SVR: The United States intends to seek a change of power in Georgia based on the results of parliamentary elections

SVR: The United States intends to seek a change of power in Georgia based on the results of parliamentary elections

According to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the US leadership is determined to seek a change of power in Georgia following the results of the upcoming parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for October 26.

The SVR report claims that the administration of US President Joe Biden has developed a large-scale information campaign aimed at discrediting the ruling Georgian Dream party. At the same time, the basis of the propaganda campaign is supposed to include allegations that Russia is allegedly to blame for all of Georgia’s troubles.

A key role in Washington’s plan should be played by the current Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who is expected to give an interview to the American press in which she will blame the country’s parliament for the “degradation” of negotiations on Georgia’s accession to the European Union, and will also warn about the “catastrophic consequences of rapprochement with Moscow".

The Russian intelligence agency also emphasizes that American curators have already given the command to the opposition Georgian political forces to begin planning the organization of mass protests in the country.

Earlier, the EU Ambassador to Georgia said that the intentions of the current government of this country remain unclear to European leaders, according to whom, the law on transparency of foreign influence adopted by Tbilisi is completely incompatible with the previously declared goal of joining the European Union. The EU leadership also decided to freeze funds allocated under the European Peace Fund to support the Georgian armed forces.
21 comment
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  1. +8
    9 July 2024 12: 14
    And what will Comrade Xi Jinping say to this? He has a mega-project with a Georgian port on the Black Sea. The Western PR machine is already at full blast to discredit this project.
    1. +1
      9 July 2024 12: 51
      No matter what some domestic dreamers say about persistent and original Georgians, life is much more prosaic than some people think.
      If the US has brought the entire EU and NATO countries, which Georgia is so eager to get into, under its control, then what would it cost the US to do the same to Georgia with its idolatry of "Western values". bully
      1. +4
        9 July 2024 13: 06
        According to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the US leadership is determined to achieve a change of power in Georgia based on the results of the upcoming parliamentary elections

        Well, the Stars and Stripes have become completely insolent... Previously, they used to hide behind phrases about democracy, but now - “It’s your fault that I want to eat”... Well, aren’t they insolent...??? am
        1. +3
          9 July 2024 13: 26
          A key role in Washington's plan should be played by the current Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who is expected to give an interview to the American press in which she will blame the country's parliament for the "degradation" of negotiations on Georgia's accession to the European Union

          That's why she's still in power? Maybe Dream could come up with something about impeachment)
          1. +2
            9 July 2024 13: 34
            That's why she's still in power? Maybe Dream could come up with something about impeachment)

            Well, Georgia has no luck with presidents - either Gamsakhurdia, then Saakashvili, then Zurabishvili, and there is nothing between them... Maybe they should abolish the presidency altogether...???
        2. +2
          9 July 2024 13: 35
          If only the President were there now, not Madame Zurabishvili, but Joseph Dzhugashvili, it would be a completely different song) The mattresses would still be snatched off by Mardas) And so let’s hope that the Soros will break off, like in the spring)
          1. 0
            9 July 2024 13: 37
            Who knows... Maybe it will be...
          2. 0
            9 July 2024 13: 42
            The EU also decided to freeze funds allocated under the European Peace Fund to support the Georgian armed forces.

            You won’t attack Russia and you won’t need to support your armed forces, but you’ll rock the boat and eat shish kebab - big time in... Turkey
  2. -2
    9 July 2024 12: 19
    Somehow this “Georgian Dream” has strangely suddenly become inflated, it’s lifting its paw at its owner, you know... Did you suddenly feel immortal, or did you really finally come to your senses? Why all this? Unclear..
    1. +4
      9 July 2024 12: 54
      Probably the secret is simple - there is very little Georgian money controlled by the West.
      1. +2
        9 July 2024 13: 50
        Quote: tralflot1832
        Probably the secret is simple - there is very little Georgian money controlled by the West.

        It’s absolutely true that the Georgian government has calculated how much profit there is (and will be) from the flow of global sanctioned goods through their territory into Russia belay then the Georgian Lezginka on the American flag becomes a national pastime. And they didn’t give a damn about the hegemon.
  3. +1
    9 July 2024 12: 24
    So what? Russia does not interfere in Georgia's affairs. Russians know that Armenia and Georgia are in the circle of political interests of Turkey and Iran. The US biolab is on Georgian territory, and the threat of infection of the Russian population through food and migration from Georgia is very high. Anyone who does not see this threat is a very narrow-minded person (to put it mildly). hi
  4. +2
    9 July 2024 12: 26
    The US leadership is determined to achieve a change of power in Georgia following the results of the upcoming parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for October 26.

    Well, Georgie, repetition is the mother of learning! The rake is waiting...
    and will also warn about the “catastrophic consequences of rapprochement with Moscow.”

    The dissolution of relations with Moscow caused catastrophic consequences for Georgia.
    1. 0
      9 July 2024 13: 53
      Quote: Vasyan1971
      The US leadership is determined to achieve a change of power in Georgia following the results of the upcoming parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for October 26.

      Well, Georgie, repetition is the mother of learning! The rake is waiting...
      and will also warn about the “catastrophic consequences of rapprochement with Moscow.”

      The dissolution of relations with Moscow caused catastrophic consequences for Georgia.

      Let them go their own way. If the 08.08.08 vaccination prevents them from getting sick, then good, if not, then it has expired and another vaccination is needed.
  5. +6
    9 July 2024 12: 40
    The propaganda campaign is supposed to include allegations that Russia is allegedly to blame for all of Georgia’s troubles.
    All our former “brotherly peoples”! LOOK AROUND!!! Where, to which of you, during the years of your independence, America has not stuck its very ears like a drunken sailor at the Institute of Noble Maidens? Which of you has this brought happiness to? Your leaders have grown fat on American handouts, and you have lost what you had from Russia and, for some reason, Russia is to blame. We thought that it all went without saying, we got used to it after 70 years. But they renounced Russia and the simplest things disappeared somewhere.

    Why did you all suddenly become independent, but blind, deaf and stupid?..
    The issue here is not political or economic - this is a job for a psychiatrist. Those who have not forgotten the Russian language - ask yourself two eternal Russian questions - "Who is to blame?" and "What should I do?" It is clearly not Russia that is to blame, but in order to get out of this shit, it is clearly not America that needs to be kissed in the seat...
    1. +2
      9 July 2024 14: 00
      Quote: Zoldat_A
      ask yourself two eternal Russian questions - “Who is to blame?” and "What should I do?"

      Russia has nothing to do with it (not counting Yeltsin’s. - take as much freedom as you can). The fault of the limitrophes themselves, where the people wanted lace trousels (there are so many of them now in the cemeteries of the Ruins), and the local elite of the Aborigines wanted dollars from the West. And everyone got what they wanted.
  6. -1
    9 July 2024 12: 56
    Well, since the SVR says, then I’m calm
    We won’t let the penguins and Georgians be torn to pieces
  7. +2
    9 July 2024 13: 09
    The Russian intelligence agency also emphasizes that American curators have already given the command to the opposition Georgian political forces to begin planning the organization of mass protests in the country.

    If the SVR has such data, then it should be immediately published on Georgian (and not only) Internet resources. Preferably photographs.
    And translation into Georgian and Russian.
    Georgia must know its heroes.
    Otherwise it turns out to be just reconnaissance whispering.
  8. +1
    9 July 2024 15: 25
    To co provádí fašistické USA v Gruzii, to provedli v celé Evropě, když to ještě nikdo nechápal. Takové skryté Majdany. To všechno dělají proto, aby všechny státy povinně nenáviděli Rusko, i když nemají proč. Cílem USA je porazit Rusko a udělají pro to všechno!
    1. +3
      9 July 2024 15: 26
      What the fascist USA is doing in Georgia, they did throughout Europe, when no one understood it yet. Such hidden Maidans. They do all this so that all states hate Russia, even if they have no reason for this. The goal of the United States is to defeat Russia, and they will do everything for this!
  9. 0
    10 July 2024 10: 18
    The United States intends to seek a change of power in Georgia

    So much for democracy. Before they had time to vote, they were put on the counter