Newsmax: Joe Biden prepares to give his farewell speech this weekend

Newsmax: Joe Biden prepares to give his farewell speech this weekend

Joe Biden is dropping out of the presidential race and is expected to give his farewell speech this weekend. This statement was made by Mark Halperin, a columnist for the conservative Newsmax television channel, citing sources in the Democratic Party.

Self-propelled Joe will not reach the finish line of the presidential race, withdrawing his candidacy. However, he will not support the nomination of Kamala Harris as his replacement. Such news come from the headquarters of the US Democratic Party. Previously, Biden will give a farewell speech, which was prepared for him, this weekend at the Democratic National Convention. However, he will continue to serve as President of the United States until a new one takes office.

A speech has already been prepared for him. (...) According to my information, he will also not nominate Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor. They hope he will support an open process, a convention in which Vice President Harris and other contenders will have the opportunity to choose a candidate.

— the words of a columnist are quoted on the channel’s website.

The sponsors of the Democratic Party and many of its members called on Biden to withdraw his candidacy after his failure in the debate with Donald Trump. The current US President himself did not want to do this, saying that he was “full of strength” and “absolutely healthy.” However, these statements did not convince his party members, who continued to call on him to withdraw from the race.

The Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago from July 19 to 22. It must approve the party candidate who will join the presidential race, as well as the future vice president.
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  1. +4
    19 July 2024 07: 21
    "Joe Biden is preparing to give his farewell speech this weekend" -

    - They brought my grandfather to the point of "flybug"...
    1. +2
      19 July 2024 07: 29
      They came up with Covid for Biden, the old man is exhausted and wants to crawl away. Trump, when he comes to the White House, will not forget anything, but the Trumpists are coming apparently for a long time, at least until 2030, until then both Putin and Xi will be in power. There is hope that Trump will try to get minimally closer to Russia, it is very important for him to tear Russia away from China, for him China is the No. 1 threat, again Iran is an enemy of Israel, and Trump is a supporter of helping Israel and it is important for him to isolate Iran.
      1. -1
        19 July 2024 08: 32
        Isn't there a 4-year presidential term in the USA? Although if the constitution is corrected
        1. 0
          19 July 2024 09: 40
          Quote: ALARI
          Isn't there a 4-year presidential term in the USA? Although if the constitution is corrected

          It is extremely difficult to govern the constitution there. And the term is 4 years, and given that Trump has already ruled for one term. Then these will be his last 4 years
          1. -2
            19 July 2024 09: 50
            So I’m talking about the same thing, what year is 2030, where from?
            1. -2
              19 July 2024 10: 13
              Quote: ALARI
              So I’m talking about the same thing, what year is 2030, where from?

              Quote: ALARI
              Isn't there a 4-year presidential term in the USA? Although if the constitution is corrected

              You lose sight of the fact that the same Barack Obama was president for two consecutive terms and “pulled the buck” from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017.
              So the year 2030 with Trump may very well happen.
              1. -2
                19 July 2024 11: 06
                As the comrade above wrote, Trump has already been president for one term and may only have one more. They have everything clear - only two times and that’s it. So until 2028 at the most. Then someone else.
                1. -1
                  19 July 2024 11: 10
                  Of course, I don’t know the intricacies of their entire electoral cuisine, but they probably mean two terms in a row, but here comrade Denis Tramlinov seems to have a window of 4 years. Maybe I'm wrong. Yes
                  1. 0
                    19 July 2024 11: 15
                    Two terms regardless of the order of election Yes
                2. -2
                  19 July 2024 14: 15
                  You read carefully, I am writing about Trumpism!!! Weiss is the one who came seriously and for a long time.
                  1. -1
                    19 July 2024 15: 09
                    Well, if he’s lucky, he’ll be president from 2028 and not 2030. It’s not known what will happen and who will be, but you already know who will be in ’30. prophecies are not reliable things and may not come true.
            2. -2
              19 July 2024 11: 13
              So, out of habit, he looks at our elections, where the Constitution can be changed for each President, and by the way, they don’t have Tereshkova.
          2. +1
            19 July 2024 11: 40
            Quote: BlackMokona
            It is extremely difficult to rule the constitution there

            But there is no need to amend the Constitution, since the two-term limit is determined by the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. And amendments are both introduced and repealed - in 1920, the 18th Amendment on Prohibition was adopted, and in 1933, the 21st Amendment was adopted to repeal the 18th.
      2. 0
        19 July 2024 09: 42
        Quote from Silver99
        Trump will try to get minimally close to Russia, it is very important for him to tear Russia away from China, for him China is the No. 1 threat, again Iran is an enemy of Israel, and Trump is a supporter of helping Israel and it is important for him to isolate Iran.

        It will not be easy and you will have to pay for it, this is not the situation of the last term and he will have a lot of work inside the USA. And if this does not split the country completely, it will greatly limit its capabilities on the external contour. And the first problem will be a used one, which will need to be handed over for the sake of any agreements with the Russian Federation. And completely. Then it will be possible to hope for some neutrality of Russia, and besides, it will have to seriously deal with “new territories” - its historical lands after military devastation.
        As for Iran and Israel, it’s enough to reassure Israel and Iran will definitely not fight. In the medium term - for sure. And it’s enough to simply stop funding a second-hand war and blame everything on Europe. And cancel the deployment of the RSD in Europe with the withdrawal of all American nuclear weapons from the old continent. Otherwise, there will be escalation and a new Caribbean Crisis, which Trump definitely does not need. But abandoning Europe and completely focusing on your own economy and Southeast Asia is just the thing.
        But that’s if he manages to survive and become president, because everything is VERY serious there.
      3. +1
        19 July 2024 10: 32
        Quote from Silver99
        They came up with Covid for Biden, the old man is exhausted and wants to crawl away.

        I think they simply hid him from the people so that he wouldn’t mess up in public. It is not yet known that he is leaving the race. Because he’s a very convenient person. You can blame the loss on him; the new candidate most likely won’t have enough time to promote himself, even if it’s Obama
        1. 0
          19 July 2024 12: 37
          Quote: APASUS
          be it Obama

          Obama will also have a problem with the 22nd Amendment, or it’s about his wife.
          1. 0
            19 July 2024 15: 03
            Quote: guest
            or talking about his wife.

            Of course about his wife
            1. 0
              19 July 2024 15: 10
              Quote: APASUS
              Of course about his wife

              Well then, promotion is still a problem. Or will she go under the slogan “a housewife can rule the country”? laughing
    2. +3
      19 July 2024 07: 38
      Reminded me of Yeltsin... smile
      His entourage said... if you don’t leave voluntarily... we’ll force you to.
      1. +5
        19 July 2024 07: 45
        Don’t remind me about this drunk.... Unfortunately, he is also from the Urals.....

        PS Our name was Borka-half-liter.
        1. +1
          19 July 2024 09: 42
          Because of him, the country fell apart, a mediocrity who wanted power.
        2. 0
          19 July 2024 11: 50
          Not only do you not want to see his photo, but also his name. But what does the Urals have to do with it? The Urals are the forge of Russian (and Soviet) industry. And seeing Canon saluting with his head uncovered, you just want to say: They don’t put their hand on an empty head. Well, yes, they are applying it.
    3. +1
      19 July 2024 07: 51
      And the devil is with him... That's all you need to know about this news
      1. +7
        19 July 2024 07: 56
        A couple of years ago, the Americans opened and gave the journalists the heartfelt letters of Borka the drunkard to his friend Bill. So soulful, it’s a complete mess.... This drunk there generally coordinated every step with Bill on how to strip and disarm our country.... am Scoundrel.....

        PS And we still ride little Borka with flashing lights to all sorts of sabbaths dedicated to the days of his memory, at UrFU named after Borka, to this filthy Center.... They ride at state expense, i.e. for our money. And it’s obvious that she’s not in poverty.
        1. +4
          19 July 2024 08: 10
          Yes, as if inviolability was promised.. Honestly speaking, I would drive this riffraff, along with the hotly inviolable palace in Yekaterinburg, out of the country.. EBN’s grave? In a Christian way, you can’t touch it..
          1. +3
            19 July 2024 08: 11
            Unfortunately, you and I are not the ones who make such decisions.... So they continue to fatten at our expense..... “A barrel of jam and a box of cookies” (c) they earned “fairly” from the West... ..
    4. -7
      19 July 2024 08: 04
      Everyone in the United States has been saying for a long time that Kamala Harris will be the next president. Trump, in fact, is not particularly popular, there may be an attempt to add rating points to him, but it is not the people who vote there, but the “voters.”
      1. +2
        19 July 2024 08: 12
        Kamala Harris has a rating of about 10%, almost zero
        1. +4
          19 July 2024 08: 14
          But he knows how to laugh loudly and playfully at public appearances.... lol
          The pasitiff itself. laughing
        2. +1
          19 July 2024 08: 24
          It’s different there.. Ratings, that’s for the people. Entirely different people decide... In the USA, the opinion of all sorts of Latinos, Chinese, etc. is very strong.. And they are against Trump. I think that nothing has been decided there
          1. +1
            19 July 2024 08: 27
            it’s true that Latinos are always for Democrats, and so are the Chinese, but this is not an election for the Senate, many Democrats will even vote for Trump because many do not support Camila
        3. 0
          19 July 2024 08: 49
          There is no one to stand up for a woman... Wolves are shameful.
        4. +1
          19 July 2024 10: 10
          Quote: Nastia Makarova
          Kamala Harris has a rating of about 10%, almost zero

          If we choose Biden, we will choose Harris too! laughing
        5. 0
          19 July 2024 11: 17
          Besides, she is an outright fool, well, just outright, and everyone knows about it.
      2. -1
        19 July 2024 10: 53
        It’s not the people who vote there, but the “voters”

        It's complete stupidity and our propaganda. The people vote there - moreover, the candidate who won in November officially This is what is called “the President elected (by the people”). The December electoral vote is more of a ritual and a tradition.

        The peculiarity of the US electoral system is more in how these votes are counted - to put it simply, then with a result in the state of 54% for the demos and 46% for the reps, it is considered that the western state voted 1000% for the demos.

        The second feature is that the people vote not directly for the president, but for the president’s person (a la Putin’s team). It is known in advance for whom the elector will vote - moreover, he is approved by the party.

        The third feature is the possibility of treason by the elector. At the November elections, he promised the people that he would vote for the Reps, and in December he voted for the Dems. And he won’t face anything for this (in some states there is a fine).

        In general, the system is very interesting and not as undemocratic as our propaganda portrays.
        1. 0
          19 July 2024 11: 43
          Quote from: blackGRAIL
          At the November elections, he promised the people that he would vote for the Reps, and in December he voted for the Dems. And nothing will happen to him for this

          Quote from: blackGRAIL
          People vote there

          Do you notice any contradictions in your words?
          1. 0
            19 July 2024 14: 39
            No. Since the answer was precisely to the statement "but not the people vote there". It is the people who vote there, but "...I believe that it does not matter at all who and how will vote in the party; but what is extremely important is who will count the votes and how" For the United States, the situation is real when in November (conditional) Trump will be officially announced"elected President of the United States"and in December (conditional) Biden was announced"President of the USA"We noticed that the word “elected” will disappear from the title of the position.
            1. 0
              19 July 2024 14: 41
              Quote from: blackGRAIL
              It's the people who vote there

              Well, strictly speaking, electors who can promise one thing and do another are also people. Although not all of it. But formally everything is correct.
              1. -1
                19 July 2024 14: 48
                Exactly - we are talking about formality. At the same time, no one disputes the situation that the results of the counting of electoral votes contradicted the results of the people's vote. In the USA they say quite openly (previously) that their president was stolen from the people. But this superstructure over the people suits the majority of both demos and reps. People chosenbut we appointed... Such a country is the quintessence of cynicism.
    5. 0
      19 July 2024 09: 31
      Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      Today, 07: 21
      "Joe Biden is preparing to give his farewell speech this weekend" -

      — They brought my grandfather to the state of a “fuck man”...

      A speech and a camera with a sign language interpreter have already been prepared for him for two with Hunter, Lady Jill is resting!
  2. +3
    19 July 2024 07: 22
    Well... Who will now blame the USA itself instead of the Self-propelled one? It also turns out they don’t want to push Kamalka anymore..... what The US must continue to inflate the debt.

    Donnie has now decided to take the matter with a stern hand?

    PS N-yes, the circus with Samokhodny during his public appearances is nearing its end.....
    1. +1
      19 July 2024 07: 36
      The most interesting thing will be when the United States leaves Europe with all its problems alone, withdrawal from NATO is looming, it’s not for nothing that these Gay Europeans are talking about a new military structure. Trump will definitely focus on the US economy, this is extremely important for him, he will cleanse the Senate and Congress and will do what he failed in his first term.
      1. +5
        19 July 2024 07: 37
        ....if they don’t find him again some Crooks with a rifle and not so oblique.....
      2. +6
        19 July 2024 07: 43
        Trump, focusing on his economy, will continue what he started and milk Europe to the end. The manager is efficient...
        1. +1
          19 July 2024 07: 46
          This is what it is, he knows how to count money. Europe is also on the verge of bankruptcy, the right will become increasingly stronger, with financial pressure from the United States they will definitely not be able to bear paying all the bills on their own, discord is inevitable, they will begin to dump non-core assets in the form of the Baltic states, Romanians, Bulgarians......
          1. +2
            19 July 2024 08: 07
            The limitrophes will not be thrown off - they will be ordered to tighten their belts as far as possible, but they will not be thrown off. How can we throw such mongrels out? Let them keep barking.
  3. 0
    19 July 2024 07: 24
    Just not the deputy prime minister, but the vice president, who in the USA is the prime minister.
    1. +5
      19 July 2024 07: 39
      vice president, who in the United States is the prime minister
      In the USA, the president heads the government. And the vice president, it’s unclear who, with an unclear range of responsibilities and a completely understandable salary. Something like a backup in case......
      1. +2
        19 July 2024 07: 47 case like with Kennedy.
      2. +2
        19 July 2024 07: 56
        The Vice President is the head of the American government and the first deputy president.
        1. +3
          19 July 2024 08: 12
          Quote: U-58
          The Vice President is the head of the American government and the first deputy president.
          The Vice President is a slacker waiting in the wings if the President is incapacitated. The only time his vote counts for something is when the Senate is clearly evenly divided, in which case the VP has the right to vote. Well, it also happens that out of boredom he begs for some topic to study. Kamala, for example, was given the portfolio of border protection and emigration, and failed spectacularly. And Biden, who was VP under Obama (2009-2017), received a portfolio of relations with third-rate countries, including Ukraine. What he did, I think, is not necessary to retell.
          1. +1
            19 July 2024 08: 20
            More US pros like Kamalka and Self-propelled Joey. laughing
            They will lead the USA where it needs to go....
      3. +2
        19 July 2024 08: 03
        I don’t remember who said it, but to the point: “Britain is a parliamentary republic with a hereditary head of state. America is an absolute monarchy with regular re-election of the monarch.”
      4. 0
        19 July 2024 08: 56
        It’s just that Trump wrote out insurance for himself.. If he does live to become president, it will be pointless to remove him further, because then the post will be taken by the young and nimble Vance.. Quite likely, he shares Donnie’s views.
      5. 0
        19 July 2024 09: 39
        Formally, the Vice President of the United States is the head of the US Senate. And this is an authoritative body of state power.
  4. +2
    19 July 2024 07: 26
    More and more interesting
  5. +1
    19 July 2024 07: 32
    Treason!!! Democratic coup? The old man may die from such news before the end of his term.
    1. +1
      19 July 2024 07: 47
      Who cares there anymore? The self-propelled one has already been written off. Andrey hi Health and all the best. drinks
  6. +2
    19 July 2024 07: 36
    I wonder who's next? And the shitcrats don’t have a promoted candidate
    1. +2
      19 July 2024 07: 44
      IMHO this is absolutely unimportant for them because Democrats will still win elections in a proven way.
  7. +1
    19 July 2024 07: 36
    Quite a possible scenario. However, sand is an unimportant substitute for oats. K. Harris is, of course, better than Biden for the Democrats, but her chances against Trump (under normal calculations) are small.
    Michelle Obama could potentially fight against Trump, but she still needs to be persuaded to sign up for it.
  8. HAM
    19 July 2024 07: 38
    Has it really dawned on Joe that because of his stubbornness, he won’t get away with nothing!?
    1. +1
      19 July 2024 07: 49
      Niii, they won't shoot at him. He will simply “die quietly of age” and that’s all.
    2. +2
      19 July 2024 08: 35
      Quote: HAM
      Has it really dawned on Joe?

      It’s unlikely that anything will reach him anymore; it’s more likely that it’s just been drilled into his head that you’re going to talk like this.
  9. BAI
    19 July 2024 07: 41
    I told you that this Covid is just a plausible reason for leaving. And in 1966 Biden was an eagle
    1. +2
      19 July 2024 08: 20
      And in 1966 Biden was an eagle

      Recently on YouTube I watched a video of a meeting between Biden, then a senator, and A. A. Gromyko. So there he is, too, still a bit of a pepper...
      1. +2
        19 July 2024 08: 22
        Just look at the videos with Ronnie Reagan from those years - who was so handsome for the Americans. Housewives in the United States cried after his public appearances. Unless of course this is a montage of those years.....
    2. HAM
      19 July 2024 08: 42
      Yes, he is still an eagle......only without feathers... laughing
  10. +1
    19 July 2024 08: 17
    If "brainless Joe" really removes himself, who will be nominated? Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton? what
    1. +1
      19 July 2024 08: 29
      An open convention is a lot of fun. The last time this happened was probably in the 1960s. Kind of like a dog dump under the carpet. Barking, squealing, growling, and it’s unclear who is biting whom. Behind-the-scenes negotiations, completely uncalculated deals in advance, seemingly old friends and allies are at each other’s throats, and old enemies are uniting against whomever they need. In general, buy popcorn.
  11. 0
    19 July 2024 08: 26
    obvious evidence, but nothing can save the Democrats
    1. +1
      19 July 2024 08: 37
      Quote: Rt Rt
      obvious evidence, but nothing can save the Democrats

      Well, who else will they put up? Suddenly they will remember about Nuland! She's such a democrat!
      1. +1
        19 July 2024 09: 01
        No, it's unlikely. Grandma Nuland’s health is not very good; apparently she won’t be able to distribute cookies anymore. So she will already sit in retirement and receive treatment, since her pension is not frail... Again they write that she was going to write memoirs about how she opposed the GDP and fought for peace and won in/in Ukraine. But it is not exactly....

        PS It’s interesting, VVP knows that Nuland defeated him back then??? what
      2. +2
        19 July 2024 11: 11
        Well, who else will they put up?
        I actually agree too!
  12. +1
    19 July 2024 08: 28
    My intuition was almost right – The Deep-state was controlling Biden through 4 Women leaders – Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland. Almost all 'star' women democratic party leaders were sidelined by these groups. These sidelined leaders were – Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Pramila Jayapal, Rahida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Katy Porter etc + Bernie Sanders.

    In EU, the Deep-state state used Ursula Von Der Leyen, Annalena Berbock, Kaja Kallas etc to manipulate ordinary Europeans. The difference between US and EU was – In US, these women leaders worked as a shadow group. In UK, the Deep-state used Baron David Cameron, as the shadow Prime Minister.

    The moral of the story is - the Deep-state uses 'non elected leaders' to manipulate and rule this planet. In 2024, Western Democracy is a scam.
  13. +2
    19 July 2024 08: 28
    It's high time to say goodbye. The devils put this creature on truancy at the cemetery for five years!
  14. +1
    19 July 2024 08: 45
    "...I'm old, I'm super old..."
  15. +1
    19 July 2024 09: 02
    let grandfather die in peace!
    Well, they hesitated the old man!
    he has already gone down in history in a bad way!
    in the USSR they would have already written a “series” of jokes about him wassat
  16. +1
    19 July 2024 09: 48
    Joe Biden is dropping out of the presidential race and is expected to give his farewell speech this weekend. This statement was made by Mark Halperin, a columnist for the conservative Newsmax television channel, citing sources in the Democratic Party.
    Well, yes! "There are rumors in the corners!" Let's see!
  17. +2
    19 July 2024 10: 10
    Eh.. it’s a pity that Biden is dropping out of the race. crying
    He did a lot of useful things for Russia.
  18. +1
    19 July 2024 11: 15
    They don’t apply a hand to an empty head!
  19. 0
    20 July 2024 17: 53
    It’s so funny to watch the cheering for Trump in this shitcratic circus. I would like to ask where they produce such naive ones? It’s even funnier to listen to such funny blathers about our elections as “187%”, because here they firmly believe in a fair American democratic electoral system that will allow anyone even remotely resembling a reasonable and negotiable president to the helm of the country. The last reasonable American president took a bullet in the forehead. Forgot? They don't make such mistakes anymore.