Footage filmed by a resident of Kyivian makes it clear that a rocket from the Norwegian NASAMS Ukrainian Armed Forces complex could have fallen on a hospital in the Ukrainian capital.

Footage filmed by a resident of Kyivian makes it clear that a rocket from the Norwegian NASAMS Ukrainian Armed Forces complex could have fallen on a hospital in the Ukrainian capital.

Illustrative image missiles NASAMS complex

Experts are discussing the footage captured by a Kiev resident today. They appeared online as an attempt to claim that Russia had launched a missile attack on the Okhmatdyt hospital. However, it is the footage filmed by a resident of Kyiv himself that refutes the statements of the Kyiv regime that the arrival of the Russian X-101 missile took place.

So, here is a still image of a rocket that fell on one of the hospital buildings:

Any person who has any understanding of missile weapons will definitely say that it is definitely not the X-101 missile that was captured.

But the falling missile suspiciously resembles the ammunition used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the NASAMS anti-aircraft systems supplied by Norway. This is one of the modifications of the AIM-120, which has been converted into a ground-to-air version.

As Ukrainian publics write, the system Defense The Ukrainian Armed Forces operated from the Zhulyany airfield, where there were several accurate landings today. In this situation, the conclusion suggests itself that the NASAMS SAM crew, trying to repel the Russian attack on military facilities, launched several SAMs to intercept, and at least one of them, not finding a target in the air, self-destructed, heading for the ground. It is quite possible that this missile exploded while still in the air (several meters from the hospital building) and created a fragmentation field typical of SAMs. Let us recall that today the Kyivians demonstrated striking elements, which ultimately turned out to be elements of the anti-aircraft missile system.

Last year's report by Western journalists on the use of NASAMS air defense systems by the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

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  1. +21
    8 July 2024 22: 06
    We are waiting for the meeting of the UN Security Council. Kyiv's lies against the filming of an eyewitness. Interesting information has emerged from the Ukroführer's office.
    The Office of the President (OP) of Ukraine can no longer cancel meetings of the UN Security Council in connection with the attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv and will press on the version that it was caused by a Russian missile. This was reported by the Resident telegram channel with reference to a source in the OP.

    “On Bankovaya they analyzed the moment in slow motion, and it is clearly visible that this is a NASAMS air defense missile. Andrey Ermak (head of the OP) is very angry about the publication of a video with the moment of a missile strike, which will be used by Russia against us tomorrow and ruins the entire emotional campaign of Ukraine before the NATO summit,” writes TK.
    The Telegram channel also conducted its “final analysis” of the attack on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital “based on technical characteristics.” According to his conclusions, it could not possibly be a Russian Kh-101 missile. It is also noted that if the X-101 had hit, there would have been nothing left from Okhmatdyt, and the casualties would have numbered in the hundreds, “but it is important for propaganda to escalate the situation before the NATO summit.”

    In addition, TK reports, citing a source in the OP, the president’s office urgently contacted lobbyists so that they would stop investigations in the Western media about the missile attack on Okhmatdyt.

    “Bankovaya is afraid of publications with video analysis and comparative analysis, which will prove that Ukrainian air defense hit a children’s hospital and will not allow launching an emotional campaign before the NATO summit,” the source said.
    1. -35
      8 July 2024 22: 26
      The article contains a screenshot from the compressed video. The high-resolution screenshot shows a turbojet engine sticking out under the rocket's tail.

      1. +31
        8 July 2024 22: 37
        The X-101 has a head of 400 kg. So that what remains of that hospital there...
        1. -12
          8 July 2024 23: 00
          You don’t remember how a three-ton bomb exploded next to the building, and the building stood.
          1. +1
            12 July 2024 17: 19
            Only you forgot about the end of the building and the nearby buildings, which are simply awesome!!! wink wink wink
        2. +19
          9 July 2024 02: 42
          The X-101 has a head of 400 kg. So that what remains of that hospital there...

          Why do we keep making excuses for them... As if they didn’t destroy enough hospitals and churches from the same Khymers in the Donbass, and now they are destroying civilian life on our territory...
          Boomerang has not been canceled yet!!! am
          1. +2
            11 July 2024 16: 24
            Why do we keep making excuses for them... As if they didn’t destroy enough hospitals and churches from the same Hymers in the Donbass

            But really, what's the point of making excuses? Look how many countries the Americans have brought their democracy to and nothing. And it’s useless to prove anything here, even if, when zoomed in, you can see the number and flag of the state whose rocket it will still be Russian.
        3. The comment was deleted.
      2. +38
        8 July 2024 22: 37
        I wrote on the next thread that the X-101 has a ratio of rocket length to rocket diameter of 1/10.
        How much is this?
        So this is not an X-101, but rather an AIM-120.
        1. -23
          9 July 2024 01: 02
          The AIM-120 does not have a propulsion engine, which is clearly visible in the frame (and this is mainly only found in cruise missiles). For air defense missiles, an external propulsion engine is not needed. Plus, the AIM-120 has a round shape and a pointed nose. And here in the frame the nose is blunted, and the shape is clearly not round. Plus you can see the trace from the operation of the main engine. Yes, and a whistle when falling. The proportions can be debated for a long time, but this is definitely a cruise missile. Now you can only think which one
          1. +3
            9 July 2024 08: 23
            Nothing obvious is visible. More like a shaded stabilizer
            1. +3
              9 July 2024 08: 32
              The main engine on the X-101 is located significantly ahead of the planes of the rear rudder and stabilizer
            2. -6
              9 July 2024 12: 56
              Yes, you can even clearly see the rounded shapes of the engine, what are you talking about? What shaded stabilizer? Look at the original quality and not at the picture here in the article, which has been clicked 3 times. Everything is visible there. And this is definitely not a stabilizer
              1. 0
                9 July 2024 17: 32
                Post a photo where you can see everything clearly and a link to the original, then we’ll talk. And so it is clear enough from the article.
                1. +2
                  9 July 2024 17: 47
                  Here is a link to the Ukrainian public, more precisely to the message with the video. Ours keep posting the compressed video.
                  Here is a screenshot of a still frame
                  1. +3
                    9 July 2024 18: 37
                    Well, this is definitely not the X-101. And the blurriness from below at the back is generally unclear, but at a quick glance it seemed that the blurriness of the rocket and this formation were different
                    1. -2
                      9 July 2024 21: 35
                      And for me, the angular shape with a rounded head is clearly visible. The engine stands out at the back, and the wings are in the center. For me, all the necessary elements are in place. It is much less similar to other missiles. For this reason, I take the X-101 as the basic version. If anyone has a good explanation for this shot, go ahead. But for now it's like that
                    2. +1
                      10 July 2024 13: 33
                      Illustrative image of a NASAMS rocket from the beginning of the article. Blur the image of a rocket and get a result similar to a rocket from a freeze frame
                  2. +1
                    10 July 2024 15: 45
                    Quote: vargo
                    Here is a screenshot of a still frame

                    There are no screenshots with this quality in this video.
                    The first frame is a screenshot from a video downloaded from ukroTelegramchik with a resolution of 720x1280, as is, without processing.
                    The second is a comparison of screenshots. On the left is a screenshot of the video. On the right is a Ukrainian screenshot, interestingly, measuring 489x863, although this fragment should have a size of 200x352. The pictures are certainly very similar, but the one on the right has clearly been modified with a file. Which seems to hint at some kind of interest of those who did this.
                    The third is a fragment relative to the whole frame.
                    1. -1
                      11 July 2024 13: 49
                      The pictures are certainly very similar, but the one on the right has clearly been modified with a file. Which seems to hint at a certain interest of those who did this.
                      This can happen without human intervention. Different software has different video codecs, with different filters to suppress compression artifacts. All the characteristic features (wings, engine) by which the type of rocket is identified are in place, both here and there.
                      1. 0
                        11 July 2024 14: 15
                        Quote: Commissar Kitten
                        Different software has different video codecs, with different filters to suppress compression artifacts

                        Exactly, how did I forget about the software. In fact, the movies have shown many times how a picture from a surveillance camera is zoomed in, processed with special software, and the number of the attackers’ car, reflected in the victim’s glasses, becomes visible.
                        If anything, here is a pixel-by-pixel image of that same rocket from a screenshot from the uncompressed video. The size of the picture is only 62x34 pixels, but if you look under a magnifying glass, then, if you wish, you can see not only the inscription “To the children’s hospital,” but even the inventory number. And if you process it with special software, then, perhaps, the villainous fingerprints will appear... you know who.
                      2. -1
                        11 July 2024 14: 35
                        I don’t know why you made a clownery out of this. One picture has more compression artifacts, but more clarity. The other has less clarity, but fewer artifacts. A common compromise solution that is done slightly differently by different software developers, and therefore the result looks a little different. There are no new details that appear in one picture and not in another.
                      3. 0
                        11 July 2024 15: 44
                        Quote: Commissar Kitten
                        In one picture... In another

                        I see that it’s not clear... OK, I’ll explain.
                        The original, uncompressed video from UkroTelezhenka has a resolution of 720x1280 pixels. The rocket in this video fits into a 62x34 pixel rectangle. With such initial data, there can be no clarity and no details. Fundamentally. And no software will help here, since the details are comparable or even smaller than random artifacts.
                        But the picture in which the details are clearly visible is a fragment that for some reason someone greatly enlarged and modified in a graphics editor. Exactly like in a Hollywood movie, when after the command: “Zoom in,” the villain’s face with all the special features is formed from six pixels.
                        Hence the moral: it is not possible to determine from this video what kind of crap was there. In any case, this is exactly the verdict that would be rendered in any sane court, satisfying the petition to exclude the presented video from evidence. Not to mention, no one knows where this video came from...
                      4. 0
                        12 July 2024 01: 11
                        Quote from: nik-mazur
                        But the picture in which the details are clearly visible is a fragment that for some reason someone greatly enlarged and modified in a graphics editor.

                        I posted a picture below that I took with my own hands. I expanded the video player window and took a screenshot, which I did not modify in any way. And all the same details are visible there.
                      5. +1
                        12 July 2024 10: 50
                        Quote: Commissar Kitten
                        stretched out the video player window and took a screenshot... all the same details are visible there.

                        Once again (for the third time, it seems): all the details of the rocket fit into a rectangle measuring 64x32 pixels. Everything beyond this is interpolation, that is, thinking out something that was not in the original image.
                        What follows is a matter of interpretation, which in this case depends almost entirely on faith...
                      6. -1
                        12 July 2024 12: 46
                        A digital image is basically impossible to see without interpolation. What you are proposing as a "true" checkerboard image is zero order interpolation, aka nearest neighbor interpolation, which is the same guesswork that is neither "true" nor the most mathematically accurate (in the sense of signal-to-noise ratio) by reconstructing the signal from its discrete samples. Zero-order interpolation has only two advantages - it does not require large computational resources and it is easily understood by people who know nothing about the theory of digital signal processing.
                      7. The comment was deleted.
                      8. +1
                        12 July 2024 16: 20
                        Quote: Commissar Kitten
                        What you are proposing as a "true" checkerboard image is a zero order interpolation

                        What I am offering is the theoretical maximum of information obtained from the matrix. That is, the image of the entire rocket consists of approximately 600 pixels. Anything beyond this is from the evil one.
                        Just for fun, the picture below shows the F-16, F-15, F-18 and Su-27. Good luck with the interpolation...
                      9. -2
                        12 July 2024 17: 03
                        Quote from: nik-mazur
                        Anything beyond this is from the evil one.
                        Well, patriotic commentators have already reached the point of declaring mathematics a tool of the devil. Next, apparently, will be burning at the stake for asserting the sphericity of the Earth
                      10. +1
                        12 July 2024 17: 55
                        Quote: Commissar Kitten
                        before mathematics was declared a tool of the devil

                        You are rudely distorting – it is not the mathematics that is coming from the evil one, but attempts to establish and impose the ultimate truth from a 600 pixel picture.
                      11. -2
                        12 July 2024 18: 26
                        No. No one is imposing anything on you and no one can impose anything on you. You can believe in anything and name any number of pixels that will be enough for you to consider the picture to be the ultimate truth. I was arguing exclusively with your statement that the image of the rocket given in the comments was obtained using methods that are manipulative and biased.
                      12. 0
                        12 July 2024 19: 09
                        Quote: Commissar Kitten
                        I was arguing exclusively with your statement that the image of the rocket given in the comments was obtained using methods that are manipulative and biased

                        Quote: Commissar Kitten
                        You can believe in anything
                      13. -1
                        12 July 2024 20: 27
                        Not all things are a matter of belief or disbelief. Some are a matter of knowing or not knowing. Issues related to digital signal processing are the subject of education within the relevant engineering discipline.
                      14. 0
                        16 July 2024 18: 34
                        All characteristic features (wings, engine)
                        You are contradicting yourself again!!! Earlier you posted a diagram of the X-101 and it is clearly visible that when the engine is extended, the “back of the rocket” is cone-shaped!!! Moreover, the engine is parallel to the rocket!!! On the screenshot you can’t see a cone and the engine is at an angle!!!
          2. +1
            11 July 2024 11: 05
            Could they? Ukrainians attach a simulator of a cruise engine to pass it off as an X-101? I think they could have done it and combined it with the X-101 strikes.

            Let's think logically.
            Who benefits from the NATO forum? It’s obvious that Zele and Co. are now running around with this Akhmatdet (what a strange name) now like with a written bag. This option is understandable - it is to their advantage that they somehow concocted a missile similar to ours, most likely from Nasams.

            Now let's take the second option: that it was ours who did it.
            1. Miss - well, in theory, maybe they jam them there too
            2. On purpose - and now let's think about who could benefit from this? It is obvious that some party is at war. But if we have it, it’s very hidden, because the overwhelming majority of the elite want peace, they want an agreement, they want to go to the Cote d’Azur and are generally shocked by everything that is happening. Could it be that we have a hidden war party that decided to escalate and escalate so dirty in a hospital and not, say, in a bridge in Kyiv? In theory, of course it can be.
            3. Traitors working for English intelligence are also an option after all.

            Overall, I still think that these are Brits and Ukrainians they started it because there is no direct benefit for Russia from this. The option with a coincidence - well, it's still nonsense, because it was specifically to a children's hospital right before the NATO summit... nooo. The option with Russian benefit may exist, but it's too dark because I can't find anyone in our country who really doesn't want to negotiate and wants to fight to the last Ukrainian/Russian, etc.

            There is also a completely Orwellian theory, well, just like him. Oceania and Vestasia (or whatever they are) are being formalized, and for their final formalization, the war must be a long, tough, constant one, and then it will be beneficial to both sides. It’s just that modern Russia is not at all like Vestasia.
        2. +12
          9 July 2024 06: 22
          You forgot to mention that the X-101 is 7.45 meters long. That is, in the frame under discussion, it should be almost two floors of the building into which it flies. And the appropriate thickness (400 kg of explosives must fit somewhere).
          In the frame there is a “pipe”, comparable in length to one floor of the building. The standard window opening of a residential building is 140 cm high. In the hospital it may be a little more, but not 2-3 times. Let it be 180 cm. The elements on the roof correspond to these dimensions. The vertical distance between windows is slightly less than the height of the window opening. In total, we have a height of one floor of ~3.2 meters. The rocket in the frame is slightly longer, ~3.5-3.6 meters long.
          How long is the AIM-120?.. 3.66 meters...
          1. -3
            9 July 2024 13: 02
            Do you know what "perspective" and scale are? The rocket is coming at an angle, the distance from the building is not completely known to you. You can bring the size of windows to standards as much as you like, but if you don’t know them, then it’s all a fork in the water. Same guesses. Here is a screenshot of the rocket in this video with the building next to it. And it’s clear that it fits your two floors, considering that it’s flying behind the building and flying diagonally. All.
            1. -1
              9 July 2024 21: 28
              She is not in Ukraine at all. This is a 2000 km long spaceship flying past the Earth. Just perspective... And line of sight overlay
              1. 0
                9 July 2024 21: 36
                When there is nothing more to say, of course, let's humor) Otherwise, keep quiet, there is no texture.
                1. +1
                  9 July 2024 22: 00
                  I'm learning from you. Please note that I was not the first to talk about perspective...
                  (Yes, yes... Briefly and all that...)
                  1. -2
                    9 July 2024 22: 07
                    Well, you got what you wanted. Will you have any arguments now? You took it for show. Now answer yourself or are you silent?
                    And it’s stupid to joke about the future. I brought you a frame where your mathematics is not worth a penny.
                    1. +1
                      10 July 2024 09: 24
                      Well, you got what you wanted. Will you have any arguments now?
                      The elementary measurements in the “correct” photo you provided fully confirm what I said above: the rocket is slightly larger than one floor.
                      Considering that this is Ukraine, and not India, Papua New Guinea or Extraterrestrial Civilization, SNiPs there, if they differ from ours, are only in the Ukrainian language and the year of approval. Everywhere in the vast expanses of the USSR they build according to the same standards. This means a standard floor up to 3.5 m (including ceilings), standard windows, direct quote: “can be 60; 90; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm, and width - 60; 90; 100; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm", etc.
                      You should at least study the issue with one eye.
                      As for the perspective: in the photo in the article, the rocket is approaching and illuminated by the sun. In the “correct” photo you provided, it is close to the wall and in the shadow of it. This means forget about the perspective that doubles the size of the rocket.
                      If it were X-101, it would be a little more than 2 floors in size - 7.5 meters.
                      Stop mindlessly repeating the manual.
                2. +1
                  10 July 2024 10: 52
                  I really wanted to add my “five cents” to understand the moment.
                  The question is, why do you actually have such an urgent need to publicly establish what has arrived? Will this change anything? And one more thing, if you still haven't understood - there is a war going on (whatever it's called), the same war that has its own laws, different from the generally accepted ones, in which people are not killed, but enemies are destroyed, in which the main priority is to inflict the greatest damage to the enemy with the least losses. And it's a pity that our leadership is wasting resources on all sorts of secondary goals, instead of turning all the border railway and automobile crossing points of the state border in Ukraine into a lunar landscape and smashing the port infrastructure of the Black Sea and Danube ports to dust.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. -8
        8 July 2024 22: 45
        I think experts will draw a lot of conclusions from here
      5. +14
        8 July 2024 23: 09
        Someone made a comparison
        1. -15
          8 July 2024 23: 12
          Yes, that’s why the one who made this comparison didn’t bother to clarify what kind of stray thing is under the rear stabilizer?
          1. +26
            9 July 2024 00: 29
            These are all posted screenshots from a photoshop competition. am

            The only credible argument is that the X-101 would have left a pile of rubble from the hospital building. But the fact is that there are no fatalities, and the hull is showered with destructive elements of anti-missile defense, naturally of non-Ukrainian production. am
            1. -10
              9 July 2024 01: 05
              X-101 would have left a pile of rubble from the hospital building

              The question is where exactly the missile hit. Directly to the hospital or nearby or to the region? Look, 3000 factories are dropped next to buildings and they stand there and don’t fold up. And here is 400kg... The issue of hit quality is always important.
              1. 0
                9 July 2024 09: 07
                There is a hospital of half a dozen buildings. Judging by the video, they ended up in building number 3.
                1. 0
                  9 July 2024 12: 53
                  Yes, I also checked it using the maps and the video. We ended up in an old Soviet building. Its corner was turned, but due to the fact that the walls of such buildings are much stronger than the current ones, it survived
                  1. -4
                    9 July 2024 14: 45
                    Zakharova stated that they came to Okhmatdyt because it stands next to the Artem military plant. Give this fool a card, next to Artem there is a children's clinic Dobrobut.
              2. 0
                9 July 2024 12: 52
                Factory 3000 has a zone of total destruction of 35 meters
                1. +1
                  9 July 2024 12: 55
                  And then what?) There are videos of how it hits and what destruction it creates. You can compare. Numbers won’t prove anything here if there is an invoice
                  1. 0
                    9 July 2024 17: 21
                    I'm talking about something else. If the epicenter of the explosion had been closer to the building, then the mechanics of destruction would have been different, simply colossal, sometimes exceeding, so to speak, the passport zone of total destruction, but as it is, destruction is only by the shock wave, although even two hundred meters from the explosion a person would feel very unwell
                    1. 0
                      9 July 2024 17: 37
                      Ah, I agree with this. The point of explosion and the characteristics of the building can greatly influence the outcome.
            2. -4
              9 July 2024 06: 04
              So I’m reading and thinking. And okay, if we hit a hospital. Well, by accident. Our civilians get hit and children die.. Guys, there’s a war going on. And there’s nothing to chew on snot here. We were appointed as bad guys, so we’ll be them .. am
              1. +1
                10 July 2024 13: 20
                I agree. We need to chew and justify ourselves less. Because of such chewing we ALREADY allowed the mobilization of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. If we have decided to fight, then let's fight, and not wag our tails in front of our "esteemed partners". Israel is sending everyone and everything. It needs to demolish a block or two - and it's as easy as pie. The US burned Hanoi at the end of the Vietnam War - for the sake of "a more convenient position in negotiations".
                and only our galley man is making a sanctimony out of himself.
            3. +7
              9 July 2024 06: 42
              It is also worth discussing whether the X-101 has a warhead equipped with destructive elements in cubes? Considering that this is a strategic missile defense system for hitting particularly important targets, and not missile defense systems.
            4. 0
              10 July 2024 11: 12
              I agree with you. If the Kh-101 had been torn there, the result would have been disastrous, but here I have a thought that has been creeping in for a long time: the Kh-101 has a range of 5500 km, Ukraine had 1300 km from east to west in pre-SVO times, and now it is even less. But don't our Kh-101s fly with a charge larger than in the basic version - about 600-800 kilograms instead of 450 kg. Less fuel is needed. Then there should be no talk at all about the Kh-101 hitting
          2. -1
            9 July 2024 05: 10
            what is this thing under the rear stabilizer?
            - unpainted neutron reflector.
          3. 0
            10 July 2024 07: 40
            A piece of rocket casing that has come off
          4. +1
            13 July 2024 11: 46
            Yes, even under the front one, it doesn't fit on the X 101 at all. Look at the photo of the kr and aim 120. It's aim 120 for sure. The Ukrainian state has been based on lies, its entire history. I remember when the carcass of the 154 was shot down near Crimea. So there, it wasn't us, then they admitted it, but they didn't pay a penny to the citizens of the Russian Federation. Only the Israelis got what they got.
        2. 0
          10 July 2024 20: 07
          Quote: Argon
          Someone made a comparison

          With this resolution you can see anything. Well, or whatever you want.
          If you fit it into the original frame, then it’s quite a NASSAM missile. And even with some kind of crap from behind and below. And by the way, no Photoshop, except for resizing and a little color-contrast...
      6. -6
        8 July 2024 23: 10
        Well, the video is of lesser quality
      7. +6
        8 July 2024 23: 46
        Quote: Commissar Kitten
        The high-resolution screenshot shows a turbojet engine sticking out under the rocket's tail.

        This screenshot is very dubious. In low quality it’s still okay, but in good resolution - where’s the blur? You need to know how to Photoshop fast-moving objects.
        1. -8
          9 July 2024 00: 54
          Lubrication is the result of not only the speed of movement, but also the holding time. Which decreases dramatically on a clear sunny day.
      8. +8
        9 July 2024 00: 58
        Of course, I apologize wildly, but you contradict yourself!!! What kind of Kh-101 missile is it, cruise??? Where are the wings of the rocket in the screenshot??? wink wink wink
        1. -10
          9 July 2024 02: 23
          In lateral projection they do not protrude far beyond the silhouette of the rocket.
          1. 0
            12 July 2024 17: 29
            But for some reason they don’t “stand out” much winked winked winked Moreover, the front wings look more like splitters, and not like wings!!!
      9. +18
        9 July 2024 02: 01
        Quote: Commissar Kitten
        The article contains a screenshot from the compressed video. The high-resolution screenshot shows a turbojet engine sticking out under the rocket's tail.

        Firstly, as they say: “The prize is in the studio!” Where is the link to the non-compressed video?
        Secondly, where is the “turbojet engine that sticks out under the tail of the rocket”?
        You can dream about anything. Especially under the mushrooms, cacti and bushes of the Erythróxylum coca plant...
      10. +3
        9 July 2024 05: 31
        Look at what the X-101 arrivals look like and compare with what arrived at the hospital. As they say, find 5 differences.
      11. +3
        9 July 2024 06: 35
        Stop torturing the birds. Why do you hate them so much? It is high time to equate pulling an owl onto a globe, even if it is the globe of Ukraine, with the genocide of very useful and innocent birds.
        Where are the green ecologists? Where is “saint” Gretta looking?
      12. +3
        9 July 2024 07: 13
        Well, where did you see the sustainer turbojet engine?
      13. +5
        9 July 2024 08: 50
        Only you didn't take something into account. Wing shape. On the X-101 they are wide open. And in the photo the wings are small. So this is not the X-101. And the shape of the nose of the X-101 rocket is rounded, but in the photo it is pointed, like on the AIM-120, which are used in the NASAMS air defense system
        1. 0
          13 July 2024 11: 51
          Why are you throwing pearls before the pigs? It is clear to the specialists and anyone with a brain that this is an aim 120. The pots will shit themselves to the last. The Russians shot Kyiv with 300. This is a country called Through the Looking Glass.
      14. 0
        10 July 2024 11: 54
        and downvoted... go crazy! the picture is not a picture at all, it’s all God’s dew...

        Any person who has any understanding of missile weapons will definitely say that it is definitely not the X-101 missile that was captured.

        I don’t know what got into it, but it’s obvious that at VO, patriotism massively wins over common sense.
        1. 0
          10 July 2024 11: 56
          how to insert a picture here? the link x-101 is quite obvious

          1. 0
            10 July 2024 12: 11
            maybe the damage is not the same, maybe it’s a fake, but to say that the picture is not a picture is completely stupid.
      15. 0
        6 August 2024 13: 36
        Well, was it x 101? Was it just a smaller explosion? only if screenshots from the “uncompressed video” are sent to image analyzers, they will show that this is Photoshop, and, in the end, such a missile as they drew is stupidly not in service.

        The neural network scientists were unable to bear the grief in normal proportions.

        The shamers fired their own air defense missiles and tried to stir up a scandal from every angle.
    2. +19
      8 July 2024 22: 27
      Quote: Montezuma
      Kyiv's lies against the filming of an eyewitness. Interesting information has emerged from the Ukroführer's office.

      The boys, as always, ran ahead of the mare! winked Now at the UN Security Council they will show and shake their crap-stained trousers, like Poroshenko and Zelensky, passports and the wreckage of a bus.
      1. +13
        8 July 2024 22: 32
        I'm afraid that there will be few wrecks of the bus. The “choice of the wise fraternal people” will have to shake his circumcised one (what he played on the piano) and squeal that it was the “cursed occupiers” who cut him off with a “Dagger”.
        1. +6
          8 July 2024 22: 37
          Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
          I'm afraid that there will be few wrecks of the bus. The “choice of the wise fraternal people” will have to shake his circumcised one (what he played on the piano) and squeal that it was the “cursed occupiers” who cut him off with a “Dagger”.

          Yes, we cut him off, because Zelensky is an idiot! am
          1. +1
            9 July 2024 05: 14
            Well, Ukrainians are being fed this kind of information.
            Germany is ready to accept sick Ukrainian children from Okhmatdyt in its hospitals. This was announced by German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach.
            Lauterbach had a telephone conversation with the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, Viktor Lyashko. According to the German minister, in a conversation with Lyashko, he assured that Germany “will accept sick children who need it at any time.”
            Cynical Russian attack on Kyiv: Borrell called for air defense to Ukraine
            Germany's health minister said the rescue flight would take off on Wednesday. We are probably talking about July 10, but the head of the Ministry of Health did not name a specific date.
            Lauterbach added:
            Putin once again showed that he is a war criminal by shelling a children's hospital

            And then some footage appears that no one expected. wassat And even a bus, even fragments of a wall, you can’t argue against the facts.
      2. NKT
        8 July 2024 22: 54
        Oxalis will switch to French again from anger and stupidity
        1. +3
          8 July 2024 22: 57
          Quote: NKT
          Oxalis will switch to French again from anger and stupidity

          What kind of perennial shrub is this? what
          1. NKT
            8 July 2024 22: 58
            Ambassador of Ukraine to the UN)
            .................................................. ..
            1. +4
              8 July 2024 23: 00
              Quote: NKT
              Ambassador of Ukraine to the UN)
              .................................................. ..

              Clear. hi So it's annual Yes
    3. +4
      8 July 2024 23: 50
      Quote: Montezuma
      We are waiting for the meeting of the UN Security Council. Kyiv's lies against the filming of an eyewitness. Interesting information has emerged from the Ukroführer's office.

      One last addition to my comment. Ze's office hastily changes the agenda of the Security Council meeting because of the mentioned video recording.
      “Our source in the OP said that the president’s office urgently changed the agenda of the UN Security Council meeting, now the hospital will be one of the tracks, and the main emphasis will be on the number of deaths throughout Ukraine. Bankovaya understands that the video of the NASAMS air defense missile attack on Okhmatdyt will be used by Russian diplomats against Ukraine, which is why this issue will not be actively promoted,” writes TC “Resident”
    4. 0
      10 July 2024 13: 53
      Resident is a TG channel run by the FSB.
      Google it. More from 2021
  2. +18
    8 July 2024 22: 08
    Experts are discussing the footage captured by a Kiev resident today.

    What's the point? They will declare them to be Mosfilm's machinations and brand them child killers. Then, after six months, it will become clear that they themselves are to blame, but it will be too late - the idea that Russians are evil killers will be ingrained in the brains of Westerners. For the first time, or what?
    1. +15
      8 July 2024 22: 14
      Quote: Vasyan1971
      branded child killers

      despite the fact that not a single child died or was hospitalized. But why doesn’t the Security Council meet every day about every child who died on our side?
      1. +16
        8 July 2024 22: 39
        Quote from alexoff
        But why doesn’t the Security Council meet every day about every child who died on our side?

        Because this structure has long served only one side. Where is the UN located? That's right, in the USA.
        1. +2
          8 July 2024 22: 40
          The UN does not serve anyone because it decides absolutely nothing. And we have the right to assemble the Security Council every day.
          1. +9
            8 July 2024 22: 51
            Quote from alexoff
            The UN doesn't serve anyone

            Oh, I won’t even talk about the fact that instead of opposing US-led aggression, key UN representatives support it, not condemning something about which no one should be silent.
            1. +1
              8 July 2024 23: 03
              The United States is supported by very specific countries, and it is our legal right to organize a showdown there. Or do you think that our representatives there should receive a lot of money and remain silent?
  3. The comment was deleted.
    1. +12
      8 July 2024 22: 19
      Quote: Pashka Kolokolnikov
      About the same thing that happened on the beach in Sevas. These are the consequences of missile interceptions.

      Not the same at all. Ze’s office has repeatedly stated the desirability of disrupting the summer holiday season in Crimea, and also declared the population of Crimea “civilian occupiers.” Here is what Mikhail Podolyak said about this after the missile strike on the beach:
      Advisor to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Mikhail Podolyak, said that in Crimea “there are no and cannot” be beaches, tourist areas and “other fictitious signs of peaceful life.” Crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse, with hundreds of direct military targets, which the Russians are cynically trying to disguise and cover with their civilians. Which, for their part, are civilian occupiers,” he wrote on Telegram.

      So the rocket with a cluster warhead exploded where the Ukronatsik intended.
  4. +17
    8 July 2024 22: 13
    What about the strikes on the Belgorod and Kursk regions? It seems in the West they blame the residents of those regions, so why should we make excuses?
    1. +7
      8 July 2024 22: 22
      Quote from alexoff
      What about the strikes on the Belgorod and Kursk regions? It seems in the West they blame the residents of those regions, so why should we make excuses?

      In the West, as always, there is one song called: “this is different...”
      1. +2
        9 July 2024 01: 06
        They are not the ones singing the song about the fact that there can be no civilians in Crimea, there are only military people there
    2. +5
      8 July 2024 22: 23
      We certainly don’t even need to make excuses, let the Norwegians justify why their missiles do not spare children’s hospitals.
    3. +7
      8 July 2024 22: 25
      I wrote a couple of days ago, as soon as we hit Kuyev, civilians will die, and it’s not even our fault - they will scream that we are terrorists and they will raise everything to their ears... and the fact that the children on the beach in Sevastopal from the CASSETTE is yours.. . untranslatable play on words, the missiles will die - everyone will sneeze.
      1. +6
        8 July 2024 22: 39
        So let them scream, as a member of the Security Council we have the right to convene an extraordinary session, why not convene every day with constant reminders?
        1. +6
          8 July 2024 22: 42
          What's the point of this UN - has it prevented at least one war? No request We are sitting in this booth only because there is a veto. Last time I was simply downvoted for such a comment laughing What are we deciding there? Nothing... but what can be solved in an organization that itself cannot do anything? laughing
          1. +4
            8 July 2024 23: 06
            At the UN there is a podium with a bunch of cameras in front of it. Nobody will forbid you to knock there with a slipper. At the same time, it will encourage the people that the rulers don’t care about us
            1. +3
              8 July 2024 23: 09
              Khrushev then hit with a shoe for a reason... so in the West they have already instilled the idea that the governor and the entire nuclear arsenal of Russia are so, well, they will shoot and let's go on watching TV series and tiktok, zhr... eat pizza like a hunchback and wash it down with Coca-Cola
              1. +2
                9 July 2024 01: 47
                No, in the West they simply noticed that even in February 2022 they drove yars along the Moscow Ring Road, but nothing arrives at the bank station, and especially nothing will arrive along them.
                1. +3
                  9 July 2024 01: 53
                  I already thought that we should put the Mxx bolt on all sorts of moratoriums and tear our 20mt monoblock somewhere on a new land for historicity, and even for example Sarmatia for demonstration and remove it from all angles... wassat
                  1. 0
                    9 July 2024 02: 18
                    It will be too much...
                    The Earth will leave orbit...
    4. +1
      8 July 2024 22: 45
      For the West and the USA, citizens of the Russian Federation are invisible, they don’t want to see, that’s all! No matter what the Ukrr does, they will be violet! So citizens of the Russian Federation are needed only by citizens of the Russian Federation and the political force of the Russian Federation, no one else!
    5. +5
      8 July 2024 23: 04
      Quote from alexoff
      What about the strikes on the Belgorod and Kursk regions?

      We've already gone through this many times. The answer is universal - you are aggressors and have no right to complain, leave the territory of Ukraine and they will not shoot at you. But the fact that it is still worth collecting SB more often is correct. Water wears away the stone.
      Quote from alexoff
      so why should we make excuses?

      There is no need to make excuses, but it is also stupid to say in the enemy’s style “you are shooting at yourself.” It’s worth saying once - unlike Maidan Ukraine, we don’t deliberately shoot at civilians, but yes, this is a war in a war, anything can happen. And in a specific case, without access to the scene of the incident, it’s still impossible to say anything objectively. And close this topic forever.
  5. +10
    8 July 2024 22: 19
    We are waiting for a hook with another pipe, where he will rub in that these are fragments of a dagger!
  6. -12
    8 July 2024 22: 19
    Everything would be fine, but one thing that confuses me is, what is this thing on the bottom of the rear stabilizer?
  7. +4
    8 July 2024 22: 20
    On the wall of the hospital you can see traces of shrapnel, which is usually used to equip the warheads of air defense missiles. And there - who knows...
    1. The comment was deleted.
  8. +4
    8 July 2024 22: 26
    Why did they include such a jackal still image? There's a video there. Is it possible, how?
    1. 0
      25 July 2024 15: 26
      Where are the wings of a cruise missile?
  9. +4
    8 July 2024 22: 32
    Tomorrow I will have to read the Norwegian media, how they will lie.
  10. +5
    8 July 2024 22: 34
    For the purity of the experiment, let the X-101 hit this presidential office and clearly see the difference in the consequences of explosions of 400 kg and 20 kg explosives.
    1. NKT
      8 July 2024 23: 29
      It seemed like they had already hit the power steering, then Budanov was wounded.
  11. -10
    8 July 2024 22: 37
    The telegram channel "Informant" writes that the rocket is still ours. There is a high-quality photo, you can see the ratio of the missile’s diameter to length is about 1 to 10. The Nasmas anti-aircraft missile has a ratio of about 1 to 20. But what does this change? After targeted attacks on the civilian population of Belgorod, Donetsk, Sevastopol, to sprinkle yourself with ashes and repent for the fact that our missile went off course is stupid.
  12. +8
    8 July 2024 22: 46
    In general, it doesn’t matter what they say in the West, a military conflict always means victims.
  13. 0
    8 July 2024 22: 55
    The whistling of a turbojet engine, a rocket 3 stories high. The explosion is much more powerful than a 20kg warhead aim120.

    Definitely nasams.
  14. +1
    8 July 2024 22: 57
    Why don’t they consider the version that this AIM120 missile was launched from an airplane? Therefore, the speed and trajectory are quite strange for an anti-aircraft missile that did not fire normally. Attached to the MIG-29 or even the possible debut of the F-16?
  15. -14
    8 July 2024 23: 01
    At first they wrote that it was a Patriot missile, but the mistake quickly became clear; the missile was completely different. Now someone has invented AIM-120 and the same thing is ridiculous. The AIM-120 has a whole warhead of 18-20 kg, and its high-explosive effect is very small, it is an air-to-air missile, it does not destroy buildings.
    1. -6
      8 July 2024 23: 06
      The force of the explosion is the most incomprehensible thing in this case. Personally, I think that something else may have exploded in the building.
      1. -9
        8 July 2024 23: 10
        Or maybe we won’t build all sorts of conspiracy theories? Above at the beginning of the topic, a user under the nickname “military commissar Kitten” posted a photo in good quality.
  16. +3
    8 July 2024 23: 09
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    you can see the turbojet engine that sticks out under the tail of the rocket.

    Where can I watch the uncompressed video? Or is there only one still frame?
    1. -7
      8 July 2024 23: 23
      There is here, for example:
      1. +3
        8 July 2024 23: 37
        Well, yes. And here’s what 143566% hits with X’s products look like.
  17. +3
    8 July 2024 23: 11
    Quote from Enceladus
    What's the point of this UN - has it prevented at least one war?

    What do you want from the UN? This is just a platform for negotiations.
  18. +7
    8 July 2024 23: 22
    Quote from Nesvoy
    Above at the beginning of the topic, a user under the nickname “military commissar Kitten” posted a photo in good quality.

    Freeze. But not the video itself. This may mean that a) there is a video in good quality but it is not yet available b) the still frame is fake. There is no video, that means option b)
  19. +6
    8 July 2024 23: 27
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    There is here, for example:

    According to your link, the video quality is 480p. There is nothing like that on the screenshot. And yes, the rocket itself is also lubricated. Again and again, such a picture that there is no trace of it on a still frame. Will there be more links? Z.Y. Here is the frame that I see. Is there much visible? And the engine from below and the wings... Oga. Straight clear.
    1. -14
      8 July 2024 23: 54
      Obviously it was a rocket. The question arises - which one? There aren't that many options.
      Obviously, this is not a Patriot or NASAMS missile. Someone actually came up with nonsense about NASAMS.
      1. 0
        10 July 2024 13: 11
        Who cares whose rocket it is? They hit a military plant and did the right thing. The whole floor of Kyiv should be demolished to dust. So many Russian soldiers have already died in this saucepan-headed country of cheap whores of the white master. We need to bring them to their senses, with all-out bombers.
    2. -10
      9 July 2024 00: 14
      Well, let someone show it to Julian Röpke. He posted both a screenshot and a video. The author of the screenshot in this case is fully known, as is the statement (that the screenshot was taken specifically from this video), for which one can ask. I agree that when reproduced on Twitter, the rocket does not look the same as in the screenshot, but Röpke is not a noname, he has a reputation as a person who, at least, has not been seen in gross intentional falsifications, including him are regularly referenced in the Russian media.
      1. 0
        9 July 2024 01: 13
        Search for information on Twitter... Get out of the cart, gentlemen! You need to go there, at least there’s more information there.
  20. +5
    8 July 2024 23: 36
    No one cares, you will read the main Western news sites. Russia bombed a children's hospital. Analyze video recordings of the impact, compare missile profiles. It's too difficult for them, and why? They have been building the image of cannibalistic Russia for a long time, why is it being destroyed?
  21. -7
    8 July 2024 23: 36
    Most likely, a Russian missile was hit, which went off the trajectory and fell in the wrong direction, due to the efforts of the Ukrainians themselves. request
    1. -2
      9 July 2024 01: 16
      Yes, but the engine worked to the limit and there are no signs of a crooked trajectory, it did not fall. A shootdown just does not fit. The maximum is suppression of electronic warfare, but you can prove it. They also affected Sevastopol, and admitted it, and as a result, the missile exploded far from the best place, it should have been further into the sea...
      1. 0
        9 July 2024 01: 40
        Considering the low quality of the video, I'm most likely mistaken. This is just a guess.
        1. -2
          9 July 2024 01: 52
          There are many different videos from Kyiv in the cart. This one is also there in good quality. Everything is in the cart now
  22. +4
    8 July 2024 23: 40
    Quote: Soul of Russia87
    It's too difficult for them, and why?

    So that the local heel comrades do not drag kaku here, considering the rest not very smart. And the fact that they are molding us into the image of barbarians, so what can we do? Not the first time. The smart ones there understand everything, but with the rest, well, as it is.
  23. +6
    8 July 2024 23: 56
    All I see is that the noise is being dispersed by commentators and military bloggers at the instigation of Kiev. Tomorrow the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense will simply say that all the strikes achieved their goals. And that’s it! Just that’s it! The concert is over. hi
    1. +1
      9 July 2024 00: 12
      Judging by the reports of the Ukrainian Armed Forces about the shooting down of our missiles and by the video of missiles landing on Artem, this missile is not ours, the Ukrainians are shelling themselves in Kyiv, both with air defense and cruise missiles.
      1. -6
        9 July 2024 01: 17
        Well, this is from the list about air conditioners. If it’s for fun, then ok, but not about reality, of course)
  24. +12
    9 July 2024 00: 00
    Quote from solar
    Obviously it was a rocket. The question arises - which one? There aren't that many options.
    Obviously, this is not a Patriot or NASAMS missile. Someone actually came up with nonsense about NASAMS.

    Nothing is obvious to me. At the moment, the still frame, milking me, is fake. If the still frame is fake, it means that whoever faked it wanted it to be a different product than what actually arrived. I also provided a link to a 100% video of the arrivals of X products today in Kyiv. And they are different from what they give us in the video of the arrival of the building next to the children's hospital. The most important difference is that cruise missiles have a trail behind them even at the moment of diving onto the target, the second thing is that the falling speed is different, it is smaller and the missiles can be clearly seen, both wings and proportions.
    1. +3
      9 July 2024 00: 57
      The RF Ministry of Defense knows better, of course, our sofa troops only have information from video. laughing In any case, the Ukrainians caused damage to themselves from a lot of debris and their own air defense missiles. What kind of missile hit there, what difference does it make? They do not suffer when civilians in Russian populated areas are fired upon with everything they can. request
      I made a still frame for you. good
  25. +7
    9 July 2024 00: 53
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    The article contains a screenshot from the compressed video. The high-resolution screenshot shows a turbojet engine sticking out under the rocket's tail.

    Yes, no, the proportions are wrong!
    Stop putting limp Faberge on the Kyiv globe.
    Disgraced yourself - blame the Jews (Kyiv)!
  26. +4
    9 July 2024 00: 59
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    Well, let someone show Julian Röpke

    You dragged this here. So the demand is on you. It means you yourself have not seen the video in uncompressed quality. But about
  27. +3
    9 July 2024 01: 02
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    Well, let someone show Julian Röpke

    You brought the screenshot with the statement. It seems that Röpke is not here. You also said that there is uncompressed video. But you could not show the video itself. For me, the conclusion is simple. You brought it "on a shovel".
    1. -2
      9 July 2024 11: 42
      No question, you have every right to think whatever you want.
  28. +4
    9 July 2024 01: 05
    Oops . It's a blast for seafarers and mine fillers laughing laughing laughing
  29. +5
    9 July 2024 01: 07
    Quote: Mint Gingerbread
    I made a freeze frame for you

    Thank you, I posted the same frame here an hour earlier. It doesn't look like what they showed us here in the still frame from, like, Röpke. Is it important to poke your face in lies? In my opinion, yes. It was the total lies in Ukraine, among other things, that led to what we have now.
    1. +2
      9 July 2024 01: 45
      I took a closer look at that picture and ours. In the comparison with the rocket, it’s as if the tail and wings were completed, which is impossible to see in the video, or the source’s video resolution is better than what is available to others. Or it made a revolution around its axis and ended up in the freeze frame. request Schrödinger's rocket. laughing
  30. +4
    9 July 2024 01: 11
    Quote: tralflot1832
    And that's it! Just that's it! The concert is over.

    And it is right. I repeat, this is exactly how the Moscow Region, in my opinion, should present information: everyone was given a “carrot”, children were not offended, and those who don’t like it can write with Sports Lotto. But our Foreign Ministry should poke its “partners” into their substance.
  31. +5
    9 July 2024 02: 04
    Quote: vargo
    The AIM-120 does not have a main engine, which is clearly visible in the frame

    vargo, how many mushrooms do you need to eat in order to see the “propulsion engine” in the picture shown?
  32. -4
    9 July 2024 02: 19
    AMRAAM's warhead is around 20 kg. I strongly doubt if it could make such damages.
    If Russian army attacked children hospital, than Russian population shouldn't be counted as humans anymore and you should be placed on the same shelf as Oskar Dirlewanger. Remember that. You have no idea how people in the West are mad now. Probably you just gave another $50000000000 tu Ukrainian army or even more.
    1. +1
      9 July 2024 02: 44
      101 would blow up half the building... dirlewanger was eu bastard and you have no idea that your west do not stand in the trenches with bandera-krainians, Russia and East will not ever be covered by threats
    2. -1
      9 July 2024 03: 44
      If you answer, it means that you understand what is being discussed here. Don't pretend to be an alien.
  33. 0
    9 July 2024 02: 53
    Who cares what kind of rocket it was. They hit me - that means it was necessary. It is absolutely forbidden to make excuses to xhl. If necessary, our entire Kyiv will be glazed, based on military necessity.
    We are already considered weaklings, for “steps of goodwill”, for the grain agreement, for marking time.
    The world respects and fears only force with tough determination to defend the security of one’s country. Of the contents of this axiom, we have only the country.
    It was an absolutely correct beginning, an extreme necessity. We have an excellent army motivated to defend the Motherland, quite competent and decisive military leaders, and the goal itself is adequate, and therefore there is no need to justify anything.
  34. +2
    9 July 2024 03: 00
    I don’t see any reason at all to find out whose missile it is.. I don’t really care at all... and even if we assume that it’s Russian.. so what?... let’s consider it the costs of war.. Ukrainians generally target the beaches with civilians with cassettes and city ​​squares and for some reason no one gets excited about these facts... but here no one died at all..
    1. +2
      9 July 2024 03: 47
      It makes sense to constantly poke Western fascists into the fact that their junta is killing their civilian air defense.
    2. -8
      9 July 2024 07: 31
      Children died.. And this is the worst thing..
      1. +1
        10 July 2024 12: 56
        Seryozha, I don’t see your lamentations about the dead Russian children in Belgorod, Sevastopol, Donbass and Lugansk? Or do you only consider Ukrainian children as people? Open up to the world, don't be shy.
  35. +1
    9 July 2024 03: 43
    Everything just before the NATO summit and the UN Security Council meeting - another provocation from Washington!!! - the main thing is in the hospital, and the gay people never bothered about the reasons.
  36. +1
    9 July 2024 04: 00
    It doesn't look like the X-101 cruise missile. And in principle it cannot be, because Russia ran out of them long ago.
    1. +1
      10 July 2024 12: 53
      According to ukrokastryul, rockets in Russia ran out at the end of 2023. Hence the conclusion - this is 100% not a Russian rocket. The air conditioner just exploded. Happens.
  37. +1
    9 July 2024 05: 47
    After the Crimean beach, a hospital, not a hospital, what difference does it make...
  38. -3
    9 July 2024 07: 27
    That's not what you're discussing! The children are dead! This is what we need to talk about. Ours are on the beach in Crimea, Ukrainians are in Kyiv! Cities and locations of civilians should be completely “out of the picture” for the conduct of military operations! There are no conditions under which strikes can occur in areas where civilians are concentrated. There are the trenches, fight there!
    1. +1
      9 July 2024 08: 09
      Is there any source with the number of child victims? It's such a tragedy.
    2. 0
      9 July 2024 10: 14
      You tell this to the bloody clown, drug addict, weakly intelligent old man and the Euro-bydlyan clique, but here there is no need for these groans
    3. 0
      10 July 2024 12: 52
      How many children died? Suddenly it turns out that this is just another Ukrainian performance filmed by Hollywood cameramen and directors.
  39. +1
    9 July 2024 08: 37
    This is a war, and there will definitely be non-military losses. Western countries are fanning this explosion just to call Russia “evil.” Don't they see what Israel is doing in Rafa? These are simply political needs. When war occurs in Taiwan around 2030, we will also face non-military casualties in Taiwan. Will this stop the People's Liberation Army in battle? No.
  40. +1
    9 July 2024 09: 01
    "The Wild West" is wild because it lives by the rules of tyranny, the main rules of which are: 1. I do what I want! 2. My temper cannot be contradicted! These rules imply a double "morality" ... one - for oneself and "one's own"; the other - for "strangers"! This is the readiness to "excuse" "any bastard", to justify any inhuman action - if it "suits their temperament"! And the readiness to destroy, "trample into the dirt" any innocent, when it does not "suit their temperament"! The Armed Forces of Ukraine have committed and are committing many war crimes, shelling residential areas, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, city markets, bus stations - the "West" is "silent" (!) ... it "suits their temperament"! "The West" is silent when Israeli fascists destroy hospitals with people, camps for unfortunate refugees... and it "likes" this!? The "Russian" world is alien and incomprehensible to the "Western"... it is different (!), that is why it is frightening! Just like the Arab ("Eastern")... Whom they fear, they hate! Instead of understanding and accepting, and stopping being afraid!
  41. 0
    9 July 2024 09: 19
    ok... the bldg hit was an annex.. kieve is or was a city of 3M.. U cannot fit a baby hsp into the annex bldg.. there is not eve room for a neonatal intensive care.. at the end of the annex is a 5 story bldg wa EMS FR Ratio Tower. its across the lot. 5 story hsp for children is just about rite.. its not eh collateral damage of the buildings on the left or the patriot drop blowing up the faces of high rises... the annex faces the 5 story hospital... i do not see any damage on this building on the crummp piks i get off of a video capture...

    thaat annex is for clinics - OP services - pharma - locum tennum quarters for traveling specalist/dorm and offices/etc//

    pls B a little more carefull about a hsp getting hit...! TAHT ANNEX IS NOT THE HOSPITAL... a city of 3M people and U are going to fit swing beds 4 sik kids....
  42. +2
    9 July 2024 10: 09
    Does it really matter whose missile hit? In my opinion, it is necessary to bomb in full so that the stupid Banderlog population understands where they have ended up with their stupid desires and brains crippled by anti-Russian propaganda. Otherwise, living in a country that is in a complete mess, they are still 90% confident in their victory.
  43. +3
    9 July 2024 10: 25
    Why do Russian journalists and news anchors stubbornly continue to call the Kh-101 missile “X one hundred and one”? Journalistic intelligence does not allow us to understand that the names of Russian weapons systems do not contain Latin letters? And that “X” is not “X”, but the same Russian letter with which the famous word on the fence begins...
    1. 0
      10 July 2024 12: 49
      Because the journalistic community has long been recruiting the stupidest loudmouths. Negative selection is taking place throughout the country for the necessary specialties and positions. The worse, the better.
  44. +3
    9 July 2024 10: 30
    I don't even want to get into a debate. I’m not an air defense specialist, but I was always taught that an air defense missile either hits the target or self-destructs (read self-detonates) in the air. Under no circumstances can it fly off the ground and fall back to the ground. And this is an axiom. There is no point in discussing this Photoshop further. An air defense missile can hit a ground object only when a stupid anti-aircraft gunner was unable to match the START trajectory and the location of ground objects, which happened once in Kyiv when they hit the corner of a high-rise building. Any other option is excluded.
  45. -4
    9 July 2024 10: 34
    The X-101 is clearly visible in slow motion. Maybe I've lost my way
  46. -7
    9 July 2024 10: 39
    Quote: vargo
    The AIM-120 does not have a propulsion engine, which is clearly visible in the frame (and this is mainly only found in cruise missiles). For air defense missiles, an external propulsion engine is not needed. Plus, the AIM-120 has a round shape and a pointed nose. And here in the frame the nose is blunted, and the shape is clearly not round. Plus you can see the trace from the operation of the main engine. Yes, and a whistle when falling. The proportions can be debated for a long time, but this is definitely a cruise missile. Now you can only think which one

    Hello. Not everyone likes your desire to establish the truth, hold on!
    1. +2
      9 July 2024 14: 31
      Quote: Buskan
      Not everyone likes your desire to establish the truth

      Another "sent Cossack"? Even if this is an X-101 (shot down in the air!), then why is the “West” now bursting out, if previously it was silent after the destruction of peaceful objects and the murder of civilians (including women and children... ) Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass and Belgorod? Israeli fascists in the Palestinian territories? Double vile morality of the “West”! Well, she's in the "swamp"!
  47. +1
    9 July 2024 10: 57
    Quote: Mint Gingerbread
    or the source has a better video resolution than is available to others.

    I’m praising about this) And I can say it again: one still image in good quality and a mediocre video - it looks like they want to deceive us.
  48. +1
    9 July 2024 11: 04
    Quote: Sergey Novikov_3
    Children died... And this is the worst thing.

    Yes ? As of yesterday, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine did not account for the deaths of children. Only 2 adults. Has something changed or are you here to throw a prank?
  49. +2
    9 July 2024 11: 05
    Quote: Petio
    The X-101 is clearly visible in slow motion. Maybe I've lost my way

    Oooh one more. ) Please show me your still frame where you can accurately identify the product, I didn’t succeed.
  50. +6
    9 July 2024 11: 21
    Yesterday the whole world became a spectator of a grandiose performance called they killed our children.
    Thousands of extras, ridiculous and senseless actions of extras (handing over eggplants with water is something), beautiful and highly artistic photos and videos from the ruins of one of the dozens of precision-hit targets gave me only one desire. Make sure that this show turns into the real life of the idiots who took part in it. So that the saying “crawled” could be applied to these clowns in paint-splattered robes running around the red-splattered rooms with their best side.
    Not a single Ukrainian child died in the hospital, which stood next to a huge military plant.

    Moreover, they hit with precision, despite the work of electronic warfare in Kyiv, which was directly intended to ensure that, as a result of interference, the missiles did not hit a protected military facility, but hit nearby, for example, in a children's hospital.
    As a result of our attack with dozens of missiles that flew hundreds of kilometers and hit military targets in the center of a once multi-million, densely populated city, no children died. Ukrainians killed 15 civilians in Konstantinovka at once. With one blow. The whole world was completely . The mantra of "we are like that" is burned out with a hot iron in war. We are like that. An eye for an eye, blood for blood. At the beginning of the SVO for Ukrainians It was normal to torture, cut and kill our prisoners in the most brutal ways. Why do you think these cases were reduced to a minimum? Because we are like that. And this game can be played by two people and if necessary, we can play much better.
    I'm glad the kids didn't die, and really, if they didn't die, who cares whose rocket it was. There should be more of these rockets flying.
    It is necessary that Ukrainians They knew for sure that they would answer tenfold for every civilian and child killed.
    This is the only way it has worked reliably for the last millennia.

    Copied here
    generally agree.
    1. 0
      10 July 2024 04: 28
      Only the White Helmets were not at hand...
    2. +2
      10 July 2024 12: 45
      All hands are in favor. Great comment. And as faithful as possible. This is the only way to extinguish all these pan-headed, cheap, extremely stupid prostitutes of the USA. Very stupid and very angry cheap Russophobes who sold themselves wholeheartedly to the “white master” for a couple of bucks. I don't feel sorry for them at all. They purposefully bomb beaches, bus stops, markets and parks. Purposefully! And they get away with everything. The only thing I don’t understand is why all the government buildings in Kyiv are still standing? They need to be reduced to dust.
  51. 0
    9 July 2024 11: 46
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    No question, you have every right to think whatever you want.

    I think I have presented arguments based on formal logic. Your position can be explained in two ways: a) stubbornness and unwillingness to think b) a deliberate attack. The question is purely academic, I know that I will not get an answer. But judging by how many comments here are from people who are clearly working on the other side, option b) is more realistic.
    1. -2
      9 July 2024 23: 08
      I found where the source was. Here:

      Here's a screenshot. And this is precisely an unedited screenshot from a video, taken from this particular video, taken with my own hands.
      1. 0
        10 July 2024 01: 18
        Here's a screenshot. And this is precisely an unedited screenshot from a video, taken from this particular video, taken with my own hands.

        Some nonsense along the way. Like, did you take a screenshot from the video yourself? AND? Download the video and watch it frame by frame.
        1. -3
          10 July 2024 01: 35
          The conversation was about the fact that it is impossible to take a screenshot with a visible turbojet engine under the tail section from those videos that float on the Internet.
          1. 0
            10 July 2024 01: 41
            Did you see it and compare the proportions?
            1. -1
              10 July 2024 02: 12
              Quote: Lynnot
              You saw him

              Quote: Lynnot
              and compared the proportions?
              1. 0
                10 July 2024 02: 17
                Was it a half solution?
                1. -2
                  10 July 2024 02: 40
                  Normal solution. Relying only on what is clearly visible. And it does not depend on the arbitrary drawing of rectangles where they fit better into the version being defended.
                  1. 0
                    10 July 2024 04: 18
                    But I personally became interested, comparing two circumstances: why do such videos of landings continue to be widely published, despite warnings from the SBU about the responsibility of those guilty of distributing them, and how did the person who filmed this video manage to guess such a good angle and time for filming? Not to mention the note on the post about its editing.
                    1. -2
                      10 July 2024 10: 06
                      Anyone who needs to find something to get to the bottom of will always find it.
                      1. 0
                        10 July 2024 16: 00
                        Naivety usually costs too much.
                      2. -1
                        10 July 2024 16: 07
                        Naivety is costly, but anyone who needs to find something to get to the bottom of will always find it. Therefore, the possibility of expressing some vague suspicions in itself is not an argument, but perceiving it as such is a form of cognitive disorder.
                      3. 0
                        10 July 2024 21: 55
                        Wow, you are also a medic... Among the victims?
                      4. 0
                        10 July 2024 22: 05
                        This is for you so that you don’t stress too much
  52. 0
    9 July 2024 12: 13
    Aunque Zelenski fuera subido en el misil y fuera grabado, los medios occidentales dirían que fue Rusia. A Occidente no le interesa la verdad, solo destruir a Rusia.
  53. +3
    9 July 2024 13: 03
    Experts discuss the footage captured by a Kiev resident today

    All 16 shots of the rocket from Röpke's Twitter. With this video quality you can see absolutely anything.
  54. 0
    9 July 2024 15: 09
    Sarebbe ora di finirla una volta per tutte alle accuse disonorevoli da parte del monopolio informativo USA/UE che evidenziano il bombardamento (nonostante prove inconfutabili) ai Missili Russi nei Media Italiani. Sarebbe opportuno da Parte della DUMA di Stato e del Pres. Putin di dare una risposta a queste ignominie da parte degli Aguzzini Occidentali e di smetterla di fare i magnanimi.
    1. 0
      9 July 2024 15: 44
      Qualcuno ha alterato il mio intervento deformandolo sia in forma grammaticale che alterando il senso stesso dell'intervento. Avrei preferito se l'avreste cestinato. . così non si capisce di cosa stia parlando, a cosa è indirizzato l'oggetto del commento.
      1. 0
        10 July 2024 02: 13
        It's funny that you read in one language and write in another. With a couple of clicks you can represent the world community?
  55. -1
    9 July 2024 15: 20
    C'est un X-101 avec peu de doutes. Il y avait peut être un VIP dans ce bâtiment, à l'origine c'est un hopital pour enfant, mais plus maintenant. C'est comme les centers commerciaux qui deviennent des dépôts de munitions. C'est peut être un sabotage des coordonnées. Chez nous la propagande ne s'est pas agitée autour de cette affaire, çà veut dire qu'elle n'est pas claire. J'espère que vous valez mieux que ls otano-kiéviens qui mentent et visent délibérément les civils, vous n'allez vous comporter comme eux.
  56. +1
    9 July 2024 15: 56
    There is no need to look for something and make excuses, you need to bomb them every day. It is during the day, and not at night, when there are no workers at the plant. During the day there is also a chance to see a video, but at night everyone sleeps.
    During the day, of course, there may be more victims, but they are all under the Nazi regime.
    It’s simply impossible to look at intact train stations, military registration and enlistment offices, the Rada, the port, and so on. And when NATO tourists come, there is only one question - How long?
  57. +1
    9 July 2024 22: 27
    If from a purely technical point of view: the Americans don't bother at all in such cases. They simply and casually call it "collateral damage". For example, when the Americans destroyed a wedding in Afghanistan (in Nangarhar province, 2008) - 47 were killed and 9 were wounded. And what? Moreover, if in the case of "Akhmatdet" one can still argue about who did what, then in Afghanistan the US was 100% guilty. And? The entire "civilized world" rushed to brand them? So what these same world figures and media are portraying now is a pure cynical PR campaign.
  58. +1
    9 July 2024 23: 26
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    I found where the source was. Here:

    Here's a screenshot. And this is precisely an unedited screenshot from a video, taken from this particular video, taken with my own hands.

    Great. At first glance, this already looks like what was on the original still frame. I'll look at it carefully tomorrow.
  59. -1
    10 July 2024 12: 45
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    Here's a screenshot. And this is precisely an unedited screenshot from a video, taken from this particular video, taken with my own hands.

    So. The video quality this time, by eye, is close to what was on the still frame that you showed the first time. This is the only thing that can be established with certainty. Can the pixels at the bottom of the product be interpreted as a cruise engine? Yes. Can we definitely say that this is an X101? No. The pixels can also be interpreted as broken rudders of an air defense missile. And to draw a conclusion that this is why it fell and worked abnormally. I have more questions. To which I will definitely not get answers. Although you can help with one question. Why, without seeing this, the original video, did you immediately bring a still frame from Repke with the assertion that this is an X101. When you started checking, you did not look for the original. And only now, after my words, did you decide to look?
    1. 0
      10 July 2024 15: 09
      Quote: Skobaristan
      Can we definitely say that this is X101? No.
      But we can definitely say that X-101 explains the observed picture with a minimum of assumptions compared to other versions that are less consistent with the observed picture, which require these assumptions, taken out of thin air, as supports in order to somehow work.

      Quote: Skobaristan
      Why, without seeing this, the original one, did you immediately bring a still frame from Repka with the statement that it was x101. When they started checking, they didn’t bother looking for the source. And only now, after my words, did you decide to watch it?
      And I have already answered this question. Here, so as not to repeat myself:

      And yes, you can start to say that in an ideal world everyone is obliged to check all incoming information, but in practice this is impossible, and no one actually does this. People build sources according to their level of trust (which is a separate important and complex skill) and are guided by this until the need for double-checking arises.

      And yes, Röpke in this case confirmed his reputation as a professional and a journalist who does not engage in falsifications. The screenshot he posted is indeed a screenshot from an uncompressed video, which I verified directly. And I received confirmation that my skill of aligning sources by level of trust works adequately.
  60. -1
    10 July 2024 14: 27
    They could have intentionally launched a missile at the hospital using the coordinates. This is awesome. They have such American craftsmen there. This is not an accident, sure! They are used to fooling the whole world so that the people of Ukraine begin to love the people of Russia very much.
  61. 0
    10 July 2024 15: 21
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    and I received confirmation that my skill of ranking sources by level of trust works adequately.

    OK. I've read enough. Your answer, which you did not repeat, sounds like this: I believe some sources. If the sources gave out information 5 times and when checked it turned out to be true, then 6 times I can be fed anything. I think we can finish this.
    1. -1
      10 July 2024 15: 23
      I tried to answer you as a person, but I see you prefer to play the fool. Well, my mistake.
  62. 0
    10 July 2024 15: 25
    Quote: Commissar Kitten
    I tried to answer you as a person, but I see you prefer to play the fool. Well, my mistake.

    Nope. You were trying to carry nothing more than that. Happenes.
  63. kig
    10 July 2024 16: 41
    Can someone explain to a non-specialist why it was necessary to rush around the enterprise in broad daylight, when people are walking along the street without fear? The plant is not going anywhere.
    1. 0
      25 July 2024 15: 53
      So as not to wake you up at night and not to scare you when you are asleep :)
  64. 0
    10 July 2024 20: 47
    What are you still talking about? It does not matter which missile - Russian or Ukrainian - hit the children's hospital in Kyiv. Russia in Ukraine and Kyiv defends itself from the Nazis and has every right to destroy anything in Ukraine, including hospitals.
  65. The comment was deleted.
  66. +1
    11 July 2024 10: 36
    Who cares what kind of rocket it is. There is a concierge from Donetsk at my entrance. She said that they were doing ukry until 02.2022 with their children. Against this background, any bombing of Kyiv is not a crime. We must beat them so that they cannot come to their senses.
  67. -1
    13 July 2024 17: 21
    If you look closely, this is not a rocket at all, but most likely one of the red markers launched by Zakharova towards “our partners.”
    Red line policy in action.