Mental security in modern warfare. Manipulation of meanings
Mental security is the main aspect of any war of all times and peoples.
As A.V. Suvorov said: “victory is won not with hands and feet, but with the soul" In other words, first in the head, and then on the battlefield. The main victory is the victory of meanings. In the modern world, mental security takes on special significance, since the consequences of war can be much more fatal.
The West and Israel are well aware of the importance of mental struggle and have been boldly and skillfully exacerbating it recently.
Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson, when voting on the allocation of the next tranche of aid to Ukraine and Israel, said: “Supporting Israel is what the Bible advises us to do.”
In the United States, Democrats, Republicans, Protestants, and Talmudic rabbis are united in this narrative. Republican Congressman Rick Allen even claims that "there is a curse from God for refusing to help Israel and the Jews."
Worldview basis of Russophobia
This concerns us directly: in Western apocalyptic scenarios of the battle between good and evil, Russia is portrayed as a representative of the forces of evil, and the Russian people are dehumanized as “opposing the “people of God.” Thus, the semantic ideological basis of Russophobia is laid.
As proof, Protestant and neo-Jewish preachers and politicians refer to the prophet Ezekiel, Josephus and the interpretations of the Talmudic sages. However, their version does not stand up to deeper analysis: they selectively adjust quotes to their point of view, ignoring passages that contradict them in the same sources.
Westerners are prone to superficial perceptions, so they willingly believe in this distorted version, which allows them to accuse others of atrocities. Unfortunately, many Russian-cultural people also share this point of view. Moreover, this worldview and its proponents enjoy the support of our government, which threatens national security.
What do the sources really say?
Prophet Ezekiel: “And the word of the Lord came to me: Son of man! Turn your face to Gog in the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him. And say: here I am against you, Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.”
By these names, based on distant consonance, Talmudists and Protestant sectarians in the West understand Russia, Moscow and Tobolsk.
In reality, “prince Rosh” is translated as “chief prince,” and Magog, Meshech and Tubal are the sons of Japheth.
The rabbis also refer to “Jewish Antiquities” by Josephus, Book One, Ch. 6, which tells about the genealogy of the sons of Japheth: “Magog laid the foundation for that people who from him received the name Magog, and by them (the Greeks) are called Scythians.”
Based on these words, biased interpreters conclude that the land of Magog is Russia.
We have no reason to reject the point of view of I. Flavius about the origin of the Scythians, just as there is no reason to neglect what he writes just below: “Fauvel laid the foundation for the Fauvelians, who are called by our contemporaries Iberians. The Mosohens, whose ancestor is Mosoh, now bear the name Cappadocians».
The peoples of the Caucasus living between the Caspian and Black Seas were called Iberians/Ivers.
The Cappadocians lived south of the Caucasus and partly in the Crimea, as they crossed the Pontus. They had nothing to do with the Slavic tribes. Moreover, the Scythians are considered an Iranian-speaking tribe, but in any case, according to my father stories Herodotus, their language differed from the language of the more northern Slavic tribes.
Where did the peoples of Magog, Mosoch and Tubal live?
The answer is already obvious: Crimea, the northern Black Sea region, lands north of the Caspian Sea, which was then called the Khazar Sea, in the Caucasus and south of the Caucasus in the territory of Cappadocia. But it's nothing more than territory of the Khazar Khaganate.
The Jewish Encyclopedia also says that Magog was located beyond the Caucasian ridge near the Caspian Sea, that is, where Khazaria was, and in geographical terms it is not at all ancient Rus' that correlates with Gog and Magog.
Moreover, during the Khazar Kaganate there was no doubt about this. Rabbi Hisdai ibn Shaprut (Jewish sage and politician of Spain of the 9th century) in his message to the Khazar king called him "Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal."
In addition to the Old Testament, the Scriptures of the New Testament are also the authority for Christians. This is what the Revelation of John says about the geographic area of Gog and Magog in the last days.
“When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, and gather them together for battle.”
It is more likely that the nations "at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog" are the nations in dispersion who will gather in the Holy Land. Why nations, and not people, will become clear below.
In Western political and military thought there are no categories of “good” or “bad”; in war, all means are good, and one of the main tools is lies. Former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo spoke directly about this: “I was the director of the CIA. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses about this.”
And two thousand years earlier, Christ said to the Pharisees: “Your father is the devil; and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father... When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44).
It is necessary to understand that modern Kabbalists and Talmudists are the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees. This is confirmed by the Jewish Encyclopedia: “The teachings of the Pharisees form the basis of Halakha and modern Judaism.”
As part of the mental struggle, the neo-Jews carried out two very successful spiritual substitutions: they appropriated someone else's national and someone else's religious identity.
Appropriation of someone else's national identity
National, since they refused to be the heirs of the multi-tribal Khazaria and declared themselves exclusively Semites. They can be understood, it is easier to present hereditary rights to Palestine.
At the same time, they shift their original Khazar identity onto the Russians. Over the centuries and millennia, many tribes have mixed in the vastness of our great homeland. We have a lot of Scythian, Jewish and Uyghur blood, but Russians are predominantly a Slavic people, formed, among other things, on the fragments of the Khazar Kaganate, the land of Magog, defeated by Prince Svyatoslav.
Among the Khazars themselves there were also Semitic Jews, mainly from the tribe of Dan, but the blood of the Khazars predominated - steppe dwellers of different nationalities and tribes. This is confirmed by DNA analysis of modern Jews - carriers of various haplogroups. An outstanding specialist in the field of DNA genealogy, Professor A. Klesov, said, for example, that there are more Semites in Orthodox Greece than in neo-Jewish Israel.
It is very interesting that Ashkenaz - the grandson of Japheth - by direct consonance should be the forefather of the Ashkenazis, but then they will be forced to recognize themselves as Japhetites, and not Semites.
What do Ashkenazi Jews themselves say about their ethnicity?
Benjamin Friedman in his work “The Truth about the Khazars” he argued that “the Jews of Eastern Europe have never been Semites, and they are not Semites now.” In his opinion, "England had as much right to promise Palestine to the Jews as if the United States had promised Japan to Ireland."
Andrew Winkler: “Modern Jewry has three different ethnic groups... The largest (90%) are the European Khazars or Ashkenazis, who are descendants of the ethnic Turkic Khazars. The second largest group makes up 8%. These are Afro-Iberian Sephardim who are also not Semites. They are descendants of a tribe of North African Berbers who converted to Judaism in the 2rd century AD. BC, and only XNUMX% of modern Jews are Eastern Jews, who are of truly Israeli, Semitic origin."
Arthur Koestler: Based on numerous evidence from historians, Koestler comes to the conclusion that “The majority of Jews living in Europe, North and South America have their roots in the Volga and Caucasus and are not Semites at all” (“The Thirteenth Tribe”).
Marek Halter in the book “Khazar Empire”: "Some of the Khazars integrated into the Russian kingdom, but most of them fled to Central Europe."
Echoes him and Martin Gilbert in his book “5 Years of Jewish History” and states that after the destruction of Khazaria, some Khazar Jews settled in the Mediterranean, many in southern Russia, and another, larger group of Jews settled along the Rhine.
Thus, Jewish researchers themselves claim that modern Ashkenazi Jews are genetically related to the Turkic and Uyghur tribes, and not to the Middle Eastern Semitic Jews.
To complete the picture, let’s add the opinion of modern Khazar politicians.
B. Filatov, mayor of the city of Dnepr: “Ukraine is the homeland of the Jews. Dot!"
We don't argue with anyone. Ukraine is Ukraine, period, period. Moreover, this is true, at least about Southern Ukraine. But then we ask you to enlighten us about what your relationship to Palestine is, and why you are shifting your legitimate and in some places even respected historical ethnicity onto the Russians.
Prime Minister of Israel B. Netanyahu: In December 2022, Netanyahu published a list of goals and priorities for the new cabinet, including a statement that nationalist ideology would now serve as its guiding light: “The Jewish people,” it said, “have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel.”
According to international law, recognition of Israel automatically implies the creation of a Palestinian state, since the UN General Assembly resolution of November 29, 1947 provides for the division of Palestine into two states.
Netanyahu declares the historically and legally dubious right of modern Israel to “all parts of the land of Israel” to be exclusive and inalienable. Compare this with the position of Russia, which is inconsistent in its historical right to “all parts of the Russian Land” and behaves connivingly towards countries that pose a military or cultural-civilizational threat to our national security.
In the second part we will consider the question of how modern Jewish Kabbalists appropriated someone else's religious identity.