ended on December 23, 1648 with the ceremonial entry of the Cossacks into Kyiv.
    However, in 1651, the rebels suffered a significant defeat from the Polish army in the Battle of Berestetsky. Bogdan Khmelnitsky is negotiating with the Poles, bargaining desperately. The population of Ukraine does not accept the agreements reached. The hatred of the Poles is so high that resistance is growing. But the forces are not equal, the former allies the Crimeans and Turks no longer support the rebels, the gentry, among whom there are still many Orthodox Christians, is trying to conclude a Slavic alliance with Moscow against the rootless cosmopolitans of the Zaporozhye army, whose atrocities during the Time of Troubles and during the Russian-Polish wars are well remembered in Russia. In order to upset this alliance, the Cossacks themselves were forced to ask for help from their fellow believer Russia.

    Bogdan Khmelnytsky, who received the title of hetman from the “hands” of the Sich, consulted with them about his desire to ask for the protection of the Russian Tsar. Back on December 26, 1653, he sent a letter from Chigirin to the Sich, in which he paid tribute to the Zaporozhye Cossacks for their contribution that they made while fighting with Poland. Hetman wrote: “Just as we began the colossus of war with the Poles not without the will and not without your advice, our brothers, so we do not want to accept the current no less matter of a request for the protection of the Russian Tsar, without your permission and advice.”
    In 1654, the Pereyaslav Rada was convened, declaring the transfer of the territories controlled by the rebels to the protectorate of Russia. However, representatives of the lower Zaporizhian Cossacks were not invited to the Pereyaslav Rada. At the Rada, the oath of allegiance to the Russian Tsar was taken by the registered Cossack foreman. The Sichs swore allegiance to the Russian Tsar around the end of May.
    The Zaporizhian Sich, not being part of any of the regiments of the Zaporozhian Army, had autonomy in the Hetmanate and was directly subordinate to the hetman. Unlike the regiments of the Zaporozhye Army, where the colonels were appointed by the hetman, the Sich itself chose its chieftain
    Despite the family ties between the Russian and Polish-Lithuanian nobility and all the grievances against the Cherkasy, Russian troops supported the rebel Cossacks, which led to the Russian-Polish War of 1654-1667.
    The war ended with the Truce of Andrusovo, under the terms of which the territories lying east of the Dnieper (Left Bank Ukraine and Siverschen) went to Russia, and those lying to the west (Right Bank Ukraine) went to Poland. At the same time, Zaporozhye simultaneously fell under the dual citizenship of the Russian Tsar and the Polish King.
  43. -2
    27 July 2024 18: 26
    The problem is that you are trying to be holier than the Pope... Understand, forgive, bros, etc. nonsense.
    Stop thinking about what they wanted and what they want. People are like plasticine - you can mold anything, even
    communist We must take what is ours and don’t care about other people’s interests.
    For Russia’s security, Ukraine needs to be deprived of access to the sea, which means it needs to reach the Dnieper and Transnistria. This is the basis.
    Whether the cities survive or are destroyed does not matter. The main thing is to take control of the resources of the Wild Field territory. Everything beyond the Dnieper will still be a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. This is suitable for resource extraction, something like compensation for all the centuries-old harm that Ukraine caused to Russia.
    Western Ukraine can be included in several states, but it must be given back not as in World War II - intact, but destroyed to the maximum.
    Ukraine will remain like several regions around Kyiv, but only demilitarized and deindustrialized and with a population of 5-10 million.
    1. -2
      27 July 2024 18: 56
      Where do the enemies of the USSR come from so much anger and hatred, the thirst to destroy and destroy everything? It turned out that the “image of the enemy” - the Soviet communists and their supporters - was not enough for you; you also made them the “image of the enemy.” enemies of the USSR in the rest of the former USSR and in the world.
  44. +2
    27 July 2024 19: 27
    I still don’t understand what the article is about? A collection of incoherent and meaningless sentences. If you look at it more broadly, for some reason, back in the early 50s, the CIA considered the areas of the Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnitsa and Zhitomir regions of the Ukrainian SSR as the most promising in terms of subversive activities against the USSR. The areas where the UPA detachments bloomed wildly were not considered such. Why not? The reason is in the present past of the Ukrainian lands under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where the most oppressed population were the Orthodox, above them stood the Jews who had much more rights, and even higher were the Uniates and Catholics. Therefore, the main driving force of Ukrainian independence are the Jews who are fighting for the promised land without the goyim with the creation of their own state, in contrast to the Slavic suckers who simply want to tear these lands away from Russia in order to give them to new owners under whose rule they hope to live a heavenly life. If anyone doesn’t believe it, they can look at the list of parties that made up the Central Rada and the Directory and be a little surprised. In addition, Ukraine itself, since the time of Kuchma, is the Dnepropetrovsk industrial mafia that rose from the theft of Donbass and the Lvov pseudo-intelligentsia to give “not Russia” some visible distance from the Russian Federation. And the Russian Federation itself allowed this Caudle to grow and develop unhindered, so there’s no point in blaming his face if he’s crooked...
  45. +1
    27 July 2024 19: 59
    The reason for the destruction of the Zaporozhye Sich was the endless complaints to Catherine II about the Cossacks from foreigners, who were summoned to Russia during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna and with their settlements occupied the eastern and western outskirts of the Zaporozhye liberties, founding Elisavetgrad in the west, Lugansk in the east. They were Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians, Serbs, known under the general name of New Serbs and Slavic Serbs. They squeezed the Cossacks from both sides, just as a reptile of enormous size squeezes a man with its rings.
    Inaccurate delimitation of land boundaries between the newcomers and the Cossacks often caused disputes that turned into fights, and even murders on one side and the other. Protecting their liberties from the invaders, the Cossacks sent complaint after complaint to the capital. But where could they, small people, fight with such great people as the Croats, Miloradovichs, Depreradovichs, Sheviches and others, who, having moved from abroad to Russia, soon received land and high ranks and had access to the very royal throne. In the capital, the Cossacks were treated as wild people, as robbers, as murderers who should be subject to political punishment.
    This led to the fact that in 1775, on June 4, the Zaporozhye Sich disappeared.”
    1. -1
      28 July 2024 19: 53
      After the conquest of Crimea, Zaporozhye exhausted itself. Well, the last straw was the delegation from Pugachev. They did not join the uprising. But the messengers were not detained either. A similar thing happened under Bulavin. For the first time, Peter 1 disbanded them. It was later that Elizabeth gave them a second life.
  46. -1
    27 July 2024 20: 15
    Among the reasons for the liquidation, historians highlight:
    the reluctance of the Russian government to have a “state within a state”
    Sich's opportunity to gain independence
    Catherine's fears of a possible alliance of the Sich with the Crimean Khanate against Russia
    the desire of the Russian upper class to seize the lands and natural resources of the Cossack republic
    the desire of the government, by spreading serfdom in Zaporozhye, to reduce the crisis of the feudal-serf system of the Russian Empire
    Zaporozhye was the center of the anti-feudal and anti-serfdom struggle, and the government wanted to protect itself from this
    after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire, the threat from the Crimean Tatars disappeared, and the need to tolerate the Ukrainian Cossacks and their democracy also disappeared
    1. +1
      27 July 2024 22: 58
      Quote: VZEM100
      the need to tolerate the Ukrainian Cossacks and their democracy has also disappeared

      Well, now there is no doubt that you are from TsIPSO, here you are retelling this invention of Ukrainian pseudo-historians, who all belong in a mental hospital.
      1. -2
        27 July 2024 23: 01
        What's the idea? In Russia at that time there was a serf system and they had equality (this is in the 18th century), it is natural that they represented a danger in this regard.
  47. +2
    27 July 2024 21: 00
    The Azov prisoners showed the whole world how the Russian special services work. We must answer for war crimes.
    Of course, they see everything - they take you captive on a bus, they treat you, they fatten you up, they give you iPhones, they take you to Turkey, they simply exchange you. Do whatever you want. The small fry answers, and the leaders escape unpunished.
  48. 0
    27 July 2024 21: 59
    Quote: VZEM100
    .......Maybe Miroshnik from the LPR? and when Belarusians call themselves Belarusians....

    It's like Siberian - a fictional nation when Russians were divided into varieties like sausage.
    1. -2
      27 July 2024 22: 27
      it is a fictional nation in your imagination. If a Siberian can still be brought under this “definition”, and even then not just anyone.... then a Ukrainian and a Belarusian are unlikely to take into account their history.
  49. +1
    27 July 2024 22: 08
    Quote: tatra
    Where do the enemies of the USSR come from so much anger and hatred, the thirst to destroy and destroy everything? It turned out that the “image of the enemy” - the Soviet communists and their supporters - was not enough for you; you also made them the “image of the enemy.” enemies of the USSR in the rest of the former USSR and in the world.

    And where do you get so much urge to give away technology and resources to Russia’s centuries-old enemies, you gave away all sorts of T72s and allowed them to be sold instead of yourself? Why did all sorts of Hungarians, Poles, etc. live better than in Central Russia? I’m generally silent about virgin lands. Why in the 1980s were the production facilities of Ukraine and the Baltic states modernized (with foreign machines), but Russia was left behind again?
    It’s simple - for a communist, Russian nationality is not important, national minorities and class are a priority. All the republics rode on the Russian hump, no wonder they caught the crown.
  50. +2
    27 July 2024 22: 18
    Quote: VZEM100
    Among the reasons for the liquidation, historians highlight:
    the reluctance of the Russian government to have a “state within a state”
    Sich's opportunity to gain independence
    Catherine's fears of a possible alliance of the Sich with the Crimean Khanate against Russia
    the desire of the Russian upper class to seize the lands and natural resources of the Cossack republic
    the desire of the government, by spreading serfdom in Zaporozhye, to reduce the crisis of the feudal-serf system of the Russian Empire
    Zaporozhye was the center of the anti-feudal and anti-serfdom struggle, and the government wanted to protect itself from this
    after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire, the threat from the Crimean Tatars disappeared, and the need to tolerate the Ukrainian Cossacks and their democracy also disappeared

    The only ideology of the Sich is to become a lord. Get on the register, get an allotment and cattle. This is what the fight has always been about. The Poles expanded the register, but they pulled into Catholicism, discriminating against the Orthodox. Russia also expanded and the scale was lifted.
    The Poles owned the lands, they lost their lands. Those who lay down under the lyakhlov were given from the master's shoulder.
  51. +1
    27 July 2024 22: 22
    Quote: Totor5

    The only ideology of the Sich is to become a lord. Get on the register, get an allotment and cattle. This is what the fight has always been about.

    Simple as that .
    1. +1
      27 July 2024 22: 35
      If you meet a Ukrainian or Belarusian on the street, you will not distinguish him from a Russian.
      If a Russian lives in China, this does not make him Chinese. If a Russian lives in Kyiv, this does not make him a Ukrainian. For example, who is Kolomoisky or Syrsky? Do you think Ukrainians?
      A Ukrainian is the same Russian as a Novgorodian. Novgorod at one time lost its statehood, so to speak... what if not?
      1. 0
        27 July 2024 22: 39
        it is possible to distinguish a real Belarusian and a Khokhla from a real Russian (what they were like at the time of the formation of these nationalities and what representatives are still found among them). Anthropologists have dealt with this issue a lot and have developed characteristic anthropological types and types of appearance of these peoples. Look on the Internet for a police album to identify nationalities, there are the main types of nationalities of the USSR.
        1. +1
          27 July 2024 22: 44
          And the residents of Voronezh from Vologzhanka?
  52. +2
    27 July 2024 22: 25
    Ukrainian is not a nationality, but a political orientation. There is a communist, there is a fascist, there is a liberal, there is a Ukrainian. It's just that as part of the historical joke of this fictional nation, a state fell from the sky. The language is made up, the story is made up - that’s what makes it crazy.
    They betrayed their language, their faith, their ancestors. What will happen to them and how many of them will remain - I don’t care, there is no pity for them, only contempt.
    1. -3
      27 July 2024 22: 35
      This is your subjective opinion, perhaps due to illiteracy or unwillingness to understand this issue because you are subconsciously afraid of the truth.
      1. +1
        27 July 2024 22: 42
        Of course, this is my opinion, it’s not your opinion for me to have. It’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth, that’s why I say it, despite the disadvantages.
        Regarding ukro shiza...if a person speaks perfect Russian (like his ancestors), but despises this language, despises his faith and renounces it, spits on the graves of his ancestors, then who is he?
        All this has already happened, there are books and films about it. I gave birth to you, I will kill you - that’s what’s happening in Ukraine now.
        1. -1
          27 July 2024 22: 45
          He speaks Russian because they taught him at school, and his grandfathers and great-grandfathers say Ukrainian. It’s more likely to still be considered a Ukrainian because language is not the main defining feature, especially if he doesn’t want it himself and you won’t change him with any persuasion.
          1. +1
            27 July 2024 22: 47
            Ukrainian...then apparently it will be about digging the Black Sea and Ukrainian Jesus
            1. -1
              27 July 2024 22: 53
              They have their own history and their own language, which unfortunately they have tried to impose on Russians all their lives without thinking about the consequences
              1. +1
                27 July 2024 22: 54
                Any village has a any tattered cat, but this does not make it a dog.
                1. +1
                  27 July 2024 22: 55
                  such a dismissive attitude towards them will not bring you anything good except temporary complacency
                  1. 0
                    27 July 2024 22: 57
                    I judge by business. We'll see what it leads to.
        2. +1
          27 July 2024 22: 48
          There is no such split in Ukraine now.
          1. +2
            27 July 2024 22: 52
            Well, it’s not in vain that we worked on this for 100 years. They created a fictitious nation - the antipode of the Russian one. Now it's time to slurp up this bloody mess. It’s good that the Anglo-Saxons do not allow Zelensky to sign a shameful peace like Minsk or Istanbul, this gives Russian patriots a chance to bring the matter to the end.
            1. -1
              27 July 2024 22: 54
              there will be no end. at least this century.
              1. +1
                27 July 2024 22: 56
                Wow, Nostradamus. And they said that there are only rabble on the Internet.
                1. +1
                  27 July 2024 22: 57
                  Imagine. in 91, they were exactly given 25 years before the war with Russia.
                  1. +2
                    27 July 2024 22: 59
                    2022-1991 = 31.
                    You don’t need to be smart to understand that there will be a war when a Nazi quasi-state is created on your borders.
                    1. 0
                      27 July 2024 23: 03
                      and yet few understood it back then
                    2. +3
                      28 July 2024 02: 07
                      I’ll also note this: 0066-0033=33,.... 2024 - 1991=33. Deep meaning!

                      After the nationwide betrayal of the ideas of justice and the collapse of the USSR, as many years have passed as have passed since the nationwide betrayal and crucifixion of Christ in Ancient Judea. And then the war with Rome began. And the Jews betrayed Christ precisely in order to avoid this war.
                      1. +1
                        28 July 2024 02: 13
                        And there were just as many on the stove - that’s the magic of numbers
  53. +3
    27 July 2024 22: 47
    I think it’s a fairly imaginative story about the perception of life. Some will agree, some will not. It's about something else. A home-grown philosopher says that the slightest mistake, the slightest failure drives a person to the bottom of life. Career growth stopped, I took on loans that simply cannot be repaid, I sold my property...
    - it’s the same in Russia - if you don’t agree with the line of United Russia, then you are not loyal to the authorities, if you left the trade union - you are not loyal, if you pointed out to your boss that he was wrong - you are not loyal, and accordingly, your career has gone. down, and everyone understands perfectly well that we don’t have any trade unions, all that we call trade unions is a mafia, a group of strikebreakers, because we don’t have truly independent trade unions!
  54. kvv
    27 July 2024 23: 23
    the author scribbled a lot, but never got to the point, but the point is that the Dnepropetrovsk clan seized power in Kukuevo and fiercely hated the “downbass”, considering them marginalized, drunks and sub-Ukrainians, Dnepropetrovsk Jews are not Russians, they are Russian-speaking Jews and those who joined they grew up, and the Jews always and at all times joined the side that had the power, and the Galician Raguli had the power at that time, so the Dnepropetrovsk Russian-speaking Jews changed their shoes in the air and all immediately became Orthodox Ukrainians and furiously began to prove that they were Ukrainians through genocide population of Donbass
    1. +2
      28 July 2024 02: 59
      If some “Jews” and mysterious “Russians” decide the fate of Russia, then what is the price for the indigenous peoples themselves and, above all, for the Russians?

      Heh....heh...the German Fuhrer a hundred years ago justified the inferiority of the nation in exactly this way.

      It's not about the "Jews". And first of all, the modern Russian people don’t care about anything in the world, including their own destiny. This is eclmn.... already a diagnosis....

      Yes, any just normal person understands that such things as the collapse of the country in December 1991, when three dudes at night under a Christmas tree in the forest in Belovezhskaya Pushcha divided a State with a population of about 300 million...For a normal society, this is the ravings of a madman, which simply cannot exist in reality!

      Just like a war at the expense of foreign countries with close relatives... This kind of thing only happens in the madhouse or here. What the hell are “Jews”?.....
  55. +1
    28 July 2024 14: 46
    The Azov prisoners showed the whole world how the Russian special services work.
    Is this irony or what?
  56. kvv
    28 July 2024 15: 48
    Quote: ivan2022
    If some “Jews” and mysterious “Russians” decide the fate of Russia, then what is the price for the indigenous peoples themselves and, above all, for the Russians?

    Heh....heh...the German Fuhrer a hundred years ago justified the inferiority of the nation in exactly this way.

    It's not about the "Jews". And first of all, the modern Russian people don’t care about anything in the world, including their own destiny. This is eclmn.... already a diagnosis....

    Yes, any just normal person understands that such things as the collapse of the country in December 1991, when three dudes at night under a Christmas tree in the forest in Belovezhskaya Pushcha divided a State with a population of about 300 million...For a normal society, this is the ravings of a madman, which simply cannot exist in reality!

    Just like a war at the expense of foreign countries with close relatives... This kind of thing only happens in the madhouse or here. What the hell are “Jews”?.....

    you read more carefully before you write anything, I have. In fasting, there is no connection at all between the Jews and their accomplices - Russian native-born "Russians" - and the fate of Russia, I wrote exclusively about the outskirts and about who seized power in the former city of the hero, but Donbass with its multinational population did not submit to this, read again carefully and don't think for others
    1. 0
      28 July 2024 16: 47
      Does this happen in order to “seize power in a hero city”? What about in the country? Not? Not captured? So, is the “former city-hero” fighting against Russia alone?

      Wasn’t it the “Russians” who divided the USSR? But only the residents are “Jewish” from the “former hero city”?

      You should, sir, at least think for yourself.....
  57. 0
    28 July 2024 22: 31
    Another 100-500 thousand explanation... something there.
    I wonder if after 2, 3, 5 years, everyone will still be writing the next explanations?
  58. 0
    31 July 2024 14: 15
    Unfortunately, I can’t “put myself in the shoes” of a person who wants to kill someone in order to live better himself.

    this is unnatural for homo sapiens, whom God conceived and created

    This happens in the animal world, you can’t survive there any other way
  59. 0
    1 August 2024 23: 49
    It remains to add that it is in Dnepropetrovsk that the largest synagogue in the Outskirts is located, and before the events of 1917, 70% of the inhabitants were recorded as “Jews”. Against the background of these facts, everything else could not be read. Benya Kolomoisky, by the way, will also be from those places.
  60. The comment was deleted.
  61. 0
    16 August 2024 19: 12
    satanist propaganda - look at the picture.