An assassination attempt was made on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Germany

An assassination attempt was made on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Germany

An attempt could have been made on the life of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on German territory. The head of the Hungarian government, fortunately, remained alive.

According to available information, the motorcade of the head of the Hungarian government was rammed by a car. But the car hit the escort motorcycle, on which the policeman was killed.

As it became known, Orban himself was not injured as a result of the assassination attempt. His car also did not receive any damage. Two main versions of what happened are currently being discussed. The first is a classic assassination attempt to eliminate the Hungarian Prime Minister.

The second is a traffic accident, which is a tragic accident. However, we should not forget that they may now try to present the assassination attempt as a banal accident.

Let us note that recently strange incidents have been happening to the leaders of European countries who take an alternative position on the issue of the Ukrainian conflict. Earlier, an attempt was made on the life of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. The head of the Slovak government was seriously injured and was taken to a medical facility in an unconscious state, but, fortunately, he also remained alive and had already regained consciousness and returned to work.

Probably, the “collective West” has moved on to the practice of assassinating political leaders it dislikes, seeing no other opportunity to influence the policies of those same Hungary or Slovakia. This only emphasizes the further embitterment of Western elites against the background of the failures of the Ukrainian regime at the front and the successes of Russia.
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  1. +28
    25 June 2024 12: 02
    If this were in Latin America, yes, this is an accident, but in Germany?
    1. -39
      25 June 2024 12: 10
      Yes, the old woman in the BMW did not understand that the road was blocked for the passage of Orban’s motorcade. Someone probably wants to make an attempt out of the incident. A policeman was killed and his colleague was wounded.
      1. +36
        25 June 2024 12: 18
        Well, yes, in Germany there is a rule: you see that there are cars ahead, you can go, crush them all. Your logic is great. How can you not notice the flashing lights and a bunch of traffic? Rather, someone really wants to make an incident out of an attempt, the court will understand and forgive.
        1. -22
          25 June 2024 12: 43
          She hit a motorcyclist policeman. She had no weapon on her, Orban was still far from the intersection, but the road had been blocked in advance. So there is no talk of an assassination attempt. And the elderly, and especially the old, make mistakes more often than the young, and this is not only in Germany. That is why many countries have introduced driving tests for the older generation. In Germany, they are only discussing this topic at the moment.
          1. +15
            25 June 2024 12: 49
            Have you seen this “old woman” in a BMW car with your own eyes, or read it in the media?
            1. -14
              25 June 2024 13: 04
              Dear Warabey, I have not seen this 69 year old, but I live here, read and watch the news practically first-hand. And no one, not a single newspaper, not a single TV program, has put forward even a version of an assassination attempt. And don’t even claim that they were ordered to do so. Someone wants to see this as an assassination attempt. Like, because not everyone in the EU likes Orban. But can’t there simply be an accident due to someone’s fault? Let everyone think as they want, I am not imposing my opinion on anyone. After all, everyone is going crazy in their own way.
              1. +16
                25 June 2024 13: 08
                The coincidence is simply bordering on incredible. I don't really believe this. Maybe this is not a direct assassination attempt, but “the last Chinese one,” as they say. Well, what did they say... I don’t think it’s necessary to do this there. The media already knows which tune to blow.
                1. -11
                  25 June 2024 13: 38
                  Quote: Warabey
                  The coincidence is simply bordering on incredible.
                  If this were the only traffic accident in history, then yes. But they actually happen every day. There is hardly a single person who has never fallen into them.
                  1. +12
                    25 June 2024 13: 48
                    And how often are motorcyclists accompanied by persons of this level killed?
                    1. -3
                      25 June 2024 13: 53
                      1. +3
                        25 June 2024 14: 05
                        One single case in history? This is by no means a frequent event. And it looks like he flew in there himself. And it’s also a murky case - “The name of the deceased has not been disclosed. No charges have been brought against the Ford driver yet." (c)
                      2. -4
                        25 June 2024 14: 07
                        Three cases, I didn’t google further (although one example, in my opinion, would be enough, because there are orders of magnitude fewer “motorcyclists accompanied by persons of this level” than ordinary motorcyclists).
                      3. +4
                        25 June 2024 14: 13
                        Yes, it's still suspicious. First Fico, now Orban. Moreover, both were not particularly “in tune” with the EU and no, no, they drank their blood. And in both cases, everything seems to be an “accident” that has no intersection with their political position. Again - it coincided. Miracles and that's all.
                      4. -8
                        25 June 2024 14: 14
                        Congratulations, you are incapable of perceiving reasoning.
                      5. +4
                        25 June 2024 14: 15
                        What other argument? For me, arguments are just facts.
                      6. -2
                        25 June 2024 14: 18
                        And I brought them, with links. And you didn’t accept them, because the word “facts” is just a meaningless mantra for you.
                      7. +4
                        25 June 2024 14: 25
                        You cited facts of accidents involving escorted motorcyclists. How does this prove that the incident with the motorcyclist accompanying Orban was definitely not an assassination attempt? This is what we're talking about. And the fact that these facts indicate that this has already happened, I didn’t argue with that, I just asked how often, that’s all.
                      8. +1
                        25 June 2024 16: 18
                        Quote: Warabey
                        Yes, it's still suspicious. First Fico, now Orban. Moreover, both were not particularly “in tune” with the EU and no, no, they drank their blood. And in both cases, everything seems to be an “accident” that has no intersection with their political position. Again - it coincided. Miracles and that's all.

                        “Democratic” states in Europe are not correct!
                        Do not block traffic for officials! am
                        That's why "democratic" Moldova is doing! The ambulance was stopped, what the hell, there was some kind of call - the top officials were coming!

                        (YouTube headline: "In Chisinau, an ambulance was forced to stop and let a government motorcade pass")
                      9. +1
                        25 June 2024 22: 19
                        They block traffic in the EU countries anyway, they don’t drive in the general traffic and don’t stop at red lights, so don’t blah blah, except for Moldova (although it’s not in the EU) there’s a lot of cretinism in the EU...
                      10. 0
                        26 June 2024 00: 35
                        In Chisinau "Ambulance

                        I confirm.
                        Hello fellow countryman!
                        Some people downvote you
                      11. 0
                        26 June 2024 20: 31
                        Apparently this happens once every 12 years.
              2. -10
                25 June 2024 13: 14
                Look at how the article is written, it starts with highly likely, then the author, having completed the investigation, claims that this is an assassination attempt and ends with the conclusion that this is due to some successes of the Russian Federation. One of the most incompetent campaigns this week, and they laugh at the American highly likely people here, as if they were stupid. At the same time, I understand that Orban prevents many people from profiting from the Ukrainian conflict and sometimes throws it at the fan so much that he jumps on respected people and for this he can be slammed.
              3. +8
                25 June 2024 13: 21
                “no one, not a single newspaper, not a single TV program, even put forward a version of the assassination attempt” - they haven’t put forward one in your case, so why should they take the blame. There, they probably blocked the road in front of the passage, how could they get through? Well, of course, I’m arguing from my “totalitarian” position, but everything is too suspicious.
                1. The comment was deleted.
              4. +8
                25 June 2024 13: 43
                Quote: Blacksmith 55
                not a single newspaper, not a single TV program even put forward a version of the assassination attempt

                How many newspapers wrote about the victims in Sevastopol?
                Really interesting
                1. 0
                  26 June 2024 14: 03
                  How many newspapers wrote about the victims in Sevastopol?
                  The mainstream Western media also did not write about the atrocities of Ukrainian Nazis in Ukraine for two years. And then they won’t write about the assassination attempt on Orban. Rather, they will write that the Hungarian motorcade cynically attacked “an elderly German Frau and she miraculously fought back.”
                  1. 0
                    26 June 2024 14: 12
                    Quote: abrakadabre
                    they will write that the Hungarian motorcade

                    brazenly ran over grandma in broad daylight)
              5. +1
                25 June 2024 14: 13
                Kowal 55 (Piotr Schmidt) - You live in Germany and coincidentally work for the BND.
                1. -2
                  25 June 2024 15: 02
                  Don't write nonsense. The text of the comment is short.
              6. 0
                25 June 2024 15: 40
                If only the German media had aired a version of a possible assassination attempt in Germany on the head of a neighboring state. Somewhere, ex-Duke Franz Ferdinand is tossing and turning heavily.
              7. -2
                26 June 2024 10: 48
                were fascists = remained fascists. and now there are still 3,14. Marked did it - he helped these fascists unite again and bark now. If only my father and father-in-law could see how those bastards are “riding” around Ukraine again. My opinion is that the “Dagger” should be stuck at the Brandenbug Gate. You don’t need a lot - 10-20 megatons.
              8. 0
                26 June 2024 13: 52
                And no one, not a single newspaper, not a single TV program, even put forward a version of the assassination attempt

                No, of course not, not a single media outlet wrote about the assassination attempt.
                Let me ask you, has at least one German media outlet written about the recent attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the city hospital in Lugansk?
                And about the hunt of Ukrainian FPVs for journalists?
                And what about sowing populated areas with petals?

                You don't have any more Mass Media in Germany, only Propaganda Media.
              9. -1
                26 June 2024 17: 38
                And I think that even though there was no attempt as such, they intentionally let the car pass so that an accident would occur, although they did not take into account the fatal outcome. But the case immediately becomes ambiguous and makes a certain hint to Orban that he is not particularly protected anywhere. It is an accident, but a reason to think.
              10. -1
                27 June 2024 20: 29
                But there was no attempt as such. There was a subtle hint of grave circumstances... And then draw your conclusions, and we will look at your further behavior and draw our conclusions about your fate. Something like that...
          2. +3
            25 June 2024 14: 06
            therefore many states introduced driving tests for the older generation

            So we are going to introduce restrictions from the age of is that?
            up to 65 - you are healthy to work, and from 70 - you can only exist with the help of social services?????
          3. +3
            25 June 2024 18: 32
            Quote: Blacksmith 55
            And older people, and especially old people, make mistakes more often than young people, and this is not only in Germany

            Yes, the elderly writer who shot Fico confirms your words, this was also a mistake, he wanted to shoot at sparrows but his eye captured a larger target.
            1. 0
              26 June 2024 19: 28
              Quote: ettore
              he wanted to shoot at sparrows but his eye captured a larger target

              There is shooting from a pistol, which excludes some versions where someone said that he wanted to shoot at sparrows? What kind of gag? There’s a regular traffic accident right there, far from the motorcade. Moreover, what kind of strange “murder weapon” is this, an old woman in a small car against an armored limousine? You simply distort and pull the owl onto the globe.
              1. 0
                26 June 2024 19: 34
                Quote: karabas-barabas
                Moreover, what kind of strange “murder weapon” is this, an old woman in a small car against an armored limousine?

                Not necessarily murder, it could have been a warning, and in both cases the weapons are strange.
                You simply distort and pull the owl onto the globe.

                I'm just questioning the randomness argument.
                1. 0
                  26 June 2024 19: 40
                  Quote: ettore
                  Not necessarily murder, it could have been a warning, and in both cases the weapons are strange.

                  These are not wallpaper cases, but one specific case of assassination attempt, with a motive and a firearm. And this is stupidly an accident, and at low speed, and not a weapon. I would have second thoughts if a truck loaded with rubble flew into the intersection in front of Orbán’s motorcade. The warning in this can only be seen with great imagination. There are plenty of other ways to warn Orban so that he really gets scared, and not arrange an assassination attempt on a motorcyclist cop at retirement age.
                  Quote: ettore
                  I'm just questioning the randomness argument.

                  Moreover, you do not provide a single adequate argument to question anything.
                  1. +1
                    26 June 2024 20: 15
                    Quote: karabas-barabas
                    Moreover, you do not provide a single adequate argument to question anything.

                    but I live here, read and watch the news almost first-hand. And no one, not a single newspaper, not a single TV program, even put forward a version of the assassination attempt.

                    This is a reinforced concrete argument. Well, since the German press doesn’t write, that means it doesn’t exist; the nuclear power plant doesn’t write about targeted shelling of civilian objects by Xox, which means these shellings don’t exist either.
                    Now my version. The grandmother was a supporter of Kyiv and she did not like the fact that Orban was preventing him from financing and helping, and following the example of that writer, she decided to punish Orban to the best of her abilities, which happened.
                    1. 0
                      26 June 2024 20: 28
                      Quote: ettore
                      Now my version. The grandmother was a supporter of Kyiv and she did not like the fact that Orban was preventing him from financing and helping, and following the example of that writer, she decided to punish Orban to the best of her abilities, which happened.

                      I give a standing ovation!)) And in your version, did the grandmother consult with the special services before doing this?? If not, how could she even know about Orbán’s route? And if so, why didn’t they tell her that the 6-ton limousine doesn’t even remember her old BMW, and even at that speed?)) Maybe the author of the article wrote it as a joke, but many took it seriously.
                      1. 0
                        26 June 2024 20: 35
                        Quote: karabas-barabas
                        I applaud while standing!))

                        hi feel
                        And in your version, did the grandmother consult with the special services before doing this??

                        This is covered in the darkness of mystery, for now.
                        If not, how could she even know about Orbán’s route? And if so, why didn’t they tell her that the 6-ton limousine doesn’t even remember her old BMW, and even at such a speed?))

                        Why wasn’t the writer given a grenade just to be sure?
                        Maybe the author of the article wrote it as a joke, but many took it seriously.

                        Others can joke too.
                      2. 0
                        26 June 2024 20: 50
                        Quote: ettore
                        Why wasn’t the writer given a grenade just to be sure?

                        Maybe because the gun is enough? And who said that some special services helped or advised this Slovak? Remember when Berlusconi hit some guy in the face with a statuette? Were the special services also involved? And eggs according to Helmut Kohl? And the boot to Bush Jr.? Orban does not have such weight and importance that it would be necessary to remove him by assassination. Why take such risks in order for him and his point of view to have more fans? After all, now Orban with his position is clearly in the minority, like other European political forces.
                      3. 0
                        26 June 2024 20: 52
                        Quote: karabas-barabas
                        Why take such risks in order for him and his point of view to have more fans? After all, now Orban with his position is clearly in the minority,

                        But it interferes strongly and actively.
                        Why wasn’t the writer given a grenade just to be sure?

                        Maybe because the gun is enough?

                        It wasn't enough.
                        And who said that some special services helped or advised this Slovak?

                        Remember the parallel with the German press?
                        This, too, is shrouded in mystery, for now.
          4. +2
            26 June 2024 15: 31
            Don’t try to explain something, it’s like in that saying about “throwing pearls before swine” - it’s meaningless and useless))) sectarians believe that everything that happens to supporters of Russia or simply normal people is exclusively an attempt by the special services / UFOs / orcs/elves, etc. they don’t listen to anyone))) they just believe.
        2. +1
          25 June 2024 13: 25
          the court will understand and forgive

          that's what it's all about sad
        3. 0
          26 June 2024 19: 23
          An assassination attempt using some kind of BMW 3k against an armored 6-ton limousine? Is this logical in your opinion? This is pulling an owl onto a globe. Moreover, the old aunt was driving. In Germany, few people in their lifetime have ever seen a member carrier, a state limousine, much less a road blockage due to a motorcade. It’s quite possible in the summer, when the sun is shining in the front, at an intersection you can get into such an accident and not see the motorcycle. If we are going to carry out an assassination attempt, then it will be with a heavier car, faster, and preferably in a car with Orban, and not with a random cop on a motorcycle, I don’t understand at what distance from the motorcade. There wasn't a lot of transport there, why did you get that? Moreover, I repeat, an armored limousine is protected at the level of an armored personnel carrier; it cannot be dented in any way by a car like a BMW 3rd model. And from the damage it is clear that the speed was no higher than 70 km/h.
      2. +8
        25 June 2024 12: 25
        Quote: Blacksmith 55
        Yes, the old woman in the BMW did not understand that the road was blocked for the passage of Orban’s motorcade.

        An old woman in Germany drives a car better than any policeman.
        1. +2
          25 June 2024 13: 13
          Dimon, hi two weeks ago in Popenhagen, a man speaking Polish (official version) in the city center at the crossing courses on the pedestrian streets, pushed a woman with his right hand in the right shoulder, she sat on her butt. What started here, all the mongrels from the EU declared: We will not allow an attack on European values, we are outraged by such actions! "Shoot" the one who encroached on our values. The woman turned out to be the Prime Minister of Denmark and was walking home from a football match, to her hut. And was she checked for alcohol? The man who spoke Polish did the right thing according to "good maritime practice." It turned out to be an everyday occurrence. But there was noise. I also succumbed to Western propaganda, but it turned out to be just an everyday occurrence. (I sometimes laugh when idiots start commenting on our meetings with NATO ships at sea. There is a law there. They do not violate "good maritime practice," we do not violate it. If they violated it, then their warrant is ruined, aircraft carrier guard. We will stand between the sides of the aircraft carrier and the side of the nearest ship, guard. (In peacetime). That is why US AUGs do not rise above the 69th parallel from the side of Norway.
      3. +18
        25 June 2024 12: 28
        It wasn’t the kindergartener who shot Fico either.
      4. +4
        25 June 2024 12: 35
        Yesterday in Germany there was an accident caused by an elderly woman driving a BMW, as a result of which a 61-year-old motorcyclist-policeman was killed and another was injured. Today Orbán is here in Italy talking with Meloni about the problems of the European Union.
        1. 0
          26 June 2024 01: 46
          In Germany, a policeman does not retire at 45, but works like a turner in our country until he is 65?
      5. +8
        25 June 2024 13: 02
        Yes, the old woman in the BMW did not understand that the road was blocked for the passage of Orban’s motorcade. Someone probably wants to make an attempt out of the incident.

        It wasn’t a teenager who made an attempt on Fico either. and the grandfather is 75 years old, so there is a pattern, this is just for excuses with different options, like, well, an old man, what can you get from him, well, not everything is in order with his head, well, be lenient, but you need to respect your age, this is intended for such people people like you
        Blacksmith 55
        (Peter Schmidt)
      6. +4
        25 June 2024 13: 12
        Quote: Blacksmith 55
        old woman on BMW

        Was it Strack Zimerman by any chance? laughing
        1. +3
          25 June 2024 14: 50
          Liz Truss..... lol .......
          1. +1
            25 June 2024 16: 13
            Quote: Popuas
            Liz Truss..... lol .......

            Well, she’s actually in another country, so maybe she flew to Germany for the sake of an assassination attempt on a broomstick. laughing lol
      7. +4
        25 June 2024 13: 56
        Yes, the old woman in the BMW didn't understand...
        A policeman was killed and his colleague was wounded.

        Don't you think that "old woman" and "dead policeman" at a speed of 40 km/h in cities - this is a little strange, not to mention the fact that the only “frostbitten riders” there are Arabs...
      8. +1
        25 June 2024 15: 21
        Yes. The “old man” also shot at Fico. I didn't realize that he wasn't hunting.
    2. +16
      25 June 2024 12: 12
      Quote: tralflot1832
      yes it's an accident

      In Fico too accidentally fired, the whole clip am
      1. +4
        25 June 2024 12: 21
        there was also an old man there laughing
      2. -1
        25 June 2024 12: 27
        Did you fire from the Steer? It seems to be just under 9x23 and has a clip. Although there was also a Mauser K-96, the so-called. "red nine" of the Prussian order, it is 9x19.
        PS: by the way, the brand of the weapon was not mentioned in the media anywhere, only that it was 9 mm and legal. And here it turns out - he was shooting from 100-year-old trellises, I wonder, did he attach a holster for effectiveness or not? drinks
  2. +17
    25 June 2024 12: 02
    And he is like a bone in their throat. So I don’t believe in such coincidences.
    1. 0
      30 June 2024 13: 24
      In Germany there are television cameras on every street.
      And at intersections there are at least two, from different angles.
      Not to mention the central streets.
      And there is not a single video of the collision on the Internet. But almost a week has already passed.
      It turns out that by chance all the cameras broke at that moment.
      Come on, what a political assassination attempt. “This is different, you need to understand” (C)
  3. Tim
    25 June 2024 12: 03
    This was to be expected. Eliminate the undesirables and install the loyal ones!
    1. +6
      25 June 2024 12: 05
      That's what it is. Democracy.
  4. +2
    25 June 2024 12: 05
    “The second is a traffic accident, which is a tragic accident” -

    — Orbán's motorcade was on its way "not according to the rules"...
    1. +5
      25 June 2024 12: 46
      Orban has long been “not following their rules”... recourse
  5. -14
    25 June 2024 12: 06
    This only emphasizes the further embitterment of Western elites against the background of the failures of the Ukrainian regime at the front and the successes of Russia
    Yes, such successes that Orban should be killed, it’s his fault laughing who is this and for whom is he writing?)
  6. +2
    25 June 2024 12: 06
    What happened to the driver of the car that rammed the motorcade? It’s a pity for the policeman, it’s good that Orban was not injured.
    1. +2
      25 June 2024 12: 12
      Quote: South Ukrainian
      What happened to the driver of the car that rammed the motorcade?

      There was a woman there who seemed to be a pensioner
      1. +1
        25 June 2024 12: 24
        There was a woman there who seemed to be a pensioner

        Well, it wasn’t a teenager who shot Robert Fico either.
        1. 0
          26 June 2024 19: 33
          And what? There was an assassination attempt, and here there was an ordinary accident with an old man. What is the connection anyway?
    2. 0
      25 June 2024 12: 49
      What happened to the driver of the car that rammed the motorcade?

      Most likely, except for the grandmother's fright, nothing. From the photo, the hood is dented and apparently the airbag deployed.
  7. 0
    25 June 2024 12: 06
    They wanted to intimidate.
    The text of your comment
  8. HAM
    25 June 2024 12: 09
    1. 0
      25 June 2024 12: 16
      No. There, a change in the presidency will not change the interests of the country for decades to come.
      1. +3
        25 June 2024 13: 45
        are you laughing? the vectors within the country will change, and after this the elite in power may change, it is clear that the foreign policy course is unlikely to change, but this does not please Trump’s internal enemies at all
  9. +2
    25 June 2024 12: 09
    States or Britons, whatever.
  10. -6
    25 June 2024 12: 15
    Yes, most likely an accident. Or maybe the last warning. But it definitely doesn’t amount to an attempt. I'd bet on chance
  11. +2
    25 June 2024 12: 16
    And with them everything is by chance, well, the driver there is blind, he was looking for the way by touch, he didn’t notice a huge motorcade with flashing lights and most likely sirens.
    1. 0
      25 June 2024 12: 19
      Someone's friend died from this. Exactly.
  12. +4
    25 June 2024 12: 17
    Well, even less understandable is the absence of attempts on the lives of odious or significant characters with a radical Russophobic position, hostile and influential persons. Tolerance towards hostile elements is weakness.
  13. +2
    25 June 2024 12: 18
    Now it was his turn. This was to be expected. However, the fascists peeked out of the heap again, well, well! But what about merikatosnya, without it the sun does not rise and set in geyrope! bully
  14. +3
    25 June 2024 12: 23
    Who would doubt that the West will begin to physically remove national leaders such as Orban
  15. +3
    25 June 2024 12: 38
    It was to be expected. Thank God the Prime Minister is alive. I'm so sorry for the policeman!
  16. -7
    25 June 2024 12: 39
    An accident, nothing more. TASS writes so, the rest is speculation.
    1. +7
      25 June 2024 12: 46
      Why do such accidents never happen to pro-American leaders? Remember at least one case. There are too many accidents by leaders with opposing opinions. What's this? Heavenly punishment?
      1. +1
        25 June 2024 13: 11
        The same seems to be no coincidence. For some reason, no one hit Biden, who was barely crawling into a Chevrolet Tahoe...
  17. 0
    25 June 2024 12: 49
    An assassination attempt?.. A warning?.. It seems that there are no former age agents... bully
  18. +5
    25 June 2024 12: 57
  19. +4
    25 June 2024 13: 01
    Something does not look like an ordinary traffic accident, rather some kind of mental warning to Orban, feigned. But it would not be superfluous to strengthen security, including other measures.
  20. +1
    25 June 2024 13: 13
    This has nothing to do with an accidental accident. An assassination attempt in its most original form.

    And then everything can be attributed to an accident, a drunk driver and other crap.
    1. -3
      25 June 2024 13: 17
      Watch less TV. An assassination attempt using an accident is the most stupid and unreliable method you can imagine.
      1. +5
        25 June 2024 13: 38
        Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
        An assassination attempt using an accident is the most stupid and unreliable method you can imagine.

        If the goal is to kill, then unreliable. If the goal is to give a black mark, then vice versa is a very good way. Subtle, unprovable.
  21. +1
    25 June 2024 13: 28
    What about Ursula? Again she was the first to speak in the media, saying “we have nothing to do with it,” probably... as was the case with Fico
  22. +2
    25 June 2024 13: 36
    Orbán has been lucky so far. Fico - less. Raisi - not at all.
  23. +2
    25 June 2024 14: 10
    I immediately remembered the death of the 1st Secretary of the CPSU of Belarus - Masherov....
  24. 0
    25 June 2024 17: 48
    In Germany, 69 is not even a pensioner. Too much about the old woman.
  25. log
    26 June 2024 05: 35
    Americans work systematically.
  26. 0
    26 June 2024 17: 43
    Once is an accident, twice is a suspicious coincidence, three times (I hope it will be a German) is a system. Anyway, murder and assassination
  27. +1
    26 June 2024 20: 03
    Well, if Orban is not quite, then on his next official visit he should go in an *Aurus*.
  28. +1
    26 June 2024 20: 45
    Quote: smith 55
    She hit a motorcyclist policeman. She had no weapon on her, Orban was still far from the intersection, but the road had been blocked in advance. So there is no talk of an assassination attempt. And the elderly, and especially the old, make mistakes more often than the young, and this is not only in Germany. That is why many countries have introduced driving tests for the older generation. In Germany, they are only discussing this topic at the moment.

    her weapon is her car. And fatal, judging by the death of a policeman
  29. 0
    26 June 2024 23: 28
    No nos consta que hubiera una anciana ni un motorista muerto, estamos controlando el hecho.
    1. 0
      27 June 2024 07: 37
      Why do you have a nickname in Russian, but you write in Spanish? feel
  30. 0
    27 June 2024 07: 35
    Khameni, Fico, Orban. Who is next? request
  31. 0
    27 June 2024 07: 39
    They specially left a green light at the intersection. No one is to blame, but the accident was provoked.
  32. 0
    28 June 2024 10: 16
    Orban is the biggest hindrance to green. More than anyone.
  33. 0
    1 July 2024 08: 50
    The stump from where the legs grow is clear...