“We need to hunt for everything Russian”: British Foreign Minister Cameron called for detaining tankers with Russian oil

“We need to hunt for everything Russian”: British Foreign Minister Cameron called for detaining tankers with Russian oil

Russia continues to trade oil despite the sanctions imposed on it, so it is necessary to detain tankers carrying it. This proposal was made by British Foreign Minister David Cameron.

The British minister is not satisfied with the current situation in which Russia continues to earn money despite the sanctions imposed against it. Therefore, Cameron calls on Western countries to detain tankers carrying Russian oil and gas, as well as to block everything possible in order to completely block Russia from receiving funds that it, of course, spends exclusively on the war with Ukraine.

We need to catch the shadow fleet, which illegally transports Russian oil around the world. Every time these tankers approach an Italian port, I want to be able to detain them. We need to go after everything - money, oil, stop the gas, the ships - everything that allows the Russian military machine to operate.

- said the head of the Foreign Ministry of the United Kingdom.

In addition, Cameron would like to impose sanctions on other countries in the world that do business with Russia and supply it with dual-use goods. We are talking about China, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and even Israel.

Meanwhile, as Western experts note, no one will allow Great Britain to block the shadow fleet transporting Russian oil, since its main buyer is the United States and Western countries. This creates an interesting situation in which the same United States imposes sanctions on Russian oil supplies and then looks for workarounds to purchase it.
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  1. +16
    14 June 2024 18: 14
    We need to catch the shadow fleet that illegally transports Russian oil around the world.

    So it’s time, at least, to start “catching” NATO drones spying on Russia.
    1. +1
      14 June 2024 18: 39
      Quote: Leshak
      We need to catch the shadow fleet that illegally transports Russian oil around the world.

      So it’s time, at least, to start “catching” NATO drones spying on Russia.

      Why catch them? Jam the satellites and everything hits... hi But this will already be a world war.. Tests are underway, but not at full capacity.. We can’t expose the entire company yet.
      1. +2
        14 June 2024 20: 29
        Why just drones?
        Officially ban trade in all English goods.
        And on the basis of these prohibitions, catch ships with the English flag.
        1. +2
          15 June 2024 10: 33
          Quote: Shurik70
          Officially ban trade in all English goods

          Excuse me, but are there still “English goods” in the world? In my opinion, all that Britain has left are banks with other people’s money, the city of London, where they supposedly set world prices and naked show-off, but all this is not material. Unless it’s the special services, well, yes, before you can argue, they drink a lot of blood and from everyone..
          1. 0
            15 June 2024 10: 49
            The main export destinations of goods from the UK in 2023 were

            - USA with a share of 13,7% (71 billion US$)
            - Germany with a share of 7,59% (39 billion US$)
            - The Netherlands with a share of 7,05% (36 billion US$)
            - Switzerland with a share of 6,84% (35 billion US$)
            - China with a share of 6,58% (34 billion US$)
            - France with a share of 5,6% (29 billion US$)
            - Ireland with a share of 5,48% (28 billion US$)
            - Belgium with a share of 3,96% (20 billion US$)
            - Others (hidden partners) with a share of 3,44% (US$ 17,9 billion)
            - Hong Kong with a share of 3,1% (16,1 billion US$)
            1. 0
              15 June 2024 21: 39
              I understand everything, statistics, as they say, are "our everything". Especially since, on occasion, they are drawn in any way and by anyone. But that's not the point, the question is different. If you think about it logically, what can Great Britain supply to little Holland, for $36 billion? Or to the same Ireland for $28 billion? Maybe it would be correct to say, "export of goods and services"? Where services (financial, first of all) will be far ahead. Then everything will more or less fall into place.
              1. 0
                15 June 2024 23: 23
                Quote: orionvitt
                If you think logically, what can Great Britain supply to little Holland for $36 billion? Or to the same Ireland for 28 billion?

                Oil, gas and their products, for example. In Holland alone - by 13 billion dollars last year.

                If you ask where the UK gets so much oil and gas, the answer is Norway.

                If you ask why Norway does not sell its oil and gas to Holland and Ireland directly, but does it through an intermediary - Great Britain, I will answer - request
      2. 0
        14 June 2024 20: 30
        Jamming thousands of satellites? How?
    2. 0
      15 June 2024 08: 04
      Colleague, what this darned item #2 claims is an incident belli. And a proposal to caress the disgusting island with something avant-garde.
  2. +8
    14 June 2024 18: 17
    This, such actions, can be considered a declaration of war: de jure.
  3. +12
    14 June 2024 18: 19
    Curious - how does he propose to detain ships flying our flag? Actually, this is war - a ship across any territory of our country. Want to try??

    I’m wondering something else - when will the guarantor finally impose a complete and comprehensive embargo on any economic relations with the Arrogant-Saxons and Great Britain in particular? How long can you tolerate all this?
    1. +14
      14 June 2024 18: 24
      Never! Until they themselves refuse, influential “friends” are simply running a business on resources.
      Look, we are again looking for someone to lie under and sell him our resources, not knowledge-intensive production, not machines, equipment to sell, but resources!
      1. +3
        14 June 2024 18: 35
        In fact, Russia is also fighting with this money.
        1. -4
          14 June 2024 19: 04
          Quote: Warabey
          In fact, Russia is also fighting with this money.

          This excuse has been very rotten for a long time and looks at the very least hypocritical and stupid.
          1. +2
            14 June 2024 19: 08
            Ahh... well, yes, well, yes... Only complaints about Comrade Cameron. These are his words - ""We need to hunt for everything - money, oil, stop gas, ships - everything that allows the Russian military machine to work. ""
            1. 0
              14 June 2024 19: 11
              Quote: Warabey
              Only complaints about Comrade Cameron. These are his words

              No, this is a complaint specifically to those who justify such behavior of our bosses.
              1. +2
                14 June 2024 19: 30
                Well, Cameron justifies it, it turns out. request
    2. +1
      14 June 2024 18: 34
      Our ships, even under a flag of convenience, do not enter the ports of unfriendly countries - they are immediately arrested. Only fishermen can enter three ports in Norway and, it seems, the Faroe Islands, but I’m not sure.
      1. +1
        14 June 2024 18: 46
        like the Faroe Islands
        I don’t know about the entry, but a large share of the income of the Faroese Autonomy comes from fish trade with Russia. And they didn’t give a damn about any sanctions that the Danish metropolis joined.
        1. +2
          14 June 2024 20: 19
          a large share of the Faroese autonomy's income comes from fish trade with Russia.
          Faroe exports to Russia - 20% of the total volume.
          1. +1
            14 June 2024 20: 52
            I read about 40. But you must agree, Alex, even 20% interest is also a hefty amount, considering that fishing is all that the Faroe Islands have.
            1. +1
              14 June 2024 20: 58
              There's more aquaculture there. And Asia can eat 20% if necessary.
              1. +1
                14 June 2024 23: 37
                Won't eat it. Asia needs fresh fish, not frozen. Although... If necessary, they even eat saran.
      2. +2
        14 June 2024 19: 06
        Only fishermen are allowed to enter three ports in Norway
        I’m not sure that this is the result of the sanctions policy. In Norwegian ports, Russian fishermen have been extremely disliked since the beginning of the 2000s.
        1. 0
          14 June 2024 19: 08
          They love and still love to buy their own cod caught in the Norwegian zone.
          1. +1
            14 June 2024 19: 32
            Now - maybe. You may remember, there was a situation at the indicated time when the port fee in some Tremse was lower than in Murmansk, and the purchase prices for fish were higher. And with fishing quotas it was simpler. So ours were unloaded in Norway, dumping as much as possible. It got to the point that the Norwegian fishermen's union filed a petition with Srotting...
            1. +1
              14 June 2024 21: 35
              You can't argue with trade unions in the West, a couple of buckets of diesel fuel in the hold and the issue is resolved by the trade unions. The other day there was a scandal in Holland, with the "Star of the Polar Region" they didn't allow the TR loaded with cod to enter. How did it end up there anyway? That means there will be an overload at sea.
              1. 0
                14 June 2024 23: 32
                Please explain what this “cut” is, I don’t know?
    3. +3
      14 June 2024 18: 37
      The Russian Federation's shadow merchant fleet sails under neutral flags. That's why he's shady :)

      But an “embargo” is not allowed. The Russian Federation itself does not need so many resources, and it also needs currency. We are our own, bourgeois. Part of the world economy. We don’t know how to live any other way and don’t want to..
    4. 0
      14 June 2024 18: 40
      Exactly so. However, they will now begin to explain to us that this is our budget, and this is also for the war... But it would be strange if the USSR, for example, continued to send raw materials to Germany, like in 1942
      1. -1
        14 June 2024 19: 09
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        However, they will now begin to explain to us that this is our budget, and this is also for the war..

        These explainers are either stupid or bastards who say directly: “You fight with them to the death, and we will trade with them at this time, and we will throw you a handout from this money.”
      2. +1
        14 June 2024 20: 32
        Well, we don’t trade with Ukraine anymore. But the USSR traded quite well with the West during the Cold War, despite the fact that they were officially enemies.
        1. -1
          14 June 2024 22: 56
          The economic policy of the USSR ruined him, he finished the bargain. He could have strangled the capitalists in 1973, but no - he decided to sell them oil and make some money, since the Arabs decided to show the West that Israel is bad. And he tied the foreign currency ruble to the dollar, so that when the Americans printed dollars due to economic problems, the ruble would also fall for no reason.
          1. +1
            14 June 2024 23: 13
            Strangle?) It's funny, they got out of even worse crises, like the Great Depression. And the USSR, oddly enough, also needed currency (though not as much as the Russian Federation), because some things were not produced in the USSR and they had to be bought from sworn enemies. And also to import Canadian grain.

            What destroyed the USSR was not trade with the West, but stagnant, inert domestic policies, as well as exorbitant spending on the arms race (why 50 thousand nuclear charges and 40 thousand tanks?) and support for “brotherly” regimes around the world.
            1. +1
              15 June 2024 00: 45
              Quote: Kmon
              It’s funny, they also pulled out of worse crises, like the Great Depression.

              And no one stopped them from getting out of crises. The USSR could, sensing the smell of the enemy’s blood, invest fully in the vacillation of their economy; in Europe the left was in full swing, and it was necessary to help them to the fullest, and not watch how the Tsrushki operatives smashed the Italian and Portuguese communists. And not to help enemy regimes.
              Quote: Kmon
              Well, oddly enough, the USSR also needed currency (albeit not as much as the Russian Federation), because some things were not produced in the USSR and had to be bought from sworn enemies. And also import Canadian grain.

              You won’t believe it, but if you win the Cold (and not only) war, you can no longer buy something from your opponent in foreign currency, but take it for rubles or even for free! This is why people have been fighting for thousands of years, because when you win you take everything. The USA and Britain simply took away all the patents from the Germans in 1945, and for example, following the results of the First World War, the Americans took away the Merck company, which now produces a bunch of very important chemicals as a monopoly. The USSR did not know how to handle economics.
              Quote: Kmon
              It was not trade with the West that destroyed the USSR, but stagnant and inert domestic policy
              but the inability to manage their own economy, which is why they had to trade with the West. They wasted virgin soil and went to buy grain from the Canadians. Genetics are not needed - that’s why the yields are low. Instead of automating agriculture, send factory workers, engineers and other students to grow potatoes. Then half of these harvests stupidly rotted, and people in the cities, instead of working on Fridays, prepared for the dacha season, and on Mondays they took a break from the dacha, because for some reason they didn’t earn enough money to buy normal potatoes with their salaries.
              Quote: Kmon
              support for “brotherly” regimes around the world.

              Because the USSR did not know how to economics, did not know what to do with new countries and simply bought their loyalty. The Americans crushed countries and integrated them into their economy, the Japanese and Germans produce cars, the Swedes produce furniture, the Chinese produce consumer goods, the French produce nuclear power plants and airplanes, and so on. The Americans felt better from the new countries in their circle, but for some reason the USSR felt worse, because other than offering to wave red flags and be against those with blue ones, the party bosses could not come up with anything else
              1. 0
                15 June 2024 01: 34
                How to invest then? The economy of the USSR was isolated from the West, financing protests in Europe is a trifle that would not change anything (one way or another, the richer USA would have crushed them with the help of propaganda and batons), the communists have a real chance to come to power in countries where there are dozens of bases with American soldiers did not have. There was no prospect of winning the Cold War and destroying the United States - with such a huge economic advantage of the hostile bloc (and access to the resources of the whole world thanks to dominance at sea and the power of the dollar, while the socialist countries were constantly under sanctions). The maximum is not to fall apart, although they didn’t manage to do that either.

                Well, I’m saying that internal politics failed. And in the case of friendly regimes, there is also a holy faith in the postulates of Marxism and communism, which they will certainly build if only they are helped. Yeah of course. Automation, by the way, is damned cybernetics... The emphasis on ossified ideology greatly harmed the USSR.
                1. +1
                  15 June 2024 02: 31
                  How to invest then? The economy of the USSR was isolated from the West, financing protests in Europe is a trifle that would not change anything
                  But here’s how the Americans were rocking, for example, Chile - sabotage of key infrastructure, breaking of supply chains, assassination attempts on big shots, and so on. But the USSR didn’t even fight the traitors, they slammed Bandera, for example, and began to turn the tables and refuse, instead of saying that we weren’t finished in May 1945, we won’t stop until we finish off all the fascists. On the contrary, we have stopped fighting such people. The Minister of Internal Affairs generally cooed with dissidents.
                  There was no prospect of winning the Cold War and destroying the United States - with such a huge economic advantage of the hostile bloc
                  The USSR was fine with its bloc under Khrushchev, most of humanity was behind it, there wouldn’t be enough American bases for everyone. Crowds of supporters in the West, ready to help and leak secrets. But if you don’t fight, the chances will be approximately zero. With wrestling it’s also not 100%, I would say 20-30 percent, but it’s definitely more than zero.
                  access to resources around the world
                  But the USSR could, for example, create its own mega-trusteeship, saying that all poor countries are selling resources to the West at exorbitant prices in coordination with each other, how long will we allow ourselves to be robbed?! But it takes a lot of thinking and moving
                  The emphasis on ossified ideology greatly harmed the USSR.
                  There was no ideology there anymore, the pure power of the nomenklatura, which in the apparatus struggle had seized control of special distributors and all sorts of goodies, and therefore would relax and have fun, and not organize these world revolutions of yours and other super-valuable ideas, because you can die not by your own death. And in order to do great things, you need to have an awl in your sirloin, which means to be young, and not a flabby grandfather with a beer belly, who in the event of great things is guaranteed to be kicked out into retirement. By the way, with perestroika, young Komsomol members and Afghans sent them there, it’s a pity they built thieves’ capitalism
                  1. -1
                    15 June 2024 02: 59
                    And this is local terrorism, which can work on a small scale like Chile, but not on the scale of Europe and the United States. And if you burn yourself, it really spoils your reputation, which during the Cold War played an important role in the eyes of the third world. This is in no way an instrument of victory, let me say nothing, which would have further inflamed the situation and could have led to TMB, especially the murder of Western politicians. The world was already three steps away from nuclear war throughout the twentieth century.

                    Already under Khrushchev, they had a falling out with China and since then have remained essentially without allies: Cuba is not serious. Yes, there were satellites in the form of the Warsaw Pact, but they were much poorer and less useful than the American satellites, which included countries such as Britain, France, and Japan. Communists in the West were harshly purged and isolated. In third world countries, yes, there was a lot of support, but it did not bring any practical benefit for the reasons described above, rather harm. Having received help, the locals usually abandoned the USSR in favor of the United States. Because the dollar was more attractive, and the American fleet was more terrible. And the amers had much more experience in effective political influence. By the way, for the same reasons, mega-trusteeship was not realistic - the United States would not have allowed everyone to agree. Therefore, the optimal strategy for the USSR would be competent internal development instead of stagnation, and in foreign policy moderate support for anti-Western sentiments and regimes without unnecessary tension, waste of funds and a fierce arms race. Because the realistic goal is to survive and develop, and not the victory of socialism throughout the world or the collapse of the decaying West, it was unrealistic. The last chance for a world revolution (and it’s not a fact that it would have happened) was missed in 1920.

                    Well, there was no ideology, it was just ossified, Suslov is a prime example. Actually, there was nothing wrong with the idea of ​​socialism in a single country; Stalin came to it. The trouble is Khrushchev's economic mistakes and Brezhnev's stagnation. It is not surprising that from such a life, knowing that “everything is fine, we have developed socialism, it cannot be better” and that it will continue to be so, both the people and the elites supported Gorbachev.
                    1. 0
                      15 June 2024 13: 57
                      Quote: Kmon
                      And this is local terrorism, which can work on a small scale like Chile, but not on the scale of Europe and the United States.

                      and in the USA there are more objects and people willing to participate
                      Quote: Kmon
                      And if you burn yourself, it really spoils your reputation, which during the Cold War played an important role in the eyes of the third world.

                      This is complete insanity, which was driven by the top for the Soviet public. This is currying favor with the West and nothing more. Third world countries would just be glad that someone is doing to their oppressors what they previously did to third world countries
                      Quote: Kmon
                      This is in no way an instrument of victory, let me say nothing, which would have further inflamed the situation and could have led to TMB, especially the murder of Western politicians. The world was already three steps away from nuclear war throughout the twentieth century.

                      If the USSR was poorer, stupider, weaker and more cowardly (!) than the USA, then the chances of course are absolutely zero without a stick. Just as soon as they press the button, we are responsible for everything, we have to de-escalate, calm down the violent ones. Instead of saying that they are afraid of losing their villas and billions, we continue to act.
                      Quote: Kmon
                      Already under Khrushchev they had a falling out with China and since then they have been left essentially without allies

                      we had a fight when Khrushchev began running around Geneva asking for loans from the United States, pardoning Banderva and releasing criminals from prison. And before the 70s, you could shit in the other direction a hundred times somehow.
                      Quote: Kmon
                      there were satellites in the form of the Warsaw Pact, but they were much poorer and less useful than the American satellites

                      here it’s all going to default in my head, poor people and that’s it, they didn’t try to change the situation
                      Quote: Kmon
                      among which were countries such as Britain, France, Japan

                      Japan lay in ruins, the Americans rebuilt it and developed it to unprecedented heights, they knew how. We didn’t have such technologies, it’s normal to steal the drawings of an atomic bomb, but they didn’t steal how to develop, the KGB didn’t work out enough. I suppose if the USSR had taken Hokkaido, they wouldn’t have produced anything except rice and fish, because otherwise something would have to be done, some large-scale thought processes, and not just thinking once and that’s it, but constantly thinking and adapting.
                      Quote: Kmon
                      Therefore, the optimal strategy for the USSR would be competent internal development instead of stagnation

                      it would be optimal to learn from the enemy economic and foreign policy
                      Quote: Kmon
                      Because the realistic goal is to survive and develop

                      The West would not allow this. According to the Reagan Doctrine, there should be no resistance in the world, only the unyielding will of the United States. It's either us or them.
                      1. 0
                        15 June 2024 14: 35
                        Who wants to participate after the CIA’s demonstrative crackdown on the communists? Even the blacks there are primarily Americans, and during the Great Patriotic War Americans were brainwashed to fiercely hate Russians and communism. A handful of marginalized people would not have changed anything, and you shouldn’t overestimate the capabilities of Soviet intelligence in hostile countries.

                        Third world countries did not care about history; they would lick their yesterday's oppressors if you showed them a dollar. And given the superiority of Western propaganda... They would make us out to be damned terrorists who will come to them tomorrow. Plus, after this, the population of all Western countries would rally even more against us.

                        Well, think about why the West also did not dare to kill Soviet politicians and blow up everything in our country. Also weak and cowardly? And in general, one should not overestimate the effeminacy of the West; in 1962, all American generals were planning a nuclear strike on Cuba and the USSR, only Kennedy restrained them. And until the 1970s, the West had nuclear superiority. And then there were crises that could easily lead to TMB without any desire of the parties, like Able archer... And you propose to escalate even more. Then we most likely would not exist today.

                        After the cult of personality was exposed, it was already too late. We were left without allies, as I said. Although even if they figured it out, China was on its own and was not controlled, unlike Europe, which is controlled by the United States.

                        You never know what Reagan said, you just shouldn’t give in to provocations and allow yourself to be pulled into a new arms race. And in general, build so much extra military equipment. We already had enough nuclear weapons to protect ourselves from anyone.
                      2. 0
                        15 June 2024 22: 21
                        Who wants to participate after the CIA’s demonstrative crackdown on the communists?
                        anyone who wants it under any pretext. And let them be chased, then the Americans would waste their energy, and there would not be enough time for others
                        Americans during the Great Patriotic War were brainwashed to fiercely hate Russians and communism
                        Well, the USSR behaved like the Russian Federation is doing now in Ukraine - it lashed out every other time, of course there was no result. Probably the necessary words were not invented due to the stupidity of the leadership
                        Third world countries did not care about history; they would lick their yesterday's oppressors if you showed them a dollar. And given the superiority of Western propaganda... They would make us out to be damned terrorists who will come to them tomorrow.
                        in such third world countries they would say this in any action, such as in El Salvador, but for some reason there were uprisings against such rulers
                        all American generals were planning a nuclear strike on Cuba and the USSR, only Kennedy kept them
                        Well, of course, only Kennedy, in general, in the internal propaganda of the Democratic Party, he is holier than Floyd and Greta combined laughing
                        And you propose to escalate even more.
                        Well, history shows that whoever escalates wins, and whoever is afraid of a fight will then be beaten without any consequences.
                        And in general, build so much extra military equipment.
                        in the USSR there was no overwhelming military service. It’s just that the rest of the economy was built somehow and left to take its course. And in military production there was a lot of insanity that wasted resources.
                      3. 0
                        15 June 2024 23: 01
                        Okay, I see we can’t convince each other, I’ll only answer about escalation. History shows that the fear of a fight between two superpowers prevented the end of humanity... and one should not think that the enemy would have surrendered first, because the enemy could have thought the same thing and it would have turned out like in the story about two sheep on a bridge over an abyss. Even in real life, without hawks in power, many times the world hung by a thread, I think you are aware of the three most famous cases.

                        You can also remember WWII, which happened due to the reluctance of all parties to come to an agreement, waving sabers and confidence in their own victory. In the end, everyone lost. And a bunch of other examples.

                        And yes, tens of thousands of tanks, aircraft and warheads are an overwhelming military war, thanks to the industrial lobby and the inertia of thinking (when they acquired a sufficient number of nuclear weapons, the iron armada as a tool of deterrence ceased to be relevant). Why threaten to destroy the world ten times when once would be enough? The United States was dragged into an arms race, and we willingly fell for it.
    5. Des
      14 June 2024 19: 19
      Quote: paul3390
      Curious - how does he propose to detain ships flying our flag?
      Are these ships flying the Russian flag?
  4. +3
    14 June 2024 18: 20
    The impudent people have always pirated...however, let's shake the old days!?
  5. +5
    14 June 2024 18: 21
    The delay will not fall off?
    Let him try!
    1. +6
      14 June 2024 18: 41
      Let him try. By the way, how will we respond to this? Will the Foreign Ministry write an angry note? Similar piracy has already happened. Taiwan captured a Soviet merchant ship. A film was even made about this. Even the USSR did not dare to wipe Formosa from the face of the Earth
      1. -2
        14 June 2024 22: 58
        The logical answer is to throw a couple of barrels of chloroform into the hold upon arrest, and when the tanker is dragged into a British port, dump all the oil into the sea or start a fire
      2. 0
        14 June 2024 23: 39
        Military escort, unmanned patrolling at an altitude of 20 km, directs what is needed and to whom it is needed.
  6. +4
    14 June 2024 18: 21
    This creates an interesting situation in which the same United States imposes sanctions on Russian oil supplies and then looks for workarounds to purchase it.

    So this is the basic principle of the Anglo-Saxons: saying one thing and doing something completely different (vice versa). Learn how to rule the world.
  7. +1
    14 June 2024 18: 23
    Vladimir Vladimirovich, stop scaring Europe, the TTF is in panic, after your statement gas almost broke through the $400 line, now they seem to have calmed down. We are looking at oil, I want Brent $84-85. Cameron will arrest Western ships with paid for Russian oil. However, this one is strong Englishman. As if self-propelled Joe would hit him in the head for such calls.
    1. +2
      14 June 2024 18: 47
      400 Baku? That's all? I remember we neighed like horses when the gas went off scale for 2000 green feel oh ...
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 18: 50
        In the USA, less than $100. And such a sky-high price of more than $2000 was made by European speculators and left for the Canary Islands
        1. +1
          14 June 2024 19: 05
          In a day, a broker could put 1 lam in greens into his pocket. They came across their memories of this golden period for them and everything was fair.
  8. +2
    14 June 2024 18: 26
    Well, what an idiot. How could someone like that be the leader of the country?
    1. +1
      14 June 2024 18: 37
      After the "Iron Lady" in England, with every election, politics are getting dumber and dumber. Now the maximum is dumb.
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 18: 59
        Quote: tralflot1832
        After the Iron Lady

        To be honest, the Baroness hasn’t achieved much success for the country either
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +2
    14 June 2024 18: 28
    Cameron, this is a British version of the iron Dimon laughing
  11. -2
    14 June 2024 18: 33
    This creates an interesting situation in which the United States imposes sanctions on Russian oil supplies and then looks for workarounds to purchase it.

    The striped ones initially put themselves outside the brackets. All goods of Russian origin that the United States needs are still supplied to them and are even paid for freely in dollars :)
  12. -3
    14 June 2024 18: 33
    We need to catch the shadow fleet that is illegally transporting Russian oil around the world. Every time these tankers approach an Italian port, I want to be able to detain them, - said the head of the UK Foreign Office.
    As always, the speeches of British officials are full of conspiracy theories, namely, refugees from the Middle East and Africa arrive in Italian ports by boat. request recourse
    1. +3
      14 June 2024 18: 54
      How is Cameron going to distinguish Russian oil from Kazakhstan, and even more so from Azerbaijan? Italy buys all of these grades.
  13. +5
    14 June 2024 18: 34
    In my opinion, it’s time for orderlies to start catching English politicians. Otherwise, all of them are violent psychos.
  14. -1
    14 June 2024 18: 38
    It's finished. What else is required from the enemy in order to recognize him as an enemy and hurt him? It’s already trivial about felt-tip pens... the military response is canceled indefinitely, the economic one - is there one or is there not one? And in the project? Going on the defensive in this case will not bring any dividends, other countries are watching and shaking their heads... and this threatens us, God forgive me, a small country on an island, which we need to isolate (communication cables, pipelines, resources, trade, etc.) Although not the easiest thing, it is quite possible. And what? After expressing concern?
  15. -2
    14 June 2024 18: 38
    We must sink at least one British ship for decency's sake
  16. +5
    14 June 2024 18: 42
    Quote: 75Sergey
    The delay will not fall off?
    Let him try!

    It won’t fall off, unfortunately... we don’t have enough fleet to ensure the safety of our trade routes... and a merchant ship is not a state territory, so the casus belli is not visible
    1. -3
      14 June 2024 18: 55
      Quote: Vasily_Ostrovsky
      we don’t have enough fleet to ensure the safety of our trade routes

      do they have enough of their own?!!
      1. +2
        14 June 2024 18: 58
        It will be enough for limited inspection operations, and then everything will be “decided by the market”, the cost of freight will fly into the sky, shipowners will refuse to transport our cargo. The prospect is still...
        1. -2
          14 June 2024 18: 59
          Quote: Vasily_Ostrovsky
          Sufficient for limited inspection operations

          so for the limited and we have enough
  17. -2
    14 June 2024 18: 55
    the impudent people decided to start their traditional business - piracy?!
    only two people can play this game
  18. +1
    14 June 2024 18: 59
    800 tankers of the shadow fleet multiplied by the average price of $50. Who are they fooling with this shadow fleet? It is not our fleet, it is the G000 fleet - the Herods in disguise.
  19. +2
    14 June 2024 19: 00
    Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
    the impudent people decided to start their traditional business - piracy?!
    only two people can play this game

    you can... but there’s nothing. In terms of fleet size, only China (among our friends, so to speak) has the capabilities to do this...
  20. -1
    14 June 2024 19: 03
    Quote: Sergey T19
    We must sink at least one British ship for decency's sake

    how? finger? We look at the strength of our Northern Fleet and cry... I’m silent about the Red Banner Baltic Fleet... and the Northern Fleet still needs to ensure the protection of the exit areas of our SSBNs... such a non-linear task.
  21. -1
    14 June 2024 19: 10
    Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
    Quote: Vasily_Ostrovsky
    Sufficient for limited inspection operations

    so for the limited and we have enough

    I would really like to, but it’s not enough, we have to face the truth... we can now build at an accelerated pace only a “mosquito fleet” in the form of small missiles and similar in size. And you need a lot, a lot of them. And first of all, these are not even shipyards - people. We need crews and more crews, officers... All this takes time and... money.
    1. -1
      14 June 2024 19: 35
      only a “mosquito fleet” in the form of small missiles and similar in size. And you need a lot, a lot of them

      It's doubtful whether it's FPV or back - and there's no boat. First of all, reconnaissance - satellites, drills and communications. And resettling border towns to Sobyanin’s human settlements instead of dark-skinned people who don’t speak Russian
  22. +1
    14 June 2024 19: 32
    As Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov said: "Moron..."
  23. -2
    14 June 2024 21: 01
    The "heir" of Francis Drake has appeared in all his glory. The safe conduct issued by the English Queen Elizabeth I Tudor for the plunder of ships of France, Spain and other enemies of the crown, allowed the historical figure to make a good profit on this "business". And the treasury of the Britons was replenished considerably. Plus a knighthood and the title of vice-admiral. Only the current mister-nobody (the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Cameron) should remember that the privateer (a pirate protected by the Queen's charter) ended badly. Dysentery, s ...
  24. -1
    14 June 2024 21: 10
    He'll get tired of hunting for everything what
  25. +1
    15 June 2024 00: 50
    Cameron calls on Western countries to detain tankers carrying Russian oil and gas, as well as to block everything possible in order to completely block Russia from receiving funds that it, of course, spends exclusively on the war with Ukraine.

    David, aren't you afraid that we will catch British transports and arm all of Britain's enemies to develop this theme?
    1. 0
      15 June 2024 10: 45
      Alexey G
      Today, 00: 50
      Cameron calls on Western countries to detain tankers carrying Russian oil and gas, as well as to block everything possible in order to completely block Russia from receiving funds that it, of course, spends exclusively on the war with Ukraine.

      David, aren’t you afraid that we will catch British transports and arm all the enemies of Britain to develop this topic?
      it, which “David” apparently assumes that someone from the geyropa will do this. Because there will be a response for those who try to detain. And this only made a throw-in, and into the mud.
  26. 0
    15 June 2024 10: 42
    I propose to detain Cameron, put him in a cage and show him like a strange animal. wassat
  27. 0
    15 June 2024 10: 43
    We need to catch the shadow fleet that illegally transports Russian oil around the world. Every time these tankers approach an Italian port, I want to be able to detain them. We need to hunt for everything - money, oil, stop gas, ships - everything that allows the Russian military machine to work.

    - said the head of the Foreign Ministry of the United Kingdom.
    And this, which is from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs small-shaven, did not specify WHO will detain, and how? laughing
  28. 0
    15 June 2024 17: 55
    La Gran Bretagna continua a provocare la Russia. . finché il palloncino non scoppia. E. . poi?
  29. 0
    16 June 2024 00: 50
    Isn't Little Britain taking on too much? They are fueling a conflict that could result in them disappearing from the face of the Earth.