Destroy the Sich-2-30 and ICEYE reconnaissance satellites

Destroy the Sich-2-30 and ICEYE reconnaissance satellites

The conduct of the Russian special military operation (SVO) in Ukraine gave impetus to the development of new weapons and tactics for their use, which has not been equaled since the Second World War. The leading powers of the planet are carefully studying the experience of fighting between Russia and Ukraine and adapting their arsenals to the wars of the near future.

Perhaps the role of the orbital intelligence, control and communications infrastructure, and its influence on the course of hostilities here on earth, has never been so clearly visible.

All intelligence resources of Western countries, primarily the United States, are now being used in Ukraine’s interests – we can force them to stop delivering cruise and operational-tactical missiles missiles, if we act harshly and mercilessly, but how can we prevent them from passing intelligence data to Ukraine? How can we prevent them from planning strikes on our territory?

This is only possible if we begin destroying the enemy’s orbital infrastructure with our anti-satellite weapons. weapons.

Russia and China often make statements about the need to develop peaceful space, but these are only good wishes - space has never been peaceful and never will be. The sooner we understand this, the better it will be for us. While the leading world powers have carried out tests only on their spacecraft - satellites with exhausted resources, here we will not surprise anyone and will not convince anyone of anything.

Russia must be the first to use anti-satellite weapons on real objects - enemy spacecraft, at a minimum in order to show its ability, and most importantly, determination to conduct combat operations in space, especially since we have completely legitimate goals for this.

"Sich-2-30" and ICEYE

On January 13, 2022, Ukraine, using the American Falcon 9 launch vehicle (LV) of the American company SpaceX, launched into orbit the Sich-2-30 reconnaissance satellite, capable of receiving digital images in the infrared wavelength range.

Ukrainian satellite "Sich-2-30"

In fact, it is unlikely that the Sich-2-30 satellite provides any advantages to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of Ukraine - according to open data, its resolution is only 8 meters per pixel, that is, it can be detected with It can only be used for fairly large objects. At the same time, it still provides some data to the APU and power steering, of course, if this satellite is still “alive” at all.

Of course, the avalanche of information provided by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the United States and other Western countries does not require Ukraine to have its own reconnaissance satellites, but still, Sich-2-30 is an element of prestige, this is what allows Ukraine to speak - “We are a space power.” From the very beginning of the Northern Military District, the aforementioned Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Main Intelligence Directorate made many attempts to strike targets that had not so much military or economic, but rather symbolic significance for our country, for example, the Crimean Bridge, as they say - debt is worth paying.

One Sich-2-30 satellite was not enough for Ukraine, so Ukrainian public and political figure Sergei Prytula purchased a radar reconnaissance satellite from the Finnish aerospace company ICEYE - the Ukrainians call it the “people's satellite ICEYE”. The satellites in this series use synthetic aperture radar (SAR), with a resolution of less than one meter, which can be used at any time and in all weather conditions, in darkness and cloudy conditions.

The author wrote back in December 2020 in the article that such “civilian” reconnaissance satellites could become a problem Capella Space's All-Seeing Eye: Harbinger of the Satellite Intelligence Revolution.

According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, during the period of use of the national satellite ICEYE, 4 photographs of Russian objects were taken with its help, including 173 airfields, 370 air defense positions (Defense) and radio-technical reconnaissance (RTR), 153 oil depots and fuel depots, 147 missile depots, aviation weapons and ammunition, 17 naval bases (NMB). Of the entire array of data obtained with the help of the ICEYE satellite, about 38% were used to prepare fire strikes on reconnoitered objects.

Images obtained by the State Intelligence Service of Ukraine using the ICEYE satellite

That is, if the destruction of the Sich-2-30 satellite is more of a political gesture, then the destruction of the people's satellite ICEYE is a direct military necessity.

In general, both need to be shot down, especially since Russia has the means to do this.

Anti-satellite capabilities

Based on information published in open sources, Russia has several ways to destroy Ukrainian satellites.

Presumably, the most proven method is to send Russian satellite inspectors to Ukrainian satellites. Apparently, the Ukrainian satellites "Sich-2-30" and ICEYE are not capable of actively maneuvering in orbit - "Sich-2-30" even at launch lost orientation in space (which is typical for Ukraine) and was difficult to restore its functionality, receiving The solar panels receive only light reflected from our planet.

It is possible that we will not even need to launch anything into orbit; perhaps the work can be done by any of the existing satellites of the Cosmos family. For example, based on open data, the Cosmos-2504 and Cosmos-2536 satellites, launched as part of the Nivelir program, are still in orbit.

Presumably, Russian inspection satellites were created on the Karat platform

On the one hand, Russian satellite inspectors have already practiced rendezvous with enemy spacecraft, on the other hand, there have not yet been confirmed cases of destruction of their own objects (for test purposes) or enemy objects, and these, as they say, are “two big differences” - one It’s one thing to fly a few tens of meters from the desired object, another thing is to destroy it with an accurate hit.

The destruction of the Ukrainian Sich-2-30 and ICEYE satellites by Russian inspector satellites can be carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, inspection satellites can approach the Sich-2-30 and ICEYE satellites and remain in relative proximity to them for some time. With a high probability, these maneuvers will be detected by US space reconnaissance, after which Ukraine and Western countries can talk about this to their hearts’ content, without having any opportunity to counter it - we must show all the powerlessness of the United States and its allies in terms of protecting their orbital infrastructure and allies.

At the same time, another Russian anti-satellite weapon could be tested, namely combat laser complex (BLK) "Peresvet", which is currently gathering dust somewhere in hangars without any use.

In general, we have already said earlier that with the help of the Peresvet BLK it would be possible to work on American reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) hanging around the Black Sea, but for now we prefer to pour kerosene on them.

BLK "Peresvet"

It is possible that the presence of inspector satellites next to the Ukrainian Sich-2-30 and ICEYE satellites will make it possible to carry out objective monitoring of the impact of the Peresvet BLK on these satellites, of course, if it is capable of exerting any impact detectable using technical reconnaissance means inspector satellites. At a minimum, the fact that the laser is hitting and tracking enemy objects can be detected.

And after that you can shoot it down - ram it with an inspector satellite. I would like to hope that by this time the United States and its accomplices will have already drawn at least a few red lines that we will trample on, having shot down the Ukrainian orbital wreck Sich-2-30 and the former Finnish ICEYE satellite.

Another confirmed anti-satellite capability is the use of surface-to-space missiles. Presumably, on November 15, 2021, a missile from the Nudol complex (program?) destroyed the Russian inactive spacecraft Tselina-D.

The proposed type of mobile launcher P222 of a long-range echelon (product 14Ts033) of a promising anti-missile and anti-space defense system on the Nudol theme, developed by JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey. Image

If we are not confident in our inspector satellites or do not want to lose them, then a strike could also be delivered by missiles from the Nudol complex.

In addition, the strike can be combined - the rapprochement of inspector satellites with Ukrainian satellites, testing of the Peresvet BLK with objective control of the process and results, and then a strike with ground-to-space missiles, also with objective control from inspection satellites (the main thing is our own satellites cannot be destroyed).

We should not forget that, presumably, the newest Russian S-500 anti-aircraft missile system should also have anti-satellite capabilities. If this is really the case, and the complex is ready for use, then its testing on such a complex target as an artificial Earth satellite would be a good way to demonstrate Russia’s capabilities in this direction.

By the way, there is some confusion here - some sources put forward versions that the Tselina-D satellite was shot down by the S-500 air defense missile system, and some talk about a certain modification of the S-550 with expanded anti-satellite capabilities. It is possible that work on all of the above topics comes down to several modifications of the same complex, aimed at hitting aerodynamic or ballistic targets, just as there are air defense systems of the S-300P family (aerodynamic targets) and air defense systems of the S-300V family (ballistic targets ). In principle, it doesn’t matter what it’s called, the main thing is that it works.

The launcher from the S-500 air defense system, and maybe the S-550, however, it also very much resembles the aforementioned launcher developed on the “Nudol” theme. Image from the Russian Ministry of Defense


Russia has every opportunity to shoot down the Ukrainian Sich-2-30 and ICEYE satellites, and we simply must do this - all the industry that Ukraine has was inherited from the USSR, and current Ukraine is not worthy of being called a space power. As they say, the process of decommunization must be brought to its logical conclusion, as a result of which Ukraine will become a peaceful, pastoral, agricultural state without high technology and heavy industry. And on top of that, the ICEYE satellite poses a very real military threat.

The most important factor will be the reaction of the United States and other Western countries, let's see how they behave in such a situation, whether they will draw any red lines when Russian inspector satellites appear near the Ukrainian Sich-2-30 and ICEYE satellites, and what will happen when we cross these lines?

It’s worth inserting a remark here - many fear that by doing so we will push the United States and other countries into an arms race in space. It’s worth disappointing our “peace-loving doves” - the race in space is already underway and will never stop. The limits of what the United States can do will be determined by its achievements in the field of creating advanced space technology - the Starship / Super Heavy from SpaceX will fly, and the arms race in space will reach its peak, regardless of whether we shoot down the Ukrainian satellite or not. And only our ability to create similar systems, as well as our determination and willingness to use them, can limit the arms race in space.

In general, for now we clearly lack the determination to take truly serious actions, for example, such as supply of powerful anti-ship weapons to the Houthis (for now there are only rumors that things can still change, so fingers crossed), Blowing up underwater internet cables between the US and Europe (if necessary, you can also blame it on the Houthis; they are unlikely to mind) or demonstrative detonation of Zmeiny Island using a charge comparable in power to a nuclear one, so that in Romania the glass will break.

And our caution is more like weakness, it only accustoms our opponents to disgusting - it seems to them that they can cross any boundaries, and nothing will happen to them for it.

It's time to give up illusions and move on to more decisive and aggressive actions - the Sich-2-30 and ICEYE satellites must be destroyed.
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  1. -20
    7 July 2024 04: 37
    The problem is that any Putin after work is destroyed and lowered from orbit or, ok, taken out for burial... Well, let's... whatever... let's turn everything into a landfill... Yes nivapros am soldier .
    and we just have to do it

    Let’s turn the orbits into a bunch of nuts and screws that fly at 8 km/s almost... it’s clear that they wrapped the film in gravity, they somehow in the ISS or whatever it was, in 2 hours the fragments managed to reach the ISS (well, there are just 2 birds neighing. .. well, remember the meme). But the problem is serious. And there is no solution for her... we have already played enough, both the states and the Chinese... and said... come on... (c) Well, have you seen??? (c) Therefore, all sorts of masks and others will stuff the orbits and echelons, so to speak, and there is no end in sight... and even a vigorous loaf will not help.
    Yes, and it’s not all this that’s being started... but quite serious people... while Biden is walking around there like a gogol, as if they inserted a pin into his 5th point... they gave the planet a more mature look, let them laugh... ugh... what
    1. +4
      7 July 2024 12: 49
      Quote from Enceladus
      any satellite after work is destroyed and lowered from orbit or, ok, taken out for burial...
      Let's turn the orbits into a bunch of nuts and screws that fly at almost 8 km/s... a serious problem. And she has no solution... ..

      In theory, you need to avoid smashing the enemy’s apparatus to smithereens, namely remove out of service.
      To do this, you need a “seeing off” spacecraft, which will approach the desired target, carefully come into close contact with the help of grippers, provide its precise telemetry to the control point, and at the right calculated moment will give an impulse with its engines in order to carefully remove its ward from orbit. This may require an intermediary relay apparatus, the function of which will be performed by a spacecraft inspector. The “counselor” himself might. greatly simplified, having only a small supply of fuel and a low-power complex for close communication with the “inspector”.
      1. -2
        7 July 2024 15: 16
        Give acceleration with a kick?
        Quote from cpls22
        to carefully bring your charge out of orbit

        Quote from cpls22
        and at the right calculated moment will give an impulse with its engines

        Have you heard about the law of conservation of momentum in a closed system? In order for this descent to return to orbit itself, it will require half of the fuel that it spent on the descent of another, assuming that the masses of the satellites are the same. And this speed is several hundred m/s, otherwise the client will be slowed down by the atmosphere for years, and I’m not talking about larger orbits at all - there delta V will be even greater.
        1. +1
          7 July 2024 15: 37
          Quote from Enceladus
          So that this descent can then return to orbit on its own.

          The pusher does not have to return; he may burn together with the victim.
          After all, satellites are somehow removed from orbit, and this is a necessity today.
          There are two options here - to push it into a distant orbit, or to bring it down. The problem of a controlled descent is constantly being solved - after all, any descent from the ISS is the same problem. The main difficulty, as I see it, is not in the fuel, but in the exact direction of the engine thrust, taking into account the center of mass of the pusher-spacecraft system, so as not to twist it, but to push it. However, it is possible to hook it with a cable and "pull" it out of orbit.
          1. +1
            17 August 2024 15: 06
            The cable bundle will move relative to the common center of mass at a distance proportional to the masses of the connected objects
          2. +1
            17 August 2024 15: 08
            He will not push, but brake. Further acceleration will lead to an increase in the orbit
          3. 0
            17 August 2024 15: 32
            After all, satellites are somehow removed from orbit, and this is a necessity today.

            On command from the control center, the shunting engines are turned on to brake with the expectation of drowning in a given area of ​​the ocean.
        2. -1
          7 July 2024 15: 44
          Quote from Enceladus
          Give acceleration with a kick? .

          By the way, about the kick. If you use a truly pushing piston, the pusher itself will receive an opposing impulse, keeping it in orbit.
          But this is hardly feasible, because a controlled descent requires long-term contact.
          1. 0
            7 July 2024 16: 10
            Quote from cpls22
            If you use a truly pushing piston, the pusher itself will receive an opposing impulse, keeping it in orbit.

            Colleague, the law of conservation of momentum, no matter how much you kick the momentum that you will spend on lowering the client, you will then need to return it to return to your orbit. Otherwise you will go into a higher orbit
            1. +3
              7 July 2024 17: 13
              Quote from Enceladus
              to return to its orbit.

              Yes, I don’t suggest returning it. Let the performer disappear into the ocean along with his victim so that there are fewer questions about his origin and structure. Ends in water)
          2. +2
            17 August 2024 15: 38
            push piston

            Cue, this piston is called a cue.
            It won’t work, it will be very unclear what will follow the push since the distribution of masses inside the target is unknown.
            If we are already talking about rapprochement, then it is wiser to focus on squibs.
            1. +1
              17 August 2024 15: 58
              Quote: Sensor

              It won’t work, it will be very unclear what will follow the push since the distribution of masses inside the target is unknown.
              If we are already talking about rapprochement, then it is wiser to focus on squibs.

              By the way, now the thought has come to mind - there is no need to take them out of orbit. It is enough to lightly push the edge for the device to spin, losing its orientation. Here the squib will come in handy, carefully attached to the solar panel. It will be a good joke). The antennas will be disoriented, the solar panels will reduce the energy supply, and the device itself will remain in orbit without collapsing or creating debris. Let the owners fool around with stabilization, I wonder if they can cope.
              1. +1
                17 August 2024 16: 25
                neatly sucked

                In a vacuum, the suction cups do not work. For spacecraft orientation, gyrodines are used, which may allow the orientation to be leveled after a small disturbance. How small or large is determined by the moment of inertia of the gyrodine flywheels, their strength (they will break at high speeds) and the power characteristics of the drives. On the other hand, restoration will take some time. As for the pyropatron, it probably needs to be made in the form of a rocket-propelled grenade.
                However, all these are amateurish thoughts for fun.
                The issue is relevant and people are working on it seriously, and they release meager information only after successful application, such is the tradition.
                1. 0
                  17 August 2024 16: 33
                  Quote: Sensor

                  Suction cups do not work in a vacuum. As for the squib, it probably needs to be made in the form of a rocket-propelled grenade.

                  The grenade will hit once and create debris. For maximum torque, it is better to apply a non-destructive long-term force, and to the point farthest from the center of mass. This might be solar battery or antenna. It is clear that the suction cups will not work, and it will not be possible to magnetize either. I put it figuratively. But somehow it’s still possible to stick/catch on.
                  1. +2
                    17 August 2024 17: 25
                    If you grab a tube with UV glue. Ideally clean surfaces are blown away by the solar wind (high-energy particles slightly etch the surface)
                    1. 0
                      17 August 2024 18: 09
                      Quote: Sensor
                      If you grab a tube with UV glue.

                      Oh, and let that glue set before you initiate the squib.
  2. +8
    7 July 2024 04: 39
    our caution is more like weakness, it only accustoms our opponents to disgusting behavior - it seems to them that they can cross any boundaries, and nothing will happen to them for it.
    just for this one phrase - to the author plus in karma, I also read the article itself with interest
    1. -8
      7 July 2024 04: 54
      And here, as always, only phrases... Unlike to pass - to pass there is cham and these are not lasers and other Alcubierre bubbles... they are on combat duty... Where does all this come from? Echo of war.. (c) They have already experimented with nuclear explosions in near space... it's like shooting an opponent and yourself in the head... And shuttles and snowstorms as carriers of nuclear weapons and so on.
      Quote: Pete Mitchell
      just for this one phrase
      In the meantime, we are fighting FPV with drones.... When I asked to be an instructor, having learned that I had been using an HTC Vive Pro for 5 years (and a computer for it with 2x1080Ti cost about 400 thousand at the prices of 18) - they offered me an operator then only in its infancy.. .hmm wassat
      1. +3
        7 July 2024 10: 36
        I think this one phrase is not addressed to us, but an attempt to reach decision makers. Well, if so figuratively. Some of them will be interested and useful to know the aspirations of the public
        1. +2
          8 July 2024 14: 09
          That's it, colleague! This ubiquitous word is REACH...
          I am sure that those who make decisions are well aware of the opinion of our society.
          This is just about why???? don’t show this POLITICAL WILL???
          OUR people are dying, and for some reason we are marking time, waiting for something, embarrassed by someone(?), afraid (if you want)...
          Imagine for a moment WHAT would happen if the Politburo (then) with Brezhnev at the head was now in power...
          I think bargaining is inappropriate here, as Kisa Vorobyaninov once said...
          Once upon a time these decisions were made instantly, and that is why they were afraid of us... Everyone was afraid...
          1. +1
            8 July 2024 14: 16
            There are plenty of examples...
            Let us at least remember that story (1982) with the South Korean Boeing...
            None of those in power even batted an eye - they shot down like good morning and wanted to sneeze at 280 passengers...
            1. 0
              8 July 2024 18: 13
              Quote: Alexander Makov
              I think bargaining is inappropriate here, as Kisa Vorobyaninov once said...
              But there is no need to be afraid. They need to understand that you can talk to them and look for a common solution; which will be mutually acceptable, and not like with the Washington uncle.
              Quote: Alexander Makov
              at least that story (1982) with the South Korean Boeing...
              I don’t agree with you: they took full advantage of the situation to promote their local goals. And the Union could not withstand the information counteraction. But yes, no one cares about the dead people, the question is how they ended up there, and the prehistory is very instructive
  3. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      7 July 2024 12: 01
      .we searched for the Higgs boson for 50 years and achieved 10-19, then 21 degrees of accuracy at 27 km

      I decided to rename the cat Boson. Or is it better to use Higsik?
  4. +13
    7 July 2024 05: 37
    One question: who will decide to shoot down the satellites? Is it available?
    1. -5
      7 July 2024 09: 10
      Quote: avia12005
      One question: who will decide to shoot down satellites? Is it available?
      That's the problem! Well, let me accept it. I accept - shoot down! Will you do it?
      1. +3
        7 July 2024 13: 46
        If you give me the money, it’s easy.
        1. +2
          7 July 2024 18: 26
          Quote: avia12005
          If you give me the money, it’s easy.
          If I had the means, I wouldn’t ask anyone, I’d do it myself.
  5. -1
    7 July 2024 05: 55
    And I don’t think that we have silence in this regard ❗❗❗
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. 0
    7 July 2024 06: 11
    It’s interesting that if you direct solar reflection at enemy satellites or UAVs in neutral waters, then at least the visual component will disappear.
    Maybe revive the Mirror and use it on satellites?
    1. +1
      8 July 2024 00: 30
      Modern satellites do not need vision in the visible range; if the satellite has afar, and even radars in the ultraviolet and infrared range, then being blinded by the sun or a laser beam is like a poultice for a dead person. It won't help, only physical pressure is needed. It is enough to attach a couple of kilograms of iron to the satellite, thereby changing its center of mass and it will begin to rotate uncontrollably; in fact, there is no need to give a kick. And no one will immediately understand what’s going on....
  8. +4
    7 July 2024 06: 14
    If our satellites were directly involved in reconnaissance and targeting of the United States, would the Americans shoot down these satellites? Or would they silently watch as this happens?
    This also applies to UAVs.
    1. +3
      7 July 2024 06: 26
      “Or would they silently watch as this happens?”
      They watched in silence, our satellites in Vietnam did not shoot down
      1. +3
        7 July 2024 07: 25
        Quote: BlackMokona
        not shot down in Vietnam

        I didn’t even ask about Vietnam.

        I wrote about attacks on US territory. These are slightly different things.
        And at the dawn of astronautics it was hardly possible to shoot down satellites.
        1. -5
          7 July 2024 11: 26
          They would be patient and try to quickly deal with Mexico, from where these missiles would fly without touching the Soviet transports supplying weapons. Because the alternative would be to start World War III, where every last American would burn in a nuclear flame.
        2. 0
          8 July 2024 14: 57
          There was an opportunity....and WHAT else...
          In the 60s, the Dal complexes were created,
          there were 2 of them - one covered DIRECTLY Moscow and the region,
          the second is Western Siberia...
          These complexes ALREADY THEN (!) could shoot down ANY rocket, satellite, plane, etc.
          And the question of USING them certainly did not arise before the Politburo...
    2. -4
      7 July 2024 13: 17
      Quote: Stas157
      If our satellites were directly involved in reconnaissance and targeting of the United States, would the Americans shoot down these satellites? Or would they silently watch as this happens?
      This also applies to UAVs.

      They shot down the Chinese balloon “for half a month”, and this was on their territory.
      1. 0
        17 August 2024 15: 15
        And they fled from the slipper-makers in Afghanistan. And their Donald Cook is so-so. And they themselves fight only when they have ice cream and Coca-Cola. In short, let's go, guys, the emperor has no clothes!
    3. +9
      7 July 2024 15: 19
      Yes you, what? The Americans said that Nord-2 would not work, and they did it. And we, like Manilov, have only dreams. So, we are developing more and more little things, captured farmsteads, called cities for the sake of decency. They forgot when there were normal commanders who liberated large territories. And now we are not expecting decent actions, everything is mostly indirect, preparatory.
  9. +5
    7 July 2024 06: 16
    There is one pattern in SVO. If one side begins to use a “miracle weapon,” then after a while the other side also uses it.
    1. Drones. First, Russian troops began using UAVs (Geranium), and now the enemy is sending drones deep into Russia.
    2. Bombs with UMPC. The Americans threatened to launch them with himers, but in the end the Ukrainians are hit with heavy high-explosive bombs with controlled planning and correction modules.
    4. BECs. The enemy was the first to use it (probably with the help of the British), and they began to develop BECs in Russia.
    It is possible to destroy the enemy's low-orbit satellites with missile defense systems, but won't they destroy our satellites in response? It remains to be seen who will benefit most from this.
    1. BAI
      7 July 2024 10: 34
      There is one pattern in SVO. If one side begins to use a “miracle weapon,” then after a while the other side also uses it.

      What will the other side use? Russia does not have enough satellites to receive an adequate response. The US has nothing to shoot down.
      It’s like with the Black Sea Fleet - we can’t sink anything in response to Ukraine, because Ukraine doesn’t have a fleet - there’s nothing to sink
      1. +1
        7 July 2024 11: 29
        Why nothing? GBMD, SM-3, possibly X-37.
        1. +2
          7 July 2024 12: 33
          BAI means that we have few satellites. “nothing”, not nothing.
          1. -1
            7 July 2024 15: 26
            Well, 229 pieces is still far from zero, they bring benefits.
            1. 0
              7 July 2024 17: 03
              This refers to reconnaissance satellites - there are few of them, and there are 229 in total. China is somewhere at the level of the United States and has several data centers that process information from satellites in real time. I won't give numbers. You can find it if you search on the Internet.
              1. 0
                7 July 2024 17: 12
                I suspect that if satellites are shot down, the United States could shoot down not only reconnaissance satellites, but also the other 200. Precisely because a symmetrical response is unprofitable for them. Let me say nothing that China will definitely not support such an initiative, why does it need the Kepler effect.
      2. 0
        7 July 2024 12: 30
        What will the other side use?

        Well, you can cover the sky over Ukraine with a network of inexpensive satellites (US reconnaissance satellites cost $1-2 billion) and solve 2 problems: controlling a UAV via a satellite channel (which would reduce the effectiveness of electronic warfare) and reconnaissance. Announce a tender for the development of exploration. satellites the size and weight of a Starlink satellite, which can be launched in batches of 20. on one Falcon-9 rocket (As of July 28, 2023, SpaceX has completed 97 launches of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle, resulting in 4879 system satellites being launched into orbit). The required quality of images can be obtained by superimposing images from different satellites and using computer modeling, and using AI for analysis. Shooting down such a number of satellites is not an easy and expensive task. And the United States will have to spend a lot of money, but they will be able to use it in the future in the struggle for global supremacy in space.
      3. -10
        7 July 2024 12: 34
        Russia does not have enough satellites

        Is it true ? Where do you get the cards that Iskander uses to program?
    2. 0
      7 July 2024 13: 31
      Quote: smart fellow
      There is one pattern in SVO. If one side begins to use a “miracle weapon,” then after a while the other side also uses it.
      1. Drones. First, Russian troops began using UAVs (Geranium), and now the enemy is sending drones deep into Russia.
      2. Bombs with UMPC. The Americans threatened to launch them with himers, but in the end the Ukrainians are hit with heavy high-explosive bombs with controlled planning and correction modules.
      4. BECs. The enemy was the first to use it (probably with the help of the British), and they began to develop BECs in Russia.
      It is possible to destroy the enemy's low-orbit satellites with missile defense systems, but won't they destroy our satellites in response? It remains to be seen who will benefit most from this.

      Definitely the Russian Federation, in low orbit they have communications-Internet and visual surveillance satellites, which are an order of magnitude larger than those of Russia, plus satellite countries. Now, if we could hook onto a high-orbit constellation where there are GPS satellites, without which Americans don’t go to the toilet, so as not to get lost, that would be the case.
      1. -1
        7 July 2024 16: 52
        Quote: Havoc
        Now, if we could hook onto a high-orbit constellation where there are GPS satellites, without which Americans don’t go to the toilet, so as not to get lost, that would be the case.

        We need to launch into space a "people's railway train (meaning the contents of 20+ carriages, not the trains/cars themselves) of ball bearings."
        Should be fun. And Roscosmos will have something to do, after all, it’s not all about flying to the moronic ISS.
  10. +1
    7 July 2024 06: 19
    reaction of the USA and other Western countries, let's see how they behave in such a situation, whether they will draw any red lines,

    Oh, I doubt that the West and the United States will draw red lines. This is clearly not their style.
    1. -1
      7 July 2024 06: 56
      Well, basically - what will they do? Will they destroy even more satellites, making space unusable? True, it depends on what and how they destroy it, so that they don’t lose their companions
      1. 0
        7 July 2024 20: 08
        Well, basically - what will they do?

        1. They will send even more weapons to Ukraine,
        2. They will officially be allowed to attack Russian territory,
        3. They will more actively support the initiative to send NATO troops to Ukraine.
        4. They will do the same with our companions.
        And other. These dudes still have a lot of options.
  11. -5
    7 July 2024 06: 26
    Did you give anyone any advantages in this? In my opinion, this is a marathon race from tsipso... we apparently already ordered a couple of satellites to be smashed in orbit laughing
    There is a topic that hurts the feelings of the Khlovites... it would be interesting to ask the admins - who has walked on our off-road terrain with disadvantages lol
    1. +3
      7 July 2024 20: 13
      I think this is a marathon race from tsipso...

      Do you have at least one proof of the presence of at least one “TSIPSOshnik”?
      I don’t mean those with whom you disagree, but for real?
      1. -2
        7 July 2024 20: 28
        If I disagree with something, I usually write about it and don’t give a minus even to particularly gifted sticklers.

        Quote: Ermak_415
        I don’t mean those with whom you disagree, but for real?

        There were and I wrote to Vadim more than once.
  12. 0
    7 July 2024 06: 50
    Well, if our satellite inspector can give a kick to accelerate the enemy satellite towards the atmosphere (or into outer space), then there will be no problems with anyone. Or he will fix it so that he can only respond and maneuver, but does not see anything else - this also would not pose a threat to the rest of the satellites request
  13. +8
    7 July 2024 07: 30
    What are we writing about here, blah blah blah we’re fantasizing, first of all we need to at least start shooting down drones over the Black Sea, they fly across the Crimea almost every day and we’re still scratching our turnips, the gas pipeline was blown up and what not, and before that the conversation was that cases of sabotage were almost a declaration of war, during the Second World War the children of our leaders did not live abroad and the wives of deputy ministers did not shop and did not relax abroad but FIGHTED, so even on the night of August 8, 1941, a detachment of bombers from the aviation of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (KBF) made the first raid on Berlin during the Great Patriotic War. and how long will it take us to go to Banking?????????????????????????????????? this is why we are still fighting
  14. +3
    7 July 2024 07: 54
    In response to Pritula’s initiative, what did Russian oligarchs buy with people’s money?
  15. -2
    7 July 2024 09: 08
    First you need to screw on the eggs...
  16. +1
    7 July 2024 09: 43
    This nonsense could fill an entire dissertation. Weren't you too lazy to compose? Nobody will deal with this fantasy.
  17. -1
    7 July 2024 10: 04
    Somehow the author forgot to mention what kind of retaliation would be expected in the case of a shoot down... Or maybe he thinks everyone will freeze in fear?
    1. 0
      8 July 2024 08: 45
      Quote: overland
      Somehow the author forgot to mention what kind of retaliation would be expected in the case of a shoot down... Or maybe he thinks everyone will freeze in fear?

      Possible countermeasures are discussed in detail in the comments. General summary: they are there, but it is not terrible. It will not be worse. At the same time, let's take into account that the author proposes to affect actually enemy vehicles with a clear nationality. In general (as a symbolic blow, there is little practical sense in it) his proposal is interesting. It would be an interesting demonstration of possibilities, if such possibilities already exist.
  18. BAI
    7 July 2024 10: 31
    if we begin to destroy the enemy’s orbital infrastructure with our anti-satellite weapons.

    Gold words. And 2 years have not passed since the authors of VO realized this.
    The question is: when will the leadership of the Russian Federation understand this?
  19. +7
    7 July 2024 11: 59
    Space launches from the beginning of 2024:
    -USA: 74
    -China: 30
    -Russia: 8
    -others: 17
    In terms of output load, the difference with the USA is even greater:
    -7 of our launches with a payload (Angara launch is experimental) 6 launches of medium-sized Soyuz 2a/b rockets (payload in LEO 7 tons) and a light Soyuz 2v rocket (3 tons).
    - The US launched 67 heavy Falcon 9 rockets (payload 17 tons), 3 heavy Vulcan, Delta-4, Atlas-5 rockets (payload 20 tons) and 1 super-heavy Falcon Heavy rocket (payload 63 tons). In addition, experimental launches of two Starship megarockets and a light Firefly rocket took place.

    As you can see, the estimated payload launched by the United States is 28 times larger than the Russian one. In such conditions, shooting down satellites is madness. The loss of several satellites due to kinetic effects will not be critical at all (a typical Falcon 9 launch puts 22 satellites into orbit) and will lead to the introduction of sanctions from China and India, which are not interested in orbital debris.
  20. +9
    7 July 2024 13: 09
    The article is some kind of paroxysm of turbo-patriotic fetishism. Life teaches turbo-propagandists nothing. Well, the Ukrainians shot down two satellites. What will this particularly affect? ​​Nothing. But the Americans will get a legal pretext to cancel their unilateral moratorium on anti-satellite missile tests. And in a year, local "analysts" will write articles - will the Americans give the Ukrainians anti-satellite missiles or not. And then one local "expert" will write an article that the missiles were given, but "not enough, late, useless."
  21. +8
    7 July 2024 13: 32
    ..let's see how they behave.. and what will happen when we..

    "Lice test" for striped animals? But in fact - another confirmation of the hopeless secondary nature and lack of subjectivity. What satellites?! Ensure isolation of the high pressure chamber. Beskydy tunnel destroyed? Are the ports of Reni, Odessa and Nikolaev blocked? Have railway bridges been destroyed in Vinnytsia, Volyn, Transcarpathian, Lviv and Chernivtsi regions?
  22. -5
    7 July 2024 15: 24
    Red lines work great. Without them, back in 2022 we would have to think about leaving Donetsk and Lugansk. Let me remind you that when in 1973 America wanted, she is by sea and air in a month and a half delivered 90 tons of military cargo to Israel, including about 000 aircraft, 100 tanks, 200 armored personnel carriers, 250 43-mm and 155-mm guns, 175 air defense missile systems, hundreds of thousands of shells, etc. Moreover, for speed, equipment was transferred even from American units in Europe. If aid to Ukraine had been so intense, no partial mobilization would have saved it. But the much-mocked red lines actually worked great. And now someone wants to check what it will be like without them.
  23. Owl
    7 July 2024 15: 51
    “Russia has every opportunity to shoot down the Ukrainian satellites Sich-2-30 and ICEYE, and we simply must do this” - the whole question is making a decision to conduct active combat operations against space satellites of a sovereign state. There are so many lobbyists in “power” today (for the import of guest workers; for insurance medicine; for the shameful conclusion of peace on any terms), all these lobbyists are “friends” and it turns out that the supreme one will not be able to give the command for the “landing” of the satellite.
    1. 0
      7 July 2024 16: 56
      Quote: Eagle Owl
      all these lobbyists are “friends” and it turns out that the Supreme Commander will not be able to give the command to “land” the satellite.

      If the eggs/will/desire were there, “friends” would be expendable and he would give the order.
      The army/people would support...
  24. 0
    7 July 2024 16: 05
    It is irrational to destroy a satellite in orbit, as there is already a lot of debris. When it burns up in the atmosphere is another matter. Everyone is fine.
  25. kig
    7 July 2024 18: 48
    The ICEYE company has, in my opinion, a total of 16 satellites in orbit, and which one is used by Ukraine? Well, shoot one down if you really want to, but it won’t do anything.
  26. 0
    7 July 2024 20: 12
    As soon as we start physically destroying satellites, we can immediately forget about trade with China, India and others
    developed countries with whom we have trade relations, who will definitely not be happy about this. They invest billions in the development of their space programs and certainly do not want to jeopardize them. The physical destruction of satellites, like a nuclear strike, is possible only if Russia is on the verge of destruction. It is more realistic, in my opinion, to create electronic warfare satellites and use them to jam the satellites of unfriendly countries. You can even temporarily jam them; out of fear of loss or collision, they will remove their satellites themselves.
  27. +1
    7 July 2024 21: 18
    Chatter and chatter, fantasies and fantasies.
    You can’t defeat satellites with 1001 photos of “Peresvet” on the Internet.

    The problem is that this is not a one-sided game.
    They transmit intelligence information - that’s how they always transmit it.
    They just have a lot of satellites and Musk, but we have.... Rogozin, Usmanov, Medvedev, Miller, but few satellites...

    all sorts of populist slogans “...the Sich-2-30 and ICEYE satellites must be destroyed” will remain populist...
  28. -1
    8 July 2024 00: 07
    the author is a big move such projects forward, you first need to feed the inhabitants of the Kremlin with courage pills.
    Well, as a fantasy, you can think about organizing air and space companies to destroy satellites in orbit. a blizzard with a crew goes into orbit and cleans out everyone who didn’t like it.
  29. +1
    8 July 2024 07: 57
    A person living in a glass house should not throw stones. If we try to start a war in space, we ourselves will be left without satellites. The SVO will end sooner or later. We need to think about how to live on.
  30. Des
    8 July 2024 08: 34
    From an author’s article on VO(!): “All the intelligence resources of Western countries, primarily the United States, are now being used in the interests of Ukraine - we can force them to stop supplying cruise and operational-tactical missiles if we act tough and mercilessly, but how can we stop them transfer intelligence data to Ukraine? How to prevent planning of attacks on our territory?
    No way. It's like making AvtoVAZ at least Hyundai)). It's clear that it's a joke. But - no way. They are ahead in everything in this topic.
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. 0
    8 July 2024 10: 35
    Theoretically, it is possible to work out the issue of destroying satellites using the Sura radio complex, an analogue of the HAARP system.
  33. +1
    8 July 2024 18: 35
    To destroy satellites or disable them, ordinary water (a small cloud of droplets) is enough. Most low-orbit satellites are launched with the Earth's rotation (this saves fuel). It is quite easy to launch a satellite in the opposite direction to the Earth's rotation, which has a cube of water on board and is able to spray it at a pre-calculated point and in the right direction. Then a small cloud of droplets (or ice floes) meets the necessary satellites at intersecting orbits and makes a sieve out of them, since the relative speed will be about 16 km/s, and water is practically incompressible. Some difficulty is presented by the precise calculation of trajectories and the development of such a "water sprayer", but there are advantages: reusability, cheapness of the "shot" and the impossibility of objective enemy control of the fact of an attack, since water in such small quantities will not be visible on space surveillance radars.
    1. 0
      17 August 2024 15: 24
      Am I the only one who thinks that ice floes will evaporate under the influence of solar radiation?
    2. 0
      27 September 2024 15: 55
      I read a long thread of this nonsense (how to fight satellites and I really liked your method. But before I read your post, I tried to come up with my own options for fighting, taking into account all these objections and suggestions. And I had a banal thought that was somewhat similar to yours, I suggest that the inspector satellite, having approached the victim, simply pour some kind of plastic liquid (with UV polymerization) with iron or aluminum dust on its solar batteries. And thereby block the charging and control of the victim satellite. And if you pour such a liquid on the directional antennas of such satellites, then the data transmission channel will go down the drain, and there will be no changes in orbit or spraying into fragments.
  34. -1
    10 July 2024 17: 09
    I agree with the author 100%!
  35. +1
    11 July 2024 00: 00
    As soon as you shoot down at least one US or EU satellite, we will immediately lose all our satellites, because in the Russian Federation there are so few of them that the cat cried more, and the West has hundreds and thousands of satellites ;) Musk can launch new satellites a couple of times a week, what can we do?;)
    1. 0
      16 July 2024 20: 14
      Then you'll have to even the odds. Several nuclear explosions in space will destroy all satellites...
      1. 0
        17 August 2024 15: 25
        Don't exaggerate, there are considerable distances there
  36. +2
    12 July 2024 02: 10
    It’s nice to read before bed like we do, and this and that, and this and that.
    1. 0
      17 August 2024 15: 27
      Yes, there is such a genre of literature - about how it’s like this, then like that, and then like that. Read it just before bed
  37. 0
    17 August 2024 15: 00
    The style of different authors is becoming more and more similar. True, in my opinion, it is closer to a combat leaflet, and not to an analytical publication. And - a huge amount of water. What is clear is that the volume needs to be increased, but there is nothing to do