Medvedchuk: There will be a Ukrainian trace in the case of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump

Medvedchuk: There will be a Ukrainian trace in the case of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump

The chairman of the council of the “Other Ukraine” movement, former opposition deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Viktor Medvedchuk, published on the website of the movement he leads an appeal to former US President Donald Trump regarding the recent attempt on his life.

The politician believes that Trump, with his promises to end the conflict in Ukraine through a peace agreement, has become a personal enemy of Zelensky’s Nazi regime, for which continuation of hostilities is the only way to maintain power and further enrich himself through corrupt means. Therefore, Medvedchuk believes, it is possible that a Ukrainian trace will be discovered in the case of the attempt on the life of the former US President.

In an attempt to maintain power, Zelensky and his criminal circle are capable of anything. With the full support of the Biden administration, he has unleashed an unprecedented crackdown on political opponents, jailing opponents by the thousands and carrying out spectacular extrajudicial killings of opponents.

stated leader of the “Other Ukraine” movement.

He noted that, as in the case of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, after the shots were fired at Trump, there was no proper reaction from the West to what happened. In addition, previously the main opponent of the Republican candidate for returning to the White House, Joe Biden, openly called for “putting Donald Trump in the bullseye” (bullseye - in the center of the target). Similar calls are periodically heard from Kyiv in relation to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the rare Ukrainian politicians who advocate peace.

Acting with Nazi methods, Zelensky closed all opposition media and all opposition political parties

- Medvedchuk recalled.

Literally a day before the assassination attempt on Trump, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov*, announced that the Ukrainian authorities were trying to carry out assassination attempts on Russian President Vladimir Putin, and a few days earlier, the head of Zelensky’s office promised to destroy Ukrainians who advocate peace with Russia. In order to maintain power, the Kiev regime, with the support of the current American leadership, is ready for any escalation of the conflict with Russia, up to the outbreak of the Third World War. And Trump, who can change everything after the November elections if he wins, is openly interfering with Biden and Zelensky with their entourage.

And it is because of this, dear Mr. Trump, that you have become the personal enemy of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Zelensky, and this scoundrel will stop at nothing to prevent you from winning the presidential election. I think that in the case of the attempt on your life there will be a Ukrainian trace

- Medvedchuk concluded.

* the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, was included by Rosfinmonitoring in the register of terrorists and extremists
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  1. Msi
    16 July 2024 17: 30
    And precisely because of this, dear Mr. Trump

    Well, this one is right here. He licked everything he could reach with his sticky tongue... he wants power. He sends a bow..."A shortcut to reign" begs.
    1. 13+
      16 July 2024 17: 52
      Msi hi, it is generally not clear who needs his opinion and statements, although there is an assumption, but it is better to let them remain at the level of speculation.
      1. +7
        16 July 2024 19: 41
        In my opinion, “One-Eared Trump” doesn’t give a damn about such a trifle as Medvedchuk and his personal interests... We also have a legally elected and illegally overthrown Yanukovych, if that... lol
    2. +6
      16 July 2024 19: 20
      The hydrant gives up normal people, but attracts idiots.
    3. +2
      16 July 2024 19: 31
      And so it is known, the guy went crazy, no one signed him up for anything, he just wanted to commit suicide loudly and beautifully. He had a bomb in his car. In general, the boy was brought to his attention. According to his classmates, there was clearly something wrong with his psyche, and his parents, instead of showing him to a specialist, thought that it was all bullshit, they just needed to show will and work on themselves. At school he was bullied, what is called bullying here. Nevertheless, he studied well, even once receiving a $500 bonus for his success. For some reason, I went on to study not at a normal 4-year college, but at a cheap 2-year one. In May, I received an Associate in Engineering diploma, a type of technical school in the USSR. And then it’s unclear what happened, but it motivated him to this “feat.” Whether the girl abandoned him, or his parents were fed up with “you’re already an adult, look for a job,” or something else, maybe they’ll find out, the FBI opened his computer and phone. Or maybe they won’t find out, or they will find out and keep it secret.
      He stole my father’s rifle, bought more than 10 years ago; there were about a dozen guns in the house, which is not something extraordinary, for example, my son and I have 5. Since he is legally an adult, parents cannot be charged with improper storage, according to the law. it states that the owner must prevent firearms from falling into the hands of minors.
      1. Msi
        16 July 2024 20: 28
        Nagan, tell me. Is a split possible in American society or have you only become more united? hi after the assassination attempt
        1. +2
          16 July 2024 20: 48
          The split is too deep to be eliminated even by such a dramatic event. The shitcrats are so stubborn that they will vote for Biden even if he is in a wheelchair and blowing bubbles. But don’t expect Civil War 2.0; there are more independents in America than both shitcrats and Republicans. Now, if Trump is not prevented from winning (options from planting incriminating evidence to assassination attempt and election fraud are possible), there will be an influx of emigrants in Canada, fortunately, the border is practically not guarded and they don’t even require passports if you have a driver’s license. Moreover, it will not be some Mex or Haitians who will run, but whites with a university liberal arts education.
          1. Msi
            16 July 2024 20: 50
            But don’t expect Civil War 2.0; there are more independents in America than both shitcrats and Republicans.

            It's a pity. And we would like it that way. We wait and wait and nothing... crying Thank you for the answer.
    4. 0
      16 July 2024 21: 09
      Well, yes. The main thing is to lick it correctly. But in fact, I see the CIA trail. Because they have drugs to zombify anyone. After all, a correctly chosen “killer” will not provide any information about the customer. And this killer was a former fan of the Republicans. And now go get in touch with the shitcrats.
    5. 0
      17 July 2024 13: 51
      Quote from Msi
      And precisely because of this, dear Mr. Trump

      Well, this one is right here. He licked everything he could reach with his sticky tongue... he wants power. He sends a bow..."A shortcut to reign" begs.

      And I immediately said that the “Ukrainian” trace is simply necessary here: Trump is gaining weight and gets a trump card to throw off x amount of money. As for Medvedchuk, he has already received his label, there is no need for him to wander around the White House, he needs to untie Xohlyandya from Omeritsa, and how he does this is his business...
  2. +2
    16 July 2024 17: 30
    There will be a lot of speculation and assumptions now, but we still won’t know the truth.
    1. +1
      16 July 2024 17: 56
      ARIONkrsk hi, speculation and conspiracy theories always appear like hell after such incidents. And everyone who believes in anything, who believes in the official, who doesn’t.
    2. +1
      16 July 2024 18: 56
      Quote from ARIONkrsk
      but we still won’t know the truth.

      I watched the video, the shooter crawls along the roof to the starting point. Americans see and squeal something. request The satirist Zadornov is right. As long as the girls from Ryazan are guarding Trump, he has a chance to survive until the elections. hi
      1. -1
        17 July 2024 14: 55
        He has already kicked out all the girls, now he is guarded only by men.
  3. +1
    16 July 2024 17: 38
    The politician believes that Trump, with his promises to end the conflict in Ukraine through a peace agreement, has become a personal enemy of Zelensky’s Nazi regime, for which continuation of hostilities is the only way to maintain power and further enrich himself through corrupt means

    Yes, not only the personal enemy of the Nazi regime of Zelensky, but also of all sensible humanity, which understands that if Ukraine remains with at least some kind of statehood, there will be a bloodier war, with the result very dangerous for humanity.
  4. +1
    16 July 2024 17: 41
    The Hyperboreans, I’ll be a bastard, want power over the world
    1. +1
      16 July 2024 18: 06
      novel66 hi, do you think Hyperboreans? I thought they were reptilians? Or the Atlanteans will again mischief and bully)))
      1. +1
        16 July 2024 20: 45
        This will happen to all of them. There are no police on them
      2. +1
        16 July 2024 22: 05
        Quote: Murmur 55
        do you think Hyperboreans? I thought they were reptilians? Or the Atlanteans will again mischief and bully)))

  5. +8
    16 July 2024 17: 44
    Oh, godfather got out. Is the publication of an “appeal” to Trump from a godfather a joke? Shitty "PR people" from godfathers. The only bad thing is if they again push the godfather onto the board.
    It’s the same as pushing Tolik Chubais instead of Putin.
  6. +2
    16 July 2024 17: 44
    Let's see who benefits here and now. The mattresses are pretty straightforward guys, the Democratic Party and the swamp do not need Trump as the initiator of reforms as a result of which they will get a cell or at least a failure. Well, the blizzard will soon begin to intensify, as it happened with the joint venture,
  7. +5
    16 July 2024 17: 57
    And it is because of this, dear Mr. Trump, that you have become the personal enemy of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Zelensky, and this scoundrel will stop at nothing to prevent you from winning the presidential election. I think that in the case of the attempt on your life there will be a Ukrainian trace

    - Medvedchuk concluded.

    Kom wants to stake his future political position by making full use of the big guy's connections.
    Truly, where you went to the cold, there is nothing to do in the yard.
  8. +4
    16 July 2024 17: 59
    Voice from the Political Grave laughing.
    It would be interesting to look for a Ukrainian trace, but what would happen, and with such a character!..
    You need to be more careful, more careful...
    If only Yanyk and Kum had made a joint statement, then it would be a bomb! laughing
    1. +2
      16 July 2024 18: 10
      Today, 17: 59
      If only Yanyk and Kum had made a joint statement, then it would be a bomb!

      I thought so too, only along with the sweet couple there will also be the special services of the Russian Federation and other countries, ready to selflessly help the most democratic country in the world, Trump personally!
  9. +1
    16 July 2024 18: 03
    Persuade the shooter to sneak away from the FBI and CIA and not get burned. Sorry, I don't believe it. And if the special services are in on the matter, then why do they need a Ukrainian partisan detachment? Are they (the special services) not completely idiots? Medvedchuk just decided to hype himself up and remind himself, well, at least this way. lol
  10. +1
    16 July 2024 18: 04
    Acting with Nazi methods, Zelensky closed all opposition media and all opposition political parties

    - Medvedchuk recalled.

    New opportunities are opening up for the legitimate popularly elected President Yanukovych, overthrown by a coup in 2014!
    Why is the legitimate leader still in the shadows?
    1. +2
      16 July 2024 18: 12
      For the sake of fairness, Yanukovych is no longer the legitimate president. There are no longer opportunities for him in Ukraine.
      1. 0
        17 July 2024 15: 03
        By the way, yes, ours recognized Poroshenko, and Zelensky was legitimate, and again he will be if necessary to sign something. so Yanukovych’s train left long ago.
    2. 0
      16 July 2024 21: 22
      Why is the legitimate leader still in the shadows?

      He did not want to give up Crimea and still remains of this opinion. So they put a heavy cross on the hat-tearer.
    3. +1
      16 July 2024 22: 20
      Quote: ZovSailor
      Why is the legitimate leader still in the shadows?

      Because he's a wuss. He boldly fled from Ukraine, declaring that he did not want blood. Now blood is flowing like a river. But he is clean and tidy. And power is struggle, blood... in general, a dirty business. It's not his. hi
  11. +5
    16 July 2024 18: 11
    Medvedchuk: There will be a Ukrainian trace in the case of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump

    Today I go to the toilet and there is no toilet paper. The Ukrainian trace is clearly visible in the loss of toilet paper!
    1. 0
      16 July 2024 22: 25
      Quote: Just A Guy
      The Ukrainian trace is clearly visible in the loss of toilet paper!

      Are they really eating? wassat Or maybe forests for firewood? Watch! If in a public toilet a light bulb often burns out - this is a trace of Dill!. wassat
  12. +5
    16 July 2024 18: 12
    Therefore, Medvedchuk believes, it is possible that a Ukrainian trace will be discovered in the case of the assassination attempt on the former US President
    Have you already found a piece of bacon from the sniper? wink
    1. +4
      16 July 2024 20: 03
      No, just a tutorial on sniper business in mov: Sniper business for dummies and hero boys laughing
  13. +1
    16 July 2024 18: 13
    But this topic needs to be pumped up; it would be stupid not to indicate this at the UN that we “have irrefutable evidence” that Ukraine participated in the assassination attempt on Trump and is thereby trying to influence the presidential elections in the United States.
    Thus, killing two birds with one stone, distrust in the fascists of Ukraine and the democrats of the United States will increase, because they lobby for the interests of the Nazis
  14. +2
    16 July 2024 18: 14
    It seems to me that counting on someone from the Trump campaign to read Medvedchuk’s address is a very optimistic scenario. Realistic - that this address will be read by the Lord of the Sith, Obi-wan-Kenobi, or at worst reptilians from Nibiru
    1. +1
      16 July 2024 19: 00
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      Realistic - that this message will be read by the Sith Lord, Obi-wan-Kenobi

      What does Coruscant care about an outer rim planet? I would bet on the Hutts or, at best, one Chiss. wink
      1. 0
        16 July 2024 19: 08
        Quote: Alexey RA
        I would bet on the Hutts or, at best, one Chiss.

        I agree, it's more realistic laughing
        1. 0
          16 July 2024 19: 21
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          I agree, it's more realistic laughing

          The main thing is that it doesn’t suddenly become clear that we are in a different setting. Well, where
          Exemplary executions of both military and civilians
          A five-hundred-meter robot phlegmatically tramples tanks
          A platoon of infantry breaks through to the trench with a bayonet,
          Two soldiers finish off their company commissar
          Ah ah ah
          40 thousand ways to die
          Ah ah ah
          40 thousand ways to die
          © Forty thousand ways to die wink
          1. +2
            16 July 2024 19: 51
            A wizard flies in in a... ehhmm... helicopter of cheerful colors and says:
            - Rejoice people! Now I will wave my jade wand... ehhmm... magic wand, and you will instantly find yourself in your favorite universes!
            - Hurray!
            Warhammer fan
            - JUST TRY, FEMALE DOG!
        2. -2
          16 July 2024 22: 29
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          I agree, it's more realistic

          Guys! What are you talking about? Or who? belay What strange characters are these, from what fairy tale? what
          1. +2
            16 July 2024 22: 50
            We are talking about the characters from the Star Wars and Warhammer 40000 universes. If this doesn’t mean anything to you, then... Let’s just say that there is no way to explain it in a commentary format.
            And the essence of my joke was that fairy-tale characters are more likely to read Medvedchuk’s message than Trump
    2. -2
      16 July 2024 22: 57
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      or at worst reptilians from Nibiru

      Will Biden himself read it? laughing lol lol lol
  15. -3
    16 July 2024 18: 14
    Have you noticed how excited people here are now, that this is bullshit, I don’t believe it, and so on.
    Piss, when you're scared, it means it's a worthwhile topic!
    1. +1
      16 July 2024 22: 58
      Quote: 75Sergey
      Have you noticed how excited people here are now, that this is bullshit, I don’t believe it, and so on.

      And they still minus.
  16. kvv
    16 July 2024 18: 18
    disgusting guy, this degenerate was the head of Kuchma’s administration
  17. 0
    16 July 2024 18: 31
    [/quote]I'm going to the toilet today, [/quote]
    And there is Medvedchuk. Now, he says, I’ll explain where the toilet paper is and what the Ukrainian trace has to do with it.
  18. +1
    16 July 2024 18: 34
    How can Trump ensure security? A big problem. State security services are responsible for the safety of politicians. Which are all under the control of US President Biden. People approached him with a request to strengthen Trump’s security, but it’s ridiculous to even ask what Biden responded.
    Moreover, here is Orban. He is now under attack as an opponent of military aid to Ukraine. How can he protect himself when PMCs are sometimes stronger than government agencies? Orban has already strengthened security and abandoned helicopter movements. It is PMCs that are responsible for preparing such operations.
    By the way, exactly in Pennsylvania, where Trump spoke, located:
    the headquarters of a PMC that almost took part in the events in Bolivia. Half of this PMC are... ethnic Ukrainians.
    What a coincidence, damn it!
  19. +1
    16 July 2024 18: 39
    Stopy CIA nebo Banderovské fašistické Ukrajiny, to je stejná havět.
    1. +2
      16 July 2024 18: 39
      Traces of the CIA or Bandera's fascist Ukraine are one and the same infection.
  20. 0
    16 July 2024 18: 43
    It’s quite possible..Look at how they’re treating our people psychologically
  21. +1
    16 July 2024 18: 50
    Its a great illusion to expect that Trump if elected will put an end to war in Ukraine
    US is struggling to maintain dominance over the world and for this had staged the Ukraine crisis in order. to defeat Russia .American global policy is determined by the interests of domestic bourgeois class and not by puppet Presidents.Has Biden changed at all policy of Trump?
  22. +2
    16 July 2024 18: 56
    In the booth from the roof of which the killer was shooting, local policemen and the FBI were drinking coffee; they didn’t give a damn who was crawling there. They were probably also ethnic Ukrainians. In general, in a gang, shooting at each other is a common thing; no one is interested in the killer’s nation.
  23. 0
    16 July 2024 22: 38
    It will no longer be possible to blame the assassination attempt on Trump on one psycho with a rifle.
  24. 0
    17 July 2024 08: 46
    He says nonsense, Ukrainian tracks always follow American ones, even if the AR-15 was smeared with lard.
    In this scenario, “following” the Ukrainian trail means diverting the investigation away from the obvious main path of investigation.