“The implementation of the Tu-214 program begins”: the modernization of the production of Tu-160 bombers has been completed

“The implementation of the Tu-214 program begins”: the modernization of the production of Tu-160 bombers has been completed

United Aircraft Corporation, which owns Tupolev and Kazansky JSC aviation plant, announced the completion of the modernization of three workshops intended for the production of Tu-160M ​​strategic bombers. The work was carried out in pre-production, mechanical assembly and flight testing centers.

The Kazan aircraft plant is the only site in Russia that produces the Tu-160M. Also at this enterprise the modernization of Tu-22M3 and Tu-160 is carried out. Since 2016, 10 plant facilities have been modernized, accounting for three quarters of its production capacity. The remaining work will be completed this year. In total, about 30 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes.

It is expected that in accordance with the 2018 contract, the Ministry of Defense will receive 10 new Tu-160M ​​bombers by 2027. So far, three aircraft have been handed over. Taking into account the completion of the modernization of the aircraft plant, the contractor can meet the allotted deadlines.

Against this background, the implementation of a new modernization project worth more than 90 billion rubles should begin: this program is intended to launch serial production of Tu-214 civil aircraft

- says the publication Defense News.

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  1. +4
    26 June 2024 04: 50
    The Tu-214 took off in 30 seconds and how beautiful it was.
    That's right! good
    1. +11
      26 June 2024 05: 00
      What would we do without the Soviet legacy...
      We must continue to revive unrealized projects from the late 80s and early 90s, simply transferring them to a new element base and materials.

      We now need the same Yak-44. Without it, even in theory, any attempts to create a new, Russian aircraft carrier are pointless.
      1. +1
        26 June 2024 11: 13
        It's not just a matter of groundwork... Here we need to be more specific.
        The Tu-204 (214) is 8-10 tons heavier than an Airbus or Boeing carrying the same number of passengers. And it is larger in size. It is this, and not the super-perfection of the engines, that determines the increased fuel consumption of the carcass compared to Western aircraft.
        But....and the load is not in passengers, but in tons on the Tu-214, also by the same 8-10 tons.
        Those. increasing the number of seats in economy class (due to the luggage compartment, once in the 90s, on the Moscow-Yerevan flight, benches were placed in the luggage compartment for left-hand passengers lol ) or simultaneously transporting the corresponding cargo, it is possible to reduce the difference in the economic efficiency of operation to a minimum. Only this should be done by sensible managers, and not by "managers" who receive profits from leasing foreign aircraft.
        1. +2
          26 June 2024 12: 26
          Comparing advanced foreign aircraft with a Soviet aircraft is not nice. And what is the point of comparison if the MS-21 and the new Superjet will not fly for at least another 5 years. The Canadian-American remote control system on joysticks, including their software, can be copied in a primitive form, but how to "fly" it to ensure reliability and trouble-free operation! And what our fuel, hydraulic, pneumatic, power supply, air conditioning system units can be installed on the PD-14 and PD-8 drives instead of imported ones. And the dimensions will be different, if they are - many related plants are destroyed. It is very interesting what similar units are installed on the Tu-214 and who produces them and in what quantities. The liberals with their MS-21 and Superjet have qualitatively harmed our aviation and are happily living in our country and do not need anything ... Maybe you remember the names?
          1. +6
            26 June 2024 13: 30
            The Canadian-American remote control system on joysticks, including their software, can be copied in a primitive form, but how to “fly” it to ensure reliability and reliability!

            Why copy something when you can create your own? For example, the MC-21 is the world's first airliner to implement the technology of remote control systems - SDU (fly-by-wire) with active side control sticks, which combine the advantages of both the side stick and the steering wheel. The active sidestick provides the pilot with feedback on aerodynamic flight conditions and approach to flight limits, and allows for better interaction with the other pilot. That is, it seems that it is connected to the aircraft mechanically (rods, rockers and cables). This is the development of our engineers.
            1. -1
              26 June 2024 13: 38
              There will be no planes in 2024
              Addition. This is the opinion of a technical expert. Here is an article from 2016. If you are interested, read it and you will understand everything.
              The aircraft is controlled using a fly-by-wire fly-by-wire control system - control signals from the cockpit are transmitted to the actuators of the rudders and the takeoff and landing mechanization of the wing via wires using electrical signals. The MC-21 is equipped with the latest generation of EDS from UTC Aerospace Systems (United Technologies Aerospace Systems, USA) with active side control sticks - joysticks (HOTAS). The joystick combines the advantages of both the side stick and the yoke, providing the pilot with feedback on aerodynamic flight conditions - when approaching flight limits, a high-frequency vibration occurs in the stick.

              The automatic control system installed in the aircraft provides a full range of control functions

              And the PD-14 engine was not developed for our aircraft with our units, but simply to replace the American one. Do you understand the difference?
              Chemezovs and Manturins shoot...
              1. +2
                26 June 2024 13: 42
                The MC-21 is equipped with the latest generation of EDS from UTC Aerospace Systems (United Technologies Aerospace Systems, USA) with active side control sticks - joysticks (HOTAS). The joystick combines the advantages of both the side stick and the yoke, providing the pilot with feedback on aerodynamic flight conditions - when approaching flight limits, a high-frequency vibration occurs in the stick.

                You provided data on the modification of the MS-21-300, which was created not for the Russian market, but for export abroad with American engines to meet the requirements of foreign customers. For the Russian market, a modification of the MS-21-310 was created with PD-14 engines and domestic components.
          2. 0
            27 June 2024 21: 22
            The Tu 214 also has a fly-by-wire control system. And it was still implemented in the 80s.
            Well, at PS 90A, there are domestic units.
      2. 0
        27 June 2024 09: 19
        I wouldn't dwell on the Yak44. It's a long way off. We need AWACS on aircraft like the Il114, SSZh100, Tu214.....All of these aircraft are almost serial and have engines. The Yak44 has nothing...no aircraft, no AWACS, no theater of warfare, no ship...
      3. +1
        30 June 2024 12: 58
        Quote: Kuroneko
        We now need the same Yak-44. Without it, even in theory, any attempts to create a new, Russian aircraft carrier are pointless.

        The question is whether we need an aircraft carrier or not. Will the country be able to afford its construction and maintenance? But no one can really decide where and how to use it. If only for the sake of simply “Shob bulo?”
  2. 0
    26 June 2024 04: 55
    This turns out to be 30 billion rubles, the price of the issue was request
    1. +12
      26 June 2024 06: 29
      Yes, the price of the issue is a couple of dispossessed colonels and a general
      1. +3
        26 June 2024 10: 04
        Or one stolen senator
      2. +1
        27 June 2024 09: 20
        No, that’s not true......money doesn’t decide in this matter. Specialists, developments, time..... 9 women will not give birth to one child in one month.
        1. 0
          27 June 2024 19: 01
          I agree, but at least the financial issue is being resolved. Without finance, you won’t get far on the enthusiasm of specialists alone.
  3. -3
    26 June 2024 04: 57
    “The implementation of the Tu-214 program begins”
    I wonder what editions they plan to release it in? If they are isolated, then it’s just funny!
    1. +3
      26 June 2024 07: 35
      More than 80 of them have already been released!!!
  4. -1
    26 June 2024 04: 59
    ...must begin implementation of a new modernization project [of production] ...: this program is intended for the deployment of serial production of civil aircraft Tu-214 ...

    Those. Preparation for the program has just begun! And there’s so much pathos in the title... So, in twenty years, maybe we’ll see a new Tu...
    1. +14
      26 June 2024 05: 13
      Re-equipping the workshops for the production of the Tu-160M ​​took surprisingly little time. There is an opinion that the same will happen with the Tu-214, especially since this is not a fleet, where it is still a complete mess.
      And aircraft, both civilian and military, are now a top priority, and Putin personally controls the development of the industry. Because this is extremely important for the country.

      In addition, the Tu-214 is a long-established, reliable machine. It was not built before precisely because of the favorite pastime of parasitic officials - they say, it’s easier to buy someone else’s (and steal from tenders).
      1. +7
        26 June 2024 08: 12
        Putin personally controls the development of the industry

        This is simply wonderful and inspires serious optimism. There remains only a small misunderstanding - what prevented him from doing this during the previous two decades of his reign? When was domestic passenger aviation cut to the ground?
      2. +5
        26 June 2024 08: 51
        In addition, the Tu-214 is a long-established, reliable machine.

        Well, the Tu-214 still has some problems with the replacement of foreign components.

        On import substitution: “Which systems are we definitely changing? Computers: they were imported, now they are ours. Not from a good life - there are simply no others. We make our ground proximity and mid-air collision alarm systems, our radars. We will improve lighting and electrical equipment, hydraulic systems, and aircraft control systems. We have already made them, now we just need to test them. There are 15 such systems in total, and about 30 secondary systems. We are also working on them.”

        On whether there will be mass production of the Tu-214: “The conveyor line is planned, it has been contracted. The goal is to reach production of 20 aircraft per year. There’s no need anymore, we’ll see later - anything is possible.”

        About the number of Tu-214s in operation: “Currently we have 12 aircraft in varying degrees of readiness.”

      3. 0
        26 June 2024 11: 56
        But the Tu-214 has not yet undergone import substitution, with testing and certification. The deadlines are dragging on, and these aircraft may go into production after the MC-21, and the question is how much will they be needed then in this situation? Aeroflot calculated this and abandoned the Tu-214 in favor of the MS-21, which are both more modern and will most likely fly earlier. True, then other airlines may not get the MC-21; they will wait for the Tu-214.
        1. -2
          26 June 2024 12: 41
          Yes, there is no MS-21 and there won’t be for a long time! And the PD-14 (PD-8) engine is made for imported aircraft systems. Have you ever wondered why the PD-14 was installed on a plane made for American engines for testing and fraud? They simply transferred imported equipment to our engine - which means the drive box on the PD-14 engine is made for imported aircraft systems, but ours are not! See my comment above. We look at the Tu-214 and rejoice, at least something can happen...
          1. 0
            26 June 2024 12: 57
            Regarding the Tu-214: only recently they prepared a flying laboratory for testing import-substituted systems. The tests have either just begun or not yet. So, this year there are unlikely to be Tu-214s, it will be good if next year they start producing several units a year. So there’s nothing much to be happy about either.
            But the Kazan people can be understood: apparently, in terms of relevance, the Tu-160M ​​comes first, then, perhaps, the modernization of the Tu-22M3, then the Tu-214. PAK YES - probably “on a residual basis” (but I think the work was not stopped).
            1. -2
              26 June 2024 13: 03
              There is no modernization of Tu-22M3 and there can't be! These planes will all be written off by 2030, or they will fall apart in the air and on the ground themselves. They want to produce ten Tu-160M2 - this is in vain, 5 will be enough, let them modernize the old ones. This is the government's position, we will be left without pants with a useless plane. Production and technology have been restored and that's enough... Tu-214 should be a priority! It is better to forget about another monster PAK DA, in its current form...
              1. +3
                26 June 2024 13: 10
                https://vk.com/wall-183242910_163145 - недавний полет модернизированного Ту-22М3.
                While the SVO is underway, military orders will be a priority. Moreover, the course of the SVO and the outcome today are unpredictable.
              2. +2
                26 June 2024 13: 54
                Quote: Vitov
                There is no modernization of Tu-22M3 and there can't be! These planes will all be written off by 2030, or they will fall apart in the air and on the ground themselves. They want to produce ten Tu-160M2 - this is in vain, 5 will be enough, let them modernize the old ones. This is the government's position, we will be left without pants with a useless plane. Production and technology have been restored and that's enough... Tu-214 should be a priority! It is better to forget about another monster PAK DA, in its current form...

                The first Tu-22M3M, which as you write supposedly does not exist, was handed over for testing.

                The solemn ceremony of rolling out the first deeply modernized long-range missile carrier-bomber Tu-22M3M took place on the territory of the branch of Tupolev PJSC - the Kazan Aviation Plant named after. S.P. Gorbunova. ....
                After completion of preliminary (factory) tests, the deeply modernized missile-carrying bomber will be handed over to the Russian Ministry of Defense for state joint tests.

                “Today we are delivering the first modernized Tu-22M3M missile carrier-bomber to the flight test station. This became possible thanks to the joint hard work of the UAC teams. Work on the integration of UAC enterprises continues, a division of strategic and special aviation is being formed, the head enterprise of which will be Tupolev. This will allow us to combine design and intellectual resources, increase management efficiency in the interests of implementing new long-range and strategic aviation programs, and quickly solve the most complex problems of ensuring the country’s defense capability,” said Yuriy Slyusar, President of PJSC UAC.

          2. +2
            26 June 2024 13: 37
            Yes, there is no MS-21 and there won’t be for a long time! And the PD-14 (PD-8) engine is made for imported aircraft systems.

            And then what?
            1. -3
              26 June 2024 13: 46
              This is a picture of an airplane with inscriptions for "dummies"... What's inside?
              1. +2
                26 June 2024 14: 00
                Picture? This is a photo of the MS-21-310 flying on domestic PD-14 engines.

                This is a picture of an airplane with inscriptions for "dummies"... What's inside?

                Let's have a more serious conversation somehow.
                1. -1
                  26 June 2024 17: 39
                  Do you have any idea about an airplane and its engine? The engine is the heart of the airplane, it not only creates thrust and accelerates the airplane and ensures its flight due to aerodynamic force, overcoming the force of air resistance. The engine ensures the operation of the main systems of the airplane due to pumps and generators, which it rotates with the help of a gearbox. On this gearbox there are seats with shafts driven by the engine, or rather by its rotating shaft. The gearbox is calculated and made for certain units with certain dimensions. This is the main fuel pump, hydraulic system pumps, air system pumps, alternating and direct current generators, air conditioning system pumps... While the engine rotates, all these systems work. The MS-21 originally had an American engine with its own gearbox and imported pumps and generators.
                  Instead, they made a one-to-one PD-14 with a drive box for imported pumps and generators. We have always had problems with pumps and generators, even in the USSR - they are large and heavy and of less power. But they are not there either, many factories have been destroyed, thanks to the Superjet and MS-21 with imported units. It is now clear to you that PD-14 can be different...Is it clear now? They are telling lies on your ears. The engine looks like ours, but is made for imported pumps and generators. And drawing letters and numbers on an airplane is not difficult!
    2. +2
      26 June 2024 09: 11
      They are in production. This is for expansion. There are already over 90 of them.
  5. -10
    26 June 2024 05: 11
    Everything is relatively clear with the strategists, production has been improved. But why Russia needs two medium-haul aircraft, Tu 2 and MS 214, is unclear. It is not easier to bring one series up to modern requirements, including convenience for passengers.
    1. +10
      26 June 2024 05: 22
      It’s not easier, and it was previously stated why.

      The MS-21 is still not fully developed, the new PD engines have once again gone “to the right”, and aircraft, and our own ones, are needed right now.

      Therefore, the “carcass” will remain for several years and will replace the sides that inevitably disappear due to wear and tear, until the epic with MS-21 is completed.
      1. 0
        26 June 2024 05: 44
        In Kazan there are only 2 slipways for the production of carcasses, at least in 23 there were. It’s too early to talk about mass production; last year only 1 aircraft was produced.
      2. +1
        26 June 2024 06: 18
        For the MC-21, it was not the engines that went, it was the “black” wings that went, it seems the quality is unstable.
        The engines "went to the right" for the Superjet, PD-8.
        1. +3
          26 June 2024 06: 35
          The MC-21 not only has a black wing, but also other imported components are replaced with domestic ones. They must not only be produced, but also tested in flight.
      3. +2
        26 June 2024 07: 37
        Quote: Kuroneko
        Therefore, the “carcass” will last for several years and will replace the sides that inevitably disappear from wear and tear, until...

        But I think that the Tu-214 will continue to be produced, or, as a last resort, they will find a new application or specialization, unlike the MS 21.
        And who said that modernizing the Tu-214 is impossible?
  6. +1
    26 June 2024 06: 48
    “Modernization” and other general words mean nothing. The key question is interesting - the Tu-160 had titanium center beam, were they able to restore the unique key technology for its production? The same thing that has been written about many times:
    If they could, then there are no questions - they can build New Tu-160, and if not, then there will only be repairs of old ones.
    1. +3
      26 June 2024 20: 00
      A few years ago it was announced that the production of this titanium beam had been completely restored.
  7. Owl
    26 June 2024 08: 08
    Now the main thing is the practical implementation of these programs, so that a planned renewal of the production base takes place; there will be enough “beautiful Superjets” with 75% of imported components. It is not bankers who should manage the industry, hooking it up with loans, but the production workers who develop it and prepare the groundwork for future.
  8. +1
    26 June 2024 09: 08
    It is expected that in accordance with the 2018 contract, the Ministry of Defense will receive 10 new Tu-160M ​​bombers by 2027. So far, three aircraft have been handed over.

    And what about the modernization of 30 Tu-22M3M units, they don’t even write anything about them...
  9. -2
    26 June 2024 09: 12
    this program is intended for the deployment of serial production of Tu-214 civil aircraft

    And who needs them?
    A week ago I read that Aeroflot had abandoned the purchase of Tu-214 and Supejets, all hope was only for the MS-21...
  10. +2
    26 June 2024 09: 15
    Quote: paul3390
    Putin personally controls the development of the industry

    This is simply wonderful.... The only thing that remains is a small misunderstanding - what prevented him from doing this during the previous two decades of his reign? When was domestic passenger aviation cut to the ground?

    If there is something you don’t understand, you need to learn. There was no timely avionics or engines yet. Could you please specify where they cut it?
  11. +3
    26 June 2024 10: 38
    At the Sverdlov plant in Leningrad, in the mid-80s, a machine was made for the production of TU 160. Two portals 44 meters long.
  12. +1
    26 June 2024 10: 58
    Now it is more urgent to carry out a deep modernization of the Tu-16 like the Chinese, and there will be a massive strategic aircraft, you can put the D-30 on them, remove unnecessary people, modernize the guns for shooting missiles and install a radar from the Su-35 and there will be a real strategic bomber am
  13. AVP
    26 June 2024 12: 51
    There is no point in dragging the MS-21 and Tu-214, especially since the first one covers the second like a bull does a sheep in all respects. It’s more likely the desire of the Kazan authorities to load the KAZ with something before the start of production of the PAK DA. And the Tu-214 will be produced in small series in the form of special aircraft.
    1. 0
      26 June 2024 17: 07
      "United Aircraft Corporation, which owns Tupolev JSC and the Kazan Aviation Plant"
      And what does the “authorities of Kazan” have to do with it?
      1. AVP
        13 July 2024 14: 00
        despite the fact that the more orders the plant receives, the calmer the local authorities will be, because jobs, etc., it was for this purpose that they pushed the Tu-334 with all their hands and feet.
  14. +1
    26 June 2024 12: 59
    Quote: Kuroneko
    And aircraft, both civilian and military, are now a top priority, and Putin personally controls the development of the industry. Because this is extremely important for the country.

    Would you be so kind as to cite successfully implemented programs that Putin personally supervised? In the same time frame, money, and results.
    I couldn’t find it, maybe I didn’t look well?
    1. +2
      26 June 2024 14: 29
      Crimean Bridge as an example.
      1. -1
        26 June 2024 21: 57
        This is not a program, it is a one-time project, that is, a one-time construction of one object. The Crimean Bridge was built, the deadlines were met and the money did not flow too much; in any case, there were no loud scandals. Thanks to the builders!
        I am talking about major strategic national programs “Priority National Projects” adopted for the period 2006-2018: Health. Education. Housing.
        The indicators for all these programs were adjusted many times, and even after the adjustment they remained unfulfilled.
        The same story with space, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, automotive manufacturing, and so on and so forth and so on.
        The Vostochny Cosmodrome as the most striking indicator about aircraft, their engines...
        I don’t want to copy and paste examples that are well known to everyone, it doesn’t make it any easier.
    2. 0
      29 June 2024 18: 17
      Project "Russia", restoration and development, for example. Since 1999, when, in principle, all that was left to do all over the country was to put up a “closed” sign.
      1. 0
        29 June 2024 22: 07
        Remind the Salya Commission?
        Killed industries, Serdyukov and his ilk also forgotten?

        Yes, the country needs to be restored, and the sooner the better.
        Nothing good can be built only with those who ruined the country.
        The head of state is doing a lot, but the pace is far behind and personnel policy requires serious improvement. Otherwise we'll be late again.
        1. -1
          30 June 2024 00: 52
          but the pace is far behind

          Normal pace, don't worry. We have time.
  15. -2
    28 June 2024 17: 34
    Good day everyone! For me personally, this is very good news, even if some skeptics and all-rounders scream, but we have to start somewhere and sometime. You can point a lot of fingers at GDP and shout what it did before? But let's put our hand on our hearts and honestly admit that he really devoted many years to the restoration of Russia after the Gorbachev-Yeltsin devastation. Nothing will change immediately by snapping your fingers and issuing some kind of decree; this is everyday nervous work. As for airplanes, we simply need them, both military and civilian. It may not be super ahead of the rest right away, but it’s okay, there would be some groundwork, but it could be improved.