The Czech company presented a futuristic pistol

The Czech company presented a futuristic pistol

The Czech company Créapeiron presented the futuristic Elysien pistol chambered for 9x19. Externally, the new product looks really extremely unusual.

Meanwhile, its design, including the double-action trigger mechanism, stores and the standard for attaching sights, are based on completely traditional solutions from the ČZ 75 platform.

One of the features of the Elysium is the rounded triangular profile of the barrel. At the same time, the trunk itself is located very low.

In turn, the trigger and trigger pull are controlled by the user using the Magnetic Trigger Regulation system.

In addition, the Czech designers claim that they were able to invent the ideal shape of the brace, providing a natural level of control and comfort for the finger, and the angle of the handle is 108 degrees from the horizontal axis of the pistol - 18 degrees from the normal, which Créapeiron for some reason called revolutionary.

In general, taking into account the very conditional “advanced” solutions and the cost of the pistol at 10 thousand euros, we can conclude that it is unlikely to become a “hit of sales.” Meanwhile, this weapon may be of interest to solvent connoisseurs and enthusiasts from the United States, who are already somewhat tired of the Turkish “state employees” that have flooded the market.

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  1. 0
    2 July 2024 07: 07
    A beautiful pistol, albeit an unusual one
  2. +3
    2 July 2024 07: 08
    The name, of course, is not lacking in pathos. Elysium. Why not purgatory right away?
  3. +2
    2 July 2024 07: 44
    Well, why is this gadget, besides its unusual appearance, better than the Hi-Point C-9 for $200?
    1. 0
      25 August 2024 04: 17
      Stop it! It doesn't go well with an Adidas tracksuit for going to a dance at a country club. Hi-Point C-9 for $200. Here a more respectable bagpipe is needed, “Elysium” is just right. wassat
      Show-off, in short.
  4. 0
    2 July 2024 07: 58
    The cartridge is weak.
    You need 7,62x25mm.
    1. +5
      2 July 2024 09: 42
      Quote: Maxim G
      The cartridge is weak.
      You need 7,62x25mm.

      If the cartridge is not 14.5x114, it is still weak.
      I want a 14.5 recoilless pistol.
  5. +2
    2 July 2024 08: 07
    Volyn, like volyn. No better than the CZ P09 for 400 bucks.
  6. +2
    2 July 2024 08: 47
    The style evokes Egypt with the pharaohs.
  7. +1
    2 July 2024 09: 38
    A gay disertegle with a strange plus and minus sign on the sight.
    Well, a gun at that price doesn’t make sense.
    If it's a weapon, there's no point in showing off.
    If this is “a trick for respectability (like a clock)” - behind a respectable guy there will be people with weapons, there is no point. (and even a zero in the price is not enough for solidity)
  8. +4
    2 July 2024 13: 04
    At the same time, the trunk itself is located very low.

    It has been repeatedly noted that as soon as it comes to describing technical issues, local newsmakers begin to write nonsense. I specifically went to the manufacturer’s website to look at the pistol’s layout. Photo attached.
    In general, taking into account the very conditional “advanced” solutions and the cost of the pistol at 10 thousand euros, we can conclude that it is unlikely to become a “hit of sales.”

    First of all, it's not 10 euros, but $000 for the mass-produced Soul. And 5 is the Genesis version, made in seven copies.
    And the gun was not originally intended for mass sales. It is a niche product, created in the Art Nouveau style and designed for wealthy buyers with a fat wallet. A kind of Bugatti among guns.
  9. 0
    3 July 2024 21: 12
    Yeah, it’s absolutely unclear for whom this expensive pistol was made.
    Not a single shooting athlete would buy such a “creation.”
    I recently purchased a CZ 75 Sport II, which is a great machine. A new one costs 2200-2300 euros, quite expensive, but it’s just a pleasure to shoot from it!
  10. 0
    6 July 2024 19: 50
    I don't like guns that lack the classic beauty of a pistol. I held it in my hand, I have a smaller hand, and it didn’t fit me. I could hold her. but she didn't bother me. This is simply an attempt to sell through advertising. I haven’t filmed with her, the conditions are excellent. am
  11. 0
    7 July 2024 06: 08
    What kind of Turkish state employees have flooded the US market?