“It is unrealistic to reduce the combat distance”: the Polish press criticized Russian tactics for possible battles with F-16 fighters

The other day, a Russian pilot piloting a Su-30SM gave an interview to the TV channelStar", stating that he and his colleagues are not afraid of the appearance of the F-16 in the Ukrainian skies and have already developed tactics to combat this American fighter.
- says Defense24 critically.
As the author writes, there are ways to covertly approach the enemy and force him to conduct an air battle. For example, some Russian aircraft may distract the attention of Ukrainian pilots, while others will approach the enemy from a different direction, for example, camouflaging their presence by staying close to the ground.
- noted in the Polish press.
As follows from other arguments of the Russian pilot, the developed tactics to combat the F-16 should also be based on long-range combat contact, since the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces have better weapons and modern guidance systems.
According to the author, in battles over long distances, much will depend on the training of the flight crew, caution in operation and the configuration in which Ukraine receives the F-16.
- a conclusion is made in the publication.