Who benefits from freezing SVO?

Who benefits from freezing SVO?
Anti-aircraft launcher rocket NASAMS complex of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, February 2024

Once again the devil, like clockwork, plays his game.
From a Soviet film
"D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers."

They're fooling you! - Ostap shouted... - To the sweet babble of a mandolin

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban visited Kyiv, Putin held talks with Turkish President Erdogan in Astana. In the United States, Trump, who is supposedly “ours,” should win the elections. In Kyiv, where they previously took an extremely rigid position, they began to show a certain flexibility.

Orban and Erdogan take a neutral position, despite being members of NATO. Receiving political and economic benefits from a special position. Orban also opposes Brussels’ global agenda, defending the national interests of Hungary. They essentially play the role of intermediaries, but with their own interests.

Orban is against the escalation of the conflict, realizing that in this case continental Europe (especially the closest neighbors of the Russian Federation) will suffer, and Britain and the United States will receive all the benefits. Erdogan is pushing through an agreement in Istanbul, a grain deal, with serious economic benefits from the current situation in Russia and Ukraine. In the future, Erdogan, who is building a new Ottoman (Turkic) empire and claims to be a leader in the Islamic world, plans to develop part of the former USSR (Russian Empire) - the Caucasus, Central Asia, New Russia, Crimea and the Volga region.

Some of the elites of the collective West are also not against the freeze. They want to deceive Moscow again, to lead it by the nose. As with the expansion of NATO to the East (“I swear to my mother!”), a united Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok, the Minsk agreements, etc.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are experiencing a number of problems: a shortage of manpower, exhaustion of experienced military personnel; a shortage of hardware – artillery, Tanks, armored vehicles, air defense systems, etc.; heavy air force casualties; it takes time to master the F-16, and possibly other aircraft; time to accumulate ammunition, missiles, rebuild the NATO military-industrial complex to expand the production of shells and other necessary hardware.

Accordingly, freezing will be useful to the owners of the West. In a year, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be restored and made the most powerful army in Europe. Ukroreich will receive about 1 thousand tanks, thousands of armored vehicles, artillery, over a thousand Atacama, Storm, and Scalpel missiles, and about 150 combat aircraft. There will be up to 150 brigades (40 divisions) fully restored in service. Many different drones, including long-range. Defense will be restored and reinforced with AWACS aircraft.

And in about a year, maybe earlier, provocations will begin on the front line - shelling, drone strikes, breakthroughs by sabotage groups.

strategic stalemate

It is obvious that the current The massacre inside the Russian world, between the two parts of the superethnos of Rus-Russians - the Great Russians and the besotted, bewildered Little Russians, on Russian soil - is a strategic dead end. The Russian world, the Russian superethnos, is being depleted. In Little Rus' alone, according to various sources, 500–600 thousand men have already been killed. This is a terrible blow to Russian demography. Along the way, the emptying lands of Rus' are filled with hordes of migrants.

Porthos in the Soviet film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" said prophetic words:

“- I swear on my honor, I don’t like this stupid war in which the French actually kill and maim the French. But actually, why? Because of which? Why should I kill these Huguenot heretics, whose only crime is that they sing psalms in French that we sing in Latin, eh? I'm tired of everything, I want to go home, that's it.

– So, you prefer the comfort of home to a fight? Are you getting old, dear Porthos?

“No, I just got smarter.”

Where is the way out?

Only a victory!

Radical reconstruction of the Russian world - a new Union (USSR-2, Russian Union). Return to the matrix code of Russian civilization - social justice, ethics of conscience. Construction by the whole world of a “beautiful distance” - a society of knowledge, service and creation.
Otherwise there will be confusion, chaos and decay.

And to win you need brainstorming. But some things are already obvious.

Decapitate the Ukrainian Reich, systematically destroy its decision-making centers and personally war criminals. The buildings of the Office of the President, the Rada, the residences of governors, the offices of the SBU and intelligence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the TCC military registration and enlistment offices, the National Bank, television and radio centers, mobile communications, mansions of the Ukrainian clique - war criminals. The Ukrainian elite, including the oligarchs, must be destroyed physically, by any means. Like Trotsky in Mexico.

Solving communications and intelligence problems. Personnel issue. Take out first of all the air force, air defense and airfields, fuel depot, critical communications, bridges and tunnels in order to disrupt the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. No World War I style assaults. Focus on air warfare and special forces operations. Create a drone corps aviation. Divisions drones in each unit from the platoon. Concentrate efforts on mass production of various drones. The war of the present and future is a war of drones (air, ground, surface, underwater).

At the same time, form full-fledged strike, assault and mobile formations with full-fledged military air defense, army aviation, reconnaissance and attack UAV units, and heavy equipment capable of withstanding drone strikes. When the enemy's defenses collapse, they will be needed to break through into operational space.

А freezing is a strategic defeat for the Russian Federation. The anti-Russian, criminal regime will remain in most of Novorossiya-Little Russia. Kyiv will retain access to the sea, and in Turkey they are already creating the core of the new Ukrainian Navy. The air force will be restored with the help of the West, a fairly modern air force will be given, the army and air defense will be restored.

And they will continue to put pressure on us with the help of sanctions and a technological blockade. With the help of internal liberals who are driving the economy into a coma (for example, increasing the Central Bank rate). They will rock the country with the help of the migration issue and the problem of social justice (when generals and dignitaries steal billions).
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  1. +55
    6 July 2024 04: 59
    Eh Samsonov, Samsonov...what you described in your article has long been chewed and chewed many times in VO since 2014.
    The Kremlin has its own plans unknown to us.
    1. +5
      6 July 2024 07: 56
      Perhaps Putin’s statement about peace proposals for Ukraine is addressed to the countries of the Global South: like we are for world peace. But for me, after Minsk and Istanbul, they sound scary. NATO was specially created to destroy Russia and it is not going to put up with it. NATO is a bunch of Nazi-Russophobes, not pacifists.
      Falsehoods about the Korean script have been coming from the West for six months now. Which k am Korean script? Is this when INF missiles with nuclear warheads are stationed in Kharkov and Sumy? How long does it take for a rocket to fly from Kharkov to Belgorod? A minute?
      You cannot trust the West: they will deceive you. Treaties with the US are not worth the paper they are written on. Yes
      1. +7
        6 July 2024 08: 53
        Quote: Bearded
        How long does it take for a rocket to fly from Kharkov to Belgorod? A minute?

        How long does it take to fly from Poland and the Baltic states? We’ll modestly keep silent about ships and planes. And time really doesn’t matter if missiles are detected and shot down already over cities
      2. AAK
        6 July 2024 08: 58
        Well, explain all this to our brilliant Great Combinator...
      3. +3
        6 July 2024 10: 49
        If it’s a matter of arrival time, then nuclear missiles in Finland, Poland and the Baltic states will quickly reach everything in the European part of Russia. And the fact that missiles in Japan and South Korea can cover Siberia.
        1. -6
          6 July 2024 11: 14
          The Urals, western and central Siberia - no one will fly here quickly.
          1. +3
            6 July 2024 12: 14
            Well, even if so, everything else can easily be targeted without any Ukraine.
          2. +5
            6 July 2024 12: 17
            Quote: Glagol1
            The Urals, western and central Siberia - no one will fly here quickly.

            Considering the lack of a continuous detection field and the number of air defense regiments, there are colossal holes in Siberia. The same Tomahawks can strike through these holes and at low altitude very slowly
          3. +1
            8 July 2024 07: 08
            The Urals, western and central Siberia - no one will fly here quickly.

            From Northern Kazakhstan and from the NSR - easily.
    2. +10
      6 July 2024 11: 02
      I don't think the Kremlin has plans. There is a dead end from which there is no way out:
      If we go for freezing, the risk described by the author is real. If we start winning, NATO will bring in their contingents and the most modern weapons into 404 and everything will be on the brink of WW3. What are the plans here? We've arrived...
    3. -12
      6 July 2024 11: 11
      And the freeze is a strategic defeat for the Russian Federation.

      Well, what the zombie guy is broadcasting is not freezing. GDP said clearly: peace negotiations. At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine completely liberate new territories of Russia, and hostilities do not stop until a peace treaty is concluded.
      1. +6
        7 July 2024 00: 47
        Will Ukraine voluntarily liberate our new territories? Those. Will Kherson give us back? Will Zaporozhye give it up? Instead of answering these questions, you can simply rotate your finger at your temple.
      2. Qas
        7 July 2024 14: 15
        And are we giving away the hero city of Odessa? Like other native Russian cities with a Russian-speaking population, are we also giving them away?
    4. +1
      6 July 2024 11: 51
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Eh Samsonov, Samsonov...what you described in your article has long been chewed and chewed many times in VO since 2014

      It just dawned on him... better late than never.
    5. +26
      6 July 2024 12: 24
      In my opinion, and we know...
      Putin, throughout his entire reign, has been pouring one thing into his ears and doing another. Slowly but surely the country is moving towards the west..
      The old generation, remembering the Soviet past, is leaving.
      The new is ready for capitalism and loyal to the West...
      1. +6
        6 July 2024 12: 44
        That’s right, he always says and promises one thing, but does something completely different, and now he has set such impossible ultimatums to the enemies of the USSR in Ukraine, the West and Europe, on the verge of demanding their surrender to him, which has proven that he does not want any negotiations
        1. -1
          6 July 2024 22: 46
          He set such impossible ultimatums to the enemies of the USSR in Ukraine, the West and Europe, on the verge of demanding their surrender to him, which proved that he did not want any negotiations
          - did you even understand that you praised him???!!!!!!
          1. +6
            7 July 2024 01: 01
            You have some kind of twisted logic. Why can you praise a person who says one thing but thinks something completely different? Because he's lying?
            1. -1
              7 July 2024 17: 32
              You have some kind of twisted logic. Why can you praise a person who says one thing but thinks something completely different? Because he's lying?
              So you don’t even understand that politicians always lie? Any, including USSR ones?
              It was not for nothing that Stalin said: “Politics is a dirty business.”
              They lied, lied and will always lie
              1. +2
                7 July 2024 17: 35
                Ha, this is your perverted logic that politicians should be praised for lying. Isn’t it possible without bringing in the USSR? Among the enemies of the USSR, anti-Sovietism has long ceased to be simply the only justification for their seizure of the USSR, but has become their manic fixed idea.
                1. -1
                  7 July 2024 21: 29
                  It’s your twisted logic that politicians should be praised for lying

                  I repeat - you praised him for the fact that when he proposed peace negotiations, he set such conditions that they were impossible for the country 404.
                  Almost 100% of VO wants exactly this - the impossibility of peaceful negotiations
        2. 0
          9 July 2024 17: 57
          Quote: tatra
          That's right, he always says and promises one thing, but does something completely different, that is.

          Then, according to your logic, on 22.2.2022 he told us not what actually happened, but did what he needed.
          You understand that then the reasons for the war do not correspond, to put it mildly, to reality.
      2. -1
        6 July 2024 17: 40
        Quote: Tarusa Petrova
        The new is ready for capitalism and loyal to the West...

        We lived normally with the West in the 2000s. If the West needed to destroy Russia, it could have easily been done in the 90s. The rules of the game have developed in the world, and suddenly someone comes and begins to seize other people’s territories. Naturally, the West freaks out a little and first puts pressure politically, but then it begins to impose sanctions and supply weapons
        1. +2
          6 July 2024 18: 42
          """""""The rules of the game have been established in the world, and suddenly someone comes and begins to seize other people's territories. Naturally, the West goes a little crazy and first puts pressure politically, and then begins to impose sanctions and supply weapons.""""""""" ''

          The West itself violated all the rules, changing governments to puppet ones, through color revolutions throughout the entire perimeter of Russia. In Belarus alone it didn’t work out; Old Man fought back. And in Ukraine, as soon as Yanukovych was overthrown, decrees were immediately issued on the withdrawal of the Russian base from Crimea. It happened before, when the Russian base was removed from Georgia, the war began in South Ossetia. And who armed and helped the Georgian army is the same notorious West, plus Türkiye and Israel.
          1. -1
            6 July 2024 20: 14
            Quote: Third District
            when the Russian base was removed from Georgia

            Would you agree to keep a foreign base on your territory? And even when your neighbor chopped off two regions?
            1. +2
              7 July 2024 12: 46
              Russian peacekeepers stood on the border of Georgia and South Ossetia, after the armed conflict between them in the late 80s - early 90s. No one “chopped off” any areas.
              1. -2
                7 July 2024 18: 38
                Quote: Third District
                Russian peacekeepers stood on the border of Georgia and South Ossetia, after the armed conflict between them in the late 80s - early 90s. No one “chopped off” any areas.

                South Ossetia is a partially recognized state in the South Caucasus, proclaimed on the internationally recognized territory of Georgia. Landlocked. The issue of the international legal status of South Ossetia is controversial: the independence of the republic is recognized by five UN member states Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru, Syria and three unrecognized and partially recognized states. In UN documents it is considered the territory of Georgia.
                Abkhazia, respectively, too
      3. +4
        7 July 2024 00: 34
        It is correct that the main goal of the indelible is, firstly, to chat and lull, and secondly, the utilization of the Slavic population.. or is it the first?!
        1. 0
          7 July 2024 22: 51
          Wars are not won, but socio-political revolutions are lost.

          The beginning of the end of Ukraine - with the defeat and occupation of the Western border. This is the center of gravity of the campaign: the necessary and sufficient lowering of the pool is the blocking of the inlet pipe.
    6. 0
      13 July 2024 09: 18
      Regarding the Kremlin’s unknown plans:
      “There is nothing hidden that will not come out, and nothing hidden that will not come out.” Gospel of Mark.
      “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.”
      Gospel of Matthew.
      So, look for answers and you will definitely find them, the only question is will you like them?
  2. +19
    6 July 2024 05: 24
    And the freeze is a strategic defeat for the Russian Federation.

    Ours, it seems to me, is already preparing society for this state of affairs. Slowly there are information leaks about negotiations seemingly on our terms, which naturally the Western curators of the Ukroführer will not agree to, but that’s okay, we’ll wait. And if the West does not agree to ours, then we will have to agree to their terms, since the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not suffered a final defeat and it feels like it is not being inflicted on purpose, since, as the author said, there are too many internal liberals in power and cannot cope with them ( or does not want) even the president. You can also give many small examples that add up to the overall picture that I described, but who can think of them will see them. This is solely my opinion, I really wish I was wrong.
    1. -14
      6 July 2024 09: 38
      Quote: Dimy4
      Ours, it seems to me, is already preparing society for this state of affairs.

      No, not at all - ordinary politesse. And the language of a politician (who does not know it) is given in order to hide his thoughts as best as possible. He set a condition for the start (!) of negotiations - the withdrawal of Ukrainian Armed Forces troops from Russian territory. Namely, from the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson (!) regions. And half of the Kherson region, by the way, is on the right bank of the Dnieper. But that's not all, also:
      - recognition of these four regions and Crimea as Russian territory,
      - removal of all sanctions from Russia,
      - unblocking accounts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, all Russian banks, companies and citizens of the Russian Federation abroad.
      And these are ONLY the conditions for the START of negotiations.
      And this, in your opinion, is preparation for surrender?
      In your opinion, are the used and collective West able to fulfill at least one of these conditions?
      Personally, I highly doubt it.
      But all the conditions and requirements are quite reasonable and comply with international law and Russian Legislation.
      Quote: Dimy4
      The Ukrainian Armed Forces have not inflicted a final defeat and it feels like they are not inflicting it on purpose

      Actually they do. When the enemy has daily losses of 1500-2000 people in manpower alone, when their energy supply is almost gone and they definitely won’t survive the winter, when their fronts are cracking... not yet crumbling, but they are cracking because they are holding on to the limit of the possible the meat of the mobilized male population, when every month 40 young and middle-aged men infiltrate across the border and flee the country (this is their internal official information, and the cars of the TCKashniks are not only set on fire, but have already begun to be blown up ... with homemade FPV drones .. This is exactly CRACK.
      - What about the RF Armed Forces?
      - And the RF Armed Forces essentially "haven't even started yet." I understand that it's become a pain in the ass, but according to all estimates of many military experts, the RF Armed Forces will not be ready for an offensive (decisive and very effective) before the end of August - beginning of September. In the meantime... there are battles of "local significance", but the front is moving simultaneously in many places. It is very difficult for the enemy to distribute reserves, there is no way to gather them into a fist for a counterattack, he is depleted both numerically and technically, and very much - morally.
      They promise to send aviation to Kyiv in August, and most likely there will be quite a lot of it. From several dozen to one and a half hundred at once. With NATO pilots under contract. With an attempt to disrupt our offensive or change something there.
      And attempts to organize negotiations for a truce - for a respite from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and to prevent our real offensive. Or do you think with the previous leadership of the Moscow Region we had any chances of winning?
      1. +7
        6 July 2024 11: 16
        According to all calculations of many military experts, the Russian Armed Forces will be ready for an offensive (decisive and very effective) no earlier than the end of August - beginning of September.
        As they said before: your words are in God's ears. The problem is that not only our troops will be ready, but also the troops of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be ready. So the difficulties will increase.
        1. -10
          6 July 2024 22: 58
          Quote: Alexey Lantukh
          The problem is that not only our troops will be ready, but also the troops of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be ready. So the difficulties will increase.

          Over time, everyone's difficulties increase; almost no one has critical advantages.
          Nearly .
          Because if at the end of the summer of 2022 the ratio of the number of troops between the parties was approximately 5/1 in favor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation then had from 120 to 200 thousand bayonets in the Northern Military District zone versus 750 - 000 for the Armed Forces of Ukraine together with attached by NATO expeditionary forces and their PMCs), then today in the Northeast Military District zone there is approximate numerical parity in personnel.
          Quote: Glagol1
          As for the daily losses of 1500-2000 people, this is propaganda.

          No, approximately the same figures for Ukrainian Armed Forces losses are given by English, German and American sources. And the length of the fronts has increased with the opening of new ones in the Kharkov and Sumy regions. And the intensity of the use of FAB with UMPC, FPV drones and other high-precision systems has increased significantly.
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          and our losses? Shamefully keep silent?

          They were classified from the very beginning of the conflict. But they are definitely many times lower - for the above-mentioned reasons (FAB with UMPK, high-precision systems in stock, much better situation with ammunition). On average, about 5 times less enemy losses. This ratio is confirmed/showed by foreign sources.
          Quote: Glagol1
          Of course, they don’t take care of their soldiers as much as we do, but the intensity of the combat is not the same.

          What intensity should you use? Offensive actions are of a local nature, but ALONG THE ENTIRE FRONT/fronts have been going on for months now, the fronts are moving, and new settlements are being liberated continuously/regularly. They are trying to protect people, minimize losses, we are fighting almost “like rich people” - remotely, massively (with fire), with high precision, followed by mopping up. We are advancing in many directions at once, but methodically, slowly and with limited forces to minimize losses.
          Or do you want the "Belarusian operation" right away? Well, offensive actions in modern conditions must first be learned. The conditions have changed. So we learn, we practice new methods. And forces, reserves are accumulating, troops are being trained, command staff for new units is being prepared/selected.
          Yesterday I had a celebration of my soul - I saw the first shots of the new TBTR from Uralvagonzavod. For 7-8 years I have been writing about the need for just such TBTR/TBMP to complete assault formations. And exactly the one he wrote about and whose appearance he insisted on and created, already in testing. MTO in front, frontal part - flat "chisel", troop compartment in the stern and a convenient stern ramp. And the tank level of protection is based on the T-90\72 chassis. This is something we can and should fight against.
          Do you even understand the scale of this conflict?
          What is the purpose of it?
          The Third World War is already underway, only on a local theater of operations.
          Want to speed up the process? quickly transfer it to global?

          This war has been going on for 11 years in Donbass. We feel it completely differently. Well, get used to it. Reality has changed, but you don’t want to accept it, just like capricious little children. Give you comfort and victory with fanfare.
      2. +12
        6 July 2024 13: 44
        As for the daily losses of 1500-2000 people, this is propaganda. It's probably double the price. Of course, they don’t take care of their soldiers as much as we do, but the intensity of the combat is not the same.
        1. +9
          6 July 2024 17: 11
          Yes, but what about our losses? Shamefully keep silent? Only our mob potential is not unlimited
          1. 0
            10 July 2024 09: 20
            We keep silent. There are many estimates, averaging which gives 60-70 thousand killed. 5 Afghans...
            1. -2
              10 July 2024 09: 28
              I estimated the losses in our region. Namely those killed. As a percentage of the number of residents, about 31 thousand people... and 30 dead.. About 0,1%. This does not take into account the wounded and maimed. like Smolensk, for example. This is if we consider these average figures..
        2. -3
          7 July 2024 12: 51
          As Suvorov said: “Write more, why should their bastard feel sorry for them.”
      3. The comment was deleted.
        1. -1
          17 July 2024 12: 38
          Quote: Ruslan Smorodin
          The Russian army will be able to defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces and, perhaps, even capture the entire territory of Ukraine. So what is next?

          Purges, filtration, identification of military and criminal criminals and their isolation from society. Maybe the death penalty will be reinstated in law enforcement practice. Restoration of infrastructure, cities, enterprises, launch of industry, emphasis on agriculture on the most fertile black soils.
          Quote: Ruslan Smorodin
          There is not enough money to support it; this is not Chechnya.

          Why keep someone there? For the last 33 years they have somehow supported themselves, there is enough work for everyone - the territory will have to be raised from ruins.
          Quote: Ruslan Smorodin
          Kill all Ukrainians?

          What nonsense? There have always been only an active minority of Ukrainians there. The most active ones are already in their graves or crippled, the rest will run away. For all other dissenters - the Law. And an open border to the West.
          Quote: Ruslan Smorodin
          So 20 million!

          Well, you see, it’s no longer 37 million, or even 25. But in 1991 the population of the Ukrainian SSR was 52 million. Is progress noticeable? And he is natural. The country that chose the Polish funeral march as its anthem... doomed itself to the first lines of its unhymn.
          The earth will not be empty. In some regions, complete/almost complete population replacement is desirable. There is a lot of work in Siberia now. Need workers. With loss of rights, but in action.
          Do not forget that under the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR was the most developed republic, with excellent industry, science, agriculture. Abundance of water (fresh) and fertile black soil. Developed metallurgy, in the past - mechanical engineering. 6% of world science (USSR - 25% of world scientific potential in 1990).
          Northern Black Sea Region - The Breadbasket of Russia.
          The Russian Federation is not Russia, but only its largest fragment. We still have to restore our territorial integrity. Black Sea ports, developed transport and energy infrastructure. All this will need to be restored, but not from scratch.
          Titanium, uranium, non-ferrous and rare earth ore deposits.. There will be a lot of work (and with the population too), but it’s definitely worth it - the restoration of the United State.
          Don't even ask about money, in the Russian Federation they don't know where to invest it now, so much capital has returned from offshores. Here is a place to invest. Plus - the Russian economy is still under-monetized, and with the annexation of all its historical territories, the degree of under-monetization will become even higher. This is good. Because pre-monetization of the economy will also become a source of financing for recovery and development programs. If you know the "Nature of Money", then there will be no problems with this at all.
          Quote: Ruslan Smorodin
          Putin fucked himself... stepped on

          lol I don’t think that this organ is so developed in him. But Shoiga really stepped on him.
          The issue of the return of the Northern Black Sea region will have to be resolved no matter what. Nobody will give it up to NATO.
  3. +31
    6 July 2024 05: 36
    It's beneficial for everyone... And yes - it will be a defeat... But they will present it as a victory... A brilliant solution, foresight and universal peacefulness of the "Russian world"... well, and the matrix code... They will explain to their own - black = white, defeat = victory, etc. And about deceptions the classic already has - "Ah, it's not hard to deceive me! I myself am glad to be deceived!" smile
    1. +24
      6 July 2024 05: 58
      They will broadcast targeted broadcasts on the media for several months in a row. And now, you can hold a Pob Parade.... Lord, it will be just a shame...
      1. +1
        7 July 2024 08: 52
        They will air targeted programs on the media for several months in a row. And now, you can hold a Pob Parade... Lord, it will be just a shame...

        I've had a feeling for a long time that it would be like this...
    2. +12
      6 July 2024 08: 52
      Yeah.. “if we want to get to the helmet (to victory), from today we’ll stop all squabbles. Don’t play, don’t drink, don’t steal without me” (c).
    3. +10
      6 July 2024 08: 54
      Quote: curvimeter
      It benefits everyone... And yes, it will be a defeat...

      An initially incorrect strategic decision turned into a war of attrition. How long did the United States fight in Vietnam?
      1. +5
        6 July 2024 09: 02
        Who knows what's going on behind the scenes... Maybe it's right. No wonder they kept saying - everything is according to plan... And what kind of plan is that? Clearly not the one they told the electorate... There wasn't such intensity of fighting in Vietnam, well, almost none. smile
  4. +8
    6 July 2024 05: 49
    But in my opinion, the GDP is simply playing for time, waiting for the elections in the United States.
    1. +26
      6 July 2024 06: 05
      Egoza, do you think that something will change in US politics after the elections? I'm sure nothing will change. Maybe our supreme hope that this time he will not be “deceived”? Apparently Minsk 1,2 Istanbul didn’t teach him anything.
      1. +1
        6 July 2024 06: 09
        Quote: Bumblebee_3
        do you think that something will change in US politics after the elections?

        No. I think that in the United States there will be confusion with the elections, vote counting, all sorts of protests, there will be no time for Ukraine temporarily, and Russia will occupy a much larger territory amid this noise, and when the United States comes to its senses, it will be too late to do anything.
        1. +14
          6 July 2024 06: 15
          Fidget, there will be confusion for a week at most, maybe two. During this time, fundamental changes will not occur. The United States has poured so much money into its project that now it cannot stop. It is quite possible that they will take direct part in the conflict in the future, under the guise that they will defend their property, which they have already bought in Ukraine.
          1. -6
            6 July 2024 22: 59
            Fidget, there will be confusion for a week at most, maybe two. During this time, fundamental changes will not occur.Trump has promised to fire up to 60 government employees who hampered his first term. He officially announced that he had already prepared своих, Lara Trump was involved in the selection.
            Imagine removing all top-level security officials at the same time. The chaos there will be worse than ours in 1993...
            1. +2
              7 July 2024 12: 58
              """""""""""The mess there will be worse than ours in 1993...""""""""""

              Yes, yes, absolutely right, the dollar will depreciate, America will collapse, they will go around the world with their hand outstretched... You probably watch Ren TV a lot. It's even possible that Trump is an alien...
              1. -1
                7 July 2024 18: 47
                This statement of Trump and his headquarters - not RenTV.
                Everything will be visible literally in six months, after the New Year.
                20 years ago, to imagine Americans storming the Capitol and the fact that there were people killed - any political scientist would have said that this was pure nonsense...
      2. +6
        6 July 2024 10: 50
        In fact, they are now saying from all channels that Trump will come, dissolve NATO, abandon Ukraine, remove bases from Europe, turn to isolationism, etc.
        1. +5
          6 July 2024 13: 25
          I heard this already when Trump was president for the first time; in fact, some thought that this would happen.
    2. +9
      6 July 2024 06: 05
      You hint that he is waiting for instructions from the Washington Regional Committee winked
      1. -5
        6 July 2024 06: 10
        Quote: curvimeter
        You hint that he is waiting for instructions from the Washington Regional Committee

        God forbid!
    3. +1
      6 July 2024 06: 14
      Do you think that if Stirlitz had come to power in 1944, the war would have ended?
      1. +6
        6 July 2024 13: 41
        Stirlitz came to power
        haven't you noticed?
        the truth is a different country and a different year
        We will soon celebrate a quarter of a century
        He also seems to be fighting the Nazis...
        only the war will either never end or never begin...
    4. +7
      6 July 2024 09: 21
      He and his entire line of ministers were worthless then.
  5. +23
    6 July 2024 05: 56
    Decapitate the Ukrainian Reich, systematically destroy its decision-making centers and personally war criminals. ...... A. Samsonov.. It was the third year of the war
  6. +8
    6 July 2024 06: 01
    To build the Russian world, pretentious speeches or political will are not enough. Culture must be involved here. Russia without a powerful culture is not Russia. Remember the words of Pushkin - “Trouble is for the country where the slave and the flatterer Alone are at the throne. And the singer chosen by heaven. Stands with his eyes downcast.” These are not just words. This is an indication of the path of Russia. To create a reproduction USSR, it is necessary to introduce every person to this idea. While our culture is simply ruled by money. Where are Russian schools on the outskirts of the country. Perhaps they exist. But not for everyone. Russian culture should unite all religions of the country. And no matter how much you say the word Halva, it will not become sweeter.
    1. +13
      6 July 2024 06: 19
      To create a reproduction of the USSR, you need to create the environment of the 18-22 years of the 20th century, and add a little of 37... smile
      1. -7
        6 July 2024 23: 08
        To create a reproduction of the USSR, it is necessary to create the situation of 18-22. 20th century,
        12 people are ready to take a bullet just like that. From field commanders, different colors - white, red, black, green with shades...
        Not for the idea, but for example because the car is good or he wears glasses...
        Well, grab the 37 g a little .. and by 1937 they had finished off everyone who had at least some weight and significance during the Revolution.
        1. +3
          7 July 2024 05: 28
          Perhaps those times and the processes taking place in society should be considered a little more deeply... The times of the Civil War and after, and the times of the so-called terror... And not just by the libels in "Ogonyok" wink
          1. -1
            7 July 2024 17: 42
            Maybe those times and the ongoing processes in society need to be looked at a little deeper...

            В real 1920 Sukhov would have shot Vereshchagin - for refusing to help the Soviet government in defeating the Basmachi gang and refusing to surrender weapons (machine gun and grenades). And no one would say a word against
            Human life after WWI and WWI was not worth a penny....
    2. +21
      6 July 2024 06: 21
      This is where culture needs to be involved.
      Here's the latest news.
      Celebration of "Scarlet Sails" in St. Petersburg in 2024: The annual celebration of "Scarlet Sails" graduates in St. Petersburg took place in 2024. The concert program on Palace Square featured such artists as Amirchik, IOWA, ST, Tosya Chaikina, Alsou, Lyusya Chebotina and Vanya Dmitrienko, and the headliner of the evening was rapper Mot (Matvey Melnikov). According to city authorities, the holiday brought together about 70 thousand schoolchildren and their accompanying people.

      Who are all these people? Now Tatyana Kurtukova is popular, singing Russian songs, but the news speaks in an incomprehensible language. For some reason, during the Soviet era, the whole world spoke Russian. and now what is a headliner, what is a cluster?..
      1. +6
        6 July 2024 06: 31
        You can’t get by with songs alone, and you don’t have the strength for more. The cultural and general civilizational direction is traditionally set by the West.
        1. +13
          6 July 2024 06: 43
          Songs as an example. Signs, symbols, for example, in a photograph a Ukrainian shows a symbol of an ass, a heart looks different. As they say, the devil is in the details. If Russia is celebrating the birthday of the American president, what good awaits us? Or we, as a colony, are waiting with bated breath for the results of the elections of our lords.
          1. 0
            6 July 2024 07: 00
            It's better to celebrate the birthday of an American president than a sultan.
            This is not the worst thing that can await us.
          2. +6
            6 July 2024 07: 20
            give a Russian supercomputer artificial intelligence expedition to Mars and Jupiter breakthrough achievements in science and technology and the rest will follow you... is it real...
            1. +9
              6 July 2024 17: 15
              Yes, the standard of living, safety on the streets. After all, people in neighboring countries see all the chaos in Russia... What example of positive development of society can we show?
              1. 0
                7 July 2024 01: 08
                It is possible to bring the “Russian world” with bayonets, but such a world cannot sit on bayonets. Therefore, we will not force them to love ourselves; we need to make our country attractive ourselves, i.e. build a fair and legal society. But none of our leaders wants to build such a society.
      2. +3
        8 July 2024 14: 27
        The USSR is socialism. Everything else (army, culture, industry) is just a consequence.
    3. +5
      6 July 2024 06: 23
      What is "Russian culture"? there is already only one in the whole world - European-American
    4. +24
      6 July 2024 07: 26
      ...Here it is necessary to involve culture. Russia without a powerful culture is not Russia...

      What powerful culture in modern Russia are you talking about?

      "Culture is a set of social norms, values, customs, traditions..."

      What common values ​​could 125 billionaires from Russia have with 15 million Russian citizens living below the poverty line?

      What common customs and traditions can there be between relatives mourning their Father, Husband, Son, etc. who died in the SVO zone and the laughing happy visitors of the Comedy Club and other entertainment shows?

      In the meantime ...

      The Ministry of Education proposed to make remakes of 30 Soviet films with historical and patriotic themes and to film 15 literary works, according to a statement from the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, which received a letter from the Ministry of Culture with a corresponding proposal.
      New paintings will be created for children and youth with the goal of promoting “the preservation of historical memory and the formation of patriotism.”
      The list of films proposed to be remade includes 30 Soviet films about the Great Patriotic War, films based on literary works and about historical figures. https://aftershock.news/?q=node/1396546

      There is nothing for filmmakers to film in modern Russia? No heroes?
      I liked the comment on AFTERSHOCK.

      Dersu UzalaRussia14:38-5/Jul/24

      In general, I would propose, at the legislative level, to prohibit modern directors from making films about the Great Patriotic War. They still won’t be able to film better than what the directors who were themselves participants in that war shot (practice has shown this). It’s easy to get dirty, and practice has also shown this.
      Why make remakes of great films? It's hard to come up with stupider ideas.
  7. -3
    6 July 2024 06: 28
    Quote: Gardamir
    the whole world spoke Russian.

    this has never happened before
    1. +6
      6 July 2024 06: 35
      To do this, it is enough to go to any part of the planet, somewhere in Austria or the savannahs of Africa and the Amazon jungle. And unexpectedly you discover that this old gray-haired European is here. Bushman, Indian speaks to you in pure Russian.
      1. +4
        6 July 2024 06: 38
        funny especially if you compare the share of English and Russian at the present time. although language differences will soon be erased, their leadership is still undeniable.
        1. +11
          6 July 2024 06: 45
          That's it at the present time. And you shouldn’t laugh, soon everyone in Russia will speak Uzbek.
    2. +12
      6 July 2024 06: 59
      Soviet communists created the Russophile USSR and were engaged in propaganda of the Russian language and Russian culture in the world. And anti-Sovietism is always equal to Russophobia, and the enemies of the USSR, having seized the republics of the USSR, immediately began to destroy both the Soviet and the Russian. Of what was Russian/Russian in the Russian Empire and the USSR, in the Russian Federation only religion remained, and the Russian language polluted with Anglicisms.
      1. -1
        6 July 2024 07: 01
        Even before that, half of the Russian language consisted of Western borrowings.
        The religion, by the way, is also Middle Eastern and not our own.
        1. +3
          6 July 2024 07: 06
          And also from eastern languages, Arabic. Plus a lot of Russian words are turned upside down. For example, a churchyard is not a cemetery.
        2. +6
          6 July 2024 14: 36
          Borrowing is an inevitable and natural thing. The main thing is that assimilation of foreign terminology occurs, and not littering of the language.
    3. +4
      6 July 2024 20: 20
      Watch again Putin's meeting in Hanoi with Vietnamese who studied in the USSR, talk to former Soviet specialists who worked abroad: Russians, unlike the Anglo-Saxons, built factories, hospitals, taught children, treated the sick - "Rus" was a symbol of openness, trust and selflessness, we were respected, they taught us the Russian language. We need to return ourselves and the country to that bright image, disdaining the values ​​of worshiping the golden calf imposed on us. Have we really fallen so low and aren't we sick of this "content", of the keyboard, of the corrupt deputies who do not want to protect the Russian language and our land from the invasion of foreigners?
      1. +1
        6 July 2024 21: 39
        The West has built few factories around the world. What would India, China, Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia be like today without them? and in Russia itself and then in the USSR they helped create industry, science, medicine, railways and much more. They would still be running around with spears and stone axes.
        nothing can be returned to the same river; you cannot enter twice. As for Vietnam, in addition to the northern one, there was also a southern one, which felt good under them. Maybe they once learned Russian, but they still choose America and there is no “golden calf” to do with it.
      2. 0
        6 July 2024 21: 44
        no matter how much they want...they protect...by blocking 80% of the Internet and thereby throwing Russia even more to the margins of civilization.
  8. +3
    6 July 2024 06: 29
    Who benefits? Not the wounded and unkilled soldier on the battlefield....the relatives of the servicemen...business....the population of the country, accustomed to a leisurely existence for 25 years. And it is not beneficial to the existence of the supreme president's dream of the revival of the Russian world....and to the future generations of the country, who will have to climb into the trenches again.
  9. 0
    6 July 2024 06: 33
    Ivan, even in Africa he sits with a club and swings it with a whip.
  10. -6
    6 July 2024 06: 36
    You need to destroy the land into dust remotely, minimizing the loss of soldiers, but this requires strict mobilization of the entire people.
    It will be very wonderful when, as a result of the truce imposed by Russia, the Khokhlyak regions get away with everything and they remain almost untouched against the backdrop of the Donbass turned into ruins.
    1. +2
      6 July 2024 17: 20
      Of course, there is no need to destroy it “into dust”. But, as Mikhail Onufrienko rightly said, a Russophobe must live poorly and constantly pay for it. If this hotbed of Ukrainianness lives not badly, but well, he will quit working again and go jumping. We already know what's next. It is necessary to provide him with work to restore the economy for decades to come, so that at least two generations have time to grow up in work. Otherwise, everything will happen again, the West will help. And what our grandfathers did not complete, we will cowardly pass on to our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
  11. +2
    6 July 2024 07: 06
    the matrix of the Russian world is certainly the state of Russia in the form of Empire. But the shy return of Crimea seemed to have scared someone in the Kremlin, that it is possible to return to the Empire! But this would be very, very much against the teachings of Gorbachevism-Yeltsinism, to which the inmates there are faithful. What, it will turn out in vain that their idol, to whom the Yeltsin centers were created, completed the collapse of the Empire begun by Gorbachev, if we take and begin to restore the Imperial state of Russia!
    Soon it will be twenty-five years since the main mystery has been hovering - who is resisting to start the re-creation of the Empire - Moscow or Minsk. Thereby deceiving the entire Russian world, since even the so-called "union state" of two independent, autonomous entities is the right path according to Yeltsin's project about the CIS, but in no case about the Empire. Lukashenko still has not officially recognized even Crimea, Donbass and Kherson with Zaporozhye as part of Russia, so part of the blame for not re-creating the imperial matrix of the Russian world lies in such a fictitious union, the project of which will not grow into a single Empire even in the next twenty-five years.
    As for, as the author here in the article points out, the slaughter of two ethnic groups - the Great Russian with the Little Russians, the author is fundamentally wrong here. Then, according to the author, the slaughter within the Russian world should also be called the destruction of Vlasovites, policemen, Banderites, etc. who sold out to the fascists during the Great Patriotic War and after it. And then, probably, about half a million of them were destroyed. So, as in any family, so in the family of the Russian world there are freaks ...
    1. -3
      6 July 2024 07: 15
      no empire arose on a voluntary basis. they were all created as a result of conquest.
      1. -8
        6 July 2024 07: 25
        The Red Empire of the USSR arose on a voluntary basis. When creating the Red Empire of the USSR, no one had to be conquered.
        1. -1
          6 July 2024 07: 33
          On the territories of all future republics of the USSR (primarily Russia), military operations were carried out with local governments and armed formations that arose after October 17. and the lifespan is too short for an empire.
    2. +3
      6 July 2024 10: 15
      Lukashenko has still not officially recognized
      You see, smart people who know the history of our country understand perfectly well that they may not stop in Crimea. After all, if we take it historically, then not only eastern Ukraine is ours, but also Northern Kazakhstan is ours and the Baltic states are ours. Yes, and Belarus is also more likely ours.
      Here are two examples: the 16th Republic was created in the USSR. Karelo-Finnish, if it had existed until 1991, it would have been the same eternal country as Ukraine. The second example, during the years of perestroika, they tried to create the Ural Republic; if it had worked, then in thirty years they would have moved away from Russia.
      The current government is doing something more cunning. is quietly splitting the country. Ivan Vasilyevich took Kazan and it was a Russian region. And now they are being made into Arab Muslims.
  12. +3
    6 July 2024 07: 07
    The Americans brought Yugoslavia to its knees in two weeks with just massive bombings. and the Yugoslavs were worse than the Ukrainians... true, the Americans will also be worse than us, but nevertheless, the use of such tactics ensured their success.
  13. +18
    6 July 2024 07: 14
    Staver and Fedorov, on the one hand, throw out cheerful “patriotic” speeches, Samsonov on the other. But everything has the same meaning. Don’t rock the boat, the rats will vomit on it.
  14. +12
    6 July 2024 07: 18
    There is so much senseless pathos, fantasies, mischief, the same things that have been going on for 2,5 years - let’s bomb and kill them more.
    Yes, no one wants negotiations - not the enemies of the USSR in Ukraine, in the West, in Europe, and Putin issued such ultimatums that he showed that he does not want any negotiations,
    And on LBS - a dead end, both of the enemies of the USSR have already proven what they are capable of. And the "hurray-patriots" live in some kind of their own Looking Glass
    1. +1
      6 July 2024 14: 05
      And on LBS there is a dead end
      so without strategic planning, even in World War II there would have been a complete dead end, but then all sides learned to concentrate resources in thin areas, break through defenses and block communications. And they did a lot of reconnaissance and deceived the enemy a lot. Our army is simply built in an even layer across the front, no operations are carried out, the General Staff does nothing other than supply supplies. And as soon as they began to attack Volchansk, the French immediately threatened to send troops, and the operation immediately stalled. Just a coincidence, no agreement
  15. +10
    6 July 2024 07: 19
    Quote: parusnik
    Don't rock the boat, it makes rats sick.
    Straight to the point, couldn't have said it better. hi
    1. +9
      6 July 2024 08: 43
      It doesn’t work out from the Grandmaster, the “gatherer of the Russian land” hi
      1. +4
        6 July 2024 08: 56
        Does not work. I remember the “picture” from three years ago and it feels like there are two different people. hi
        1. +13
          6 July 2024 08: 58
          like two different people.
          There are different masks, but the man is without a face. From the word, absolutely... And he has a lot of masks... hi
          1. +5
            6 July 2024 09: 04
            I really don’t want Russia to be taken to where Nicholas 2 once took it. hi
  16. +4
    6 July 2024 07: 32
    Freezing the conflict in the current situation is a betrayal of those who gave their lives for the freedom of the Russian World, Novorossiya, and Russia.
    1. +12
      6 July 2024 08: 45
      These are the modern “spiritual” bonds of those who have been in power since 1991 to the present day.
  17. -3
    6 July 2024 07: 38
    There is a word for a quick victory - mobilization! We need to start now if we want to effectively continue and end with the Kyiv regime! You just need to do what you have to do! And then - come what may!
    1. +2
      6 July 2024 14: 53
      There is such a word.. - mobilization

      In another reality there was such a word. And the existing social contract does not imply the violent participation of the population in protecting the interests of the authorities. So, the king will have to sort out all the problems with a hired army...
      1. -1
        7 July 2024 23: 33
        Do you think this is a problem of the authorities? Is the SVO in the interests of the authorities? I didn't think it needed to be explained. Okay, I'll explain: the main reason for the SVO is that an openly hostile state has appeared on our border that wants to join NATO. And something should have been done about this a long time ago. They've been dragging the issue out since 2014 and now they've finally given birth. But they planned the SVO poorly and now the implementation of the SVO is unsatisfactory. It's high time to put the country on martial law, put the economy and industry on a military "rail", because everything is missing - drones, missiles, long-range bombs, shells, Lancets, radio communications, electronic warfare, etc., etc. Enough of living carefree, pretending that everything is fine! We need to sacrifice something for the sake of victory and strain ourselves with everything.
  18. 0
    6 July 2024 07: 48
    I wonder where the dugout is located for those who write that peace negotiations are bad?
    Apparently most commentators will be satisfied only if we reach the borders of Poland. As long as we have those who are behind the tape, as well as relatives, and those who write from the sofa about “you mean, this is a defeat,” there will be no grandiose breakthroughs, but there will be a slow squeeze for another N years.
    1. +5
      6 July 2024 08: 08
      Putin turns out to be a babble - after all, “peaceful negotiations” will not achieve the stated goals
      1. +7
        6 July 2024 08: 27
        Yes, admitting mistakes in this case is inevitable. Here, apparently, everyone decides for themselves:
        1) 2 years ago my husband/son/brother/father was mobilized; since then he has only been on vacation 2 times. The war needs to end and people return home.
        2) For me, war is somewhere out there. Of course, I won’t go myself, because I’m old/sick/busy and generally 1000 reasons. And I look at the war through videos in the telegram and on TV. Forward until the melting, until the final victory.

        The first are about mundane things, the second are about the greatness and reputation of the state.
        1. +6
          6 July 2024 10: 29
          Lukashenko has still not officially recognized
          So yes... But why not build factories, why does the extrusion continue, and not the encirclement? Why don’t our troops enter from Belgorod, Bryansk, Kursk? Times have changed, now a scout is not under a bush with binoculars, but an airplane with equipment. We need to change the rules and disrupt them. However, here we run into an indisputable fact. Nobody in the Kremlin wants to quarrel with their partners.
        2. +4
          6 July 2024 10: 45
          Quote: Zaplatkin
          And I look at the war through videos in the telegram and on TV.

          and I’ve been on the battlefield since I was 14 years old. and took part in them for the first two years. I recently came under rocket fire and miraculously survived.
          It’s not possible to just end it now. complete victory is most likely unrealistic. There are two options - retreat with your tail between your legs in disgrace with all that entails, or an honorable draw which can only be achieved by raising the stakes and escalating the conflict. for those who find themselves in the trenches, this is certainly an unattractive option. Therefore, mass mobilization is needed to put an end to the Hos while it is still possible.
          1. +2
            6 July 2024 13: 52
            Explain the difference - 10 people run into an attack and their drones “unwind” them, or 100 people run into an attack and their drones “unwind” what is the difference other than losses? or do you think now the attack will work for all the regiment’s l/s, for example? chain, with bayonets? Now there are quite enough forces to organize an offensive with a large advantage in personnel, for example on Chasov Yar.. why don’t they carry it out? do not want? or maybe they understand that there will be “wild” losses without a guarantee of results? The time of “large battalions” has already passed. besides, well, mobilize a million, well, Kalash and uniforms, even if there are enough armored ones... and artillery tanks, drones, etc.? and the commanders? without them it will just be “meat”... it’s like in a game - they announced mobilization and immediately prepared armed divisions appeared...
            1. 0
              6 July 2024 14: 18
              Explain the difference - 10 people run into an attack and their drones “unwind” them, or 100 people run into an attack and their drones “unwind” what is the difference other than losses?

              The difference is in the number of drones per fighter. Will 10 shooters try to shoot down 10 drones or 100?
              1. +5
                6 July 2024 15: 59
                For ten fighters the enemy will send 10 drones, for a hundred he will start loading cluster shells into artillery, but the fighters will not shoot them down. The tactic of stupidly recruiting a crowd of people, giving them small arms and sending them forward has stopped working since the invention of machine guns and shrapnel. A thousand men with Kalash guns will lose to a hundred men, ten of whom are sitting in helicopters, twenty in self-propelled guns, ten flying drones, five flying eagles, two sitting in a Su-34, and the rest with mortars, machine guns and sniper rifles. It’s just that some people made ceremonial analoguenets, cut up budgets and sent relatives to the USA, and even now it seems they can’t come to their senses
                1. -1
                  7 July 2024 08: 38
                  A thousand men with Kalash guns will lose to a hundred men, ten of whom are sitting in helicopters, twenty in self-propelled guns, ten flying drones, five flying eagles, two sitting in a Su-34, and the rest with mortars, machine guns and sniper rifles.

                  They sit in defense... well, let them sit, these hundred men with a couple of ATGMs, a couple of MANPADS and 30 UAVs, they will burn self-propelled guns, put out mortars and snipers, shoot down helicopters and planes... And so you can "compete" endlessly... I did not write about a hundred fighters who attack where even ten are cramped, but attack on a wide front. You just don't need to make pinpricks here and there, but you need to do it on a wide front, so that it is difficult to concentrate and parry a specific attack. I will give you a simple example again, albeit from history. There is a warehouse, it is covered by 10 anti-aircraft guns, you have 10 planes. Do you have a choice, to send one plane at a time to bomb the warehouse or 10 at once? If one by one, all the planes will be destroyed, and if all at once, then there is a chance to destroy the warehouse and survive
                  1. +2
                    8 July 2024 17: 53
                    You just don’t need to do pinpricks here and there, but on a broad front
                    Well, we probably don’t need Brusilov’s breakthroughs too much, but we really need to learn how to operate stably at depth, and for this we need technology. Here Ugledar stands in full view, according to the figures of our artillery, a mouse should not slip through there, but in two years the garrison there has not died of hunger and he has something to shoot from
                    it was difficult to concentrate and parry a specific blow
                    and for this you need to use your special capabilities, and not recruit more people. What in the West is called isolation of the combat area. For example, an hour before the start of the offensive on Volchansk, raise about 50 planes and throw factories at each bridge within a radius of 50 km. But here it seems that even airplanes cannot concentrate; they also work in an even layer.
                    In general, I believe that the men need to be mobilized no earlier than the commanders mobilize their brains, and those who have only one brain are kicked out in disgrace. It's the same with industry.
          2. +3
            6 July 2024 14: 11
            Mass mobilization is needed for the factories, since crowding into missiles would only waste people in vain. And if a dozen reconnaissance drones are flying ahead of the fighters, which illuminate the targets of a dozen coalitions with a laser, then a company is enough to take the village.
            1. +2
              6 July 2024 14: 43
              ..........I’m talking about factories
          3. +8
            6 July 2024 15: 11
            ..we need mass mobilization

            Who “needs” it? The Tsar and the boyars? No. They simply want to leave the country in the world economic system as a raw material and transport and logistics appendage, with the right to appropriate part of the income and guarantees of personal security. To the population? No. Everyone who wants it has been there for a long time. And the rest are violet about what is happening. They agree to any power as long as they pay...
            1. -4
              6 July 2024 15: 17
              The people and the state need it if they are going to continue to exist. Everyone should be there regardless of desire.
  19. +1
    6 July 2024 08: 17
    Where is the exit? Only a victory!

    Moreover, a quick and decisive victory. There is no need to be afraid of mobilization and a multiple increase in the RF Armed Forces, if this is necessary for it.

    Considering the significant economic advantage of the anti-Russian coalition, prolongation of the conflict and fear of offensive actions in their classical sense only plays into the hands of Russia’s enemies.

    Stop measuring yourself against the enemy by the number of square kilometers occupied and given up. Alexander the Great and Napoleon, Suvorov and Zhukov did not measure themselves by them, they won.
    1. +5
      6 July 2024 08: 50
      Do you see the new Suvorov?
      1. +1
        6 July 2024 09: 40
        There are many of them, but not in the General Staff and the Moscow Region.
      2. +4
        6 July 2024 16: 03
        Well, as the General Staff is fighting now, it seems that you can catch any 12-year-old boy on the street and offer to give him orders, it will be more useful. The kid would definitely learn how to fight in two years
        1. +5
          6 July 2024 17: 42
          Anyone who served, or just an old man, understands that it is impossible to conduct combat operations without water, without food, without fuel, electricity and without transportation routes. And the enemy has all this at least... chew! In Kyiv, cars are moving in six rows, the night bars are full, every pig has a smartphone. The war cannot be ended this way; miracles do not happen. This is the Kremlin's plan. I feel sorry for the guys..
          1. +1
            6 July 2024 18: 07
            How the Kremlin fights is very similar to how we once played football against girls at school. It’s a pathetic sight to see how they can’t really take the ball away without accidentally hitting it. Well, they played as they wanted, I was standing at the goal, picking up the ball from the ground, and a classmate kicked me in the forehead, like she wanted to kick the ball out, but missed a little.
    2. +2
      6 July 2024 16: 04
      IMHO, the causes of the conflict on the outskirts and future ones like it have nothing to do with the protection of the population, territories, denazification, demilitarization and other fabrications of propaganda. The economic basis is being destroyed. The world is falling apart into macro-regions, but the fault lines are not predetermined (especially in Eurasia) and can be very variable. The task of the Russian Federation (represented by the Tsar and the boyars) is to “lie down” to someone, but to maintain the possibility of selling raw materials, with the right to appropriate part of the income and guarantees of personal safety. The Kremlin does not want to build its own macroregion - it has neither the competence nor the will. And other interested parties are playing their own game, viewing the Russian Federation exclusively as escheated space and property. What the hell is a “quick and decisive victory”?! Over whom?
    3. -1
      6 July 2024 18: 14
      Quote: avia12005
      There is no need to be afraid of mobilization and a multiple increase in the RF Armed Forces, if this is necessary for it.

      That’s what they do in Ukraine. It’s just not clear. But there is no one to work there. You are now proposing to exclude another million men from the economy and pay them 200-300 thousand a month. Where will you get the money for this?
  20. +2
    6 July 2024 08: 49
    Through your lips... There is a country and there is a leadership that plays its own game. One thing is not clear - where do 80% come from? If they are real, then you earn money in Russia and look for a more reasonable place. If they are drawn, then it is not entirely clear what will happen when Putin leaves (he is not eternal).
  21. +7
    6 July 2024 09: 13
    We must pay tribute to the author - he has developed his own original, well-recognized style.
    The essence of this style is a large amount of idealistic garbage, seasoned with a good amount of new pagan nonsense.
    Whoever is there has befuddled the Little Russians, so the same people have befuddled the Great Russians.
    The point of all the movement is to destroy the remnants of the economic potential of the USSR - that’s the whole story.
  22. 0
    6 July 2024 09: 17
    Quote: tixiy_golos
    I wonder what would have happened to you and your family if you had said that in 41?

    in 41, everyone who on the territory of the USSR declared the impossibility of using the FAB 5000, in the territories of Germany and the Allies, according to the laws of war, was put against the wall ....

    Are you crazy or something? The FAB-5000 was first used in 1944, developed in 1943.
    In 1941 this type of bomb simply did not exist.
    1. +3
      6 July 2024 10: 52
      FAB-5000 was dropped for the first time in 43 on Koenigsberg
  23. +3
    6 July 2024 09: 20
    Quote: avia12005
    Stop comparing the number of occupied and given square kilometers with the enemy. Alexander the Great and Napoleon, Suvorov and Zhukov did not measure themselves against them, but won.

    And that all these commanders supplied resources to their opponents right during hostilities.
    Like, - Napoleon - to Kutuzov - “Mikhailo Illarionovich, you have enough cores, otherwise tomorrow it’s Borodino, how can you be without cores?”
  24. +18
    6 July 2024 09: 37
    Propagandists: victory is sure and quick. Our armored units will soon be in Lisbon.
    Reality: a massacre by three men on motorcycles on a village where 10 people lived.
    Third year of the war. Military progress is measured in meters. Soldiers are killed by drones without even seeing the enemy. The top brass are tearing off the pages of the calendar, counting down the days until the “second coming of Trump” in the hope that maybe he will call, since Biden doesn’t want to. The situation in the trenches is also strange. On one side there are shouts in Russian “give up”, and the other side answers in Russian “no, you give up”. And in the West, viewers sit with popcorn and watch this series. sad
    1. +8
      6 July 2024 09: 42
      In about .. twenty years we will find out that no one was seriously planning to fight. Everyone, except those at the front, was thinking about profits.
  25. +3
    6 July 2024 09: 54
    The article is a set of cliches, everything is mixed up! What is the military sense in bombing a bank? Wasting expensive missiles on useless buildings, besides, Kyiv is well enough covered by air defense! There will be no USSR 2 because the consumer society and Western ideology will never move to the level of socialist principles. Because now the principle is one: Money and Nothing personal, only business! But it should be like in the USSR Man is a friend, comrade and brother to Man! Another generation has grown up too late! There will be either a shameful peace or a victory to the end with the exertion of all forces! Only the future will tell.
    1. +8
      6 July 2024 10: 05
      Yes, in terms of “debit/credit” - based on the results of damage to our country and people, and what the country will receive as a result of this - there will be no victory.
    2. -3
      6 July 2024 11: 33
      In general, there is some sense in bombing Bankovaya, Rada, and administrative buildings, but it is small. Well, if you bomb a bank with, say, a 2-kiloton nuclear charge, then meanings will appear, but of course not military, but political. And it is quite possible to break through air defense with hypersound.
  26. Owl
    6 July 2024 11: 09
    Just as there is a "pro-guest worker lobby" "in power", there is also a treacherous "pro-European-pro-American lobby", the activists of these informal organizations sell out the Motherland, fill their pockets with funds obtained from the legalization of hostile "guests" and for blocking pro-Russian legislation. If the government is strong, it will work for Russia, if it is corrupt, it will again betray the Motherland.
  27. The comment was deleted.
  28. +7
    6 July 2024 11: 33
    VVP said that in 2022, when ours were near Kiev, he was asked to stop the BD and they stopped it. Which was clear then. I think it will be the same now. But then we will say that we were deceived again and so on ad infinitum. The main thing is not to offend the West, otherwise they will not take us into the bright future.
  29. +1
    6 July 2024 11: 34
    There are difficulties with money and with people. What's not clear? War is an expensive pleasure...
  30. +3
    6 July 2024 12: 00
    Stop dividing Russians into different categories; we've already divided them - we've got 3 new states. Maybe then we’ll come up with Sibiryakov, etc.? Let's call them Siberian Russians, huh? Enough of these games!
    Regarding the negotiations... Do we want to preserve the Nazi regime in Kyiv, which will crush the remnants of Russians and Orthodoxy, or what do we want?
    The minimum is access to the Dnieper and Transnistria. Everything else is an agreement and a shameful peace that will turn into a new big war.
    The agreement means that no one will be held accountable for the crimes of the Nazis, and means a return to the old image of pro-Westerners. In essence, this will be a verdict on Pu and the regime in the Russian Federation.
    1. -3
      6 July 2024 15: 29
      This is all good. In which direction are you fighting now?
  31. +6
    6 July 2024 12: 12
    Alexander, have you ever thought about the fact that the warring oligarchies of Russia and Ukraine are two sides of the same coin? The name of which is the regime of dominance of private property. Both ours and theirs. Remember, when Crimea "returned to its native harbor", did we all become rich or at least wealthy citizens and did we, ALL of us, in Crimea, acquire market-valuable property? No, we all, the bulk of the population, have become poorer, and some have simply become beggars (... No, of course, I am very happy for the Crimeans, since the "Bandera" cultural genocide is a crime against the Russian people! But who became the main beneficiary of the annexation? Who owns the main market-valuable property in Crimea TODAY? Do you really admit that the POLITICAL goals of the regime of the domination of private property of the Russian financial and commercial oligarchy consist only in the destruction of the "oligarchic Makhnovshchina" in Ukraine? And all the market-valuable large and, in part, medium-sized property, all the material "assets", the means of production, infrastructure, mineral resources, land? The ability to print money and sell it to commercial banks, determine, establish, and control prices for goods and services? In all this, "cultural" genocide, this is already "the tenth matter"! (What are all my questions for? To the fact that, ANY war has, first of all, POLITICAL goals. What is the POLITICAL goal of the Russian oligarchic regime of private property domination in Ukraine? In my opinion, it is a cruel and cynical redistribution of market-valued property, assets, and capital. Why has the Ukrainian oligarchy resisted so fiercely for more than two years, so willingly given up property, means of production, infrastructure, land and mineral resources to Western corporations and companies? Because THEY KNOW that in case of defeat, the Ukrainian and Jewish nouveau riche will be left with bare asses, and some will simply be destroyed! Not only economically and politically, but also physically. Therefore, I think that in this situation, only a class, political economic analysis and corresponding conclusions can be objective. Another matter, from the position of which class...

    PS Law is the legal expression of the political will of the ruling class.
    1. +1
      6 July 2024 21: 09
      Alas! Name a country where the people actually own the main production. There is no such country! And therefore there is no sufficient justice anywhere. And there was none in the USSR. There was a declaration that it was the people, that it was in the name of the people. In reality - nothing. The property is public, the nomenklatura managed and managed poorly, which led to collapse.
      1. 0
        6 July 2024 21: 53
        Alexey, the existing reality in our country is the result of a cruel and cynical 50-year political and economic struggle of the Soviet nomenklatura with its own population, deprived, with the help of the policy of nationalization of property, of ANY property and ANY levers of control and influence on self-government and socio-production relations. And the way out of this "abyss of History", into which we have all fallen, for more than 30 years, is only one, this is the systemic formation and development of petty-bourgeois socialization of property, that is, the launch, development, and constant functioning of the nationalization processes, in which qualified and educated city dwellers and rural owners not only work in manufacturing, engineering, infrastructure, and agricultural enterprises and organizations, but also own them, as collective private owners of cooperatives and petty-bourgeois corporations. They create them themselves, they work for them themselves, they nominate deputies from their own environment to the bodies of district, city and regional self-government, and they themselves form regional public power. Until people become collective owners of their enterprises and organizations, until that moment, they will not begin and will not fight for their economic and political future and the future of their families and professional corporations, because the poor and, especially, the destitute, do not need anything more from the oligarchy than "social assistance" programs and sweet promises and handouts for elections! (Both the near-government and ethnic mafias will simply destroy historical Russia.
        1. +1
          6 July 2024 21: 57
          this is a systemic formation and development of petty-bourgeois socialization of property

          Maybe this really is the way out. Moreover, if you quit, you must sell your share of the enterprise within a certain time.
          1. +2
            6 July 2024 22: 02
            These are already “tactical”, although very important legal issues of alienable and non-alienable property, shares and shares of working specialists. And, strategically, a massive corporate owner-owner of the entire country should appear and directly form regional power, and, indirectly, represent their interests in state power. It is the owners-workers, and not “hired politicians”, crooks and parasites.
      2. 0
        16 July 2024 16: 45
        And it didn’t exist in the USSR. There was a declaration that the people, that in the name of the people. In reality - nothing. The property of the whole people was managed by the nomenklatura and managed poorly, which led to collapse.
        Compared to the current Soviet so-called. the nomenklatura are simply giants of thought, the Russian one is only stealing what was created under the USSR, so generalizations are inappropriate...
  32. +4
    6 July 2024 12: 42
    Apparently they are fooling us, and not everything is so rosy in the future of the Northern Military District, hence all this talk about negotiations on some conditions, and not about the capitulation of Ukraine. I can’t imagine negotiations with Germany in 45, unless it was about complete surrender. Any negotiations with the West, not on the terms of the surrender of Ukraine, are simply a postponement of a new war, but in even worse conditions and bloodier. I think this will be perceived as a strategic defeat for Russia
    1. +3
      6 July 2024 22: 02
      not everything is so rosy in the future of the Northern Military District

      Apparently, not everything is so rosy. Firstly, there is a shortage of certain types of weapons and equipment. In a long war beyond this year, it will no longer be possible to recruit sufficient numbers of volunteers.
  33. +7
    6 July 2024 12: 55
    Something that reminds...
    Ah, the slogans of the 1st World War - "WAR TO VICTORY"
    And at the same time, a counterbalance to the statement to the commander-in-chief - “There will be no return. There will be no USSR-2. Ukraine will remain.” (not verbatim)
  34. +2
    6 July 2024 14: 10
    Quote: VZEM100
    therefore, mass mobilization is needed to put an end to hoaxes while it is still possible

    An escalation on the part of the Russian Federation will lead to retaliatory measures; there is no need for illusions; a raw material colony does not know how to mobilize. Try mobilizing in Chechnya or Dagestan.
    1. -1
      6 July 2024 14: 50
      what measures will it lead to? to fight for Ukrainians European soldiers won't. Unless they throw in more weapons. The task is to physically knock them out. Ukrainians and for this you need a lot of weapons and people = civil + military mobilization.
  35. +4
    6 July 2024 15: 35
    Quote: Bearded
    Perhaps Putin’s statement about peace proposals for Ukraine is addressed to the countries of the Global South: like we are for world peace.

    For some unclear reason, Putin's statement is considered to be addressed to the countries of the Global South.
    Does the Global South have a worse understanding of the situation than the West? Which is that the Russian Federation was counting on a short victorious campaign, but ended up with a hopeless positional war. It is clear that the South has its own interests and can support the Russian Federation in some way. Or at least be neutral.
    But for this we need not to make such vague statements that will not mislead anyone, but to find real points of contact.
  36. -2
    6 July 2024 15: 40
    This strategic impasse has already existed since 2014.
    In 22nd we tried to resolve all the issues, but it didn’t work.
    Now there is simply no other solution other than declaring martial law and mobilization. But, obviously, this will lead to even greater casualties. Will there be a result? Maybe it will. Or maybe not.
    So, we hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
  37. +4
    6 July 2024 16: 06
    We know this, we understand it since 2014. Where everything was going was clear. Only this is what is clear, it is clear to us that it is the opposite of what and how the Kremlin allowed all this to happen and missed a lot. The Finns and Swedes are already in NATO. They say that if you have no intelligence, you are considered a cripple. If it weren’t for our grandfathers who left nuclear weapons, the end of the Russian Federation would have come long ago
  38. osp
    6 July 2024 16: 23
    About the destruction of bridges, tunnels and airfields in general touched me.
    In the conditions of Ukraine, this can only be done with tactical nuclear weapons.
    To collapse tunnels in the Carpathians, for example. Or bridges across the Dnieper.
    I’m generally silent about the airfield in Starokonstantinov. They hit him dozens of times.
    Even today, like Lenin, he is more alive than all the living, aviation flies from him.

    All this was created on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR during Soviet times with the expectation of a limited nuclear war in Europe.
    That’s why it’s so tenacious.
    Russia simply does not have conventional means to destroy it.
    Against the background of the fact that to suppress the air defense of Ukraine, initially represented by the old Soviet
    They couldn’t suppress the air defense systems.
    It has already been updated and continues to be updated for modern Western air defense systems, against which Russia had no tactics at all - there is an LPI mode there and they are not detected.
    1. +5
      6 July 2024 18: 11
      the blows are single and therefore cannot be destroyed
  39. +2
    6 July 2024 16: 42
    The article is good, but there are few readers, a narrow circle. The level of material is sufficient to raise questions. The Ukrainian conflict arose in 1991, when the Soviet Union was destroyed and dismembered through a coup d'état. Those who committed this crime are still in power, their names change, but the system itself is the same. Yeltsin left, but in his place he left behind the defender of his family, his capital, the defender of the capitalists, the defender of the oligarchic system. V. Putin has been in power since 1999, 25 years, this is a huge period, a quarter of a century, and what the Russian Federation has is a tenfold increase in billionaires, the dictatorship of capitalists, wars throughout the post-Soviet space. What can such a defender give to the people of Russia? The SVO in Ukraine is a redistribution of capitalist property; there are no interests of the people there. There is not a single legal document of the Russian Federation on SVO in the public domain, but in general they exist. This does not alarm anyone and no one questions why there are no documents. Real people are killed and injured at the front; this is not a computer game. You can speed up victory and end the war quickly; to do this, it is enough to issue a Law in which it will be written that the entire territory of Ukraine, within the borders of 1975, is an integral part of Russia. Unfortunately, such a Law contradicts the interests of third parties, i.e. the interests of these persons are higher than those of the state. This is where Agreements, Minsk, Istanbul, etc. arise.
    1. -2
      6 July 2024 18: 07
      The Ukrainian conflict arose many centuries ago. and from that time on, nationalism and separatism smoldered in the Ukrainians, waiting in the wings. This is not a redistribution of property, this is a war with the accomplices of Russia’s enemies.
      1. -1
        6 July 2024 18: 28
        Well, you are like those who accuse Lenin of destroying the USSR and creating the State of Ukraine. The reason is the hatred of the enemies of the USSR towards each other, and not just the coup in Ukraine in 2014, but the fact that it was Yanukovych who was overthrown.
  40. +3
    6 July 2024 19: 11
    The patriots are feeling somewhat despondent these days, but how well it all started:
    1. 0
      8 July 2024 07: 32
      Lesin is missing from the picture.
      And so - a partisan detachment with a traitor. Everything is classic.
      1. +1
        9 July 2024 17: 57
        This is not even a partisan detachment, but Timurka’s brigade. By the way, what kind of “agent of the five imperialist intelligence services” is this to the left of the brilliant and fictitious Minister of Foreign Affairs?
  41. +1
    6 July 2024 19: 52
    Quote from Kartograph
    Quote: Glagol1
    The Urals, western and central Siberia - no one will fly here quickly.

    Considering the lack of a continuous detection field and the number of air defense regiments, there are colossal holes in Siberia. The same Tomahawks can strike through these holes and at low altitude very slowly

    In this case, there is no longer a question of whether the missiles will break through, there is already a question of a counter strike. There is no such thing as percentage protection; it simply does not exist, especially on such a long border as ours.
  42. osp
    6 July 2024 20: 14
    Quote: Vlad Gor
    The article is good, but there are few readers, a narrow circle. The level of material is sufficient to raise questions. The Ukrainian conflict arose in 1991, when the Soviet Union was destroyed and dismembered through a coup d'état. Those who committed this crime are still in power, their names change, but the system itself is the same. Yeltsin left, but in his place he left behind the defender of his family, his capital, the defender of the capitalists, the defender of the oligarchic system. V. Putin has been in power since 1999, 25 years, this is a huge period, a quarter of a century, and what the Russian Federation has is a tenfold increase in billionaires, the dictatorship of capitalists, wars throughout the post-Soviet space. What can such a defender give to the people of Russia? The SVO in Ukraine is a redistribution of capitalist property; there are no interests of the people there. There is not a single legal document of the Russian Federation on SVO in the public domain, but in general they exist. This does not alarm anyone and no one questions why there are no documents. Real people are killed and injured at the front; this is not a computer game. You can speed up victory and end the war quickly; to do this, it is enough to issue a Law in which it will be written that the entire territory of Ukraine, within the borders of 1975, is an integral part of Russia. Unfortunately, such a Law contradicts the interests of third parties, i.e. the interests of these persons are higher than those of the state. This is where Agreements, Minsk, Istanbul, etc. arise.

    What are you even writing?
    Back in 1996, the Duma denounced the Belovezhskaya Agreement.
    And she repeatedly made attempts to constitutionally remove Boris Yeltsin from the post of head of state.
    So, those same vicious agreements were eliminated and there were no legal
    Since that time, there have been no barriers to restoring the territorial integrity of the country.

    Then, what kind of agreements can there be?
    Where were the warrants issued for Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov (others are in line)?
    Were they born yesterday and don’t understand the basic things that will happen to them?
    in case of defeat?
    Yes, it’s clear that you’re tired of this. Maybe many people in Russia want to freeze this matter.
    The only trouble for them is that the West will not just let them jump out of this situation.
    The conditions were announced - access to the 1991 borders.
    Now they don’t even like the return to the Minsk agreements and Russia’s entry to the borders on 23.02.22/XNUMX/XNUMX.
    They want more.
    Probably Western intelligence and analysts gave their political circles the necessary conclusions from two and a half years of conflict.
    1. +5
      6 July 2024 21: 26
      Thank you for considering my comment. We will not discuss here the Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of March 15, 1996 No. 156-II GD "On deepening the integration of the peoples united in the USSR and the cancellation of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of December 12, 1991 "On denunciation of the Treaty on the formation of the USSR" and the Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of March 15, 1996 No. 157-II GD "On the legal force for the Russian Federation - Russia of the results of the USSR referendum of March 17, 1991 on the issue of preserving the USSR" here, let the historians and lawyers give an assessment of those events and persons. Briefly, in 1991 a coup d'etat was committed, this is a criminal offense that has no statute of limitations. Let's return to Ukraine. Ask yourself, why does the Russian Federation not have legal documents on the SVO? Why do all the countries of the world that have territorial conflicts, wars, There are documents to support the claims, but the Russian Federation does not? Everyone has heard of Taiwan - mainland China has three laws stating that Taiwan is an integral part of the PRC. In December 2023, Venezuela secured territorial claims through a referendum. There is no need to discuss what the enemies want. What is important is what we want. The world recognizes only force. To win, you need will and desire. The first step to Victory, the main one, is legal confirmation through the Law that all of Ukraine, within the 1975 borders, is an integral part of Russia. The territorial integrity of Russia can only be restored by force.
      1. +2
        7 July 2024 01: 05
        A coup d'etat is the Maidan, a change of power without a change of the socio-economic System, and in their Perestroika the enemies of the USSR carried out a counter-revolution with the return of what was before the October Revolution - capitalism, and in order to become the same rich and richest parasites that the Bolsheviks overthrew.
  43. +1
    6 July 2024 23: 34
    Quote: Oleg Plenkin
    petty bourgeois corporations

    O petty bourgeois corporations, they will save us from the legacy of the damned soviet, so what?
  44. pop
    7 July 2024 01: 11
    Putin says every day that he is ready to freeze
  45. +4
    7 July 2024 01: 43
    Russia has only two paths. The first path is victory, and then we'll see. NATO will come and we'll kill them. And the second is a deal with subsequent rivers of our blood and our children's blood. We'll see what Grandpa Vova and his buddies will choose.
  46. +1
    7 July 2024 02: 24
    as they say: one man's war is another man's mother. For those who make money on the war (on both sides), the "freeze" is like a balm for the soul. And they will "lobby" for it with all their might...
  47. +3
    7 July 2024 04: 20
    In my opinion, things are heading towards a “freezing”, under the guise of preserving the Russians on both sides. But on the outskirts, the overwhelming majority are no longer Russians, but Europeans. Third-class Europeans, a marginal tribe for European services.
    And it finally dawned on our Command - there will be no desperate joy in relation to us, as was really the case in Crimea. Apparently, there was such a calculation, who in the forecasts of the Commander so cheerfully deceived, we will not know, and ... what difference does it make now.
    They need to be beaten, my goodness. The “gray zone” should be the entire border area near Poland, glass everything there, cut off supply routes.
    In general, thoughts come to mind, to put it bluntly, (obscene). Bad thoughts.
    And after all, we have the strength, the means, the fighting spirit in the army, but... There is no order.
    As a layman, a pensioner, I don’t understand what are we waiting for?
  48. Eug
    7 July 2024 10: 12
    Russia's strategic defeat in the event of a "freeze" is obvious. But propagandists will scream about “achieving the goals of the Northern Military District...
  49. 0
    7 July 2024 12: 06
    The author has a lot of clichés and wrong messages. Brothers don’t run around with posters saying “Moskalyak na...” If you try to run around with something like that, you’ll end up in the zone for a five-year sentence. Then these are the terrible European wunderwaffles... We are so tired of being afraid of them. There is a solution against drones, work is underway. You have to win, but when the majority of the population is hostile... They were promised a pension of 1000 euros, but then the evil Russians came and deprived them of their European paradise. The situation is not fun. But we are Russians, to win. Many people work for victory unselfishly. There is hope. Our cause is just.
  50. -5
    7 July 2024 13: 46
    Comments on VO are very often more interesting than the article discussed in these comments.
    Russia is conducting a military operation in Ukraine using a smaller part of its armed forces, and has carried out a partial mobilization of 300 thousand people. Moreover, Russia is fighting against, without exaggeration, the strongest European army, which is supported by the entire West. It is fighting without straining itself too much and quite successfully. All this is one of Russia's trump cards "up its sleeve": if we can conduct military operations in this way, with the strongest army in Europe with the full support of NATO, and at the same time not declare martial law in the country and do not conduct a total mobilization and do not transfer the economy to a war footing, let the West think carefully about what will happen if we start fighting for real. Many here are for a general mobilization and the beginning of fighting "properly". But first we need to learn how to fight like that. This is a completely new war for everyone. And for now, Russia is doing pretty well, look at the enemy, everything is sliding into complete chaos there. And regarding the freeze: the West will never agree to such conditions (lifting all sanctions, withdrawing troops outside the new Russian regions, etc.) because this is their complete defeat - reputational, military and political. The whole world wanted to "bend" Russia, but it only became stronger from this. But, nevertheless, everyone who wants to see that Russia is for peace and justice. So, even with mistakes, but we are on the right path.
  51. +4
    7 July 2024 16: 00
    I think there was some kind of agreement from the very beginning. When it suddenly turned out that the Russian Armed Forces were not preparing for war. The West could really pump up the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons by the fall of 2022 so much that the front would collapse. Moreover, no miracles of technology (which take a long time to master and are difficult to maintain) were required, the most ordinary tanks, armored personnel carriers/infantry fighting vehicles and self-propelled guns from the Cold War. But they didn’t do this. I think not out of the kindness of my heart, but under some conditions. There have been too many strange things on both sides over the years to be explained only by simple stupidity.
  52. +1
    7 July 2024 20: 34
    "And they will continue to put pressure on us with the help of sanctions and a technological blockade. With the help of internal liberals who are driving the economy into a coma (for example, an increase in the Central Bank rate). They will rock the country with the help of the migration issue and the problem of social justice (when generals and dignitaries steal billions) " This is what the West is counting on, because it is impossible to defeat the Russians on the battlefield. But you can shake up the situation with the help of the 5th column and get the results of 1917 and 1991. Therefore, if officials and “businessmen” do not call the traitor traitors, they will continue to have accounts and property and several passports from different countries and free travel abroad, they will shake up the situation by any means.
  53. +3
    7 July 2024 21: 16
    And to win you need brainstorming.

    To win, you need to have a head on your shoulders before you start “small and victorious on foreign territory, with little bloodshed.”

    Return to the matrix code of Russian civilization - social justice, ethics of conscience. Construction by the whole world of a “beautiful distance” - a society of knowledge, service and creation.

    And you, the author, created this ethics? You, the author, created the economic foundations of a “social justice” society? Or do you think we should just take everything and divide it? Writing all sorts of nonsense for a small fee and fooling people’s brains is a simple matter, but thinking through the vital system of economic and political relationships is not so easy.
    I’ll tell you this - even Lenin didn’t succeed, because he graduated from the NEP, and in the modern socio-political field there are not only his equals, there are not even close figures.

    In Little Rus' alone, according to various sources, 500–600 thousand men have already been killed. This is a terrible blow to Russian demography.

    So it’s you, the author, and your fellow greyhound writers who fiercely support all this and shout - come on, come on, push, push!

    You, the author, are just a buffoon.
    I think so.
  54. 0
    8 July 2024 09: 16
    You might think that there are anti-Russian and pro-Russian authorities, but this is not so.

    You might think that there are some serious forces that want to recreate the USSR-2, but this is not the case.

    The authorities have their own goals, Russia is a multinational country, no one needs the USSR for nothing, so the article is most likely simply provocative.
  55. 0
    8 July 2024 11: 16
    So, it seems like Putin voiced the conditions, all the regions that expressed a desire to remain with Russia, etc.
  56. +1
    8 July 2024 14: 06
    Quote: South Ukrainian
    Many here are for general mobilization and starting to fight “properly.” But first you need to learn how to fight like that. This is a completely new war for everyone

    The fact of the matter is that a limited contingent is now fighting and at the same time incurring losses. The uninvolved part of the Armed Forces remains in the realities of preparation for the “previous” war, together with its headquarters. There will be no sense from them. We have already seen how they worked out the task of mobilizing the military registration and enlistment offices, going crazy from waking up after an 80-year sleep, grabbing everyone in a row just to meet the deadline. I can’t imagine how the Supreme Commander is preparing for a world massacre, over and over again rejecting mobilization in any form. The people must be morally prepared and trained in advance - both at the fronts and in the factories. If a man is simply called up and put on shoes, he is not yet a soldier.
  57. -1
    10 July 2024 03: 52
    Quote: Russian
    This is all good. In which direction are you fighting now?

    On informational. Although I know who is in the trenches and not on mobilization.
    1. 0
      14 July 2024 00: 42
      And how are things going on the information front? Are you already approaching Pridnestrovie? In general, there is no need for many people in the information war. Now there are such robots; they can generate trainloads of videos of happy, liberated Odessa residents. Informational. Almost indistinguishable from real ones laughing

      Or do you want to sit on the couch and let someone else do the real war for you? It's somehow unfair. What do your actual warring acquaintances think about this?
  58. 0
    12 July 2024 12: 43
    Radical reconstruction of the Russian world - a new Union (USSR-2, Russian Union).

    More like a Slavic union. How are countries like Tajikistan, for example, facing us? They are of a completely different formation both in mentality and way of life.
    1. -1
      14 July 2024 00: 45
      Quote: APASUS
      How are countries like Tajikistan, for example, facing us?

      This territory was part of the Russian Empire, which means it is originally Russian.
      1. 0
        15 July 2024 08: 17
        Quote: guest
        This territory was part of the Russian Empire, which means it is originally Russian.

        In the Russian Empire, was Alaska also a native Russian territory?
        1. -1
          15 July 2024 13: 44
          Quote: APASUS
          In the Russian Empire, was Alaska also a native Russian territory?

          Actually, yes.
  59. +1
    14 July 2024 00: 53
    Who benefits from freezing SVO?

    It is beneficial for our enemies, because during this freeze, just like with Minsk, they will be able to prepare even better for the next stage of the conflict.
  60. -1
    14 July 2024 01: 09
    Quote: Russian
    And how are things going on the information front? Are you already approaching Pridnestrovie? In general, there is no need for many people in the information war. Now there are such robots; they can generate trainloads of videos of happy, liberated Odessa residents. Informational. Almost indistinguishable from real ones laughing

    Or do you want to sit on the couch and let someone else do the real war for you? It's somehow unfair. What do your actual warring acquaintances think about this?

    Are you going to teach me?
    It’s none of your business what my friends think, I told you what I think. And this is my opinion, which does not depend on the opinion of the skipper.
    1. 0
      16 July 2024 15: 57
      Teaching someone on the Internet is just a waste of time. But why are you so nervous, my dear? Is it unpleasant when they point out your duplicity of belligerent sitting on the sofa, when all those really fighting have already hesitated?

      Both you and I know what is going on at the front, only I, unlike you, have a conscience and do not advocate going where I would not go myself. And you’ll be looking for “skaklov” under your bed.
  61. 0
    16 July 2024 20: 34
    Quote: Russian
    Teaching someone on the Internet is just a waste of time. But why are you so nervous, my dear? Is it unpleasant when they point out your duplicity of belligerent sitting on the sofa, when all those really fighting have already hesitated?

    Both you and I know what is going on at the front, only I, unlike you, have a conscience and do not advocate going where I would not go myself. And you’ll be looking for “skaklov” under your bed.

    Darling, you have a darling in your pants. And I understand what you're campaigning for.
    1. 0
      18 July 2024 12: 15
      Yes, no matter what I campaign for, I still won’t be able to get you off the couch. And I don’t have you in my pants, I checked.
      1. 0
        27 July 2024 21: 51
        It's good that you're getting checked
  62. +1
    1 January 2025 17: 12
    Freezing is beneficial to everyone. Just not to Russia.