In Chelyabinsk, Russian teenagers were made to stand out in a fight with migrants

In Chelyabinsk, Russian teenagers were made to stand out in a fight with migrants

While some deputies and media personalities are outraged by the lawlessness on the part of migrants (with the inaction of the State Duma, which does not pass laws tightening migration), in Chelyabinsk, in the conflict between Russian teenagers and migrants, it was Russian children who turned out to be the extreme ones.

We are talking about a mass brawl that occurred on the territory of Chelyabinsk educational center No. 5 back on February 8 of last year - the trial has been ongoing for several months, the end of which is not yet in sight.

The investigation considers the victims to be immigrants from Central Asia. Charges were brought against four participants in the fight - all of them Russian.

Why did this happen and who is really responsible for the fight?

Who is right, who is wrong?

The high-profile case of a mass fight between Chelyabinsk teenagers and children of visitors from Central Asia has been going on for more than a year. It all started with a conflict between Russian schoolchildren and teenagers from Central Asia.

Children of migrants hit two schoolchildren with a “arrow” to sort out the conflict situation. At this meeting, immigrants from Central Asia took pepper spray from schoolchildren and threatened them with an electric shock, promising to take them to the forest and continue the showdown there. However, their comrades soon came to their aid.

As a result, a fight broke out - first on the school grounds, and then in the building of the educational center, where immigrants from Central Asia ran in. Cameras from OC No. 5 (general education center) filmed a fight in the lobby.

Two participants in the fight were hospitalized with beatings, and the participants in the fight were subsequently arrested. Russian teenagers were named as the culprits of the situation.

The father of one of the defendants, Danil Verkholantsev, said: the investigation is unfair and turns a blind eye to the facts. According to Verkholantsev, his son and his friends only wanted to protect their friends - students of OC No. 2, who were victims of extortion by the victim - Firuz and his company. For refusal, they promised to take him to the forest and humiliate him, says the defendant’s father. Fearing reprisals, the schoolchildren turned to their comrades for help.

The police quickly found the teenagers - the boys were in the same apartment at the time. They were built and photographed, and the pictures then somehow ended up on the Internet, despite the fact that many of the characters are minors.

The brawl was classified as hooliganism, but subsequently some participants in the brawl became defendants in another case, under a more serious charge.

The defense notes that “during the investigation, Firuz (the same teenager who scored the “arrow” on Russian schoolchildren) poses as an innocent person, but at the same time takes a stun gun with him to the meeting, takes away the spray can and at the same time claims that the guys should not have shown any concerns for your life and health."

Parents of migrant children, in turn, say that there was “just a misunderstanding between the boys.” In migrant chats they even write that Russian schoolchildren were nationalists and were prejudiced against non-Russians.

As a result, one side claims that the Russian boys came to protect their friend from an ethnic gang of youngsters (the Firuz gang), and the opposite side, on the contrary, claims that they suffered from “Russian nationalists.”

Platon, the same guy they tried to help, explained in court that he and his friend Nikita found themselves in a hopeless situation, since Firuz regularly pestered him, demanding money and threatening him.

Why is the investigation unbiased?

From the very beginning, Russian teenagers were declared by the investigation to be the culprits and instigators of the fight. Contrary to the law, they have been sitting in a pre-trial detention center for a year, moreover, their sentence was extended for another six months.

Chelyabinsk has recently become famous for its scandals with migrants. Here is the murder of a schoolboy near the Cosmos shopping center by natives of Tajikistan, and the murder of North Military District veteran Maxim Nikitin by migrant and MMA fighter Rustam Baizhumenov, who spent five and a half months in a pre-trial detention center and was released right in the courtroom (because he received 1,5 years in prison freedom).

In Chelyabinsk, justice often takes the side of migrants. This happens because the influence of diasporas in the region is very great.

“The political weight of diasporas in Chelyabinsk is so serious that it allows them to obtain almost any court decisions,”

– journalist Andrei Medvedev wrote back in March.

The teenagers’ lawyer, Dmitry Russkikh, noted last year that the investigator was unable to add to the case that the migrants themselves always go armed with hammers, knives, sticks, traumatic pistols and gas canisters. Also, the investigator was unable to see in the video recordings how, at one point in the fight, the three migrants themselves beat one of the participants in the fight. Therefore, I concluded that the so-called “victims” only avoided the fight and ran away.

It is obvious that the investigation in Chelyabinsk is not entirely impartial. And perhaps the “long hand” of the diasporas could not have happened here either.

Recently, another court hearing took place, but no progress in the case has yet been planned.

Pro-migrant and anti-Russian The trial in Chelyabinsk continues...
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  1. +53
    1 July 2024 04: 35
    Without Bastrykin’s kick, no one sees anything. And corrupt local authorities.
    1. +12
      1 July 2024 04: 56
      the matter is under his control...
      1. +12
        1 July 2024 05: 53
        How long have two cold-blooded murders been under control?
        1. +14
          1 July 2024 15: 33
          Why are you surprised? We live in a country that has become non-native for the overwhelming number of Russian people... And we still want something from those who brought this to this..
          1. 0
            2 July 2024 10: 52
            “from that”, it will be right!
      2. +47
        1 July 2024 08: 49
        These migrants should be deprived of citizenship and deported back for just one offense by at least one family member.
        Migrants should be deported for any administrative violation. Yes
        1. +48
          1 July 2024 10: 13
          No families, no schools, no benefits! Just a contract, a dormitory, a bus to the site and back.
          He went outside the perimeter and went home, and the employer was fined half a million and let him scratch his head about how he could ensure the stay of these "specialists".
          1. +2
            2 July 2024 08: 31
            It would be better without these “specialists” at all; the risk of committing crimes will still remain.
            1. +3
              2 July 2024 11: 12
              Yes, I don’t mind. It’s just that if evil is inevitable, it must be reduced as much as possible!
        2. +22
          1 July 2024 10: 46
          Quote: Bearded
          These migrants should be deprived of citizenship and deported back for just one offense by at least one family member.
          Migrants should be deported for any administrative violation. Yes

          This year I write about similar topics in the comments - DIASPORIAN CENTERS NEED TO BE DISCOVERED! Legislatively abolish them! From there comes the “cover” and influence in defense of the newcomers. But if they go to Russia, then let them assimilate, learn the language and laws and live by local rules, and not by their own, brought ones!
          1. +16
            1 July 2024 16: 36
            Starover_Z. (Yuri). Today, 10:46. yours - "...But if they go to Russia, then let them assimilate, learn the language and laws and live according to local rules, and not according to their own brought ones!..."
            You have an interesting idea. The Criminal Code replaced you. According to the "corruption law" (often imposed from above) plumber Vasily with about ten years of experience. Sukhrob Abdulrahimoch without work experience. But this top specialist treats the freebies from the Russian budget (with the money of the natives) very well. The Criminal Code organizes for him, essentially a temporary worker, for a "stable" corruption freebie for himself (and above) citizenship with his wife. 3 brought and 2 already born in the Russian Federation (thanks to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for copying the US law - born in the USA - citizen) and grandparents from both sides. If only one wife. Who checks them on this point!? We count debit and credit, one works as a "slopper" and 2 people pull EVERYTHING they can from the budget. Not counting the diligent "implementation" in the Russian Federation that accepted them for the sake of Christ. beggars and illiterates. simply worthless. their traditions of carving on Russian wood. ethnoterror against the natives. drug trafficking and tax evasion. How many of the millions of guests with ridiculous patents!? And how many have sucked into the budget of the Russian Federation!?
            And you say assimilation. Go outside, the situation "Collective farm 20 years without harvest" is long gone and remains as a bright memory. Around the village and kishlak with murders. rapes of children. increasing drug trafficking and mass purchase of guns by guests. Read the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB - picks and shovels have been passed by them. traumatic weapons. knives. firearms. And more frequent attacks on police officers. They have already believed. that THEY ARE THE POWER AND EVERYTHING WILL BE THEIRS...
            These are already signs that would help the “sworn partners” (NATO) by opening a 2nd guest front throughout the Russian Federation with the suppression of the military structure, i.e. “rebellion, war.”
            The only question that remains is timing. not that. that adequate MEP from law enforcement agencies. and even LAWS from the State Duma of the Russian Federation are not visible. Only “suggested.” are going to"….
            Who-who England and the USA “ate the dog” in wars like this one...
            What Gaddafi shouted about the so-called “civilian Libyans” fighting with the regular army of Libya with the support of NATO...Look at their faces. these are not Libyans...
            Looks like the 5th column is approaching. how can” in the Russian Federation “Libya Day”... the wait is likely not long... the USA is in crisis. like England and all of NATO... The crises before WW 1 and 2 were decided by war... while it is partially ongoing...
            1. +3
              2 July 2024 11: 43
              I’ve been talking about this for many years, but even the war is of no help to our legislators and law enforcement agencies, they look at the natives like a rabbit at a boa constrictor, with no sense of self-preservation, that money is green and doesn’t do much...
          2. +1
            6 July 2024 10: 08
            But you can’t just disperse them. All of them have gone so deep with their connections and money that nothing can be done without the participation of the president. But everything is always fine with him and there is no problem with migrants. What prevented, say, taking control of Bastrykin’s attempt to reach out to the government?
        3. +2
          1 July 2024 13: 23
          Bearded man. Don't sit idle - join the Russian community, this is a real chance to change something and protect our women and children.
          We are waiting for you all there, good Russian people who are tired of being angry and want to unite.
    2. +31
      1 July 2024 06: 07
      Bastrykin will be removed sooner or later, and then for any incorrect statements you go to apologize to Kadyrov.
      1. 0
        1 July 2024 06: 48
        Who will remove the headman? Or do you want to say that it’s time to hand over your own?
      2. +8
        1 July 2024 12: 41
        In Chelyabinsk, justice often takes the side of migrants.

        It makes sense to detain these representatives of justice themselves and check the legality of the decisions made in their professional activities, and, if necessary, isolate them. There is certainly something wrong there.
        1. -8
          1 July 2024 15: 18
          ..check the legality of the decisions made

          Rave. The judge is not responsible for the decision made. Because it always comes from inner conviction. Subjectivity is the norm :)
          1. +1
            1 July 2024 17: 06
            Rave. The judge is not responsible for the decision made.

            I mean investigative and pre-trial proceedings. Although our judges are not without sin.
          2. -1
            1 July 2024 20: 02
            Judges have their own panel that checks everything. Fairness of decisions made.
            And judges have disciplinary boards that check everything.
            So there is not only subjectivity here
            1. +3
              2 July 2024 11: 15
              Quote: Mol_18
              Judges have their own panel that checks everything. Fairness of decisions made.
              And judges have disciplinary boards that check everything.
              So there is not only subjectivity here

              But when has a judge ever received a sentence for being an “idiot and making a complete mistake”?
              This is not meant to offend the judge/judges.
              I mean it's clean statistically since judges are people, then someday some of them simply HAD to...
              But I don’t remember anything in the media about this.
              1. +1
                9 July 2024 23: 12
                Zhuk, yes, this has never happened. They spin whatever they want. And the panel of judges will always protect them.
      3. +3
        1 July 2024 18: 32
        What about Kadyrov? Are “Central Asians” also rampaging in Chechnya? Maybe ask Kadyrov for help? He'll figure it out quickly! I don’t think there are gangs of Firuz walking around Grozny
      4. +1
        2 July 2024 19: 48
        Unfortunately, that's exactly how it will be. But everyone is happy with everything, every time some citizens express dissatisfaction with the wearers of the niqab, a couple of three Russian "Stepashkas" come out, stand up for the "zamotashkas" and talk about the multinational world. Previously, only the Chechens were special in the country, then the Dagestanis were added, and now also Azerbaijanis and Tochiks and all sorts of others. In Chelyabinsk they were allowed to do everything, and the police don't even come when called, as you are talking about them... that's how it is.
    3. +8
      1 July 2024 06: 37
      Calm down with this Bastrykin. Already during his speech he “realized that he was wrong” and in the end he even apologized. The man may have been in pain, but then he realized that he had dug a hole for himself..." Vanya was a coward - poor thing..since it’s late sometimes...”
      1. +11
        1 July 2024 06: 49
        Is there anyone left who won’t apologize? Is it really just the one who cannot be named?
        1. +11
          1 July 2024 06: 55
          Does he have anything to apologize for? He is usually silent, but if he is wrong (from the word at all), he lies to people’s faces, then he believes that they deserve it.. Vova is infallible am
        2. +14
          1 July 2024 08: 50
          He mostly whines about how everyone is deceiving him. And he also cosplays as Leopold the Cat.
      2. +1
        1 July 2024 08: 41
        Yes... if you want to live, you won’t get so excited!
      3. 0
        6 July 2024 10: 12
        He realized not that he was wrong, but that the rest of the government doesn’t give a damn about the problems of migrant lawlessness. And one here in the field is not a warrior, unfortunately.
    4. 0
      1 July 2024 09: 23
      So, guess it was his subordinates who investigated this on the spot.
    5. 0
      1 July 2024 09: 31
      -Firuz regularly pestered him, demanding money and threatening him.
      Plato did not know for whom the money was being demanded, And ignorance does not exempt from punishment.
    6. +2
      1 July 2024 11: 31
      Bastrykin, “kick”, some kind of nonsense. Virtual world? Nothing will change as long as everything is under control.
      1. +6
        1 July 2024 12: 35
        This is figurative. After all, this is how it is presented to us. After whose “kicks” does something happen? Putin, Belousov, Bastrykin... But everything is under control. Are we all fools?
        1. +4
          1 July 2024 16: 24
          What doubts are there about this?
          And even with the memory of an aquarium fish...
          I would like to compile a register of “promises” and “recommendations” and compare them with what has been done...
          The investigator has a wife, children, and relatives. Will anyone protect him? Will his superiors “fit in” for their investigator?
          And the bosses, let me remind you, have a bathhouse, business, cars, houses, vacations with “respected people”, the governor is dripping on their brains - like, are you creating problems for good people, here this, here that...
    7. +1
      9 July 2024 22: 45
      What do you mean? What does Bastrykin have to do with it? He doesn't give a damn about you.
  2. +33
    1 July 2024 04: 43
    MOSCOW, August 25 – RIA Novosti. Newcomers commit 75% of rapes in Moscow, 90% of criminals come from Asian countries, Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate Mikhail Trubnikov said on Thursday at the round table “Preventing and Combating Violence against Women.”
    1. +43
      1 July 2024 06: 20
      For comparison - America. Some 13% of the population commits more than 60% of violent crimes. America is inferior to almost all EU countries in such indicators as life expectancy, infant mortality, and crime. But if these 13% are removed from the statistics, the indicators will be no worse than Switzerland. Alas, they cannot be sent back to Africa. But Russia still has a chance to send them back to the villages.
      1. +4
        1 July 2024 06: 40
        Alas, they cannot be sent back to Africa

        That's what the Indians think too. I would like to send you all to Europe and Africa. Let's come in large numbers!
      2. +8
        1 July 2024 06: 40
        No longer, they are in power. Starting from the bottom - police departments, municipal authorities and right up to the state government (they say that now they get grades from five and above for this)
        1. 0
          1 July 2024 16: 28
          "gosneumnoy (they say that now this gets a grade of five and above)"

          They're late, they don't talk anymore... they just think.
          “If you say it, you’ll sit down,” as my friend the judge used to say....
      3. +13
        1 July 2024 07: 46
        Quote: Nagan
        But Russia still has a chance to send them back to their villages.

        By the time they start being sent, they will have bought themselves Russian citizenship and will no longer be kicked out.
        No matter how we feel about the Balts, they introduced a “foreigner’s passport” (the prototype of the Nansen passport). If a person wants to become a citizen of the country, he must live for 8 years with a residence permit. But if they commit criminal acts, both can be deported.
        Well, it’s as simple as day. With such an influx of migrants, in 10 years, the process will be irreversible if measures are not taken now, today, and not tomorrow.
      4. +6
        1 July 2024 10: 49
        Quote: Nagan
        For comparison - America. Some 13% of the population commit more than 60% of violent crimes.

        So from there we were forced to create diasporas in the 90s to help visitors. We were created!
      5. 0
        1 July 2024 12: 19
        Quote: Nagan
        Some 13% of the population commit more than 60% of violent crimes.

        As far as I understand, these 13% mostly kill each other in showdowns. I could be wrong, of course, you know better there.
      6. 0
        1 July 2024 16: 20
        But Russia still has a chance to send them back to their villages.

        Tell me, too, that it was in vain that the GDP traveled to Uzbekistan and other neighboring countries.
        1. +1
          1 July 2024 22: 10
          It was in vain that GDP traveled to Uzbekistan and other neighboring countries.

          So they don’t want to see him anywhere else with his “wise” foreign policy....
          1. 0
            2 July 2024 11: 52
            They don’t want to either, but they have to..
    2. +5
      1 July 2024 07: 10
      belay recourse For August 25? What year.. This means that “Vaska listens and eats.”. What is the output from these “King Arthur” round tables? Zero
      1. 0
        1 July 2024 07: 23
        This is for 16 years, as of today the percentage remains almost the same. Here is the link -
    3. -14
      1 July 2024 15: 18
      This is just nonsense. Crimes are committed by every 300th migrant and every 100th native resident of Russia. Now 2 million crimes are committed a year. If migrants are kicked out, there will be 1 million 960 thousand crimes. Well then, we will definitely breathe a sigh of relief. The country is becoming safer right before our eyes, right?
  3. +11
    1 July 2024 04: 59
    It is necessary to ban the entry of labor migrants, and expel those who are already in the country. Salaries are still being reduced, but they can be replaced by pensioners.
    1. 0
      1 July 2024 05: 10
      and they can be replaced by pensioners.
      - funny, construction companies will be happy with old people...
      1. +3
        1 July 2024 05: 16
        - funny

        And I was joking. The joke got through.
    2. +19
      1 July 2024 06: 19
      Why pensioners? In our regions, in the outback, there are plenty of our own workers. We just need to create conditions for them, and not for the Asians, as is being done now.
      1. +10
        1 July 2024 09: 05
        In our regions, in the outback, there are plenty of our own workers.

        In the outback regions there are no workers, only pensioners remain. And the SVO also helped a lot in “finding jobs” for couples from the outback.
        1. +14
          1 July 2024 11: 27
          Quote: private person
          And the SVO also helped a lot in “finding jobs” for couples from the outback.

          I went to the military registration and enlistment office and talked to a girl I knew. Not only are our Russian guys in the SVO, but these horsemen, having a bunch of children, spit on this SVO, moreover, they also shake their rights in a very rude manner (even to the point of calling the police). Why not download? There are girls against them, and their crowd is there, an ideal environment for them. Someone dies in the interests of their country, but such guests successfully take advantage of this and also breed like rabbits, successfully parasitizing.
          1. +5
            1 July 2024 13: 39
            they also reproduce like rabbits, successfully parasitizing.

            This is exactly how rabbits receive subsidies from the state on which they live. And what benefit does Russia have from these new Russians? Yes, not any, since only a few of them can work in production; the rest are parasites.
            1. +5
              1 July 2024 13: 53
              Yes, their uselessness has already been said and retold on this topic. But in the future the problem will only get worse. These migrant workers have already given birth to children who do not really want to integrate into society. Moreover, they become even more radicalized in their views and faith, with all sorts of hijabs and other displays of their orthodoxy. And the state cannot provide anything in return for such education. That is, what is happening now is still berries.
    3. +8
      1 July 2024 06: 42
      This is complex. First, the responsibility of the employer, and then, as in the Gulf countries..
    4. +1
      1 July 2024 15: 28
      It should be banned..

      Who needs"? Those interested in importing migrants do not need to. And their protectors at all levels don’t need them. And you can ignore everyone else - the state protects only those to whom it belongs :))
  4. +2
    1 July 2024 05: 08
    muddy story, maybe they didn’t share the girl, maybe it’s a teenage racketeering, there’s a gun in the video, they say it’s an injury, so most likely they got arrested for it. Although why put them in a pre-trial detention center if they are teenagers and have no problems.....
    1. +9
      1 July 2024 09: 16
      Although why put them in a pre-trial detention center if they are teenagers and have no problems.

      Well, if you look more closely at the full names of the officials involved in the investigation of this case, you will clearly find the name of some official with Asian roots. They gave the Russian boys a show trial to show who is "boss" in the house.
  5. +36
    1 July 2024 05: 32
    Without any proceedings, the attitude of local (and not only) authorities towards the residence of migrants and the protection of their rights at the level of Russian justice becomes clear.
    Have you ever seen (read) how in some city (aul, village) the children of Russian migrants “scored” the switches with local teenagers? Nonsense...
    Who are they, who in our “people’s” State Duma issued such laws according to which there is no place left for the indigenous population of Russia in their own country.
    * * *
    Difficult perception of reality. A particularly disgusting fact is detention:
    Contrary to the law, they have been sitting in a pre-trial detention center for a year, moreover, their sentence was extended for another six months.
    1. +8
      1 July 2024 08: 34
      Without any proceedings, the attitude of local (and not only) authorities towards the residence of migrants and the protection of their rights at the level of Russian justice becomes clear.

      I looked at the website "Government of the Chelyabinsk Region". Official site.
      I looked at the names of members of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Ministry of Social Relations of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Ministry of Public Security of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Main Directorate for Labor and Employment of the Chelyabinsk Region. All the names of chiefs and deputies are Slavic.

      How does it happen that the power structures of the Chelyabinsk region. can’t sort out this conflict within a year?
      It's obvious. When there is an influx of migrants into the region, there should be protectionism on the part of the local authorities towards the local population.

      Only one thought comes to mind: The heads of diasporas resolve issues with local authorities using financial leverage.
      I wonder if respected people in power don’t think that the next step of the heads of diasporas will be to demand autonomy?

      And most importantly, if there is no reaction from the authorities, the population itself will solve the problems with migration.

      Position of the region in the previous ranking: orange zone

      Dynamics: the situation is not improving

      Main problems: high level of labor migration, incl. transit, displacement of local agricultural producers by illegal Chinese, spread of neo-Nazism ideology among young people, Internet extremism, ineffective national policy of regional authorities
      1. +10
        1 July 2024 11: 32
        Quote: AA17
        Heads of diasporas resolve issues with local authorities using financial leverage.

        Yes, in Chelyabinsk we are no longer heads of diasporas, but all and sundry. A friend of mine wanted to legally purchase an alcohol license, but it didn’t work out, but he did it successfully through a foreign specialist. That is, in our own country we resolve legal issues through these diasporas.
        1. -3
          1 July 2024 13: 19
          a license to get Russians drunk?
          1. +3
            1 July 2024 13: 28
            Doesn’t it bother you anymore?
            1. 0
              1 July 2024 13: 36
              the Russians didn’t give a license, but the Asians helped
              1. +2
                1 July 2024 13: 41
                "They helped." Haha, it’s funny what you call using one’s official position for one’s own purposes.
      2. +2
        1 July 2024 15: 46
        How... the vile bureaucrats are not Slavs, only their surnames, but their self-awareness is completely different, “they are gods, we are the plebs.”
        There is a strong suction from diasporas, and for these people this is more important than the fate of ordinary Russian boys who didn’t piss.
    2. +4
      1 July 2024 16: 38
      Is the Commissioner for Children's Rights aware?
      I think he knows. And I’m even sure that he knows. What can he really do?
      Not something “in general”, but REALLY???
      Diasporas, through their agents of influence, can practically solve any issue and find justice for any official.
      So isn’t it time to recognize ALL “representatives” of diasporas as “foreign agents”?
      But this is unlikely to work, and the head of the most militant republic must not be forgotten...
  6. -13
    1 July 2024 05: 42
    Looking for those who are right and wrong in a mass brawl is a thankless task. As a result of such a brawl, influential parents or patrons enter the fray. Previously, they didn’t go to court, they tried to reconcile the participants. Although it happened anyway. Migrants are a myth. They just want to build their own on them politics. Here there is commercialism. And something worse. It’s strange that child labor is allowed in the country. And at the same time, millions of unemployed migrants are imported.
    1. +10
      1 July 2024 15: 49
      Are migrants a myth? Have you been to Moscow?
      Of course, you can find those who are right and those who are guilty in a mass brawl; migrants, while in a foreign country, should walk in line and not shoot someone down. Like in the Gulf countries, for example, zero Minrant crime.
      I’ll say it again - the main problem is not with the migrants themselves, the main problem is with the Russians, who even in 2024, after everything that happened, many simply live in some kind of fictional universe.
  7. +8
    1 July 2024 06: 11
    If things continue like this, expect the appearance of the St. Basil's Mosque on Red Square. Although, they will probably rename it in honor of some Allah-babah.
  8. +6
    1 July 2024 06: 13
    I didn’t even doubt that we wouldn’t make a splash here, because our discontent could easily pass for nationalism and incitement of ethnic hatred, but I remember our passionately supported president, through the mouth of a mustachioed assistant, broadcast that he himself was a nationalist, because only a person who follows national interests can be patriot....
    1. 0
      1 July 2024 18: 57
      If you are always afraid of crashing somewhere, you can dig a 2x2 hole for yourself in advance and lie down there - it will definitely be safer there. It’s safer than being honest to say what you think and stand up for your legal rights... everyone chooses for themselves
      1. +1
        2 July 2024 12: 03
        Follow the social norm, 2x1... am
  9. +14
    1 July 2024 06: 24
    again the diaspora and the influence of the diaspora on the government! But at the head of migrant diasporas
    there are atamny-leaders! Not to admit that diasporas are well-organized anti-Russian units with a criminal-mafia hierarchy means that the authorities and the prosecutor's office are not interested in who the leaders of these diasporas are. Leaders and
    the top of the migrant hierarchy, that's where we should have started a long time ago and you, I suppose, would have seen that these are not teachers or librarians, not doctors or truck drivers and not scientists, not even simple traders from the bazaars are the leaders of these leaders and their assistants. These are those who run the bazaars and markets, shopping centers and bazaars, protect taxis, are the owners of mines, who are visited "for shashlik and pilaf" by police chiefs, because those who fry this shashlik, they are already sitting in the regional and city government, i.e. above the "ordinary" police government. This is a mafia with the main goal of making Russians feel like they are not the masters of their own land on their own land, and God forbid that they should mention to Russians that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers created the country a thousand years ago, with the hope that no one would oppress Russians, since Russians themselves are not capable of oppressing any nation at a genetic level. That is, Russians hoped that if someday in Russia there would be such a document as a Constitution, it would be enshrined there that Russians in Russia are the state-forming nation.
    1. +16
      1 July 2024 07: 34
      This is not the influence of organized crime groups of diasporas on the government, it is the presence of organized crime groups of diasporas in all branches of government in Russia.
  10. NSV
    1 July 2024 06: 49
    A disgrace to the authorities who can do nothing but red markers....
  11. +20
    1 July 2024 07: 07
    We are losing our country. Amid stories about migrant lawlessness in Europe, our elite in the person of Golikova and Co. are striving to catch up and overtake Europe. And they succeed.
  12. +12
    1 July 2024 07: 38
    It seems that the government in the Russian Federation is not just Russophobic - but also clearly hostile to Russians!
    Now - the reaction came from the security forces when the Russians tried to protect themselves from the attacks of the non-Russians who had come in large numbers.
  13. -16
    1 July 2024 07: 40
    The situation is not quite like that or not at all like that. It was Nikolai’s friends who came with hammers and injuries. Witnesses said that five of them were walking together in balaclavas. It doesn’t matter that at first there were two, then two more came up. They drove two Tajiks into the school and began to beat them. This can be seen in the video. The video of the arrest also shows that they all have shaven heads, wearing black clothes with various symbols. All of them already have more than one criminal record for hooliganism, including on interethnic grounds. Draw your own conclusions
    1. +20
      1 July 2024 07: 52
      It could well be as you say. But there is a nuance. Tajiks in a similar situation would get away with “apologizing on camera,” but the indigenous residents face real sentences. Diasporas are “harnessing” their people with all their strength and means, resolving issues. The problem is that diasporas are already the “second power” in our country, and this despite the fact that there are still 10 percent of migrants in the country. What will happen when their mass exceeds 30 percent.
      1. -9
        1 July 2024 14: 56
        The fact that we have a problem with migrants in our country does not mean that a group of idiots with swastikas should be made heroes. Now they have already started collecting money. If they are released, we will get a brutal gang that believes in impunity.
        1. +5
          1 July 2024 15: 18
          I agree, we shouldn't make heroes, any crime should have a punishment. But for the sake of justice, our country doesn't just have problems with migrants, we are approaching the point of no return. Right now these "Firuzes" will feel their impunity, will believe in the power of their diasporas and will continue to rape and slaughter the indigenous population. Which, by the way, is happening all over the country.
          An example from the same Chelyabinsk, where a pack of animals killed a 17-year-old boy. Look at how they behave in court - they immediately “forgot” the Russian language, turned their asses to the judge and the state prosecutor, and do not respond to comments.....
          No matter how it turns out that the indigenous population will only be able to receive protection from “bastards with swastikas.” We have already received gangs of beasts from foreigners all over the country.
          1. -9
            1 July 2024 15: 23
            Well, no one denies the guilt of migrants for the murder in space. And most likely they will sit down. The investigation and legal proceedings still seem to be ongoing. And of course, no one bribes corrupt Chelyabinsk investigators and judges. And where is the diaspora, which in the comments has already almost been made the mistress of the city?
            1. +5
              1 July 2024 15: 28
              The question is how long will they go to jail and will all the culprits go to jail? Do you want to say that the judge’s reaction to the behavior of this beast in court is normal? Here they were either intimidated, or bought, or both.
              1. -8
                1 July 2024 15: 42
                Let's take a look. Whether they are intimidated or not will be seen by the decision, but for now there is no point in shaking the air. The other day another one was brought from Kazakhstan. So it will be seen
              2. +5
                1 July 2024 15: 59
                Something tells me that it is useless to explain anything to such a comrade. He is firmly confident that he is right. “It’s not Rafik’s fault” - that’s all the reasoning of such comrades. One of the same people proved to me that it was not Tajiks who killed in Crocus, that the entire video was edited, everything was a set-up, and in general everything was not true. Evil Russians slander them, harmless ones. Who and where he was from, I think, there is no need to explain.
            2. 0
              2 July 2024 16: 19
              will they sit down like the killer of his fighter sat down? But what to do with Firuz’s gang? According to comments on social networks, these mastupbeks were actually engaged in racketeering of Russian children, and the police were inactive; in fact, they are still making innocent lambs out of them. jackals in sheep's clothing and not victims
        2. 0
          2 July 2024 12: 14
          Or maybe, on the contrary, a group of national heroes who emerged from the dungeons of a corrupt, corrupt oligarchic government that infringed on the freedom of the indigenous population!?
      2. 0
        2 July 2024 12: 09
        30 already exist and have been for a long time, you just need to count normally, and not according to documents about legal border crossing..
    2. +7
      1 July 2024 11: 57
      How convenient it is to talk and remember about the law when you yourself can constantly break it. This situation has been brewing for a long time due to the behavior and outright lawlessness of migrants and the same legal lawlessness of our authorities. And then the authorities began to do their job very quickly
      Quote: Nafanya999
      The video of the arrest also shows that they all have shaven heads, wearing black clothes with various symbols.

      You're making it up as you go. It’s impossible to see anything at all in a video of this quality, but you already have skinheads and symbols. Also say that they are wearing Ku Klux Klan clothing.
      Quote: Nafanya999
      All of them have more than one criminal record for hooliganism, including on interethnic grounds

      Have you already managed to get their information through the information center without knowing their last name? What a great guy
      1. -4
        1 July 2024 15: 06
        You have to be so stubborn as to deny the facts and accuse another person of lying. Here is a still from the video of the arrest. Is the bald spot clearly visible or should you go to an ophthalmologist? This is my city and I know much better than you what is happening here. When a boy was cut near space, migrants were certainly to blame. In this situation, they are trying to shield a bunch of gopniks, taking advantage of the anti-migrant sentiment
        1. +3
          1 July 2024 15: 24
          That’s the problem, for the animal that killed the guy, the diaspora will “solve it” and get the minimum. This can already be seen from the way this beast behaves in court.
          1. -7
            1 July 2024 15: 30
            Let's not say sir. Let's wait for a decision. Our Tajik diaspora does not have decisive votes. Yes, there is money. But not everything is decided by money.
            1. +5
              1 July 2024 15: 43
              A native of Russia died, and even 5-7 years for one animal out of the whole flock is not a punishment at all.
        2. +6
          1 July 2024 15: 42
          Quote: Nafanya999
          You have to be so stubborn as to deny the facts and accuse another person of lying.

          Are you going to tell me about stubbornness and that you know much better than me? Take a closer look, you've found an expert in Chelyabinsk. It’s not for you to tell me about the mood in Chelyabinsk, when the only example is the stabbing in Cosmos. Is that all you can tell? They forgot something about the conflicts between the members of the SVO, about how and on whose side the police take, about how one of them told the girls what and how to wear. The city is seething with indignation at such people who have come in large numbers, and simply at their behavior on public transport and in other public places. An expert has been found, and he will tell you that he knows more than others. These are not “anti-migrant sentiments,” but the result of the behavior of all sorts of headless visitors who do not respect the laws of the country in which they live. Chelyabinsk thundered throughout Russia about this. A defender was found for the poor sheep, the orphaned and the wretched had been wronged.
          But what is there to prove? I recently came across the same one, who proved that there were not Tajiks in Crocus and all the records were fake. Tell you anything, you will deny obvious things.
          1. -7
            1 July 2024 15: 46
            Unlike you, I live in Chelyabinsk and you don’t need to tell me what and how is happening here. The space case is still ongoing; the other day another one was brought from Kazakhstan. When the court decision is announced, then we will talk about whose dominance is here and who has been bought. In this case, I hope the Tajiks will get the full price. But I don’t mind the skins at all. I always hated the fascists, unlike you
            1. +5
              1 July 2024 15: 51
              Quote: Nafanya999
              Unlike you, I live in Chelyabinsk and you don’t need to tell me what and how is happening here.

              They think a lot about themselves, that they consider themselves the measure of justice. And what’s even funnier is that they decided that you can talk about yourself, about the situation in Chelyabinsk, if you don’t know your interlocutor. You should moderate your feelings of grandeur and omniscience. Don't you stand up for your fellow countrymen? Exactly the same behavior, exactly the same
            2. -5
              1 July 2024 16: 51
              I will support you completely. Allowing any Nazis, even Russians or non-Russians, to administer “justice” is unacceptable under any circumstances.
              Let them cover up their hatred of other people with any mask - these are bandits, cruel and merciless.
              And if today they replace law enforcement officers, tomorrow they will take power.
              Little will not seem to anyone.
              If there is a court decision, there will be assessments, this is correct.
              1. +6
                1 July 2024 17: 54
                Quote: Vasily_Ostrovsky
                And if today they replace law enforcement officers, tomorrow they will take power.
                Little will not seem to anyone.
                If there is a court decision, there will be assessments, this is correct.

                So look around you, these people don’t give a damn about the laws. What I wrote above is that this is not the first case of violation of the law and inaction of our legal system in relation to migrants in the city. But you somehow like to live in dreams that there is no diaspora and they don’t decide anything and our court is honest and fair. This is even with your words that all representatives of diasporas must be recognized as foreign agents. You will somehow already decide on your views.
                1. -5
                  1 July 2024 18: 08
                  And there is no contradiction here:
                  - the influence of any groups of immigrants (on national, religious and other grounds) on the authorities must be limited (it will still not be possible to exclude them) and this must be done strictly
                  - investigation and judicial investigation should not be nationally oriented unless this is written in the law. Any nationalism, and especially in such an irreconcilable gangster package, is an enemy for us in the first place. And before you know it, these active “purity fighters” will rule the roost. And there is no need to expect any peace and tranquility - they will drive out the yellow-faced, narrow-eyed, Jews, gypsies, and any others. It will be a nightmare.
                  So if you develop your people not to spite others, spread the Russian language, literature, art, history, then it will give a better effect than thugs with brass knuckles. Verified.
                  Where we will end up with the youngsters - all this has already been written down by history.
                  1. +6
                    1 July 2024 18: 24
                    Yes, you have a direct contradiction with your own words that all diasporas must be recognized as foreign agents, this is a direct violation of the law, the criteria for this status are spelled out there. Or is it possible here, but not here?
                    Quote: Vasily_Ostrovsky
                    Where we will end up with the youngsters - all this has already been written down by history.

                    That’s what the article is about, it was the horsemen who killed the shooter. That is, they decided to restore order through illegal measures. And now they are screaming about breaking the law. Let them better decide what principles they live by. Do you want to say something about the law? It’s like telling a robber about the law in the gateway.
                    And before you know it, these active “purity fighters” will rule the roost.

                    They tell them what clothes to wear, how to behave, how to respect their faith. And these are far from skinheads. So what the inaction of the authorities leads to is also written in history. And in this situation you confuse cause with effect, fighting against “gangs of thugs” you do not notice the same, only organized criminal groups based on nationality. And your words that everything must be proven in court is a little inappropriate. It has already been refuted at the state level that we have an acute issue of crime among visitors. Or do you need a court order for this?
                  2. +4
                    1 July 2024 18: 38
                    By the way, this figure, concerned about nationality, accused one side of the conflict of Nazi skinheads, and me of being a fascist, at least of sympathizing with them. Something is not visible about your activity and statements regarding the legality of such expressions and the corresponding court decision. Without which you yourself do not advise what to assert. So there is another contradiction in your words.
                    1. -2
                      1 July 2024 21: 40
                      You are exaggerating and unnecessarily aggravating the discussion. If you discard the verbal husk from the posts of your opponent and your posts, then your main goals will coincide. After all, both you and your opponent are drowning for protecting the interests of the indigenous population of the country. Is that so? winked
                      The differences are in the method and “theoretical fueling” of this process.
                      I am closer to moderate methods based on fair (and not exclusively nationalistic) legal support for the goal - development, growth and protection of the interests of our indigenous people, including all nationalities that have historically lived here. bully
                      I still remember the militants of the Memory Society - our home-grown Nazis and how the authorities used this gang to achieve their own, not at all state, goals.
                      And when these robbers began to compete with the authorities, they were quickly “reduced”...
                      Then we managed to do it, next time we might not be so lucky....
                      There are no contradictions in my arguments; everything looks quite harmonious. hi
                  3. +4
                    1 July 2024 21: 02
                    Have you ever thought about where these "young men" as you call them come from? Maybe they come from the lawlessness that immigrants commit in the school environment? And I have never heard of such militants in Saudi Arabia. So maybe the problem is in the laws? And here is a question for the legislators! Or were they deceived as well? Or are they not professionals in their field since they allowed such laws? Or were the laws written under dictation from where the money is and the villas are located?
            3. +3
              2 July 2024 02: 52
              The state power with its anti-Russian policy itself provokes such people to establish order, if so - so be it, the Firuzy should be quiet as a mouse, lower than grass
            4. +1
              2 July 2024 19: 57
              Well, I live in Chelyabinsk, so there’s no need to fill it here. For these 20-22 years, Tajiks went to school to earn money, taking money and valuables from local children. Neither parents' complaints nor statements helped. But these guys helped........
        3. +5
          1 July 2024 18: 07
          I proceed from the fact that this is just the beginning. People see the inability and inaction of the authorities to restore order with migrants. And such guys come on stage. And yes, let them call me a Nazi. I will support
        4. +7
          1 July 2024 19: 19
          Do you react to Wahhabi beards the same way as to a bald head? Is it normal for 10 million people to wear them to us? You are an enemy worse than the migrants themselves. First of all, people like you must encounter the lawlessness of visitors in order to, so to speak, get a little feel for the situation and become a little more adequate in their judgments. That's what I wish for you
          1. -7
            1 July 2024 22: 00
            La. Get your speech in order. It's not clear at all. Are you a migrant yourself?
            1. +2
              1 July 2024 23: 58
              You see, you don’t understand, but others understand everything. Perhaps it's your problems with the logical perception of sentences.
              And from this, problems arise in the logical perception of reality.
  14. -2
    1 July 2024 07: 58
    Old question... I wonder which of the Russian nations has the most traitors?
    Perhaps he lives worse than everyone else and complains that everyone is oppressing him?

    One thing is clear, he sees his troubles not in traitors and thieves, but in “.. isms...”, in the ideas of justice, in collective farms and so on.....
    1. -1
      1 July 2024 08: 46
      It’s easier to blame the mirror and not so annoying.
  15. +10
    1 July 2024 08: 08
    The following is clear: diasporas should not exist; all attempts to organize them must be brutally suppressed; all migrants must be under control.
  16. +20
    1 July 2024 08: 11
    This scandal has been going on for a long time. Kind and poor Firuz, came from Central Asia with his parents (irreplaceable specialists) to Chelyabinsk. At his new place of residence, Firuz found loyal friends from his fellow tribesmen (he put together a gang of youngsters) and decided to enrich Russian culture and bonds, to instill in those who were weaker a correct understanding of life (he imposed tribute on those who were weaker and younger, took up extortion, petty robberies, beatings). But the righteous path of Firuz and his friends (a gang of ethnic teenagers) was blocked by damned Russian nationalists and fascists (a group of local scumbags of Russian nationality). Firuz decided to simply explain to them that he carries elements of the Great Asian culture (the same one in which the Moscow region, Moscow and St. Petersburg have already choked) and called the Russian scoundrels to a “friendly meeting” (arrow). But at the “friendly meeting,” everything went wrong as Firuz and his peace-loving friends had hoped. The technical innovations that Firuz brought to the meeting (a spray can and a stun gun) did not have any particular impression on the Russian guys, they had to wave their fists. And since Firuz and his friends did not have the usual superiority (minimum 1:3), we had to remember the old beautiful custom of our ancestors - to carry away their legs. But here, too, the enemy turned out to be well prepared and not everyone was able to escape. And Firuz and his friends completely lost heart, but then the valiant Chelyabinsk law enforcement officers came to their defense (especially since they were well interested financially). They grabbed the Russian fascists by the scruff of the neck and isolated them. And now Firuz can calmly call himself “watching over the area.”
  17. +11
    1 July 2024 08: 20
    The questions to the “vertical” of power are endless, but it seems we can’t wait for answers
  18. -3
    1 July 2024 08: 20
    I wonder what really happened.
  19. +10
    1 July 2024 08: 23
    What is the general purpose of the children of labor migrants staying in the Russian Federation? They come here to work. Let families stay at home
  20. +9
    1 July 2024 08: 48
    These are all consequences of the policy that the Russian government is pursuing. Does it really express the interests of ordinary Russian workers, farmers, intellectuals, or does it express the interests of the Russian bourgeoisie and not only it? The article is simple in content: "They are beating our Russians!" But if you look into it, our Russians are essentially being beaten by our Russian bourgeoisie, who have always advocated conservative values, right, author? Which you have constantly pointed out in your articles. And now, with the hands of migrants, the Russian bourgeoisie is beating Russians.
  21. +5
    1 July 2024 08: 56
    Lobby, diaspora, corrupt officials, judges, everything for those who pay for the concert, corrupt bureaucrats protect the interests of moneybags, but not like our Russian world!
  22. +9
    1 July 2024 09: 13
    For example, in Thailand, in any case, when a not too serious crime (offense) is committed with the participation of a foreigner, the foreigner is a priori to blame. So why not take this model as a basis? And the keepers of all kinds of diasporas and those who have geshechet from protecting foreigners are punished under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, only with a small nuance, the punishment is automatically doubled (or even tripled). And yes, diasporas can be equated to organized crime groups. I think so.
    1. +3
      1 July 2024 09: 24
      You write everything correctly. But we wouldn’t need any models if we really had JUSTICE, and not a drawbar with articles that are turned inside out.
    2. +1
      2 July 2024 16: 20
      By the way, yes..
      any settlement, financial dispute, for renting an apartment with a Thai and calling the police - you will be thrown in jail, a fine, but for a Thai - nothing.
      friends were so burned.
  23. +9
    1 July 2024 09: 25
    The Kremlin is asleep, apparently waiting for a revolt...
  24. +10
    1 July 2024 09: 30
    The pro-migrant and anti-Russian trial in Chelyabinsk continues...

    Here we no longer need to deal with migrants, and first the Center should deal with the protection racketeers in the Chelyabinsk government for ethnic diasporas. Legislative measures against the creation of ethnic diasporas, which are the mortal enemy of interethnic unity in Russia, should have been taken long ago.
    1. -8
      1 July 2024 15: 13
      Chelyabinsk has always been a “red” city. Diasporas certainly exist and have their say, but they are far from decisive.
  25. +10
    1 July 2024 09: 32
    Well, what's surprising? People of the diaspora in the executive authorities decided everything, and where they couldn’t solve it, they brought in money. it is necessary to adopt the best practices of Saudi Arabia. They have no problems with the diaspora, because there is no diaspora.
  26. +7
    1 July 2024 09: 37
    The next one is “The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness”...
    1. +7
      1 July 2024 10: 01
      hi Yes, what a “voice”. There’s just silence at the front. The country is developing rapidly. The only two problems are migrants and the Arab-Israeli conflict smile
  27. +5
    1 July 2024 09: 38
    There is no need to reinvent the wheel; we take the law of Belarus as a basis. And we adopt a new law of the Russian Federation.
    1. 0
      5 July 2024 10: 34
      Are there any other options. Look, in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates, how many native workers are there and how many migrant workers are there (at their construction sites). And we haven’t heard anything about problems with “valuable specialists”. It’s tough there, I committed a crime - go home, without the right to enter back. And that's all
  28. +12
    1 July 2024 10: 16
    Well, in the Urals there will soon be more migrants than native residents. It is clear that the diasporas jumped in and bought local officials. With this state policy, in ten years locals will be imprisoned just for the fact that you are not a migrant...
  29. +9
    1 July 2024 10: 21
    "In migrant chats they even write that Russian schoolchildren were nationalists and were prejudiced against non-Russians."
    yes, yes, in the USA (and not only) blacks love this topic very much: they shit on their heads, but as soon as they get an answer they immediately squeal: “is it because I’m black?!..” (and it does work)
    Grandfather Tolstoy in one of the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Hunters” long ago gave an answer to such “simplicity of soul”:
    The wolf ate the sheep. The men caught the wolf and began to beat him.
    Wolf said:
    “You’re torturing me because I’m gray.”
    The men said:
    - Not because you are gray, but because you ate a sheep.
    But you can continue to endure, “not notice,” etc. And soon you will become strangers in your own country...
  30. +11
    1 July 2024 10: 48
    Everything is predictable, the diaspora is behind the migrants, and the Russians are for themselves. It seems that our government has not only been bribed, but also intimidated by migrants. And migrants already sit in government bodies.
  31. +9
    1 July 2024 11: 54
    The author is mistaken(. The stage of formation of diasporas in Russia, from millions of “strangers”, has already passed. And for a long time(. Now, in our country, the stage of struggle has already developed and is expanding, real ethnic mafias, fused with the local executive and legislative authorities, for power, and property. That is, there is the presence of a real political-economic subject of dual power in Russia, which can only end in an ethnic war for survival. In this situation of “total war”, those wise idiots who created and shaped this genocide of the Russian and Russian population, just like all of us, they will lose their relatives and friends. Not to mention property, capital and assets. A total meat grinder - that’s what it is (...
  32. +1
    1 July 2024 13: 03
    Do Russians live in Chelyabinsk too?
  33. +6
    1 July 2024 13: 10
    These messages appeared in the feed only over the past weekend from the “Russian Community ZOV”.
    Ophthalmologist of the Semikarakorsk Central District Hospital Tatyana Rynkevich ended up in a hospital bed after a conflict with her director Rasul Muradaliev. The latter attacked her, assaulting her while she was seeing a patient. He grabbed her by the arms, pulled her towards him, caused physical pain, after which Tatyana was hospitalized with a hypertensive crisis in the same Semikarakorsk Central District Hospital. She spent several days in the hospital.
    But Rasul Muradaliev never apologized to her. But the hospital management did not get in touch. And this despite the fact that de facto there is now no one to replace Tatyana, since there are no more ophthalmologists in the hospital.
    According to Tatyana Rynkevich, the main reason for such inappropriate behavior was her principled position not to work for a relative of one of the bosses, whose watch was hung on her for free. Tatyana also refused to work with “fake” documents and did not agree to overtime schedules. In a video message, she spoke about this in detail.
    Now they are trying in every possible way to make Tatyana look guilty and hush up the matter.

    June 25 in the vk group “Voronezh. Volunteers of Culture" an announcement was posted about festive events in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in the Orlyonok park. As a rule, the poster personifies the average Voronezh family. But something went wrong - for a Russian Orthodox holiday, they unexpectedly chose a photo with a man with a Wahhabi beard, as well as a woman and a child with a Mongoloid appearance, unusual for the inhabitants of the Black Earth Region.
    The dubious photo caused outrage among social network users. People vying with each other began to criticize those involved in the creation of such a poster, calling the incident another sabotage

    South-West of Moscow. Attack by drunken migrants.
    The Russian Community of the southwestern district of the capital received a request for help from our sister through the SOS button in our application!
    Upon request of the signal, it was revealed that our community member was attacked by visiting specialists after making a remark to him demanding to stop drinking alcohol and making noise under the windows of the house.
    The insolent “Ulugbek,” knocking the phone out of the woman’s hands, hit her in the face and attempted to strangle her, but Alla (that’s our sister’s name) broke free and responded by sending a portion of pepper in his face.

    “Who are you, put a camera on me, now break your phone, damn it!” - a valuable specialist is indignant, addressing a resident of the city of Orenburg, who decided to capture the consequences left after the activities of migrants on Narodnaya Street.
    First of all, this is garbage and waste from the illegal sale of fruits and vegetables. Their most valuable specialists do not hesitate to throw them away next to municipal garbage cans. The migrants did not even think about their own container or waste disposal.

    And how many did not fall into the attention zone of the “Russian Community ZOV”?

    It seems that this is really the only force in the fight against the lawlessness of the "timid and hardworking" sheep. The Community has a mobile application with an SOS button, maybe it will help someone, and maybe even save a life. Please spread this information, because the authorities have frankly given up on protecting the Russian people!
  34. +5
    1 July 2024 13: 19
    From the latest messages from the Russian Community.

    * The bill on the obligation of all entering foreign citizens to have a compulsory medical insurance policy has been rejected (
    * The bill banning the sale of traumatic and firearms to “new citizens” before 5/10 years of citizenship ( in the absence of offenses was rejected. And only after registration with the military. (
    * The bill on terminating the citizenship of "new Russians" for committing serious crimes ( (murder, rape, causing serious bodily harm) was rejected.
    * A bill to revoke citizenship of former migrants for evading mobilization was rejected. ("
  35. +3
    1 July 2024 13: 46
    The police simply got it on their paw and they feel good, but when they beat or kill their children, wives, relatives, or even themselves, who will judge these cops? Why has there still not been an official investigation into the police officers leading the case, if there are facts that do not fit the version of the natives?
    1. -6
      1 July 2024 17: 00
      With all due respect to freedom of speech, is your statement about bribery of law enforcement officers based?
      If so, did you write a statement to the Investigative Committee, the police, or the prosecutor’s office?
      If it doesn’t, you are slandering law enforcement officers.
      And for this, really, think about it, you can really SIT DOWN.
      When criticizing someone, you should not go beyond the law.
      So it seems to me.
      1. 0
        5 July 2024 10: 44
        Common sense has not been canceled either. Otherwise it will turn out like in an old criminal case (it happened five years ago): there was a conflict, a guy was hit, he fell. When he fell, he hit the back of his head on the curb and died. The investigation did not find a cause-and-effect relationship between the blow to the jaw and death. After all, the guy died from hitting his head on a curb. And not as a result of a blow to the jaw... And how many comedians joked about this: he turned a blind eye to some violation, and in a week his wife got a brand new Porsche. Coincidence? ))))
  36. +1
    1 July 2024 13: 49
    Los Jueces en Rusia dejan mucho que desear, es como si no fueran rusos, de donde son?
  37. +2
    1 July 2024 14: 44
    In addition to the 5th column, the 6th column - Masturbek - is actively being formed with the connivance (betrayal) of the local authorities. And this is when the country is at war.
  38. 0
    1 July 2024 14: 51
    It's time to get your house in order. Definitely not the CIA behind this
  39. +4
    1 July 2024 16: 12
    From my own observations and personal experience. Try to insult or, God forbid, hit someone in any African or Latin American country. and the south-eastern country, even if you are in mortal danger, robbery, etc. In the course of quick and speedy proceedings, you are a priori guilty, because a foreigner, and most importantly white, no lawyers or arguments will save you from a real sentence. Only in our country does the judicial and legal system protect anyone except its citizens, and the Russian has no alternative as an aggravator
  40. -3
    1 July 2024 16: 13
    If there are more migrants, the crime rate will increase, and soon people will be slaughtered on the street for no reason. That means it should be like that, and it should continue.
  41. +3
    1 July 2024 16: 32
    I wonder what the nationality of the investigator who saw the migrants “running away from a fight” is? And his leader? Maybe the migrant issue will be resolved on its own when corrupt officials lose “what they have acquired through back-breaking labor” and go with their relatives to uranium mines to swing a pickaxe in special pits where self-propelled equipment cannot enter?
  42. -11
    1 July 2024 17: 17
    # they are children
    They look like a gang of Nazi skinheads. It’s amazing how you can kill the Nazis in Ukraine, but foam at the mouth to protect them in Russia. Migrants are a pressing issue, but this does not allow neo-Nazis to raise their bald head in the country.
    1. +5
      1 July 2024 17: 39
      Newcomers commit 75% of rapes in Moscow, 90% of criminals come from Asian countries, Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate Mikhail Trubnikov said on Thursday at the round table “Preventing and Combating Violence against Women.”
      I'm still embarrassed to ask. and how many crimes do gangs of “Nazi skinheads” commit against Russians?
      1. -9
        1 July 2024 17: 48
        In 2016 ...
        Well, okay, copy-paste without brains is not such a big sin, but to whitewash the Nazi trash in the fight against which our grandfathers gave their lives, this disgusting thing is worthy of your piggy curators from Square.
        1. +5
          1 July 2024 18: 27
          "This is disgusting worthy of your piggy curators from Square."
          A worthy and benevolent response from a highly intelligent person. And of course there are no other options.
          When you also encounter (and sooner or later this will happen) with “necessary specialists”, do not shout “Guard, they are killing, where are the police”, better remember this comment of yours” If, of course, you have time.
          1. +5
            1 July 2024 18: 33
            Don't try to prove anything to him. There were a lot of them who came out, shouting “Stop the thief” the loudest of all. This is the second day I’ve been watching this supposedly Russian prove that there is a lot of Nazism in Russia. And there is a striking similarity with the Ukrainian training manuals that they have been mentioning since the beginning of the Northern Military District.
            1. +5
              1 July 2024 19: 31
              Yes, I’m not going to prove anything to the propagandist from the Ministry of Truth. I have long noticed that the more patriotic the “nickname or avatar”, the meaner and more vile the commentator.
              1. +4
                1 July 2024 19: 39
                Good point. And also, according to my observation, the more failures VSK has, the more of them graze on our resources. Apparently, when everything is fine with them, they gather together to clink their pots, and when there is nothing to rejoice at, then the biggest victory is to write an angry message to the Muscovites, apparently this is how victory is brought closer.
        2. +5
          1 July 2024 18: 29
          Where were skinheads whitewashed here? And there is no need to talk about your grandfathers; you pointed out here yesterday that the North Military District itself has a Nazi overtones. Today they came out with similar slogans again. What if against ethnic crime, then for skinheads. You have already sufficiently shown your impatience to throw stones towards Russia. What are we talking about when even in Latin letters you find yourself ready to reproach Russia?
        3. +1
          2 July 2024 03: 41
          There is no need to mix the healthy priority of the state-forming nation with Nazism
        4. 0
          2 July 2024 18: 38
          Has anything changed since 2016? I don't like the date, please change it:
          The investigation is looking for accomplices in the kidnapping of Italian businessman Stefanio Guidotti in the center of Moscow. This was stated by an investigator at a hearing in the capital’s Zamoskvoretsky Court, where the issue of arresting the four accused of the crime was considered, RIA Novosti reports.
          The investigator spoke about the accomplices in the kidnapping of an Italian in Moscow
          According to the investigator, not all accomplices in the abduction have yet been identified and detained.
          Zalumkhan Ibragimov, Ali Zeynalov, Aziz Kurbanov and Nadir Abalov were sent to pre-trial detention until August 29. According to investigators, they, under the guise of law enforcement officers, attacked an Italian on behalf of the person who ordered the crime and took him to Bryansk, where they were held for a day until they were detained by security forces.
          The defendants in the kidnapping case confessed. They are citizens of Uzbekistan and Russia. According to investigators, on June 28 they kidnapped the general director of the Russian representative office of the European company SIAD Rus, Stefano Guidotti, in the center of Moscow.
  43. +4
    1 July 2024 18: 40
    Bribes, corruption, indifference to justice. This is the face of our government. And what do we want from her? So that there is a fair investigation and trial?! Only replacing this hydra will improve matters. In our own country we are dying in front of the brutalized migrants.
  44. +5
    1 July 2024 19: 08
    Quote: smart fellow
    It is necessary to ban the entry of labor migrants, and expel those who are already in the country. Salaries are still being reduced, but they can be replaced by pensioners.

    Yes, what kind of labor migrants?
    Half of these migrants go to the Russian Federation, they do not go to work, but to hide from the authorities of the republic, wear beards that are prohibited in the republics, engage in Wahhabism and parasitize on free medicine and benefits.
  45. +5
    1 July 2024 21: 27
    To what extent our power, no matter how big or how small, is corrupt. Like this ?
    Live in your own country and be powerless
    There is only one way out: Russians must unite and give this corrupt government a kick in the ass...
  46. +3
    1 July 2024 21: 36
    Everything is explained very simply - did you think that in a Russophobic state they would protect Russians? Three times haha!
    1. -1
      2 July 2024 18: 58
      Everything can be explained even more simply. And you probably thought that in Chechnya, too, Chechen teenagers could be made the scapegoats?

      Three times for-ha!

      And they wanted to sneeze, what kind of state is there...... look, you are a Russian daredevil, well done, good to everyone, but only your state bothers him and probably something else.... laughing
  47. 0
    1 July 2024 21: 54
    "extreme"? This, "author", is obvious jargon.
  48. +3
    1 July 2024 22: 01
    The Diaspora brought it to the one who decides the issue! Anger is not enough! These traitors who take money from masturbeks should be burned alive!
    1. 0
      2 July 2024 19: 35
      But there would be no need for extremism here.
      Not only because on the Internet anonymity is a relative concept.

      But also because grandfather Aloizych wrote a hundred years ago: "A people who are not capable of creating a normal State for themselves on their own land is inferior"... And in his opinion, such people should be burned alive, which is what they did...
  49. +4
    2 July 2024 00: 03
    Personally, I have already made a vow to myself that if I have to take part in a fight with migrants, I will kill him to death! So that later, at least you can get down to business, and not sniff tobacco.
  50. +1
    2 July 2024 00: 13
    If you look at all the information in general and how the processes are moving, in my opinion the situation is getting worse. Is her strength being swayed from the outside? Only partly, they hardly have such resources, which means they do the bulk of the work on their own, from within. At some stages, this no longer looks like a mistake in decision-making. Access to the country and rocking proceeds methodically and purposefully. The goal of creating a borrowed nation is probably still not there, the volumes are not the same, but reviving Russian nationalism in its radical form and blowing up society with provocative decisions is a more down-to-earth and quite workable scheme. Global access just to generate income seems to me to be a screen; the processes are hidden much deeper with a long-term perspective.

    This is all fantasy and conspiracy theory. Foil hat, etc. good
  51. 0
    2 July 2024 01: 20
    Full name and position of the investigative team at the studio
  52. -3
    2 July 2024 08: 06
    Quote: Soul of Russia87
    # they are children
    They look like a gang of Nazi skinheads. It’s amazing how you can kill the Nazis in Ukraine, but foam at the mouth to protect them in Russia. Migrants are a pressing issue, but this does not allow neo-Nazis to raise their bald head in the country.

    Someone is seriously rocking the boat, undermining the foundations of Russia. Protecting our own Nazis is undermining the foundations of our existence. Russia is repeating and continuing the path of the USSR, which disintegrated into national entities.
    1. +1
      2 July 2024 19: 34
      Due to the tense social situation in the country, the government is following the well-trodden path - divide and conquer. She cannot incite the indigenous population against herself. But it’s easy for visitors. This is why we give all sorts of preferences to visiting barmaleys, indulging them, protecting them from the local population, turning a blind eye to their bastard behavior. So that the people, when they are completely “blown away” by their behavior, splash out all their negativity on the visiting masturbators. And the authorities are all so beautiful, all in white and have absolutely nothing to do with it.
  53. +1
    2 July 2024 08: 50
    just a note just from a parallel universe in Bukhara, local Uzbek teenagers were detained who got into a fight with migrants from the Russian Federation. Initially, the investigation took an accusatory position against the local guys who have been sitting in a pre-trial detention center for a year, while the migrant instigators are enjoying themselves in freedom))) What is it like?)) )
  54. 0
    2 July 2024 16: 06
    in Chelyabinsk there is clearly a link between local authorities and migrants, one can also recall how the mother of a girl who suffered from a gang of migrant children was either threatened with 282 or the deputy governor with deprivation of parental rights. and judging by the comments on social media. On the networks, Firuza’s gang was a gang engaged in extortion among local children. The leader of the Northern Man promised that they would take care of this gang, and silence...
  55. -1
    2 July 2024 16: 38
    Oh, just like the articles from the era of the Black Hundreds fascist pogroms, like "The Jews did this and that, get them all." And here, people from Central Asia did this and that, get them all.

    Yes, these showdowns with teenagers are a dime a dozen. And the majority will be the titular nation.
    VO is increasingly sliding into a neo-Nazi cesspool, providing such authors with a platform.
  56. +1
    2 July 2024 17: 12
    And why do they now give a year and a half in prison for killing a person in the Chelyabinsk region? Maybe we should try to kill the judge and also get a year to come to our senses? How will the rest of us in robes sing with such a turn of events? Or should we proclaim to the people the motto of justice: "Russian lives are important too" (rus lives more too)!
  57. +1
    2 July 2024 17: 14
    Justice serves those who pay it.
    1. 0
      2 July 2024 17: 51
      If you yourself, to put it mildly, have screwed up your country, it does not at all follow that, standing up to your neck in your own filthy shit, you should throw it at all of humanity.
      1. 0
        7 July 2024 21: 29
        What are you in, in a honeycomb?
  58. 0
    3 July 2024 11: 59
    The import of migrants is lobbied by business, especially construction. For a Russian you need to pay about 40% of taxes, for a migrant 13% (the migrant himself pays about 5 thousand for a patent). Well, who will be hired?
    It was rightly said here - the experience of Belarus will help.
  59. +1
    3 July 2024 13: 27
    And when our people are beaten, is everything all right?
  60. 0
    7 July 2024 12: 50
    Once again, high-class scientists, engineers and chemists from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are innocently suffering in criminal disputes from “Russian Nazis” and “racists”. Glory to Allah, there are women judges in Chelyabinsk who pronounce fair punishments for kafirs! Diasporas, in close cooperation with investigators and judges, regularly identify Russian nationalists and fascists who infringe on the rights of irreplaceable specialists from Central Asia, who are building Russia on their shoulders and doubling its GDP
  61. 0
    7 July 2024 21: 27
    It's a disgrace, things have gone too far. Should Russian guys look for a “new homeland”?
  62. 0
    7 July 2024 23: 44
    Bastrykin stood up for Ryazan residents who became victims of aggressive migrants
  63. 0
    9 July 2024 08: 31
    Documents to the studio!!! The country must know its “heroes”!
  64. 0
    30 July 2024 15: 18
    The analysis of such cases should be carried out by a landing party of the central apparatus of law enforcement agencies so that there is no pressure from non-local security forces.