Stalin's industrialization: where did the USSR get the money for the big leap?

Stalin's industrialization: where did the USSR get the money for the big leap?

“Let me manage the money of the country,
and I don't care
who will make the laws there.”

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

From financial history: how some countries created capital, while others ate it away

Why aren’t they building supermarkets in the Russian outback now, and you can’t even find a bank branch there, but somewhere there is such devastation, as if there was a war there? There is simply no money there, because there is nothing that could be sold to the border.

Tsarist Russia also had no money, which took out huge loans abroad and actually became bankrupt. Russia had no money in the 90s either. And only in the 2000s, with rising oil prices, the money supply began to grow at a good pace, because Russia had dollars.

Under capitalism, money always has a value; all investment costs are ultimately paid by the consumer. An agricultural company grows wheat - the cost of tractors, fuels and lubricants, sowing and harvesting costs, staff salaries - everything will be paid by the wheat buyers, and in the end - by the consumers of bread and pasta.

The other side of this topic is that investments under capitalism always require savings. That is why the process of accumulation is so important there, and investments become the privilege of capital and wealthy entrepreneurs. In the Middle Ages, thrifty citizens first produced something handicraft, then bought (made) machines and opened shops, their children built workshops and factories, etc. The accumulation of capital took a long time.

America at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries made a giant leap in development, building roads, producing and selling millions of cars, because industry was developed in the USA - and the population had money. The American elite thought about how to develop the country. And in Tsarist Russia before the revolution there were almost no cars or tractors - there was no demand, the poor peasant population predominated. And the elite traveled abroad. So: poverty begets poverty - a vicious vicious circle.

USSR after the Civil War: initial data

The USSR did not have traditional sources for development - after the Civil War, the economy was in ruins, there were no savings, the gold reserves of the empire “evaporated”, relations with the West were bad - it was impossible to attract large loans.

The gold and foreign exchange reserves of the USSR at the end of the 20s did not exceed 200 million gold rubles, or about 150 tons of pure gold.

As Yuri Emelyanov wrote:

“By the end of 1924, the country’s industry produced extremely little and only the most primitive products. Metallurgy could provide each peasant farm in Russia with only 64 grams of nails annually. If the level of industrial development continued to remain at this level, then a peasant, having bought a plow and a harrow, could expect to purchase these items for himself again only in 2045.”

The task was set by I. Stalin in 1931:

“We are 50–100 years behind advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do this or we will be crushed.”

Where does the currency come from: external loans and exports

The USSR was able to take a loan from Germany, with which there was active trade. The first loan for 100 million marks was granted in 1925, by 1931 the debt had grown to 700 million marks (1 billion 130 million rubles). There were also small loans from private US banks, about $350 million. There may have been other loans of a similar nature. By the end of 1931, the external debt of the USSR reached 1,4 billion Soviet gold rubles.

To pay off the debt and obtain foreign currency, which was used to purchase imported equipment and repay loans, the USSR exported grain and timber, oil, and gold. The export of grain and the initial stage of collectivization gave rise to the famine of 1932–1933. The extraction and sale of gold and art objects was activated. On the domestic market, the Torgsin system was created for the purchase of foreign currency valuables. In the second half of the 1930s, the USSR came to second place in the world in gold mining. By 1936, compared to 1932, gold production increased 4,4 times - from 31,9 to 138,8 tons. In the period from 1931–1934. The export of gold from the USSR through Riga amounted to about 360 million gold rubles (more than 260 tons).

The statistics of foreign trade of the USSR before the war looked like this:

According to: National Economy of the USSR, Volume 2, Chapter XI. International trade

Based on the table, USSR imports during the period of industrialization amounted to $2,091 billion, which is an approximate estimate of foreign exchange costs for industrial modernization. Before the war, the USSR was unable to catch up with the Central Republic in terms of foreign trade volume (see 1913). The import of equipment for industry in rubles amounted to: in the first five-year plan - 5 million rubles, all imports of the 572,6nd five-year plan amounted to 2 million rubles (I. S. Ginzburg “Foreign Trade of the USSR”, Sotsekgiz, 6).

Torgsin brought the state about 270–287 million gold rubles, which covered about 20% of the costs of import purchases in 1932–1935.

The export of works of art carried out in the same years yielded only 20 million gold rubles.

Everything is clear with this - you can only earn currency. But it was still necessary to pay for huge (!) domestic investments and labor of workers. There were loans from the population, but it was not rich; income from the sale of alcohol; use of cheap labor.

After the revolution and the Civil War, the level of Russia's GDP in 1922 relative to 1913 was 57%, the population became impoverished: so where did the money come from?

“Only galoshes” again: the unique financial system of the USSR

The main real way to finance the “Great Leap Forward” was the issue of money. The USSR, a country of socialism, proposed its own innovative version of a monetary system, untied from gold, built on the theory of a paper ruble, fictitious working capital, proposed by the outstanding pre-revolutionary economist S. F. Sharapov. And the main ideologist of this system was I. Stalin, who took a brilliant step by decoupling the ruble from gold and the dollar, not wanting to subordinate the country to the tycoons of the world financial mafia, which was done by the fallen Central Russia. Here is a quote from his speech at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1933:

“What ensures the stability of the Soviet currency?.. Of course, not only with gold reserves. The stability of the Soviet currency is ensured, first of all, by the huge amount of commodity masses in the hands of the state, put into circulation at stable prices. Which economist can deny that such security, which occurs only in the USSR, is a more realistic guarantee of currency stability than any gold reserve? Will economists in capitalist countries ever understand that they are completely confused with the theory of the gold reserve as the “only” guarantee of currency stability?

Galoshes? America has matured to the final abandonment of the gold peg only after 40 years! The gold standard was both the cause of the Great Depression and the cause of the backwardness of the Central Asian Empire. As J.M. Keynes believed, “... the gold standard is only a barbaric relic of the past.”

However, a similar solution was proposed by F.D. Roosevelt around the same time. He also abandoned the gold standard, prohibiting the public and companies from buying gold that had been forcibly purchased by the government, and prohibiting the export of gold abroad because it led to dollar shortages and capital flight.

In the USSR, a “golden coating” was not necessary - the state issued funds “out of thin air” in doses as part of an investment plan for available resources, which could also be created in the process of its implementation. Although a large gold reserve was subsequently created: Stalin left the USSR 2 tons of gold.

At the end of the 20s, this issue accounted for about 44% of the State Bank’s balance sheet:

According to M. Atlas, Development of the State Bank of the USSR, 1958.

This strategy caused explosive economic growth, including due to the constant growth of the money supply and investment that corresponded to its growth.

According to: Bank of Russia, Cash turnover in the USSR in 1922–1990, Table 1.4

According to: Bank of Russia, Cash turnover in the USSR in 1922–1990, Table 1.2.3

As I. N. Levicheva writes (Problems of money circulation in the USSR in the late 1920s - 1930s):

“During 1931–1932. the budget practically did not provide the State Bank of the USSR with funds for lending to the national economy, so in 1931 the bank was forced to cover 45% of its loan investments through an issue amounting to 1,3 billion rubles. As a result, the money supply in circulation increased by almost 30%.”

As can be seen from the second graph, the average annual growth rate of the money supply before WWII was about 24%.

As a result, our state was consistently ahead of the entire capitalist world in terms of economic development. From 1929 to 1955, the average annual growth of the USSR economy was 13,8% (excluding war years). And this despite the fact that in the 30s the entire world system of capitalism was in the grip of the Great Depression, and in the United States the money supply was shrinking. The multiple growth of the money supply during the Great Patriotic War was justified by the needs of the war, however, even during it, economic growth continued. The impressive results of the second five-year plan were as follows:

According to: Completion of the socialist transformation of the economy. Victory of socialism in the USSR (1933–1937), 1978

Below is for the reader to consider historical graph of the dynamics of economic growth of the Russian Federation within comparable boundaries for the period 1901–2023, according to the book “Development of the Russian Economy for 100 Years,” 1900–2000, Simcher V. M., 2007 and Rosstat.

Financial model of industrialization: how did it all begin?

Industrialization and emissions caused active growth of the economy, employment and wages of the population: savings were created. If in 1928 the number of workers and employees was 11,6 million people, then in 1935 it increased by more than 2,2 times and reached 24,8 million people, while the salary fund also grew rapidly: in 1928 it amounted to 8,2 .1932 billion rubles, and in 32,7 – already XNUMX billion rubles.

The number of workers grew due to unskilled labor from the village, which had low qualifications, equipment deteriorated, and there was a high percentage of defects. But the whole country saw the light, studied, and things took off! And now why do we use migrants? It’s a rather strange tool.

However, collectivization led to a sharp drop in food production, while bread was forcibly confiscated and also exported for foreign currency (as in the Central Republic), and industrialization itself placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.

The military threat and the backwardness of the consumer sector caused the traditional Soviet “distortion” of the economy - a commodity shortage. Prices began to rise sharply in the late 1920s, and by early 1933 market price levels were approximately 12 times higher than in 1928 and 13–35 times higher than government rationing prices. A card system was introduced. It was necessary to more actively develop this particular segment. In 1932–1833 there was famine in the country.

In 1932 these measures were taken. In January 1933, instead of forced seizures, mandatory grain supplies were established; surpluses could be sold to the state at increased (30–40%) prices and sold on the collective farm market at the market price. The state increased investment in the light and food industries, as a result, from 1931 to 1934, commercial trade turnover increased from 423 to 16 million rubles, and its share in retail trade turnover increased from 745 to 1,7%. Prices, including on the collective farm market, went down. By the end of 30,6, sugar prices fell by 1934%, and bread prices by 49,8%.

Here are some results of the second five-year plan: labor productivity doubled, gross industrial output increased by 2,2 times, and agricultural output by 1,5 times. In 1937, more than 80% of industrial output was obtained from new or modernized plants. The monetary income of the population in 1937 increased by 1933 times compared to 2,3, and the population's payments to the financial system increased by 1,3 times. Compared to 1932, in 1937 retail trade turnover increased by more than 3 times, the wage fund by more than 2,5 times, and the money supply by almost 2 times.

Can we create such a miracle now or are we weak?

In 1935–1936 The gradual abolition of the card system began. At the same time, the “fictitious ruble” created real products, real incomes and taxes - and all this continuously grew.

Budget deficit: good or worse?

So why did the USSR constantly issue money: due to budget deficits, the country was poor. Let us quote I.N. Levicheva again:

“...until mid-1940, budget expenses exceeded its revenues, so the State Bank of the USSR was forced to carry out uncovered emissions. In 1938, the issue amounted to 3,6 billion rubles. Of these, 1,8 billion rubles. (43%) was covered by attracted resources, and 2,4 billion rubles. remained uncovered. At the same time, up to 1,2 billion rubles were allocated for budget purposes. emissions".

But in a liberal economy it is believed, in all textbooks (!), that a balanced budget is the basis for stability, etc. This is not true. If a country plans to develop, it must have a stable budget deficit.

Let's look at China, which did not develop its economy according to imported textbooks. In strict accordance with Keynes's recipes, the country had a stable budget deficit, amounting to up to 15% (!) of revenue in 1979–1980, which decreased to 3–4% during 1981–1990, and increased to 7–10% in 1991–1997 In 2005, the deficit amounted to 208 billion with a revenue share of 3,163 trillion yuan, i.e. 6,5%.

At the same time, China had a very low inflation rate - about 1,8% in 2005. Because inflation is not due to extra money, but due to the fact that there are either no goods or they are imported.

Know-how 2: three-circuit financial system of the USSR

A number of articles on this topic write: double-circuit system. In the USSR, in fact, there were three contours of monetary circulation - for international payments, the transferable ruble, the currency received from export transactions, was used; for payments between enterprises - non-cash ruble; and for citizens - cash rubles, which were paid salaries and with which they paid in stores. The cash was collected and ended up in the accounts of enterprises. Citizens could also use checks to pay for purchases issued against their deposits.

Under socialism, money for investment is conditionally free, its cost is not decisive, since the issuer is the state, it is not paid by consumers, but by society as a whole. The average interest rate on all loans from the State Bank of the USSR in 1975 was 2,22%. Compare this with our rate in the 16st century - XNUMX% - simply absurd. If Tsarist Russia had accumulated capital for industrialization at the expense of profits, it would have taken many, many decades.

As a result, the issue actually paid for non-cash turnover - the movement of goods, work and investments between enterprises. Part of the money that was in the cost of work - wages - partially went to the consumer market, they paid for the maintenance of the workforce. Prices set by planners balanced the balance of available resources that the economy could produce with demand from businesses and workers. Planning established balances of necessary resources: metal, fuel, grain, energy, money, labor, etc.

According to Kurman Akhmetov (Paradoxical financial system of the USSR):

“The bifurcation of money in the Soviet economy into mutually inconvertible parts meant the actual destruction of money as a universal equivalent. Non-cash money in such a system serves mainly as a means of accounting. Essentially, this is not money, but units of account with the help of which material funds are distributed.”

Another important advantage of such a system was the almost complete impossibility of corruption: it was simply impossible to withdraw money from such a system or cash it out. There was also theft during the USSR, but its scale looks like child’s play. But for the current elites, this is nothing more than a way of “feeding”.

The best secret of the USSR

One can also say about the monopoly of foreign trade and the fact that all resources are owned by the state. This made it possible to develop the country, provide free education, including higher education, free housing and medical care, discounted vouchers, etc. They lived poorly, but no one went hungry. Now the total nationalization of the entire raw materials sector would create a completely different economy.

In the Soviet system, neither money nor profit played a special role - being only a working tool for the development and investment policy that the whole country followed. During the USSR, work was everywhere: it was full of small and local factories, city-forming enterprises, which were later successfully destroyed during Yeltsin’s time in order to consume imported products from global multinationals.

It was full of collective and state farms, research institutes, scientists and engineers. And the Army was large, as a large country needed. There was work in the republics of Central Asia, Tajikistan, and the Warsaw Pact countries. None of the Asians came to us, because everything was fine with them too. People from there personally told me about this. Because there was money, collective farms and enterprises everywhere!

No wonder Mayer Amschel Rothschild said:

“Let me manage the money in the country, and I don’t care who sets the laws there.”

But the most important source (!) of Stalin’s modernization was the wise political will of the leadership, which decided to take a big leap, similar to the experience of Peter I, and subordinated not only the people, but also its elite to achieve this goal. As you know, “ruin is in the head” and “the fish rots from the head”: that’s how it is.

And until our elites decide (as they did in China) that wealth must be created through production, and not by eating up natural capital (raw materials, oil and gas), everything will remain the same. But not forever: until the next “Great Leap Forward”. And the conduct of the Northern Military District and the conflict with the West will certainly “create” it.

Let's give the floor to representatives of the West.

“The essence of Stalin’s truly historical achievements is that he took Russia with a plow and left it with nuclear reactors. He raised Russia to the level of the second industrialized country in the world.”

Isaac Deutscher, British historian, 1956.

From a speech by M. Thatcher in 1991:

“The Soviet Union is a country that poses a serious threat to the Western world... Thanks to a planned economy and a unique combination of moral and material incentives, the Soviet Union managed to achieve high economic indicators. The percentage of GNP growth is approximately 2 times higher than in our countries.”


They simply don’t tell us about this: despite our conflict with the West, we still follow the path of the IMF and many international programs.

Where can we get money for regional development now?

Can the experience of the USSR be used now in modern Russia?

Maybe - and more on that in the next article.

The paradoxical financial system of the USSR, Kurman Akhmetov, source: Kazakh newspaper “Freedom of Speech” No. 1 (145), No. 2 (146) and No. 3 (147) – January 2008.
Elena Osokina, Stalin's Gold.
What loan did the USSR take from Germany before Hitler’s attack - Russian Seven (
Gold reserves of the USSR: under which Soviet “leader” was it the largest?
Unforgettable 30s: Memoirs of party veterans - Muscovites / Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the CPSU Central Committee, Scientific method. cab. and etc.; [Comp. N.B. Ivushkin]… – M.: Moscow. worker, 1986. – P. 159. – 304 p.
Keynes J. Treatise on monetary reform. – M.: Economic Thought, 1925, P. 93.
I. N. Levicheva, Problems of monetary circulation in the USSR in the late 1920s - 1930s",
Margaret Thatcher's speech on the collapse of the USSR
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  1. +20
    27 July 2024 04: 50
    And until our elites decide (as they did in China) that wealth must be created through production, and not by eating up natural capital (raw materials, oil and gas), everything will remain the same.
    Yes, they will not decide anything! Here you need to be able to think and work, but they can’t do that.... No.
    1. +21
      27 July 2024 06: 06
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      Yes, they will not decide anything! Here you need to be able to think and work, but they can’t do that....

      Who are they? Owners of the means of production? Why would they change anything? Everything is fine with them!

      Can we create such a miracle now or are we weak?

      We can, but only for this we need:

      The best secret of the USSR
      One can also say about the monopoly of foreign trade and the fact that all resources are owned by the state. This made it possible to develop the country, provide free education, including higher education, free housing and medical care, discounted vouchers, etc. They lived poorly, but no one went hungry. Now the total nationalization of the entire raw materials sector would create a completely different economy.

      But who will voluntarily give you their factories/newspapers/ships? There is no talk of nationalization today. Vice versa! There is constant talk about the next privatization of “ineffective state assets.” The Yeltsin/Chubais/Gaidar cause is alive and well!!! good
    2. -20
      27 July 2024 09: 55
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      Here you need to be able to think and work, but they can’t do that..

      Of course, you need a lot of "skill" and "intelligence" to think of taking from.... OF YOUR people... TRIBUTE, as from a defeated enemy to industrialization:

      (From the transcript of Stalin’s speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, July 9, 1928):
      “We cannot rob others, we don’t want to create a serious source for ourselves to feed the industry, they don’t give us loans. What remains? Turn to internal forces. Where is this internal strength? This is the peasantry. Without taking a certain share, a serious share DANI, - I will put it roughly to make it clearer - among the peasantry, we are not able, not capable, not able to move industry forward at a rapid pace."

      and: (From the transcript of Stalin’s speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, July 11, 1928).
      "What was our argument about yesterday? By the way, it was about the fact that... the man overpays for goods and receives less for agricultural products. ... It was about the fact that overpayments on the prices of manufactured goods and the shortfalls that the peasantry has on the prices of agricultural products, they together constitute an additional tax on the peasantry, and I called it something like DANIE. Some people didn’t like it... This is a matter of taste, of course, but calling things by their proper names is our responsibility, we are at a plenum of the Central Committee, and not at a peasant rally, and we must tell the truth directly. This hits the nose - TRIBUTE, additional tax"

      They robbed peasants for 23 years without increasing purchase prices since 1930

      There was great help from Torgsin, the disgusting and most cynical State speculator and robber: during the terrible years of millions of deaths from starvation, his stores were full of flour and bread at the wildest prices, which could be bought by handing over a wedding ring, a pectoral cross, gold, silver, etc. at prices reduced SEVERAL TIMES!

      It was during these years that TSin brought the greatest profit, and sold mainly food.

      This was the “poor” Tsarist-Russian population - they raised industrialization for their money.

      And here is another "source":
      introduce a vodka monopoly in order toobtain the necessary working capital for the development of our industry on their own and thus avoid foreign bondage.

      Of course, generally speaking, it would be better without vodka, because vodka is evil. But then one would have to go into temporary bondage with the capitalists, which is an even greater evil. That's why we chose the lesser evil. Now vodka generates more than 500 million rubles in income. To give up vodka now means to give up this income

      The “sources” of financing are good, but how much “brain” was needed to come up with this “perfect financial system”.

      Wouldn't you like to try it on? to myself admirers? Yes Yes....
      1. +16
        27 July 2024 10: 15
        Now vodka generates more than 500 million rubles in income.
        Now - even more, only for the oligarchs to buy yachts - support for Dutch shipbuilding.
      2. +14
        27 July 2024 12: 01
        That is, they did the same as under the tsars, but the money went to industrialization, and not to drinking in Paris and Baden-Baden.
        1. -21
          27 July 2024 12: 09
          Quote: bk0010
          oh, they did the same as under the kings

          ..Great power ..robbed peasants finally recognized?! belay
          dictated prices market, and not a commendation, there were no Torgsins, national wealth - paintings, etc. were not sold for next to nothing. and there were no countless MANDATORY fraudulent so-called loans
          1. +11
            27 July 2024 12: 17
            Quote: Olgovich
            The godly government .. robbed the peasants, has it finally been recognized?!
            The tsarist government .. robbed the peasants, is it finally recognized?!
            Quote: Olgovich
            prices were dictated by the market, not comm.
            Prices were dictated by speculators and resellers with their fists.
            Quote: Olgovich
            there were no tradesmen
            Yes, there were pawn shops instead.
            1. -23
              27 July 2024 12: 23
              Quote: bk0010
              The tsarist government .. robbed the peasants, is it finally recognized?!

              judging by the gigantic money siphoned out of the population by comedians, nope
              Quote: bk0010
              Prices were dictated by speculators and resellers with their fists

              the market, in the end.
              Quote: bk0010
              there were no tradesmen
              Yes, there were pawn shops instead.

              the root vegetable looks like a finger, yes......
              1. +12
                27 July 2024 12: 38
                Quote: Olgovich
                judging by the gigantic money siphoned out of the population by comedians, nope
                And what is the connection here? The royal wealth went to waste during the Civil War. The scurrying bourgeoisie took away much more paintings and other riches than torgsin. So yes.
                Quote: Olgovich
                the market, in the end.
                the root vegetable looks like a finger, yes......
                Quote: Olgovich
                the root vegetable looks like a finger, yes......
                That is, there is nothing to object to. However, as usual.
                1. -12
                  28 July 2024 09: 44
                  Quote: bk0010
                  The scurrying bourgeoisie took away much more paintings and other riches than torgsin.

                  you're lying out of ignorance
                  Quote: bk0010
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  the market, in the end.
                  The root vegetable looks like a finger, yes.

                  yes, the market.
                  Quote: bk0010
                  That is, there is nothing to object to. However, as usual

                  Is this an educational program for those with little knowledge?
                  first learn and give here the definitions of a pawnshop and a torgsin store, then we’ll talk
              2. -1
                12 October 2024 00: 04
                Quote: Olgovich
                judging by the gigantic money siphoned out of the population by comedians, nope

                In tsarist Russia, peasants were constantly starving, and by 1917, hungry years were happening more and more often. In the USSR, the NEP period is generally considered a golden age for the Russian peasantry. Moreover, before the emergence of collective farms, grain exports from the USSR grew. After Stalin's death, there was no mass famine. But the most important thing is that under the tsar, grain exports were used to pay for luxury goods for the parasitic rich. And under Stalin, income from the export of timber and grain was used to purchase the means of production. By the way, in the PRC, any attempt to withdraw capital from the country obtained from the sale or operation of real estate is very harshly suppressed. In Russia, foreigners or "Lars' heroes" rent out premises for shops and apartments and transfer the money to the West and then finance the RDC, the SBU and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Or simply the economies of Turkey, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Israel, and the USA. At the Pervomayskaya metro station in Moscow, 2 million rubles are spent on rent from each small shop in the USA every month.
      3. -13
        27 July 2024 15: 38
        The “sources” of financing are good, but how much “brain” was needed to come up with this “perfect financial system”.

        Wouldn't admirers want to try it on? Yes Yes....

        That's right. The whole secret of the “effective Stalinist economy” can be expressed in one sentence: make people work for soup.

        Or according to Marx:
      4. +2
        1 August 2024 13: 21
        The “sources” of financing are good, but how much “brain” was needed to come up with this “perfect financial system”.

        Wouldn't admirers want to try it on? Yes Yes....

        Another false and baseless thesis, typical of narrow-minded bakers.
        The facts are that there was a backward country led by the bloody crooked loser Nikolashka, who was under the thumb of his wife and the Anglo-Saxon lobby, and became a technologically, scientifically and industrially developed state with a strong economy, second only to the USA, a leader in nuclear energy and development space; the highest level of social protection and social elevators.
        Unfortunately, the Republic of Ingushetia could not boast of anything even close to this, and this alone is enough for any sober-minded person to understand the undeniable and unconditional superiority of the USSR.
        1. -5
          1 August 2024 16: 00
          Quote: 123_123
          The facts are that

          what I have given above - learn it and engrave it in your head.
          In a people's country, tie a knot in your head, people don't eat people in peacetime, like they did under you in 1932-33.
    3. +3
      27 July 2024 22: 08
      Is talking meaningless things your hobby?
    4. +1
      30 July 2024 22: 52
      No, they work! They work a lot, but only to satisfy their comprador interests. Covering this up with pseudo-patriotic slogans and pressure from the very dissatisfied, but nothing more. sad
  2. -4
    27 July 2024 05: 13
    "CR" - what kind of abbreviation is this? "Royal Russia"? There has never been such a country, but there was the Russian Empire or the Republic of Ingushetia.
    The author needs to be more respectful of the history of his own country.
    1. -9
      27 July 2024 05: 26
      "CR" - what kind of abbreviation is this? "Royal Russia"?
      This is what the Bolsheviks liked to call pre-revolutionary Russia. Now this is completely out of place
      1. +12
        27 July 2024 06: 11
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        This is what the Bolsheviks liked to call pre-revolutionary Russia. Now this is completely out of place

        That's for sure, the staples are breaking! wassat
      2. +17
        27 July 2024 06: 18
        "CR" - what kind of abbreviation is this? "Royal Russia"? There has never been such a country, but there was the Russian Empire or the Republic of Ingushetia.
        This is what the Bolsheviks liked to call pre-revolutionary Russia. Now this is completely out of place
        What country was it? Isn't it royal? ......God Save the Tsar!
        Strong, powerful,
        Reign for glory, for glory to us!..... This is how the official anthem began from 1833 to 1917.
        All over the world, Russia was called tsarist, Soviet, they could add Stalinist, then post-Soviet, now Putinist. And why is it out of place? Does it remind you of something, does an analogy slip through? For example, if it sounds like this....God save the president.....and so on in the text. Why isn't VVP a tsar? There is a new nobility - the bureaucracy, which parasitizes on the body of the current Russian Federation, the State Duma, even the last Holstein - Gottoropovsky could not even dream of such a thing, and naturally his patriarch.
    2. 0
      27 July 2024 09: 31
      As the ancient Romans said. what is allowed to the president is not allowed to the author.
  3. 0
    27 July 2024 05: 27
    It will be interesting to read further articles. But there is no need to idealize the Soviet system; unfortunately, there was no incentive for innovation in it
    1. 0
      27 July 2024 06: 04
      But there is no need to idealize the Soviet system; unfortunately, there was no incentive for innovation in it

      The system was too dependent on individuals, and even now
    2. +20
      27 July 2024 06: 06
      Quote: Eroma
      Unfortunately, there was no incentive for innovation in it

      Innovation, novelty - introduced or being implemented innovation, ensuring increased process efficiency and (or) improving product quality...

      Do you know that in the USSR a lot of things were done for the FIRST TIME? Or do you prefer to believe the GDP that only galoshes were produced in the USSR?
      Why didn’t he show photographs of himself in galoshes and family shorts?
      * * *
      I have a firm conviction that the enemies of the socialist system deliberately slowed down the production of consumer goods in order to cause people's dissatisfaction with shortages and various restrictions.
      * * *
      Soviet scientists said: we will do everything that does not contradict the laws of physics.
      1. -24
        27 July 2024 06: 48
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Do you know that in the USSR a lot of things were done for the FIRST TIME? Or do you prefer to believe the GDP that only galoshes were produced in the USSR?

        Aren't you tired of lying? Galoshes were mentioned in relation to consumer goods.
        Quote: ROSS 42
        I have a firm conviction that the enemies of the socialist system deliberately slowed down the production of consumer goods in order to cause people's dissatisfaction with shortages and various restrictions.
        1. +9
          27 July 2024 10: 27
          Quote: Dart2027
          Aren't you tired of lying? Galoshes were mentioned in relation to to consumer goods.

          Why didn’t you like Soviet goods? You are sick of foreign ones, because there are (almost) no Russian ones.
          Today's capitalists can only criticize what is foreign to the Soviet Union if you produce better yourself. But they can only drive hydrocarbons through pipes. After all, even the Lada, which is Vesta, could not be produced without the Chinese. They can’t make a steering wheel for a Moskvich!
          But there was a time when it was quite the opposite. Soviet “hated galoshes” were supplied to China in huge quantities. Not oil and gas!
          1. -6
            27 July 2024 11: 43
            Quote: Stas157
            Why didn’t you like Soviet goods?

            That is, don’t argue with the fact that Putin’s words were distorted. Well, what did they dislike... I remember the shortage of everything and everyone.
            Quote: Stas157
            Soviet “hated galoshes” were supplied to China in huge quantities.

            And not only to China. They just went as goods for the poor.
            1. +9
              27 July 2024 13: 13
              And not only to China. They just went as goods for the poor.

              Of course, not only to China. The USSR exported its goods to more than a hundred countries of the world, and there were not “galoshes” there, but electrical equipment, heavy forging and pressing machines, cars and tractors, watch mechanisms and furniture, and much more, and Western Europe also purchased...
              1. -12
                27 July 2024 13: 17
                Quote: Doccor18
                and Western Europe also purchased...

                I bought it. that's just it.
                Quote: Doccor18
                they went as goods for the poor
                Compare the auto industry with some Germany...
                1. +9
                  27 July 2024 14: 20
                  Before our products became obsolete at the end of the era of stagnation, they were quite at the world level and corresponded in quality to the world average and competed for the title of the best in the mid-budget segment. And yes, the Union, in principle, did not produce goods “for the rich,” except perhaps jewelry and cars for senior officials. They became goods for the poor when, having become lazy and squeezed out of their ranks enthusiasts who did not want to manage the state and the economy according to the letter of the communist works of 50 years ago, production officials stopped updating their products, limiting themselves to minimal efforts to create the appearance of progress (a striking example is Zhiguli ).
                  1. -5
                    27 July 2024 14: 23
                    Quote: Chief Officer Lom
                    Before our products became obsolete at the end of the era of stagnation, they were quite at the world level

                    Well, who is to blame for this? Putin?
                    1. +8
                      27 July 2024 14: 52
                      The CPSU is to blame. Just don’t confuse snickering partocrats and socialism as a political system. And I consider the assertion that under socialism the victory of the partocrats was inevitable to be false. It’s the same as saying that in a bankrupt enterprise, the arrival of incompetent management to control was predetermined by its management structure.
                      1. -7
                        27 July 2024 15: 03
                        Quote: Chief Officer Lom
                        And I consider the assertion that under socialism the victory of the partocrats was inevitable to be false.

                        Under any system, people remain people, with all the shortcomings of humanity as a biological species.
                        Throughout its history, humanity has essentially built one model of society. What are ancient slave owners, what are medieval nobles, what are modern oligarchs - the difference is in purely technical aspects. To build communism, a new humanity is needed, but it does not exist and is not in sight.
                      2. +6
                        27 July 2024 15: 21
                        To build communism, a new humanity is needed, but there is none

                        It's right. But it's like fighting crime. It is necessary to understand the impossibility of achieving 100% results, but refusal to fight also leads society to unpleasant results.
                        and is not expected.

                        But this is already visible. It’s just that the representatives of the old humanity who won the struggle for power are going to create it technologically, and what they need is not a communist ideal, but a controlled humanoid ant. True, now this is an outdated, backup plan; great hopes began to be placed on the development of AI, which suddenly took a big step forward. Then humanity will simply be disposed of.
                      3. -5
                        27 July 2024 15: 25
                        Quote: Chief Officer Lom
                        the possibility of achieving 100% results must be understood

                        Therefore, no one is going to eradicate it completely. Just drive it into some framework acceptable to the state.
                        Quote: Chief Officer Lom
                        But this is already visible.

                        In theory. In practice, we have remained the same. If people really change, then new social relations will arise naturally, without any revolutions or theories.
                      4. 0
                        23 October 2024 12: 10
                        Being determines consciousness. People cannot change by themselves in the short and medium term; the system in which they are born, grow and die must be changed. What is a sharp change in the system if not a revolution? Therefore, a revolution in being will lead to a revolution in consciousness.
          2. -3
            27 July 2024 12: 09
            Quote: Stas157
            Why didn’t you like Soviet goods?
            We were not pleased with the quality, the quality.
            Quote: Stas157
            You are sick of foreign ones, because there are (almost) no Russian ones.
            Then we had our own, but we were still thrilled by the foreign ones.
          3. -2
            27 July 2024 12: 31
            Today we live in a world that the West created, this is not praising the West, but a statement of the fact that in the USSR there was NOBODY to worry about everyday issues, and not because the USSR could not! hi
            Inventions that were introduced into the economy and changed our lives:
            1 mobile connection (USA)
            2 Internet (USA)
            3 smartphone (Finland)
            4 copiers (Japan)
            5 wide-body aircraft that reduced the cost of flights and ushered in the era of affordable air travel (USA)
            6 social networks (USA)
            And so on ad infinitum.....
            Now try to give examples of everyday things or something in principle, ideas introduced into the USSR, which were produced in the USSR or actively used, after which the WHOLE world began to follow us? feel
            Notice that everyone misses the greatness of the USSR (science, industrial potential, military strength, global influence), but no one misses Soviet stores! laughing
            1. +11
              27 July 2024 12: 58
              Actually, the copier was invented in the USA (Xerox), and the classic smartphone is the iPhone, where the classic functionality is implemented.
              According to the anti-Soviet, if the wheel was not invented in the USSR, then everything is lost.
              Anti-advisers are sick people lacking technical knowledge, intelligence and logical thinking skills.
              The slavish psychology of a slacker who feels his complete worthlessness is his essence.
              1. -5
                27 July 2024 13: 26
                Actually, the copier was invented in the USA (Xerox), and the classic smartphone is the iPhone, where the classic functionality is implemented.
                changing the places of the terms does not change the meaning
                The slavish psychology of a slacker who feels his complete worthlessness is his essence.
                another psychologist! Zakalibali, honest pioneer, where do such smart people come from? lol
                Doesn't the thought occur to you that a normal life actually costs money, and in order to earn normal money, you generally need to work hard? and all of you are slackers! fool
            2. -4
              27 July 2024 13: 18
              Quote: Eroma
              Notice that everyone misses the greatness of the USSR (science, industrial potential, military strength, global influence), but no one misses Soviet stores!

              And there is.
            3. +9
              27 July 2024 15: 26
              The first wide-body aircraft was the An-22, although they didn’t bother with the passenger version, but it carried paratroopers properly
              1. -2
                28 July 2024 21: 07
                It was designed not for paratroopers, but for equipment, paratroopers are for a beautiful picture. As a passenger it had no prospects.
            4. +4
              27 July 2024 16: 35
              "wide-body aircraft" - in fact, the first wide-body aircraft was created in the USSR, it was the An-22.
              1. +2
                28 July 2024 20: 04
                So what? It was the Boeing 747 that reduced the cost of air tickets on international routes! Although it was also developed as a transport aircraft, they were smart enough to develop the idea, and we limited ourselves to paratroopers! Why is that?
                1. +2
                  28 July 2024 21: 05
                  Without "Che". We made the first wide-body aircraft. Everyone did what they thought was necessary.
            5. +5
              28 July 2024 12: 01
              But we don’t need to lie!
              Item 4 - a copying device, Soviet physicist Vladimir Friedkin created the first copying machine. He assembled a device called "Electroscopic Copying Device No. 1". The process he invented allowed the image to be remembered for a long time, so that it could be printed on paper later. In 1957, all this ended. The KGB believed that the machine could be used to distribute materials prohibited in the USSR. In the USA, Chester Carlsson was working in this direction, but on a slightly different principle. The process was called "dry writing", in Greek it sounded like "xerography". In 1965, the founder of xerography visited Vladimir Friedkin's laboratory and was delighted with the ideas of the Soviet physicist. Later, the Americans used them in space communications. It was recognized that the priority in discovering the method of dry printing belongs to the Soviet scientist.

              Point 1 - Yes, indeed, Martin Cooper, the head of the mobile communications division of the American company Motorola, made the world's first call on a mobile phone on April 3, 1973. CALL. However, the history of mobile communications began much earlier. For example, on May 7, 1895, the famous Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov demonstrated a device designed to record electromagnetic waves.
              And mobile communications itself was first developed by the Soviet engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich. In the late 50s, he was written about in the popular magazine “Smena” as a young inventor who invented a walkie-talkie weighing only two kilograms. For those times the weight was small, but Kupriyanovich himself was not going to stop there. Being a passionate fan of mountaineering, he understood that such a walkie-talkie for communication with the base would take a lot of effort when climbing a mountain. Kupriyanovich continued to experiment and soon reduced the weight of the walkie-talkie, first to 1,2 kilograms, and then to 300 grams.

              In 1957, he received a patent “Device for calling and switching radiotelephone communication channels,” which outlined the basic principles of mobile telephony and the design of a mobile device. Articles about the invention were published in the same year in the magazines “Young Technician”, “Science and Life” and “Behind the Wheel”. ‎‎‎A device called LK-1, which was invented by Kupriyanovich, interested readers. In subsequent issues of the magazines, he answered their numerous questions.

              Kupriyanovich’s apparatus worked like this. Similar to modern devices, it connected to the city telephone network through a base station. Each phone used its own tone frequency so as not to interfere with other devices. The engineer calculated that in such a system, only four base stations would be needed to support the operation of several thousand mobile phones. In this case, the signal will be available within a radius of 20–30 km. Over time, Kupriyanovich managed to reduce the weight of the phone from three kilograms to 500 grams. The device was the size of two packs of cigarettes - foreign analogues reached such dimensions only in the 1980s. But the LK-1 was not distinguished by its beauty and ease of use: it was a box with toggle switches and a round dial for dialing numbers, like on old home telephones. The cost of the device was estimated at 300–400 rubles. A light motorcycle cost the same amount in those days.

              The advantage of Kupriyanovich’s development was not only in its successful design. The solution invented by the engineer made it possible to deploy a communication network without making changes to the city network of automatic telephone exchanges (ATS). But Kupriyanovich’s development was never implemented. According to one version, the reason was that the young engineer’s mobile phone would become a competitor to the developers of the Altai mobile communications system, which was installed in the cars of members of the USSR government.
              1. -3
                28 July 2024 19: 59
                Sorry, I didn’t read the whole text, the meaning is clear, we also came up with everything, only one problem, what’s the use of our developments if we don’t need it ourselves!? You need to look for this question!!!
              2. -2
                28 July 2024 20: 53
                But we don’t need to lie!
                Point 4 - copier, Soviet physicist Vladimir Fridkin created the first copier

                - could have been invented in the USSR absolutely EVERYTHING!!!
                The problem was with implementation - they couldn’t/didn’t want/didn’t want to introduce new things into the USSR.
                That’s why the heater valve in the VAZ 2101 kept leaking until the end.......
              3. Egg
                4 August 2024 15: 44
                I take my hat off to these facts.
                otherwise all these propagandists of the Western image are all brains in our heads... that everything great and first was not invented in the USSR.
            6. Egg
              4 August 2024 15: 41
              Quote: Eroma
              And so on ad infinitum.....

              Quote: Eroma
              Notice that everyone misses the greatness of the USSR (science, industrial potential, military strength, global influence), but no one misses Soviet stores!

              lies, for example, I miss Soviet high-quality NATURAL products, and not the Mr. that the shelves are now filled with. Full of chemicals, GMOs and palm oil.
          4. -12
            27 July 2024 12: 48
            Quote: Stas157
            Why didn’t you like Soviet goods?

            New Soviet coats can be immediately put on a garden scarecrow - the result is guaranteed!
            Quote: Stas157
            But they can only drive hydrocarbons through pipes. After all, even Lada

            The USSR drove imported pipes to buy grain, meat, etc.: country with the largest arable land in the world Couldn't feed myself
            Quote: Stas157
            After all, even Lada

            yes, even the Lada is a completely Italian Fiat, which has been licked for 30 years
            1. +8
              27 July 2024 13: 07
              You, enemies of the USSR, are anti-statists. What have you YOURSELF done? You have ruined all industries, you export natural resources and raw materials in huge quantities according to the principle "after us, even the flood", you buy up imported products with export money, that is, you give other countries our natural resources and raw materials, and leave money for them in other countries, and give people in other countries work and wages.
              And you seriously think that this is better than domestic production under the USSR.
              1. -13
                27 July 2024 13: 10
                Quote: tatra

                you, “enemies of the USSR”, with the BIGGEST arable land in the world, COULDN’T even FEED YOURSELF.

                It’s hard to imagine a greater shame...
                1. +12
                  27 July 2024 13: 20
                  HA, how did the Romanovs “feed” the people, when they produced 2-3 times LESS agricultural products per capita than in the USSR?
                  How did you, enemies of the USSR, "feed" the people? Only after 26 years did you begin to collect more grain than in the RSFSR in 1991. If we remove all imported products now and leave only those produced according to Soviet GOSTs, your favorite "Holodomor" will come, there will be very little food, and it will be at such huge prices that it will become inaccessible to most people.
                  And this is what you are also proud of?
                  And what is this eternal cowardly manner of the enemies of the USSR - when it comes to YOU, you immediately "shift the blame" to others. Nothing to defend yourself with?
      2. -10
        27 July 2024 07: 26
        A completely predictable reaction from supporters of socialism, to throw around our achievements, that we were the first to master the peaceful atom, the first to fly into space, and were the first in many other places! But these are advantages, and you don’t want to notice the disadvantages hi
        The USSR built a bunch of factories where the equipment was not changed until it was disposed of in the dashing 90s, because no one needed it! I am silent about Soviet consumer goods, the shelves of Western stores were an unattainable dream of Soviet citizens and the USSR completely lacked its own system or at least the concept of technological development of society! We only copied some inventions introduced in the West, we ourselves did not create anything specifically for people!
        As a result, when the market of the former USSR opened, the entire Soviet industry disappeared, because it was inferior in efficiency to Western industry, both in the quality of goods and technological efficiency, and this is the reason for economic inefficiency.
        That is, the USSR could solve some global problems, be at the forefront of world science, could defeat the whole world, but it did not have mechanisms for the innovative development of society, there simply were no opportunities for such development!
        1. +10
          27 July 2024 07: 33
          Where does so much impudence come from in the enemies of the USSR? You have made EVERYTHING without exception with your highly paid work WORSE than it was under the USSR, you have destroyed everything good for Russia and the people than it was under the USSR, you have ruined ALL industries compared to the RSFSR.
          And you yourself admit this, which is why your ideology “and we have nothing to do with”, and I have nothing to do with everything that you did to Russia and its people, but at the same time you still have the audacity to be angry against the USSR.
          1. -1
            27 July 2024 13: 10
            Why did you attack me? stop
            Personally, I didn’t do anything; in high school, like the whole country, I watched Swan Lake. You don’t know me, no one pays me big salaries! Everything I have has been earned through perseverance and, dare I say it, hard work! In general, counting other people’s money is not decent, but as I understand it, it’s not for communists who are just looking for someone to dispossess. laughing
            I’ll tell you a secret, the lion’s share of people don’t go to work to work, people go to work to get paid! And it doesn’t bother anyone if they get money for free feel
            In business there is always a person who is interested in the result, he forces people to bring benefits, but in government agencies all hired employees, including management, do not care about the result, their main task is not to lose their job and receive a salary while sitting in the country! This ruined the USSR, the revolutionary fervor ended and society stopped developing, which is why it disappeared. But in the USSR there was a lot of really useful things that should have been preserved, but they completely destroyed everything, because the collapse was carried out by those who rose to the top in the rotten system and they didn’t care about the country, they thought about themselves! am So who is to blame for the collapse of the USSR and what did you expect from the new authorities of the Russian Federation, who were the former nomenklatura of the USSR?
            Today society is being transformed, God willing, maybe something better will come out
            1. +4
              27 July 2024 13: 28
              Ha, well, why are all the enemies of the USSR so similar, and incapable of anything normal? For 33 years they have been AGAINST the Soviet communists and their supporters, AGAINST what they did, how they worked and fought, but when it comes to them themselves, each one is “not to blame”, not one is capable of DEFENDING their anti-Soviet people, what they all did together.
              And if none of them is able to report that these are their big, huge, colossal salaries and incomes, and this is the big, huge, colossal benefit that they brought to Russia and the people, then this is NOT your money. This is the money of Russia and its people.
            2. Egg
              4 August 2024 15: 53
              Quote: Eroma
              In business there is always a person who is interested in the result, he forces people to bring benefits, and in government agencies all hired employees

              I’ll probably tell you a secret, nothing has changed, but it has gotten even worse. In business, too, not everything is as beautiful as you sing here, how many of these businessmen, having seized enterprises created in the USSR and licked the cream from them, simply destroyed the enterprises or liquidated them? There is no need to confuse businessmen who created their own (these are mostly small entrepreneurs) and those "great"businessmen who participated in the robbery of the country in the 90s, and those who latched on to budgets at various levels and went bankrupt when their patrons left their posts.
              1. 0
                4 August 2024 19: 38
                Those who seized Soviet property either squandered their money or left the country long ago! There are some owners who were able to manage their assets wisely and these enterprises continued to operate.

                Sawing operators are not businessmen, but agents of corrupt officials

                I’m talking about entrepreneurs who create, and there are a great many of them!
              2. 0
                5 September 2024 21: 00
                Well, I read you and your comrades and your opponents... It turns out that Russian territory is a cursed place) Starting with the Russian Empire and up to the present day))) Everything is somehow done through the backseat) No, seriously) Something is constantly getting in the way or it turns out crooked.
            3. Egg
              4 August 2024 16: 01
              Quote: Eroma
              In business there is always a person who is interested in the result, he forces people to bring benefits, and in government agencies all hired employees

              Moreover, in large enterprises such as Gazprom, Transneft, Russian Railways, etc. no one cares about how these enterprises develop, the main task of these would-be businessmen is to pump out and share the profit now, while they are in office, and then there’s a flood... violations in everything and everywhere, so there is a wave of accidents in production, and it will get even worse...
        2. +14
          27 July 2024 08: 34
          Everything is true about the shortcomings. But the reasons were eliminated in 91. Together with the country. AND? Where is the giant leap in development promised by “innovators” like Gaidar? In the USSR, at least you didn’t have to buy weapons abroad. So what is the reason that the “advanced” system and system do not allow the country to develop? And why can China do this, albeit with inferior socialism? What prevented and is hindering us like this?
          1. +11
            27 July 2024 08: 44
            But there is no answer to this, there is only whining that all 33 years the Soviet communists and security officers have been interfering, the people we got are bad, the West is to blame.
            And the enemies of the USSR, both from the history of our country - Soviet and pre-revolutionary, threw out all the facts that were unfavorable to them, and from their anti-Soviet period they already threw out the rule of their benefactors Gorbachev and Yeltsin. If this doesn’t happen, they will throw out his rule, and then everything will be all over again, they will be chanting for decades that they are “sorting out” after those who came before.
            1. 0
              5 September 2024 21: 13
              And what prevented you from fighting these opportunists and benefactors?! ))) You had no competitors AT ALL!!! And the number of fiery fighters and ideal personalities was simply off the charts. All of them were heroes! In 1991, there were

              16 people!!!! Army! Nobody would even dare to move against you))))

              And where were these 16 million of the smartest, most honest, most conscientious people?!

              Why do you constantly complain about some traitors if you had no rivals at all? As I understand it, the system really has outlived its usefulness and that is why the members of this very party buried it. Nobody cared and everyone saw the end perfectly well!
          2. man
            27 July 2024 12: 20
            Quote: victor50
            Everything is true about the shortcomings. But the reasons were eliminated in 91. Together with the country. AND? Where is the giant leap in development promised by “innovators” like Gaidar? In the USSR, at least you didn’t have to buy weapons abroad. So what is the reason that the “advanced” system and system do not allow the country to develop? And why can China do this, albeit with inferior socialism? What prevented and is hindering us like this?

            You will also say, how can you copy the inhumane Chinese system in which corruption and theft are punishable by death?! Don't you feel sorry for our dear officials? Why should they starve for a salary?
            1. -4
              28 July 2024 21: 18
              You will also say, how can you copy the inhumane Chinese system in which corruption and theft are punishable by death?! Don't you feel sorry for our dear officials? Why should they starve for a salary? People have been shot for corruption for 27 years now. They shoot live, they shot in stadiums, they send bills for the shooting...
              27 years old and for some reason it doesn’t reach the Chinese corrupt officials.
              For a long time now, officials have been those who were born after they started shooting.
              Where is the effectiveness of executions?
              1. man
                28 July 2024 23: 57
                Quote: your1970
                You will also say, how can you copy the inhumane Chinese system in which corruption and theft are punishable by death?! Don't you feel sorry for our dear officials? Why should they starve for a salary? People have been shot for corruption for 27 years now. They shoot live, they shot in stadiums, they send bills for the shooting...
                27 years old and for some reason it doesn’t reach the Chinese corrupt officials.
                For a long time now, officials have been those who were born after they started shooting.
                Where is the effectiveness of executions?

                It is almost impossible to completely defeat corruption. Even under Stalin it was there. The question is the scale of the phenomenon. The death penalty for grand corruption and theft is a strong deterrent, provided that the punishment is inevitable.
                1. 0
                  29 July 2024 10: 28
                  The death penalty for grand corruption and theft is a strong deterrent, provided that the punishment is inevitable.
                  27 years and 130 executed -NOT were a deterrent if there is someone who wants to smear their forehead with brilliant green tomorrow.
                  Sanitary shooting of jackals - yes, deterrent - no.
                  For 1300 years in Islam women have been stoned to death in the squares (some places still do) for adultery. Has a very painful death become a deterrent in the last 1300 years? No - since there are those who are stoned today...
          3. -9
            27 July 2024 12: 43
            Where is the giant leap of development,
            and you don’t notice him? hi
            The standard of living has changed dramatically! We started from the level: no more than one kg of sugar in one hand, a lottery was played in the team for the right to buy a washing machine or furniture, a car through some kind of line, tangerines in the store only on New Year’s Eve, materials that someone else had compromised are used to build a dacha at a construction site because it’s simply not possible to buy! And look at your capabilities in the field of food, housing, clothing and everything in the world, compared to that era, you live in a society of commodity abundance! fellow
            But everything has a price, that's how life works request In order to gain commodity abundance, we had to integrate into the world economy, with the loss of part of the sovereignty and some of the greatness of the nation, not everything had to be lost, but how it happened and the consequences we are suffering today.
            1. +9
              27 July 2024 13: 13
              In general, the enemies of the USSR present as their “achievement” in comparison with the USSR - imports, which they buy up with income from the Soviet raw materials and industrial sectors, counterfeits of Soviet products - after all, there are a lot of them.
              And their real “achievement” is that they got not only the largest republic of the USSR, but also the richest and most industrially and scientifically developed, and they turned it into a poor, backward raw materials appendage and a market for foreign food products, manufactured goods, science, and intellect.
            2. mz
              27 July 2024 14: 49
              Quote: Eroma

              The standard of living has changed dramatically! We started from the level: no more than one kg of sugar in one hand, a lottery was played in the team for the right to buy a washing machine or furniture, a car through some kind of line, tangerines in the store only on New Year’s Eve, materials that someone else had compromised are used to build a dacha at a construction site because it’s simply not possible to buy! And look at your capabilities in the field of food, housing, clothing and everything in the world, compared to that era, you live in a society of commodity abundance!

              The standard of living has changed due to a general increase in labor productivity and cheaper production of mass goods. And if we take, say, the 70s, then the average worker, clerk, etc. even in a developed capitalist country (for example, Great Britain) he lived definitely no better than the average citizen of the USSR. And he did not have the opportunity to purchase high-quality goods. And your own home, too, in most cases.
              It has already been written here that the quality of goods in the USSR was lower than in the West. But this is compared with those supplied by Vneshtorg, and they were only of high quality. The average level of consumer goods was no lower than in the USSR (although the range was wider, of course). We were convinced of this when, since the 90s, a wave of goods of frankly crappy quality poured into us (and not only from China).
            3. +6
              28 July 2024 06: 25
              And look at your capabilities in the field of food, housing, clothing and everything in the world, compared to that era, you live in a society of commodity abundance
              Tell pensioners about abundance and many others who can look at it. And ask what materials this abundance of food is made from.
              1. -7
                28 July 2024 20: 23
                I sincerely sympathize with pensioners, you don’t deserve this!
                But, the essence of my post is not whether it is available or not, but that then, in principle, there was no money, but today there would be money! And this is the next task
              2. -7
                28 July 2024 21: 23
                ask what materials this product abundance is made from.
                Well, let’s put palm trees and soybeans, Nikitos began to import them to the USSR.
                And if you served in the SA, you ate three times a day a combination of the same palm...
                The coolest thing is that it was GOSTed and the palm tree was officially there
            4. -2
              29 July 2024 10: 37
              The parents worked at a military factory and received an apartment for the child. But for example, they couldn’t buy a sideboard wall in a store, because the right to purchase was played out in a lottery. And this despite the fact that these walls were made at a local enterprise! It turned out well that my relatives won the lottery and my parents were still able to buy the wall. By the way, it was of terrible quality - all crooked and askew, but it still stands, even though from time to time they try to throw it away. A person gets used to everything.

              It was the same with the dacha - they gave me a plot outside the city. And you can buy boards for the house and bricks. Despite the fact that there is a large lumber factory in the city. Only boards and dried timber, everything went to Europe and Finland for foreign currency, it was impossible to buy anything in the city, only the lowest grade and raw timber were sold to locals.

              These are all real life stories.

              Of course, someone will say that they gave me both an apartment and a dacha. But even now people buy apartments, and land outside the city in the regions costs pennies.
              1. +2
                1 August 2024 07: 24
                What a surprise, my father, after mobilization, began to build a house, next to the plant, a mailbox, with the director of which he agreed to hire him as an electrician, a private, after mobilization, got married, asked the village council to allocate a plot for construction, they gave , to the forestry enterprise, they allocated timber for construction in cash, don’t fall, 40 cubic meters at 16 kopecks per cubic meter, standing, colleagues, by decision of the unit commander, helped with the harvesting, and the plant director allocated a machine, they started in 1959, in 1961 they moved into a new home, I was born in 1962, you lack conscience and knowledge of life in the USSR.
                1. 0
                  4 August 2024 05: 10
                  They don’t like the truth - that’s why they downvote. Well, what to take from the offended people.
                  If you personally were given everything in the 1950s, then I don’t argue, they could have given it, especially since a village resident was entitled to a house. But in the 1980s, we were offered the right to buy furniture in a lottery - isn’t this immediately true?
                  Although maybe you also made furniture from the allocated forest yourself. The words to get it and throw it on sale, to negotiate for a bottle - did not appear out of nowhere in the USSR.
                  1. Egg
                    4 August 2024 16: 20
                    Quote: Totor5
                    They don’t like the truth - that’s why they downvote. Well, what to take from the offended people.
                    If you personally were given everything in the 1950s, then I don’t argue, they could have given it, especially since a village resident was entitled to a house. But in the 1980s, we were offered the right to buy furniture in a lottery - isn’t this immediately true?
                    Although you may also have made furniture yourself from allocated wood. The words to get it and throw it on sale, to negotiate for a bottle - did not arise out of nowhere in the USSR.

                    the truth is that you know nothing about life in the USSR or are deliberately lying.
                    Grandfather and grandmother used their collective farm pension (I don’t know how many years they collected), my mother and I (we were 7 years old at the time) in 1976 bought a 2-room cooperative apartment in the regional center, if memory serves, for 15 thousand rubles, you can imagine imagine this now? and furnishing it was no problem, there was furniture, a sofa, a TV, and a ZIL refrigerator. This house, a “Khrushchev”, by the way, still stands.
                    1. 0
                      4 August 2024 20: 19
                      We all lived in the USSR, only in different ways. My parents received an apartment like everyone else and received a plot for a dacha, and everything, as I understand it, was free. I don’t argue, it’s cool, with a salary of 80 rubles per MONTH, it’s really cool. Grandparents lived in the village, I won’t say it was bad, there were houses, cattle and a bathhouse and a lot of land. But in the grocery store, sugar was sold at 1 kg per person, I tried bananas once, they treated me, a washing machine and a wall in the hall, bought thanks to the lottery, my mother won the right to work. In the village we made lemonade using soda and citric acid; I haven’t practiced mixing up the ingredients for a long time. For the dacha, the parents obtained materials at the construction site, agreeing on everything. The word get, that was the key! It was impossible to just go and buy!!!!
                      It was possible to live, but with a lot of restrictions and there is no need to compare the technical level of Soviet life and the life of the middle class in the West
                      1. Egg
                        4 August 2024 21: 23
                        Maybe in different ways... but in those days I was thrown around on business trips, from Leningrad and Moscow to Vladivostok and Khabarovsk Territory, and I was brought to the Far North where I stopped.
                        That's why I've been to many places and I can say that people really lived differently, but no one died of hunger anywhere, there was a ton of work, they paid steadily, and the shelves in the stores were filled to varying degrees, but never empty.
                        About 1 kg of sugar per person, it’s a blatant and shameless lie; sugar has always been in abundance.
                        In some places there were restrictions on meat 2 kg, sausages 1 kg and butter 0.5 kg, but you could go to a nearby store and add it there and go back and take it again, but that’s a hassle.... You could come the next day and take it fresh.
                        Bananas? Well then, oh... I don’t know how we survived without baniniv, only... soda 3 kopecks a glass on every corner, in stores there is lemonade, Pinocchio, tarragon, duchess, etc. At least fill it up in glass bottles.
                        At one time my lunch consisted of a fresh loaf of bread, a can of condensed cream and a bottle of lemonade laughing
                        In winter, of course, there were problems with vegetables, but not because of a shortage, but because there were problems with storage, there were no refrigerators, they weren’t treated with chemicals, a lot of it was rotting at the vegetable warehouses, we students were sent there to sort it out.
                        But the products in those days were natural and healthy, but now there is only soy, palm oil and GMOs, so there is a massive rise in oncology, allergies of all kinds and weakened immunity, there are almost no healthy people.
                        And yes, palm oil was not imported into the country; we had never heard of it then.
                      2. +1
                        5 August 2024 15: 11
                        It is possible to argue about how and who lived and is living ad infinitum, so it is useless.
                        I’m not writing about the fact that everything was bad in the USSR, but now everything is good. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses. I consider the disadvantage of Soviet socialism to be the refusal and even prohibition of entrepreneurship; this significantly slowed down the development of society and led to the collapse of the socialist system.
                        We need to complete the idea and integrate entrepreneurship into socialism.
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                    3. 0
                      5 September 2024 22: 06
                      Well, let's imagine ))) I don't like the current system, to put it mildly, and the sisialistic one too ) So I treat them equally, you know...

                      A 2-room Khrushchev-era apartment. Area 46-48 sq. m., with a typical layout ))) The average salary in 1976 was 154.2 rubles per month, according to government statistics.
                      Let's take a typical regional center, well, I don't know, let's take Vladimir. The average salary, if we believe the statistics, is 90000 rubles. ) True, we will not find a two-room apartment of this size in meters, it will be more than 50 sq. m. The cost of a NEW two-room apartment! Karl, apartments in Vladimir start from 2 million, we will take somewhere around the median of 3 )))

                      5000000 RUB / 90000 = 55.5555555 2024
                      15000 / 154.2 = 97,2762645914 1976

                      Any questions?! So, if I were you, I wouldn't brag about such an example, but would just smoke on the sidelines)
                    4. 0
                      5 September 2024 22: 18
                      . Grandfather and grandmother used their collective farm pension (I don’t know how many years they collected)

                      A collective farm?! I told you above how many years it would take to buy a cooperative apartment for the AVERAGE salary of that time. Are you so sure that they could save up for an apartment for 30-40 rubles of a collective farm pension?! Do you know when they started paying pensions to collective farmers?! Educate yourself before you start talking nonsense.
                      1. Egg
                        6 September 2024 07: 04
                        Quote: UserGun
                        A collective farm?! I told you above how many years it would take to buy a cooperative apartment for the AVERAGE salary of that time. Are you so sure that they could save up for an apartment for 30-40 rubles of a collective farm pension?! Do you know when they started paying pensions to collective farmers?! Educate yourself before you start talking nonsense.

                        It's your right not to believe it, of course, but a fact is a fact... the apartment was bought in 1974.
                        I'm not saying that my grandparents lived on 1 pension and helped out purely from it. My grandma, for example, sold seedlings, the bathhouse attendant's grandfather continued to work... and I remember constantly raising a bull and 2-3 pigs. It was possible then.
                      2. -1
                        6 September 2024 08: 58
                        Well, if you remember everything so well, then tell us what the happy day was like.
                        collective farm pension?!) I clearly remember that my grandmother received as much as 29 rubles in pension, exactly in the early 70s of the last century and also lived on a plot of 6 acres. True, it is difficult to call it life, let's say, she SURVIVED .... As well as other neighbors nearby. And I remember very well how happy she was with the PASSPORT! Karl, which she also finally! Karl, received in the early 70s. Here I wrote to you above, how many YEARS!!! you can buy a cooperative apartment, worth 15000 rubles, according to your words, on the average salary of those years, which was much higher than the maximum pension and not even a collective farm one. And note! It was necessary to spend ALL the salary in savings. Do not eat! Do not drink! How did you say there?! "Imagined"?!
                      3. Egg
                        6 September 2024 13: 30
                        Quote: UserGun
                        Well, if you remember everything so well, then tell us what the happy day was like.
                        collective farm pension?!) I clearly remember that my grandmother received as much as 29 rubles in pension, exactly in the early 70s of the last century and also lived on a plot of 6 acres. True, it is difficult to call it life, let's say, she SURVIVED .... As well as other neighbors nearby. And I remember very well how happy she was with the PASSPORT! Karl, which she also finally! Karl, received in the early 70s. Here I wrote to you above, how many YEARS!!! you can buy a cooperative apartment, worth 15000 rubles, according to your words, on the average salary of those years, which was much higher than the maximum pension and not even a collective farm one. And note! It was necessary to spend ALL the salary in savings. Do not eat! Do not drink! How did you say there?! "Imagined"?!

                        What are you trying to prove to me here? Or are you trying to make me not believe you? I wrote to you what I remember and how it was, but I don't intend to enter into a discussion with you.
                        I have also played games with numbers and they do not always reflect reality.
                        Grandfather received 27 rubles in pension, grandmother 17, and so what? Mother, a teacher at that time, received 180-200, and grandparents also managed to throw her some money and gave her money for an apartment in the teachers' cooperative, and?
                        And I don’t remember/don’t know about all those horrors that are described here in the comments.
                      4. -1
                        6 September 2024 15: 50
                        . Grandfather received 27 rubles in pension, grandmother 17, and so what? Mother, a teacher at that time, received 180-200, and grandparents also managed to throw her some money and gave her money for an apartment in the teachers' cooperative, and?
                        And I don’t remember/don’t know about all those horrors that are described here in the comments.

                        It was not by chance that I gave you the example of my grandmother. We see approximately the same numbers) Somehow I doubt that since 1964 your grandparents have saved as much as 15 rubles, in 000 years!!! Karl (namely, pensions began to be paid in places! to collective farmers), rolling in clover. Horrors?! What kind of horrors are these for you, comrades, in the country of pink elves) But my grandmother, and I myself, would not call such a life happy, as you describe in oils. It's interesting, but the fact is that living on a 10-acre plot, though without my grandfather, who died in the Great Patriotic War at the very beginning, my grandmother somehow not only didn't save up for a cooperative apartment, but didn't even eat meat every day, mda... In general, I understand that you shook your head without thinking about how happily the collective farmers lived under developed socialism, not even imagining that it turns out that those who remember that "happy" time very well and can give examples of a far from happy life from the fairy tales of pink elves are alive. Remember this and next time think about your pink fantasies. Goodbye.
        3. +13
          27 July 2024 09: 48
          Where are there a bunch of federal factories or are the factories basically not needed? Federal consumer goods do not exist in nature, everything is only Chinese. You criticize the Union. show what you did better.
        4. +10
          27 July 2024 14: 28
          Quote: Eroma
          But these are advantages, and you don’t want to notice the disadvantages hi
          The USSR built a bunch of factories where the equipment did not change until it was disposed of in the dashing 90s

          You are right, but partly. Stalin was no fool, and did not limit private (there were some nuances with forms of ownership, if interested, you can study separately, it’s easier to call it private) initiative in the production of consumer goods. It was Khrushchev, adored by liberals for the “thaw,” who released Bandera’s followers, but banned artels (some were real enterprises) and individual private labor, and shot those who continued production underground.
          As they say, make a fool pray to God, and he’ll bruise his forehead.
          1. -11
            27 July 2024 14: 53
            The fact of the matter is that in Soviet society, private initiative and entrepreneurship were banned. I wasn’t smart enough to direct the natural desire to create in the right direction! Stalin at least preserved the environment in which enterprising people could realize themselves, albeit according to the “outdated” capitalist model. And then, instead of comprehending the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and assessing its usefulness for society and somehow cleverly playing with the methods of using this phenomenon for the socialist system, everything was stupidly banned! fool
            But it is entrepreneurship that drives progress, develops society, and creates new benefits for people. fellow
            In the West, entrepreneurship is the foundation of society, everything revolves around it, and therefore the West has moved far from the USSR in development and, as a result, the collapse of the USSR.
            For fans of communism, the entrepreneur is evil, his motive is the thirst for profit at the expense of others! And this is stupidity! Entrepreneurs start their activities not for the sake of money, but for the sake of realizing their idea, and if the idea is workable and the person is smart enough to organize the business, then he gets a result that benefits society, and he gets money! In a capitalist society, this is how it works, but no one has thought about how it should work in a socialist society!
            1. +10
              27 July 2024 23: 50
              Quote: Eroma
              Entrepreneurs start their activities not for the sake of money and for the sake of realizing your idea...
              don't deceive yourself and others!! No. entrepreneurs, (from the root of the word undertake!), SOLELY for the sake of PROFIT, even if not in the near future (!)... Yes
              and for the sake of realizing their idea - INVENTORS (engineers, innovators, etc.), and there were quite a few of them in the USSR too!!!
              that’s why there were outstanding discoveries and airplanes (competitive Concords!!!), and space flights, and the "Spiral" system, and much, much more...!!! Yes

              1. -5
                28 July 2024 20: 17
                Unfortunately, in the USSR, they thought the same thing, and this is no offense: literalism and narrow-mindedness, which is why all the creative potential of all rationalists was used to a minimum, only in limited areas, where the result was, but everywhere there was stagnation
                1. +7
                  28 July 2024 21: 27
                  Quote: Eroma
                  Unfortunately, in the USSR, they thought the same thing, and this is no offense: literalism and narrow-mindedness,
                  well then you are like a person "with very broad thinking" Broaden your horizons (!), and consider the difference in the stratification of SOCIETY, very (too) rich (what do you call - “enterprising!!”), and I’ll say it mildly, - “not very rich" ... ?!! in the so-called market economy!!! wink

                  Quote: Eroma
                  and everywhere there was stagnation
                  not under Stalin (!), but already long after him (!). Under him there were also artels and small cooperatives..!!!
                  That's why there is a big difference in how to use human potential PRODUCTIVELY, for the benefit of the country!!! Yes

                  And yes (!), you won’t believe it, neither do they happen under capitalism either "stagnation":
                  for example, the "great depression" or the crisis of the late seventies / early eighties!!! (but the USSR at this time took the bait and fell into the trap of Afghanistan ...!!!) what it's a pity ...

                  But here such breakthrough rates of social development as they were founded back in the thirties and forties (under Stalin!!!), and could grow by inertia, almost until the mid-eighties (!), I hardly saw the capitalist system!!! request
                  although, if you can, you’ll probably give an example...?!! winked

                  1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. -5
                    29 July 2024 07: 35
                    Let's say you are a city person and live in an apartment; you have no land at all, but a peasant has a house and dozens of hectares of land. Does such injustice somehow bother you?
                    I think not, since you understand that land is the peasant’s main resource.

                    An entrepreneur's main resource is money.
      3. +13
        27 July 2024 08: 40
        Quote: ROSS 42
        enemies of the socialist system specifically slowed down the production of consumer goods
        Nobody slowed down anything, everything is much simpler - under Stalin, all consumer goods for the population were made by “artels”, you can consider this an analogue of “cooperatives”. They are small, but there were a lot of them and they responded very quickly to fashion, product demand, etc. And the state only collected taxes from them. Large enterprises did not engage in consumer goods - they are not flexible and the planned economy is responsive to the demand of the population, fashion, shortages, etc. indifferent. Everything worked perfectly, but then Khrushchev came and closed these artels, entrusting the production of consumer goods to large enterprises. Everyone remembers the results, when millions of identical pants, shirts, dresses, etc. were produced. What surprises me more is that Brezhnev did not restore those same artels... why the hell? this is a mystery to me... he had a lot of time...
        1. +3
          27 July 2024 14: 39
          Brezhnev did not restore those same artels...why h.z. this is a mystery to me... he had a lot of time...

          Everything is very simple. Brezhnev was a good person, but in economics and sociology, apparently, he understood at the level of “let’s catch up and surpass the United States in terms of the amount of cast iron produced!” He saw that Khrushchev was destroying the economy of the Union, but he didn’t really understand what needed to be done when he eliminated Khrushchev, so he chose not to do anything, and that’s why the “era of stagnation.” At the beginning of his reign, he took several timid steps, but then “tired.” Everything went by inertia.
          1. 0
            27 July 2024 14: 53
            Quote: Chief Officer Lom
            understood at the level of “we will catch up and surpass the United States in terms of the amount of cast iron produced!”
            There was such a thing, I even remember collecting scrap metal at school and the so-called “pioneer melts”, and then the inscriptions on the locomotives of the commuter trains “Pionersky”, “Komsomolsky”. I’m just not sure that they were made from exactly that scrap.
            While I was a schoolboy I listened to fairy tales on TV: “The USSR ranks 1st in the production of cast iron and steel.” When I got older and went to school, the teachers clarified this phrase somewhat: “for non-alloy steels” because there was no point in lying to future “tool makers” who would soon themselves become bosses and directors of enterprises. But the ordinary people were impressed by that phrase about 1st place...
        2. +1
          28 July 2024 21: 27
          What surprises me more is that Brezhnev did not restore those same artels... why the hell? this is a mystery to me... he had a lot of time...
          Because artels are difficult to control and take into account in planning.
          It turned out to be easier to churn out pants and dresses for millions - I set a plan for 5 years and alga!!!!
          1. +2
            29 July 2024 14: 59
            Quote: your1970
            It turned out to be easier to churn out pants and dresses for millions - I set a plan for 5 years and alga!!!!
            This was the problem - over a five-year period, fashion will change at least 5 times, and any cooperative produces only what the population is in demand for.
      4. +10
        27 July 2024 12: 08
        Quote: ROSS 42
        I have a firm conviction that the enemies of the socialist system deliberately slowed down the production of consumer goods in order to cause people's dissatisfaction with shortages and various restrictions.
        Friends and leaders of the socialist system slowed down the production of consumer goods because they had everything themselves, they did not see the point in increasing the production of consumer goods. If they had closed their special distribution centers, special clinics and other special..., then maybe they would have stirred.
        1. +2
          27 July 2024 12: 25
          Quote: bk0010
          If they had been covered by their special distribution centers, special clinics and other special..., then they might have moved.

          Absolutely right. So the current deputies should equate the salary in multiples of the minimum wage (approximately 10 minimum wages), maybe they have more astutely studied the problem of the poor in Russia.
          1. 0
            27 July 2024 17: 07
            Quote: ROSS 42
            Absolutely right. So the current deputies should equate the salary in multiples of the minimum wage (approximately 10 minimum wages), maybe they have more astutely studied the problem of the poor in Russia.

            After which the minimum wage will have no relation to real salaries in Russia, but will only express parliamentary wishes divided by 10. But nothing will change for people
      5. BAI
        27 July 2024 12: 38
        Text of Putin's speech about galoshes:

        “Yes, my dears, yes. There is no need to discuss. The fact is that what we produced (and there is no need to wave our hands) was not needed by anyone, because Nobody bought our galoshes except Africanswho had to walk on hot sand. That's what it's all about.

        We had a defense industry - cool, strong, and we are still proud of it. We are grateful to our grandfathers and our fathers for creating such a defense after the Great Patriotic War.

        Vladimir Putin: Both the first satellite and the first man in space are our common pride, these are the achievements of the Soviet government, of which we are all proud. These are nationwide achievements.

        But consumer goods ... Zhirinovsky has already said this. Where were they? They weren't there. Let's not lie to each other and to the people. The people know what was and what was not. "
        1. +6
          27 July 2024 16: 44
          Quote: BAI
          But consumer goods… Zhirinovsky has already said this. Where were they? There were none. Let's not lie to each other and the people. The people know what was and what was not.

          Okay, what Putin said without thinking, referring to the "tsar's jester" Zhirinovsky, although he himself has a PhD in economics, is unforgivable, but why repeat the stupidity, as was said to lie to the people. Firstly, need to be clarified what consumer goods and in what years were bad in the president's opinion. Consumer goods? Household electrical appliances? Cars? What exactly? Secondly, in order for the GDP to be able to calmly hide behind the legacy of the USSR with its nuclear shield today, something must be sacrificed, the state's defense capability comes first. And the Union could not literally everything to do better than everyone else in the world, it doesn’t happen. No matter how you spin the GAZ -24, a Mercedes will not work, just as the Italians, French, Swedes and even the Americans will not succeed. Mercedes only Germans can do it and no one else. And the people in the USSR, indeed, increased their well-being with each passing year, every family had TVs, washing machines, tape recorders, etc., my brother's dad gave him a reel-to-reel Romantic in 75. As they say, Moscow wasn't built in a day, they would have gradually established consumer goods.
          1. +1
            29 July 2024 15: 16
            Mercedes can only be made by Germans and no one else. it has been made by Turks since the 1980s. And now there are third generation Turks there...

            In 75, my father gave my brother a Romantic reel-to-reel.
            After 13 years in Kushka, a Panasonic soap dish with built-in batteries sang for days and didn’t chew cassette tapes, not even our MK60s.
            Which the cassette Romantik 220 simply ate, although he also chewed good imported cassettes

            1st generation color TVs weighed 70 kg
    3. +9
      27 July 2024 06: 28
      Quote: Eroma
      But there is no need to idealize the Soviet system; unfortunately, there was no incentive for innovation in it

      And we shouldn't consider the Soviet system as a single monolith. The Stalinist economy and the post-Stalinist economy are completely different systems! Starting with Khrushchev, the dismantling of Stalinomics began - the abolition of the horizontally integrated structure of GosSnab, the elimination of subsidies for agriculture in the form of MTS maintained at the expense of the state, the destruction of the private sector in the form of artels and industrial cooperation... and much more...
      On the issue of innovation - In 1953, the Soviet BESM-1 was the fastest computer in Europe, second only to the American IBM 701...
      1. +8
        27 July 2024 07: 31
        I agree with you!
        In fact, the system of public administration created by Stalin, in the form of incentives, control of results, resource management, and including punishment (it is necessary to separate the political conditional Gulag from punishment for irresponsibility), requires comprehensive study in order to strengthen the experience!
        Because the system he created somehow made it possible to find talents and raise them to the top to achieve incredibly difficult goals!
      2. +5
        27 July 2024 07: 40
        Quote from: AllX_VahhaB
        There is no need to view the Soviet system as a single monolith.

        These two are from the casket...They have the same attitude to the USSR as Biden has to peacekeeping.
        They don’t even know what CMEA is... And they can’t say their own thing, because they didn’t live at that time - they picked up the leaders from Gorbachev’s perestroika and think that this was socialism. Lock them in one room, and within a day they will eat each other's brains out.
        Quote: Dart2027
        Aren't you tired of lying? Galoshes were mentioned in relation to consumer goods.

        Without wasting...
        1. +9
          27 July 2024 07: 56
          Everything here is straight out of Freud. And the fact that for the enemies of the USSR the main thing is to take as much as possible out of Russia, and not to produce for Russia and the people, and to slander the USSR as much as possible, and to shift responsibility for the results of their highly paid work onto the USSR.
          1. +3
            27 July 2024 12: 34
            Quote: tatra
            and blame the USSR for the results of their highly paid work.

            Irina! Yes
            ...and blame ALL responsibility for the MISERABLE results of their worthless highly paid work on the USSR.
            1. 0
              27 July 2024 15: 22
              Quote: ROSS 42
              for the meager results of their worthless highly paid work.
              Let's look at "Made by us".
        2. man
          27 July 2024 12: 31
          And they cannot say their own thing, because they did not live at that time - they picked up the leaders from Gorbachev’s perestroika and think that this was socialism. Lock them in one room, and within a day they will eat each other's brains out.
          Don't worry, they won't eat you out. In order to eat something, you first need to have something.
    4. +3
      27 July 2024 13: 59
      You see, colleague, any system built on ideology dies when motivated people (leaders) leave.
  4. +5
    27 July 2024 05: 33
    And the liberal movement claims that the money for industrialization came from the sale of the Hermitage valuables. I can recommend listening to Kasatonov’s lectures, where he explains in great detail where funds for industrialization were found
    1. 0
      27 July 2024 06: 12
      sales of Hermitage valuables.

      Well, that also helped, but what's interesting is that now facts are emerging that Mikoyan did not select masterpieces for sale thoughtlessly, a very competent commission worked and now it has been revealed that the paintings are not by Raphael, Rembrandt and others, but paintings by students of the schools of Raphael, Rembrandt...
      This was the practice at that time. Promoted artists used the work of their students, and they themselves only supervised the writing and put their signature. Only early paintings were painted by geniuses themselves.
    2. -9
      27 July 2024 06: 31
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      And the liberal movement claims that the money for industrialization came from the sale of the Hermitage valuables.

      Church valuables and the sale abroad of bread confiscated from starving peasants! Voice the liberal agenda in full! Yes... and industrialization was carried out with the free labor of Gulag prisoners! wassat
      1. 0
        27 July 2024 06: 33
        industrialization was carried out with the free labor of Gulag prisoners!
        Where could the prisoners come from in the USSR if Comrade. Stalin shot them personally! It seems like he shot a whole billion wink
        1. man
          27 July 2024 12: 34
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          industrialization was carried out with the free labor of Gulag prisoners!
          Where could the prisoners come from in the USSR if Comrade. Stalin shot them personally! It seems like he shot a whole billion wink

          More, he shot some 3-4 times
    3. BAI
      27 July 2024 08: 33
      I can recommend listening to Kasatonov’s lectures, where he explains in great detail where funds for industrialization were found

      Why do we need Kasatonov when we have Shpakovsky with an article on this topic?
      Inspired by:
      Why do we need chicken cubes if we have goat balls?
  5. -14
    27 July 2024 05: 43
    why the USSR constantly issued money: due to budget deficits, the country was poor.

    And this with the richest natural resources!!!
    laughing Why lie then.
    The only question is who managed them and how.
    What with the commies, what with the bourgeoisie
    The people were excluded from income for the use of mineral resources.
    Everything was controlled by a narrow group of people under various slogans... then forward to communism... then forward to capitalism.
    Neither then nor now does the average citizen have any profit from the extraction of gold, oil, iron, gas and then... all the cream went to completely different purposes.
    Ordinary citizens for the most part will never become rich...neither under capitalism nor under communism...all this is bullshit and lies.
    1. +15
      27 July 2024 07: 21
      Neither then nor now does the average citizen have any profit from the extraction of gold, oil, iron, gas, etc.

      Then I definitely didn’t have:
      from the land of bast shoes and huts to space;
      from an agrarian underdeveloped semi-colony to the number one power;
      to a country with free higher and secondary education;
      stable work and a future for their children;
      stable international security (our army in the middle of Europe) and bases all over the world;
      constant growth and provision of free housing;
      30% of the population received sanatorium vouchers per year in the 80s;
      Hundreds of cities built from scratch, etc. and so on.

      Or does bread, cutlets, 8-hour working day grow on trees?
      1. man
        27 July 2024 12: 46
        Quote: Edward Vashchenko
        Neither then nor now does the average citizen have any profit from the extraction of gold, oil, iron, gas, etc.

        Then I definitely didn’t have:
        from the land of bast shoes and huts to space;
        from an agrarian underdeveloped semi-colony to the number one power;
        to a country with free higher and secondary education;
        stable work and a future for their children;
        stable international security (our army in the middle of Europe) and bases all over the world;
        constant growth and provision of free housing;
        30% of the population received sanatorium vouchers per year in the 80s;
        Hundreds of cities built from scratch, etc. and so on.

        Or does bread, cutlets, 8-hour working day grow on trees?

        Sorry, I hurried out of indignation and almost duplicated your comment hi
        But I won’t delete it!
        1. +7
          27 July 2024 12: 52
          But I won’t delete it!

          Best regards,
          1. man
            27 July 2024 12: 53
            Quote: Edward Vashchenko
            But I won’t delete it!

            Best regards,

            Mutually! hi
    2. man
      27 July 2024 12: 43
      Neither then nor now does the average citizen have any profit from the extraction of gold, oil, iron, gas and then... all the cream went to completely different purposes.
      Yeah, the insidious commies cynically spent this “cream” on free medicine, education, housing for the population, on Palaces of Pioneers and schoolchildren, on free sports clubs, hobby groups, pioneer camps for children.
      Here are the animals!
      1. -5
        27 July 2024 12: 52
        Yeah, the insidious commies cynically spent this “cream” on free medicine, education, housing for the population, on Palaces of Pioneers and schoolchildren, on free sports clubs, hobby groups, pioneer camps for children

        Yes, we spent... but this is just a small part of the cream... you don’t want to tell us how much money was invested for other purposes.
        How much money went to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and other republics... in the RSFSR everything remained according to a sufficient principle... I’m not even talking about free assistance to the whole world... in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe...very generously the communists distributed this cream from right to left at the expense of the well-being of their people...what do we end up with?
        Does anyone say thank you for this now? they are occupiers for local nationalists; the Russians who helped these countries are now being squeezed out of all spheres of life.
        Who should I thank for this...the communists or what?
        You communists don’t like it when they say unpleasant things to you.
        1. +8
          27 July 2024 13: 06
          The anti-Soviet, read anti-Russian “accordion” has gone, even for children at school these “fairy tales” are no longer funny:
          How much money went to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and other the RSFSR

          Were they not all part of Russia? Or is Russia just the RSFSR?
          So, in 1991, the anti-Sovietists came to power and told all the USSR's allies to go: let's be friends not with some "riffraff" from Angola, but with the best people from the G7? And what did they achieve: no allies, no friends?
          It was better to buy castles in France than to develop alliance relations.
          And the bases are not in Yemen, Mozambique, Cuba and Vietnam, but in the Sea of ​​Azov.
          And the troops are not on the borders of Germany...
          Compare how they voted at the UN under the USSR and how they vote now.
          What kind of "unpleasant things" are there?
          1. -7
            27 July 2024 13: 50
            What other communists declare any criticism against yourself anti-Soviet.
            The communists Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin did more for the collapse of the USSR than all the anti-Soviet activists combined.
            That is why you are not able to change with time, that is why you are like dinosaurs and have lost the battle for your future.
            Learn from the Chinese how to conduct business on the ideological front.
          2. +5
            27 July 2024 14: 38
            Colleague, I had the pleasure of comparing the Baltics, in particular the Latvian SSR with the Byelorussian SSR and the RSFSR. The difference is colossal. Starting from supplies and ending with all the cans and can'ts. Let's say that what the "poor Lithuanians" and "unfortunate Latvians" were allowed to build was prohibited not only in the Kursk or Belgorod regions, but also in the Kaliningrad or Mogilev regions. Therefore, Janis considered himself an offended center of the universe, who, so beautiful, is forced to live next to such clumsy Russians. By which were meant all the peoples of the RSFSR. And what can we say about the Balts when the "high-quality" from the Brest and Grodno regions considered themselves above the accused Smolensk, Skobar and others, including the Mogilev and Vitebsk residents. Lyokha is right that there was a deliberate imbalance, when some sat on the necks of others. It's not that Kurzeme was pulled up to the level of, say, Chelyabinsk, no, on the contrary, Chelyabinsk was lowered and the standard of living was made higher for the villagers of Vilnius. And with all due respect to you as an excellent author, but here you are wrong.
    3. +4
      27 July 2024 18: 09
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      ...all the cream went to completely different purposes.

      Did you build yachts for yourself, erect palaces, or riveted private planes?
      Indeed, wow they are...How old are you that you curse the USSR like that? Or did you not get housing? Or did you collect money for study, treatment, mortgage?
      Today it’s all lies and bullshit, no future is even close to visible: neither bright nor gray... Illegal darkness and extinction of the titular nation...
      A state that does not know the Russian language, officials who hide their nationality, heroes of incomprehensible merits and dubious work...
  6. -1
    27 July 2024 05: 44
    There was time and there were cellars
    There was a time when they dug canals, and where they flowed....
  7. +4
    27 July 2024 05: 56
    A strong article, GDP growth without population growth is a very difficult task, increasing labor productivity in the Russian Federation has been stalled for 30 years.
    1. 0
      27 July 2024 14: 45
      There is a slight distortion in what to take as a base. If we proceed from the results of the civil sector, when the industry is completely zero, then growth can be ensured. If you have a different base, then the picture is different.
      Frankly speaking, it is not realistic to survive in those conditions without the wild exploitation of the population (dispossession, workdays, loans). Therefore, I will not throw stones at those who made such decisions. But to carry out such a thing now is suicide.
  8. -13
    27 July 2024 05: 57
    When an article begins with a lie, then there is no point in reading it further, RI turns out to have actually become bankrupt, yeah - yeah.
  9. +9
    27 July 2024 05: 57
    They simply don’t tell us about this: despite our conflict with the West, we still follow the path of the IMF and many international programs.

    And there is no need to talk about this - everything is visible to the naked eye. EBN liberals have occupied all branches of government. Do you think that Putin is capable of leading the country to similar economic development to which Stalin led it? Stalin relied on the people, Putin - on the oligarchs (which is why their number is growing from year to year, and the Russian population is falling).
    They talked about inflation...But how could it not exist if the entire economy in the country rests on Siluanov, Nabiullina and the dollar exchange rate. Yes it is!!! And there’s no need to dazzle Mulya...
    Everyone understands everything perfectly well, but they can’t do anything, and some have already forgotten how it was done.
    If nothing changes, then by 2036 we may be told:
    1. man
      27 July 2024 12: 50
      I'm afraid that earlier... much earlier... sad
      1. +2
        27 July 2024 12: 58
        Well, if Putin himself does not hesitate to lie to us that Rosneft, where Russia owns 50% + 1 share, is a state company... Why the hell? From the very beginning from which men in the country began to live happily ever after and can work hard until they are 65?
        Russia, under the EBN, has lost more than half of the state assets accumulated by generations of Soviet people, and the “guarantor” continues to wear wreaths on the grave of that same destroyer of the state and forces the adoption of laws under which the EBN Center is sponsored...
  10. +9
    27 July 2024 06: 02
    America at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries made a giant leap in development, building roads, producing and selling millions of cars, because industry was developed in the USA - and the population had money.

    Why did the population get money? It was simply the brilliant Henry Ford who first realized that without the growth of the well-being of the majority of the population, America could face a revolution, just like in Russia. Before him, cars were made for the rich, he began to make them for those who make cars, he introduced a standard of 80 days of work on the conveyor belt for the cost of a car, i.e. a worker could buy what he produced. But capitalism is like that... everyone began to make goods for everyone and a crisis of overproduction occurred, a sales market was needed and Soviet Russia took advantage of the moment, industrialized the country with the help of the USA, building factories and changing the patriarchal production relations in agriculture in order to replace unproductive manual labor with modern labor using machines. A private owner could not buy a tractor then, the state bought it and united small farmers into rural joint ventures in order to use tractors and combines, freeing up millions of workers for industry. And we made a huge leap in development in literally 10 years. And our goal was to Catch up and Overtake...if it weren't for the war
    1. 0
      27 July 2024 06: 34
      A hundred years have passed and the car in Russia has not become popular
    2. +5
      27 July 2024 10: 08
      A private owner couldn’t buy a tractor back then.
      And he still can't.. How many tractor factories have closed during all this time? No demand, no supply.. Tractors and other equipment can be afforded by large farms, who owns large farms? Really, by the peasants who were freed from "serfdom of collective farms"? smile
      1. +2
        27 July 2024 15: 42
        Quote: parusnik
        And now he can’t...

        And some believe that in Russia the majority of residents earn 2 million rubles a year:
  11. -6
    27 July 2024 06: 22
    Well, actually, as a result of the article, I realized that the people actually worked for the communists for free for 70 years..
    All this curtsy with the national currency fell on the shoulders of the local population.
    But how does this relate to the current state of affairs?
    In the Russian Federation there is food abundance, commodity abundance, labor shortages, wage growth.
    Why this illiterate biased article?
    1. +8
      27 July 2024 07: 15
      people actually worked for the communists for free for 70 years...

      Therefore, he defended the country for free during the Great Patriotic War
      1. -12
        27 July 2024 10: 34
        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
        Therefore, he defended the country for free during the Great Patriotic War

        You have noticed correctly - the COUNTRY was defended, just like in 1812, the Northern War, on the Kulikovo Field and dozens of other wars.

        And when it was necessary in 1991, NO ONE stood up for the BUILD, including detachment of 17 million "gogyachikh segdets"
        1. +7
          27 July 2024 11: 34
          as in 1812, the Northern War, on the Kulikovo Field and dozens of other wars.

          You were misled by the Bolsheviks, who tried to make all history the history of the movement of the masses.
          Neither on the Kulikovo field, nor in the Northern War, and even more so in 1812, there were no people anywhere near, but there was a feudal noble army with “serf” soldiers.
          The conventionally “people’s” army was formed only after the reform of 1861, but the people did not particularly strive to fight on the fields of World War I, but since 1 the army has become truly workers’ and peasants’.
          C Regards,
          1. -11
            27 July 2024 12: 01
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            Neither on the Kulikovo field, nor in the Northern War, and even more so in 1812, there were no people anywhere near, but there was a feudal noble army with “serf” soldiers

            What kind of “serfs” are there on... Kulikovo Field, what are you talking about?

            And datochnye and recruits are the people, not to mention the Great Patriotic War of 1812
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            but the people did not particularly strive to fight on the fields of World War I,

            millions awarded for bravery and the front line 2 thousand west of the Volga (1942)
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            Since 1917, the army has truly become a workers' and peasants' army.

            voluntary conscription into the CA in 1918 failed COMPLETELY.

            And once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the workers and peasants did not rise up for the construction in 1991.

            Best regards
            1. +6
              27 July 2024 12: 50
              The workers and peasants on their own, without leaders, cannot do anything...
              But the opinion leaders were all anti-Soviet, and the workers and peasants decided that they would live better under the New Order: look at Santa Barbara - they sleep until noon, don't go to stupid jobs, dress in furs, drink whiskey with or without ice. So they decided that without the Bolsheviks, it would be a complete Santa Barbara.

              And I won’t even answer about your arguments about the “people” Andrey, I have hundreds of hundred articles about this here: what kind of people?
              1. -8
                27 July 2024 13: 06
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                The workers and peasants on their own, without leaders, cannot do anything.

                Once again you got the wrong people, they’re stupid, I understand...
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                But the opinion leaders were all anti-Soviet

                And where did the leaders and advisers disappear to? Under THEIR rule?
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                So they decided that without the Bolsheviks it was all Santa Barbara.

                No, he was tired of waiting for the Santa Barbara promised 70 years ago, which never came
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                And I won’t even answer about your arguments about “the people” Andrey, I have hundred hundred articles about it here: what people?

                Russian, mostly. Who built and defended his thousand-year-old country..

                And NO ONE stood up for the communist construction in 1991, including 17 million communists.

                And if we, for example, broke through to the polling stations in 1991 to vote YES in the referendum on the USSR, then it was by no means for the Communist Party, but for a single country.
                1. +6
                  27 July 2024 13: 08
                  No, he was tired of waiting for the Santa Barbara promised 70 years ago, which never came

                  So, how is it in Santa Barbara? Like in the movies or even better?
                  1. -7
                    27 July 2024 13: 18
                    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                    So, how is it in Santa Barbara? Like in the movies or even better?

                    Are you all yearning for the failed Security Council of the USSR?
                    1. +5
                      27 July 2024 13: 23
                      I don’t grieve for anything, the USSR has been gone for thirty years. I don’t have a word about melancholy, it’s you who still can’t calm down about those events.
                      So I’m asking you how the anti-Soviet people live, who are tired of waiting for Santa Barbara for 70 years: Did they get to Santa Barbara immediately after 1991 or were they again in thirty-year waiting mode?
                      1. -7
                        27 July 2024 13: 35
                        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                        I don’t grieve for anything, the USSR has been gone for thirty years. I don’t have a word about melancholy, it’s you who still can’t calm down about those events.

                        I have not a word of concern about the regime for which you are so rooting
                        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                        So I’m asking you how the anti-Soviet people live, who are tired of waiting for Santa Barbara for 70 years: did they end up in Santa Barbara immediately after 1991, or are they again in thirty-year waiting mode?
                        Life is better than under the Communist Party, but it’s a pity for the country that the Communist Party tore apart as a result of their insurmountable stupidity.
                      2. +1
                        27 July 2024 14: 13
                        as anti-Soviet

                        Edward, the funny thing is that many of those anti-Soviet people who were born and lived in the USSR yearn for the Russian Empire, in which they never lived. laughing In Ancient Greece, they yearned for the Golden Age, the age of justice, where everyone was happy and there were not even slaves, but in modern Russia, anti-Soviet people yearn for the Golden Age of injustice. laughing
                      3. -6
                        27 July 2024 14: 59
                        Colleague, unfortunately you are no different from them. But if the Khrustobakers cannot understand that the 1917 riot, or more precisely the February putsch, happened because it was the lovers of French bread, including those from the upper echelons of power, who made every effort to achieve this (there were other options), then the "witnesses of holy socialism" do not want to understand that it was not an external infection that destroyed the USSR, but the most "faithful communists" of the highest and middle ranks. And in this case, there were other options for action that allowed for changes and improvements to be made without destroying the country.
                        In this regard, both 1917 and 1991 are evil years that caused terrible damage to the country and set it back greatly.
                      4. +3
                        27 July 2024 20: 16
                        And are you a "witness of holy capitalism" with a sweet Gagarin smile?
                        It was not an external infection that destroyed the USSR, but the most “true communists” of the highest and middle management.
                        This is too primitive a view. Three presidents of the Russian Federation, former "true communists", destroyed the USSR not "true communists", but the accumulation of capital, both party and non-party, which under socialism, they could not spend on personal yachts and palaces. They united, carried out a counter-revolutionary coup. This has happened in history. The new government needs an ideology for the people, one that should justify personal palaces, yachts, foreign accounts, a sharp decline in demographics, replacement of the population with migrants and much more. And most importantly, find the culprits in the collapse of the Union and in much more. The culprits have been found. "True communists". But there must be an example. And an example has been found. Russian Empire. And it tells about a good tsar and an obedient people who doted on each other. But traitors were found who destroyed this union, of course, with foreign money. laughing
                      5. -1
                        28 July 2024 10: 00
                        Colleague, take off your blinders. You, like a bookworm, are trying to fit century-old postulates to the current state of affairs. You yourself missed one point that good history teachers paid attention to back in school. For example, why did the uprising of some forces in the ancient period end in a fizzle even if they won? Because instead of leader A, the former slave B became the leader. But nothing else changed. Socialism is an interesting experiment. But it makes increased demands on people in power. And people have a bad relationship with saints and the choice of what is worse but easier is carried out most often. The death of the USSR was not in traitors or in external influence. This is an additional side effect. The main thing is the loss of purpose. Who set goals after the IVS? Or track external changes? The same VIL thoroughly twisted Marx's postulates to the changed reality. And what did the same Suslov do? The formation of the new elite ended by the end of the 70s and it was not satisfied with two things: the impossibility of transferring both power and property by inheritance. So what was to be taken as a model? "holy capitalism with a Gagarin smile" (c) since there was not enough brains for more. What was the result? As always, sad. And not because one is good and the other is bad. But because any returbation is evil. Especially a rollback to a more wild state. The Bolsheviks in 1917 had two points that should not be ignored: power lying on the ground and ideas about what to do with this power. And if the sovereign does not return (constituent assembly, educated dictator, anarchy is the mother of order, etc.) and rivers of milk will flow in jelly banks. (does not remind you of anything, but
                      6. +3
                        27 July 2024 15: 18
                        The funny thing is that many of those anti-Soviet people who were born and lived in the USSR yearn for the Russian Empire, in which they never lived.

                        I would consider this from a scientific point of view: the influence of the agrarian mentality of the overwhelming majority of the population on the development of the USSR.
                        And the great Nekrasov said more simply: People of serf rank...
                      7. -5
                        27 July 2024 15: 59
                        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                        And the great Nekrasov said more simply: People of serf rank.

                        Bravo, Eduard, you couldn’t say better about the Bolsheviks!...

                        All in chorus at the command: “Crucify the reptile!” and crucify in chorus. "Glory to the other, (future reptile)!" and praise. Then, on command, they crucify the next one.

                        The most disgraceful 20th Congress: -UNANIMOUSLY approved the Report on the condemnation of the cult of personality, and yet they had just licked its heels in chorus....

                        And so - ALWAYS and IN EVERYTHING - the slaves are humility and slavish obedience to the Master....
                      8. 0
                        28 July 2024 10: 17
                        The weakest point of a trust is in itself (c). The former swindler knew well what he was writing about.
                        For some reason, no one wants to look at the real facts. I understand those who are under fifty and three years old, but the rest? As I understand it, the history of the CPSU was copied from cheat sheets and Marxist-Leninist philosophy was learned as a symbol of faith. But if you take the same history textbook, the picture comes out scary. The same chopping from the 20s to the end of the 30s is worth a lot and, frankly speaking, it was lucky that the IVS was able to kill someone, crush someone. And when it was gone, all the contradictions of desire and ambition did not go away. Plus, the state machine is an inert thing and rolled in the 50s and 60s with a slowdown in the 70s and death in the 80s.
                      9. +2
                        29 July 2024 12: 13
                        Yes, I saw an old local photo of a bust of Stalin being unveiled... Banners and smiles everywhere.
                        Photo from a week later - the bust is broken, only the pedestal remains.
                        And it was always like this... both in 1917 and in 1991.
                2. 0
                  28 July 2024 03: 49
                  Did you come up with the term “komstroy” yourself?

                  The fact that the laws of the USSR were more beneficial to the people than modern laws - no one seems to object to this day.... It's just that the serfs of the 17th century did not have enough laws in the state. Heh... heh... they also needed a special "good master" to enforce them. And without the Master, they simply plundered their country "and no one stood up to defend it" -... laughing Well, they are fools for not getting up. What else can I say?

                  But now, on command, they get up and lie down in the ground... And it's okay... They have special problems that no other people in the world have.
                  1. -2
                    28 July 2024 09: 56
                    Quote: ivan2022
                    No one still seems to mind that the laws of the USSR were more beneficial to the people than modern laws...

                    the people were deeply into your laws - see 1991, which led to coupons for underwear and extinction
                    Quote: ivan2022
                    And without Barin, they simply plundered their country “and no one stood up to defend” -... laughing, what fools that they didn’t stand up. What else can I say?

                    Did you get the Turak people? Or maybe the other way around? He did not appreciate the Bolsheviks who robbed him for 70 years.
                    Quote: ivan2022
                    But now, on orders, they get up and lie down on the ground.

                    because of your stupid USSR laws, mind you: it was they who handed over Donetsk, Mariupol, etc., people, to a previously unknown Ukraine, like a sack of potatoes, without asking anyone - not the people, not the historians, no one.
      2. +5
        27 July 2024 14: 50
        Eduard, you see, it's not all that simple. According to my ancestors, who by the way suffered from collectivization, it turned out that internal squabbles, grievances and even blood are thrown aside when there is a threat to the state, no matter what it is.
        As my great-grandfather said: the Bolsheviks are bastards, but they are their own bastards. And the German is the enemy. Deadly, alien enemy.
        1. 0
          27 July 2024 15: 14
          you see, it’s not all that simple.

          I certainly understand. From mid-1917 to mid-1918 this did not work.
          Strictly scientifically, no “club of popular anger” worked, neither in 1613 nor in 1812, everything was decided by regular (or conditionally regular) troops.
          1. -5
            27 July 2024 16: 29
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            no “club of popular anger” worked, neither in 1613 nor in 1812, everything was decided by regular (or conditionally regular) troops.

            then you have some ... "serf" soldiers on ... KulikovUKom field, then regular troops were destroying something in ....1613, although EVERYTHING was crushed in 1612 g,

            Excuse me, are you a historian? hi
            1. +1
              27 July 2024 18: 23
              Excuse me, are you a historian?

              I really missed the transition to personalities. It's been a while since we've had that.
              Andrey, it’s time to select arguments, and not look for small things:
              look where you lost, and not where it is light.
              1. -3
                28 July 2024 10: 20
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                I really missed getting personal. It's been a while since it happened.
                Andrey, it’s time to select arguments, and not look for small things:
                look where you lost, and not where it is light.

                This is not a small thing, Edward, this is basic ignorance major dates, names, definitions.

                What are the pretentious refinements of the "historian's" constructions worth on such a flimsy foundation?

                Your advice, in light of the above, is ridiculous. hi
          2. -2
            27 July 2024 17: 46
            And this is a separate topic, about how the RDGs, both from the army and from the NKVD, began to be massively renamed into partisan detachments after 1942. However, "partisan detachments occupied cities" from earlier (1918-1922) is also propaganda. In reality, yes, the regular army worked.
    2. +4
      27 July 2024 10: 10
      In the Russian Federation there is food abundance, commodity abundance, there is not enough labor, wages are rising.
      You forgot to add: “We have never lived as well as we do now” (c) wink
  12. 0
    27 July 2024 06: 24
    the issue amounted to 3,6 billion rubles. Of these, 1,8 billion rubles. (43%) was covered by attracted resources, and 2,4 billion rubles. left uncovered
    Somehow the arithmetic doesn't add up. 1,8 is exactly half (50%) of 36. Or was the emission greater than admitted?
  13. 0
    27 July 2024 06: 32
    I wonder how the governments of the USA and other Western countries that industrialized the USSR viewed such cooperation between their industrial structures and the Soviet Union
    1. -1
      27 July 2024 06: 38
      It’s interesting how the governments of the United States and other Western countries that industrialized the USSR viewed such cooperation between their industrial structures and the Soviet Union.

      They were smarter was profitable.
      They are now shooting bursts of sanctions at their feet
      1. -1
        27 July 2024 06: 40
        there were probably some restrictions and opponents back then
        1. -1
          27 July 2024 06: 46
          there were probably some restrictions and opponents back then

          Well, imagine, there is a terrible depression in the country, and the president forbids Ford to build a plant for the Soviet Union and forces him to throw his workers out onto the streets.
          1. -6
            27 July 2024 06: 50
            I wonder who initiated its folding. Stalin decided that we had enough with our mustaches or the Americans had lost interest
            after all, the scientific and technical lag of the USSR was still enormous
            1. +2
              27 July 2024 07: 00
              I wonder who initiated its folding

              Our own personnel appeared. American specialists, the same Kahn, trained ours. Institutes for industrial design appeared, the so-called GIPro...automotive industry...aircraft industry, etc. We received licenses for engines, well, not on everything ready-made, we had to work ourselves.
              1. -5
                27 July 2024 07: 01
                It’s a pity that this cooperation was so short and did not develop as in the case with China
                Apparently even then the leadership of the USSR lacked common sense.
                1. +5
                  27 July 2024 07: 04
                  It’s a pity that this cooperation was so short and did not develop as in the case with China

                  With China, buy and sell, and with the USA of the 30s, borrowing technologies, and the most advanced ones
                  1. -4
                    27 July 2024 07: 07
                    Well, why buy and sell...they also transfer technology to them
                    the same thing happened with Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia where they came for a long time
              2. -5
                27 July 2024 07: 05
                Another question is how various political groups within the leadership of the USSR felt about industrialization with the help of the West: were they all in favor or were there opponents?
                1. +3
                  27 July 2024 07: 07
                  But what? Stalin canceled the world revolution in spite of Trotsky and his team.
                  1. -6
                    27 July 2024 07: 10
                    But was Trotsky so obsessed with this idea as they say? After all, he was an intelligent man and should have understood that this was a utopia. Most likely, if he came to power, he would carry out real politics only without Stalinist repressions
                    1. +3
                      27 July 2024 15: 49
                      Eh, actually Trotsky was in power. After Lenin's death, Trotsky and his associates ruled the country, not Stalin, and the course towards world revolution was strictly followed. Therefore, Stalin had to fight not only with counter-revolution, but also with radical revolutionaries who believed that Stalin had betrayed the great world Revolution by refusing to sacrifice the population of Russia, whose lives were nothing compared to the great idea. As for repressions, it was not for nothing that Trotsky was nicknamed the Demon of the Revolution, he shot right and left, long before Stalin gained strength.
                      1. -1
                        27 July 2024 17: 51
                        How did the counter-revolutionaries of 1917-1920 in our country differ from radical revolutionaries like Bronstein? In terms of destructiveness. The movement after the revolution, if the country survived, began after the "Thermidor" in the case of the triumvirate, as well as in the case of the IVS.
              3. -2
                27 July 2024 16: 39
                Two circumstances can be identified that have significantly reduced the use
                technical assistance after 1933. First, the success of industrialization itself.
                Many new and reconstructed enterprises began to produce products
                and some themselves became centers for the dissemination of advanced technologies and training
                frames. Secondly, colossal expenses, which were tightly controlled by the Foreign Exchange
                Politburo commission, which influenced all decisions on purchases abroad.
                During the Great Depression, already small Soviet exports to
                USA, and the creditworthiness of American firms as a whole has declined.

                The political campaign against repression and forced labor in the USSR worsened the situation.
                (The bandit methods of the Bolsheviks were condemned throughout the world.

                August 25, 1931 I.V. Stalin “due to currency difficulties and unacceptable conditions
                loans in America" ​​demanded to stop concluding contracts in the USA and "for
                opportunities to break” existing agreements. It was recommended to transfer orders to
                Europe or to Soviet factories, without making exceptions even for the most important construction projects
                five-year plans [“They can get the hell out…”, p. 160–161]. In 1932 the Politburo
                ordered an early termination of the purchase of automotive components from the company
                Ford. During the Second Five-Year Plan, the total volume of technical assistance decreased, but
                equipment procurement continued.
    2. 0
      27 July 2024 15: 02
      While the Britons were making faces, the Yankees were doing business and at the same time undermining the economy of the Island
  14. 0
    27 July 2024 06: 45
    decoupling the ruble from gold and the dollar
    The dollar became the world currency in 1944.
    America has matured to the final abandonment of the gold peg only after 40 years! The gold standard was both the cause of the Great Depression and the cause of the backwardness of the Central Asian Empire. As J.M. Keynes believed, “... the gold standard is only a barbaric relic of the past.”
    Because he did not allow uncontrolled printing of unsecured money. We see now what this led to. And the VD was organized precisely to take complete control of the United States.
  15. +1
    27 July 2024 07: 06
    Regarding the sale of art treasures. Do you even go to art museums? Or are you fixated on anti-Soviet propaganda? Why hasn’t the need for our paintings decreased even now? Capitalism is good until it suffers from the diseases inherent in this system: stagnation, recession, defaults and finally depression. With many of these diseases, there will no longer be a need for people extracting money from nowhere. Bloggers, various kinds of informants, computer game players. Everything will come down to getting their daily bread. Under any system, nothing lasts forever. But capitalism is more susceptible to these diseases.
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. +3
    27 July 2024 07: 12
    Thanks for the analysis!
    Alas, the article contains a huge number of assumptions and conclusions that directly contradict both historical facts (but in the USA they thought about the people, but in Tsarist Russia they didn’t laugh) and economic laws.
    I will note one:
    But in a liberal economy it is believed, in all textbooks (!), that a balanced budget is the basis for stability, etc. This is not true. If a country plans to develop, it must have a stable budget deficit.

    This is not true in a liberal economy, this is true in any economy.
    Dozens of countries have become "dictatorships" due to budget deficits. Some kind of Mexico, a hundred years of revolutions, and all because of him.
    I’ll say this as a practitioner, if the author tries to develop a company or "industrial plant" in conditions
    stable deficit budget
    - will quickly become a stable bankrupt.
    1. +2
      27 July 2024 07: 49
      Some kind of Mexico, a hundred years of revolutions, and all because of him.
      hi Eduard, greetings! About Mexico, Mexico, experienced bourgeois revolutions, which never solved the country’s problems. Similar revolutions did not solve problems in many other countries, hence the lack of stability in the world. And various dictatorships around the world were looking for a “third way,” which which did not lead, as well as “Arab” socialism, “African”, with some kind of local specificity, etc. And as a result, the world has reached a dead end of global and local imperialism, and imperialism, as is known, is the last stage of capitalism, even with a sweet Gagarin smile, which will lead humanity to destruction. But humanity still does not understand this. And the article is so-so, it should be in Opinions, and not in the History section. hi
      1. +3
        27 July 2024 07: 54
        Alexey, good morning!
        But humanity still does not understand this.

        Totally agree with you.
        PS Back in school I read a fiction book about 4 revolutions in Mexico: and everything revolves around this “unfortunate” unbalanced budget.
        1. +2
          27 July 2024 08: 04
          everything is about this "unfortunate" unbalanced budget.
          Yes, yes... that's right.. And the Cuban revolution, the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua, in essence, were bourgeois-democratic with a socialist tinge. If only because what had happened there before under the name of "revolution" were not revolutions. But this is such a deep topic that it won't fit into a commentary or even a series of articles. hi
  18. -1
    27 July 2024 07: 28
    For all 33 years, both supporters of the USSR and enemies of the USSR still will not let go of the USSR, because supporters of the USSR are true patriots of Russia and the people, and it is an axiom that the USSR is a better State both in terms of development and for the majority of the people than the Russian Empire was, and became the State of the enemies of the USSR, and the enemies of the USSR understand that they have nothing FOR themselves, FOR what they did, FOR the results of their highly paid work and their vaunted capitalism, and they are trying through lies, slander, hypocritical "philanthropy", maniacal criticism of how Soviet communists and their supporters worked, to create the illusion - but in the USSR everything was bad, only repressions of the most innocent, "Holodomors", the communists worked and fought poorly, "they covered the enemy with corpses", that under them everything became good.
  19. +2
    27 July 2024 07: 32
    "We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must cover this distance in ten years. Either we do it or we will be crushed."

    Stalin had big plans and the will to implement them. He didn’t whine about breakthroughs and breakthroughs, depriving old people of their pensions. He really brought his plans to life. And he also introduced the first pensions in the country, which over time began to be given to everyone. And the retirement age was reduced to 55-60 years. But the capitalists came and began to roll back the gains of Socialism in all directions.

    . The stability of the Soviet currency is ensured by...

    And so it was. Prices could remain unchanged for decades. At the same time, salaries increased. Not like now. With one hand he raises wages a little, with the other he shamelessly raises prices for everything! And he believes that, they say, the more expensive the dollar, the more rubles you can buy and the richer the country!

    .average annual growth of the USSR economy was 13,8%

    At the same time, profits from growth were not transferred to foreign offshore companies. There was no outflow or withdrawal of currency from the country. And he didn’t keep the 300 billion pot in the West.

    . If in 1928 the number of workers and employees was 11,6 million people, then in 1935 it increased by more than 2,2 times and reached 24,8 million people, while the salary fund also grew rapidly

    At the same time, strangely enough, no migrants were brought in!

    Everyone worked in production. And they produced a real product. Now there are almost no workers left (compared to the USSR). All useless office plankton: officials, managers, accountants, lawyers, realtors...
    They think the Tajiks will build everything for them!

    Can we create such a miracle now or are we too weak?

    Why should we create anything if "people have never lived as well as under the current geopolitics"! Why? Why, when you can promise and not do? And that's how it happens.
    1. +5
      27 July 2024 08: 11
      At the same time, strangely enough, no migrants were brought in!
      They brought it in, they brought it in smile Several thousand blacks, or two or one or even several hundred. One black was even awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for shock work and sat on the Moscow City Council. But he still left for the USA, somewhere in the early 70s, where he wrote an anti-Soviet book. smile Yes, and someone became an artist. By the way, remember the movie Circus? This little black man, a Soviet black man, was born in the USSR smile
      1. +3
        27 July 2024 08: 33
        Quote: parusnik
        They delivered, they delivered smile Several thousand

        hi If only Tajiks were imported like that! I would love them like family in such homeopathic quantities!
    2. +4
      27 July 2024 13: 36
      And he introduced the first pensions in the country

      The first pensions in the USSR were introduced by V.I. Lenin - the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars "Regulations on Social Security of Workers" of October 31, 1918. At that time, Stalin was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR and was a member of the Revolutionary Military Councils of the Western, Southern, and Southwestern Fronts. He had nothing to do with pension provision.
    3. 0
      6 September 2024 09: 40
      [/quote] And the retirement age was lowered to 55-60 years. [/quote]

      Excuse me, but how long was it before historical materialism? )))
  20. +2
    27 July 2024 08: 00
    . If a country plans to develop, it must have a stable budget deficit.

    A budget is nothing more than an investment in yourself. The most profitable investment is investing in yourself. To your country. And not to offshore companies and foreign currency!

    The communists understood this. The capitalists understand it in their own way. If for the communist-collectivists "I" is the whole people, then for the capitalist owners "I" is a small, puny "I" and only himself. And with exorbitant demands. Our budget was often surplus. And we were proud of it! Money was taken out of the economy into various piggy banks. We didn't spend much on the budget.
  21. +3
    27 July 2024 08: 06
    Quote from Uncle Lee
    Yes, they will not decide anything! Here you need to be able to think and work, but they can’t do that....

    They can think and work... but only for themselves. It's not a lack of competence, but a lack of motivation.
    Why do they need it? They're already covered in chocolate.
  22. +1
    27 July 2024 08: 10
    Quote: Eroma
    But there is no need to idealize the Soviet system; unfortunately, there was no incentive for innovation in it

    Oh really? In Stalin's times, innovation was at every step. Everything was new, the old was gone, practically, we had to start from scratch in many industries.
    Offhand: how were things going with the production of aircraft engines in the Republic of Ingushetia?
    We had to create an industry out of nothing. Yes, they initially copied foreign designs, but even they had to be adapted to local conditions and resources.
  23. 0
    27 July 2024 08: 17
    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    This is not true in a liberal economy, this is true in any economy.
    Dozens of countries have become "dictatorships" due to budget deficits.

    One of the most deficit budgets was the American budget during the time of F.D. Roosevelt. But, characteristically, the American economy has not collapsed, rather the opposite. Maybe because the United States was somewhat different from Mexico in its international position?

    The state, the economy of the state, is not a spherical horse in a vacuum; it does not exist in isolation. This means that some can throw off the “costs of the process” to the outside world, while others are forced to accept these other people’s costs with their hump.
  24. -2
    27 July 2024 08: 22
    Quote: Konnick
    Well, imagine, there is a terrible depression in the country, and the president forbids Ford to build a plant for the Soviet Union and forces him to throw his workers out onto the streets.

    Why not? And the American authorities will say to Ford: “Maybe it would be better for you to cooperate with Germany? There, a promising guy came to power - they call him Hitler.”
  25. -1
    27 July 2024 08: 26
    Quote: VZEM100
    I wonder who initiated its folding. Stalin decided that we had enough with our mustaches or the Americans had lost interest

    Cooperation included concessions and foreign loans. This became difficult after the start of the Great Depression. Kuomintang China did not curtail cooperation, for which it paid with recession and decline. The modernization programs of the Chinese army came to an end, which the Japanese took advantage of by staging their aggression.
  26. -2
    27 July 2024 09: 51
    Let me run the money and the country, and I don’t care who makes the laws there.
    Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    While a country is under the external management of the IMF, it is not sovereign and cannot adopt any long-term development programs.
    1. -1
      27 July 2024 12: 40
      There are a lot of disadvantages, which means that I have stepped on the main peeve of security.
      Regarding labor productivity:
      Now in serious industry both productivity and quality are even lower than under developed socialism. It’s the old specialists who are helping out where the modern and advanced ones have failed.
      Regarding consumer goods (this is precisely the market sector of the economy). Guild workers and the failure of our consumer goods sector - organized resistance to the tyrannical antics of the ruling regime. Sabotage was everywhere. The example of China and Belarus shows that the development of this industry does not require a change in the government system.
      Regarding the lack of innovation:
      Not only was it not encouraged, but any innovative ideas were trampled down in every possible way. Only blind imitation, coupled with the monstrous incompetence of the communist leadership. The great words about “Tsap-Tsarap” are from the same opera. But if THEY were pinned down, then they really gave free rein and paid - just do it! And this is a path to nowhere, as has been proven.
      About backward methods of production:
      And this is a consequence of the imitation of the dictatorship of the proletariat by the ruling party nomenklatura. The more primitive the better. The foreman - a real Worker with a capital W - told me: a proletarian and a gopnik are the same thing, so what can be changed here - only if it’s hidden.
      No matter how funny it may seem, all those arguing are right; they simply describe in their comments only the part of the problem that they see.
      1. +1
        27 July 2024 16: 58
        Another anti-adviser with a new rotten song - everything was fine except for the damned commies in power.
        We swam, we know.
        Only a degenerate can claim that a proletarian is a gopnik.
        The shop workers parasitized the public sector, stealing raw materials and materials and not bearing any tax or social burden. This was not any protest, but a simple desire of the capitalist to appropriate the results of other people's labor.
        Shitty innovator.
        1. -3
          27 July 2024 17: 51
          I'm not your next one!
          I told you - write, otherwise you only heard about socialism in its last term, but are trying to analyze it without having factual material.
          About 40% of our workers had a higher education, and almost all the rest had a secondary education. So - they were workers.
          And GOP = City Dormitory of the Proletariat. So proletarians are low-skilled laborers, very often with a criminal overtone. The Chubarovites are the most popular group of Gopniks in the press.
          I have mastered a lot in my life, graduated, led. Yes, the Soviet system provided the opportunity for social and professional growth. But the dominance of the party nomenklatura at all levels ruined any business. And getting relatives into warm places, and even into management - that was all around.
          And to hell with scientists, engineers, skilled workers - you need an approach to them, and you need to pay. And with the proletarian - it’s easy! He pretends that he works (in fact, he either kicks the ox or is driven by marriage), and you pretend that you pay for it (in fact, it’s just to support your pants and drink, but the good state will give you an apartment and raise children) , but at the same time you are the boss!
          Yes, this was not always the case, but exceptions only shaded the rule of general irresponsibility.
  27. +2
    27 July 2024 10: 14
    In general, I liked the material, although it suffers from some conceptual errors, for example:
    -Belief in the omnipotence of money, - money itself is garbage, zero is the equivalent of a commodity.
    The purchasing power of money is provided by suppliers of goods and raw materials; for example, the Russian Federation provides its resources with the dollar and euro;
    -There is no need to drag Sharapov and his propagandist and anti-Soviet Kasatonov with his religious nonsense into the Soviet system;
    -Nothing is said about the fact that a mandatory condition for the growth of productive forces is to limit the access of goods to their market;
    -Everything is very cumbersome;
  28. +7
    27 July 2024 10: 24
    Quote: Eroma
    It will be interesting to read further articles. But there is no need to idealize the Soviet system; unfortunately, there was no incentive for innovation in it

    Oh, hold me seven - there was no innovation and that's it.
    The author is apparently an experienced innovator?
    Well, where would they come from? Chubais wasn’t around then.
    Just think, they flew into space, built the first nuclear power plant, or there was a nuclear icebreaker - that’s nonsense.
    He needed innovation, soon there will be innovation - inflation at 100% per year, innovative products made from crap on the shelves, and Putin's foot soldiers are keeping order... well, why not innovation...
    This is no longer even a degradation of consciousness, this is some kind of Middle Ages...
    1. -1
      27 July 2024 14: 20
      So this is the degradation of consciousness, when from the top floor, back to the bottom, to the first.
  29. +4
    27 July 2024 10: 26
    Quote: Dart2027
    Quote: ROSS 42
    Do you know that in the USSR a lot of things were done for the FIRST TIME? Or do you prefer to believe the GDP that only galoshes were produced in the USSR?

    Aren't you tired of lying? Galoshes were mentioned in relation to consumer goods.
    Quote: ROSS 42
    I have a firm conviction that the enemies of the socialist system deliberately slowed down the production of consumer goods in order to cause people's dissatisfaction with shortages and various restrictions.

    And what outstanding results in the field of production of consumer goods does Putin's capitalist Russia show? In which industry has there been an increase in production compared to the RSFSR?
  30. -2
    27 July 2024 10: 30
    We need to steal less!! Look what’s going on in the Moscow Region ((Is it better in other ministries and departments? Yes, the same thing... But the worst thing is where do these financial flows go other than the “earnings” of ordinary corrupt officials? And why none of them (practically) answered for your about willow lawful actions?
  31. +3
    27 July 2024 10: 43
    Quote: Eroma
    As a result, when the market of the former USSR opened, the entire Soviet industry disappeared, because it was inferior in efficiency to Western industry, both in the quality of goods and technological efficiency, and this is the reason for economic inefficiency.

    The opening of the markets of the British Empire in 1943 led to the destruction of British industry.
    There is no economic efficiency, it's all talk.
  32. +1
    27 July 2024 11: 08
    During the USSR, work was everywhere

    But the productivity of this work was not very good.
    “With an economy like the USSR, 150 million people would be enough for him” @ M. Thatcher. She wanted to say that 150 million (or their equivalent!!!) are busy, the rest are idle.
    There is a book on the Internet, “Profession is a Foreigner,” about Konon Molodoy, our illegal immigrant in the West. In fact, they are memoirs and stories about the KGB, officially authorized. "Roof" Molodoy is a businessman. Failure, exchange, then he goes around the country giving lectures. Well, the episode at ZIL, when he openly says that if he were the owner of this enterprise, he would have changed everything.
  33. -1
    27 July 2024 12: 44
    Quote: Not the fighter
    But the productivity of this work was not very good.

    Quite a lot. Taking into account real conditions: harsh climate and long distances, which complicate logistics.
    And labor productivity is a selective indicator that poorly reflects the overall picture. The cost of the final product matters much more.
    Western corporations have been investing in the Chinese economy for several decades. That China had very high labor productivity? And even now labor productivity there is lower than in the USA or Japan.

    And, by the way, what good is high labor productivity if the benefits from it have to be spent on unemployment benefits and the fight against crime (an increase in unemployment directly correlates with an increase in crime)?
  34. +3
    27 July 2024 12: 45
    Quote: Not the fighter
    Well, the episode at ZIL, when he openly says that if he were the owner of this enterprise, he would have changed everything.

    Well, of course, a small salesman can easily manage such an industrial giant as the Soviet ZIL.
    By the way, such an experiment was conducted in the Russian Federation - a gang of worthless freeloaders took over the management of industry, replacing the Soviet dinosaurs - the result is known - the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Manturov receives 800 million rubles per year (65 million rubles per month), and a UAZ worker 35 thousand rubles per month, the automotive and aircraft industries and everything else are in deep shit...
    1. 0
      28 July 2024 10: 15
      I'm too lazy to reread it, but he made jukeboxes for bars, so I'm familiar with manufacturing. The phrase from there is "Anyone can make it, just try selling it." And the principles of doing business are similar in many ways.
      From my own experience, personally heard, first-hand. 90s, the defense plant is “lying on its side.” A call to the sales department: “We want to buy your products.” Answer: “The employee who is doing this is on vacation, call in a month.” Do you want to say that with such an attitude to work, reforms were not needed?
  35. 0
    27 July 2024 12: 50
    Now the total nationalization of the entire raw materials sector would create a completely different economy.
    Alas. I wouldn't allow it NOW. The USSR proved that money is an absolute, 100% fiction, it means nothing and is worth absolutely nothing in itself) The USSR economy was united. Well, so Soviet money was fully provided by its economy! As the only real way on the planet to support the value of a monetary unit.
    Within the country, money regulated the economic life of people. They were put into circulation as much as the country could provide its citizens with goods and services. It was an ideally tuned technique that allowed the Stalinist USSR to develop rapidly in conditions when capitalists around the world, using all the resources of their countries, fought the USSR.
    Alas, after Stalin’s death Nikitka came to power, which is shameful and scary to remember. Well, then Leonid Ilyich, he’s not a bad person, and he’s a strong administrator, but if only he had more intelligence...
  36. -1
    27 July 2024 13: 03
    Quote: VPK-65
    Quote: ROSS 42
    enemies of the socialist system specifically slowed down the production of consumer goods
    Nobody slowed down anything, everything is much simpler - under Stalin, all consumer goods for the population were made by “artels”, you can consider this an analogue of “cooperatives”. They are small, but there were a lot of them and they responded very quickly to fashion, product demand, etc. And the state only collected taxes from them. Large enterprises did not engage in consumer goods - they are not flexible and the planned economy is responsive to the demand of the population, fashion, shortages, etc. indifferent. Everything worked perfectly, but then Khrushchev came and closed these artels, entrusting the production of consumer goods to large enterprises. Everyone remembers the results, when millions of identical pants, shirts, dresses, etc. were produced. What surprises me more is that Brezhnev did not restore those same artels... why the hell? this is a mystery to me... he had a lot of time...

    One more...what other artels?
    However, why be surprised - the shaggy economists told everything how it really was.
    Where will the artisan get the fabric for sewing clothes, who will supply the wool, electricity, and fittings?
    Since the 19th century, the world has been ruled by industrial production, which has destroyed handicrafts, for example, weavers from Manchester killed the Indian handicraft textile industry.
    Go to school and study again.
    1. +3
      28 July 2024 02: 25
      You are misled by the current understanding of the meaning of the word "artel". It is (possibly through the efforts of Khrushchev’s propagandists, to justify their destruction) of a derogatory, dismissive nature. Some artels produced, for example, the first televisions, or the first serial Soviet cameras:
      In just two five-year periods of the artel's existence (AFRO), 130 cameras were produced. In 000, their production was discontinued, and this was the end of the unique experience in the USSR of manufacturing photographic equipment at a non-state enterprise.”

      But of course, the main areas of non-state production were clothing, shoes, food, household services, etc. Of course, for example, they bought fabric from a state-owned enterprise, but they made clothes better and more varied than those from the factory, or do you doubt it? (And these were not capitalists - property was shared only for workers, the sale of shares was prohibited, and upon leaving the artel, the share was redeemed by it)
    2. +1
      28 July 2024 08: 12
      One more...what other artels?

      The same ones that provided up to 70% of bakery products under Stalin.
  37. -2
    27 July 2024 13: 49
    Quote: Eroma
    Doesn't the thought occur to you that a normal life actually costs money, and in order to earn normal money, you generally need to work hard? and all of you are slackers!

    Well, okay. Can you explain what, in your understanding, is a normal life and good work?
  38. -1
    27 July 2024 14: 27
    Quote: Mikhail3
    Alas, after Stalin’s death Nikitka came to power, which is shameful and scary to remember. Well, then Leonid Ilyich, he’s not a bad person, and he’s a strong administrator, but if only he had more intelligence...

    Anti-Sovietists are acting more and more inventively, with a spark.
    It is clear that in the USSR it is no longer possible to cough up and they can punch you in the face, - now another thesis is in circulation - “Nikitka came and the USSR is over” - and then howls with hand-wringing and whining about innocent artels, MTS and so on.
    This thesis is being pushed by all sorts of crooks, using the money of global financial capital.
  39. +1
    27 July 2024 14: 45
    After the corn comrade seized power, the USSR bought grain from the USA and Canada for 30 years. It reached 30 million tons per year. This was the price for voluntarism and wretchedness of power. Now we feed ourselves and sell up to 50 million tons more. You can praise the USSR and criticize the Russian Federation as long as you like, but these facts exist. A Soviet person had to save 40-45 months for his average salary for a Lada, and he also had to stand in line for many years. Now Lada is 12 - 15 months old. No queues. Walked in, chose, paid, picked up and left.
    I am not delighted with life today, but it is clearly better than it was in the USSR. And one of the reasons is that the Russian ruble is real money, for which you can buy everything.
    1. +2
      28 July 2024 02: 33
      A Soviet person had to save 40-45 months for his average salary for a Lada, and he also had to stand in line for many years. Now Lada is 12 - 15 months old.

      Yes. And in the 90s, only the richest had cell phones, but now every schoolchild has them. Perhaps now schoolchildren are as rich as the “new Russians” of the 90s?
      And not every Russian can now afford a Lada in 12 months...
      1. -2
        28 July 2024 12: 21
        Incorrect comparison. About mobile phones. The same story happened with computers, radios, and much more. At first it’s small and expensive, then it’s massive and cheap. And about “every Russian”. I'm talking about the average salary, this is clear. Of course, in the USSR there were a lot of people who didn’t even dream of owning a car.
        1. +1
          28 July 2024 20: 45
          That's it. A car is no exception from this series. Once upon a time, not every nobleman had a watch, their availability grew steadily every year from the moment of their invention (mechanical and then electronic), until they were largely replaced by mobile phones.
  40. +2
    27 July 2024 15: 27
    So this is who it turns out came up with the idea of ​​making money out of thin air!
    Joseph Vissarionovich!
    And we criticize the Americans for the printing press.... wassat
  41. 0
    27 July 2024 16: 48
    Quote: Glagol1
    After the corn comrade seized power, the USSR bought grain from the USA and Canada for 30 years. It reached 30 million tons per year. This was the price for voluntarism and wretchedness of power.

    This was a consequence of solving the problem of supplying the population of the USSR with meat, milk and butter.
    Now eat the surrogate from the shovel and be glad that some moneybag is buying himself another Rolls-Royce.
    1. +1
      28 July 2024 12: 27
      This was a consequence of the fact that the USSR had inefficient agriculture. And attempts to change it ran into the voluntarism of such... as Khrushchev, Suslov, etc. About the surrogate. Let's not compare stores. Let's just go to the market. There has never been such an abundance of everything in this country as there is now. And prices for every budget. And the quality is also different, some are better, some are more modest. But the surrogate is not visible.
  42. 0
    27 July 2024 17: 21
    Western sources of industrialization of the USSR
    (late 1920s – 1930s).
  43. 0
    27 July 2024 17: 25
    Yesterday I listened to Nabiulina two or three (!) times explaining why the Central Bank raised the rate to 18.
    Honestly, I tried my best to understand.
    I’d rather listen to Kamala Harris, at least she laughs funny. Or Vitalik - at least he makes it funny.
    By the way, the famine was caused to us, among other things, by demanding that we pay for strategically important things in grain, and they would not agree to anything else. At the same time that grain was being destroyed in the United States during the Great Depression, which also caused millions of starvation deaths.
    The world was hastily prepared for the War, and it was not long before it: those who consider it to have begun in 36, not 39, are right.
  44. 0
    27 July 2024 17: 34
  45. +1
    27 July 2024 22: 05
    A good question - for this, it would be nice to know how much a plant, power plant or something similar costs - maybe on a national scale it’s mere pennies? For some reason the author doesn’t ask how much it costs to revive German industry after WW1 and WW2 or Japan after WW2? Yes, and the demilitarization of the USA was obviously cyclopean in cost
  46. +2
    27 July 2024 23: 21
    Quote: Victor Leningradets
    So proletarians are low-skilled laborers, very often with a criminal overtone. The Chubarovites are the most popular group of Gopniks in the press.

    There is no need to invent anything and dump your flawed terminology on others.
    A proletarian is a factory worker and that's all. Where did they get it from in the Russian Empire and the USSR - from Mars?
    It looks like you spent your entire career there in the trade union committee?
    You are simply projecting your personal grievances onto the economic system of socialism.
    Who cares?
    All this chatter of yours about your own achievements is tiring - who are you without the economic system of socialism - without education, peaceful skies, accumulated knowledge, nutritious nutrition, the possibility of realization and a system of distribution of material goods aimed at strengthening the productive forces of the country - NOBODY.Zero.Zero.
    A person without the means of production is an animal.
    1. 0
      28 July 2024 15: 18
      Almost upvoted!
      They dumped the truth on you about the proletarian gopniks - so go ahead. That’s how it was, and if you don’t like it, history doesn’t care.
      You can roughly imagine what a complex engineering product is, but I participated in their creation and saw and worked with smart people.
      About the trade union committee (why not the party committee?) I had fun. My first teacher and his laboratory were devoured by these promoters. As a result, the archive of the stand and instruments remained. And a staffing table with salaries and bonuses. As a result, I started testing and repairing ships.
      And then it came: from above they demanded to solve a real problem in two years. And our chicks of the nest of the party committee are not boom-boom in this. They began to gather people who had previously been wiped out, and me too. A young leader with a doctorate was placed at the top, and things went from there. They paid well, I was responsible for automating the process of collecting, processing and primary analysis of data. The group was all young people, but smart, and most importantly, not intimidated by our reality.
      In short, no one from the management believed it, but we solved the problem without a hitch. The manager then gave me a recommendation, and I went to a research institute and at the same time to graduate school. And then 1991 struck.
      Well, I already talked about business afterwards.
      As for "innovations", they were not needed in the late Soviet era, and they are not needed now. But all sorts of indicators and fashionable games like "Lean Manufacturing" are still flourishing.
      Stalin's merit is not that he came up with some kind of magic remedy and pulled the country out of trouble, but that he was able to rely on the existing personnel, organized the mass training of conventional specialists (among them real ones) and channeled revolutionary enthusiasm into a creative channel. All this worked, but in the third generation it petered out. The difference between the declared goals and the achieved results became too great.
  47. 0
    27 July 2024 23: 25
    Quote: faterdom
    Yesterday I listened to Nabiulina two or three (!) times explaining why the Central Bank raised the rate to 18.

    Do you have to wear a jester's cap?
    The supply of money exceeds the supply of goods, hence the rise in inflation.
    The Central Bank simply has no other choice - there was a choice in 1991. But now there is none.
  48. 0
    28 July 2024 08: 09
    Under capitalism, money always has a value; all investment costs are ultimately paid by the consumer. An agricultural company grows wheat - the cost of tractors, fuels and lubricants, sowing and harvesting costs, staff salaries - everything will be paid by the wheat buyers, and in the end - by the consumers of bread and pasta.

    The other side of this topic is that investments under capitalism always require savings. That is why the process of accumulation is so important there, and investments become the privilege of capital and wealthy entrepreneurs.

    How can you manage to contradict the second in one paragraph?
    PS And if everything is clear with the first (I would like to know when this was not so: just do not confuse investment with innovation - conditionally, the production of a tractor with its invention), then the second simply does not correspond to the realities in the conditions of financial capital and is typical for the 19th century .
  49. -1
    28 July 2024 08: 19
    Quote: Vovan
    One more...what other artels?

    The same ones that provided up to 70% of bakery products under Stalin.

    Lies ...
  50. -2
    28 July 2024 08: 26
    Quote: Chief Officer Lom
    But of course, the main areas of non-state production were clothing, shoes, food, household services, etc. Of course, for example, they bought fabric from a state-owned enterprise, but they made clothes better and more varied than those from the factory, or do you doubt it? (And these were not capitalists - property was shared only for workers, the sale of shares was prohibited, and upon leaving the artel, the share was redeemed by it)

    You seem to have lost your mind.
    Do you understand what industrial production is? And this is, first of all, a high level of division of labor, centralized directive management and long-term planning.
    All these artels existed until the Soviet economy received a sufficient amount of means of production. The dying out of artels is a natural process of industrialization.
    What may not be clear here?
    What stupid anti-Soviet brute is deliberately promoting the topic of Khrushchev, inventing some kind of shortcomings.
    You are grist for the anti-Soviet mill and are a blind tool in their hands.
  51. +1
    28 July 2024 10: 49
    "The export of grain and the initial stage of collectivization gave rise to the famine of 1932–1933."
    Not true. There were many factors, but the main one was a series of crop failures.
    You don’t have to read any further, the meaning of the article will be clear and exactly the same as in the history textbooks of the 90s - the “commies” are to blame for everything.
  52. +2
    28 July 2024 11: 29
    Quote: Not the fighter
    From my own experience, personally heard, first-hand. 90s, the defense plant is “lying on its side.” A call to the sales department: “We want to buy your products.” Answer: “The employee who is doing this is on vacation, call in a month.” Do you want to say that with such an attitude to work, reforms were not needed?

    And what does this mean? Why this sad sketch? A small salesman calls the factory and wants to be kissed on the ass with his 200 dollars.
    Don’t bring the blizzards, I’m tired of it already. I know better than you what happened in the industry in the 90s.
    Do you even remotely understand what ZIL was in Soviet times? It seems not.
  53. +2
    28 July 2024 13: 08
    Quote: Glagol1
    This was a consequence of the fact that the USSR had inefficient agriculture. And attempts to change it ran into the voluntarism of such... as Khrushchev, Suslov, etc. About the surrogate. Let's not compare stores. Let's just go to the market. There has never been such an abundance of everything in this country as there is now. And prices for every budget. And the quality is also different, some are better, some are more modest. But the surrogate is not visible.

    Oh one more.
    Mister efficiency.
    You don’t even know what these real peaches or tomatoes smell like.
    There's an abundance of crap on the shelves right now.
    I grow vegetables and fruits myself and know what I'm talking about.
    Nowadays, no one weeds by hand like in the USSR - only chemicals, but that’s what stupid degenerates need, let them eat with a shovel - you don’t feel sorry for them - a dead-end branch of development - homo fuckanatus.
  54. +1
    28 July 2024 17: 53
    The export of grain and the initial stage of collectivization gave rise to the famine of 1932–1933.

    Shaw again. Is Stalin again to blame for the 7 or 8 million Americans and millions of Eastern Europeans who died of starvation?
  55. 0
    28 July 2024 22: 24
    As Putin said, there will be no return.
    You can even dream about competent financial management, but.... At the helm there are still “effective managers”
    And who is at least somehow actively against - the fate of Prigozhin, Strelkov, Navalny is a reminder.
  56. +1
    28 July 2024 22: 42
    Someone always has to pay for success, and the peasantry and entrepreneurs paid for it.
    Communism is far from ideal, as is capitalism. Everything should always be in combination, but what is important is what will be the basis.
    Many countries had growth and had a golden time, but America in the 50s and 60s looked better than the USSR. Yes, and Europe. What’s surprising is that even the Eastern Bloc aroused awe in the average person, similar to the Yugoslav Wall.
    Emission is an understandable tool, many people use it - the same States or, for example, Japanese clans like Mitsubishi or Korean clans like Samsung, which have their own banks and are essentially engaged in internal corporate emission.
    The USSR paid dearly for industrialization, essentially breaking down peasant society, etc. But was there a different path in 10 years, in anticipation of the Great War?
  57. +2
    28 July 2024 23: 33
    Yes, production is also not an easy thing. You need to find a customer, and then like him enough to buy from you. And we don’t sell resources because we have a good life. Either the Mongol-Tatars will take all the craftsmen away, or the Crimean Khan will sell the peasants into slavery. Then the Poles will sit in the Kremlin.
    1. 0
      6 September 2024 09: 29
      Polovtsians, Pechenegs again... )))
  58. +1
    29 July 2024 12: 28
    Quote: Chief Officer Lom
    Eh, actually Trotsky was in power. After Lenin's death, Trotsky and his associates ruled the country, not Stalin, and the course towards world revolution was strictly followed. Therefore, Stalin had to fight not only with counter-revolution, but also with radical revolutionaries who believed that Stalin had betrayed the great world Revolution by refusing to sacrifice the population of Russia, whose lives were nothing compared to the great idea. As for repressions, it was not for nothing that Trotsky was nicknamed the Demon of the Revolution, he shot right and left, long before Stalin gained strength.

    Trotsky said that without the idea of ​​the World Revolution, building communism in a single country is not possible. Russia and Russians did not interest him in principle; he longed for a revolution in Germany, which was supposed to become a factory, and Russia was a raw materials appendage of this factory. He considered Russia a backward peasant country, and the proletarian had to be the driving force.
    Stalin abandoned the ideas of world revolution, for which he incurred anger and therefore the purges began.
    Trotsky wrote that the Soviets would disappear because the country’s new elite would degenerate in isolation and would eventually want to become the owners of the means of production. Which is what happened in the end.
    The USSR as a system existed as a kind of isolated reserve, and this was the only way it could exist without the idea of ​​world revolutions. What are the communists calling for now? Toward isolation (with 3 types of rubles and state control of everything) or to the World Revolution?
    Now the Communist Party has no fresh ideas, some kind of salad like patriotic communism... how is this possible if a communist is by definition an internationalist?
    1. 0
      30 July 2024 00: 41
      Salad, sir, is what modern media put into your head. And there is no need to shake all this in front of all the readers here once everyone's ears have been buzzing and fed up with the World Revolution in the mirror of our dearest media...

      By the way, when the USSR received aid from the USA during WWII or when China, India and Eastern Europe were oriented towards the USSR, was it also a reserve? Or does it just sound like something "commanded" in your head?

      But if we return to the primary sources, then communism is a workers’ movement, the main slogan of which is “All power to the soviets” .....

      Since you do not know what this wording means, it is necessary to clarify.

      Power in the classical bourgeois state is divided into the elected, chattering and powerless power of parliament and not an elected, but an appointed power of the government.

      The real power belongs to those who manage money and give orders to the security forces.
      So, communism is a movement that requires election, accountability and work from real power.

      Of course, in the society about which Alexander III said with his German directness: “A peasant needs a Tsar and a whip” - there can be no understanding of communism other than the “salad” embedded in your head.

      Now I’ll stop throwing beads, good luck! hi
      1. +1
        31 July 2024 01: 42
        What, no? There was a reserve from which horseradish were released and forced to live according to a schedule. This is a nature reserve, I put it mildly, because there are a lot of nervous people here.
        Leave idealistic theoretical fairy tales to your lop-eared adherents, I’ve seen such people - they talk a lot, but still nothing else.
      2. 0
        6 September 2024 09: 26
        How could you CHOOSE in a communist state, if there was essentially nothing to choose?! There was only one party! What could you compare it to when CHOOSE?! What "advice" if there is only one party - "mind, honor and conscience", "the party is our helmsman" )))))
  59. +1
    1 August 2024 00: 30
    Yes, my friend, you are just some kind of “Voltairian”! Or worse, a communist!
    The elite has one task: to live better than others. And she’s happy with everything. They have already built communism for themselves, but there are not enough resources for everyone.
  60. 0
    1 August 2024 14: 54
    Under capitalism, money always has value
    I didn't read further. A person who does not understand the basics cannot reason effectively. Under capitalism, at the moment, the value of real assets is barely 1/20 of the amount of money available. That is, at least 19/20 of the available money has absolutely no value other than speculative value.
    The article is complete nonsense.
  61. +1
    4 August 2024 20: 19
    Quote: Telur
    Quote: Totor5
    They don’t like the truth - that’s why they downvote. Well, what to take from the offended people.
    If you personally were given everything in the 1950s, then I don’t argue, they could have given it, especially since a village resident was entitled to a house. But in the 1980s, we were offered the right to buy furniture in a lottery - isn’t this immediately true?
    Although you may also have made furniture yourself from allocated wood. The words to get it and throw it on sale, to negotiate for a bottle - did not arise out of nowhere in the USSR.

    the truth is that you know nothing about life in the USSR or are deliberately lying.
    Grandfather and grandmother used their collective farm pension (I don’t know how many years they collected), my mother and I (we were 7 years old at the time) in 1976 bought a 2-room cooperative apartment in the regional center, if memory serves, for 15 thousand rubles, you can imagine imagine this now? and furnishing it was no problem, there was furniture, a sofa, a TV, and a ZIL refrigerator. This house, a “Khrushchev”, by the way, still stands.

    Why didn’t anyone come out to defend this paradise in 1991? Neither the people, nor the army, nor the KGB. Maybe it wasn’t Paradise, but a Nature Reserve with a fence?
    Housing in the USSR was given out as a fact (but not to everyone, not always and not always wherever/whatever you want), but even under the Tsar, peasants lived in houses, and not on the street. True, before the time of Khrushchev, a peasant in the USSR was almost a serf, without a passport, etc. I’m already silent about the fact that not everyone wanted to go to the collective farm and the collective farms were very different. This is the difference - you don’t want to hear from those who have seen the negatives, you think that they will lie. This is how the USSR rotted by the 1980s - in newspapers there is growth, but in real life you can’t buy boards and you need to get cement.
  62. 0
    4 August 2024 20: 20
    Quote: Mikhail3
    Under capitalism, money always has value
    I didn't read further. A person who does not understand the basics cannot reason effectively. Under capitalism, at the moment, the value of real assets is barely 1/20 of the amount of money available. That is, at least 19/20 of the available money has absolutely no value other than speculative value.
    The article is complete nonsense.

    As far as I remember, 1/10 of the money was always given to banks
  63. 0
    5 August 2024 08: 50
    It’s interesting to read the comments... Article about Stalinist economy, and all criticism (shortages, queues, etc.) is about the era of the late USSR. On the merits of the article, critics of the USSR have nothing to object to!
    1. -1
      5 September 2024 22: 40
      What is characteristic, judging by the logic of the author of this masterpiece article, the filthy Yankees brazenly stole the idea of ​​a half-educated seminarian and are just as brazenly using it to this day! ))) But it is especially interesting that it turns out that these filthy Yankees are not allowed, but Orthodox communists are allowed!!! Yes, yes, yes!!!! An insignificant green piece of paper is not backed by anything, but it turns out that the communists were not at all averse to the same thing))) And now we must thank them for this and kiss their asses)
  64. 0
    5 August 2024 18: 27
    Loans and other injections are not enough for Stalin’s economic miracle to happen. To understand the reason for this miracle, you need to understand the people living in the USSR at that time. No leader, not even Stalin, could have accomplished this miracle without the support of the majority of citizens of the USSR.
  65. 0
    27 October 2024 13: 00
    o duvar yıkılmayacaktı....dünyada bordrolu herkes için kötü oldu..
  66. 0
    29 November 2024 12: 57
    Now the total nationalization of the entire raw materials sector would create a completely different economy.
    No, of course not. It will only get worse, because each official has a bigger appetite than the sole owner. A flock of bureaucratic slackers will gain direct access to the finances of the raw materials sector and completely plunder it.
    The USSR took advantage of the fact that money had virtually no weight within the country. It was important solely as a means of balancing the economy. Financial flows were important only and solely in the sense of indication, they only showed how economic processes were going.
    What made this situation possible? The impossibility of accumulation of significant financial resources by individuals. Because the state balancing of the economy should in no case be upset by financial interventions of individuals pursuing their own private goals.
    Why didn't the USSR cope? Because someone very cleverly and very meanly slowed down the development of computer technology in the USSR. As a result, the planned economy could not be run effectively - it was simply not possible to establish an effective management system. Gosplan was drowning in numbers. Glushkov and his OGAS were trampled.
    The result of which was the unjustifiably prominent role of the CPSU as a regulator of the distribution of resources and products. All the activities of these scoundrels fundamentally contradicted all the ideas of the socialist economy, but allowed two problems to be solved.
    1. Power-hungry people didn't have to understand their direct responsibilities. It was enough to "negotiate" with others like them.
    2. their petty selfish interests were satisfied. The USSR was broken for the sake of video deuces and golden "nuts" on the finger...
  67. 0
    5 January 2025 00: 54
    There are no smart leaders in Russia, no one will listen to good economists.