What North Korean artillery is capable of

What North Korean artillery is capable of
North Korean artillery exercises in 2017. Units using different types of equipment take part in the shooting

The armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea occupy one of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of artillery systems. Their arsenal includes several thousand guns of various calibers and types, which are capable of inflicting fire on the enemy at a great distance.

Given the geographical features of the two Koreas, artillery becomes a particularly important tool. Long-range guns can successfully carry out strategic missions.

According to various estimates

It is well known that the DPRK very carefully hides information about its armed forces, their weapons, etc. Therefore, most of the information about the Korean People's armies (KPA) comes from foreign intelligence agencies and other sources. This information is of an estimated nature and does not always correspond to the real state of affairs. However, unofficial sources are interested in obtaining the most accurate data on the DPRK and the KPA and make every effort to do so.

According to known data, the land forces troop The KPA has two artillery corps. One of them is deployed in close proximity to the border with South Korea and the demilitarized zone. In the event of a new conflict, the 620th Artillery Corps and other units will be the first to engage in combat.

The two artillery corps consist of a total of about 30 brigades, divided into smaller formations. The exact number of regiments, divisions and brigades remains unknown. According to various estimates, the KPA may have several thousand artillery batteries equipped with cannon and rocket systems of various types. Moreover, the most numerous, for obvious reasons, are units with guns.

155-mm self-propelled gun mod. 2018

North Korea's artillery forces have several factories at their disposal in different cities of the country. These factories produce new systems and products for artillery, as well as overhaul existing equipment.

In addition, North Korea has a developed ammunition industry. Thanks to this, the country has accumulated large reserves of artillery rounds, which are constantly replenished.

Range of weapons

The exact number of artillery pieces possessed by the Korean People's Army (KPA) is unknown. However, there are different estimates. For example, the popular reference book “The Military Balance” for the current year indicates that the total number of barrel and rocket systems may exceed 21 thousand units.

Of these, approximately 5,5 thousand are multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), and the remaining three quarters are guns, howitzers and mortars. It is assumed that the number of mortars is 7,5 thousand units. These are systems with a caliber from 82 to 160 millimeters, both wearable and towed. The weapons in service are Soviet-made models or their copies made in Korea. As far as we know, no new mortar models are being developed.

Thus, the total number of artillery pieces can reach 8,6 thousand units. This number includes both towed and self-propelled systems of various origins. Several main calibers are used, some of which were carried over from Soviet artillery: 122, 130, 152, 155 and 170 millimeters.

The towed artillery is equipped with various systems manufactured in the USSR. At one time, the Soviet army transferred to the KPA a number of outdated systems, such as M-10, D-1, A-19 or ML-20 howitzers with calibers of 122, 130 and 152 millimeters. Later, more modern guns were supplied, such as the D-30. The Korean army and industry maintain the technical condition and combat readiness of these weapons by regularly using them in various exercises.

Self-propelled gun "Tocchon" M1974 with a 152-mm howitzer

In the past, the DPRK independently produced towed guns, but in recent decades it has switched to producing self-propelled artillery units (SPG). The first examples of such installations appeared in the 1970s and 1980s. They were based on foreign chassis and guns.

Then the DPRK was able to master the full cycle of development and production of self-propelled guns, abandoning finished imported products. New self-propelled guns with various features are regularly demonstrated at parades and exhibitions. Often the official name of these installations remains unknown, and they are given a conditional index according to the year of their first appearance.

Most self-propelled guns are equipped with 122 or 152 mm caliber guns. A few years ago, a 155mm system was first introduced, presumably based on a similar Chinese project.

Of particular interest is the “Juche-po” product in two main modifications, also known under the foreign name “Koksan”. This self-propelled gun is equipped with a long-barreled 170 mm gun, which provides a greater firing range and projectile power.

Tactical and strategic

Thus, the Korean People's Army has a powerful and well-developed artillery weapons system, which includes a variety of models with different characteristics and capabilities. Thanks to this, guns of different types can be used to solve a wide range of tasks, both on a tactical and operational-tactical scale. This is especially true for the region, given its specifics.

Mortars of all calibers available in the arsenal of the DPRK army have a firing range of no more than 8 km. They are intended for use on the battlefield or from closed positions in close proximity to the front line. Targets for mortars can be located either on the first line of enemy positions or at a short distance from it.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visits an artillery unit equipped with Juche-po self-propelled guns

Howitzers of all major types can perform similar missions, but they have different ballistics and range characteristics, which allows them to hit targets at greater distances.

For example, a D-30 howitzer with a conventional projectile can hit targets at a distance of up to 15,3 km, and with an active-reactive projectile - up to 20-22 km. Modern 152-mm systems are capable of sending a projectile over a distance of 25-30 km.

Special-power artillery, such as 170-mm systems, has a firing range of at least 40 km, and with active-reactive ammunition - up to 55-60 km. At the same time, 170 mm shells are significantly heavier and carry a larger charge than other ammunition.

The 620th Artillery Corps includes units and subunits equipped with all or almost all types of current artillery. In the event of a full-scale conflict, they must reach the state border to support troops and attack targets deep in enemy territory. In such conditions, some howitzers will have to solve problems of an operational-strategic nature.

The fact is that the capital of South Korea, the city of Seoul, is dangerously close to the border with the DPRK. The optimal artillery positions on North Korean territory are located at a distance of no more than 40-45 km from the center of Seoul. The distance to the northern part of the city and facilities there is even shorter.

Various administrative, military and industrial facilities fall within the range of the guns of the Korean People's Army. A well-orchestrated artillery attack could cause serious damage to the South Korean capital and its military and dual-use infrastructure. It should be taken into account that such a raid can involve not only cannon systems, but also rocket systems, as well as full-fledged missile systems.

It is not difficult to imagine what the consequences of a massive artillery attack would be: it would damage the enemy’s military and administrative infrastructure, as well as lead to collateral destruction. If the fighting continues, the KPA may launch an offensive, and the guns will support it, destroying infrastructure in the enemy's close rear.

Thus, North Korea's artillery poses a serious danger to its hostile neighbor and is a means of strategic deterrence. A potential adversary is aware of the risks it faces and therefore does not seek open conflict.

On the Korean Peninsula, long-range weapons play the same role in the military-political sphere as nuclear warheads and their delivery vehicles.

For security

Since its formation, the DPRK has existed in rather difficult conditions. Its closest neighbors are potential adversaries, and behind them lies an even more serious military and political force.

The DPRK can count on help from friendly countries, but basically it has to ensure its security on its own. Its defensive strategy and military development plans are based on this.

In the interests of the Korean People's Army (KPA), there was a constant improvement in all major branches of the military, including artillery. Artillery developed, and part of it even became an element of the strategic deterrence system.

Apparently, the leadership of the KPA and the DPRK will not give up such ideas and concepts, which to a certain extent will help maintain peace on the peninsula.
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  1. 12+
    21 June 2024 04: 48
    Ukrainian theater of operations will now be provided to the Korean comrades officially as a testing ground for samples of their and our joint weapons. I wonder how their 600-mm KN-25 MLRS will perform in action.
    1. +4
      21 June 2024 06: 10
      Quote: VPK-65
      I wonder how their 600-mm KN-25 MLRS will perform in action.

      We must take care of domestic producers! stop
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. 14+
    21 June 2024 05: 13
    How quickly the division between the North Korean army and the military-industrial complex is proceeding in RuNet! Just like the saying about the unkilled bear. But the question is: is there a bear? The agreement concluded by the Russian Federation and the DPRK provides for mutual assistance in the event of aggression by third forces against the parties to the agreement. Another question: did someone attack the Russian Federation? No, there is no need to talk here about the “hybrid aggression of the collective West.” War of propaganda is a permanent state of interstate relations. There is also no need to mention the supply of weapons, mercenaries and advisers. This does not legally declare NATO aggression against the Russian Federation - the official military structures of the West did not attack the Russian Federation. Shelling of Russian territory by Anti-Russia (formerly Ukraine)? So, again, legally, Anti-Russia (formerly Ukraine) did not declare war on the Russian Federation, and the shelling itself is determined by the Russian authorities as individual terrorist attacks.
    Maybe the DPRK is selling artillery and ammunition to the Russian Federation? Does not look like it. Such deliveries cannot be secret - otherwise all ordinary participants in the Northern Military District would already know about it. Maybe North Korean volunteers will soon be sent to the Northern Military District? Doesn’t the DPRK itself need soldiers for defense? Now, like 70 years ago, Chinese “volunteers” will not cross the border river.
    So why build a house out of the clouds? Moreover, there are no clouds.
    1. -4
      21 June 2024 06: 10
      The agreement concluded by the Russian Federation and the DPRK provides for mutual assistance in the event of aggression by third forces against the parties to the agreement.

      Well, Russia will inform the DPRK that it is the object of Ukrainian aggression and will request troops. Will North Korea go to court in The Hague to prove the illegality of its ally's request?
      Maybe the DPRK is selling artillery and ammunition to the Russian Federation? Does not look like it.

      Satellite images of private companies, American and South Korean military and intelligence services prove that thousands of containers with cargo have been delivered to Russia from the DPRK by sea alone since Shoigu’s visit to the DPRK. According to the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there are already 10 containers. This does not include cargo sent by rail.
      otherwise all ordinary members of the SVO would already know about this

      On the VO website, one girl, a certain Olya (?), explained to me that Wikipedia and RIA Novosti are unreliable sources of information, and reliable sources are photos and videos. She had never heard of Photoshop.
      Maybe North Korean volunteers will soon be sent to the Northern Military District? Doesn’t the DPRK itself need soldiers for defense? Now, like 70 years ago, Chinese “volunteers” will not cross the border river.

      Here you are absolutely right. The actual number of the KPA is 600-700 thousand, and the number of the ROK Armed Forces is 600. I don’t know how it is now, but 000-20 years ago, under an agreement with South Korea, the United States was obliged to transfer 30 soldiers and 300 combat aircraft to Korea within a month. This does not include the US Navy and troops in Japan. The DPRK needs strong allies, but Chinese soldiers will not fight in Korea, although China will provide some assistance under the 000 treaty. It seems to me that Pyongyang carried out a multi-step maneuver, constantly hinting to Moscow about its readiness to provide military assistance to Russia, but subject to the conclusion of a military alliance. And in the end Moscow had to do it. It is noteworthy that Putin forbade the Foreign Ministry from making fundamental changes to the final text of the treaty. Apparently this was demanded by the Korean side, not trusting Mr. Lavrov.
      And in conclusion, it is noteworthy how the policy of Belarus has changed in recent months: tactical nuclear weapons, a military alliance with Russia. The reason, I believe, is that Poland, with the moral support of the Baltic countries and NATO behind it, potentially threatens the independence of the republic, and the Belarusian army alone will not be able to protect the state.
      1. +5
        21 June 2024 07: 41
        I will add that there is no real threat of war on the Korean Peninsula. The southerners have no desire to fight with the DPRK, and the United States is not eager to fight either. Trump, as president, said that the DPRK nuclear weapons factor affects the possibility of US participation in the war against North Korea, and instead of the American nuclear umbrella, Japan and South Korea should acquire their own nuclear weapons.
        The KPA completed the transition to medium- and short-range missiles with solid fuel engines and put into service 2 types of ICBMs with a range of over 15 km. I'll give you a quote
        The United States cannot confidently estimate the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in North Korea's inventory and fears it is approaching the threshold of American defensive capabilities, said Gregory Guillot, head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
      2. +6
        21 June 2024 10: 31
        So you don’t like “a certain Olya” because she doesn’t know about Photoshop? And foreign “satellite images” are very unfamiliar with the same Mr. Photoshop? And the South Korean minister is so white and fluffy? Or did your logic go wrong?
        1. -3
          21 June 2024 10: 49
          There is nothing in your comment other than emotions.
          1. +5
            21 June 2024 11: 25
            Nothing but emotions? Don't evade the answer. Why do you trust unknown “satellite images” and the words of the South Korean minister?
            1. -4
              21 June 2024 13: 40
              An internet search will give you all the information you need. And the name of the “unknown” company with details that published the pictures, and foreign officials. By the way, judging by your nickname, you are a foreigner yourself.
            2. -2
              22 June 2024 13: 41
              5 mio shells 122mm and 152mm were already transferred to the Russian Federation from the DPRK. And they have been at the front for a long time. The only problem is that their efficiency is quite low. I don’t know the exact numbers, but in relation to Soviet and Russian shells it’s 1 to 2m, and to 155mm Western shells it’s 1 to 5m, and at least. Because of the weight distribution, because of the quality and quantity of explosives. The barrels also wear out quickly. But quantity, of course, translates to quality to some extent. It's the same with North Korea's missiles. They can fly towards the dill... but where they will end up is not always clear.
              1. +1
                22 June 2024 15: 27
                [quoteBut quantity of course turns into quality to some extent][/quote]
                Quantity is quality in itself (I. Stalin)
    2. +7
      21 June 2024 21: 07
      Quote: Yuras_Belarus
      Can North Korea sells to Russia artillery and ammunition? Does not look like it. Such deliveries cannot be secret - otherwise all ordinary participants already knew about this NWO.
      So everyone knows except you, by the way, you are not a participant. Everyone knows that the DPRK sold us 1 million shells, including woodpecker Arestovich. You need proofs - get into the t/g channels yourself, it will take a long time to unwind (I'm too lazy) there you will find not only those shells, but also 82mm mines, as well as ammunition for our hail. And not just a photo, but a video with the weighing results (the difference in the weight of the charge in one batch of shells was large, the same Murza, for example, was in a cart), which is why there were undershoots/overshoots, 82mm mines came with only 3 gunpowder (see Krynki), etc. .P. but as they say, a spoon is dear to dinner.
      PS I won’t lie about the artillery itself - I didn’t see it (most likely they didn’t order it), but there’s a sea of ​​ammo for it.
      1. +4
        22 June 2024 05: 42
        Korean shells
    3. 0
      21 June 2024 21: 44
      Let's leave Arestovich's verbiage to media resources. They will professionally explain who attacked whom, that peace is war and that white is black.
    4. +1
      23 June 2024 19: 08
      Well, North Korean ammunition is available in commercial quantities in the Northern Military District, this is an open secret. But there is no artillery and no volunteers. But there are “Black Russians” :).
    5. 0
      26 June 2024 19: 15
      Dear comrade, there are probably clauses in the contract that were not shown to us. And the participation of a certain number of volunteers is always useful for understanding current trends in military operations.
  4. +4
    21 June 2024 06: 38
    Objections are heard from commentators, long-winded “justifications” are put forward for why the North Korean comrades should not be given military assistance to Russia. After all, it’s not a war, but a kind of permanent state. If there is “no” aggression, then there is no military action, logically. And no one attacked Russia. Let's adhere to legal polites and "world rules" and move to the knee-elbow position. We need peace. Artillery shelling and air raids on one's own civilian targets and citizens are an internally sovereign and laudable act. And the fact that two armies are fighting to the death, “again legally,” this should not worry Russia’s allies or countries opposed to Nat.
    In general, jo. there is, but there is no such word! Recognizable gay European double-dealing. Tsipsota detected. Burns. Crocodile tears.
  5. +3
    21 June 2024 06: 58
    North Korean artillery exercises in 2017. Units using different types of equipment take part in the shooting

    This is not a training exercise, this is a show for no one knows what kind of audience.
    If the North Korean army really imagines the use of artillery this way, then this rather speaks of the sad state of the army’s combat readiness. On the other hand, the North Korean army has not fought with anyone for 70 years; there simply are no people left with real combat experience.
    1. -2
      21 June 2024 16: 45
      Yah? Why then did the North Korean generals have their uniforms hung with medals and orders up to their knees? ))) Or Photoshop, or is it all anniversary? Like, “10 years since Juche sneezed towards the USA”))))
    2. +4
      21 June 2024 19: 02
      Quote from solar
      there simply were no people left with real combat experience.

      But there are tons of people there with real fighting spirit.
      1. -5
        21 June 2024 23: 14
        Morale is tested in battle, not on YouTube
  6. +5
    21 June 2024 08: 08
    Quote: Yuras_Belarus
    Maybe the DPRK is selling artillery and ammunition to the Russian Federation? Does not look like it. Such deliveries cannot be secret - otherwise all ordinary participants in the Northern Military District would already know about it. Maybe North Korean volunteers will soon be sent to the Northern Military District? Doesn’t the DPRK itself need soldiers for defense?

    The DPRK has been providing military-technical assistance to the Russian Federation for a long time, that’s also a secret to me. Including supplies of 152 mm shells.
    There are quite enough soldiers for the defense of the DPRK. If 2-3-4 brigades of North Korean soldiers appear in the Northern Military District, this will not greatly weaken the military potential of the DPRK, and the North Koreans themselves will gain combat experience in fighting an enemy who also has Western weapons.
    1. -7
      21 June 2024 10: 26
      Will there be evidence of the supply of shells?
      1. +2
        21 June 2024 14: 16
        I can show you pictures of the North Korean crap we work with, but you will say that this is not evidence :)
    2. +2
      21 June 2024 19: 40
      If 2-3-4 brigades of North Korean soldiers appear in the Northern Military District, this will not greatly weaken the military potential of the DPRK

      And it definitely won’t hurt us, but unfortunately all the “allied” brigades and divisions will remain in the same place as the tens of thousands of Syrian volunteers “promised” by Shoigu. In my homeland.
    3. +3
      22 June 2024 15: 28
      Quote: Illanatol
      If 2-3-4 brigades of North Korean soldiers appear in the Northern Military District, this will not greatly weaken the military potential of the DPRK, and the North Koreans themselves will gain combat experience in fighting an enemy who also has Western weapons.

      No one will fight for us. Everyone expects that Koreans will begin to die instead of Russians, for the interests of Russia, the peoples of Russia. . In Rome they also thought so, hiring people from barbarian tribes instead of their citizens... And Rome perished. Because of the pampered. corrupted citizens...
      1. +1
        23 June 2024 08: 55
        Quote: 30 vis
        . And Rome perished. Because of the pampered. corrupted citizens...

        Eg . Who is sinking ships and shooting down American drones in the Red Sea? That's right... the Houthis. And for some reason they don’t lust after Korean warriors. , but they screw it up themselves. in slippers, ragged, bearded with three years of education... But brave, courageous and desperate. These are not the pampered youth in Dagestan, the Crimean Tatars, and various other Muscovites and St. Petersburg mummy's boys... those who fled from mobilization from Russia.
  7. +3
    21 June 2024 08: 10
    Quote: Nikolaevich I
    We must take care of domestic producers!

    The domestic producer is already working 100%.
    1. -3
      21 June 2024 16: 06
      But he cannot provide the needs of even the SVO purely physically...
  8. +4
    21 June 2024 09: 28
    North Korea was unlucky. It was not touched by democratic reforms, perestroika, or getting rid of the rotten ideology of communism, so the bright capitalist paradise with the total destruction of industry and the military-industrial complex did not come. And now they, wretched ones, are forced to be content with powerful industrial potential and a strong army instead of fragments of the military-industrial complex and “compact mobile” aircraft capable of scaring away terrorists.
    We must feel sorry for them. Or not them...
  9. -2
    21 June 2024 12: 55
    We have no allies, and the DPRK is not an ally.
  10. +3
    21 June 2024 13: 28
    Why does everything revolve around shells and MLRS? North Korea was the first to “invent” the combat use of cheap minidrones. Ten or more years ago, South Korea complained about North Korean minidrones. Then no one paid attention. They have everything to deploy production on a huge scale, including REB, REP, operator training, and there is no doubt that this has been done a long time ago.
    In addition, the DPRK has enormous experience as “aircraft hunters” back in the Korean War. When all small arms, mines and obstacles were used to fight aircraft. This experience can today be used to destroy drones.
    The DPRK retained and developed the entire huge arsenal of standard anti-aircraft machine guns and cannons and supplied them with modern fire control equipment. Which will also be very useful for defense against drones.
  11. -2
    21 June 2024 13: 57
    We have been working with Korean ammunition since last fall, and judging by its quality, North Korean artillery is not capable of anything...
    1. +5
      21 June 2024 14: 56
      And what's wrong with Korean ammunition?
      1. +3
        21 June 2024 15: 45
        All. The spread of projectile weight is 10+ kg. The spread in the weight of gunpowder in a charge is 3 kg, in charges of one batch. Moreover, charges from the same batch very often contain gunpowder of different colors, which indicates that this gunpowder is from different batches and maybe from different factories, which should not be the case. Korean capsules misfire en masse at temperatures below zero. Fuses at temperatures below zero also often do not work. The combustion of gunpowder in Korean charges produces a lot of dirt; after 10-15 shots you have to clean the firing pin. After 30 and wedge shutter. Often the projectile bands break off when fired, their fragments hit the muzzle brake, one of ours even burst.
        The maximum range spread from one sight with charges from one batch was TWO kilometers...
        1. +2
          21 June 2024 21: 15
          Could it be that these are still two different charges, full variable and reduced variable?
        2. +3
          22 June 2024 12: 54
          Uncle Kostya, how can there be a difference in the weight of shells of 10 kg? :-))) the weight of a 122 mm projectile is 23-24 kg. the weight of a 152 mm projectile is 43-45 kg ... the weight of the powder charge for 152 mm is at least 12 kg. and how can there be a difference of 3 kg? :-)
          1. 0
            22 June 2024 16: 21
            The D-20 howitzer has a full charge of 8 kg of gunpowder and there are reduced ones. Moreover, the weight of the sixth charge of gunpowder is only 1,2 kg.
            There is no better one in the DPRK than the D-20 in 152 mm caliber.
        3. +2
          23 June 2024 21: 20
          This is some kind of fantasy, about the dispersion in the weight of a projectile of 10 kg, how much does a 122 mm projectile weigh?
  12. 0
    21 June 2024 15: 19
    The optimal artillery positions on North Korean territory are located at a distance of no more than 40-45 km from the center of Seoul.

    You can also decompress Seoul “without leaving the cash register” and go to change your position.
  13. -2
    21 June 2024 19: 34
    What is she capable of? A swarm of FPV drones will quickly extinguish all this.
  14. 0
    21 June 2024 22: 46
    Why does the DPRK support 2 calibers - 152 and 155mm?
    1. 0
      22 June 2024 12: 51
      they are probably gradually switching to the 155 mm NATO standard from 1989 ... and shells for 152 mm guns will be sent to us
  15. -3
    22 June 2024 06: 57
    The DPRK has only one club - nuclear weapons and large-caliber MLRS. Thousands of cannon artillery are nothing in the absence of drones. Guns and howitzers still cannot fire beyond 20-40 km, with rare exceptions, and will be destroyed either by drones. The quality of aviation is zero against South Korea, the same story with the fleet. There are few modern tanks. The population of the DPRK is 26 million, of South Korea - 52 million. The fact that the army of the DPRK is 2 times larger will help only at first. In general, if something goes wrong, then a nuclear club will be used.
  16. +5
    22 June 2024 08: 50
    Quote: Reluctant volunteer
    But he cannot provide the needs of even the SVO purely physically...

    It would be nice to provide evidence that it can’t cope.

    And, besides, everything is learned by comparison. How the West copes with the software of this local conflict. It is also advisable to compare data on the main types of weapons and ammunition of NATO and the Russian Federation.
    What exactly are we losing?

    P.S. Judging by your avatar, you are a supporter of leftist views. Your antipathy towards the “Putin regime” is understandable. But is it worth being a defeatist in this situation?
    Just think about what awaits supporters of communist views if Russia is defeated and the West establishes complete control over it.
    Finding yourself “in the depths of Siberian ores” is not the worst fate that can await you personally...
  17. +3
    22 June 2024 08: 57
    Quote from buv59
    The DPRK has only one club - nuclear weapons and large-caliber MLRS. Thousands of cannon artillery are nothing in the absence of drones. Guns and howitzers still cannot fire beyond 20-40 km, with rare exceptions, and will be destroyed either by drones. The quality of aviation is zero against South Korea, the same story with the fleet. There are few modern tanks. The population of the DPRK is 26 million, of South Korea - 52 million. The fact that the army of the DPRK is 2 times larger will help only at first. In general, if something goes wrong, then a nuclear club will be used.

    This is just your opinion.
    Where does the information about the lack of drones in the DPRK come from? If they don’t produce it themselves, the Chinese will make it happen.
    But most likely they produce it, they just don’t advertise it.
    They also have a modern element base thanks to diasporas. All these sanctions can be done without difficulty in the modern world.

    The DPRK army will outnumber the South Korean army at all stages. Since the reserve in the DPRK is very well trained due to the way it recruits and trains l/s. South Korean youth are spoiled by comfort, they resemble European youth, and such a “reserve” will be of little use.
    1. +3
      22 June 2024 12: 58
      Where does the information about the lack of drones in the DPRK come from? If they don’t produce it themselves, the Chinese will make it happen.

      North Korea has long used drones for various purposes.
      Several years ago, they wrote that a DPRK reconnaissance UAV was found in the forest with images of the THAAD air defense system and government facilities in Seoul in South Korea. Judging by the pictures, he flew right over the heads of the Americans. He ran out of fuel and fell in the mountains before reaching his house, where local residents found him.
      A few months ago they wrote that 4 North Koreans were quietly flying over South Korea. Moreover, one of them is in Seoul at the presidential residence. He was hunted by helicopters and turboprop attack aircraft(s) (one crashed). They fired hundreds of shells at him, but did not hit him, explaining that he was dodging them. The drone returned safely to the DPRK.
      In Pyongyang, Shoigu was shown 2 types of large drones, photos and videos are easy to find on the Internet.
      As for the now popular FPV drones, they are almost all made in China or assembled from Chinese components and their cost is low.
  18. 0
    22 June 2024 12: 49
    155 mm guns are clearly a NATO standard and 170 mm guns clearly have their origins in WWII German 170 mm field guns
  19. +3
    22 June 2024 13: 00
    All. The spread of projectile weight is 10+ kg. The spread in the weight of gunpowder in a charge is 3 kg, in charges of one batch.

    1. 10 kg difference for a 122 mm or 152 mm projectile; 3 kg difference in charge; all this smells like fairy tales from the Ukrainian-South Korean forest.
    The very use of North Korean shells in the air defense system is still in the realm of fairy tales.
    2. When shelling Yonpen Island, one salvo (108 shells) from a 122 mm MLRS knocked out 3 K-9 self-propelled guns.
  20. +2
    22 June 2024 13: 07
    Where does the information about the lack of drones in the DPRK come from?

    On the contrary, for more than 10 years and many times there has been information about North Korean minidrones over South Korea.
    Quite recently, several of them flew over Seoul, the southerners complained to the whole world and lost the plane in the experiment, something was shot down.
    There is no holiday in which the drones did not make pictures in the night sky over Pyongyang.
  21. -6
    22 June 2024 13: 56
    Quote: Alexander Igorevich Rifeev
    Uncle Kostya, how can there be a difference in the weight of shells of 10 kg? :-))) the weight of a 122 mm projectile is 23-24 kg. the weight of a 152 mm projectile is 43-45 kg ... the weight of the powder charge for 152 mm is at least 12 kg. and how can there be a difference of 3 kg? :-)

    It’s very simple, we get the only type of North Korean shells, we have it as “Izdeliye 152-1” (“Izdeliye 152” is Iranian). It has one charge - “standard”. The lightest projectile weighed 39 kg. The heaviest is 50 kg. The weight of gunpowder in a charge is from 7800 to 9500. The answer to the question is very simple - North Korea is a stinking piss scoop...
    1. +1
      23 June 2024 21: 23
      You are clearly lying...................................
  22. -1
    22 June 2024 14: 04
    Quote: Illanatol
    Quote: Reluctant volunteer
    But he cannot provide the needs of even the SVO purely physically...

    It would be nice to provide evidence that it can’t cope.

    What exactly are we losing?

    P.S. Judging by your avatar, you are a supporter of leftist views. Your antipathy towards the “Putin regime” is understandable. But is it worth being a defeatist in this situation?

    1. I am given EIGHT shells a day for my DIVISION...

    2. For a person whose IQ is higher than that of an aquarium turtle, it is enough to open a map of Ukraine and evaluate the “progress” over two and a half years to understand what is really happening...

    3. I am a volunteer, I have been fighting since September 22nd, unlike you...
  23. +3
    23 June 2024 08: 42
    Quote: Reluctant volunteer
    1. I am given EIGHT shells a day for my DIVISION...

    2. For a person whose IQ is higher than that of an aquarium turtle, it is enough to open a map of Ukraine and evaluate the “progress” over two and a half years to understand what is really happening...

    3. I am a volunteer, I have been fighting since September 22nd, unlike you...

    Poke your subordinates, if you have any.
    Why should I believe that you are a “volunteer” and not a paid Ukrainian troll?
    It would be nice to provide evidence of your combat biography. Photos, videos... whatever.
    I'm not one of those who take their word for it, especially on the Internet.

    If everything is so hard and you don’t believe in our success, what’s keeping you there? If you're really there.
    What is behind your “voluntariness”?

    I am not one of those who is inclined to evaluate progress by promoting LBS. For me, progress is measured by the number of destroyed Ukronazis, which I perceive as real denazification.
    Progress is obvious.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  24. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  25. 0
    23 June 2024 10: 21
    North Korea is the only one ready for a large-scale war
  26. +2
    23 June 2024 12: 21
    Looking at the screensaver you understand that Korea has no experience of real war. The Koreans urgently need to fight, otherwise their leaders will indulge in illusions just like our generals.
    Or at least send observers. which will instill in the Korean generals the right ideas...
  27. +1
    23 June 2024 13: 52
    The answer to the question how is very simple

    There is complete anarchy in the DPRK, there is no control in the military-industrial complex and no one is punished for sabotage.
    Tales about the reign of anarchy in the DPRK are something like “a reluctant volunteer.” If you really want to, you can believe it. But the Ukrainian “volunteers willy-nilly” do not need to rely on this when North Korean shells start flying at them.
    1. -2
      23 June 2024 16: 44
      Well, it’s more visible from the sofa, of course...
  28. 0
    23 June 2024 16: 42
    I personally liked the photo with the “artillery redoubts” in seven rows.
    There have already been enough “serious” statements in the comments, so I’ll allow myself to joke...
    laughing What if they replace all the classic guns with railguns and, a little later, take other photos? Will they update, so to speak, the “Kim Jong-un line”?.. I don’t think that the number of guns will decrease - this is North Korea! ... And then what ?..
    Goodbye America then, where I “have never been”... And others like her lol ... This is what will certainly happen there. And it won’t be a pity - absolutely...
  29. +1
    26 June 2024 13: 54
    Quote: Illanatol
    Quote: Reluctant volunteer
    The answer to the question is very simple - North Korea is a stinking piss scoop...

    Everything is clear with you. TsIPSOshnik, ...

    Yes, no matter how Ragul disguises himself...