Bloomberg: The United States plans to deploy a new electronic warfare system to counter China and the Russian Federation in space

Bloomberg: The United States plans to deploy a new electronic warfare system to counter China and the Russian Federation in space

US Army Command Plans to Deploy New Ground-Based System EW to counter Russian and Chinese satellite constellations in order to prepare for a potential conflict.

As reported by the American publication Bloomberg, citing a Pentagon representative, the first 11 electronic warfare installations with the ability to suppress electronic signals from satellites will be put into operation within a few months. In particular, by the end of this year it is planned to additionally deploy 13 similar installations.

In addition, to possibly counter China, the Pentagon plans to deploy new fighters at American bases in Japan. The plan to modernize the US air force on the Japanese islands will primarily affect the Kadena base, located in close proximity to the Chinese island of Taiwan.

Instead of 36 F-16 fighters based at the above-mentioned base, it is planned to deploy 48 F-35A units. In addition, the Pentagon expects to “adjust” the number of F-35B aircraft stationed at a military facility in the city of Iwakuni, where the US Marine Corps is stationed.

Washington has allocated a considerable sum of $10 billion for measures aimed at ensuring the ability to counter the PLA in the region. At the same time, when announcing their plans, the US authorities do not mention China, however, against the background of growing tensions in the region, the reasons for the strengthening of the American military group in Japan are obvious.
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  1. +2
    19 July 2024 19: 06
    Logically, the same answer follows. There is a bolt and screw for any hole. In terms of weapons, parity is generally maintained; no one has yet managed to take the lead forever.
    1. +1
      19 July 2024 19: 17
      That's right, it will follow. Or maybe he has already followed. ...What can I say... - so Star Wars began. Only real ones. The costs of all this and the loss of opportunities will also be real - as will the damage subsequently. And now you also need to look at it realistically...
      This is how life has come, we have become so “smart” now - we can fight in space.
      1. +1
        20 July 2024 00: 16
        It would be logical to carry out a nuclear explosion in space if we do not have a symmetrical response! Need asymmetrical!
        1. 0
          20 July 2024 00: 41
          laughing !.. Well, this is too... asymmetrical, in my opinion :)
  2. 0
    19 July 2024 19: 21
    Knowing how mattress makers plan and how much money is spent, this will not happen soon.
    1. +2
      19 July 2024 19: 27
      But no. This is not a new tank for the parade. If their electronic warfare systems are effective, they will soon be in orbit. This is the time now.
      The issue of protecting orbital stations will be next on the agenda. And the best defense is undoubtedly an attack...
      1. 0
        19 July 2024 19: 54
        It is written that ground stations. They will place important objects around their objects.
      2. +2
        19 July 2024 22: 26
        At first, there will be a fierce squabble for a place at the trough and the methods of removing competitors will not be gentlemanly at all.
  3. -2
    19 July 2024 20: 08
    Quote: TermNachTER
    Knowing how mattress makers plan and how much money is spent, this will not happen soon.

    That’s it, they’ll have it soon, but our analogue networks are not going into series at all
    1. 0
      19 July 2024 22: 31
      Tell this to someone else))) how long ago did they have hypersound? How many years did the Gerald Ford AV take to be built? By the way, do you know why it was dragged to Norfolk a couple of days ago in tugboats? What is the effectiveness of the “super penguin” in a real war if “hornets” remain on the decks of the AB? Don't overestimate mattress covers. Yes, they will have everything, and their muzzle is covered in blood too))) but when and for how much money - here it’s dangerous to guess even on coffee grounds, you may not guess very well)))
  4. +2
    19 July 2024 21: 08
    which would work out cheaper, to put into orbit a roaming satelite destroyer,
    with enough missiles to destroy all other systems, and for its own self defense

    or to launch missiles from high altitude to take the other systems out
    and keep doing this till their systems are eliminated.

    if they interfere with Chinas or the RU,s systems, then surely they should be fully aware that their,s will be an open target.
  5. +1
    19 July 2024 22: 21
    The United States has already deployed more satellites than the Russian Federation and the KNP combined
  6. -1
    19 July 2024 22: 36
    Will Glonass be prevented from working normally on America?
  7. +1
    20 July 2024 12: 35
    Quote: TermNachTER
    Tell this to someone else))) how long ago did they have hypersound? How many years did the Gerald Ford AV take to be built? By the way, do you know why it was dragged to Norfolk a couple of days ago in tugboats? What is the effectiveness of the “super penguin” in a real war if “hornets” remain on the decks of the AB? Don't overestimate mattress covers. Yes, they will have everything, and their muzzle is covered in blood too))) but when and for how much money - here it’s dangerous to guess even on coffee grounds, you may not guess very well)))

    Yes, it took a long time to build an aircraft carrier, but they have a lot of aircraft carriers, there are more planes on aircraft carriers than we have, we are generally silent about satellites, we are sooooo behind.
    We’re just used to underestimating the enemy, like they’re all stupid...
    Our artillerymen also carry a compass and the troops carry baofengs from Ali, which they bought themselves, you can list them...