The Australian Prime Minister called Russia's actions to protect its citizens accused of espionage interference in the affairs of Australia

The Australian Prime Minister called Russia's actions to protect its citizens accused of espionage interference in the affairs of Australia

A Russian couple was arrested in Australia and accused of spying for Russia. And now Moscow is advised to retreat from their protection.

As the local ABC television channel reported, the head of the Australian government, Anthony Albanese, made such an appeal to the Russian authorities.

Moreover, the Australian Prime Minister called the Russian Federation’s actions to protect its citizens accused of espionage as interference in Australian affairs. He concludes that Moscow refuses to respect international law.

How about trying to stop interfering in the internal affairs of other sovereign states?

- Albanese said.

Earlier, Australian police detained Igor and Kira Korolev, who live in this country, on suspicion of espionage. They are natives of Russia and citizens of the Russian Federation, but also have Australian passports and permanently reside in Australia.

The case of the Korolevs was considered by the Brisbane District Court, accusing them of espionage activities. They refused to pay bail. Then they can receive up to 15 years in prison.

Kira Koroleva served in the Australian Armed Forces as an information technology specialist. The woman visited Russia without the knowledge of the command, allegedly planning to transfer secret data to Russian intelligence services.

The Russian Embassy in Australia called the actions of the authorities of this country an attempt to raise another wave of anti-Russian paranoia.
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  1. +8
    13 July 2024 16: 17
    How about trying to stop interfering in the internal affairs of other sovereign states?

    - Albanese said.

    Wouldn't you go to hell, Albonese!?
    1. +5
      13 July 2024 16: 31
      interference in Australian affairs
      It is necessary to “cover up” the Australian couple in Russia and then we will see who is interfering in internal affairs.
      1. AAK
        13 July 2024 16: 37
        Ha, I wonder if there is an Australian married couple in the Russian Federation, with Russian and Australian passports, where the wife served in the Russian army and went to mom and dad in Sydney, in order to at the same time hand over a couple of Russians to Australian intelligence (or just MI6) secrets
        1. 10+
          13 July 2024 17: 00
          Seize any Australian citizens in Russia and accuse them of espionage, then exchange them. This will be the end of the incident.
          1. +6
            13 July 2024 17: 32
            Is it worth going through this for the sake of the relocants who simply fell under the Russophobic mix-up... or did you really believe about the Australian intelligence officers?
            1. +4
              13 July 2024 20: 05
              Any normal state is obliged to protect its citizens who are in trouble abroad... Moreover, if they worked at risk for this state and if Australia itself, which is essentially an Anglo-Saxon colony, and its head of government do not understand this, then the reasons for this should be sought in the history of the creation of this country (mainly from exiled criminals) and its lack of independence...
              1. +1
                13 July 2024 23: 55
                So they are citizens of Australia, if anything. And Australia can do whatever it wants with them. Russia and Australia do not have an agreement on dual citizenship. So all this is not even according to the rules, but according to the law. But Russia is worth harnessing for them if only they really were intelligence officers and passed on information. Otherwise there will be no trial.
              2. +2
                14 July 2024 00: 02
                At the same time, I’m not at all against spanking an Australian couple for this. Maybe even more than one.
        2. +3
          13 July 2024 18: 30
          Quote: AAK
          where the wife served in the Russian army and went to see mom and dad in Sydney,

          Timur Ivanov is already a general, he traveled to the West, and Shevtsova, also a general, generally “sneaked away” to France.
          1. +2
            14 July 2024 01: 44
            Pff, "generals".
            whole tutta judges The Supreme Court of Russia goes to the SGA to honor the Open World Program with their presence.
      2. 0
        13 July 2024 23: 52
        It is necessary to “cover up” the Australian couple in Russia and then we will see who is interfering in internal affairs.
        Yeah, it can be tighter. So it’s as if they served in the Armed Forces of a NATO country at war with Russia. These are either double agents or just idiots.
    2. +4
      13 July 2024 19: 46
      Australia is a country of thieves, murderers and the aborigines they exterminated.
      It is not surprising that, in the end, they now call the protection of someone other than themselves “in their Australia” interference in their affairs - because these are their affairs.
      The same situation exists in the USA. She is more developed. They have long been playing with the rights of aborigines, local and imported - and any other species, passing them off as the rights of citizens of a country that, in fact, does not exist. Neither in centuries, nor in the present moment of time.
      They play in such a way that half the world believes in it and does not suspect that a country without a history worthy of it, like a tree without horses, has no future, that this is a temporary phenomenon.
      It’s just a pity that the phenomenon of something that shouldn’t exist has already consumed so many planetary resources...
      1. 0
        14 July 2024 20: 13
        However, a tree without roots was meant, and not without horses :) ... This portal does not like pithy comments.
  2. +7
    13 July 2024 16: 17
    Question: And if they had another citizenship (USA, Israel, etc.) would it be different? Not interference in business, but simply protecting one’s own (with much greater threats against Australians)?
    1. +1
      14 July 2024 00: 04
      Not interfering in business, but simply protecting one’s own
      It would be anal penetration into the anus of the Australian Prime Minister. laughing
  3. ZV
    13 July 2024 16: 27
    Australian Prime Minister: “They (Russians) should be treated with contempt, which is what I do.”
    There was a fascist association of Hitler that did not want to know morality, the baton of which was quickly transferred to the terrorist association of NATO under the international dictate of the United States
  4. +5
    13 July 2024 16: 27
    “They are natives of Russia and citizens of the Russian Federation, but also have Australian passports” -

    - A person can only have one homeland...
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      13 July 2024 17: 03
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      “They are natives of Russia and citizens of the Russian Federation, but also have Australian passports” -

      - A person can only have one homeland...

      And there can be only one citizenship. A person with several citizenships announces his cunning and arouses a minimum of mistrust.
      1. +2
        13 July 2024 17: 54
        Quote: ettore
        A man with multiple citizenships announces his cunning

        Far from a fact. I have a lot of friends who went to Germany as children and received second citizenship there. Well, how they left, their parents were taken away in the 90s, all the children were Germans and prisoners, and from earlier times. Some people still consider themselves Russian, others pretend to be German to the core.
        Regarding the news, here the spies are super secret, they just forgot about passports.
        1. +1
          13 July 2024 17: 56
          We don’t take children into account, we’re talking about adults who received
        2. 0
          14 July 2024 00: 08
          Someone still considers himself Russian
          Are they just counting? At the same time, they support Germany, NATO, and with them, Ukraine? Or maybe the partisans are actually derailing trains with weapons against Russia?
          1. 0
            14 July 2024 00: 13
            Go and ask, people are different, behave differently. And if you are Russian, then you don’t have to derail trains with weapons. Here in Russia, not all Russians run to the military registration and enlistment office to register. We can also ask you why you don’t risk yourself in order to protect the interests of Russia, if for you this is an indicator of national self-awareness.
            1. +1
              14 July 2024 00: 31
              We can also ask you why you don’t risk yourself in order to protect the interests of Russia, if for you this is an indicator of national self-awareness.
              Can. Probably not confident in my physical efficiency. That’s why, to the best of my ability, I “saw” things that kill Bandera’s supporters. Without them, it’s just not possible to fight.
              1. 0
                14 July 2024 00: 50
                Well, it’s one thing to “saw” things, you don’t risk anything, but it’s another thing to risk your life and freedom, it’s hard to blame a person if he’s not ready to lose it. And there are so many different people there. Someone has already forgotten the language (I remember Zelensky, who forgot Russian words in 5 years, although he spoke Russian all his life) and in every possible way wants to appear in front of the Germans, which often does not work out. Some are apolitical, but in light of the antics of Ukrainians abroad, they change their point of view. Some were unable to live and, when they grew up, returned to Russia. So it’s the same as everywhere else, people are different
          2. +1
            14 July 2024 00: 16
            Quote: Electrical
            Or maybe the partisans are actually derailing trains with weapons against Russia?

            And this happened, I even wrote an article on this topic, but the administration did not consider it useful.
            1. 0
              14 July 2024 01: 06
              Quote: guest
              And this happened

              Interesting news. If the administration is not welcoming, then somehow hint where to look for information about such things.
              1. 0
                14 July 2024 12: 21
                Quote: suhorukofal
                If the administration is not welcoming, then somehow give me a hint where to look for information about such things.

                The Western media wrote about this several months ago.
                1. 0
                  14 July 2024 12: 22
                  Thanks, I'll try to look for it. Can you tell me where the place was?
                  1. 0
                    14 July 2024 12: 23
                    Quote: suhorukofal
                    Can you tell me where the place was?

                    In Germany.
                    1. +1
                      14 July 2024 12: 30
                      By the way, similar actions were very successful in Romania. But these are like activists against war
  5. +3
    13 July 2024 16: 28
    By the way, we have Australians in Russia, the People’s Republic of China simply don’t bother with this, if you are a citizen of the United States and Australia, you are a priori guilty. By the way, this is an Australian asshole, he won’t say anything about Gershkovich. Biden hands off Gershkovich. Respect international Australian rules
    1. +3
      13 July 2024 16: 38
      And now laugh, a couple of weeks ago the doors of the royal palace in Norway were set on fire by a wheelchair user. He was expelled from the EU countries more than once. But this terrorist did not give a damn about the ban on entry into Norway, and calmly set fire to the doors of the royal palace in Norway, presenting a wheelchair user in a wheelchair with molot cocktails? I’m not, but a small one, this is a “Zmogar” wheelchair user from Belarus. No noise, no dust, in Western information space. The guy just wants to eat.
  6. +1
    13 July 2024 16: 53
    Quote: marchcat
    interference in Australian affairs
    It is necessary to “cover up” the Australian couple in Russia and then we will see who is interfering in internal affairs.

    Absolutely agree. Like the Jews, take hostages.
  7. +2
    13 July 2024 16: 54
    Is the Australian Prime Minister very close-minded? descendant of convicts?
  8. +3
    13 July 2024 17: 28
    How right Lavrov was. The land of crooked mirrors.
  9. +2
    13 July 2024 17: 41
    I'm sorry, but does Australia produce something more secret than the Bushmasters? All the weapons all the way are either British or from North American territory. And let’s just say that Australia is clearly not yet in the sphere of Russian intelligence interests. But as I understand the Chinese, they don’t bother touching.
    1. +1
      14 July 2024 00: 21
      Quote: Oleg Gumennov
      And let’s just say that Australia is clearly not yet in the sphere of Russian intelligence interests.

      Yes, we just need to strengthen Russophobic sentiments in the country.
  10. +6
    13 July 2024 17: 46
    I remember that about 7-8 years ago, one Australian prime minister wanted to fight Putin. But then he found out that Putin was doing judo, and he changed his mind.
  11. +1
    13 July 2024 19: 53
    Dual citizenship is too slippery a path, and I would say that these are our citizens and they need to be protected, but these are not only our citizens.. - people, draw conclusions - there is only one Motherland!
    1. +2
      13 July 2024 20: 08
      Quote: SEVERIN
      people, draw your own conclusions - there is only one Motherland!

      Being a citizen of two countries, you cannot join both armies at once during their war, which means this is a path to betrayal.
      By the way, in China you cannot have double citizenship, even if you manage to obtain Chinese citizenship (extremely difficult) - you must refuse before receiving from those who have it.
      And rightly so.
    2. 0
      14 July 2024 01: 56
      Double citizenship

      Invented in the West. It would be a sin not to take advantage of such a world opportunity in “your own personal” interests. And for spy purposes, God himself ordered it.

      Or is this only possible for cellists?
  12. +1
    13 July 2024 20: 05
    A country whose official head is the Queen of Britain...
    And these say something about INTERNAL AFFAIRS?
    Yes, this “non-colony” does not even have sovereignty. Officially.
  13. +1
    13 July 2024 21: 09
    A clear example of the effect of “double standards”... If the United States stood up for its citizens, then Australia would call this “democratic generally accepted principles and norms of international law,” but to Russia and its citizens there would be a different approach, which is determined in Washington... .The conclusions from the anamnesis are not encouraging... With the USSR, Australia would not have dared to afford this....
    1. 0
      14 July 2024 00: 12
      The conclusions from the anamnesis are not encouraging... With the USSR, Australia would not have dared to afford this....
      Of course I wouldn't allow it. There were simply no Australian citizens with Soviet citizenship living in Australia under the USSR.
  14. 0
    14 July 2024 18: 51
    Wouldn’t he have gone to salmonellosis❗❗❗