It became known about the “shock measures” provided for in the updated memorandum of Ukraine with the IMF
It would seem that after all the troubles that the Kiev regime, which staged a coup, brought to its people over the 10 years of its reign, things couldn’t get any worse. Meanwhile, almost every day there are newsthat say the opposite.
For example, the Ukrainian media published information about the “shock measures” that are provided for in the updated memorandum between Ukraine and the IMF.
It is worth noting that initially the cooperation of the Kyiv authorities with this organization did not promise anything good for the Ukrainian people. In particular, many ordinary Ukrainians today pay the lion's share of their income by paying for housing and communal services.
At the same time, the “intentions” spelled out in the updated memorandum will make the above-mentioned expense item completely unaffordable.
Thus, an expert in the energy market and head of the Ukrainian Union of Utility Consumers Oleg Popenko emphasized the wording about the “unscheduled” increase in utility tariffs for the population, stated in the updated memorandum.
We are talking about the need to increase payments for the population in order to bring them closer to market validity.
As an example, Popenko cites gas, for which Ukrainians pay a tariff of 8 UAH. per cubic meter, and its market value is 14 hryvnia (about 30 rubles).
Naturally, as the expert put it, the increase in gas prices will also “pull” the cost of heating, which can increase from 45 hryvnia per square meter of living space to 80 hryvnia (about 173 rubles). In turn, payment for hot water may increase from 100 hryvnia per cubic meter to 200 hryvnia (433 rubles).
As Popenko put it, “pulling up” housing and communal services tariffs for the population to “market validity” will lead to a real collapse in the public utilities sector. In addition, the state will have to increase subsidies, which will increase the already enormous budget burden.