Ukrainian military asks Estonian drone developers to create anti-electronic warfare technology “to protect against Russian attacks”

Ukrainian military asks Estonian drone developers to create anti-electronic warfare technology “to protect against Russian attacks”

Estonian production companies drones They do not hide the fact that they use Ukraine as a testing ground for their equipment. Representatives of Estonian manufacturing companies are in constant contact with the Ukrainian military in order to receive information about application parameters drones during an armed conflict with Russia.

The company that systematically supplies unmanned platforms to the troops of the Kyiv regime is, among others, the Estonian Milrem. The development director of this company, Raul Rikk, stated that all civilian (commercial) developments have now moved aside in order to “help Ukraine militarily.” At the same time, Estonia adds that “the experience of using drones against Russia can help Estonia, which has a common border with the Russian Federation, in the future.”

Sam Skove (DefenseOne):

From 2022 to April 2024, Estonia provided more aid to Ukraine as a percentage of gross domestic product than any other country except Denmark. Estonian civil society also mobilized to support Ukraine. 1,3 million Estonian citizens have raised hundreds of thousands of euros to buy equipment for the Ukrainian army, financed through crowdfunding.

A representative of the mentioned Estonian company stated that “there is a stream of feedback and suggestions from the Ukrainian military on how to improve the drones produced and supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.” For example, we are talking about the THeMIS ground transport drone.


One of the requests from the Ukrainian military is technology to combat EW.

Ukrainian military complain that the Russian army can carry out electronic jamming, which results in loss of communication with the drone and control over it. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are asking for help "to protect against Russian attacks."


There was also a request from the Ukrainian military that our unmanned platform could operate at night, when it is easier to hide from the cameras of the ubiquitous Russian drones and their loitering ammunition.

Also, as the director of the Estonian company said, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were asked to increase the level of ballistic protection for THeMIS.

Another Estonian company, Krattworks, is working on a project to create short-range loitering munitions.

At the same time, Estonian companies hope to soon announce cooperation with drone schools in Ukraine, which, as stated, will provide training and basic maintenance.
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  1. +1
    3 July 2024 07: 45
    Well, it’s no secret that any armed conflict is testing weapons in real combat; no weapons exhibition will open up the full possibilities. I hope we are also testing the Belarusian, Chinese, North Korean and Iranian military-industrial complexes.
    1. 0
      3 July 2024 08: 39
      I heard reviews about North Korean shells. So-so. Can't compare with ours. Yes Maybe the DPRK has better ammunition for MLRS?
      1. +1
        3 July 2024 09: 05
        I heard reviews about North Korean shells. So-so. Can't compare with ours.

        I read that for 155mm caliber shells produced by different NATO countries, different artillery tables must be used. I looked through the tutorial on shells; shots (shell+case) of the same caliber are marked for compatibility with guns/howitzers. Naturally, they are all Soviet/Russian made. It's like in advertising: you just don't know how to cook them.
  2. +1
    3 July 2024 07: 45
    The Estonians thought that fighting indirectly with the Russian Federation was better than trading (although they are still trading), well, that means they are going there...
  3. -4
    3 July 2024 07: 45
    No, but Ukraine is definitely Russia.
    They have their own staff, but they order from foreigners. Estonians also do not make electronics themselves, what are they needed for? But everything is just like ours!
    Even today's civilian UAVs are very easy to protect from EW. But the gentlemen from the military-industrial complex are not even capable of welding grilles onto tanks, let alone protection from EW. They themselves can't do anything, but they won't allow anyone from the outside, as we saw with the grilles.
  4. 0
    3 July 2024 07: 48
    I present the Estonian know how to combat electronic warfare - drop dipoles made from smoked sprats from drones. laughing
    1. +1
      3 July 2024 08: 41
      There are no more sprats in Estonia. Yes
      Ended with Soviet power.
  5. 0
    3 July 2024 08: 40
    I liked the phrase in the text: “...Estonian companies hope to soon...” laughing
  6. 0
    3 July 2024 08: 47
    purchase of equipment for the Ukrainian army, financed through crowdfunding. - cut off funding and the war will end....
  7. 0
    3 July 2024 09: 00
    Everyone knows the Estonian terrorists who hand over military equipment to the Hohlopiteks, but not a single one has ever tripped down a flight of stairs, or had a hurricane blow a tree into their head through their buttocks...