Nazi Children's Factory

None of the structures of Nazi Germany was so much shrouded in a veil of secrecy as Lebensborn. The number of myths born around him overshadows even the legendary “Ahnenerbe”. What was this project really about? Laboratory for growing people? Or an ordinary SS brothel?

Nazi Children's Factory

The idea of ​​the program "Lebensborn" goes back to a number of the main tenets of the Nazi ideology - if a German child was conceived, it must be born. The birth of powerless and sick people is unnatural and must be corrected. The "precious blood" of the Aryans in no case should not be confused with the "defective" representatives. “Lebensborn” was not a eugenic organization in which blond and blue-eyed women and men made children to the Führer. Nor was she a charitable society that took care of single mothers and their offspring. "Lebensborn" can be described as an SS institution, a tool of Hitler's racial policy, focused on creating a "new race of gentlemen", as well as the destruction of subhumans.

The organization, whose name translates from German as “source of life”, was created long before World War II, 12 in December 1935, and the project was led by SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler. “Lebensborn” was a continuation of the project “Mutter und Kind” - “Mother and Child”, launched in 1934 year. Officially, the aim of society was to fight with the increased number of abortions, the annual number of which in the territory of pre-war Germany reached a catastrophic figure of six hundred thousand. The sharp drop in the birth rate seriously disturbed the "great minds of the nation", because the country was preparing for bloody conquests and the redistribution of the whole world. And who will fight for their country when women do not give birth to soldiers? Then a grandiose plan was born in the head of the Reichsfuhrer to revive and purify the Aryan race by creating special receivers in which women could give birth and leave babies to the care of the state. At the beginning of the war, about eighty million people lived in Germany, and by the end of the war Hitler planned to increase the population to one hundred and twenty million. The moral side of the question did not interest anyone, because the “great” goal justified any means to achieve it.

In an effort to increase fertility, the Nazi racial theorists also wanted to introduce polygamy. Himmler, creating "Lebensborn", emphasized the position of the first wife, coining the term "domino" for this. The second wife, in his opinion, could get a knight of the Golden or Knight's Cross, as the highest award. Later, however, Himmler offered to award the second spouse of Chevaliers of the Iron Cross of the first degree and owners of gold / silver buckles for hand-to-hand combat.

The main slogan of the project, calling on young women in Germany to participate in the fertility increase program, was the phrase: “Give the child to the Führer!”. To conceive a child out of wedlock was no longer considered shameful, especially if his father was a Wehrmacht thoroughbred Aryan soldier. The future representative of the “nation of gentlemen” passed the symbolic rite of baptism, during which the mother on behalf of the baby swore allegiance to the Nazi ideology. In his book “My Struggle,” Adolf Hitler summarized the essence of the program, which was to “give the world progeny, which is like God, and not a cross between a man and a monkey.”

All the young women of the Third Reich, in particular the members of the German Girls Union, were constantly subjected to ideological treatment, indicating their high destiny and duty to the country. The mother was sent to one of the special twelve maternity hospitals with a high level of medical care, and after the birth of the child, he automatically became the property of the nation. Either the mother herself could be engaged in raising the baby, while the state paid her allowance, or she signed the relevant papers and transferred the newborn to the Lebensborn orphanage, from which he could later be determined to be educated in a proven German family, where he was inculcated with the ideas of a “new order” on the future domination of the Aryan race in Europe.

A small "nuance" in the admission of a child to the orphanage was only that both parents of the baby had to submit special certificates about the genuine racial purity of the future citizen of the "great nation", the absence of chronic and genetic diseases and convictions from his ancestors. Also, to help program workers, a special “Bureau of race and overpopulation” was created, which could, by its decision, prohibit communication between people whose ancestors suffered from any hereditary diseases. In addition, the bureau employees carried out thorough checks of the pedigree lines of people who are about to marry in order to identify undesirable impurities of Jewish blood. Before each marriage, each SS officer was obliged to provide a special certificate indicating that his bride and her ancestors, who lived up to 1750, were pure-blooded Ariogermanans! After the “racial” assessment, each woman was defined in one of three groups: standards-compliant, with average European indicators and racially inferior. About fifty-six percent of women who sent an application to Lebensborn were rejected for various reasons.

Each mother participating in the project was given a brooch with “Leben” runes symbolizing life, and “Zig”, which was a symbol of the SS, under whose leadership the organization was located.

After birth, babies who were children of SS officers, according to tradition, received a silver spoon and a cup, which were made in a special factory near Munich. And women who gave life to four or more children were presented with a maternal cross and a silver candlestick with an engraving, which said that it "is only a link in an endless chain of generations".

In the 1938 year, the organization Lebensborn, which grew to nine departments, was incorporated into the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer SS. Oberführer Gregor Ebner and Standartenführer Max Solman were appointed as its leaders. Soon, the Reich's own human resources did not seem enough, and from 1941, the Lebensborn program moved to a new stage, the goal of which was to “Germanize the Slavic peoples.” To do this, in Yugoslavia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and from the middle of 1943 and in the USSR, SS officers were ordered to withdraw children who had blond hair and blue eyes. The terrible facts of kidnapping kids right on the street are confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses to the events. There are cases when children aged only a few days from birth were taken. Thus, growing up, the children not only did not know anything about their real parents, but also what nation they actually belong to.

Human reproduction has reached a huge scale in Norway, as the Scandinavians have always been considered the closest in blood to the Aryan race. And since the 400 thousandth army of the Germans occupied the territory of Norway for a long six years, only according to official data, starting from 1940 and up to 1945, according to the Lebensborn project in Norway, twelve thousand babies were born. Denmark also fell into the racial plans of the Nazis. The command of the Wehrmacht reported that from September 1941-th to September 1942-th year in this country were recorded seven hundred cases of the birth of children from the German military. But the real figure was much greater. The Belgian branch of Lebensborn opened in the spring of 1943. However, the institution was so unpopular that the SS was forced to provide him with armed guards. And after one of the few German babies was strangled at the branch, all the local nurses were tortured. In France, by the end of 1943, the number of German illegitimate children reached eighty-five thousand. The figures are nothing frivolous, but the SS leadership also opened a branch here.

A record number of “nurseries” for future successors of the Aryan nation was opened in Norway - nine pieces, in Poland there were only three, in Denmark - two, and in France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg - one institution.

The meat grinder on the Eastern Front was a little like the “champagne campaign”. With the Soviet Union in accordance with the order of Keitel, who demanded "to use any means even against women and children," the Germans fought a war of total annihilation. Therefore, according to the declassified data, no Lebensborn shelters officially existed on the territory of our country. Nevertheless, this does not refute the numerous facts of the theft of infants and children of school age in the Soviet territories occupied by the Germans. A shocking interview with Max Zolman, one of Lebensborn’s chiefs, confirmed that the number of children stolen during the war years, according to various estimates, could be from five to fifty thousand. SS officers gave preference to children under the age of three, because they quickly forgot their native language and where they came from. Soviet children were placed not only in shelters, but also were given up for rearing in trustworthy German families. So, the project, hiding behind saving the lives of innocent babies, gradually turned into a factory for the production and cultivation of future members of the “perfect and purebred Nordic race”, which planned to settle the territories of nearby Czech Republic, Poland and the Soviet Union after their occupation.

If the parents from whom the child was taken were trying to resist, they were shot without hesitation. The kids were collected in the detention facilities and carefully examined. Those who met all the parameters were sent to Germany, and the rest had to go to the gas chamber. Often, the prey of the SS became the kids who live with their parents in partisan detachments. The circumstances of the removal of partisan children after the defeat of the underground partisan cell in Slovenia in the 1942 year are known. All babies under the age of five were recognized as belonging to the “race of gentlemen” and sent to “Lebensborn” shelters for “adaptation”. Germans shot adults and older children on the spot.

Maria Dolezalova-Shupikova, who was only ten years old at the time of the abduction in 1942, recalls that she and other children were taken directly from school in the Czech village of Lidice, located near Prague. Twenty-three babies were taken from the village in total, and the rest were either shot or sent to concentration camps. 10 June, their village was almost wiped off the face of the earth. It was the fascists' revenge for the fact that the Obergruppenführer SS Heydrich was eliminated by the partisans living in the village. Maria still wonders why the Nazis left her alive. Unlike other children who had a purely Aryan appearance, she was distinguished by tall stature and brown hair. At first, the children were sent to one of the Lebensborn distribution nurseries. The living conditions there were just awful. Everyone slept right on the ground in the open, clothes quickly turned into tatters, the children were licked, and from the food there was only a terrible taste of balanda. The smallest of them was only two weeks old. Maria met children from Yugoslavia and Poland in this place, but there was no one from the USSR. However, she heard many stories about the Russians being sent to a special shelter located near Krakow. After a short stay in this “Lebensborn” haven, Maria was transferred to a childless German family for upbringing. New documents were issued for the girl with a completely different name - Ingeborg Schiller, and over the next three years she completely forgot her native language, because she was forbidden to speak Czech. After every word spoken in their native language, severe punishment followed, accompanied by teachings about her great honor to belong to the race of gentlemen, and how she should be proud of it. However, the girl could not forget where she came from.

Heinz Wirst, a famous professor and historian from Dresden, has been studying the problem of child abduction for a long time. He came to the conclusion that the first "experiments" of the Nazis with the abduction of Soviet kids who met the requirements of the Third Reich began in the spring of 1942. In accordance with the draft chief "expert on the eastern lands," Erhard Wetzel, who works for the Fuhrer, it was intended to Germanize a quarter of the population of Russia. In this regard, the abduction of children in the USSR has become truly widespread. After receiving the relevant order from the founder of Lebensborn, Himmler, according to the data found by Wetzel, only in August and September of 1943 were ten thousand of our children sent to the shelters of the organization.

“Potential Aryans” were most often searched in the northern regions of Russia, the Pskov and Novgorod regions. A large number of them were exported from the Bryansk and Smolensk regions, as well as from the Crimea, which the German leadership planned in the future to turn into one large settlement of Lebensborn students. When entering Lebensborn Shelter, Slavic children underwent a special procedure for assigning an Old German name. It is also known about the abduction of women of "Aryan appearance." For these cases the Nazis prepared in advance and very carefully. For example, even before the German troops entered Kharkov, the special agents of the fascists already had information about where young women live, suitable for the reproduction of the “great nation”. Immediately after the capture of the region, special teams traveled around all the addresses in the list and took the girls away, leaving them at the disposal of the SS units working for the Lebensborn program. One can only guess about their terrible fate.

In the Czech town of Lidice, you can find a monument to the kids who participated in the Lebensborn program who died in 1942. Of the one hundred and five children, only seventeen were selected for adaptation by the Germans. The rest of the slew.

According to the plans of the Fuhrer, the kids of “Lebensborn” were to become the basis of a new race, receiving material support and custody of the German elite. Supervised by representatives of the Order of the SS, they should have been promoted to leadership positions, which would create a whole network of influential pro-German minded people capable of controlling the territories of European countries and regions of the USSR. One of the worst pages stories - to turn the children of the countries-fighters against the Nazis into staunch supporters of the Reich. Great luck that these plans were destroyed along with the fall of Hitler's Germany.

Initially creating a program for the revival of the nation, Himmler planned to reach the figure of one hundred thousand saved the lives of German babies saved from abortion. However, scientists tend to argue that the real numbers are near the mark of twenty thousand children. Anyway, the true state of affairs will remain a mystery. In the spring of 1945, the SS men who had been crammed by the Allied troops hurriedly closed the maternity homes, taking the children and secret files to the main house in the German suburb of Steinhöhring near Munich. 28 April 1945 of the year, when the Americans were literally on the threshold, the project archive with all the data was burned by its employees. Other sources claim that all papers were thrown into the Isar. In any case, all the information about the children who were given up for upbringing in German families simply disappeared. Most of them have never learned and will not know the history of their birth and their real parents.

The most severe trials fell to those who, at the time of the end of the war, were in Lebensborn shelters in Norway. The Nazis did not have time to destroy all the documents there, and after the surrender of Germany, the anger of the compatriots fell upon the program participants. The leadership of Norway only encouraged such an attitude towards the “Aryans involuntarily”. The children who were brought into the world by the copulation of German officers and Norwegian women were not just persecuted and harassed, many of them, together with their mothers, had to go through a real hell. About eight thousand "German bastards", as they were called in their homeland, were sent to Australia. Those who remained in the country lived in an atmosphere of constant fear, they were threatened and humiliated, and the authorities officially accused of mental retardation. Women were either sent to concentration camps, or did the most humiliating and hard work. The result of this policy was the massive suicides of the victims of Lebensborn, who simply could not withstand the moral pressure. Many of these children began to use drugs, became criminals.

The soloist of the Swedish ABBA group is Frida Lingstad, a Lebensborn child. Her father is German captain Alfred Haze, and her mother is Norwegian. After the liberation of the country from the German occupation, 17-year-old Sini Lingstad fled to neighboring Sweden, where anti-German sentiments were not so strong. When Frida found out about her father, she, having undertaken independent searches, found him. But the meeting, to put it mildly, was very cold. She never again tried to communicate with him.

At the Nuremberg Trials, members of the “Himmlerian children's factories” were presented with three charges: crimes against humanity, looting of the occupied territories and belonging to the SS. After a five-month investigation, examination of documents and interrogation of witnesses, the American tribunal 10 of March 1948 passed the final verdict. According to him, the head of Lebensborn, Max Zolman, together with his closest associates, was acquitted of the first two counts and convicted of the third charge.

The “houses of lightning”, so named because of the presence of the corresponding symbols on the emblem of the project “Lebensborn”, crushed many lives and children's souls. After the end of the war, only a quarter of the children from Eastern Europe, taken from their parents and having undergone SS incubators, returned home. The fate of the rest remained unknown, including almost all Soviet children. In modern Germany, a special organization “Lebenshpuren” has been opened, the purpose of which is to assist those who have learned the truth about their birth or are trying to find real biological relatives outside the country. Many historians and researchers are also trying to raise the part of the veil that hides information about where thousands of innocent babies and children, stolen from their true parents across Europe, have gone.

The worst thing in all that happened is that the experience of the Third Reich did not go unnoticed. He again and again gets a sequel. Europe is dying out and worst of all is in the European North. Right-wing extremists from Germany and Scandinavia are experiencing a real panic about this. Eugenic ideas of the "great ancestors" do not give them peace of mind, like the desire, to see themselves as the rulers of the world and the rulers of human destinies. In the 2004 year, the forty-eight-year-old lawyer from Hamburg Jürgen Reiger, who is of the extreme right, decided to continue the terrible experiment.

For raising children of the pure Aryan race, he acquired an estate of six hundred and fifty hectares in central Sweden. The money for the purchase was taken from the fund of the SS man Wilhelm Teyten, who had grown rich in the post-war years in exchange speculations. Lonely "Nazis" and young couples who have passed the ideological and racial selection, come here from all over Europe. Very soon the first results of the work of the "Nazi horse" will be known.

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  1. Straiser
    26 February 2013 09: 13
    This is what the perverted psyche can lead to.
  2. buga1979
    26 February 2013 09: 57
    interesting article learned a lot
  3. +2
    26 February 2013 10: 29
    "Himmler, creating" Lebensborn ", emphasized the position of the first wife, invented for this the term" domina. " first degree and gold / silver buckle holders for hand-to-hand combat. "

    Doubtful reward for military exploits. smile
    1. +2
      26 February 2013 11: 17
      Quote: Vladimirets
      Doubtful reward for military exploits.

      But the cheapest.
  4. +5
    26 February 2013 10: 35
    To raise children of a pure Aryan race, he acquired an estate of six hundred and fifty hectares in central Sweden. Money for the purchase was taken from the fund of SS SS Wilhelm Teyten, who became rich in the post-war years on stock speculation. Lonely “Nazis” and young couples who have passed ideological and racial selection come here from all over Europe. Very soon there will already be the first known results of the work of the "Nazi stable."

    Something tells me that this is a response to the universal Islamization of Europe.
    1. +5
      26 February 2013 11: 20
      Isn't that why Europe is so outraged about the ban on adopting Russian children? True, so far only for America, but I hope that Europe will be banned. After all, they are trying to adopt the smallest and healthiest! There is no need to talk about how fake certificates are made about "sick" children.
  5. Octavian avgust
    26 February 2013 11: 10
    To raise children of a pure Aryan race, he acquired an estate of six hundred and fifty hectares in central Sweden. Money for the purchase was taken from the fund of SS SS Wilhelm Teyten, who became rich in the post-war years on stock speculation. Lonely “Nazis” and young couples who have passed ideological and racial selection come here from all over Europe. Very soon there will already be the first known results of the work of the "Nazi stable."
    What kind of history is he not teaching? And about the Islamists and every rabble, so they themselves gave them the opportunity to sit on their heads and pay large benefits, etc.
  6. Avenger711
    26 February 2013 11: 26
    At the Nuremberg trials, members of the Himmler’s children's factories were charged with three charges: crimes against humanity, looting of the occupied territories and belonging to the SS.

    Something was wrong, formal membership was not a basis for accusations, then there were many who could enter the SS.

    But the idea is sound, especially in the sense that our women should give birth only from our own men, and all sorts of monkeys should even be punished for trying to get close.
    1. -2
      26 February 2013 16: 22
      Who is ours? :)))

      Under a secret agreement between the USSR and Germany, the Soviet Union conducted and the Russian Federation is pursuing a policy of extermination of sick children ...
      For example, right in the hospital they began to say to my mother: "Let's put him (me, that is) to sleep (kill) he got sick! (And it doesn't matter that he got sick from what they put in front of an open window)"

      And it is interesting to look into the eyes of this, if I may say "women", when they would see a man in a pilot's uniform ...
      What would they say must be destroyed or not? :(
      I am with both hands for the Hitler program! For the help that the state would provide to the family so that it would give birth to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd!
      And not like now, but so that they come and find out what prevents them from having a baby !?
      1. Avenger711
        26 February 2013 18: 48
        Ours, it means Russians and peoples equated to them.
  7. galiullinrasim
    26 February 2013 15: 14
    Islam is not scary as it is painted, the orthodox of Islam, such as bin laden and others, are scary. amers just bet on them. they don’t understand which monster woke up
    1. 0
      26 February 2013 16: 32
      They did not wake him, they created him.
  8. +1
    26 February 2013 16: 57
    The article undoubtedly deserves praise. Everyone needs to know such materials, especially considering that in the territory of the former USSR they are trying to resurrect Nazism (Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic states, for starters, and even in Russia itself).

    Moreover, if you look objectively, no matter how regrettable it was to realize this, it is not unsuccessful. There are Nazis in the Ukrainian parliament (of course, they call themselves nationalists for the press), the same thing in the Baltic states (this does not stop being part of the EU !!! - the absurdity of double standards from Europe).

    The calculation of the Nazi propagandists (under the guise of nationalism), I emphasize, is on youth born after the collapse of the Great Country.
  9. +1
    26 February 2013 22: 41
    That's how it is! There is nothing new under the sun! It turns out Peter the Great, already then foreseen, that army mess that happens to officers who did not serve as privates. But there is no prophet in his own country, alas! In terms of comparing a cadet and a private, it's like a wooden horse differs from a real one. We were on a military internship, they were like us only with a passion for AWOL, and we wore them in officer's greatcoats (it was in winter), which our platoon officers kindly left them. And about the fact that out of 10 people who came from the troops, only one remained, so this is a confirmation of the Peter's decree. Let's count for the Soviet period. A soldier or sergeant filed a report, he was assigned a month-long course with a teacher, usually a civilian, so that he would remember the subjects he would take. Naturally, he lost the service. Then he goes to the university, preferably near the house, there they still study with him, then exams. The latter, of course, he fails and returns to the unit. Bottom line: I was at home and sachkanul for three months of service. If called in the fall, then 2 times for 3 months can be unscrewed. He told the real story of my squad leader. In our time, there was a bike about this. One boot (as the cadets, entrants from the troops were called), filed a report to the Chernigov Aviation, which was reputed in the USSR, the forge of cosmonauts. The guy's health was space and even though he decided to shake off the service and tried to fail the exams, they began to pull him stupidly. The last one remained, according to literature. The guy frightened by the prospect of 25 years of service, instead of writing, honestly wrote: "Born to crawl and fly!" Imagine his surprise when he saw his last name on the list of those who passed it! He went to the chairman of the admissions committee, they say, give me my job, they found him and gave him, he opens the notebook, and there in red across the sheet: "If you know how to crawl, we'll teach you to fly!" and signature, head of the school, major general, painting.
  10. 0
    27 February 2013 22: 39
    Damn it, I sent it there!
  11. Barmen
    27 February 2013 23: 49
    laughing Cool bike! Learned to fly? laughing
  12. Bernard
    2 March 2013 13: 58
    Interesting article! I thank its author, Igor Sulimov!
  13. 0
    8 September 2020 16: 24
    Newbie from Germany!

    "Novichok" is a family of organophosphorus toxic agents of neuroparalytic action, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

    "Novichok" is famous all over the world for the fact that it cannot poison anyone to the end ... since it is produced not in the USSR, but by British scientists ...

    Look at documents and publications about human rights violations in Germany, court decisions, cut organs from children, broken arms, legs, riot police knocked out doors by mistake, knocked out teeth from Russians simply because they are Russians. 14 PARTS in PDF. After reading, it becomes where on Earth hell, the abyss and Satan with pivasik and Bavarian sausages.

    Jugendamt Echo Nazi-Deutschland? 1933-2020. Es klingt wie Nazi-Deutschland: Familien, die Angst vor einem lauten Klopfen an der Tür haben, Polizei, die herebybricht und ihre Kinder wegnimmt ... Jugendamt Echo Nazi-Deutschland? Das Wichtigste im Video ist, dass um 4:08 Minuten 177 Euro pro Tag oder 5500 Euro pro Monat für den Unterhalt des Kindes im Kinderheim oder Pflegefamilie in Rechnung gestellt werden, insgesamt 32.000 Euro pro Halbjahr. 64.000 Euro pro Jahr, und dann werden die Rechnungen an die Eltern weitergeleitet. Um 3:28 Minuten wird ein Diagramm der Funktionsweise des Geschäfts mit Kindern gezeigt.

    TK Zvezda Open air 12+, Refugee attacks on Russian and German children in German schools, Racism against Germans in Germany, Refugees are planned to be brought to Ukraine in exchange for Ukrainians. Air from 02.09.2019/14.36.44/XNUMX XNUMX

    Alle Kinder entzogen. Hat das Jugendamt überreagiert? Das Video zeigt Bilder von glücklichen Kindern. Dies ist keine überreagierte Reaktion. Dies ist ein Verbrechen von Beamten bei der Zerstörung der Familie und dem Diebstahl von Kindern aus einer glücklichen Familie. Der Unterhalt von 5 Kindern kostet das Land 32.000 Euro pro Monat. Vergleichen Sie mit Kindergeld 1000 Euro pro Monat. Wenn ein Land von 32.000 Euro im Monat direkt Müttern und Kindern und nicht korrupten Beamten, Richtern und Banditen von der Macht helfen würde, wäre die Familie glücklich. Sie hatten einfach nicht genug eine andere Waschmaschine, um Kindersache zu waschen. Schande über dich Deutschland, dass du deine Kinder gestohlen hast.

    Dormagen Familie kämpft ums Sorgerecht

    The decision of the fascist court of Germany in the original:

    Original article in MK. The tragedy of children taken to Germany during World War II. PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER "MOSKOVSKY KOMSOMOLETS" No. 28357 AS OF SEPTEMBER 7, 2020
    TITLE IN THE NEWSPAPER: Violently Named, Humiliated, and Offended

    Sweet life # Nikolai Erney Russian German, programmer from Germany Nikolai Erney talks about the monstrous reality of life hidden behind the facade of German well-being.

    MONSTER CASUISTICS # Nikolai Erney Russian German, programmer from Germany Nikolai Erney talks about cases of judicial arbitrariness in Germany.

    HOW CHILDREN IS SELECTED IN GERMANY. HOW IS JUDGED IN GERMANY. #NikolayErney In this video, Nikolai Erney will talk about how children are taken away from their parents in Germany, as well as what social protection for children exists in this country. Details about juvenile justice and court in Germany, the bitter reality and injustice towards children. Planning a move to Germany with children? Not sure which school in Germany for Russians to choose so that there are no problems? Must-see!

    PROFITABLE BUSINESS FOR CHILDREN. GERMANY. # Nikolai Erney Nikolai Erney continues to talk about how children are taken away in Germany and how things really are in Europe with social protection of children. Orphanages in Germany are primarily a profitable business. What pitfalls and disadvantages are hushed up when it comes to living in Germany? This and much more - in today's issue.
    Information portal of family policy Ivan-Chai. Elina Zhgutova.

    Violently marked, humiliated and offended. The tragedy of children taken to Germany during World War II. Out of 200 of them, less than 000 remained. Old people who did not remember their names. Ivanov, Zbyshekov, Karelov, Mykol, who became Hans, Fritz, Ludwig ... Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, blond and blue-eyed boys and girls who extended their "lucky ticket". They did not burn in the ovens of Auschwitz, did not end up in the experimental subjects of Dr. Joseph Mengele, the "angel of death." They were forced to forget themselves. They were to become true Aryans, citizens of the Greater Reich. To do this, they changed their metrics, parents, nationality ...
  14. The comment was deleted.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"