Modern “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” or where Andrei Belousov’s niece came from

Modern “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” or where Andrei Belousov’s niece came from

American blogger Natalya Vertinskaya addressed Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov. She stated that she was his niece and asked the minister to stop striking Kyiv.

According to Vertinskaya, 38 missiles were fired at Kyiv, 30 of them were shot down, and 8 hit kindergartens, entrances and hospitals. She claims that one of the missiles hit the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, which is located in the Solomensky district of the city.

Vertinskaya also said that before moving to the USA, she visited this hospital with her disabled child. Now her cousin, Andrei Belousov, lives in the Solomensky district.

And now in fact

Firstly, arousing pity and using such arguments is a tool of manipulators as old as time. In any case, these data require confirmation.

Secondly, it’s surprising that Natalia Vertinskaya’s YouTube channel has come to life. Until this moment, the last publications on it were dated 2022. During the two years of the special operation, she had no reason to turn, even if not to her “uncle,” but simply to the Russian side, as Western and Ukrainian propagandists have repeatedly done.

And, thirdly, Natalia Vertinskaya's appeal strangely appeared not on the day of the strike, when the entire collective West was creating fakes about an alleged Russian missile strike on the Okhmatdet children's hospital, but right at the beginning of the NATO summit in Washington. It should be noted that one of the main issues of the bloc members is the "Ukrainian question", or more precisely, the further military support for the Kyiv regime.

What do we end up with?

Moscow’s position regarding the accusations of an alleged attack on a children’s hospital in Kyiv is clear: this is a fake that has been successfully refuted.

Realizing this, Kyiv and its Western allies decided to resort to provocation associated with close family ties. They tried to use this as an additional argument in their information campaign.

However, Vertinskaya herself claims that she has never seen or communicated with Andrei Belousov.

How did this happen technically? Most likely, no pressure was exerted on Vertinskaya. This would be too obvious these days.

The lack of publications in Vertinskaya’s channel and the unexpected appeal to the Russian Minister of Defense, as well as the active reaction of Ukrainian propagandists, foreign agents and other liberal figures to this appeal, show that this is simply a paid action. It is easier for the states to buy a person who can be useful to them than to put pressure on him. After all, in the country of “victorious capitalism,” money is the main value that regulates all social processes.

The migrated Vertinskaya fit well into this system. If a person is ready to sell anything for money, then what can we say about other people, especially if they are not close relatives.
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  1. 19+
    11 July 2024 04: 15
    “American blogger Natalya Vertinskaya appealed to Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov” -

    "Contact the World League for Sexual Reform,
    maybe they can help you there”© ...
    1. 14+
      11 July 2024 04: 57
      If they pay, she will go there too. Corrupt “people” will do anything for hard cash.
      1. 18+
        11 July 2024 05: 32
        Well, if you believe the Bible, then we are all relatives on earth, since we all descended from Adam and Eve... Well, why doesn’t this Natalya Vertinskaya directly appeal to her brother Vladimir Zelensky and to Ukraine, which since 2014 has regularly killed the children of Donbass , and now he is killing the children of Belgorod, Kursk and Rostov-on-Don, let them stop shelling Russian cities, since there are victims among children... And in this Okhmatdyt hospital where the Ukrainian missile hit, as far as I know, among the children of the victims No... am
        1. 0
          11 July 2024 11: 43
          There is no point in walking under balconies! If your head gets snowed, you'll be completely dead!
      2. +5
        11 July 2024 12: 10
        Quote: marchcat
        If they pay, she will go there too. Corrupt “people” will do anything for hard cash.

        Are you sure she was paid? I'm not. She was offered to make a choice and stay in the USA or go somewhere in Africa and that’s it. She is dependent on the US authorities, like a drug addict, maybe it will all end one day.
        Americans don't pay for such trifles, they just offer a choice.
    2. +9
      11 July 2024 09: 29
      If they started discrediting our Minister of Defense, that means our man!
      1. +2
        12 July 2024 15: 19
        Yes, they began to look for the nieces of the second cousins ​​of the cousin, etc. To organize such a Sabantuy at least once a week would have raised its paws long ago
  2. +8
    11 July 2024 05: 10
    It is easier for the states to buy a person who can be useful to them than to put pressure on him.
    Naturally, the machine will still print money. If he takes the money, he will remain silent. But try to scare him - what if he doesn’t get scared, and even starts a scandal?

    I suspect that she is as Vertinsky as I am Patrice Lumumba. And the same "niece". I know my nephews, I hope, all of them. I suspect that A. Belousov too.
    But it is not important. It is important to fart, to create a wave. This madam created it.

    I remembered... Specifically for this case and for fake guns in general.
    Jews choose a new rabbi. Abram stands up:
    – We have all known Rabinovich for a long time as an honest person, I propose to choose him!
    Jews (in chorus):
    - Yes, let's choose Rabinovich!
    Yitzchak rises:
    “You want to elect Rabinovich as a rebbe, but, by the way, his daughter is a prostitute!” Somehow it’s not good!
    Jews (in chorus):
    - Not good!
    Rabinovich gets up:
    - Well, how can that be! You all have known me since childhood! I've lived in the community my whole life! And I have three sons and never had a daughter!
    Jews (in chorus):
    – Really, how can this be?!
    Yitzhak (shrugging):
    – I expressed my opinion, and you decide...

    1. -9
      11 July 2024 06: 39
      «I know my nephews, I hope, all of them. I suspect that A. Belousov too. But it is not important»
      And where in the news article does it follow that Belousov does NOT know about it?
      The article doesn't even say that it's fake. They write in such a way that she seems to be who she says she is. Apparently there is something there?
      Maybe not direct, some kind of cousin

      Or do our officials have no relatives abroad? Sure sure
      Some even have children
      1. 10+
        11 July 2024 07: 04
        Quote: Ivan№One
        And where in the news article does it follow that Belousov does NOT know about it?
        The article doesn't even say that it's fake. They write in such a way that she seems to be who she says she is. Apparently there is something there?
        Maybe not direct, some kind of cousin
        Here you go. The blogger (and those behind her) achieved their goal.
        People believe without understanding. People have this peculiarity - the majority believe in bad things and all sorts of “fried” facts much more willingly than in the simplest solution. As they said in Soviet times: “If everything were so simple, Armenian radio would not be interested in this issue.” The worm of doubt began to stir and asked to eat. I fed mine
        The appeal to Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov from Natalya Vertinskaya, who lives in the United States and calls herself a relative of the head of the department, is a fake, said the minister’s brother, economist Dmitry Belousov, whose words are quoted by Reedus. He emphasized that their family has no relatives in America.
        We have neither relatives of the Vertinskys nor relatives in America. Accordingly, there is no combination of Vertinsky relatives in America,” Belousov said.

        I recommend it - I once borrowed from my wife to look through a textbook on PR technologies. Interesting. I see examples from that book at every step - from going to the store to speeches by such “bloggers” and our choices at different levels.
  3. +2
    11 July 2024 05: 54
    Yeah, Baba Yaga is against it!!!
  4. Msi
    11 July 2024 06: 08
    where did the niece of Andrei Belousov come from?

    It’s not at all clear who she is and why we pay attention to her appeal?
    1. +1
      11 July 2024 06: 35
      It’s not at all clear who she is and why we pay attention to her appeal?
      ...well, it’s not clear...the lady decided to climb to the prankster Olympus where Lexus and Vovan are now ruling...and the topic is convenient...rocket-kindergarten...and it’s not a topic to yell at the dudes
  5. +3
    11 July 2024 07: 11
    Every famous citizen has a dozen relatives unknown to him, and their number is directly proportional to the income of the famous citizen.
  6. +3
    11 July 2024 07: 16
    This is pure propaganda (Vertinskaya), paid by US big tech. US and NATO used one of the most lethal hybrid warfare against Russia, Since 2022. The Info-warfare against Russia was executed with the help of US big tech companies and Media corporations. RT lost around 18 years of valuable videos from Youtube. The Empire started a full fledged Info-warfare against Russian citizens. Russian's around the western world were targeted in every spheres of life - Businessmen, Writers, Poets, Journalists, Intellectuals, Sportsmen, Artists, Play writers, Scientists etc.

    The deepstate got lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic, where Chinese citizens were targeted world wide. CIA and Pentagon, used this tactics to generate hate against Chinese citizens. Chinese administration were vilified. A massive Info-warfare were organized against China. The CIA and Pentagon copied this same tactics against Russia. They also wanted to suppress the repurcutions created by the planned destruction of Nord Stream pipelines.
    1. 0
      12 July 2024 06: 53
      Quote: sodium20
      This is pure propaganda…
      If only the source had been indicated...
  7. +2
    11 July 2024 07: 27
    Niece or not - what's the difference? Why so much noise?
  8. +4
    11 July 2024 07: 28
    Without this news, no one would have known about the existence of such a lady - a real advertisement, and why sing along? They are trying to create psycho attacks.
  9. +1
    11 July 2024 09: 58
    No matter how the progressive Western public promotes emancipation, it is still quite obvious that women are fools, no matter how hard they try
    1. 0
      15 July 2024 14: 12
      Uv. colleague! Thank you for the most adequate post on this thread!!! By the way, it also applies to other articles! wink
  10. +3
    11 July 2024 10: 34
    It is necessary to create a special team within the special services to punish such creatures. The creature stank, the team arrived to clean its snout and bruise its sides. Let him stay in the hospital. He will spend the money on treatment. And so with all the Gozmans, Bykovs, Smolyaninovs. Everyone will shut up.
  11. +2
    11 July 2024 10: 48
    By all indications, the story of the shelling of a children's hospital in Kyiv is a variant of BUCH-2. There has already been a wave in the media. Now the corpses will be brought up in black bags and Ursula von der Leyen and other European officials will go to the scene of events with a mournful face.
    1. +1
      11 July 2024 12: 37
      Only this time they screwed up, the anti-aircraft missile appeared in the media, although for the Western audience this is not important, but for us, too, in fact, we are no longer interested in what they are inflating in their media
  12. +1
    11 July 2024 16: 21
    When they press for pity, they want to deceive/force.
    When “relatives” suddenly appear, they want to cheat.
    Double bell.
  13. +1
    12 July 2024 14: 42
    It’s not for nothing that in Soviet application forms for employment related to the country’s defense there was a column: “Do you have relatives abroad”!!!