Resign yourself, light a candle, he died: most of the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants who died in Krynki are listed as “missing in action”

Resign yourself, light a candle, he died: most of the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants who died in Krynki are listed as “missing in action”

The retreat of the militants of the Kyiv regime from the bridgehead in Krynki, which was announced back in June by the persecuted people's deputy Bezuglaya, is already recognized in Ukraine. True, there have still been no official statements from the authorities on this matter.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian media and monitoring resources not only write that the Ukrainian military has been evacuated from the so-called bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper, which has been held absolutely senselessly since last year, but also share details of what happened there.

Thus, the monitoring public Deep State confirms the departure of the militants of the Kyiv regime from Krynki, adding that the evacuation was extremely difficult and with heavy losses.

In particular, yesterday, July 17, during the withdrawal of Ukrainian Armed Forces forces from the occupied bridgehead, a shell flew into one of the dugouts, killing five people. Six more tried to reach the island, but only one survived. Moreover, contact with him was then also lost.

In turn, even more outrageous facts were shared by journalists from the Ukrainian publication Slidstvo Info (Investigation Info), who spoke with the military who visited Krynki and relatives of the soldiers who tried to hold the bridgehead.

Journalists note that during the entire period of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ senseless presence in the Kherson village, which lasted about nine months, more than a thousand military personnel died. And this is only according to official data, which states that the bodies of 262 people were taken to the right bank, and another 788 are still listed as missing.

At the same time, the military personnel interviewed by journalists reported that many of their colleagues were seriously injured.

Many boats did not come, it happened that the guys lay with severed limbs for 10 days, and the boats could not come to us

- the publication quotes the words of one of the militants.

At the same time, hundreds of relatives of military personnel sent to Krynki are trying to find at least some information about them. Most of the soldiers are missing in action, although their colleagues saw them die, and their commanders know about it.

Humble yourself, light a candle, he died

- they said to one of the mothers in the unit where her son is still listed as missing.

Meanwhile, by not recognizing the loss of Krynok, which became a death trap for more than a thousand Ukrainian soldiers, the Kyiv authorities are also discrediting those who were sent to their deaths for the sake of an information picture intended for Western partners.

It is reported that court verdicts against military personnel who refused to carry out orders in Krynki continue to appear in the register of court decisions.

In general, this is all you need to know about the attitude of the criminal Zelensky regime towards Ukrainian soldiers and, seemingly, its people.
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  1. +19
    18 July 2024 18: 17
    I said some time ago: “Don’t rush to push them out of there.” It is to our advantage that they thoughtlessly send further personnel there. They keep doing it. I think it's a tragedy for them
    V. Putin. December 2023
    1. +7
      18 July 2024 18: 29
      I said some time ago: “Don’t rush to push them out of there.” It's beneficial for us

      Everything is correct... If an animal is caught in a trap, but continues to snarl and bite, wait until it dies or finish it off...
      1. -6
        18 July 2024 18: 32
        wait until he dies or finish him off...
        ..well in this case it all depends on the degree of sadism....
        1. -3
          18 July 2024 18: 38
          ..well in this case it all depends on the degree of sadism....

          What do you like more - to finish it off or to let it suffer...??? Or maybe just open the trap and let go...??? request
          1. +1
            18 July 2024 18: 43
            Which one do you like best?
            ...if I set a trap, then it is clear why, to catch a scoundrel for various purposes...either from a predator, or for food...but in any case, the one caught does not suffer for long...but in the case of Krynki I agree with the Supreme, and exactly as in everything...except for the refusal to blow up the bridges of the western Banderland
          2. +6
            18 July 2024 19: 26
            Quote: Lev_Russia
            What do you like more - to finish it off or to let it suffer...???

            It’s better to finish him off right away, otherwise he’ll be taken prisoner and treated later... and in general, this is not sadism. Sadism at the top of the Ukrainian military. Know that you are sending someone to a failed project without proper support, and demand to “keep it.”
            1. +2
              19 July 2024 07: 45
              Well, don’t tell me, it will be possible to recruit a representative number of our propagandists from the former Ukrovoyaks, and the warrior from Kherson may turn out to be more stubborn than from Ternopil, the Westerners are still cunning bugs.
          3. +1
            19 July 2024 11: 17
            Quote: Lev_Russia
            What do you like more - to finish it off or to let it suffer...??? Or maybe just open the trap and let go...??? request

            If I “let go” or “finish off” at the risk of my life, then let him die in a trap.
    2. +6
      18 July 2024 18: 34
      And also, do not forget what kind of “Ukrainian soldiers” they were who came to foreign land and claimed their rights to it. The Volga frequency was open to everyone.
      There is no need to reduce everything to the fact that they were doing “their duty” there. It is not true.
      Moreover, such articles, where “Ukrainian soldiers are fighting,” discredit the memory of Russian soldiers who died for all Russian people who were illegally torn away from Russia at one time by the corrupt authorities in Moscow.
      1. -8
        18 July 2024 20: 31
        Quote: Emelyanov_Kirill
        what kind of “Ukrainian soldiers” are these who came to foreign land and claimed their rights to it?

        Very pretentious. But you shouldn’t build hype on cheap likes.
        Can you explain where “they came to a foreign land”?
        Despite the fact that most of them are from Kherson, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, etc.... Or do you have other information? Please share....
        Well, let’s talk about “claiming your rights to it” fool
        It was we who claimed our rights to it. By the way, by whom did the corrupt government reject them and in whose favor? If it was this power that created them... winked I feel like you are a treasure trove of new information.....
        1. +2
          18 July 2024 21: 10
          Despite the fact that most of them are from Kherson, Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk, etc..

          No, that's not true. These are not Kherson and Kharkov residents. They weren't the ones who went missing.
          All real Kherson residents, Kharkov residents, Dnepropetrovsk residents have already reached the Volga frequency, arrived at the VKS positions, took up arms again and are now liberating Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov:
          - from those who should no longer be there;
          - from those whom you “mistakenly” equated with normal people with a clear mind and strong memory, for example, from the battalion of Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov, or many other volunteer units...;
          - from those who did not go to the Volga frequency when they were expected, when they were given time paid for with the lives of Russian soldiers!..

          Let everyone whom you so stubbornly pass off as people now go missing. , who continue to have the opportunity to live with dignity... in Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, in contrast to the “heroes” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Let a list be compiled by name of everyone who went “missing” in the same Krynki from the merciless hand of retribution of our VKS and posted on the Alley of Angels in Donetsk, as evidence of righteous retribution by the “heroic” AFU for every child permanently crippled or killed by them, as in the DPR, LPR and other parts of Russia.
          Let the Armed Forces of Ukraine from such “heroic” lists never be acquitted for what they did to Russia and the Russian people - at any time, under any order of things...
          Have I answered your question?..
          1. -8
            18 July 2024 21: 55
            A stream of pretentious phrases, slogans and curses in the spirit of old Aloizych... You are not at the rally. Although with such aplomb you have a chance to become a general by September wink
            1. “real” Kharkov residents, etc., had difficulty gathering a couple of battalions. There are hundreds of thousands of fake people on the other side.
            2. "and now Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov are being liberated:
            - from those whom you "mistakenly" equated with normal people of sound mind and memory, for example, from the battalion of Pavel Anatolyevich Sudoplatov" Stirlitz was never so close to failure..... Were you carried away by a patriotic frenzy or did your true meanness show itself? wink
            3. "everyone you so persistently pass off as people" And who and where did I persistently pass off as people? Could you quote me? If not, then you, sir, are a ̶m̶u̶d̶ windbag.... Although we are all people. On both sides. With rare exceptions....
            4. And you didn't answer my question. Not one.
            Who came to a foreign land?
            Who claimed it and how?
            By whom and when was Moscow corrupted and who took away these lands?
            I understand that it is difficult for you, but pull yourself together and try to answer these questions clearly and reasonably. Without shouting from the podium, slogans and shaking your limbs... I will be grateful hi
            1. +4
              18 July 2024 22: 19
              Not at all. Your “hundreds of thousands” are running with two extra zeros. And they go missing. Your fate will be the same. Wherever you are next.
              1. -3
                19 July 2024 08: 11
                They didn't answer again. Just curses. That's exactly what I thought. You are not able to give answers, only throw out slogans, collect likes and mumble indistinctly in response to specific questions. Thank you for the meaningless dialogue. Good luck in your career, you will go far hi
                1. 0
                  19 July 2024 11: 27
                  The fuss is yours. Black and black, no matter where you look.
                  The next time you write about fumes, at least change your avatar to something whiter.
        2. +1
          19 July 2024 00: 13
          This is not their land! They betrayed her and have no rights!
        3. 0
          19 July 2024 07: 48
          Well, the fact is that there are locals there, but for example, our Crimea is Tatar land, but they told me that it’s just Tatar Crimea and I came here in large numbers and these were not Tatars. So the question of whose land is complex. In the same Kherson region in the Chaplyn region there is the grave of my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, do I have anything to do with this land? My grandfather, whose last name I bear, is from the Kirovograd region, the village of Adzhamka, you can google it, this is my last name, not made up, my relatives live there.
          1. 0
            19 July 2024 08: 15
            That's what's complicated. But shouting that people who were born on this land are occupiers, and we are all in white, is not even cynicism. Sorry, this is idiotic...
            1. +1
              19 July 2024 08: 18
              Well, the majority shout like that, this is not idiocy, but a normal state, and how many times have I heard that Crimea is Ukrainian. But let's look at it from the other side, there are residents of these same lands who are fighting on the Russian side. The war is civil.
              1. 0
                20 July 2024 10: 56
                That's it. That’s why all these howls “we’re all in white and they’re all in brown” are annoying. And they are trying to put on a halo of holiness from above....
          2. 0
            19 July 2024 13: 17
            ...for example, our Crimea is also Tatar land...

            You have been writing nonsense for a long time, a very long time. ... Crimea is Russian land!..
            Russia has not waged and does not wage wars of conquest. This is her story. Since the time of the reunification of the Russian lands, both before and after, ... THEY CAME TO US TO TAKE OUR OUR ... they ravaged cities and villages, hundreds of troops per plowman went into the field, took away the harvest, killed everyone who could hold a weapon, children and women were taken into slavery, now half of the Turks in Turkey have pronounced Slavic features - and the status of degenerates. Because they've been doing this for centuries, because the poor in mind and harvest freaks could not live without the destruction of neighboring lands... This also applies to the rest of the “conquerors” - who ultimately lost EVERYTHING.
            This applies to half of Europe - look at the modern World Map, all the evidence is there. Unless you are a complete idiot, of course, without the knowledge and ability to draw conclusions.
            Russia has never engaged in wars of conquest. And has never been strong in this. There has never been such a need to stoop to such abomination. We have waged defensive wars. We have waged wars of liberation.
            So far, up to and including the Northern Military District, this has been EXACTLY the case.
            Everything that is now ours is not profit, it is the key to the stability of the country’s development and its protection from the aggression of those who decided to come to us with a sword and wave it a little.
            Further, if we talk about Crimea... then anyone can live there, in Russian, and call themselves Russians. There is nothing bad about that. Because if it is not like that, then there will be nothing at all. There will be no other Tatars in Crimea. In general, there will be no one else there then, except those who should be there and should live there. Because now - it is their Crimea.
            In other words, Crimea is ours, and has been for a long time. Remember this well, “comrade” commentator.
            1. 0
              26 July 2024 08: 07
              You apparently don’t understand what you read well, unlike you, and all these events were not just watched on TV, but an active Crimean Nazi, as they say in Ukraine. Go to Myrotvorets and look there for my first and last name, they are listed here for real.
              1. 0
                26 July 2024 11: 44
                Just like that... You may be on the Peacemaker, but there is still no understanding. ... Sad.
        4. +1
          19 July 2024 11: 38
          Quote: ian
          It was we who claimed our rights to it. By the way, by whom did the corrupt government reject them and in whose favor? If it was this power that created them... winked I feel like you are a treasure trove of new information.....

          My grandfather died in 1942 while trying to liberate Kharkov. He and his entire battery. And his entire division. This is not pathos - it is a historical fact. And he did not give his life there so that scumbags with swastika tattoos would run around Ukraine. And I remind you that Ukraine started the war with Russia long before 2014. It was from there that all sorts of "Sashkas Bilye" came to Chechnya. It was the Ukrainians who shot down our Tu-22 in Georgia. It was Ukraine that blocked the modernization and renewal of the Black Sea Fleet ships. It was Ukraine that shot down our passenger plane over the sea and refused to pay compensation to the families of the victims, it was Ukraine that provoked the conflict around Tuzla, it was the Ukrainians who almost started a bloody mess around the "Crimean lighthouses". Ukraine has been waging an undeclared war with Russia almost since the collapse of the USSR. Inflicting not only reputational losses, but also direct economic ones and, at every convenient opportunity, combat ones. If you didn't want to see this before, that's your business, but just remember: the First Chechen War was 1994-1996. And even then, all sorts of music was being shipped there from Ukraine in commercial quantities to kill Russians. That's right. kill Russians. And upon returning to Ukraine, not one of them was put on trial. The Ukrainian state pretended that they did not exist.

          This is not pathos - these are facts. Simple as a stool. They can be ignored or acknowledged, they don’t care. But they speak for themselves - Ukraine was actively looking for a war with Russia and it found it. Whether we came to “their” land or to our own is a question for a cheap tabloid newspaper. For History, 20-30 years is not a period of time - just a moment.

          Well, if you condemn the SVO, raise your voice directly, don’t fuss, otherwise you’ll turn around like a libarda in a frying pan :)
          1. -1
            20 July 2024 11: 10
            I see your credo as condemning. And fantasizing. With all due respect to your father, I will not even consider your accusations and speculations about what I did not want to see, what I think and what I do not know (although this is pure demagogy). I will dwell on the latter. (If you condemn the SVO....). I do not understand on what basis you came to such a conclusion, so I will answer you in the same way. If you belong to the non-traditionally oriented - raise your voice directly, and do not wriggle like that very liberal under Valuev. If you feel offended - do not be offended. I made this conclusion using the same algorithm as you. And being embarrassed about this in our time is no longer fashionable. hi
            1. 0
              23 July 2024 17: 36
              Quote: ian
              With all due respect to your father

              Grandfather. My father was born during the war. My father and mother are children of war. Both died before reaching 50.

              Quote: ian
              If it became offensive.

              Why all of a sudden?

              Quote: ian
              I won’t even consider your accusations and speculation about what I didn’t want to see, what I think and what I don’t know (although this is pure demagoguery). I'll focus on the last one.

              You don’t have to choose what you like from my post. If you are going to argue, argue with facts, and not with words that are convenient for you. My position is this: Ukraine has been waging an undeclared war with Russia since the early 90s. Systematically inflicting blows on us economically, politically, and reputationally. And this war on our side already had REAL casualties before 2014. People killed by Ukrainians.
              I cited a fact to prove my point.
              You tried to get away, wagging your tail, in the hope that I would fall for insults. Nope :)
              If you have something to object to on the merits of the issue - if you can prove that Ukraine has been a friendly state since the 90s, and the population there has not been brought up for decades in contempt and hatred for the "Moscow Kalams" - prove it. Facts.
              If you want it simpler, here it is simpler. In 2020 Russia has come to a war to which Ukraine has been actively inviting her since the 90s.
              1. 0
                23 July 2024 19: 02
                1. "
                Quote: abc_alex
                You tried to get away, wagging your tail, in the hope that I would fall for insults.

                What exactly in your imagination did I try to get off? Where exactly was I wagging my tail? By text please. Or are you decorating your speech and trying to humiliate me in such a naive way?
                Why did you decide that you have the right to insult me, but I cannot answer you in kind in your own logical way? Are you a king, an infallible guru, or is there something shining above your head?
                2. Your position is worthy of respect. At least by you. My position is different: Russia itself created Ukraine as it is. To put it bluntly, the same way the United States gave birth to ISIS at one time. First for their own needs, and then they were thrown aside as unnecessary. Others picked her up, fed her and showed her the direction. But I am not imposing this point of view on you - you presented me with your vision, I presented mine.
                3. “I cited a fact to prove my point.” you didn't present the facts. You have stated your position. I'm not going to argue with her.
                4. “if you can prove that Ukraine has been a friendly state since the 90s, and the population there was not brought up for decades in contempt and hatred for the “mos ka lamas” - prove it with facts.”
                What facts can convince you if you are firmly convinced of this? Well, just give an example....
                Will you be convinced if I say that I lived in Ukraine for 10 years in the 90s and never heard a “Muscovite” or any other national claims? (In Russia, by the way, you hear them all the time) I don’t think so. At best, accuse me of lying. You like to blame. It's easier than thinking...
                Try to respect and at least try to understand other people's opinions.
                What if it turns out... hi
    3. -1
      19 July 2024 07: 42
      It was like that before, let’s remember Zmeiny Island, we left there when the howitzers, French it seems, began to shoot all the way to the island and there’s granite there, you can’t bury yourself. They also fed crayfish in the Dnieper near Energodar, the largest thing was Tse Bakhmutsya Fortetsya, which later, as it turned out, had no meaning.
  2. +3
    18 July 2024 18: 18
    During the entire period of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ senseless presence in the Kherson village, which lasted about nine months, more than a thousand military personnel died.
    .. it seems that this is without taking into account who feeds the crayfish at the bottom of the Dnieper... there, it seems, the losses are much greater in the "lost" column... well, so be it... the junta doesn't care... the pig-faces are in their golden age at the trough...
    1. 0
      19 July 2024 07: 50
      But who counted them? Moreover, formally they can be listed in the ranks and the battalion commander receives their salary.
  3. +6
    18 July 2024 18: 19
    No body - no case... (c) Old prosecutor's proverb
    1. 0
      18 July 2024 18: 45
      An old prosecutor's saying
      ...this is a saying from the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...the prosecutor's office has slightly different less famous
      1. 0
        18 July 2024 18: 50
        Well, for that matter, it is very ancient, it is even attributed to Stalin and one minister request
        1. 0
          18 July 2024 19: 04
          it is even attributed to Stalin and one minister
's was a paraphrase of the commander of the separate corps of the gendarmerie of the Republic of Ingushetia, Major General Dzhunkovsky...
        2. 0
          18 July 2024 22: 52
          Quote from Enceladus
          Well, for that matter, it is very ancient, it is even attributed to Stalin and one minister request
          -much older.
          England 1600 some years.
          They decided that the man was killed and declared him dead in court to accept the inheritance, but after 3 years he returned alive. And after this, the formula “No body - no case (hereditary)” appeared in the English courts, completely legalized
      2. 0
        18 July 2024 19: 46
        The “investigative structures” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have never been involved in blind man’s buff, this is the generic jurisdiction of the prosecutor’s investigators - now spun off from the prosecutor’s office of the Investigative Committee.
        1. 0
          18 July 2024 22: 55
          The “investigative structures” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs never dealt with blind man’s buff,
          ...that's exactly it and yes...the prosecutor's office deals only with the results of the investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...well, there is another structure to which the prosecutor's office has nothing to do
          1. 0
            19 July 2024 12: 14
            Are you from Crimea, or what - judging by your nickname? When it was annexed, I remember I came across the fact that their investigation bodies of internal affairs investigate most of the cases, well, with the exception of state crimes and tax crimes. Such a funny perversion of the former Fundamentals of Criminal Procedure of the USSR. I had to review the entire staffing - because a lot of them gathered in one body in chorus, it's a prank.
            In Russia, by and large, everything remains as in the evil old days, except that prosecutorial investigators were allocated to the Investigative Committee and the powers of the prosecutor in criminal proceedings were reduced. But the prosecutor is still in good spirits, and can cancel the case, and not send it to court, and is in charge of local affairs when determining jurisdiction.
            The investigation of any department works for the prosecutor and the court, which gives them “sticks” in the form of the main indicators of the department’s performance.
            1. 0
              19 July 2024 16: 03
              Judging by your nickname, are you from Crimea?
              ... yes... in the third generation... small homeland Bryansk region... and so not only a witness of the events of 2014 but also a participant... I can print daily what and how it was...
  4. +4
    18 July 2024 18: 31
    And take off the dog! -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
    1. +6
      18 July 2024 18: 38
      Quote: Practitioner23354df
      And take off the dog!

      Maybe crayfish in Krynki will become cheaper! fellow
      1. +6
        18 July 2024 19: 51
        Definitely. And not just crayfish.
  5. 0
    18 July 2024 18: 35
    By their own admission, significant losses amounted to more than 1 people.
    1. +1
      18 July 2024 19: 18
      the losses amounted to more than 1 people.
      ...there you need to look at the official article in the column "lost"...then the picture will become clear...the junta is carefully hiding her dear
  6. +3
    18 July 2024 18: 52
    The clown continuously crawls through the crony houses and raspberries of the Euro-Atlantic gang, and their Goebbels team cooks up heroic videos and carries propaganda nonsense. Krynki is a minor episode for them, and the whole of Ukraine is a small part of the scenario of the global punitive expedition.
  7. 0
    18 July 2024 19: 12
    Hey Hey. Fried crayfish. If there had been no war, we would have died like dogs
  8. BAI
    18 July 2024 19: 14
    another 788 are still missing.

    So what? Now they are proud to the point of puppy squealing about the Battle of Brody, when the Galicia division was defeated in 3 days.
    Approximately 10 people “entered” the battle. In 000 days:
    98 killed (ninety-eight)
    987 captured
    9800 (nine thousand eight hundred) - an entire division MISSING IN ACTION!
    Well, now we remember the experience that Ukrainian propaganda is strenuously imposing
  9. +3
    18 July 2024 19: 25
    All of them, as people, already died in 2014, having sold themselves to the West, they are already walking carcasses.
  10. Alf
    18 July 2024 19: 29
    As long as the soldier is “missing in action,” nothing needs to be paid to the family or the Wild Geese agency.
  11. -1
    18 July 2024 22: 38
    If there was a shooting gallery in the krynki, a trap for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, then why were they knocked out of there and why fight for the islands?
    1. 0
      19 July 2024 05: 25
      they began to spread further, I had to iron them
    2. 0
      19 July 2024 07: 54
      They were not knocked out, but ground, which, you see, is not the same thing. And the islands, well, so far I don’t hear that they are being seriously mined for them, and the islands themselves are partly conditional, now they are being mined there.
  12. 0
    19 July 2024 11: 37
    Throw away your drool and put a piece of paper in front of you and count how many Russians, Ukrainians, and Orthodox Christians have died in 2,5 years and how many more people have joined Islamic extremism. And think about who is winning this war? It has become clear that MI6 does not keep fools, and who are we keeping in the Kremlin towers?