“It is unrealistic to reduce the combat distance”: the Polish press criticized Russian tactics for possible battles with F-16 fighters

“It is unrealistic to reduce the combat distance”: the Polish press criticized Russian tactics for possible battles with F-16 fighters

The other day, a Russian pilot piloting a Su-30SM gave an interview to the TV channelStar", stating that he and his colleagues are not afraid of the appearance of the F-16 in the Ukrainian skies and have already developed tactics to combat this American fighter.

The Russians would like to use the advantage of their twin-engine aircraft in a maneuvering battle, having previously reduced the distance. But this is unrealistic, since targets are detected at a distance of up to 100 km and destroyed rockets before any maneuvering combat with short-range air-to-air missiles or cannon occurs

- says Defense24 critically.

As the author writes, there are ways to covertly approach the enemy and force him to conduct an air battle. For example, some Russian aircraft may distract the attention of Ukrainian pilots, while others will approach the enemy from a different direction, for example, camouflaging their presence by staying close to the ground.

However, given that the Ukrainians will act cautiously, operating deep within the LBS, such an approach will entail falling into the reach of Ukrainian systems. Defense

- noted in the Polish press.

As follows from other arguments of the Russian pilot, the developed tactics to combat the F-16 should also be based on long-range combat contact, since the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces have better weapons and modern guidance systems.

According to the author, in battles over long distances, much will depend on the training of the flight crew, caution in operation and the configuration in which Ukraine receives the F-16.

Still, the chances of Ukrainian F-16s would be higher if experienced foreign pilots sat at the controls of at least some of them

- a conclusion is made in the publication.

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  1. +9
    10 July 2024 16: 35
    Yeah, they criticized... laughing
    That is, our pilots must fight according to their rules or what????

    Have the Poles drunk too much of their Polish vodka?
    1. +1
      10 July 2024 16: 38
      By the way, in Soviet times Polish vodka was on sale. It’s a rare disgusting thing, and if memory serves it’s 38 degrees.))
      1. +5
        10 July 2024 16: 41
        By the way. In 2014, I worked in Poland for six months. I bought their vodka, sealed with wax and other bells and whistles, to try. My verdict, IMHO, is that it remains as shit as it was, no matter how you seal it. Ours is still better. drinks

        PS Just like their Krakow sausage - I couldn’t eat it. Gave it to the dog. Polish. He ate everything.
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                  2. +15
                    10 July 2024 21: 53
                    You don't know history. And it is useless to teach the Poles history. You won't like her.
                    1. +3
                      12 July 2024 17: 36
                      Quote from Aken
                      And it is useless to teach the Poles history.
                      Especially on Wikipedia.

                      Pshek was in the wrong place. If he went to the ukroforums, he would be received with a bang there. And then he started telling how we occupied Poland. Maybe they “occupied” too early - Hitler only managed to massacre six million Poles. What if they hadn’t been “occupied”? It was they who cheerfully divided Czechoslovakia with Hitler in 1938 and dreamed of dividing Russia TOGETHER. Did he read the German plan for the development of the eastern lands (Plan Ost)? Let him show me with his finger where it says about the Poles, in addition to the fact that “the lands east of the existing German border should be cleared of the indigenous population in order to free up territory for Germans to live in.” This is about Poland first of all. Damn, I found the “occupiers”...

                      I said it here once... If Russia happens to fight in Europe, someone starts slaughtering the Poles again - I won’t let my son fight FOR THEM, the ungrateful little bastards! Let them cut everyone down, there is no need to interfere. And then we will deal with the aggressor.
                      1. +2
                        14 July 2024 19: 30
                        Nobody will kill the Poles. They are needed as a second echelon for the war with Russia. They are now a valuable resource.
                        In short, the Suwalki Corridor has not been removed from the agenda.
                2. log
                  11 July 2024 07: 09
                  I think kroskar99 is worried that Poland, as it was and remains an unimportant country, like Ukraine. They are always “offended”, the whole history was under someone’s “occupation”, Poland was divided 4 times... My dear. We must fight more courageously, more selflessly and more decisively! And Poland and Ukraine are still looking for a more profitable OWNER. Ugh...
              2. +17
                10 July 2024 21: 51
                Did God give these lands to the Russians?

                God did not interfere with the Russians.
                1. log
                  11 July 2024 07: 10
                  God rules the Russians!
              3. +1
                10 July 2024 22: 19
                Well, not always, but a little later than the middle of the 18th century, which, in principle, is relatively short in historical terms.
                April 8 (19), 1783 - Russian Empress Catherine II signed the Manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire.
              4. +18
                11 July 2024 04: 42
                Quote: kroskar99
                Has Crimea always been Russian, like the Caucasus and 90% of Russian territory? Did God give these lands to the Russians? Or maybe it just became a path of bloody conquest?

                And who gave Silesia and Pomerania to the Poles?
                Comrade Stalin gave it, you yourself surrendered Poland to the Germans in two weeks. If it weren't for us, you would still be German slaves.
                Try and argue with me.
              5. +2
                11 July 2024 07: 24
                [quote=kroskar99]And Crimea has always been Russian[/quote]
                But was it originally Ukrainian?[quote][quote=kroskar99]Or maybe it just became a path of bloody conquest?[/quote]
                Some were conquests, some were not. So what - should we blame our ancestors now? And did the Poles peacefully come to our lands in the 17th century?! Apparently, you curse them?![quote]
                [quote=kroskar99]Russian, do you think that the Chinese have forgotten your murders? After all, together with the British, Germans, Japanese and Americans, you conquered China.[/quote]
                I know it's not. I hope they haven’t forgotten about all the other nations. I really hope that the Germans also remember how the Poles treated them in 45. And the Jews remember. And Ukrainians - in the 17th century.
                It’s stupid to poke each other with past grievances. It just so happened - a very long time ago - that Smolensk is a Russian city, not a Polish one. But among the Poles, everyone around is to blame - and they are saints. Unfortunately, we are becoming like this more and more often.
              6. +1
                11 July 2024 11: 24
                This is just ridiculous. You, too, would happily take both Crimea and the Caucasus through “bloody conquests.”
                I just didn’t have enough strength lol
                Therefore, now it is profitable to play such small, proud, peaceful people, if they would become an empire as they always wanted and still want to say exactly the opposite - what I will say:
                Those were the times, we fought and won. And times have not changed, we are fighting and we will win.
                And if you have eggs and a desire to challenge - welcome to the Donetsk steppes.
              7. +2
                12 July 2024 10: 06
                Crimea was transitional until Russia finally established its status. Caucasus back in 1536 Ivan the Terrible married the daughter of Prince Temryuk, Maria, and signed an eternal peace and friendship treaty with the Caucasus. China itself was glad of friendship with Russia because it was the only defender from Japan, the English and other colonizers. History was taught according to Soros.
            2. +3
              10 July 2024 23: 24
              Written by a pseudo Pole, who were real - they carried out mass executions of Red Army soldiers.
          2. +16
            10 July 2024 20: 51
            Tell me, what did these Poles do that was so bad that you hate them so much?

            It is enough to read the Polish press about Russia and Russians.
            The last time you and Hitler attacked Poland was on September 17, 1939.

            Then the USSR returned what Poland had captured in 1920. Have you heard about the Versailles Conference and the Curzon Line?
            About threats to Poland. Isn't Poland regularly conducting military exercises near the Russian border? And they threaten a complete blockade of Kaliningrad?
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +6
                10 July 2024 22: 18
                "It's over."©
                Come on! Another section ahead.
                Geography is a sentence.©
              2. +14
                10 July 2024 22: 32
                Quote: kroskar99
                The Polish army trains on Polish territory and this has nothing to do with you. For …
                ... throughout your history - remember how the Polish state came into being.
                I lived in Poland - in life, you blamed Russians or Germans for all the troubles on teenagers crossing red lights: - that is, Russians... in Gdansk I was the only Russian child and my mother held my hand. My father, looking at this abomination, sent his older brothers to the Union to study, but I was little.
                You were bent over, so wipe yourself off and read those who have not returned - there are many of them, and many will not return at all...
                Old Man Churchill was right hi
          3. +9
            10 July 2024 21: 07
            Quote: kroskar99
            Understand, Russians, we are also watching you, evaluating your behavior - this is very bad. You mock other nations, think that you are better, when you are just a large, territorially backward country that everyone ignores. You masturbate with your nuclear weapons, you threaten to destroy Polish cities and kill millions of Poles.

            Quote: kroskar99
            Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

            Do you want to be treated the same way as you treat others?
            Those. Do you want them to be completely rude to you and remember all the crimes of Poland against Russia?
            You know, just lazy. You are indifferent to me, along with your twisted opinion...
          4. +11
            10 July 2024 21: 20
            Until recently, I was pro-Russian and defended Russians many times in discussions.

            We do not need the protection of the Poles. On the contrary, get ready for a new section.
            You make Russia's enemies cheaper.
          5. +16
            10 July 2024 21: 21
            Stop pretending to be a sheep, hyena of Europe. You also killed Russians, Belarusians, people from the outskirts, Lithuanians, Jews and occupied our country. In 1612, you almost took our throne. Your Poland was occupied after you and Napoleon once again dragged yourself to kill and rob our people, our cities. Did we ravage and rob your cities in response? You are confusing the root cause of events and the response to it. It was you and Hitler who attacked Czechoslovakia. We entered the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus captured by the Poles, when organized resistance by the Poles had practically ceased, and the Polish government fled to the border with Romania. Should we have left these regions to Hitler? Well, and what plans Hitler and Pilsudski had against us, we also know. There are many claims that can be made, do you need this now? The biggest one, for which many hate you: this is the bullying, mockery and deliberate brutal murder of our prisoners of war, the spread of epidemics of diseases in the Tuchola and Strzałków camps. 21-22. You can still write so much more vileness of the Poles, like how they destroyed the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, for example, but what's the point, you are always innocent...
          6. +5
            10 July 2024 21: 41
            Bad? You and I have fought more than with any other nation: between us there are rivers of blood and hatred of generations. There is no forgiveness for you.
          7. +6
            10 July 2024 21: 49
            Quote: kroskar99
            Tell me what these Poles did that was so bad

            Apart from everything else that the arrogant arrogant Polish gentry did to try to enslave and harm Russia, many of them are simply not very good neighbors. It seems to me that Gorky very accurately described them in the words of Izergil:
            “She sighed and - the first time I saw this from her - crossed herself three times, whispering something with dry lips.
            “Well, you went to Poland...” I prompted her.
            - Yes... with that little Pole. He was funny and mean. When he needed a woman, he fawned over me like a cat and hot honey flowed from his tongue, and when he didn’t want me, he cracked me with words like a whip....
            She continued:
            - In Poland It became difficult for me. There live cold and deceitful people. I did not know their snake language. Everyone is hissing... What are they hissing about? It was God who gave them such a snake tongue because they are deceitful. "

            Their exorbitant pride strangles them with anger and envy. How is it that God gave everything to some Russians, but to the great logs..... Yes
          8. +10
            10 July 2024 22: 28
            Hitler wanted to send all the Poles to hell, but you remained ungrateful traitors, the USSR shared its last piece of bread with you after the war. Better keep your mouth shut
            1. +1
              17 July 2024 07: 09
              Yes, Warsaw was built from St. Petersburg cement, what can you expect.
          9. NW
            10 July 2024 22: 45
            Quote: kroskar99
            I became indifferent to Russia and Russians

            Are you sure that visiting a Russian website with your ethnic complexes is the best way to express indifference to us? I hope this is trolling. Otherwise it's stupidity. And yes, so that you have no doubt, our attitude towards psheks is predominantly contemptuous, as towards the mongrels of the amers. Nuclear weapons are ours. We want to masturbate, but we can insert it. You have fewer options))
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +1
                11 July 2024 20: 45
                Only TsIPSOshnya from Ukraine is worried about the welfare of poor Russians. Moreover, they don’t care about the unfortunate Ukrainians who were fleeced. Thank you. I started to tear up.
          10. +6
            10 July 2024 23: 38
            In order to judge something correctly, it is necessary to be as objective as possible. You take the empty mockery of not quite adequate individuals for some mythical threats against the Poles and think that this is the opinion of all Russians. This is your main mistake. You write that we, together with Hitler, attacked Poland on September 17, 1939, but name at least one region of truly historical Poland that was captured by the USSR in 39. Just do not remember the lands that Poland or the Commonwealth captured from Russia at different times when we were in turmoil or we were at war. Now, regarding the partitions and occupation of Poland, first of all, give an honest answer, at least to yourself, to the question of whether there was even a semblance of autonomy and self-government that existed for the Polish lands in the Russian Empire, in that part of historical Poland that went to, say, Prussia? Before throwing accusations, remember that in the Battle of Tannenberg (the Battle of Grunwald), Russian regiments participated together with Polish regiments, remember the liberation of Poland from Hitler's troops, about saving your ancient capital Krakow from destruction in WWII. Unlike your ruling elite, we do not rewrite history, we remember and honor the fallen soldiers of the Polish Army, we do not desecrate graves and do not tear down monuments, we do not attack the ambassador of a foreign state when laying flowers on the grave of fallen soldiers and do not steal diplomatic property. In general, it would be very wonderful if your leadership understood that our principle is quite simple, as Alexander Nevsky said, releasing captured knights after the Battle on the Ice: "If you want to trade, we will trade, if you want to fight, you will be beaten."
          11. +4
            10 July 2024 23: 40
            Listen here, carefully, with your ears, sir. How do we feel about you? If you are the kind of people who don’t remember kinship and kindness? Your entire policy is based on Russophobia, I will probably not be the first and not the last who will at least try once again to explain to you, mentally retarded people, that the Red Army entered Western Ukraine and Western Belarus when your government abandoned the country, and remind me Sir, how was the Curzon line, and where were the borders of Poland? Would you like to enlighten us about what the Poles did with captured Red Army soldiers in the twenties of the last century?
          12. +2
            11 July 2024 00: 06
            I don’t care about your opinion, I don’t care anymore. It didn’t exist 4-5 years ago, but now everything is dead. War means war,
          13. +1
            11 July 2024 01: 37
            When it is advantageous to recall the year 39 (Russians are bad), When it is unprofitable to forget what the USSR gave. At the same time, we mentally hate Russians for the collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian state, for the times of the Commonwealth, when you once ruled us and we sent you...
            Please don’t kick me too hard, because I’ve begun to forget this part of the story a little..
            I haven’t seen all the comments about “Nexcom”, I’ll only say about those in this post:
            ““Did the Poles drink too much of their Polish vodka?” “--- I don’t think that this should be taken literally to all citizens.
            """My verdict, IMHO, is that it remains crap, no matter how you seal it. Ours is still better"" --- In Russia, the automobile industry is crap. What do the Russians have to do with it? Just like the Poles with their Polish vodka. ...
            “4-5 years ago” Well, 15-20 years ago in Volgorad the roads were so bad that it was generally risky to buy a car from there. And today I found out that everything is OK there from a tourist.
            "Now 70% are trolls." ""4-5 years ago"" And is the number of registered more or the same? (this criterion applies to all social networks)

            "Understand, Russians, we are also watching you, evaluating your behavior - this is very bad." We don't care. We are self-sufficient, albeit lazy.

            And now...
            1. "You are mocking other nations." Which ones and how?
            2. ""just a big, territorially backward country"" - Big? Huge!!! There is a controversial statement about backwardness...
            3. ""You are masturbating with your nuclear weapons"" - Do you need Calibers? Or infantry...
            4. ""Kill millions of Poles."" Say thank you to your leadership...
            5. ""In the past you killed Poles many times"" Well, just like angels... Just like now your hired "pacifists" with the Polish AK on the LBS from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
            666. N years ago, before 2014. I remember there were conversations... But the building is not being built that quickly (with communications)... But on the topic from VO (the US is completing the construction of a missile defense base in Polish Redzikowo, continuing to call it an object of protection from Iran)
            Do you believe this yourself, from Iran???
            ""with short, medium and long-range missiles..." - Technically, I don’t see any problems in removing the heavy stuffing with fragments from them and sticking in a light tactical radioactive one.... Less weight = flies further.. Don’t consider us stupid ...and backward.
            For the Yankees, you are a consumable item for more large-scale war or proxy tasks.
          14. +1
            11 July 2024 04: 33
            The last time you and Hitler attacked Poland was on September 17, 1939.

            You seem to be playing around with dates too freely. And of course, you don't want to remember the Vilnius issue and how Poland attacked Lithuania in 1939? It's even surprising that Poland hasn't made any claims against Lithuania yet.
          15. +1
            11 July 2024 08: 33
            Poland is the hyena of Europe and is of interest to England, France, and Germany only as a barrier between Russia and them. She is slowly being prepared for the role of Ukraine as a sacrificial lamb.
          16. +1
            11 July 2024 10: 26
            Who said, interestingly, that we hate Poles? I have Polish roots, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like solidarity and Kaczynski with his program. And the war started in 39, or rather provoked: England and France, giving guarantees of impunity to Poland. Not everything is so simple and straightforward. And to hate an entire people for this is stupid and short-sighted. Hatred corrodes moral foundations and degrades personality.
          17. 0
            11 July 2024 11: 03
            Understand, Russians, we are also watching you, evaluating your behavior - this is very bad. You mock other nations, think that you are better, when you are just a large, territorially backward country that everyone ignores. You masturbate with your nuclear weapons, you threaten to destroy Polish cities and kill millions of Poles.

            Let's be honest, my friends and I don't give a damn about Poland. Live as you wish, just don't keep a knife in your bosom.
            I think so, there is no need to remake anyone, it is simply necessary to have weapons of such strength that it is possible, without sending in your troops, to eliminate the threat by turning all the enemy’s cities into ashes. And there should be people assigned to these weapons who will calmly use them at the right moment.
            But I confirm that shaking a club in front of your face is not effective.
            The club, even if it is nuclear, must be ready for use, but if you have already taken it out, then hit it. And with all his might.
            Either you are cunning or you look like a crazy person, but the main thing is not to be funny.
          18. 0
            11 July 2024 11: 20
            To be honest, we don't care. I, too, have always had a good attitude towards Poland and the Poles. I talked and met with a Polish woman, and I still consider Poles to be very close to Russians both in appearance and in behavior.
            But your country's policy is very hostile to us. What specific evil have we caused you over the past 35 years since the collapse of the Warsaw bloc? Yes, EXACTLY NOTHING.
            And you don’t love us more and more, why do you ask? But for the fact that this is simply your propaganda which you are gradually conducting.
            Our country is indeed backward in some ways, but it fell under such an advanced West and accepted the challenge. And we will win, as always.
          19. +1
            11 July 2024 11: 57
            In 39, Soviet troops liberated thousands of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Jews from Polish concentration camps. Poland, with its policy from sea to sea (I don’t remember in Polish and don’t want to remember) constantly tried to conquer Ukraine and Belarus, which were part of Russia. The atrocities committed by the White Poles cannot be forgiven. The current politics of Poland. Enough for, well, maybe not hatred, but contempt for the Poles?
            1. -1
              11 July 2024 15: 59
              Do you remember what these camps were called?
              1. 0
                11 July 2024 20: 50
                Bereza-Kartuzskaya, that’s what I remembered.
                1. The comment was deleted.
          20. +2
            11 July 2024 12: 32
            And further. I have relatives from Belarus. The Poles do their best to lure teenagers to study in Poland. They give grants and concessions on exams. But many are quickly transferred from there to Belarus and Russia. Because all training in Poland is permeated with hatred towards Russians. If you don't accept this, you won't be able to learn. And how many agents from Poland are there in Belarus? In front of me, I was the only one like that, when he started agitating that Russians should be drowned in blood, they broke his face and blocked the road. A former Belarusian who fled to Poland and returned. But apparently I don’t do it of my own free will.
            1. -2
              11 July 2024 16: 02
              aren't you a storyteller?
              somehow it’s not clear where they were beaten in Poland, Belarus or Russia?
          21. +3
            11 July 2024 13: 28
            You have not yet answered for the atrocities of the Akovites, and for the murders of Tukhachevsky’s soldiers, and for Berescha-Kartuzskaya. A typical Nazi state.
          22. +2
            11 July 2024 21: 20
            I see you are offended, but you accepted the power of the pope and from that time on the division of our peoples began. I understand... if we had remained in paganism, we could have been destroyed, and it was too late to accept Orthodoxy. What can you do... Yes, all the wars and grievances that follow are due to the fact that we are at different poles of power. That's how things are... It's a pity.
          23. 0
            12 July 2024 01: 02
            Maybe they didn’t do it to you. And the rest didn’t give a damn.
          24. The comment was deleted.
          25. +1
            12 July 2024 09: 57
            "while you are just a large, territorially backward country that everyone ignores." Apparently, this is why Poland was so eager for the Russian throne for centuries? The Polish-Lithuanian princes, in collusion with the Tatar-Mongols, went to conquer Muscovy, then the Poles dragged in the false Dmitry and by all means tried to hold on. Until you were dragged into the empire by the ears, you sat quietly for several centuries. By the way, like the Finns and the Tribalts. The warlike spirit was aimed at creation. But as soon as you jumped out of the iron fist, the White Poles immediately appeared, the interventionists and again conquered, as you say, a territorially backward country. Oh yeah, and regarding 39, something tells me that the Poles were among the first to rush to divide Europe and only then the USSR had its say. And again after the Second World War they sat quietly and developed and developed your industry and lived well. Now why are you so restless again???? You need to join NATO, come to us, then why are you climbing??? Well, if we are territorially backward, what are you doing here? Has the historical itch awakened??? Do you want the Moscow kingdom??? Well, let the historical memory awaken along with the itch, that following the desire, the iron imperial fist appears.
          26. +1
            12 July 2024 14: 02
            Poland is Russia's main enemy in Eastern Europe. Moreover, an enemy with a centuries-old history of wars. Moreover, in the same territory.
            Poland cannot calm down because it was Russia, and not Poland, that became the Slavic Empire. Poland has lost over and over again, but ambition does not allow it to calm down - opportunities do not coincide with desires.
            It is only thanks to the stupidity and kindness of the Russian leadership that Poland even exists. The same applies to the Baltic states and Finland, which before the arrival of Russia were ordinary cattle, servants of other states or even just the nobility, without statehood, until Russia gave them the right to speak, etc.
            Poland is, of course, different - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and other phantom pains due to the fact that Russia did not allow the Polish Empire to be built.
          27. +1
            12 July 2024 14: 44
            You're lying, Father! You've never been indifferent to Russians! You've always hated them. And let's close this topic about "brotherly Slavic peoples."
            We rather use nuclear weapons as a strap-on for our masochistic neighbors. They don’t learn anything and once every 80-100 years they assemble a European team in order to rake the next ones. So sometimes you have to trace the lips of other very zealous “warriors of light”.
            As for the occupation of Poland in 1939, it seems that we will still have to return to the notorious “Slavic brotherhood” and its understanding by the noble lords: on September 21, 1938, at the height of the Sudetenland crisis, Poland presented Czechoslovakia with an ultimatum to “return” the Cieszyn region to them (where 80 thousand Poles and 120 thousand Czechs lived) and on September 30, the day the Munich Agreement was signed (simultaneously with the German troops occupying the Sudetenland), she brought her army into the Cieszyn region. An original way to support the Slavic brotherhood, don’t you think?
          28. 0
            12 July 2024 14: 47
            Quote: kroskar99
            Nexcom (Dmitry. Russia) - Tell me, what did these Poles do that was so bad that you hate them so much? Also, isn't insulting people against the rules of this site? What does the admin say about this?
            By the way - I have been reading this site every day since February 2024 and have noticed more and more rudeness. I looked through old articles from 4-5 years ago and the vast majority of current commenters were not in the comments. Now 70% are trolls.
            Understand, Russians, we are also watching you, evaluating your behavior - this is very bad. You mock other nations, think that you are better, when you are just a large, territorially backward country that everyone ignores. You masturbate with your nuclear weapons, you threaten to destroy Polish cities and kill millions of Poles.
            In the past, you killed Poles many times, occupied Poland - and boast about it.
            The last time you and Hitler attacked Poland was on September 17, 1939.
            Until recently, I was pro-Russian and defended Russians many times in discussions.
            This past.
            I became indifferent to Russia and Russians.
            Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
            1. 0
              12 July 2024 14: 55
              I don’t know who said this: Remember how every mess in Europe ended, with the division of Poland, another division will be the last! I can’t vouch for the accuracy, but that was the gist.
          29. 0
            12 July 2024 16: 46
            But for me personally, who is who, and the Poles, Latvians, Estonians, generally aside, I am convinced that of the many peoples living on earth, the Psheks and Bandera are the very bottom!
        2. +1
          11 July 2024 12: 30
          Vodka in Poland there are different vodkas.
          There is a completely normal one - like Soplitsa. 37 zlotys for 0.7 liters.
          And there is white Zubrovka - this swill is so swill. Although it costs only a couple of zlotys cheaper. Denatured alcohol comes from the 90s :)
        3. -4
          12 July 2024 08: 22
          Let's not disgrace ourselves in our cheap urapopulism... The dog won't eat anything artificial. And since he ate Krakovskaya (according to you), then it is natural.

          Conclusion, you know food worse than Polish dogs. Unless, of course, the story was not invented in the frenzy of populism
      2. 0
        10 July 2024 17: 02
        Vodka Polska Vyborova, Zubrovka is also not very good.
        1. 0
          10 July 2024 17: 05
          Shinka Polska is not bad (like lard with streaks of meat), if we are to be objective. But! IMHO the Belarusian one still tastes better..... There was something to compare it with.
          1. +1
            12 July 2024 14: 57
            I never buy Polish products, even though they are cheaper than Belarusian ones. But all these shanks, kavkas and herbatkas are about shitty relish. I’m still not used to eating.
        2. 0
          10 July 2024 21: 52
          Quote: Nikolay Basalai
          Vodka Polska Vyborova, Zubrovka is also not very good.

          I confirm! We have the same tastes, brother! Yes
        3. +1
          11 July 2024 11: 07
          Vodka Polska Vyborova, Zubrovka is also not very good.

          Please explain to me why discuss poison?
          Half of the commentators are heatedly discussing the best way to poison themselves. In essence, this is like discussing suicide, but longer than from rat poison.
      3. +1
        10 July 2024 21: 37
        On potatoes, a rare disgusting thing...
      4. -1
        11 July 2024 19: 28
        Well, I don’t know how it was in Soviet times, but in the early 90s in Yugoslavia we drank Polish Baltika vodka. Normal vodka. I went well. Much better than Serbian rakia.
      5. +1
        11 July 2024 22: 10
        Quote from: lukash66
        It’s a rare disgusting thing, and if memory serves it’s 38 degrees.))

        If only - 28 degrees. And why was it brought to the homeland of vodka?
      6. 0
        12 July 2024 10: 27
        Absolutely true disgusting, that selected vodka was called in our language
    2. +5
      10 July 2024 16: 40
      But isn’t the idea itself correct? Today the BVB is suicide; even the old Ukrainian aviation will shoot down our planes in this case. It is surprising that the Russian pilot says (according to the text of the article - although the author does not quote him) about the desire to use a maneuverable BVB.
      1. +1
        10 July 2024 16: 47
        The idea is correct. The approach to the realities of using aviation in combat is questionable. This is a task for many participating in such a battle
        1. +5
          10 July 2024 17: 18
          Quote from: blackGRAIL
          But isn’t the idea itself correct? Today BVB is suicide..........,

          R-30M missiles were spotted on the latest Russian Su-2SM37 fighters. This may mean preparations for the appearance of NATO F-16s in the special operation zone
          Right now, the R-37M is the most advanced and long-range air-to-air missile in the world. According to open information, it is capable of shooting down targets flying at speeds of up to 2,5 thousand kilometers per hour at a distance of 300 kilometers. Now it is used by the Su-35S and MiG-31BM interceptors.
          The appearance of this specimen under the wing of another of our fighters suggests that they are not just preparing for the F-16 meeting, they are actually being hunted. Western aircraft will be detected and shot down before they reach launch range of their missiles......

          1. -2
            11 July 2024 08: 31
            All these hundreds of kilometers of launch at maximum range are realized under the condition Mstr.= Mtarget=2,3, H=15 km, on a collision course with a parameter of zero, and the target does not maneuver (even after launch).
            1. 0
              11 July 2024 22: 23
              As a rule, the launch range of RVVs into the front and rear hemispheres differs by a factor of two. But in the case of Ukrainian Armed Forces and NATO aircraft, most of the launches during rendezvous will be precisely in the forward hemisphere.
              In addition, it is the heavy fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces that will dictate the pattern of combat, since they have much more powerful radars. Su-35S and Su-30SM2 detect a large target at a range of 400 km. , and the target is a light fighter type at a range of 200 - 250 km. , and 300 km. , if a light fighter has garlands of weapons on suspensions. A very comfortable distance for using the R-37M. But the Su-57 will also operate, although probably not en masse, so as not to once again highlight the characteristics of its avionics.
              1. -1
                12 July 2024 10: 44
                All this is theory. Especially in terms of radar work and detection distances. And according to the method I mentioned above, the maximum launch range was calculated, for example, in the Mikoyan Design Bureau
              2. -1
                12 July 2024 10: 49
                This is taken from messages from people who worked in the efficiency department of the Mikoyan Design Bureau.
                The ranges of all missiles are calculated in approximately the same way. In reality, no one shoots at advertising range.
                1. 0
                  12 July 2024 18: 12
                  Quote: Calm_type
                  This is taken from messages from people who worked in the efficiency department of the Mikoyan Design Bureau.

                  Besides the messages, are you familiar with the topic? Does education allow? Compliant?
                  Quote: Calm_type
                  It's all theory. Especially in terms of radar operation and detection distances.

                  Young man, a certified radar specialist, a former combat command officer of an air defense formation, is speaking to you. Based on data on the MiG-31 interceptor radar and RVV BD R-33, which has an interception range in the front hemisphere of 120 km. , and in the back - 60 km. To the rear, this is when the rocket flies after it. So this ratio of interception ranges on oncoming and catch-up courses gives us the range of interception ranges. This ratio will be approximately the same for modern R-37M missiles. And the tabular data is always the interception range in the front hemisphere (counter launch) at an altitude of at least 10 m.
                  And since there is a confirmed practice of intercepting a Sumerian MiG-29 in the rear hemisphere on the landing glide path from a range of about 220 km. , draw conclusions.
                  Quote: Calm_type
                  In reality, no one shoots at the advertising range.

                  As a rule, they try not to take risks, but in this case they did shoot. And at such a distance, with such a missile and in approximately the same conditions, they fired at least twice.
                  1. -1
                    12 July 2024 23: 13
                    Grandfather, I tell you about the uniform, you tell me about the heresy.
                    1. 0
                      13 July 2024 00: 25
                      So you don't know any of them.
                      1. 0
                        13 July 2024 08: 17
                        At what distance does the snow leopard capture the target?
                      2. 0
                        13 July 2024 15: 35
                        Each type of target is different. Large high-altitude aircraft such as a bomber, AWACS aircraft, tanker, transport aircraft - 400 km. Fighters smaller but much further than the radar of the latest modification of the F-16 are able to see him. In addition, its own EPR is 5-6 times less than the EPR of its older brother Su-27, with the same airframe size - a radio-absorbing coating.
                  2. -1
                    13 July 2024 11: 50
                    Specialist, for example, can you imagine the difference between p 27r/t and p27 er/et?
                    1. 0
                      13 July 2024 15: 37
                      These are your rockets. We almost never use them anymore.
                      It's time for the guy to calm down and think about the future.
                      1. 0
                        13 July 2024 16: 21
                        Well, that is, the level of a certified specialist is clear. OK.
        2. 0
          11 July 2024 11: 12
          The idea is correct. The approach to the realities of using aviation in combat is questionable. This is a task for many participating in such a battle

          Of course it’s true and there should be a plan A, B and even C, just in case
    3. +12
      10 July 2024 16: 51
      Whose expert opinions in the field of modern warfare deserve the closest reading and study? Well, of course, the opinions of Polish experts crying
    4. -2
      10 July 2024 17: 49
      That is, our pilots must fight according to their rules or what????

      That is, you are in a fit of patriotic anger that the Poles expressed a completely sensible opinion, and to spite your mother they did not use their brains???)))
      I wrote almost the same thing under the Zvezda video.))) In conditions when the Fu-16e will act very carefully over their territory under the cover of their air defense systems and work exclusively with long-range AIM-120D, our dogfight lover will first have to endure 2-4 aim attacks, then a bunch of missiles from the air defense system and if it, if, the main word here)) catches up with the F-16, then only then will it be able to try to show who is the sheep in the stable)). As the practice of 2022-2024 air interceptions in Ukraine has shown, there were no dogfights there. Everything was hit by long-range missiles at the maximum possible distance. Hence the logical conclusion that the interviewed pilot had become slightly ill.
      1. 0
        11 July 2024 12: 25
        Come on. I found at least two air battles easily. In both, Ukrainian Mig 29s were shot down. It was in maneuverable combat. It would be a good idea to study the facts before so unfoundedly speaking of “only long-range missiles”...
        1. -1
          11 July 2024 14: 31
          What kind of maneuverable one do you have? less than 5 km? or were the latter simply dodging long-range missiles but not dodging? I admit that there may be isolated cases due to the inexperience of the pilots and the crappy weapons of the MiGs. But this trick won’t work with the F-16. Facts, by the way, they are))) especially if in words)) I found the same thing, I found that 99,99% did not smell like a dogfight)
          1. 0
            11 July 2024 14: 46
            The battle took place in the camera's field of view. This means within a few kilometers. Maneuvering, tail approach and missile launch
          2. 0
            11 July 2024 16: 03
            I found 6 more videos of fights in close contact on YouTube. If they are Ukrainian, they shot down ours; if they are Russian, they shot down a Ukrainian. But this does not change the essence of the issue. Such battles have happened and most likely will happen. It is clear that both their and our pilots are trying to stay away. But I think situations will arise, and here everything depends on the maneuverability of the aircraft and the skill of the pilot
            1. 0
              11 July 2024 18: 59
              Quote: Nafanya999
              I found 6 more videos of fights in close contact on YouTube.

              I also found Ana, with a postscript for everyone ARMA III)))
    5. +6
      10 July 2024 20: 09
      From what point should a perelak approach a dog dump when the standard missile armament of the dryers allows it to work at both medium and long distances? Although... the Poles, what should we take from them if this is a diagnosis?
    6. +3
      10 July 2024 22: 24
      Quote: Nexcom
      Have the Poles drunk too much of their Polish vodka?
      Oh, you’ve gotten excited about something: back in the days of the ATS, the Poles twice submitted to commercial arbitration claiming the word itself vodka, and they were refused request So vodka cannot be Polish - vodka is only Russian lol
      I checked: when they get drunk, that’s how Russians immediately remember when they’re drunk lol
      1. -1
        10 July 2024 22: 28
        Quote: Pete Mitchell
        Poles, back in the days of the ATS, twice submitted to commercial arbitration claiming the word vodka itself

        It is a myth.
        1. 0
          10 July 2024 22: 34
          Quote: DenVB
          It is a myth.
          I would agree with you if I had not lived in Poland at that time and my parent had not been involved in these structures feel
          1. 0
            10 July 2024 22: 39
            Quote: Pete Mitchell
            I would agree with you if I had not lived in Poland at that time and my parent had not been involved in these structures

            And you do not refer to the parent, but to historical sources.
            1. +1
              10 July 2024 23: 08
              Quote: DenVB
              Refer to the parent, but to historical sources.
              For me, a parent is a historical source.
              Are you worried about the Poles? No need, when they get drunk on vodka, they normally switch to Russian, I checked. When there is no way out, they spin around, forgetting about all historical grievances. And believe me: they keep their promises, understanding that they were given to a Russian guy.
              1. +2
                10 July 2024 23: 27
                Quote: Pete Mitchell
                For me, a parent is a historical source.

                I see.

                Quote: Pete Mitchell
                Are you worried about the Poles?

                Yes, from morning to evening.
              2. 0
                11 July 2024 16: 05
                And believe me: they keep their promises, understanding that they were given to a Russian guy.

                I have shuttled quite a bit in this Poland, so I can only grunt, you have more show-offs than the Poles
                1. 0
                  11 July 2024 16: 52
                  Quote: george.old
                  so I can only chuckle
                  When money is at stake and the option to bet is uncontested and quick, none of the normal people will throw away obligations. Proposals must be formulated correctly, and they will not be refused. AND poke they won't be strangers either
                  1. 0
                    11 July 2024 21: 15
                    I didn’t understand the depth and turns of thought.
                    Was everyone there afraid of you?
                    1. 0
                      11 July 2024 21: 54
                      Why were they afraid - they obeyed, and if they promised something, they fulfilled it. I didn’t shuttle, God had mercy.
                      We are finishing.
                      1. 0
                        11 July 2024 22: 22
                        Quote: george.old
                        I have shuttled quite a bit in this Poland, so...
                        As for the rest, I probably even agree with you: My parent, proving that he was right, aka refusing to accept technology due to shortcomings, went to such lengths that I inherited a total wariness towards the Poles and hatred of my native bureaucracy
                      2. +1
                        12 July 2024 22: 21
                        I inherited a total wariness towards the Poles

                        let's just say there were attempts to cheat (and successful ones too). But you had to communicate with "smartly made", on the other hand, there were plenty of "smartly made" people among our salespeople. Then, when we became richer and started going to their shopping centers and on vacation, we started communicating with normal people and the rip-offs decreased sharply.
                        On the other hand, I like P., despite all the quirks of their individual citizens, they have achieved a lot in various areas.
                      3. 0
                        12 July 2024 22: 33
                        Quote: george.old
                        On the other hand, I like P…. they have achieved a lot in different areas.
                        One of the last nations in Europe to preserve historical memory, I can’t blame them for this, although they have their own cockroaches.
                        Quote: george.old
                        they have achieved a lot in different fields
                        their biggest achievement is that they specifically learned suck all queens, but not to refuse: they wisely used the opportunities - the infrastructure was improving before our eyes. But the old fears did not disappear
    7. 0
      14 July 2024 12: 50
      Quote: Nexcom
      Have the Poles drunk too much of their Polish vodka?

      Poles - fool . While the Fu-16 is preparing to shoot down ours, greetings from our air defense will fly to its tail!
  2. 0
    10 July 2024 16: 37
    A situation like between Su 27 and MiG 29 is possible. During drying, the radar is more powerful, but these planes spotted each other at the same distance, since MiG has less EPR.
  3. +13
    10 July 2024 16: 40
    Everything was smooth on paper. I will readily believe that Nat has a bunch of aces who have flown hundreds of hours on this plane, but it’s generally ridiculous to talk about Ukrainian pilots. It's like after driving school. If NATO pilots, they will cause a lot of problems.
    1. +6
      10 July 2024 17: 13
      Quote: NICK111
      If NATO pilots, they will cause a lot of problems.

      Of course they will. Several months ago, some American pilots were already talking about their readiness to pilot these F-16s over Ukraine. It is quite possible to expect them under the guise of "volunteers". NATO will clearly not be against acquiring real combat experience in operations against the Russian Aerospace Forces.
      1. 0
        14 July 2024 12: 56
        Quote: Montezuma
        NATO clearly will not be against acquiring real combat experience in operations against the Russian Aerospace Forces.

        Don't think. The Pentagon is already thinking about the feasibility of developing the Abrams-X, the Patriots don’t last long, all that remains is to lower the Fu-16 below the baseboard and the American military-industrial complex can trade with itself...
  4. +5
    10 July 2024 16: 44
    time will tell who will bend whom and how many times
  5. -2
    10 July 2024 16: 49
    “What”, so far everything is going to the point that “no damn thing” the dill will not receive the promised F-16s .., because no one cares about this. Well, for the Polish sofa “aces”, of course, a flag in both hands..., at least “neighing at Mona”.
  6. 0
    10 July 2024 16: 50
    """The Russians would like to use the advantage of their twin-engine aircraft in maneuverable combat, after first reducing the distance."""

    Did the Russian pilots themselves say this, or is this speculation by the Poles?
    1. -4
      10 July 2024 16: 54
      Well, the Poles are back in their repertoire - they have one engine on the F16, and we have two on all planes. So they propose to turn off one engine for our pilots, and then the Poles will show it to ours.... wassat It looks like everything will taste like garlic. laughing

      PS It’s better to turn both off..... lol
  7. +10
    10 July 2024 17: 05
    Air combat tactics are classified as secret, stored in a safe, issued against signature, and communicated in the part concerning people who have the appropriate clearance.
    And no “TV channel Zvezda” and especially no “Polish expert” will tell us what the confrontation will be like, especially since people who know this will not do this.
    1. +4
      10 July 2024 17: 07
      That’s why we joke about all these weird Polish statements.
      How else can we perceive them???
  8. HAM
    10 July 2024 17: 07
    The Poles on the sofas are really showing off...they know everything, they can do everything...they're just like the Americans, "only without the tail"...@ fool
    1. +1
      10 July 2024 17: 10
      Well.... It’s as if the Poles have eggs, but not everyone.... The Poles of that time knew how to fight during the Second World War.... And really. Moreover, even during the Warsaw Uprising, knowing that they would be killed....

      PS This is another question: why did they blame us for the failure of their uprising...
      1. +4
        10 July 2024 18: 18
        Quote: Nexcom
        PS This is another question: why did they blame us for the failure of their uprising...

        Who else should the Polish government in exile in Britain blame?
        1. +3
          10 July 2024 18: 22
          For example, the same Britons who, according to the Poles, promised to support them with a parachute landing and weapons with ammunition, for which the Poles sacrificed a lot of their own, holding the captured airfield, but the Britons abandoned them and the Poles, having suffered significant losses, were forced to retreat. It was later that our people were accused of standing on the other side of the Vistula and watching Polish patriots wash themselves with their own blood.....
          Russophobia....They pinned everything on us....
          1. 0
            10 July 2024 20: 54
            the same Britons who, according to the Poles, promised to support them with a parachute landing and weapons with ammunition

            Famous story. Ours did not agree to use the aircraft involved in Operation Frentik for operations in Warsaw.
            1. 0
              10 July 2024 21: 05
              More precisely, the 169th special purpose air base where these aircraft were based.
          2. 0
            11 July 2024 15: 34
            Quote: Nexcom
            For example, the same Britons who, according to the Poles, promised to support them with a parachute landing and weapons with ammunition, for which the Poles sacrificed a lot of their own, holding the captured airfield, but the Britons abandoned them and the Poles, having suffered significant losses, were forced to retreat. It was later that our people were accused of standing on the other side of the Vistula and watching Polish patriots wash themselves with their own blood.....
            Russophobia....They pinned everything on us....

            But how? How could a government that is on the wing of the British blame the British for something? Well, okay, they would have accused them, and the British, with their white hands, would board the plane and go to Warsaw - figure out who is to blame themselves on the spot.
            1. 0
              11 July 2024 15: 46
              No way. The Britons kicked out all the Polish pilots who fought in the Polish expeditionary air regiment and defended Britain from Luftwaffe and V-1 raids. No one was left there. We fought and go back to Polyandia. laughing The condom has been used. wassat The Poles are even more insulted for this... It was not politicians, but ordinary Poles, who did not give them citizenship of Britosia, they were thrown out... wassat But it doesn’t reach them - the USA and Europe will continue to use them and throw them out. And they imagined that they were being taken seriously.... Naive!
          3. 0
            11 July 2024 16: 06
            like the temporary detention center didn’t prohibit Britons from landing on their plane?
  9. +3
    10 July 2024 17: 17
    The logic is amazing))) is a heavy twin-engine aircraft more maneuverable than a light single-engine aircraft? I wonder what psheks smoke?)) he doesn’t poke like a fool)))
    1. +1
      10 July 2024 17: 21
      Poles don't smoke. they simply don’t eat - all the fat was gobbled up by the refugee Ukrainians. to the Poles - ablom, sir. laughing
    2. -7
      10 July 2024 17: 52
      I wonder what psheks smoke?)) he doesn’t poke like a fool)))

      You don’t ask the Psheks, but the Assa on the Su-30 who said that
    3. +4
      10 July 2024 20: 59
      The maneuverability of an aircraft does not depend directly on the number of engines. A heavy aircraft can be more maneuverable than a light one.
      It depends primarily on the thrust-to-weight ratio (specific load on engine power) and the specific load on the wing.
      1. 0
        10 July 2024 22: 33
        This is understandable, even simple logic says that an airplane that weighs 15 tons and one that weighs 30 tons. Who is more maneuverable? I don’t think their thrust-to-weight ratio differs much.
        1. +1
          11 July 2024 12: 52
          Almost 2 times in favor of the twin-engine. Google turned off?
          1. 0
            11 July 2024 13: 02
            Have you tried dividing by the weight of the plane?
            1. 0
              11 July 2024 15: 46
              Quote: TermNachTER
              Have you tried dividing by the weight of the plane?

              The thrust-to-weight ratio is calculated as the engine thrust per the weight of the aircraft. But in this particular case, in addition to the thrust-to-weight ratio (which is higher for the Sukhoi), there is a small nuance: the Sukhoi engines have a UVT, while the Fu 16 has maneuverability only due to aerodynamics. Well, if they delay the delivery of the Fu 16 for another six months, then there will be a chance of meeting the Su30MK2, which will have engines from the Su35S, where the advantage in thrust-to-weight ratio will be even greater
              1. 0
                11 July 2024 16: 31
                In addition to aerodynamics, there is also the specific load on the wing. In general, it’s too early to argue. It is not known which modification of the F - 16 will be supplied. It is clear that the non-block is 70/72. When we have specifics, then we’ll talk.
                1. 0
                  11 July 2024 17: 00
                  Quote: TermNachTER
                  In addition to aerodynamics, there is also the specific load on the wing. In general, it’s too early to argue. It is not known which modification of the F - 16 will be supplied. It is clear that the non-block is 70/72. When we have specifics, then we’ll talk.

                  In terms of specific wing loading, the Fu 16 was inferior to the Su-27, for a simple reason - the Su-27 and its successors create lift not only on the wing - the body of the aircraft itself creates lift. The Koreans' Fu-16 is no worse than what they are going to give to the Banderites, but the Su-30SM has their Fu-16 in all its specific loads during maneuvers.
                  I just think that the Fu16’s opponent in Ukraine will most likely be the Su35S, unless of course the Fu16 can pass the air defense cordon
  10. +2
    10 July 2024 17: 42
    this is unrealistic, since targets are detected at a distance of up to 100 km and destroyed by missiles

    Is it mutual? Or, according to the Polish expert, does it only concern our aircraft?

    Ukrainians will act carefully when working deep in the LBS

    And how, in this case, will our carriers of FABs with wings drive away Ukrainian aircraft? After all, it was precisely this task that was declared as the most important for the next child prodigies.

  11. +2
    10 July 2024 18: 01
    What's the point of listening to those who don't do anything... i.e. free fantasies.
  12. +3
    10 July 2024 18: 42
    I don’t understand the bravado of local commentators.

    The situation is very serious, for almost three years of war, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have retained aviation, including the MiG-29 and Su-27 and Su-24, and this despite the superiority of our aircraft both in quality and quantity. Now the enemy will receive aircraft that are in no way inferior to our modern aircraft, and to say that we will easily crash them is simply stupidity!!!
    1. 0
      10 July 2024 19: 00
      Dear Ratmir_Ryazan! Very correct! In continuation of what you said - an old Russian proverb - saying: "Do not boast while riding to battle, but boast while riding from battle...!"
    2. 0
      11 July 2024 12: 55
      About what has been preserved is not entirely true. More than half are knocked out. What flies is imported from Europe, assembled from non-flying ones and repaired from not quite downed ones
    3. 0
      12 July 2024 06: 45
      Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
      I don’t understand the bravado of local commentators.

      so this is the standard style and culture of “local comments”: bravado, throwing hats... if there is a sprinkling of ashes on oneself, it is only in conjunction with “it’s our rich bourgeois liberals who are to blame”...)
    4. 0
      12 July 2024 12: 38
      Now the enemy will receive machines that are in no way inferior to our modern aircraft

      Was that a bad joke? How can museum exhibits from the 20th century be better than ultra-modern dryers?
  13. 0
    10 July 2024 18: 54
    As they say: the best measure of truth is experience, especially in war... Let's wait and see, regarding the "Polish criticism" and our aviation "tactical wishes".... In battle it is always not so simple and, often, not according to plan.. ..
  14. +1
    10 July 2024 21: 04
    This is partly true. The F-16 has medium-range missiles of 100 km, what kind of maneuverable combat is that...
  15. +1
    10 July 2024 23: 05
    Don't read Polish newspapers at night! Damn specialists, super theoreticians. And in fact, nonsense is written. A theater of military operations with the most active and powerful air defense in the world, and here ignoramuses scribbled about some myths.
  16. 0
    10 July 2024 23: 25
    They want to use them both as air defense and at low altitudes to bomb them like attack aircraft. And if it’s like gaining air supremacy, then depending on whose territory. The beeches will be knocked down once or twice. In an air battle, whoever detects who faster and directs the missile helps the AWACS, but we have tension with them, and they are afraid to use it. Our missiles are longer ranged and our radars are more powerful. Much will depend on radars, AWACS, ground-based air defense and the exchange of information between them.
  17. 0
    11 July 2024 06: 15
    Quote: kroskar99
    Nexcom (Dmitry. Russia) - Tell me, what did these Poles do that was so bad that you hate them so much? Also, isn't insulting people against the rules of this site? What does the admin say about this?
    By the way - I have been reading this site every day since February 2024 and have noticed more and more rudeness. I looked through old articles from 4-5 years ago and the vast majority of current commenters were not in the comments. Now 70% are trolls.
    Understand, Russians, we are also watching you, evaluating your behavior - this is very bad. You mock other nations, think that you are better, when you are just a large, territorially backward country that everyone ignores. You masturbate with your nuclear weapons, you threaten to destroy Polish cities and kill millions of Poles.
    In the past, you killed Poles many times, occupied Poland - and boast about it.
    The last time you and Hitler attacked Poland was on September 17, 1939.
    Until recently, I was pro-Russian and defended Russians many times in discussions.
    This past.
    I became indifferent to Russia and Russians.
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    I am never Russian or Russian, but I agree about the Poles. They say that there are no bad nations, but only bad people. That’s exactly how it is with the Poles - they are a wonderful people, but unfortunately the percentage of outright crap in this wonderful people is too high. Even higher than among the Ukrainian people.
  18. 0
    11 July 2024 07: 01
    Video of the battle - without comments, nothing is clear to a person who is not on topic, except that the plane is flying and performing maneuvers.
  19. -3
    11 July 2024 08: 05
    It's time to start moving my uniform from the garage to the cellar. I imagined myself running naked from my bed into the cold of the dungeon during a bombing raid at night. With the advent of the F16, i.e. new air threats, everything needs to be foreseen - keep documents on hand and increase the food supply in the cellar.
    1. 0
      12 July 2024 12: 35
      How much do they pay for such comments? You were right about the robe. Prison? Time to put it next to the bed
  20. 0
    11 July 2024 13: 27
    In such cases, I remember pilot Kharchevsky, the former head of the Lipetsk combat training center.
    pilots who flew all over the world and did not lose a single (!!!!) combat training battle.
    If the Poles want to fight, then please, but who will stand up for her then? soldier
    1. +1
      11 July 2024 14: 40
      And what about Kharchevsky? “Training” combat is also “training” in Africa.... We’ll wait and see... In “foreign countries”, too, there are great pilots, new tactical techniques of air combat, which they try not to demonstrate, even to “friends” i.e. for “internal use”, something like our chipboard....
      1. 0
        12 July 2024 12: 33
        Where will “cool pilots from abroad” come from in 404? “We need such a cow ourselves.” And they’re not fools, these “cool pilots”; they don’t want to risk their lives in vain - that’s why they’re “cool”
  21. 0
    11 July 2024 16: 53
    Poles feel best in the cold, in Siberia, for example, and they make quite good Siberian patriots, sometimes even writers.
    Let us wish all Poles to take the path of correction.
  22. -1
    11 July 2024 19: 33
    It doesn't matter who said it. Poles, Germans or Jews. The fact remains that the F-16 is far from a gift for our Aerospace Forces. You can joke about it for a long time, but this is not a MiG29 from a shaggy year of production, in fact, without modern avionics and radar, which used to fly in Ukraine and which ours shot down without much difficulty. You can fight for a long time, but you cannot underestimate the enemy.
    1. 0
      12 July 2024 12: 30
      I read it and laughed for a long time. Our pilots are looking forward to the F-16. Just a gift for training in detecting low-maneuverable air targets and missile firing.
      And considering the rubbish that will come to 404...
  23. +1
    12 July 2024 00: 05
    Only one term is suitable here: the war will show the plan. Or, if you want: wait and see
  24. +1
    12 July 2024 05: 59
    Well, it’s not for the Poles to decide what tactics to choose for our pilots.
    1. 0
      12 July 2024 08: 30
      It’s clear that it’s not up to the Poles to decide...

      But, excuse me, the Stars are making noise on the air - it’s from the opera that everything is fine with the beautiful marquises...

      If there is any strategy for action against the F-16, then no one will tell it.

      And such reports only show that Shoigu’s former department continues to treat the people of Russia as fools who can be sold any bullshit... Remember how much Moscow was alive in these fables, which in fact had long been at rest...

      As Belousov said, you can make mistakes, but you can’t lie... Apparently, they didn’t hear him... Or, as usual in our leadership, these were just beautiful words, and not a guide to action...

      It’s a pity that Konashenkoism in our army cannot be eradicated
      1. 0
        12 July 2024 09: 15
        So people want to hear such fables.
        Listen to some TV presenters, we have already won, we are at La Manche. Everything is fine with us, prosperity is off the charts, you can get loans at 29 percent per annum, prices are soaring. The goods are all Chinese with quality for Africans.
      2. 0
        12 July 2024 11: 28
        such reports only show that Shoigu’s former department continues to treat the people of Russia as fools who can be sold any bullshit... Remember how much Moscow was alive in these fables, which in fact had long been at the bottom.

        Excuse me, what day is Moscow on?
  25. 0
    12 July 2024 08: 49
    [at least some of them were experienced foreign pilots - Are they experienced?
  26. -1
    12 July 2024 09: 10
    I once worked with the Poles and the Dutch. I advised the Dutch to learn Russian when we capture them, they won't be able to do without it. And the Poles will become one of the indigenous peoples of Siberia.
  27. +1
    12 July 2024 10: 48
    Hi I'm from Poland me and my friends are always for Russia during the war Russian soldiers rescued my grandfather from the fascists not all Poles are enemies of Russia many Poles want to fight for Russia
  28. 0
    12 July 2024 11: 19
    Poles are Russophobes at the genetic level. I came across it. Not all. But a certain touch of arrogance is simply felt by the skin. As for the planes... the fate will be the same as that of the Abrams and Leopards. They will announce a prize for each birdie - and off it goes...
  29. +1
    12 July 2024 12: 26
    There is some stupidity in this article (on VO). The author didn't even sign up. Out of shame, perhaps? On the Northern Military District front, our fighters do not engage in close combat at all. When F-16s appear in the air, they will be detected by the radars of the aircraft long before the radars of the Falcons themselves see anything, and will be hit by missiles that, for the Falcon pilots, will arrive from somewhere unknown.
    The only chance for F-16 pilots is to fly at low altitude with intense maneuvering, and work from ambushes at low altitude near the landing zone. But this requires highly qualified pilots, and where do the 404 get them from?
  30. The comment was deleted.
  31. 0
    12 July 2024 14: 09
    Quote: futurohunter
    There is some stupidity in this article (on VO). The author didn't even sign up. Out of shame, perhaps? On the Northern Military District front, our fighters do not engage in close combat at all. When F-16s appear in the air, they will be detected by the radars of the aircraft long before the radars of the Falcons themselves see anything, and will be hit by missiles that, for the Falcon pilots, will arrive from somewhere unknown.
    The only chance for F-16 pilots is to fly at low altitude with intense maneuvering, and work from ambushes at low altitude near the landing zone. But this requires highly qualified pilots, and where do the 404 get them from?

    There will be no air battles there, only StormShadow-type missiles will be launched from afar.
    A fool understands that it will not be Ukrainians at the helm.
  32. 0
    12 July 2024 15: 52
    Let's see, the main thing is not to miss! Hold on to the air, Ukrainian pilots, and we will take the helm!
  33. 0
    13 July 2024 18: 30
    I understand that Western experts compared two tactics, Western, in which an aircraft is needed to deliver a missile to a certain height and location, and supposedly Russian, in which Russians can conduct close-in air combat.
    But why can’t the Russians also practice missiles at long distances without using their maneuverability of aircraft whenever possible? But the fact that ours lacks smart, very smart, long-range missiles and other means operating at long and short distances, and if only autonomously, that’s for sure...
  34. -1
    16 July 2024 00: 30
    Typical style of empty-headed bloggers. F-16s are built in Ukraine not for air battles, not for dog dumps. They are simply convenient carriers of cruise missiles. The journalists themselves made up some nonsense about air battles and they themselves criticize it.