The Iranian Navy frigate IRIS Sahand (F-74) sank in the port of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf for an unknown reason.

The Iranian Navy frigate IRIS Sahand (F-74) sank in the port of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf for an unknown reason.

The Iranian Navy lost the frigate IRIS Sahand (F-74), the ship suddenly sank in the port of Bandar Abbas for unknown reasons. Russian resources report this with reference to Iranian media.

In the port of Bandar Abbas, located in the south of Iran on the shores of the Persian Gulf, the frigate of the Iranian Navy IRIS Sahand (F-74) sank, the cause is currently unknown. Judging by the photo, the ship lay on the left side and sank to the bottom; only part of the starboard side and conning tower rises above the water. Iranian media confirm the “incident”, but for now write about some kind of accident.

It is worth noting that this frigate is quite new; it entered service on December 1, 2018. IRIS Sahand (F-74) was built at the Shahid Darvishi Marine Industries shipyard in Bandar Abbas on the Strait of Hormuz, the frigate is the third ship of the Mowj project, after Jamaran and Damavand. According to tradition, it was named after the Sahand volcano; previously this name was borne by a light frigate of the Vosper mk.5 type, built in Britain, which was lost in battle with the Americans during Operation Mantis in 1988.

Moje-class ships have a displacement of about 1500 tons and a length of 95 m; in Iran they are classified as destroyers. The crew consists of 140 people. They have reduced radar signature and can carry a helicopter; there is a special platform for this.

IRIS Sahand (F-74) is known for its passage from the Persian Gulf to the Baltic Sea in 2021, after which it took part in the Main Naval Parade of the Russian Navy.
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  1. +4
    7 July 2024 15: 56
    the ship lay on the left side and sank to the bottom; only part of the starboard side and conning tower rises above the water.

    Judging by the photo, the depth there is minimal... what
    Or is this a screenshot from a video?
    A muddy story ...
    1. -13
      7 July 2024 16: 04
      For an unknown reason, the Iranian Navy frigate IRIS Sahand (F-74) sank in the port of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf... It is worth noting that this frigate is quite new, it entered service on December 1, 2018.

      A bad sign. A new President of Iran has just been elected. Let me remind you that during the inauguration of the same Zelensky, one of the soldiers who was at the event fainted. This was a sign of high losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As if Iran would not make things worse for itself by striving for reforms.
      1. 27+
        7 July 2024 16: 14
        For the sake of justice, the soldier fell under Poroshenko, Zelensky dropped his ID, and his coat of arms turned out to be “upside down”
        1. +9
          7 July 2024 16: 24
          "For the sake of justice"©
          There, the Holy Fire also went out during transportation...
          1. +2
            7 July 2024 16: 27
            Yes, this happened too, but I don’t remember under Poroshenko or Zelensky. In my opinion, still under Poroshenko. hi
            1. +4
              7 July 2024 16: 29
              “In my opinion, it’s still under Poroshenko.”©
              And this is not important. The main thing is the fact of the event.
              1. +4
                7 July 2024 16: 32
                I agree with you completely. The Higher Powers themselves show that Ukraine has no future. And Yanukovych was covered with a wreath.
                1. +2
                  7 July 2024 16: 35
                  People, in their pride and due to their innate stubbornness, do not notice the signs of God, and then they are surprised and complain...request
                  1. -8
                    7 July 2024 16: 56
                    There is no God, and yes, he has a short...
                    1. 12+
                      7 July 2024 16: 58
                      “There is no God, and yes, he is short”©
                      This is what you will tell him when we meet...request
                      1. -9
                        7 July 2024 16: 59
                        People in the 21st century still believe in this obscurantism... fool
                      2. +7
                        7 July 2024 17: 01
                        “People in the 21st century still believe in this obscurantism...”©
                        Atheism is also a religion.
                      3. -1
                        26 July 2024 21: 49
                        And what does atheism have to do with it? short
                      4. -1
                        26 July 2024 21: 53
                        “What does atheism have to do with it? "©
                        Atheism (from the Greek ἄθεος - godless) is a worldview that denies the existence of God, as well as the existence of the supernatural world (angels, spirits, etc.) and the denial of religion in general.

                        7 July 2024 16: 56
                        There is no god. "©
                        By the way, Svarog, who is this?
                      5. 0
                        26 July 2024 23: 52
                        No idea, nice nickname
                      6. 0
                        27 July 2024 11: 42
                        “No idea”©
                        A lie does not suit a warrior!
                      7. Aag
                        7 July 2024 17: 25
                        IMHO: you cannot categorically divide people according to the principle of believer - non-believer (what kind of faith? radical, - latent..). Of course: extremes are always dangerous.
                        But, excuse me, my belief in “...God will save Russia!...” (if we mess up, let him clean it up! (?)), the Koreans, the Chinese will come, - from the same song... Sami , - no way? Are you busy with others?! (essential. Do you need to take care of your family? Under any pretext. The servants, well, did not fit into the proposed conditions...)...
                        Sorry, it's a long song.
                    2. +4
                      7 July 2024 17: 21
                      If there is no God, then who makes the signs? laughing Oh, so you’re probably talking about Hephaestus! Or Zeus?
                    3. +5
                      7 July 2024 19: 28
                      Quote: svarog77
                      There is no god

                      St. runs to the Lord. Peter.
                      - Oh my God! There, a crowd of atheists has gathered at the gates of heaven, they are demanding to be let in so that they can see You!
                      - Atheists, you say? Well, tell them that I am not there.
                      1. +4
                        7 July 2024 19: 31
                        thanks, neighing... short
        2. +1
          7 July 2024 17: 27
          It became known that during the inauguration of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, at some point there was an embarrassment: a soldier of the honor guard solemnly marched to the podium of the Verkhovna Rada. Zelensky placed the presidential ID on a special pillow held by a representative of the honor guard.

          After this, the soldier leaves, but in the words: “... present the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky with his insignia,” the soldier drops the “crust.”

          According to Ukrainian media, deputies from the Samopomich faction immediately rushed to raise the document.

          Users on social networks immediately wrote: “Even though no one fainted, it’s already progress.” And they remembered the inauguration of Petro Poroshenko, when one of the honor guard soldiers next to him became ill and he lost consciousness.
          1. +1
            7 July 2024 17: 41
            I just corrected you a little about the soldier, without any complaints. hi
      2. +9
        7 July 2024 16: 36
        Quote from: neworange88
        during the inauguration of the same Zelensky, one of the soldiers fainted

        Was the ship at the inauguration of the new Iranian president?
        Well, you shouldn’t classify every dead cow as a bad sign.
      3. -1
        7 July 2024 20: 23
        It is a thankless task to look for hidden meanings and signs in ordinary things. :((
        An honor guard soldier fainted before Putin's speech at the Army 2021 forum
      4. 0
        8 July 2024 02: 48
        Yes, it's not good enough. ... Or a duty shift from a submarine entered the destroyer by mistake. Or, this is just the beginning.
    2. +9
      7 July 2024 17: 19
      Quote: Vasyan1971
      A muddy story ...

      Nonsense, Israel is sick, but its ears are sticking out. They opened the port side seams.... Most likely, now everything is digital, they turned on the electric drive, via satellite. request Didn’t serve, didn’t swim, didn’t go, but read A.N. Krylov's "My Memories" there the amers managed to sink the French liner Normandy in the dock so as not to return it to the French. request
      1. +3
        7 July 2024 17: 21
        “Most likely, now everything is digital, they turned on the electric drive, via satellite.”©
        It may very well be so. Moreover, there is experience - what happened with the nuclear program...
        1. +4
          7 July 2024 19: 07
          DBA (bottom-side valves), controlled either manually, or by hydraulic, pneumatic systems from local posts or the central control room. In short, until you turn the beak manually.....
    3. +2
      7 July 2024 19: 31
      The frigate Sahand, sent to one of the docks for repairs, lost its balance due to water penetrating into the tanks. (Iranian state publication Mehr).
  2. +8
    7 July 2024 15: 57
    [quote][/quote]the machinations of the imperialists.
  3. 13+
    7 July 2024 15: 59
    So they lost it... They take it out, wash it, dry it and put it back into service!
    1. -1
      7 July 2024 16: 26
      “Take it out, wash it, dry it and get back into service!”©
      Are there many people who want to drive a “taken out, dried out” car?
      1. +4
        7 July 2024 16: 27
        There are military sailors there, they are ordered - they will sail.
        1. -6
          7 July 2024 16: 32
          “There are military sailors there, they are ordered - they will sail.”©
          What's the point of these orders...
      2. +7
        7 July 2024 16: 42
        Quote: Vasyan1971
        Are there many people who want to drive a “taken out, dried out” car?

        Almost all fans of used Japanese cars.
        Every now and then they bring in bibiks washed away by the tsunami...
        1. +1
          7 July 2024 17: 28
          “Approximately all fans of used Japanese cars.”©
          Nonsense! It’s cheaper to buy a new one than to put the “drowned woman” in order.
          “Every now and then they bring bibiks washed away by the tsunami...”©
          These are swindlers!
      3. +8
        7 July 2024 17: 18
        Quote: Vasyan1971
        Are there many people who want to drive a “taken out, dried out” car?

        You might think that the sunken ships were never raised and put into operation. Especially ones that were freshly sunken and not damaged in battle.
        1. -6
          7 July 2024 17: 32
          “Especially these, freshly sunken and not damaged in battle.”©
          Yeah. Especially stuffed with modern electronics.No. You drop your favorite smartphone into a bucket of water, take it out after half an hour, wipe it and dry it in the sun. I think enlightenment will come immediately.
          1. +4
            7 July 2024 17: 49
            Quote: Vasyan1971
            You drop your favorite smartphone into a bucket of water, take it out after half an hour, wipe it and dry it in the sun. I think enlightenment will come immediately.

            Don't confuse "victim of abortion technology" with military equipment.
            Military equipment (especially the navy) can have a lot of waterproofing.

            I remember when I was a child I got a military radio, a Soviet one, about 67 years old, R-855u.
            So everything inside has gaskets, everything is screwed on, there are protective membranes. And this is a wearable radio where weight is important.

            I suspect that in the case of ships (and especially submarines), everything from wiring to equipment is protected.
            1. -9
              7 July 2024 18: 02
              “I suspect that in the case of ships...”©
              That’s exactly what I “suspect” and “much can be waterproofed.”
              “Don’t confuse “victim of abortion technology” with military equipment.”©
              To begin with, do not confuse a huge ship, stuffed with the most complex advanced technology, and a military radio. How do you know how Iranian shipbuilders assemble their products under the most severe sanctions?
              If your smartphone is a “victim of the abortion of technology,” then I sincerely feel sorry for you.
              However - in sea water, in conditions of agitated bottom port sediments, for an unknown period of time, and then “wash, dry”, and then fight with a light heart, then you, excuse me, are an inadequate optimist... Sorry again. hi
              1. +2
                7 July 2024 18: 18
                Quote: Vasyan1971
                If your smartphone is a “victim of the abortion of technology,” then I sincerely feel sorry for you.

                A smartphone is “shit without tasks that needs to be sold to the end user, and in 3 years it will be outdated.” That is, if military equipment, construction equipment, or network/server equipment are made to meet certain requirements and for certain tasks, then a smartphone is more and more about marketing (shit + advertising = pills).
                Including if the programmers weren’t dumb and the designers weren’t degenerates) then there wouldn’t be a need for much productivity growth.
                Of course, it’s funny to buy a new one every N years, just so that the same tasks that were “flying” before and now slow down - “flying” again.
                A smartphone that is 10 years old is a corpse even with a new battery.
                At the same time, for example, a 10-year-old server is still busy.
                1. -3
                  7 July 2024 18: 27
                  “A smartphone is “shit with no tasks that needs to be sold to the end user, and in 3 years it will be outdated.”©
                  And it’s not about how long the smartphone will last. The point is that if you dip(!) it in water, you are guaranteed to lose it. And this is the simplest piece of hardware. Immerse your favorite hammer drill/screwdriver in aggressive liquid for a day, then dry it and tell others that everything is fine. Do you have a car? Drive him into a dirty pond, up to the roof, take him out within a day, wash him and calmly take his family to the dacha. Weak? Business nonsense!
                  1. +1
                    7 July 2024 22: 35
                    Immerse your favorite hammer drill/screwdriver in aggressive liquid for a day, then dry it and tell others that everything is fine - fill with regular alcohol, drain, fill, drain.
                    After which it lies quietly in the sun for an hour and you can work with it.

                    Do you have a car? Drive him into a dirty pond, up to the roof, take him out within a day, wash him and calmly take his family to the dacha. - almost all the cars introduced into the Russian Federation from Europe in 1998 into the Russian Federation were drowned after the flood.
                    Cleaning and washing was not difficult at all.
                    1. -5
                      8 July 2024 00: 14
                      “almost all the cars introduced into the Russian Federation from Europe in 1998 to the Russian Federation were drowned after the flood.”©
                      Nonsense about “almost everything”! Yes, they brought, they bring and will bring. But, I repeat, these are swindlers and there was no “practically everything” nearby.
                      “Cleaning and laundering was not difficult enough.”©
                      It is clear that you are terribly far from this topic.
                      And if a deceived buyer simply dances around with such a car, then a drowned warship is just a terrible nightmare! You can’t get by with any “take it out and dry it.”
                      About washing with alcohol twice, thanks, I laughed...
                      1. 0
                        8 July 2024 10: 01
                        Nonsense about “almost everything”! Yes, they brought, they bring and will bring. But, I repeat, these are swindlers and there was no “practically everything” nearby.
                        due to the fact that I am a customs officer, albeit a former one, I know a lot about drownings lol
                        The briefs included a note that this car was a drowning car and the insurance company paid everything.
                        The FCS regularly published reviews about this - because these machines were on anecdotal prices - 200-300-500 dollars. And the dance began with recognition of the authenticity of documents, additional charges, bribes, scandals and so on.

                        It is clear that you are terribly far from this topic. -
                        The Poles and Balts dismantled, cleaned and assembled the car completely within 500 hours. They charged from 1000 to XNUMX bucks for it
                        As soon as you have the opportunity to earn 1000 bucks a day, you will understand their incentive.
                        Right now in Dagestan, overhaul of a KAMAZ engine is done in 6-7 hours for 8-10 (without spare parts). And with a real guarantee

                        And if the deceived buyer simply dances around with such a car, if the haul was not completely off the top of my head and I was afraid of running into trouble, I took a more adequately washed one.
                        But as you understand, this cheese is cheap.

                        About washing with alcohol twice, thanks, I laughed... in 1993 in Dubna they missed working installation of Phobos on the MTs-400 accelerator with water from the technical water supply. With rust and other deposits for 40 years.
                        Laundered in 2 weeks. Including the technology I described
                        It all depends on valuables object. Any smartphone is a cheap thing in terms of its meaning and disposability compared to Phobos or sunken ships
                      2. 0
                        8 July 2024 16: 49
                        If you know a lot, you don’t have to lie about “almost everything.”
                        Advise the Persians on the Poles and Balts to wash the ship.laughing And don’t confuse soft with warm! It’s one thing to sell a drowned woman to a sucker, and another thing to clean a warship with alcohol so that you can then go into battle on it. It’s one thing to simply replace water, another thing to replace electronics that have been killed by sea water.
                        His sistership Damavand sank in 2018. They raised it, but they are still putting it into operation.
                      3. 0
                        9 July 2024 00: 33
                        Quote: Vasyan1971
                        Another thing is to wash a warship with alcohol and then go into battle on it.
                        -Well, why are you distorting? About alcohol, I answered your cry about a screwdriver/hammer
                        Quote: your1970
                        Drown your loved one hammer drill/screwdriver for a day in an aggressive liquid, then dry it and tell those around you that everything is fine - fill it with regular alcohol, drain it, fill it, drain it.
                        After which it lies quietly in the sun for an hour and you can work with it.

                        I didn’t suggest filling the ship with alcohol
                      4. 0
                        9 July 2024 05: 09
                        “Well, why are you distorting? About alcohol, I answered your cry about a screwdriver/hammer”©
                        Is that really a “scream”?belay
                        “I didn’t suggest filling the ship with alcohol”©
                        Yeah. I tell you about Thomas, you tell me about Yerema.
                      5. 0
                        9 July 2024 09: 23
                        Yeah. I tell you about Thomas, you tell me about Yerema. no one argues that the ship is a problem.
                        The fact that the ships were raised and put into operation is unambiguous. It goes without saying that the question of expediency will arise.
                        The main issue is money.
                      6. 0
                        9 July 2024 12: 23
                        Glory to you, Lord! Sent enlightenment to the head of a former customs officer!good It's finally arrived!!!

                        7 July 2024 20: 02
                        Quote: Polar Bear
                        They will lift it, dock it and put it into operation.
                        His sistership Damavand sank in 2018. They raised it, but they are still putting it into operation.
                      7. 0
                        9 July 2024 13: 59
                        Quote: Vasyan1971
                        Glory to you, Lord! Sent enlightenment to the head of a former customs officer! It's finally arrived!!!

                        Is there any way to get into a discussion without hysteria?
                      8. 0
                        9 July 2024 15: 46
                        “Is it possible to have a discussion without hysteria?”©
                        You don't debate - you bring a muddy blizzard. request
                        And this is not hysteria. This is from an excess of feelings, I’m glad that it finally came through.wassat I understand that serving in a cap leaves an imprint... That’s why I am glad that everything is not always lost and enlightenment has arrived...
                      9. 0
                        9 July 2024 15: 53
                        You don't debate - you bring a muddy blizzard. request
                        God!! How good it is that I won’t baptize any children with you, won’t sit in any field, and won’t lie next to you in any cemetery.
                        There's too much joy in you...
                        And you're all in white...
                      10. 0
                        9 July 2024 15: 56
                        “How good it is that I won’t baptize any children with you, won’t sit in any field, and won’t lie next to you in any cemetery.”©
                        Likewise! I love clean air and pleasant, adequate company! lol
                        So feel free to go wherever you are going, I won’t stop you. hi
          2. Aag
            7 July 2024 17: 50
            Let me add: and estimate the cost of repairs. (although all my previous smartphones were “protected”, I even took underwater photos...). hi
          3. +5
            7 July 2024 18: 37
            Thus, the destroyer "Steregushchy" was sunk during the Second World War and then, 3 years later, it was raised and put into operation after repairs, and this is a fact. It should be taken into account that he received 3 bomb hits. And this is not the only such case.

            On September 21, 1941, during a raid by German bombers, he received three direct hits. As a result, the first engine and third boiler rooms were flooded, but the destroyer managed to reach the shallows, where it soon sank. At the City Russian Cemetery of Kronstadt there is a mass grave of the Guardian sailors who died on this day.

            On July 20, 1944, it was raised and put into overhaul. The restoration of the destroyer was completed after the Great Patriotic War.
            1. -3
              7 July 2024 18: 43
              “Thus, the destroyer Steregushchy was sunk during the Second World War and then, 3 years later, raised and put into operation after repairs, and this is a fact.”©
              And what? Look, they raised “Losharik” just now. But “Moscow” will not be raised. And there will be no "Vasily Bykov". But that's not what this is about. The point is that statements like: “They will take it out, wash it, dry it and put it back into service!”© is complete bullshit!
              1. +2
                7 July 2024 19: 24
                Will you, "Vasily Bykov" is designated as operating as part of the Black Sea Fleet (Wikipedia), even according to Ukrainian propaganda, it was only damaged. And as for: “they will wash and dry” - so “Guardian” was washed and dried. This is three years later, this is after being hit by 3 bombs. So: why argue in vain.....
                1. -2
                  7 July 2024 23: 50
                  “It will be for you, “Vasily Bykov” is designated as operating as part of the Black Sea Fleet”©
                  Yes. Mia sculpture! Guilty. We were talking about “Sergei Kotov”, of course. I didn't manage to fix it in time...hi
                  “So: why argue in vain”©
                  I'm not arguing. You did not carefully read the letters in my text. request
                  1. 0
                    8 July 2024 20: 05
                    Even if you accidentally drop your phone in water, it is unlikely that anything terrible will happen to it. But only if its battery is not damaged. Otherwise, if the battery comes into contact with water, a fire or explosion may occur. However, this is only 1% of all cases... As for the phone itself, it must be immediately taken out of the water and allowed to dry completely. There are models with IP67 and IP68 moisture protection. However, there is also a nuance here: for example, when in contact with hot water, this function will definitely not help.

                    So the main thing is: don’t cook your smartphone and everything will be OK. As for "Sergei Kotov", even the Western Wiki notes that only Ukrainian media report the sinking of the ship; our Ministry of Defense does not confirm this information.
                    1. 0
                      8 July 2024 20: 56
                      “So the main thing is: don’t cook your smartphone and everything will be OK.”©
                      Yeah. My mother already drowned two, so I had to buy new ones.
                      “Only the Ukrainian media report the sinking of the ship; our Ministry of Defense does not confirm this information.”©
                      It would be nice if it were so, but no...request
          4. +2
            7 July 2024 19: 54
            Quote: Vasyan1971
            Yeah. Especially stuffed with modern electronics. You drop your favorite smartphone into a bucket of water, take it out after half an hour, wipe it and dry it in the sun. I think enlightenment will come immediately.

            You have already achieved some kind of enlightenment. You consider others stupider than yourself. It’s a no-brainer that after being raised, ships undergo repairs, and it’s not like he surfaced, started the engines and drove off.
            1. -2
              8 July 2024 00: 01
              “You consider others stupider than yourself.”©
              Just don’t blame yourself on a sore head for a healthy one! Everyone here is smart. And gurgle your smartphone into the bucket and see who is right and who is not so right.
              “It’s a no-brainer that after being raised, ships undergo repairs, and it’s not like he surfaced, started the engines and drove off.”©
              That's what we're talking about! And the name of the antiaircrafter said, I quote: “So they lost it... They’ll take it out, wash it, dry it and put it back into service!”© Like, business for three kopecks.
              Time will tell, VO will tell... request
  4. +5
    7 July 2024 16: 00
    Hmmm. From the inevitable accidents in the port
    1. -4
      7 July 2024 16: 09
      In Israel they are scratching their heads: “Why did he suddenly drown?”
      1. +7
        7 July 2024 16: 18
        This definitely shouldn’t concern the Israelis...))) since they are full-time Murderers and supporters of Genocide! Direct students of Aloizych...
        1. +2
          7 July 2024 17: 09
          Direct students

          it was he who learned from them
          they have a lot of experience
          back in Ancient Egypt
          then in Ancient Rome...
        2. +2
          7 July 2024 17: 57
          Direct students of Aloizych...
          Even though Aloizych was an anti-Semite, he, too, will probably be touched in his grave by the continuation of his work wink
      2. +2
        7 July 2024 18: 21
        Quote: voyaka uh
        In Israel they are scratching their heads: “Why did he suddenly drown?”

        Are there any other reasons to rack your brains? :)))))
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. +4
    7 July 2024 16: 10
    In any case, “professionals” acted on both sides. On the Iranian side, “professionals” are idiots. Judging by the first “hull” to the pier, the ship is serious, with two steering columns. And it is seriously tied to the shore. And the Iranian one has two ends the frigate did not come off, it makes me think.
    1. 0
      7 July 2024 16: 19
      tralflot1832 hi, I wonder what Commander D.J. will say about this or do they not have this unit?!
    2. -1
      7 July 2024 16: 23
      Please tell me, with such a wealth of knowledge, why are you still not at the headquarters of the IRGC or the Russian Navy?
      1. +4
        7 July 2024 16: 31
        You overestimate me, I have a lot of knowledge, there are plenty of idiots in the fleets. I wonder why I’m not the head of the fleet? The answer is simple, I didn’t go to sea alone, there are thousands like me.
  8. +1
    7 July 2024 16: 12
    Specialists in such mechanisms will be able to better say why the tilt could have occurred.
    Only after this will it be possible to cast a net of thoughts and think about conspiracy theories.
    1. +2
      7 July 2024 16: 43
      Idiocy, but there may be some truth in this. What is the first hull at the pier overboard? This “hull” contains the whole solution to the incident. I dismiss repair work on the frigate. There is an option - damage to the left side by “irresistible forces” (Israel) or the first mate on the frigate is a complete idiot during loading and unloading operations - he is responsible for the stability of the ship.
      1. +2
        7 July 2024 17: 30
        First mate for stability among civilians, among military mechanics
  9. +3
    7 July 2024 16: 20
    90% is due to banal eastern (is it only eastern? The Americans and French managed to burn down nuclear submarines in the dock) carelessness.

    10% - the Iranians are hinting that it’s time for the Houthis to calm down a little. And who suffered the most from the Houthis, has the capabilities for such operations and has no red lines? Not Israel, but close.
    1. +3
      7 July 2024 16: 34
      To claim that this is a hint to Iran about the Houthis, look at the map where this port is located. Let me add, this is the port where all the ships arrested by Iran are laid up.
      1. +1
        8 July 2024 17: 22
        The previous Iranian frigate Sahand was sunk by American aircraft in 1988...
    2. -2
      7 July 2024 19: 57
      Quote: Yaroslav Tekkel
      who suffered the most from the Houthis, has the capabilities for such operations and has no red lines? Not Israel, but close.
      The closest is Egypt. One of their main sources of foreign exchange is the Suez Canal. Or rather, he appeared until the Houthis blocked the Red Sea.
      Also China, although a little far away. Almost all of their exports to Europe went through the Red Sea. Now they are driving around Africa, so delivery has become much longer and more expensive. Israel suffered only slightly; cargo flows passing through Eilat were redirected to Mediterranean ports. But in America they didn’t feel this at all.
      1. 0
        7 July 2024 20: 04
        Quote: Nagan
        The closest is Egypt.

        He is.
  10. -3
    7 July 2024 16: 29
    This is an unlucky ship, we need to change its name.
    1. 0
      7 July 2024 16: 41
      You can call it "Ichthyander"
    2. +1
      7 July 2024 22: 23
      Sahand is a volcano in Iran.
  11. 0
    7 July 2024 16: 31
    Mossad passage yard. 0 surprise.
  12. -2
    7 July 2024 16: 35
    "Accident" was nominated for state awards - they forgot to add...
  13. +2
    7 July 2024 17: 01
    MOSSAD is doing its job. The Persians tolerated the assassination of their president, so they will tolerate this even more so...
    1. 0
      7 July 2024 20: 12
      The Persians suffered the assassination of their president

      I'm sorry, of course, what kind of Iranian president was killed? Or do you know something that the Iranians themselves do not know?
  14. +4
    7 July 2024 17: 18
    The ship, for unknown reasons, suddenly sank in the port of Bandar Abbas.

    The reason is well known - the entry of water into the fuel tanks on the left side, as a result - loss of stability and capsizing on the left side.
    But why water got into the fuel tanks is a question.
    1. -2
      8 July 2024 00: 05
      I dare say that a small hole has formed in the side. It's all because of him. laughing
    2. +2
      8 July 2024 04: 04
      Well, actually it was under repair...
  15. 0
    7 July 2024 17: 42
    In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter right now. In the near future, the Persians will not fight at sea with the United States or Israel.
  16. Aag
    7 July 2024 17: 50
    Quote: voyaka uh
    In Israel they are scratching their heads: “Why did he suddenly drown?”

    Quote: voyaka uh
    In Israel they are scratching their heads: “Why did he suddenly drown?”

    Are you hinting?
  17. +3
    7 July 2024 18: 49
    port "Bender - Abbas". The title shows Bandera's involvement
  18. +1
    7 July 2024 19: 01
    Without influence (external or internal), nothing sinks.
  19. +3
    7 July 2024 19: 08
    It's OK. They will lift it, dock it and put it into operation.
    1. -3
      7 July 2024 20: 02
      Quote: Polar Bear
      They will lift it, dock it and put it into operation.
      His sistership Damavand sank in 2018. They raised it, but they are still putting it into operation.
  20. +3
    7 July 2024 19: 21
    The Persians are notorious for their sloppiness. Compared to them, we are like Germans. Drowned. They forgot to close the faucet.
  21. +1
    7 July 2024 19: 28
    if there was an explosion under the bottom.. then it’s clear who did it.. and here.. Galustyan’s face from a stupid program on TNT
    1. +1
      8 July 2024 09: 31
      Quote: Yaro Polk
      if there was an explosion under the bottom..

      Who spoke about the explosion? Everything seemed to be quiet. He stood quietly, quietly lay down on his side
  22. +1
    7 July 2024 19: 34
    Apparently Iran has a bad streak. Either their generals are killed, then the president is killed, and now this... Of course, all this is not connected with each other. It happens that there is a coincidence of bad luck. However, this is all very strange.
    1. +2
      8 July 2024 09: 55
      These are hardly coincidences; this is clearly the work of Israeli and Western intelligence services.
      1. 0
        8 July 2024 23: 20
        You are right, but you have not been caught red-handed and there is no public recognition. Therefore, only speculation remains. Iran is constantly being provoked to conduct military operations and start a war. Who are our experts on anger and those who like to manage it later? Everyone knows the answer - Britain.
  23. +1
    7 July 2024 20: 28
    It didn't sink, but lay on its side
    The destroyer of the Iranian army fleet "Sahand" suffered an accident at a dock near the port of Bandar Abbas. The ISNA agency reports this.
    ...According to the agency, the probable cause of this accident was problems in the ship's balancing tank or the penetration of water from the location of the destroyer's mine during repairs.
    The photo attached by the agency shows that the ship is practically lying on its side.
  24. 0
    7 July 2024 20: 50
    similar to the work of combat swimmers, such as forces
  25. 0
    8 July 2024 07: 44
    They'll pick it up, no big deal. Sea gouging is international and more dangerous than land violence.
  26. +1
    8 July 2024 09: 50
    It is unlikely that he sank himself, he was clearly helped to do this, who helped, I think everyone knows this very well.
  27. 0
    8 July 2024 17: 09
    As I understand it, it was under repair. But during repairs, anything can happen, such as the outboard pipe was dismantled and the plug was not installed, or something was screwed on incorrectly, or the terminals were mixed up. Nowadays you can destroy a lot of things just by tapping the touchscreen. The Iranians seem to write that they have already raised it, but at a minimum, restoration repairs, primarily electronics and electricians, are necessary. The Norwegians did not restore their “diver”. As for the reasons, the IRGC will probably figure it out.