As part of the “Czech initiative,” Ukraine will receive 50 thousand shells in July and August

As part of the “Czech initiative,” Ukraine will receive 50 thousand shells in July and August

By the end of this summer, Ukraine is expected to receive 50 thousand artillery ammunition monthly within the framework of the so-called “Czech initiative”. This was stated by Czech President Petr Pavel.

По словам чешского президента, в период с сентября и до конца текущего года планируется нарастить поставки снарядов украинской armies до 80–100 тысяч боеприпасов ежемесячно. Всего же до конца года Украине пообещали поставить около 500 тысяч 155-мм артиллерийских боеприпасов.

As the American publication Bloomberg previously reported, citing its sources in the government of one of the European Union countries, Prague managed to find funding for the purchase of 800 thousand artillery shells for the Ukrainian army. It is planned to buy them through the mediation of the Czech Republic outside the EU and NATO countries. However, the countries in which it is planned to purchase ammunition are not named.

According to Western estimates Military экспертов, украинская армия нуждается как минимум в 200 тысячах снарядов в месяц, чтобы иметь возможность продолжать ведение боевых действий. Всего Чехия в рамках своей инициативы намеревалась обеспечить поставки Украине 1,5 миллионов артиллерийских боеприпасов, однако после возникновения некоторых сложностей с закупками Праге пришлось отказаться от первоначальных планов. Средства на обеспечение поставок боеприпасов ВСУ выделены преимущественно Германией и рядом других стран Евросоюза.
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  1. +2
    13 July 2024 13: 21
    With these 500 thousand, but in Prague, maybe the Czechs realized that these are not toys or Christmas gifts, but weapons that kill, including children... Maybe Marshal Konev saved Prague in vain, but “grateful "The Czechs demolished his monument... Let them know - no one has yet canceled the boomerang rule... am
    1. +4
      13 July 2024 13: 32
      Quote: Lev_Russia
      Maybe it was in vain that Marshal Konev saved Prague, and the “grateful” Czechs demolished his monument... Let them know - no one has yet canceled the boomerang rule...

      It is important not to repeat a similar mistake in the future.
      Now I understand the Americans, they smash a city into dust and that’s it, rebuild it yourself, and while they are rebuilding they sell them building materials, and then the Americans thank them.
    2. +2
      13 July 2024 13: 32
      Lev Russia hi, you look at the modern world and think either the “boomerang” rule has been abolished or it’s a oh-so-slow boomerang.
    3. +2
      13 July 2024 13: 55
      I hope the quality of the shells will be at the “proper” level wink
      Quote: Lev_Russia
      Maybe Marshal Konev saved Prague in vain
      Yes, they were grateful even in the Prague spring, they didn’t even need to go far, and throughout the war they riveted weapons for the Reich and right now, with the seemingly light T-38, they also riveted many self-propelled guns - which oh how they drank blood for us tank crews.
      ZY The worker is in Kubenka. My photo
      * Balkenkreuz is not what you are - not advertising, etc. - it’s possible in a cube... so please don’t delete
      1. +2
        13 July 2024 14: 16
        It seems that only a swastika is not allowed, but this is permissible
    4. +1
      13 July 2024 15: 19
      Quote: Lev_Russia
      Maybe it was in vain that Marshal Konev saved Prague, and the “grateful” Czechs demolished his monument...

      In vain, of course; it would be better if he remembered their expeditionary force, which was noted throughout the Trans-Siberian Railway. In Prague, it would be better to have the equivalent of 500 thousand shells in a vigorous design.
  2. 0
    13 July 2024 18: 31
    Still, our special services are not working correctly. Or bad. Recently there was a video: this Pavel was violating traffic rules on a motorcycle without a helmet (I guess he was in a hurry to get the second bottle). Without security, everything is fine and calm with him, he supplies ammunition to the expired by the wagonload. But Fico didn’t have time to become prime minister, he blurted out in public what he was supposed to do - he was already shot (he miraculously survived). Some kind of horseradish
    1. 0
      13 July 2024 20: 37
      Quote: ergh081
      Still, our special services are not working correctly. Or bad.
      Everything is fine and calm with him, he delivers ammunition to the expired by the wagonload.

      If only one “expired shell” would have detonated, followed by the entire train at the Czech station...
      The enemy must be destroyed at distant approaches, and not wait for him at your gates.
  3. 0
    13 July 2024 22: 20
    As part of the “Czech initiative,” Ukraine will receive 50 thousand shells in July and August

    The Czechs, as always, will blame Russia for this, because they promised more.