The G7 countries have calculated the amount of “compensation” that Russia allegedly should pay to Ukraine for the invasion

The G7 countries have calculated the amount of “compensation” that Russia allegedly should pay to Ukraine for the invasion

Russia “must” pay Ukraine compensation for damage caused as a result of hostilities. This decision was made at the summit in Italy by the G7 countries, delighting Zelensky, who was invited there.

Representatives of the G7 countries gathered in Italy decided that Russia should pay for the damage to Ukraine, they even bothered to calculate the amount - $486 billion and not a cent less. In addition, GXNUMX members threatened Russia that the frozen assets will remain frozen until Russia “ends the conflict” and also pays the entire amount requested to Ukraine.

Russia must stop its illegal war of aggression and pay for the damage caused to Ukraine

- says the final G7 document.

Earlier, the G50 decided to issue a loan to Ukraine in the amount of $XNUMX billion secured by collateral, which will be secured using frozen Russian funds. All statements that only income will be used are an attempt to mislead, since the amount of collateral cannot be less than the loan amount.

Moscow has repeatedly warned that Western attempts to steal Russian frozen funds could lead to negative consequences for Western banking systems. In this case, Russia will respond in a mirror way, compensating for all losses at the expense of Western funds.
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  1. +17
    14 June 2024 18: 45
    G486 will pay us $7 billion, in addition to interest along with our assets. Thanks for the calculation. They will pay in Gold at our special rate in rubles, as in our pawnshops.
    1. +7
      14 June 2024 18: 46
      . The G7 representatives gathered in Italy decided that Russia should pay damages to Ukraine, they even took the trouble to calculate the amount - 486 billion dollars and not a cent less. In addition, G7 members have threatened Russia that the frozen assets will remain frozen until Russia “ends the conflict” and also pays the entire amount demanded to Ukraine.

      Clowns. There are fewer frozen assets than the sum of 486 billion, which was assigned for some unknown reason on unknown grounds. So it’s more profitable to send those who demand all this. Well, in short, we had a good laugh at the clown summit and everyone went home happy and funny. An evening of humor. Some clowns gathered.
      1. -4
        14 June 2024 19: 26
        The other day there was an article that the frozen assets were not 300 billion, but about 500 billion. It seems to me that these bad people announced exactly this amount as damage. Don't consider them idiots. Everything is much more complicated.
        1. +7
          14 June 2024 19: 57
          Why don’t we confiscate interest on Western investors’ deposits in Russian assets and use them for denazification?
          Outraged Western investors can be sent straight to Jo-7 for their interest. laughing
          Robbery is a delicate matter. good
          A robber can also be robbed. wink
          1. -16
            14 June 2024 20: 01
            Well, probably because the deposits of Western investors from unfriendly countries in Russian assets amount to 3 kopecks.
            1. +10
              14 June 2024 20: 05
              Well, you were completely wrong with the deposits.
              Ask, for example, the Japanese about Sakhalin-2. If it is confiscated, the Japanese will have eyes as round as those of a cow. laughing What about us? recourse
              And such investors are a dime a dozen in Mother Russia. Yes
              Our enemies have several trillion dollars worth of assets in our companies.
              1. -12
                14 June 2024 20: 21
                Wow, is Japan also freezing our assets?
                1. +3
                  14 June 2024 20: 26
                  It’s good that they calculated the amount of damage.
                  Although this amount will increase. Plus the damage to Russia itself is also not small. Only compensation for the dead will amount to many hundreds of billions, if in all conscience.
                  But we'll see who will pay.
                  1. -4
                    14 June 2024 22: 07
                    Alex, no one will pay us anything, we are so generous and drew up the schedule even before the 30th year
                    For the 24th, the Ministry of Finance pledged to pay 319.72 equivalents. million US dollars
                    1. +1
                      15 June 2024 07: 13
                      Zhenya, greetings. Well, we are not like that, we are decent and honest, and can play fairly with cheaters who openly play with a marked deck. It is also necessary to be honest with partners, where your children live, have villas and money... And you can manage the people’s money as you wish, if it is not yet yours...
                      1. +1
                        15 June 2024 10: 32
                        Hello. Oleg, what can I say to this... you're right.
                    2. +1
                      15 June 2024 10: 24
                      Who pays whom and how much, will be decided by the winner, based on the results of the war. In the meantime, the seven kids (and "kids" is a verb) are dividing the skin of an unkilled bear. For some reason, they completely forget that the whole world has something to ask of them. Africa, Asia, and Latin America have accumulated a lot of things after centuries of acquaintance with white colonizers. And the bills there will not be in the billions, but in the trillions. Then I will see how they will dance in their Europes. And just don't blabber about how they are still supposedly strong in the West.
                      1. +2
                        15 June 2024 10: 39
                        Hello, I liked your "seven kids skin..."
                        Well, they'll get mad, I hope soon.
                        VVP said yesterday that the shagreen skin will dry out after a while, I would like it faster...
                2. +2
                  14 June 2024 20: 41
                  Quote: Chuk-i-gek
                  Wow, is Japan also freezing our assets?

                  Japan froze the assets of the Russian banks VEB, Promsvyazbank and Rossiya Bank and imposed sanctions against 49 organizations in the aircraft and shipbuilding industries.

                  In general, the followers of Amaterasu are still cunning, they don’t seem to freeze them because they supposedly have such laws, but they don’t return them until they confirm that the recipient is not under sanctions
                3. 0
                  14 June 2024 20: 44
                  Are you Chuk or Gek?
                  What kind of childish questions, excuse me? hi
                  The title of the article is Jo-7.
                  Japan is not included in Jo-7?
                  Did I answer your question?
                  Just in case, I’ll answer in more detail: Yes, Japan is a member of the G7 and also freezes our assets and steals our interest.
                  And also: Hokkaido - Russian Land.
                  And yes, Japan has not yet answered us for Port Arthur. soldier
                  1. +1
                    14 June 2024 21: 31
                    Quote: Bearded
                    And also: Hokkaido - Russian Land.

                    To be precise, this is Southern Sakhalin, which the Japanese mistakenly call Hokkaido
          2. +4
            14 June 2024 20: 21
            Quote: Bearded
            Why don’t we confiscate interest on Western investors’ deposits in Russian assets and use them for denazification?

            Well, we’re not bandits just to confiscate, that’s why we do it democratically,
            We pay interest in rubles, which they cannot take back, they remain in Russia and work for denazification, which is why they are being bullied.
          3. 0
            15 June 2024 11: 39
            The Kremlin wrecker does not order to offend his Western partners.
        2. -10
          14 June 2024 20: 05
          Exactly. The Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance squandered 300 billion, and up to 150 billion was the money of companies and private investors. Around 450 billion. That's about it. But the good news is that we can do the same. There’s one thing I can’t understand: why do payments on external government debt to Western jurisdictions continue? Or don't they continue?
          1. +6
            14 June 2024 20: 27
            Quote: Glagol1
            There is one thing I cannot understand: why do payments on external government debt to Western jurisdictions continue? Or don't they continue?

            They continue, in rubles, which they cannot take from Russia, they remain in Russia and work for the economy, without any confiscations, and in order to really take them back they need to admit defeat, no - there will simply be an exchange of frozen assets.
            1. 0
              15 June 2024 13: 04
              But they can’t buy other currencies here for rubles?
        3. -1
          14 June 2024 20: 06
          There is nothing particularly complicated here..
          We just need to pay off our debt with these assets and freeze (forever wink ) state assets of unfriendly countries and assets of private owners who support sanctions.
          Let Western banks demand that their rulers pay them Russian debts from frozen funds, but they will receive nothing from the “not frozen” ones.... nothing.
          The exchange is fair.
          Yes, this undermines trust, but cooperation with the West is a priori not profitable. We are destined to be a supplier of raw materials, and high technologies are not sold to us. Therefore, their trust and their currency are harmful to us, but if they want our resources, let them buy rubles or sell us what we need for them.
          1. -1
            14 June 2024 20: 29
            But in this case, there will never be any more foreign investment. And no matter what anyone says, investments are very useful, for example, China, Germany, Korea, Japan and the Asian tigers rose thanks to them.
            1. +1
              14 June 2024 20: 44
              Quote: Kmon
              investments are very useful

              the question is controversial, as it turned out that we have nothing of our own except the land under the factories and they just left us factory walls without special technologies, it was more profitable not to send gas there but to build it ourselves, if necessary, buy it on a turnkey basis, as the Union did
              1. 0
                14 June 2024 20: 47
                China did just that. But he didn’t refuse direct investment either, otherwise he wouldn’t have become the factory of the world. In any case, it’s too late to regret it, the train left a long time ago... We need to think about what will happen now.
                1. 0
                  14 June 2024 20: 49
                  there are two ways, either we start working ourselves, or we replace Europe with China with the same hemorrhoids in the future
                2. -1
                  15 June 2024 08: 23
                  They gave it to China, but no one will ever sell us technology, that’s the whole story.
            2. -2
              15 June 2024 00: 38
              We do not need investments from hostile countries, but the world is big and the hegemony of the West is collapsing, there will be investments from other countries.
        4. -2
          14 June 2024 20: 18
          Even less than 300 billion, Western economists have already given all the calculations that part of our assets were withdrawn from Europe before 22, and a considerable part is with the Saudis, and in Europe for a long time now much less than 200, and that in securities and shares. They can't take them, and then they will return the % anyway. And ours need to calculate all the losses that the terrorist aggressive West has caused with its weapons on our Russian soil, and there the amount will be much higher than these clowns have announced. The West will pay, although it is already paying.
        5. -2
          14 June 2024 21: 12
          Quote: Chuk-i-gek
          It seems to me that these bad people announced exactly this amount as damage. Don't consider them idiots. Everything is much more complicated.

          Grotesque characters... An exhibition of freaks... a freak show. And as for "it's all much more complicated". Life is a complicated thing. Very complicated.
      2. -2
        14 June 2024 19: 36
        Clowns. There are fewer frozen assets than the sum of 486 billion, which was assigned for some unknown reason on unknown grounds.

        So much less? Frozen assets in Geyropa plus in America and yes, plus interest from storing these assets in banks, Russia did not just transfer them but at interest. These swindlers have calculated everything long ago and Russia will not see these money. And this means you can safely grind the territory of Ukraine into dust.
        1. 0
          14 June 2024 19: 56
          In America we have only 57 billion. More in Germany, it seems
      3. 0
        14 June 2024 20: 57
        And here's how other "victims" get around sanctions.
        Trading a smartphone for beef.
        Huawei has once again led the Chinese market, but this time in a very unexpected way. It became the country's largest importer of beef.
        It gets even more interesting when you learn that this new Huawei business is driven by sanctions. But in fact it is a consequence. The point is that Huawei took meat, and at the same time, wine, as payment for telecommunications equipment from Argentina, which, due to sanctions, could not pay for the goods in dollars or yuan. That is, in fact we are talking about barter. Argentina could pay in pesos, but due to very high inflation, Huawei would have to spend this money as quickly as possible. Apparently, beef turned out to be a more stable option.
        Moreover, this happened for the first time at least in 2019. At the same time, Huawei created a subsidiary, Mossel, for similar products. But the hype around this has only just begun. Apparently, barter exchange with Argentina is still a working option.

      4. 0
        15 June 2024 03: 25
        Quote: OrangeBigg
        . Some clowns have gathered.

        Not only clowns, there was also a gynecologist there. laughing laughing
      5. 0
        15 June 2024 08: 11
        That's what we're talking about, colleague. Give us 100 rubles so we can return your 5. Vava head and there are problems with the brilliant green.
    2. +2
      14 June 2024 19: 24
      G 7 are killing our people and they must pay with their lives.
    3. The comment was deleted.
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 19: 30
        Did they believe that they would receive reports from us? What a swing and an answer.
    4. 0
      14 June 2024 21: 04
      There are still a couple of pitfalls here - China, for example, will withdraw its funds from the Eurodollar zone before the annexation of Taiwan.
      The example of China may become contagious for others.
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 21: 24
        Simple, China has more maneuverability. The US is not quite on China's hook, but the EU is on a good hook, but has not yet passed through the gills, or has passed after all. Now Germany is getting mad about duties on Chinese electric cars. China is not a weak consumer of the German auto industry. Now they are hoping for reserves, and reserves are made in China, we are waiting for fun. The Germans were against duties on electric cars, Ursula is for it.
        1. +1
          14 June 2024 21: 36
          I am aware of what is happening in Germany.

          Industry representatives have repeatedly addressed the German Chancellor about the consequences of Germany's current policies. But Scholz, apparently, is not exactly the chancellor of his country.

          Rheinmetal stupidly takes over bankrupt enterprises, and there is an agreement that the former owners do not fire workers and employees, but Rheinmetal takes them over.
          BASF is building a 10-billion-dollar plant on a Chinese island that will consume Russian gas.
          It looks like it should reach its design capacity by 2030.
          In general, Germany as an industrial country has given a long life.
          Everything is according to the Anglo-Saxon plan.
          1. +2
            14 June 2024 21: 38
            It’s good that you are aware, and this is news for me. Thank you. drinks
    5. 0
      14 June 2024 21: 45
      Quote: tralflot1832
      G486 will pay us $7 billion, in addition to interest, along with our assets.

      Additionally. Zho seven is 7 individuals who use our funds. Every month this amount increases by the percentage of the deposit, therefore the principal of the debt. Hence the calculation of personal income tax from a foreign individual: Taxable amount = Amount of debt * 2/3 of the refinancing rate. The personal income tax rate for material benefits is 35%. Without repayment of the debt, the amount of personal income tax does not change
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 22: 02
        As far as I understand, our money was invested in shares of Western companies, and there is a sacred thing - is there/isn't a profit (to hell with the board of directors if there are no dividends for investors). But your analysis is close to reality.
    6. -2
      14 June 2024 22: 16
      Hello, no one will pay us anything... see the graph above.
      We are the generous ones... or rather the Siluanovs.
      1. +1
        14 June 2024 22: 24
        I don't really like the wording "not to my detriment". EN+ seems to be first in line, but it works strictly according to Russian laws, like the G7 banks. The hated Nabiullina tried to make Western capital work for Russia.
        1. -1
          14 June 2024 22: 27
          ...let's hope it will work for Russia.
          1. 0
            14 June 2024 22: 59
            Where else can they go, there are no options. EN + first in line for deprivatization, but no. By the way, the owner of our pearl in the USSR energy sector, which was repaired after flooding, was given a loan from Sberbank in dollars and Russian equipment, the loan was repaid on time, 12 hydroelectric units were replaced. Navalny's supporters do not write about this.
  2. +2
    14 June 2024 18: 46
    and I want to sue the entire empire of lies... restless nights from flying Western garbage brought me to a second heart attack... crazy bastards
    1. +8
      14 June 2024 18: 51
      We must also present them with financial charges for the use of Crimea by Ukraine after the illegal transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR.
      1. -1
        14 June 2024 19: 00
        received the opportunity to receive funding from American sources.
        ..well Konstantinov has already provided an invoice for this matter, and I am interested in mercantile interests....I want to shake a couple of billions out of the genders
  3. 0
    14 June 2024 18: 47
    Representatives of the G7 countries gathered in Italy decided that Russia should pay for the damage to Ukraine, they even bothered to calculate the amount - $486 billion and not a cent less.

    How can one not remember about the division of the skin of an unkilled bear...request
    1. +4
      14 June 2024 19: 10
      Quote: Vasyan1971
      How can one not remember

      No person - no problem
      No Ukraine - no creditors
      1. -1
        14 June 2024 19: 26
        "No person - no problem
        No Ukraine - no creditors"©
        Yeah. And then: “Kemsk volost. We fought, so give it back." To spend so much and forget? I doubt it...
  4. -1
    14 June 2024 18: 48
    And it's all? Is all the fuss about this amount? Nor the Trillions lying in the ground?
    They are very wrong. For those who have no descendants to benefit here and now is humiliatingly stupid. At the very least, they won't get it.
    1. 0
      14 June 2024 19: 11
      Taking into account the fact that Ursula von der Leyen is a gynecologist by profession, it is clear where the EU and its future will go. It cannot be otherwise.
  5. +1
    14 June 2024 18: 49
    Answer, we are waiting: the beer has been poured into glasses, the roach has been cleaned.
  6. +2
    14 June 2024 18: 59
    According to the president, the BRICS countries, taking into account the four states that recently became members of the club, will create about 36,6% of global GDP, and the figure for the G7 countries will drop to 27,8%.

    Who else should pay who? belay
  7. -7
    14 June 2024 18: 59
    In this case, Russia will respond in a mirror way, compensating for all losses at the expense of Western funds

    So-so option. The frozen assets of the Russian Federation are denominated in the currencies of Western countries. Take it and use it. But the assets of the West on the territory of the Russian Federation are structures and equipment, as well as stakes in joint projects. There is no one to sell to, it’s troublesome to use it yourself..
    1. +1
      14 June 2024 19: 28
      “It’s a hassle to use yourself”©
      Well, yes. Where are we, bast shoes... request
      1. -5
        14 June 2024 19: 46
        Of course it's troublesome. For example, the same Volkswagen in Kaluga. Reconfiguring a line is expensive and time-consuming. And there’s nothing to release. The Chinese do not sign up for localization, and the screwdriver assembly will cost more than direct import. In the meantime, the plant is idle, its maintenance consumes 200 million rubles a month..
        1. 0
          14 June 2024 21: 22
          “For example, the same Volkswagen in Kaluga.”©
          I love it when the maxim is confirmed that “in the field, every gopher is an agronomist.” wassat And the Internet is a collection of absolute, indisputable authorities.
          Sing about “the polymers are gone.”
          1. -2
            15 June 2024 17: 19
            Yes, my friend, it’s been a long time for you to have an erotic time on foot. In a southerly direction..
            1. 0
              15 June 2024 17: 42
              “Yes, my friend, it’s been a long time since you had an erotic time on foot. In a southerly direction.."©
              Do you rely on your own experience? Do they send you often? Are you constantly on the road? But I have no business being near you, auntie. request Stay in the company of your own kind. hi
    2. -1
      14 June 2024 19: 40
      But the assets of the West on the territory of the Russian Federation are structures and equipment, as well as stakes in joint projects

      So now they will sell everything to the Chinese.
  8. -1
    14 June 2024 19: 01
    "illegal war of aggression"... let me unsee this -_-
  9. 0
    14 June 2024 19: 06
    Why doesn’t the President declare that Russia will return all the stolen property of these thieving states.
    This needs to be clearly stated.
    Gradually, we have nowhere to rush.
  10. +2
    14 June 2024 19: 09
    We also need to calculate the amount of damage caused to Russia by Western ammunition, space and air reconnaissance, and Western target designation.
    The bill could be trillions of dollars for Western countries.
  11. +3
    14 June 2024 19: 12
    The “brotherly” Ukrainian people are costing us too much. And so, 300 years. And given the tendency of this people to be unpredictable (I’m being diplomatic), the friendship turns out to be golden.
  12. 0
    14 June 2024 19: 12
    Again, the Russians owe someone something?.. And so throughout history, it's always the same thing.

    This is how grandchildren and great-grandchildren work now Against the evil spirits of Satan... God bless them! Our ancestors look at us with reproach Have we lost everything, granddaughters? And we NO, we will return everything, forgive me
  13. BAI
    14 June 2024 19: 15
    Not only 486 lard (Ukraine wants 1 trillion), but Russia will also pay for all loans to Ukraine.
    We are brothers, what are the scores between us?
  14. -2
    14 June 2024 19: 15
    Quote from Val4
    We also need to calculate the amount of damage caused to Russia by Western ammunition, space and air reconnaissance, and Western target designation.
    The bill could be trillions of dollars for Western countries.

    Calculating is not a problem. Demanding from the West, that's the problem! Where there is a will, there will be a way.
  15. -5
    14 June 2024 19: 17
    Quote: fsvlad
    Here are the assets of the West on the territory of the Russian Federation: buildings and equipment, as well as stakes in joint projects

    It’s strange, but it seemed to me that everything was withdrawn in the summer of 2022
  16. -8
    14 June 2024 19: 32
    Why are you all so excited? That's the only way to deal with losers.
    As Regnum reported, Putin on June 14, during a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called
    the conditions under which Russia is ready to conduct negotiations to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. Let's look at the statement.
    So, at best, four regions, Odessa and Nikolaev should be forgotten. Denazification and others did not work out. The bottom line is that we are leaving a state where we will be fiercely hated by both opponents and supporters, if there are any left. Emotionally, but I apologize, emotions are over the edge.
    1. +2
      14 June 2024 19: 50
      Why are you hooked on this, look at the appeal for yourself and all emotions will disappear.
  17. 0
    14 June 2024 19: 39
    They haven't read Buratino!! Bury your money in the field of fools
  18. -6
    14 June 2024 19: 43
    Quote: Havoc
    That's the way it is with losers.

    Unfortunately that's exactly the case...
  19. -1
    14 June 2024 19: 44
    Talking about reparations until whiteness is another impudence of the West. Bargaining on reparations and indemnities is still ahead.
  20. -1
    14 June 2024 19: 46
    Quote from Val4
    We also need to calculate the amount of damage caused to Russia by Western ammunition, space and air reconnaissance, and Western target designation.
    The bill could be trillions of dollars for Western countries.

    Plus sanctions, Nord Streams, lost profits, etc.
  21. +1
    14 June 2024 19: 47
    The meeting decided to put it on the counter.
  22. 0
    14 June 2024 20: 07
    A mystery for me: why not 1 trillion $357?
  23. 0
    14 June 2024 20: 15
    What percentage did you give yourself for your troubles?
  24. 0
    14 June 2024 20: 21
    There should always be a place for Mriya in the life of a Ukrainian. Mriya that the Bank of England will return Polubotok’s gold and they will panic. Mriya that they will sell the property of the USSR abroad and panic. Now here is the story about Russian reparations. Let them die
  25. +1
    14 June 2024 20: 26
    In my youth, this was answered simply. “But hu hu no ha ha. It looks like the Papuans. But it’s understandable to both Russians and Ukrainians.
  26. -2
    14 June 2024 20: 27
    GDP announced 4 regions, neutral status, etc. Where are the payments to us from non-brothers? Where are we paying for damages from EU and US sanctions? Where is our compensation for damage caused by NATO weapons? Are we the richest? Or again - an attraction of unprecedented generosity at the expense of the Russian people? What kind of softness is this, how much is it possible? Our "decency" smacks of idiocy.
  27. +1
    14 June 2024 20: 28
    made a decision
    The only thing left is for Russia to make a decision on payment wink wink
  28. -1
    14 June 2024 20: 37
    the frozen assets will remain frozen until Russia “ends the conflict” and also pays the entire amount requested to Ukraine.
    But what is the point in this for Russia to pay 500 to give 300?!!!
    then you need to go all the way, buying the land of Sumeria for those same 300 lard
  29. 0
    14 June 2024 21: 18
    Well... The office thinks... lol
  30. +1
    14 June 2024 21: 37
    G7 countries counted

    They divided the skin of an unkilled bear. Well, well, let's see.
  31. +1
    14 June 2024 22: 49
    And we, strictly speaking, don’t give a damn what they decided...
    We decided to steal someone else’s, but we will still get ours back, one way or another! soldier
  32. -1
    15 June 2024 02: 47
    The calculation is very simple - how much the Ukrainians owe to the gay union, that's how much Russia "must" pay off this debt. Capitalists don't give money for nothing. We'll pay for the "button" on the lower lip.
  33. 0
    15 June 2024 20: 17
    There is not enough money for the bandit seizure of territories of the countries of the whole world by the Americans. The Federal Reserve System must print gold bars for American Indians for 100 years.
  34. 0
    16 June 2024 00: 48
    Besides, as a result of our victory, all the loans and other infusions poured into the khokhlyandia will be covered. What, do they figure out in advance what they got into?
  35. 0
    16 June 2024 08: 26
    The Russian Federation should calculate the amount of compensation for sanctions with interest, add indemnity for participation in the war and the supply of weapons. Then completely stop supplying everything to the West.