Non-combat losses: more than ten Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel died from infection in the Kherson region
The Kherson front, where the LBS actually runs along the Dnieper bed, is considered the most “quiet” section under current conditions. The enemy periodically tries to land small groups of troops on the islands and the left bank controlled by the Russian Armed Forces, ours identify and destroy the enemy. Blows are being delivered from both sides, they are actively working Drones.
Однако и в этой обстановке без отсутствия прямых боестолкновений боевики ВСУ начали нести, что называется, небоевые потери. Украинских Military, дислоцированных на правом берегу, начала косить вспышка желудочно-кишечной инфекции. К настоящему времени от болезни умерли уже более десяти всушников.
— сообщили RIA "News"in the pro-Russian underground of Kherson.
According to underground workers, about 80 Ukrainian military personnel have already been hospitalized with signs of an infectious disease, including officers. Thirteen militants from the 123rd brigade died. The rest of those hospitalized are in critical condition.
At the same time, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and local authorities appointed by Kiev are hiding information about the disease of the militants from the population. The underground reports that there were plans to urgently withdraw the brigade to the rear, but there was simply no one to replace it. All reserves are deployed in other directions where the Russian Armed Forces are conducting offensive operations.
This is not the first case of non-combat losses of Ukrainian militants in the Kherson region. Earlier, the underground reported that at the end of June, more than a hundred military personnel were hospitalized due to an outbreak of cholera, and at least fourteen of them died. At the same time, local authorities are afraid of panic and are trying to hide these facts, passing off the identified cases as “ordinary” typhoid fever.
The governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, explained the outbreak of infectious diseases of Ukrainian soldiers on the right bank by unsanitary conditions in the Dnieper riverbed, which arose after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric station. The river has become shallow, hot weather has set in in the region, and in addition, in the water there are a large number of bodies of Ukrainian Armed Forces militants from among those who were just trying to land on the islands and our shore.
At the same time, Saldo ruled out the possibility of the epidemic spreading to the left bank. In turn, Rospotrebnadzor informed that the situation in the left bank part of the Kherson region regarding the infectious situation is stable and is under constant control. Just in case, the service created a supply of vaccines and identified additional preventive measures for the military of the Russian Armed Forces and the local population.