It became known about the “shock measures” provided for in the updated memorandum of Ukraine with the IMF

It became known about the “shock measures” provided for in the updated memorandum of Ukraine with the IMF

It would seem that after all the troubles that the Kiev regime, which staged a coup, brought to its people over the 10 years of its reign, things couldn’t get any worse. Meanwhile, almost every day there are newsthat say the opposite.

For example, the Ukrainian media published information about the “shock measures” that are provided for in the updated memorandum between Ukraine and the IMF.

It is worth noting that initially the cooperation of the Kyiv authorities with this organization did not promise anything good for the Ukrainian people. In particular, many ordinary Ukrainians today pay the lion's share of their income by paying for housing and communal services.

At the same time, the “intentions” spelled out in the updated memorandum will make the above-mentioned expense item completely unaffordable.

Thus, an expert in the energy market and head of the Ukrainian Union of Utility Consumers Oleg Popenko emphasized the wording about the “unscheduled” increase in utility tariffs for the population, stated in the updated memorandum.
We are talking about the need to increase payments for the population in order to bring them closer to market validity.

As an example, Popenko cites gas, for which Ukrainians pay a tariff of 8 UAH. per cubic meter, and its market value is 14 hryvnia (about 30 rubles).

Naturally, as the expert put it, the increase in gas prices will also “pull” the cost of heating, which can increase from 45 hryvnia per square meter of living space to 80 hryvnia (about 173 rubles). In turn, payment for hot water may increase from 100 hryvnia per cubic meter to 200 hryvnia (433 rubles).

As Popenko put it, “pulling up” housing and communal services tariffs for the population to “market validity” will lead to a real collapse in the public utilities sector. In addition, the state will have to increase subsidies, which will increase the already enormous budget burden.
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  1. +14
    3 July 2024 15: 14
    The IMF will rip off the agonizing economy of Ukraine. Yes
    In the dashing 90s, this predatory gang of the IMF also drove us into bondage.
    Only huge reserves and high energy prices allowed us to throw off the IMF yoke. We still can’t shake off these bloodsuckers. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is generally not clear to whom it reports.
    1. +8
      3 July 2024 15: 21
      Today, 15: 14
      The IMF will rip off the agonizing economy of Ukraine. yes]
      What the Ukrainians fought for is what they ran into!
    2. +7
      3 July 2024 15: 27
      Borrowing from someone, realizing that you will never be able to pay back, is akin to adventurism... Living under the motto “And after us there may be a flood!!!” a thankless task... You always have to pay for everything... And your children and grandchildren will pay this huge price...
      1. +4
        3 July 2024 16: 38
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        You always have to pay for everything... And it will be your children and grandchildren who will pay this huge price...
        Ukraine has one path - capitulation and a non-Bandera country. And the debts will be written off in one fell swoop, and everything that they managed to sell will be returned. Well, the IMF won’t demand the debts of the Kyiv regime from us! In this case, I’m afraid it won’t be only Sergei Viktorovich who won’t keep the right words to himself...
    3. +5
      3 July 2024 15: 29
      The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is generally not clear to whom it reports.
      It is clear to whom the Central Bank reports. But no one has been arrested there yet.
    4. 0
      3 July 2024 16: 03
      And now, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it drive you into bondage?
      1. +2
        3 July 2024 16: 05
        And now he is trying to force him into bondage, including through military means.
        The IMF is just one of the instruments of the Federal Reserve, which seeks to rule the whole world. Yes
    5. +1
      3 July 2024 20: 38
      Quote: Bearded
      The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is generally not clear to whom it reports.

      Who does the plant director report to? Any plant?
      This can be said about any organization. But if plant directors are appointed by shareholders, then according to the constitution, “the President proposes, and the Duma approves the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.”
  2. +5
    3 July 2024 15: 23
    In addition, the state will have to increase subsidies, which will increase the already enormous budget burden.

    Who told him that subsidies would be increased? Prices for housing and communal services will increase, but subsidies will not. am
    1. +8
      3 July 2024 15: 31
      You have to look at “yourself”: here Vodokanal is going to be given into a “concession” - they are repairing the storm drain in the city for budget money, while there is talk like in the cartoon about Buratino: “you will pay for the rain - otherwise how much money will it cost to maintain the storm drain... "
      1. +4
        3 July 2024 15: 38
        Quote: Dedok
        At the same time, there are conversations like in the cartoon about Pinocchio: “you will pay for the rain

        Maybe in a cartoon about Chippolino?
        1. +1
          3 July 2024 15: 57
          Maybe in a cartoon about Chippolino?

          yeah, I'm getting old...
      2. +2
        3 July 2024 17: 03
        Quote: Dedok
        "You will pay for the rain - otherwise how much money will it cost to maintain the storm drain..."
        Why be surprised? In 13 regions of our country, garbage is produced not by people living on square meters, but by the square meters themselves, regardless of the number of people living on them.
        Why not count the rain?
        1. +6
          3 July 2024 18: 29
          In every article they write how things are getting worse and worse in Ukraine and it will soon be ruined. (well, I’m silent about Europe and America) Only we have economic growth, GDP and a bunch of other things. Only about the increase in housing and communal services tariffs and prices somehow in passing, well, like “we ask for your understanding,” etc., etc. Well, about the “also Russians” it’s generally fun.
          1. 0
            3 July 2024 20: 44
            Quote: Vinnibuh
            Only about the increase in housing and communal services tariffs and prices somehow in passing, well, like “we ask for your understanding,” etc., etc.
            This tariff increase is tied to inflation. The fact that products are becoming more expensive does not bother you, just like haircuts or tire fitting are becoming more expensive. Why, in your opinion, should utilities not become more expensive? Don't people work there?
            1. +2
              3 July 2024 21: 01
              Don't you think this is running in circles? Is this population only in the role of catching up with “inflation”? Moreover, on each lap we fall further and further behind. Py sy And I wrote about the rise in prices in my commentary. And at the same time I meant haircuts, tire fitting, etc., etc.
              1. 0
                3 July 2024 21: 48
                Quote: Vinnibuh
                Don't you think this is running in circles? Is this population only in the role of catching up with “inflation”?
                Well, so far humanity has not found another model of a global or state economy. Inflation is everywhere, sometimes more, sometimes less. Moreover, Deflation also happens when everything becomes cheaper, but this makes everyone feel bad, because no one wants to buy anything, because tomorrow it will become cheaper.
                1. +2
                  4 July 2024 03: 26
                  Deflation is when everything becomes cheaper, but this makes everyone feel bad, because no one wants to buy anything, because tomorrow it will become cheaper.

                  I would really like to live in such a place.
                  1. 0
                    4 July 2024 10: 39
                    Quote: Vladivostok1969
                    I would really like to live in such a place.

                    The problem is that you won’t live there for long, money tends to run out, and during deflation nothing works, and therefore you won’t be able to earn money.
  3. +1
    3 July 2024 16: 13
    They are going to take away apartments here if you didn’t come to the TCC after a fine. Where are so many apartments for the state and who will pay for them?
  4. +1
    3 July 2024 16: 39
    I don't see a problem. By the heating season, several tens of thousands more Ukrainians will be killed. So they won’t have to pay for housing and communal services.
  5. +5
    3 July 2024 16: 56
    The IMF has one recipe for everything: raise prices for housing and communal services; if that doesn’t help, then raise them even higher.
  6. +1
    3 July 2024 17: 10
    I remember how Judas the Hunchback got loans from the IMF and after the USSR collapsed (apparently they set conditions there too)
  7. +1
    3 July 2024 18: 27
    Come on... “shock measures”... now if they began to take away the lace panties, then it would definitely be shock measures, otherwise “the puppy is not dead” for now wink
  8. +1
    3 July 2024 19: 30
    The IMF (by the way, we are also included there) cannot eat without raising housing and communal services tariffs.
    If someone has invested (invested in a share of the enterprise), then he can offer his advice. If someone lent (gave a loan to an enterprise), then it was his job to get what he owed and on time. That's rough.
  9. +1
    3 July 2024 22: 00
    Classic IMF... As a result, the remains of enterprises and, most importantly, the subsoil will be taken away for debts.
    But there is a joke here - no one knows the exact borders of Ukraine, so in the near future they will negotiate with Russia on the terms of what assets it will give to Western funds to pay off the Ukrainian debt or where it is going to go. Will it go to that field, for example, or can it be transferred from Ukraine to Uncle Rockefeller, or maybe Russia will not nationalize it, then in principle we can come to an agreement. These are the layouts there right now.
  10. 0
    3 July 2024 22: 27
    in Cartman's voice: "Oh my God, no one gives a fuck"