Wrong sanctions: Russia entered the top ten countries in terms of trade surplus

Wrong sanctions: Russia entered the top ten countries in terms of trade surplus

While our enemies from the Western coalition are literally racking their brains about what other sanctions and restrictions to come up with against the Russian Federation, the Russian economy has fully adapted to new challenges and is demonstrating GDP growth that exceeds that of the G2021 countries and most EU states. The Russian economy has become fourth in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, displacing Germany from this place. Moreover, this happened at the end of XNUMX, and now the Russian Federation maintains this position.

Western enemies are also failing to limit the export of Russian products. Having lost part of its markets, Russia found new buyers for its products. At the end of 2023, Russia entered the top ten countries in terms of trade surplus, as follows from the published World Bank report. This means that the Russian Federation exports more than it imports goods, raw materials and services.

The first place in the ranking of countries by trade surplus is expectedly taken by China. Last year, this figure for China amounted to $594 billion. Next come Germany with a surplus of 245,3 billion and Ireland with net trade revenues of 178 billion. The top five also includes Singapore ($155 billion) and Switzerland ($131 billion). Sixth place was taken by Saudi Arabia with 127 billion.

According to the results of last year, Russia became seventh on this list with income from foreign trade in the amount of $121 billion. Rounding out the top ten are the Netherlands (97 billion), Australia (83 billion) and Brazil (81 billion).

At the same time, only 43 countries in the world ended last year with a positive trade balance, their total surplus amounted to $2,5 trillion. But 72 states ended 2023 with a trade deficit totaling $2,3 trillion. By the way, the worst situation was in the United States. Last year, the United States imported more into the country than it exported, with a trade deficit of $1,1 trillion.

India was second in this indicator, but its trade deficit is more than four times smaller than the American one - only 245 billion. Third place is occupied by Great Britain, which went into the red by 232 billion, fourth by France (88 billion), and fifth by Turkey (87 billion).

Moreover, speaking about Russia’s successes in terms of trade surplus, it is worth noting that it was achieved not only and not so much through the traditional export of raw materials, primarily hydrocarbons. Thus, at the end of last year, the Russian Federation became the fourth country in the world in the export of agricultural products, took first place in the sale of wheat abroad and became one of the world leaders in the production of meat products. Russian agricultural products are supplied to approximately 150 countries around the world, despite external difficulties and obstacles imposed by the West.

In fact, the country has achieved almost complete food security, except that bananas still have to be imported. Total revenue from agricultural exports amounted to $43,5 billion last year. But in the summer of 2022, Moscow agreed to conclude the so-called grain deal precisely so that the West would lift the ban on food exports from the Russian Federation. Our former partners deceived us again, but Russia coped with this too. Some “wrong” sanctions were imposed on our country.
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  1. -8
    13 July 2024 14: 22
    Ahahaha... Food security... This is what they now call the increase in imports of butter (!!!) from Azerbaijan...

    I don’t want to upset the author, but butter is made from milk, and not from “except bananas”

    All is well, beautiful marquise, all is well, all is well...

    Example: Russia delivered a bunch of goodies to India in exchange for rupees... Now it doesn’t know what to do with these rupees...

    But this turns out to be another breakthrough...
    1. 0
      13 July 2024 14: 41
      Example: Russia delivered a bunch of goodies to India in exchange for rupees... Now it doesn’t know what to do with these rupees...

      But there is no need to tell fairy tales!!! The Indian rupee can be exchanged for any currency on the same exchanges... Yes, on the same Chinese exchanges or on the Moscow one, you can also on Forex...
      1. -1
        13 July 2024 14: 51
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        Indian rupee can be found on the same exchanges

        What is liquidity? Is it possible to sell these rupees worth billions of dollars there?
        Do Russian banks have access to the international forex exchange? The Moscow Exchange might not have been mentioned. There, only settlement futures are traded (not delivery ones). That is, the rupees themselves don’t even smell there.
        1. +7
          13 July 2024 15: 12
          And who promised that it would be easy... Russia is now under all kinds of sanctions, so we have to get out of everything... Russia has invested “billions of rupees” in Indian shares and other assets, as well as in infrastructure projects in the country, the newspaper reported Hindustan Times. Since 2022, funds received by Russian exporters for oil supplies to the South Asian country have been accumulated in special accounts in local currency. At the end of April, the media wrote that Russian financial institutions were asking the Reserve Bank of India to allow them to invest rupees in the republic’s securities. The interlocutors of Hindustan Times refused to disclose the details of the solution reached. However, as one of them said, most of the funds accumulated in India have been used up. Today, Indian shares, on the one hand, can be called overvalued, but, on the other hand, there is a growing economy that generates quite a large demand from the outside... At the same time, foreign investors are present in the Indian market, investing in the country’s economy is quite simple, difficult take your money from there." According to the Hindustan Times, from April 2023 to February 2024, India's trade deficit with Russia amounted to almost $52 billion. Most of this money was kept in about 30 special accounts.
          1. AAK
            13 July 2024 16: 52
            I don’t understand anything, please explain to your colleagues, as best you can - why they write here that the Russian Federation has a trade surplus of 121 billion dollars, and a few days earlier they reported an increase in the state budget deficit of the Russian Federation, which amounted to 2 trillion. rub., where did the dog rummage?!
            1. +2
              13 July 2024 18: 56
              How are trade surpluses and budget deficits related?

              a trade surplus means that there are more exports than imports, and the budget deficit depends on the amount of taxes and expenses that are specified in the budget
      2. +1
        13 July 2024 14: 51
        The Indian rupee can be exchanged for any currency on the same exchanges

        Can. Just - at what rate will it be possible to exchange at least a few lards of their rupees? I'm not talking about dozens...
        1. 0
          13 July 2024 15: 30
          Quote: paul3390

          Is it difficult to buy Indian monetary gold? hi
          1. -2
            13 July 2024 15: 31
            But who will sell it to you for rupees?? Everything that can be sold for foreign currency is sold only for it by the brave Indians. But junk for suckers - for rupees...
            1. +1
              13 July 2024 15: 35
              Quote: paul3390
              But who will sell it to you for rupees?

              So they are lying that the Indian bourgeoisie is trying to keep their capital in gold, buying it with the rupee they earn? Well, if so, it’s time to resolve the issue with the BRICS supranational currency. hi
      3. +3
        13 July 2024 15: 07
        Or you can buy motorcycles and the local modern analogues of Willys - Mahindra jeeps - for the same rupees. Only Vneshtorg and VTB should do this. There should not be direct connections between our enterprise and a foreign one. Only through Vneshtorg - this is for price control and purchasing what is really necessary and not all sorts of crap like electric scooters. The Germans opened elevator production in the Russian Federation, and ours stupid people took and allowed import. Even the Germans told ours - what the hell do you have? stupid people made such a decision?! Then there is no point in producing in the Russian Federation.
      4. +3
        13 July 2024 15: 18
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        The Indian rupee can be exchanged for any currency on the same exchanges...

        No way
    2. -1
      13 July 2024 14: 43
      Ahahaha... Food security... This is what they now call the increase in imports of butter (!!!) from Azerbaijan...

      Do you think you will die of hunger without Azerbaijan or do they only produce butter there? Or is it not kosher to buy in Azerbaijan? What's the sarcasm?
      Well, never mind, move on to lard.
      1. -2
        13 July 2024 15: 04
        Purchasing such a complex product as BUTTER in Azerbaijan means that there will be no dairy farms in central Russia. This means that villages, villages and towns of Tver, Kostroma, Novgorod, etc. will continue to degrade and die out.

        If in THIS you see the greatness of Russia, then so be it...
        1. +7
          13 July 2024 15: 24
          Quote: Nikolay310
          Purchasing such a complex product as BUTTER in Azerbaijan means that there will be no dairy farms in central Russia.

          This suggests that Azerbaijan has received a share of purchases from other countries. I’m not seeing your first message about buying butter, I can’t understand why this news excites you so much? You rush around with it and savor it as if it were some great indicator of the collapse of Russia
        2. +5
          13 July 2024 15: 43
          Purchasing such a complex product as BUTTER in Azerbaijan means that there will be no dairy farms in central Russia.

          Stop raving.))
          Gross milk production in farms of all categories increased in January-October 2023 by 2,5% compared to the 2022 level - to 28,7 million tons.
          According to Soyuzmoloko estimates, the increase in commercial milk production by the end of 2023 will be 4%, or 900-950 thousand tons.
        3. +6
          13 July 2024 17: 27
          . Purchasing such a complex product as BUTTER in Azerbaijan means that there will be no dairy farms in central Russia. This means that villages, villages and towns of Tver, Kostroma, Novgorod, etc. will continue to degrade and die out.

          Nikolai, you are simply a horseman of the Apocalypse and a black swan rolled into one. Do you think we will survive next week or will we die out this week? I didn't know buying butter was so deadly.
        4. -4
          13 July 2024 18: 59
          Even the court director of All Rus' N. Mikhalkov made a documentary about the extinction of the Russians. sat down..
      2. +2
        13 July 2024 15: 08
        Quote: Tagan
        Well, never mind, move on to lard.

        We sell more than we buy. Here is the continuation of the discussion. And from the irons of the Russian Federation, economists only repeat, there is a lot of money, there is little commodity mass, and therefore inflation and other troubles. wassat
    3. +2
      13 July 2024 16: 28
      Quote: Nikolay310
      Ahahaha... Food security... This is what they now call the increase in imports of butter (!!!) from Azerbaijan...

      I don’t want to upset the author, but butter is made from milk, and not from “except bananas”

      Who could tell me what it is called, this is Azerbaijani oil, I don’t know smile The shelves are full of oils from other manufacturers. I always chose either Brest-Litovsk from Belarus or our Ekomilk. In short, I see no reason for the tragedy and no reason to shout - guard!!! Although, with great desire and imagination... lol
    4. -6
      13 July 2024 17: 32
      Even Coca Cola, apparently due to parallel imports, was specifically looked at in the store today when I saw it from there. laughing
  2. +5
    13 July 2024 14: 28
    A surplus in our trade balance is almost the same as investment in our economy. This also means an excess of foreign currency. And this is with GDP growth. How many countries can boast of both surplus growth and GDP growth at the same time?
    1. -3
      13 July 2024 15: 08
      In previous years there was also a surplus, but there was no sign of investing in “your” economy...

      Can you remind me where those Russian accounts arrested in the West came from??? Is it because of the budget surplus, which not only did not go towards the development of the Russian economy, but also quite possibly will work against Russia...

      But life is, of course, better on the clouds of the planet of pink ponies... And tell us how good everything is with us, except for bananas... Apparently everyone has already forgotten about the autumn-winter disaster in the egg market...
      1. +4
        13 July 2024 15: 25
        . where did those same Russian accounts frozen in the West come from??? Was it from the budget surplus,

        That's where we came from. Surplus in foreign trade. And why now be indignant about the deficit budget that is currently being laid. If I'm not mistaken, you were indignant about this. And this is a targeted expenditure of money, not a money box. Although, contrary to the opinion of many, it is also being replenished, despite huge expenses and a deficit budget. We don’t even spend the money at the moment, but replenish it. And the fake about the fact that we have enough for two or three years for Western people. We will last for centuries, even when oil and gas run out - we are ahead in nuclear power plants. I'm afraid the planet won't cope and everyone will be screwed
        1. -5
          13 July 2024 17: 38
          Of course, of course, that's enough. Just don’t forget to pray in front of the “87 percent Saint of All Rus'” icon and light a candle.
      2. -2
        13 July 2024 15: 52
        Quote: Nikolay310
        Apparently, everyone has already forgotten about the autumn-winter disaster on the egg market...

        Which has not ended yet - prices remain high.
    2. -1
      13 July 2024 16: 55
      There is nothing good about a large surplus. This means that instead of the desired export product, the partner receives pieces of paper (or rather, numbers on a computer). It’s good if these surplus revenues are spent in the future where they should be, but what if not?
      The United States has a large deficit in foreign trade - they buy real goods and assets with their “printed pieces of paper”.
  3. +2
    13 July 2024 14: 31
    It is unlikely that gray imports were taken into account in the calculations
  4. +6
    13 July 2024 14: 37
    . According to the results of 2023, Russia entered the top ten countries in terms of trade surplus

    Thanks to the oil and gas that we have somewhere to pump out! As a Soviet schoolchild, I remember how we were told how important it is to preserve non-renewable mineral resources for our descendants... Was it us that those teachers had in mind? And we ourselves, I wonder what we will leave to our descendants?

    The first place in the ranking of countries by trade surplus is expectedly taken by China.

    But this is a real achievement that you can be proud of! After all, China sells products with high added value, not oil and gas.
    1. +6
      13 July 2024 14: 43
      And we ourselves, I wonder what we will leave to our descendants?
      Buildings made of glass and concrete that will last 50 years! And plastic Christmas trees wink
      1. -1
        13 July 2024 15: 08
        And plastic Christmas trees

        From China
  5. +10
    13 July 2024 14: 50
    A trade surplus is no better than a trade deficit. Because it means one thing - we are sponsoring someone else's economy. In my mind, there shouldn’t be any currency left at all; it should be immediately put into use, purchasing what the country needs. And reserves should be kept in precious metals. As the USSR did.
    1. 0
      13 July 2024 15: 08
      Try to explain this to those who write laudatory articles about our “growing” economy.
    2. +3
      13 July 2024 15: 16
      Quote: paul3390
      A trade surplus is no better than a trade deficit.

      The structure of trade is also important. Britain at one time became very rich from the predatory colonial trade. The metropolis supplied finished industrial goods to the colonies at high prices, and in return received cheap raw materials and agricultural products. The structure of trade is now approximately the same between China (India, Turkey) and Russia. Although formally we are not anyone’s colony!
      1. +6
        13 July 2024 15: 28
        This is a debatable question. Everything depends on prices. Because as practice shows, with fancy chips but without food and fuel and lubricants, the country also somehow doesn’t feel very good..
        You can't spread chips on bread...

        In general, it should be like in the USSR. Try to do everything yourself. And electronics, and grain, and airplanes, and gasoline. Even if yours is a little worse, it’s still yours. No one will be able to put any pressure on us.
    3. 0
      13 July 2024 20: 48
      Quote: paul3390
      In my opinion, there shouldn’t be any currency left at all.

      In my opinion, there should be no export of resources/grain.
      Because we are losing added value from processing, we are losing jobs, we are losing qualifications. No development.

      A simple example. Türkiye ground grain from the Russian Federation and sold flour. Got money, jobs, and businesses. But the Russian Federation could do this itself.
      The same with aluminum/titanium/uranium and all sorts of oils there.
      Well, isn't it sad?

      And we already had a trade surplus. The money was “invested” (although it looked more like tribute) in US securities. By the way, where are they now? wassat
  6. +1
    13 July 2024 15: 00
    A surplus, on the one hand, is good, on the other, not very good. One thing, if they don’t sell us what we need. The other thing is, we don’t need to buy what we imported (from foreign ports) replaced. Guys, today I saw “Moskvich 3”, where I saw - in Sochi!!! But the Germans are still present, people are switching to the Chinese - fortunately they are for every color and taste. If you want it to shine for the New Year tree on the road - please. If you want it to be without external show off, please. If you want minced meat for all the money - Please. It’s a bit difficult with Ferrari and F 150, only originals.
    1. 0
      13 July 2024 15: 21
      By the way, very unexpectedly, there is destabilization in the uranium market again. Russia and India are agreeing on a long-term contract for the supply of enriched uranium. And an ambush arrived from Kazakhstan, it is raising the mineral extraction tax on uranium production. Who advised him to do this, they themselves, the USA (this is generally an increase in the mineral extraction tax , like a sickle against Faberge), are the friends of the PRC hitting two birds with one stone, in the USA with explosive shot in Russia, or is it Russia?
  7. -3
    13 July 2024 15: 18
    Nonsense .
    Is this news true?
  8. -3
    13 July 2024 15: 20
    Oh, and Putin will be fine after his re-election (there will be such GDP)
    And after the heirs, it will be a real mess.
  9. -2
    13 July 2024 15: 23
    This is true..
    Russia even exports for the domestic market.
  10. -1
    13 July 2024 15: 27
    Quote: tralflot1832
    By the way, very unexpectedly, there is destabilization in the uranium market again. Russia and India are agreeing on a long-term contract for the supply of enriched uranium. And an ambush arrived from Kazakhstan, it is raising the mineral extraction tax on uranium production. Who advised him to do this, they themselves, the USA (this is generally an increase in the mineral extraction tax , like a sickle against Faberge), are the friends of the PRC hitting two birds with one stone, in the USA with explosive shot in Russia, or is it Russia?

    Maybe Kazakhstan is acting in its own interests?
    1. 0
      13 July 2024 15: 45
      Quote: ximkim
      Maybe Kazakhstan is acting in its own interests?
      Most likely, this is because the United States has now doubled its purchases of Russian uranium and, accordingly, the rise in prices for this raw material is not profitable for them, although who knows?
      1. +1
        13 July 2024 20: 54
        Quote: Jura
        The US has now doubled its purchases of Russian uranium

        This is a tricky one. Not only did we not stop, but we also increased its sales there?
        Somewhat at the level of a HYPOTHETICAL (then, unlike now, they would not have thought about such a thing) sale of oil and coal to the Third Reich during the Second World War.
        We found someone.
  11. -6
    13 July 2024 15: 33
    Hurray, hurray, surplus! Chinese cars and American and European passenger planes. The nice Indians write about rupees that they have already abandoned them and switched to payments in dollars and euros. In India they write that they keep 60 billion dollars just in case, our government and companies to make “gray imports.” And the “great geopolitician” imported Indians from India, thinking that they would fight. But for the Indians, the SVO turned out to be not at all what they expected. And now the governments of India and Nepal are demanding that these imported “warriors” be returned back. In general, we already have a whole nation of immigrants from India. They trade, steal, deceive, tell fortunes, etc., they don’t want to work on principle. If only they could be exported to their historical homeland. And also, our government imports huge crowds of “independent specialists” from Central Asia, illiterate, poorly speaking Russian, infected with Islamic radicalism, etc. And highly qualified IT specialists, engineers, doctors, workers, etc. are exported. Hmm, victories all around!
    1. +2
      13 July 2024 16: 36
      This game can be played the other way.
      Everything hit! Everything is lost!
      Quote: fiberboard
      The governments of India and Nepal are demanding the return of these imported "warriors" back.

      There will be no Indians, all 30 people who supported the troops are leaving home.
      The article is about economics, but we need to talk about how scary it is to live in Russia. We eat hedgehogs, the rockets will run out, the whole world is not with us. There are no Nutella toilets.
      Doesn't it remind anyone?
      1. -5
        13 July 2024 16: 54
        No, no, why do you look at life so gloomy? The Armata tanks hit Abrams and Leopards at unreachable distances with ammunition that has no analogues in the world! Columns of Boomerangs, Kurgans, Rakushkas, Manuls happily carry our infantry! Vienna, Kaolitsiya, Phlox, Drok, etc. shower the enemy with a hail of shells. The S-350 completely cleared the sky of enemy UAVs, Derivatsiya finishes off the remnants of the Ukrainian soldiers! The Su-57 and MiG-35 did not even leave the enemy F-16s a chance to take off. The Black Sea Fleet, led by the cruiser Moskva, reliably blockaded the entire pathetic Ukrainian coast. Hurray, hurray, victory, victory! The enemy is trembling!
        1. +2
          13 July 2024 17: 01
          What sparkling humor, it would have been a resounding success on ukrosites, especially with the mention of the cruiser "Moscow", their favorite joke has not even become outdated in 2 years. They were just waiting for you there.
          1. -4
            13 July 2024 18: 11
            No, this just speaks about the “talents” of those who lead us. They have one talent: rowing for themselves. Can you imagine there could be Ivanovs and Serdyukovs in Western countries? Of course not, because there is democracy and real freedom of speech. And here Navalny and Strelkov said what they thought, and where are they now?
            1. 0
              13 July 2024 18: 17
              Quote: fiberboard
              Of course not, because there is democracy and real freedom of speech.

              Info 146%, Assange will confirm.
              1. 0
                14 July 2024 14: 49
                Assange will confirm this, but Navalny and Prigozhin are no longer there.
  12. -3
    13 July 2024 15: 51
    This means that the Russian Federation exports more than it imports goods, raw materials and services.

    Right. This is why there is a trade balance surplus, because to purchase imports you need foreign currency and in very large quantities.
    because External prices from the exporter are heated by internal inflation (read as rising prices for fertilizers, etc.), reduction in production volumes, etc.
    Well, inside the territory of the Russian Federation this is very clearly visible at retail prices. because with a small quantity of goods you need to cover the purchases of the next period, the cost of currency for purchase, losses during the trading period and other costs.

    Therefore, you shouldn’t even be surprised by this title, you just need to understand it correctly.

    Krasnodar apples, etc. in the first quarter - last year’s and at a retail price of 200 re, and now “economy” from 110 re.
    green and oak peach from 300 rubles, with previously announced advertising - Crimean peaches went on sale
    What's up with chicken and its processing? smoked parts (thigh, 1/2 carcass) for 450-500 re per kg?!
    ahh, also greenhouse cucumbers from 140 RUR, and tomatoes from 220 RUR - with the price of bananas at 150-160 RUR per kg
  13. -2
    13 July 2024 16: 09
    I always enjoy reading such upbeat posts.
    Borisov just spoils the impression:

    As for deep space research, it cannot be said that we have completely stopped this work, although in under the conditions of the Northern Military District, we sharply reduced allocations for this area.

    So, well, regarding our nuclear program (the Zeus space tractor project), I want to upset you: it is not developing at all today because it has not been funded for three years now, although adopted in 2021.

    Delyagin M. G., faction "A JUST RUSSIA - FOR TRUTH."
    When will our satellite constellation be able to provide operational control of the battlefield, as Musk's Starlink provides in Ukraine, and how much of the plans for its creation, if any, are funded?

    Borisov Yu. I. If we rely on the funds that are today included in various programs, in particular in the Federal Space Program, in the “Russian Space Activities” program, where all the activities for the creation of certain groupings are scattered, if we proceed only with this way, then by 2030 we will create, in my opinion, about 350 devices, if my memory serves me correctly. Of course, this is a road to nowhere. It is precisely this that is provided with funding today.

    Transcript of the meeting July 03, 2024
    Well, etc.
    I notice, you know, some discrepancy with the flourishing state described in the note.
    1. +1
      13 July 2024 16: 42
      Quote: plant15
      I notice, you know, some discrepancy with the flourishing state described in the note.

      You talk about the discrepancy, mentioning space in an article about trade, very appropriate. You know, right in this article we need to discuss long-distance space research, the nuclear program, the satellite constellation
      As I understand it, in response to any positive news you will definitely have an argument about how bad everything really is. Well, we can’t have good news in our country, only bad.
      1. 0
        13 July 2024 16: 49
        Roscosmos is a budgetary organization.
        The connection is direct.
        Wrong understand.
        1. 0
          13 July 2024 16: 56
          Quote: plant15
          The connection is direct.

          And where is this direct connection between the budget organization and the article that states the relationship between exports and imports??
          1. 0
            13 July 2024 17: 00
            "The Russian economy has fully adapted to new challenges and is demonstrating GDP growth that exceeds that of the G7 countries and most EU countries"
            The connection is direct.
            1. +1
              13 July 2024 17: 06
              Quote: plant15
              The connection is direct.

              An ironclad argument, no doubt about it.
  14. 0
    13 July 2024 16: 10
    Quote: paul3390
    But who will sell it to you for rupees?? Everything that can be sold for foreign currency is sold only for it by the brave Indians. But junk for suckers - for rupees...

    What giants of thought, just a small question - on what is such a conclusion based? Perhaps it was brought here by chance after a meeting in the relevant ministry?
  15. +1
    13 July 2024 17: 34
    I don't see much reason to be proud. As before, our home-grown capitalists are selling off the country’s natural resources and raw material exports. The government accustoms the population to handouts and benefits and is unable to ensure the creation of competitive high-tech enterprises. And this in the long term leads to the gradual degradation of everything and everyone...
  16. -4
    13 July 2024 17: 43
    I’m pretty overwhelmed by this news article, I’ll dig myself out. laughing
  17. +3
    13 July 2024 19: 03
    The sanctions may be wrong, but will someone tell me: what, as president and prime minister for all 24 years, he didn’t know that without engines planes can’t fly, ships can’t sail, cars and mopeds can’t drive? Where is our industry? Well then all the helpers are bad
  18. 0
    13 July 2024 20: 44
    Is PROFIT good?
    We sell more than we buy, resulting in inflation (or we’ll waste money again and it will be stolen).
    Money not spent can be wasted or inflation will eat it up.
  19. +1
    14 July 2024 05: 44
    Quote: Nikolay310
    Ahahaha... Food security... This is what they now call the increase in imports of butter (!!!) from Azerbaijan...

    I don’t want to upset the author, but butter is made from milk, and not from “except bananas”

    All is well, beautiful marquise, all is well, all is well...

    Example: Russia delivered a bunch of goodies to India in exchange for rupees... Now it doesn’t know what to do with these rupees...

    But this turns out to be another breakthrough...

    Whatever I give you, everything will be bad.
  20. 0
    14 July 2024 11: 27
    Quote: Victor Alien
    Or you can use the same rupees to buy motorcycles and the modern analogues of Willys there - Mahindra jeeps

    You have to buy Indian films, they were very popular in the USSR. The disco dancer, Ram and Shyam - entire villages went to the club, the women sobbed bitterly throughout the session, the men snored. Tired of watching all this crap on Russian TV! Dollars and euros have been wasted, so at least invest a few rupees for the benefit of the working people
  21. 0
    15 July 2024 08: 11
    It’s normal that sanctions help ❗❗❗