How interesting it is to watch how a pack lives after the leader leaves... A little about the situation in Europe

How interesting it is to watch how a pack lives after the leader leaves... A little about the situation in Europe

Sometimes, when international politics and war with all the problems and intrigues begin to tear the brain apart, for my own salvation, relaxation and calming down I watch films about nature. Yesterday I enjoyed the story about the life of a pride of lions in the savannah.

The spectacle is quite beautiful, sometimes kind, sometimes cruel. Ordinary life, not very different from human life. Only more honest, probably. It's easier for Leos. They don't talk much, they do. The young lion wanted to overthrow the leader and, without talking much, attacked alone or with his comrades.

It worked out well, it didn’t work out - he crawled away to lick his wounds. And this is normal democracy. Most people, lionesses and cubs, don't give a damn. They live an ordinary life. All decisions are made jointly. Everything is like ours. A summit is being held to exchange views. Everyone comes with their own opinion, but disagrees with the leader’s opinion.

True, if another pride tries to occupy their territory, everyone has to fight. But this is quite a rare occurrence. Once or twice a year... But, unlike people, the leader is the first to go into battle. Sometimes the war ends there. Sometimes others have to fight too.

Why am I saying this? I looked at the screen and suddenly realized that the global West is now experiencing approximately the same crisis as the pride of lions is experiencing, when the old leader loses his strength and power. In the West, as in the Pride, there is now exactly the same discord.

The usual way of life is collapsing. We need a new leader. But he’s not there! There are many lions, young, strong, ambitious. Even those who have long imitated their superiority over others, but... When it comes to taking responsibility for the pride, they prefer second roles. Thus, there is confusion and vacillation in society. Some go to the forest, some for firewood.

We will fight, but without a fight

What is happening in the United States today is of little interest to me. It has long been clear that old Biden simply will not physically be able to go through the election campaign and will be replaced. True, in my opinion, this happened too early. It was necessary to wait a couple of weeks. But the assassination attempt on Trump confused the Democrats' cards.

I'm interested in Europe. And what is happening on our borders, the union state, and in European capitals. And now, to put it bluntly, there is panic. The opinion of the “old leader,” which dominated for quite a long time, is in little agreement with the opinion of the possible new leader. I am interested in Poland, which until recently claimed to be the main ally of the United States in Europe.

How, for example, can one combine numerous statements by Polish President Andrzej Duda about an imminent war with Russia and the decision of the Polish government to refuse to build defensive fortifications on the Russian-Polish border in the Kaliningrad region?

How to combine the statements of Polish politicians at various levels about the military threat and the statements of their own military, who do not believe in the very possibility of such an attack from Russia?

We have adopted a slightly distorted understanding of the term “Russian-Polish border”. We have become so accustomed to the fact that Belarus is a fraternal people, a fraternal state, that we perceive the Polish-Belarusian border as ours. This is correct, from my point of view, but legally, having loudly announced the construction of some new line of defense on the border with Russia, Warsaw was only talking about a direct border.

That is, about those 204 km in the Kaliningrad region where we actually border. It was there that the Poles were supposed to place numerous border monitoring systems, build some structures, firing positions, plant forests, etc. A sort of “Tusk line” (Polish Prime Minister) similar to those systems that existed in the pre-war period in Finland and France.

Why this “line” was needed in Warsaw was clear from the very beginning. The Poles are quite cunning and did not intend to build anything on their own. They simply used, sometimes provoking the leadership of the alliance, statements by European politicians and NATO leaders about the need to strengthen the borders of the bloc. The idea itself is interesting. Not only should the NATO organization finance this construction, but you can also put something into your own pocket.

If we add to this the construction and further operation of American bases in Poland, military infrastructure and other things, a quite decent foundation is created for the development of the country and stopping the departure of young people to “old Europe”. It has long been clear that the huge number of “brother Ukrainians” who have already taken root in Poland and clearly have no intention of leaving back are worrying the authorities.

It is strange for me to observe the surprise of some respected experts, which they expressed at the recent statement by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tomasz Siemoniak, that powerful fortifications will not be built on the Russian-Polish border. The Polish-Belarusian border is enough. It's even a little offensive somehow. “There’s enough barbed wire there.”

It may be difficult to combine talk at NATO summits about a lack of funds and the alliance's plans for expansion. The alliance has no money, there is no construction of NATO fortifications in Poland. Moreover, where the Poles themselves need some kind of fortifications, money is found. Look how actively they are developing the “Safe Underwood” program. Suffice it to mention the increase in the military contingent in less than a year by 11 thousand people: from 6 to 17 thousand!

Warsaw does not intend to fight. They understand perfectly well that Poland is of no interest to Russia. Capturing its territory will in no way strengthen our defense capabilities. On the contrary, hypothetically, in the event of a conflict with the West, the same thing could happen that happened in 1941 on our western borders.

Here it is necessary to clarify the statement of Polish President Andrzej Duda that Russia’s victory in the conflict in Ukraine could lead to war with NATO. The Law and Justice party, which Duda represents, miserably lost the elections to Tusk’s party. That is, the traditionalist Catholics were defeated by the liberals.

So inside Poland there is now a hidden struggle between these currents. I’m not even afraid to say, such a “cold civil war”... This is already noticeable even without a scrupulous examination of the internal life of Poland. And the contrast between the statements of the president and the government is one of the manifestations of the influence of this struggle on the country’s foreign policy.

For a long time, conservatives and liberals got along quite well in the ruling elite of Poland. About the same as Democrats and Republicans in the USA. They were on the surface of life, while periodically changing their role in governing the country. The ruling party is the opposition. It seems to me that today Tusk is much more powerful than Duda. Simply because the bureaucracy is “under the prime minister.” Duda is just a “mannequin in a window”...

It may sound strange to some, but holding a weapon in your hands adds intelligence

Let me return to my statement about Polish armies, whose representatives are confident that Russia will not attack. The military has always been distinguished not only by courage, but also by education. Military academies have always been considered among the best educational institutions in the country. Poland is no exception.

Polish intelligence works in exactly the same way as the intelligence services of other countries. Because for the Poles it’s completely newsthat the Kaliningrad garrison and the naval base in the region are simply physically unable to carry out an effective offensive with the available forces. Basic arithmetic! There are enough of them to defend the enclave, but in the event of an attack there is not the necessary superiority of forces.

The only thing against this logic is the location of the enclave, which is favorable for an offensive. Geography is also a science. But the fact is that arithmetic has nothing to do with geography in Kaliningrad. Well there aren't thousands tanks, thousands of artillery systems, a huge garrison and more. The fairy tale for preschoolers about the possibility of secretly deploying such forces in an area does not work in modern conditions.

Moreover, judging by indirect signs, Polish and Russian border guards get along quite well and maintain constant contact with each other. At the border, everyone understands that it is they who will take the blow if something happens and will most likely die. The first casualties of the war. But the instinct of self-preservation has not been canceled.

The same cannot be said about our other neighbors, however. I mean the Balts. Three great powers, the total population of which is inferior in size to St. Petersburg alone. Countries where the majority of the population is infected with the psychosis of the war with Russia.

I understand that now someone will say that I am looking at the situation too radically. Perhaps, if we consider direct hostilities between our countries to be war. But there, and also the “Young Donatists” from Finland, consider actions completely unrelated to the army to be an attack. We are talking about the flow of refugees from the Asian region who are heading to EU countries.

In my opinion, they think it is quite reasonable. Young Asians, in a confrontation with the aging population of the Baltic states, are winning on all counts. So, given the small population of these countries, the Baltic states will very quickly become an Islamic republic. And not in name, but in essence.

Fun days and even months await us

In general, we should expect many interesting events over the next couple of months. There is no leader in a pride. There is anarchy in the pride. Everyone is against everyone. The next event is on Friday. Let's see how Paris will open the Olympics. We couldn’t wait to see how Macron took a swim in the Seine. Now the opening...

Ukraine. Everything is more or less clear here. There will be no repeat peace summit with Russia's participation before the US elections. All Kyiv's efforts in this direction look ridiculous. Nobody is interested in Ukraine today. Your shirt is closer to your body. The leaders of European countries already understand that they have played too much and may soon have to answer uncomfortable questions from their voters.

Events on LBS. We should expect some changes there too. Every day of war gives birth to pacifists. Including in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the political elite of Ukraine. They are already openly talking about the need to remove Zelensky from power. About the territories that must be given up in exchange for maintaining statehood. Ukraine is maturing...

What should we think about? First of all, about the safety of our rear. I have written several times about the measures that simply need to be implemented in the coming days. I won't repeat myself. The life of Russians is the most important task for the state.

Further. Despite the fact that the internal political situation in European countries and Ukraine is tense, we should expect the activation of dormant DRGs and agents. Terrorist attacks are possible on the border and inside the country.

The main thing is not to relax...
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  1. 11+
    26 July 2024 03: 58
    So you take all the problems described in the article and change the names of the countries, and nothing will change. I’m afraid that by the time the Balts accept Islam, we will already be in paradise, because Islamization is in full swing here, and our leader, if he exists at all, of course, is not doing anything special. This is where Akella was apparently deceived, for the three hundredth time.....
    1. +1
      26 July 2024 09: 44
      Islam (putting aside radical extremist movements hiding behind the Islamic flag) is one of the traditional religions and is quite respected in our country. as well as Christianity (again, without totalitarian sects under the guise), Judaism, Buddhism.
      So, if you are sounding the alarm, then you need to call a spade a spade: the threat is not Islam, but extremist fanatics.
    2. -1
      26 July 2024 10: 22
      Quote from turembo
      I'm afraid that by the time the Balts convert to Islam, we will already be in paradise

      In the Baltics there are about 8% of the total population, but there are only a few of them in Central Asia, and there are also very few from the Middle East. So Europe is more likely to become a country of Islam before the Baltic states.
  2. +7
    26 July 2024 04: 30
    In order to determine how serious and relevant this author’s article is, the author’s request will explain the following words in the article... “AND WHAT IS HAPPENING ON OUR, THE UNION STATE, BORDERS AND EUROPEAN COUNTRIES.” Which state did the author mean? A state is a single border, parliament, anthem, flag, army, currency throughout the entire territory of the state. If the author meant allied relations between the Russian Federation and Belarus, then some and some relations between two states are not a single state. Moreover, Belarus does not even recognize the integrity of Russia’s state borders with Crimea as part of Russia. What kind of state is this that its part does not recognize the whole? i.e. own boundaries, in this case. Possible because UNION STATES or UNITED STATE. For twenty-five years, Russia and Belarus have not become one state, and there is no point in “feeding” us the myth that we are part of one union state. What is this state called in this case? What is this state's anthem, flag, and parliament?
    1. +2
      26 July 2024 05: 36
      Quote: north 2
      For twenty-five years, Russia and Belarus have not become one state, and there is no point in “feeding” us the myth that we are part of one union state.

      I can confirm this from my own “everyday” experience! Especially when communicating with authorities.
    2. -1
      26 July 2024 09: 47
      it (SG) is called that. It is clear that it is not a “state” in the usual sense, but the term is official.
      and specifically in terms of borders - here the integration is strong, there are Russian troops and weapons on the territory of Belarus, and if something serious happens “from there”, I am 99% sure that we will “fit in”.
      As for the “recognition of Crimea” - I think this is a conscious agreement between the GDP and the AHL: we needed a “sort of neutral Belarus” as one of the interfaces to the West, and for the West to believe that if anything, it could “Ukrainize” it. True, we played a little with the latter and were on the verge of “BelMaidan” a couple of years ago. Now, I think, be more attentive and careful...
  3. +5
    26 July 2024 06: 00
    Many of our difficulties are related to the decisions of the 90s. Signing the Belovezhskaya Agreement and not thinking about the land route to Kaliningrad was the height of frivolity. At that time, many of our representatives were confirmed by the ideas of a compact state. Yegor Gaidar stood out among them. And I must say, this people managed to influence Yeltsin. The Agreement was signed without any conditions. It is difficult to restore what was given with a light hand without conditions.
    1. +1
      26 July 2024 10: 25
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      It is difficult to restore something that was given away without conditions.

      Everything was done due to drunkenness, and not “lightly.”
  4. +4
    26 July 2024 06: 10
    In which Soviet film, one of the characters in the film writes “horror stories” about how to cure someone. “The more tears, the more relief. The cure lies in tears!” (c) And the author writes a kind of “explanation”, this is another one . smile
  5. +4
    26 July 2024 06: 51
    Another drawing of an owl onto the globe. Sweet nonsense from Staver for “those who believe in the infallibility of the grandmaster.” What does Poland have to do with it? This applies to any country where the government claims that the neighbor is bad and is preparing to attack. By the way, this also applies to the Russian leadership.
    1. +8
      26 July 2024 07: 12
      I would like to add. The search for enemies around us led to the fact that there were no friends left, not even “partners”. We had to go where they spat with relish.. The country’s politics cannot be so clumsy, leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of people
  6. 0
    26 July 2024 08: 06
    After reading the title of the article, I thought about something completely different...
  7. 0
    26 July 2024 08: 22
    People who do not know the methods of mathematical scaling of big data are not able to see and separate private individual reasoning and the level of reasoning of power elites. Anyone who says anything while arguing will be right because he sees his own position. But there is also a reality that is subject to the physical laws of process development and is based on a combination of large data. And I will say briefly that the confrontation between the largest countries that determine the development of our civilization will last for a long time and forever. Because war for the United States is an opportunity to support the development of production, as indeed for everyone. And Russia is an ideal opponent which can be justified as a visible enemy of Western ideology. But Russia is also the owner of real natural resources in a complex that is concentrated in the same hands and which determine the potential of the country and the country as an enemy to the West. And since there is not a single real energy production technology that does not depend on the resource base, then wars to support development as a process of ensuring the existence of countries will be long and it is clear how long.
  8. 0
    26 July 2024 08: 31
    To a certain extent, Europe is a hostage precisely to the resource base that ensures development. This means that Europe will be in uncertainty of its position and dependence on either Russia or the United States on a whole range of issues manifested in their timely dominance.
  9. 0
    26 July 2024 08: 59
    Due to the fact that the West has fenced itself off from us with a fence, which is quite leaky by the way. Now we shouldn’t give a damn what’s going on there. Here’s something new - France notified its neighbors that they are reducing energy exports to Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium, and very significantly. (on the first place on the list, who will suffer the most). Let them now attach a pedal drive to the wind generators and disperse the clouds with their hands. Their problems should only make us happy. Yes, and “Porshak” is not doing well, they have not been sanctioned.
  10. -2
    26 July 2024 09: 37
    The problems of Western Europe are that world wars broke out on its territory twice, from which the USA and Britain benefited. Therefore, even the creation of its own union - the EU - ultimately did not help Europe.

    Russia's problems are much worse. Russia remained at the level of social relations of the 17th century. With persons reigning for life, classes, serfs. And with the imitation of European orders at the official level.

    The impression is that Euro-Russia is being prepared for a final cleansing. There are already clear signs of degradation and extinction of entire peoples. Russia has reached the level of annual losses of half a million.
  11. +2
    26 July 2024 11: 14
    Quote: ivan2022
    The problems of Western Europe are that world wars broke out on its territory twice, from which the USA and Britain benefited.

    You are right about the First World War, but I think not about the Second. Britain also lost - its empire was destroyed, which the war contributed greatly to.

    Quote: ivan2022
    Russia's problems are much worse. Russia remained at the level of social relations of the 17th century. With persons reigning for life, classes, serfs. And with the imitation of European orders at the official level.

    Quote: ivan2022
    The impression is that Euro-Russia is being prepared for a final cleansing. There are already clear signs of degradation and extinction of entire peoples. Russia has reached the level of annual losses of half a million.

    This is what our external enemies arranged for us? Internal? Martians? Traitors in power? Stupid people? Or, even worse, the inevitable outcome of historical development?
  12. 0
    26 July 2024 13: 45
    Moreover, judging by indirect signs, Polish and Russian border guards get along quite well and maintain constant contact with each other.

    Reminded me of an anecdote heard in Kaliningrad on the eve of the 18 World Cup.
    - Fuck! Bang-bang-bang!
    - And what? Did the Russians attack?
    - No, lieutenant sir, it’s a Russian holiday, they let off fireworks. Isn't it beautiful?
    - Yes... beautiful. But very scary!
  13. 0
    26 July 2024 15: 33
    What is the difference between a pride and “a group of people commonly referred to as a gang”? Among animals, the king is always REAL! People may have a wallet person, a TV king, or “one who will sit for them.” The alternative is to fight. Why do it yourself? Give money - and specially trained people are already fighting for you. Moreover, they themselves will voluntarily line up to fight for you. Just PAY!

    The world of people is simple and understandable. 87% trust the media and will approve of everything that is imposed on them. 10% are focused on themselves, “if my dear one would live, there would be no other worries.” And only 3% create life-being and know what they are doing.

    Democracy is a great thing! 87% will always and in any country in the world “approve” of the opinion of the “idiot box”. And this will be an honest - no joke - democratic victory of the law-abiding over the sensible.

    People are smart animals. But we proudly consider ourselves intelligent, and therefore we have strictly forbidden all our sciences to study the REAL behavior of the “smart animal”;)

    PS: Ah, BaBiden! The first Zombie President... But no, they say, it’s already the second. The first with the organ grinder was Yeltsin.
    1. -1
      29 July 2024 07: 32
      These 87% approve because they do not recognize any democracy.
      Alexander III also said: “The Russian peasant needs a Tsar and a whip in the Tsar’s hand.”
      This is not stupidity, this is an ancient tradition of the people, which in the 21st century remains the same as it was in the 17th century.

      And there is no need to blame democracy. Some dancers are hampered not only by democracy, but also by their balls. And for those who know how to use it, everything will benefit.
      This is how it happens, when you step on a rake, you can’t blame them. If there is a crack on the forehead.
      On the contrary, we need to be stronger... Either so that it comes through or so that we don’t take someone else’s place on Earth laughing
  14. BAI
    26 July 2024 15: 48
    and the lion cubs don’t care.

    The lion cubs don't give a damn. The new leader of the pride physically destroys the male offspring of the previous leader.
    Only females survive
  15. 0
    27 July 2024 13: 09
    Quote: ivan2022
    The problems of Western Europe are that world wars broke out on its territory twice, from which the USA and Britain benefited.

    Britain is the biggest loser at the end of the 20th century. It entered the 20th century as an empire “on which the sun never set,” but emerged as a small stub and a second-rate power, on which the Yankees wiped their feet more than once and use it like Shakespeare’s Moor.

    Well, Europe is no stranger to internal bloodletting. The Thirty Years' War and the Napoleonic Wars also did not take place in Africa.
  16. +1
    27 July 2024 13: 13
    Quote from: dmi.pris1
    The search for enemies around us led to the fact that there were no friends left, not even “partners”

    “The young anti-Soviet republic was suffocating in the circle of friends.” laughing

    What the hell kind of friends did we have? Were we friends in the West? With bloodsucking friends like these, you don't even need enemies.
    Well, how these “Western friends” treated us in post-Soviet times has been proven more than once by deeds.
    There was a time when the West flirted with Yugoslavia. And where is that Yugoslavia, SFRY now?
  17. +1
    29 July 2024 09: 00
    lionesses and lion cubs don't care

    Not really, the new leader is killing lion cubs....
  18. +1
    30 July 2024 06: 31
    The whole of Estonia has a population of about 900 thousand. They are objectively dying out even without any war; experts say this is a matter of one generation (25 years).
  19. 0
    30 July 2024 10: 08
    Quote: Ady66
    lionesses and lion cubs don't care

    Not really, the new leader is killing lion cubs....

    It is difficult for me to assess the author's competence in politics, but in zoology he is... like a pig in oranges. And the extraordinary ease of thought and pen in the first one evokes certain doubts.
  20. 0
    30 July 2024 22: 17
    Sometimes, when international politics and war with all the problems and intrigues begin to tear my brain apart, for my own salvation, relaxation and calm, I watch films about nature. So yesterday I enjoyed a story about the life of a pride of lions in the savannah.
    - and I enjoy Staver’s articles laughing