Footage of the destruction of an unmanned boat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Microbe-10 FPV drone is shown

Footage of the destruction of an unmanned boat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Microbe-10 FPV drone is shown

Footage has been published online showing the first recorded case of the Russian Armed Forces destroying an unmanned boat (BEC) of Kyiv regime militants using FPV.drone "Microbe-10".

Moreover, as can be seen in the footage shown, the episode occurred at night and in poor visibility conditions, which emphasizes the extreme maneuverability and high accuracy of the Russian UAV, which, with proper training of operators, can demonstrate truly pinpoint accuracy in hitting targets.

It is reported that this episode occurred at the end of June this year during another enemy attempt to attack one of the Russian sea harbors. Thus, FPV drones have expanded the range of weapons that have shown their high effectiveness in defeating BEC.

Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to use unmanned sea boats to lay minefields. According to the American publication The Wall Street Journal, Ukrainian militants claim that their BEC are capable of mining the waters in the Crimea region. According to the newspaper, such actions by the Armed Forces of Ukraine became a necessary measure after barriers from sea traffic were installed in the port of Sevastopol. drones. The mines are reportedly made of plastic, making them difficult to detect.

However, the remote installation of sea mines is significantly complicated due to the timely detection and destruction of unmanned enemy boats by machine-gun fire from Black Sea Coast Guard helicopters fleet and other means.

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  1. -1
    13 July 2024 15: 40
    “Footage of the destruction of an unmanned boat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the FPV drone “Microbe-10” is shown” —

    — Infected...
  2. +15
    13 July 2024 15: 50
    Nothing is clear, but very interesting ...
    1. +15
      13 July 2024 16: 07
      I looked without stopping... then I looked again... I realized that either my eyesight was wrong or I was looking in the wrong direction. I envy those who saw and understood something request
      1. 0
        13 July 2024 17: 05
        Quote: Saburov_Alexander53
        I envy those who saw and understood something

        You had to look at the screen of the Microbe-10 drone guidance control panel. There was a flash from an explosion. and on the rest of the screen - DARKNESS!!! Well, at least this and that - bread. We've been saying for a long time that FPV drones should hunt BECs. But this “driving” at night, using night vision goggles or using video from a drone is SKILL OF THE HIGHEST CATEGORY! Not everyone can do this. But the operator definitely needs to be rewarded! He is amazing! good
        1. 0
          13 July 2024 17: 35
          It’s clear... they weren’t allowed to copy the video from the monitor screen, and the author of the article got to film it with a smartphone from behind the operator. But I do not rule out that a picture from a monitor in night vision mode will soon appear in the media.
          Another thing I’m interested in is whether these surface drones are really so quiet that the engine’s operation cannot be detected by hydroacoustics. If, as they wrote, they have the same engines as hydro scooters (water cannons), then they should be detected far out to sea from any GA station and prepared in advance to repel an attack. It turns out that we don’t have enough of such civil aviation posts on the coast and at sea. Or drones creep up at low speed and only at the last moment turn up to full speed.
          1. +3
            13 July 2024 17: 56
            Quote: Saburov_Alexander53
            Are these surface drones really so quiet that the operation of the engine cannot be detected by hydroacoustics?

            Their exhaust is in the water (like the G-5), the stroke is small, for sneaking; again, the water jet screens the radial propagation of the r/a signal. So it turns out that only the protruding parts of the BEC are visible from above. Recently there was an article in the press that ours determine the drone control channel through Starlink using the side lobes... but the distance is too small to make a decision on pre-empting an attack... Quadcopters can be brought down within 500 m - and this is considered normal. This is clearly not enough for BEC. So, we need balloons with powerful IR cameras to anticipate the BEC before they launch an attack.
            1. +1
              13 July 2024 18: 10
              Should the balloon be landed on a halyard and anchored away from the shore? Good idea! The communication channel with such a balloon is no longer a problem, everything is similar to the communication (control) channel for a drone. And here there are no restrictions on battery capacity; the balloon can easily lift any battery. And during the day it can even be powered by solar panels on its casing.
              1. -1
                13 July 2024 18: 47
                How long will such a balloon hang? How much will it cost as opposed to the Mavik, which will destroy it?
                1. -1
                  13 July 2024 19: 02
                  Mavik simply won’t fly from Ukraine, but something cooler may happen, I don’t argue. But if the balloon itself has one camera with a battery, then the cost of this equipment will be lower than the cost of a flying drone with engines and a body. And the balloon itself should not be confused with an airship. After all, this might be an ordinary weather balloon (a helium balloon) on a string with a diameter of about 2 meters. Its cost is probably lower than the drone body with engines. That's how it works. that the cost of such a probe (balloon) will be less than the drone that will fly to destroy it.
                  There is a greater chance that our boat hooligans will cut the halyard and steal the ball. lol
                  1. -6
                    13 July 2024 19: 13
                    Mavic is hypothetical. All over Russia they fly all the way to the Urals, and such Unified State Examination “clever guys” cannot come up with anything more stupid than the concept of a “helium balloon” with a camera cheaper than the same drone. Where have the communication channel and solar panels gone? How will he position himself in the slightest wind? Isn't there any kind of locator with a laser gun? Don't make people laugh. There are only enough brains to downvote those who disagree with the moronic concept...
                    1. -1
                      14 July 2024 06: 48
                      Do you know that in addition to the “two steam locomotives”, electric locomotives have already been invented? And for the communication channel, a transceiver weighing several grams is installed in the same Mavic... and it is enough to communicate with the operator. And they have already learned how to make solar panels on any material, even fabric on clothing, which means you can stick such a flap on any probe.
                      Of course, no one has canceled the wind and the ball will swing in the wind... And what is the big difference here with a drone flying through the air, which manages to examine everything on the fly? For relative stabilization of the ball. All you have to do is attach a “tail” to it, like a kite, and let it swing...
                      “I can’t shake the feeling that Professor Preobrazhensky is alive and continues to operate on dogs.”
                      1. -1
                        17 July 2024 15: 27
                        Anyone who does not know what “two locomotives” (locomotive) are is just as far from reality: for Professor Preobrazhensky is a fictional character of Bulgakov and the phrase from the context “...Professor Preobrazhensky is alive” says a lot. In this case, a comparison with “Pavlov’s dogs” is more appropriate - they also developed instincts by analogy with some “writers”...
                    2. 0
                      17 July 2024 13: 17
                      The other day I read that the kids were concerned about equipping the aerosrats with observation equipment. They don't look like much.
                  2. +2
                    13 July 2024 20: 24
                    Long-range UAVs, like BECs, go blind most of the way using GPS, and only at the final section do sea drones turn on manual control. In addition, the balloon is a difficult target to detect in almost any range except optical
            2. -2
              13 July 2024 18: 24
              And also, you need to mine everything there. Why can't we?
              1. +1
                13 July 2024 20: 27
                It seems that there are self-propelled torpedo mines that target the noise of propellers. It would make sense to work with application tactics.
          2. 0
            13 July 2024 23: 08
            Are you not interested in the issue of the Russian Black Sea Fleet entering the Black Sea? Where, when and where does our Black Sea Fleet sail in the Black Sea? This leads to another question. Why does the Russian Navy need the Navy if it is always stationed in ports? Isn't it expensive? Maybe switch to drones? Isn't it cheaper? Well, what is the point of maintaining the Black Sea Fleet if it does not conduct any military operations!? Black Sea Fleet ships were sunk and damaged. Who and what did the Black Sea Fleet sink and damage? No one and nothing? And why then such a fleet that does not produce any results? Why does a goat need an accordion?
            1. 0
              14 July 2024 07: 51
              Why goat button accordion?
              In such cases, I look at our neighbors in the Black Sea - Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria... who, looking at our Northeast Military District, for some reason are in no hurry to get rid of their ships in the Black Sea. And all sorts of Anglo-Saxons are dreaming of how to bypass the Montreux doctrine and break through with their ships into this water area and stay in it on a permanent basis.
              Even funnier, Zelensky dreamed about submarines for himself, being sure that there was somewhere to hide them and how to use them against Russia.
              When decent submarines were invented, the world at first shouted in the same way that there was no point in having surface ships now... But they soon figured out how to deal with them, and no one gave up on destroyers and cruisers.
              Then there was a new wave of panic when torpedoes were invented, from which there seemed to be no escape... But everyone got used to it and although torpedoes are constantly being improved, no one began to abandon the fleets.
              It will be exactly the same with drones, give it time.... And the Black Sea Fleet shoots with "Calibers" and thank you for that.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. -1
    13 July 2024 16: 17
    You can't make out anything with a video like this...
    1. +3
      13 July 2024 16: 34
      Do you have any footage? Eat! Are we shown? Shown! The authors did not lie with a single statement laughing
  5. -1
    13 July 2024 16: 43
    So the entire “valiant” Black Sea fleet, which still remained, long ago moved away from Crimea.
    Because they cannot fight.
    And don’t blame the diggers, they fell in love with theirs, and now they drown without regret.
    And the port of Odessa operates quite calmly. Not a single ship was sunk in the waters. They import anything, export grain.
    Someone at the top of the Russian “Faberge” was pressured not to touch it.
    Like most strategic productions they work without problems.
    Metallurgy (Indians), coke industry (Jews), oil refining (aka).
    Railway transport travels as it pleases. It brings everything you need to the front.
    Single defeats, in public, so-so reassurance.
    In general, this is how it happened:
    Strange military operation...
    Gesheft is clearly not with the Russians.
    1. +2
      13 July 2024 17: 28
      More and more often I see in an article on any topic there is always a message in the style of “everything is lost.” And it doesn’t matter what article or what it’s about. About international trade, about the capture of a populated area, about the destruction of the BEC. There will definitely be someone who will say that everything is bullshit. Here we are talking about BEC on the Black Sea, but we must mention how bad everything is. Some kind of landing with messages in the spirit of ukrosmi - how bad everything is in Russia.
    2. -1
      13 July 2024 17: 48
      Are you offended for the country? Don’t you want to try to fix things and replace those who don’t know how to fight?
      It has already been explained several times why they do not touch a single ship under a foreign flag in the ports of Ukraine. In the same way, they never touched a single USSR ship in the port of Haiphong during the Vietnam War, even knowing for sure that it was unloading weapons. There was a single case of our ship with weapons being blown up in the port of Luanda (Angola). But this was done quietly, by South African saboteurs and scuba divers, when “he who is not caught is not a thief.” And no one allowed themselves to openly bomb civilian ships, not even the United States. It is possible to quietly mine a ship or water area, but only quietly... But how to do this, that is the question.
  6. +2
    13 July 2024 17: 06
    A good, albeit late, solution to combat backs. Perhaps this is better than trying to hit from a Kalash
  7. -3
    13 July 2024 17: 44
    Quote: suhorukofal
    More and more often I see in an article on any topic there is always a message in the style of “everything is lost.” And it doesn’t matter what article or what it’s about. About international trade, about the capture of a populated area, about the destruction of the BEC. There will definitely be someone who will say that everything is bullshit. Here we are talking about BEC on the Black Sea, but we must mention how bad everything is. Some kind of landing with messages in the spirit of ukrosmi - how bad everything is in Russia.

    Absolutely agree!
    Soaking up problems is also not an option.
    Are there any refutations to the above? recourse
    And further.
    The West, with the hands of the Maidan, is hitting petroleum depots and energy substations.
    When did the Ukrop oil depot or distillery burn down?
  8. +2
    13 July 2024 17: 55
    He looked closely. I understand - the blacks fight at night. It’s unclear, but great. It's a pity there is no night vision device available.
  9. 0
    13 July 2024 17: 56
    Quote: Saburov_Alexander53
    Are you offended for the country? Don’t you want to try to fix things and replace those who don’t know how to fight?
    It has already been explained several times why they do not touch a single ship under a foreign flag in the ports of Ukraine. In the same way, they never touched a single USSR ship in the port of Haiphong during the Vietnam War, even knowing for sure that it was unloading weapons. There was a single case of our ship with weapons being blown up in the port of Luanda (Angola). But this was done quietly, by South African saboteurs and scuba divers, when “he who is not caught is not a thief.” And no one allowed themselves to openly bomb civilian ships, not even the United States. It is possible to quietly mine a ship or water area, but only quietly... But how to do this, that is the question.

    That is, you confirm that nothing is hanging on Russia in the grain deal?
    Why did you have to puff out your cheeks and wear out markers?
    In fact: there is no fleet on the Black Sea
    Russia does not control anything, it is only trying to fend off attacks on the coast.
    Maybe I'm wrong?
    1. +1
      13 July 2024 18: 38
      Do you confirm that nothing is hanging on Russia in the grain deal?

      They just made it clear to us, incl. and Erdogan that if we interfere with civil navigation to Ukraine by ships flying foreign flags, then our “oxygen” will also be cut off and not a single ship of ours will be allowed to pass through the straits. So we are forced to come to terms with this situation, otherwise it will be more expensive for ourselves. And we transport not only agricultural products through the straits, but also oil for India and Pakistan and fertilizers around the world. Cut off these trade channels and you can forget about any sustainability of our economy
      1. 0
        13 July 2024 20: 35
        There is no need to invent anything when everything is simpler than it is. The grain deal involved transshipment ports of China and Hungary, in the end the UAE bought some, all the others could not and cannot accept due to technical problems and the death of the owner of a large agricultural holding company after missile strikes, for this reason there is no need for control over civilian ships, they are going pre-agreed. During the transaction, the bulk of the volume went to China.
        1. 0
          14 July 2024 16: 52
          I don’t quite understand about Hungary, how its ports were involved in the grain deal?
          It seems that it has no access to the sea, and the ports are on the Danube... then why only Hungary? There, almost all of Europe has access to the Danube through a system of rivers and canals. Can you clarify?
      2. +1
        13 July 2024 20: 40
        Erdogan had no intention of blocking any straits. Let me remind you that Zelya stupidly declared our Black Sea coast a combat zone and attacked the tanker, so that this would not happen again, they decided to turn it back rather than fight the enemy fire ships.
        India and Pakistan without oil is a problem for India and Pakistan in the first place, since oil prices will immediately fly into space.
        1. -2
          14 July 2024 07: 08
          India and Pakistan without oil is a problem for India and Pakistan

          For some reason, they didn’t have problems with oil before the Northeast Military District, which they freely bought from the Arabs and Iran. Just as there is no shortage of oil on the world market, where, on the contrary, OPEC was created long ago to limit its production in order to maintain acceptable prices for the producer.
          The USSR and Russia were never members of OPEC, like the USA, which greatly spoiled the mood of the rest of the OPEC countries, undermining all their efforts to stabilize prices. But now our freedom to trade in oil has been cut off and we are forced to cooperate with OPEC, adding a + (plus sign) to it.
          And after the start of the SVO, the flows and consumers of oil were simply redistributed (swapped places). The Arabs took over our European market, and they ceded India and Pakistan to us... They write about this every time, citing the reason for our discount on oil for India. It has always been closer and easier for her to receive oil from the Arabs and Iran, where the delivery route is several times shorter.
          1. -1
            14 July 2024 12: 40
            Well, that is, if you block the straits (for ships registered in Liberia and Greece, yeah), which no one threatened to do, the flows will be redistributed again, although the oil will flow well. Especially in Turkey. The site contains witnesses to the omnipotence of the backs, the omnipotence of drones, the omnipotence of KAZ, the omnipotence of patriots and special lovers of Erdogan’s omnipotence
      3. 0
        14 July 2024 00: 38
        Quote: Saburov_Alexander53
        Cut off these trade channels and you can forget about any sustainability of our economy

        Without Russian fertilizers, the world will starve in a couple of years. It’s just that since 2014, Putin has not bothered to redirect fertilizers to Iran, North Korea and the People’s Republic of China, but foolishly introduced sanctions against the DPRK, which, it seems, have not been lifted.
        1. +1
          14 July 2024 02: 02
          Quote: gsev
          Without Russian fertilizers, the world will starve in a couple of years.

          It is difficult to say whether famine will begin or not, but I would ban the export of phosphate fertilizers altogether. Phosphorus reserves are limited; within a few decades the world may face a shortage. Such a strategic product should be held on to, and not exchanged for beads and mirrors.
        2. -2
          14 July 2024 07: 30
          Without Russian fertilizers, the world will starve in a couple of years.

          Don't you think how similar this mantra is to what has always been drummed into us about our pipeline gas to Europe? How Europe will freeze in the same year and so on.... Now look at world gas prices, which suddenly dropped from $3000 while SP-1 was still operating, to below $300. And we consider it a blessing to be able to sell at least our LNG to Europe.
          It will be exactly the same with fertilizers... they will suffer for a couple of years, no more than from periodic droughts, and then the demand market will force them to build fertilizer factories outside of Russia. Moreover, it is not the rich West that will suffer, but the poorest countries in Africa and Asia. And we will consider it a blessing to be able to sell our fertilizers to at least someone at dumping prices. Fortunately, this will not be a loss to us, but will only reduce a bit of the profit of domestic oligarchs.
          But there is hope for the BRICS countries, which will remain the main consumers of our fertilizers at an affordable price. But our most profitable market was with the West, and with BRICS it will not be possible to get the same profits soon.
          1. 0
            14 July 2024 14: 24
            Quote: Saburov_Alexander53
            fell back below $300. And we consider it a blessing to be able to sell at least our LNG to Europe.

            In reality, we sell petroleum products for petro-fantasy or directly finance anti-Russian activities from the RDK to the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the supply of petroleum products. On the other hand, we ourselves are introducing a ban on the supply of petroleum products in exchange for goods at a favorable ratio. In 2014, a CNC system from Europe or Japan cost 600 rubles and from China 000 rubles. Since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, Chinese frequency operators have fallen in price in rubles, while Japanese ones have even increased in dollars. A German machine costs 50 million rubles, and the North Korean equivalent costs 000 rubles. It is more profitable to sell 3 barrels of gasoline to the DPRK than 600 barrels to Germany.
  10. +1
    13 July 2024 20: 33
    On the air, again, another info nonsense. When you have nothing to show, you can simply tell...