Employee of the Research Institute "Vector": Russian UAV operators need to be trained in the basics of electronic warfare

Employee of the Research Institute "Vector": Russian UAV operators need to be trained in the basics of electronic warfare

The massive use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the zone of a special military operation has long turned from a curiosity into an everyday, even hourly and minutely norm. It is worth stating that it is with attack UAVs that the enemy is increasingly compensating, and quite effectively, for the shortage of conventional ammunition. For example, yesterday VO has shown footage of the attack on our attack aircraft, when, fortunately, he managed to avoid defeat by four drones-kamikaze of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Moreover, all the UAVs attacked it in just one and a half minutes.

There are several ways to counter drones — from passive ones, at least in the form of andron protection on armored vehicles and even artillery, and active. Separately, it is worth mentioning the means of electronic warfare. Equipment EW allows you to knock enemy UAVs off course and even intercept control with subsequent landing. After this, some surviving drones are at least carefully studied by our specialists, and sometimes the surviving examples, after reflashing, are put at the disposal of our military.

But our enemy also uses similar equipment. Therefore, the task of teaching our drone operators to counter the effects of enemy electronic warfare systems, as well as the use of electronic warfare equipment by our drone operators, has become urgent. This problem is intended to be solved at the Russian Research Institute "Vector", which is part of the defense holding "Ruselectronics" of the state corporation "Rostec". For now, the corresponding program is designed for a month of training.

It is proposed to train not just operators, but to give people basic concepts about the functionality of electronic warfare equipment, the types of interference available, and their impact on equipment. It’s clear that you can’t cover everything in a month of study; serious electronic warfare takes years to learn. But at least the military personnel will understand their actions

- told TASS Head of the laboratory of monitoring systems of the company that develops anti-drone complexes, Research Institute "Vector" Igor Pavlov.

He noted that a month-long course is not enough to prepare a highly qualified specialist in the field of electronic warfare, but it will allow him to understand the basics of electronic warfare. Therefore, in the future the program will be expanded and extended, added an employee of the Vector Research Institute. The agency's message does not specify, but most likely, the course program, albeit in the future, will include not only basic knowledge of how to counter enemy electronic warfare systems, but also training in the use of Russian electronic warfare systems.

It is worth noting that Pavlov participated in the development of a training program for UAV operators at the district training center of the Leningrad Military District, which includes skills in countering enemy drones. According to him, you need not only to be able to use technology, but also to understand the basics of electronic warfare in order to use drones more effectively.

By the way, our craftsmen at the forefront do not waste time in vain. In early April, the Ministry of Defense spoke about a portable UAV suppression system developed by military personnel of the Southern Group of Forces. The antenna module, assembled by soldiers of the 110th Brigade of the 1st Army Corps, creates an invisible dome around itself to protect against enemy FPV drones. During testing of this system, the video communication channels of the operator and drone control were successfully suppressed. The complex then passed successful tests at the test site. Such equipment, just compact, is very much in short supply for our fighters on the front line, given the number of drones that are used for reconnaissance, adjustments, and most importantly, attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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  1. +6
    14 June 2024 13: 00
    The task of rebuilding DOSAAF is more acute today than ever, and that’s where we need to start teaching conscripts the basics of electronic warfare and the basics of tactical medicine and other essential skills for army service. hi
  2. +1
    14 June 2024 13: 15
    It seems to me that it is high time to start announcing mass regular gatherings of reservists. To teach people innovations in advance, and not when the fried chicken bites... Obviously, all this will not end soon, the West will leave us behind. This means we need to prepare for the worst...

    It would also be nice to open free courses for everyone. On shooting, tactics, medicine, drone flying, etc. It will clearly be useful. For example, I would love to go. Just in case..
    1. +1
      14 June 2024 13: 42
      It seems to me that it is high time to start announcing mass regular gatherings of reservists. To teach people about innovations in advance,

      It would also be nice to open free courses for everyone. On shooting, tactics, medicine, drone flying, etc.

      All this, wishes, disappear like water into sand - in the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Government Apparatus. seems to me.
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 18: 54
        no one will allocate money for this undoubtedly good initiative
  3. +5
    14 June 2024 13: 27
    Create a UAV yourself, start using it yourself, finance it at private expense..... master it yourself and buy electronic warfare....
    Start with the military specialty UAV Operator and put all this stuff into service. Like ATGM, for example. Maybe you can put serial models into service?!
    1. 0
      14 June 2024 13: 58
      Create a UAV yourself, start using it yourself, finance it at private expense..... master it yourself and buy electronic warfare....

      It’s not just the Timurs who have it hard wassat
    2. 0
      14 June 2024 16: 15
      Quote: Zaurbek
      Start with the military specialty of UAV Operator and take all this equipment into service. Like anti-tank systems, for example.

      Maybe you can rebuild the OShS from the battalion and below into small UAVs? And rewrite the Charter? wink
  4. +2
    14 June 2024 14: 08
    Employee of the Research Institute "Vector": Russian UAV operators need to be trained in the basics of electronic warfare

    if only it were that simple...
    but it turns out that “on the ground” electronic warfare does not work, as someone assumes, and no one understands what to do about it, and you can only teach dogmas, teaching how to track a rapidly changing process is impossible (you need a “gift of God” and a desire to learn) - here "AI clearing", i.e. the person is not in the subject of human learning processes
  5. +1
    15 June 2024 18: 37
    Employee of the Research Institute "Vector": Russian UAV operators need to be trained in the basics of electronic warfare
    A fundamentally incorrect position, reflecting the creative impotence of this employee. All routine functions should be transferred to automation. There will soon be millions of drones, and a teenager should be able to fly them without any training.
    If the vector cannot make such drones, then let it hire new personnel...
  6. 0
    16 June 2024 04: 04
    Electronic warfare is bullshit for the future, drones will fly and drive and explode and shoot without an operator. Showed the direction, the sensors considered a person or a non-person, one’s own or someone else’s or a certain type of equipment and attack.
  7. 0
    16 June 2024 06: 42
    This should have been taught a year or two ago, when the trend towards using drones began to gain mass popularity.
    In six months or a year, current drones made from Chinese components will only cause a smile, and the tactics of use and counteraction will change.