Shut up, America...

Shut up, America...

Well, almost the whole world has already spoken out regarding the visit of Russian ships to Cuba with the aim of paying a friendly visit and participating in joint exercises. Different opinions were expressed in terms of the appropriateness of this event, but I wanted to draw your attention to how it was perceived there, on the other side of the world, by our non-partners, who are looking more and more like enemies every day.

I must say that the visit aroused interest. Social networks, especially those that are not popular among us due to their not entirely normal orientation, simply exploded with a flurry of emotions in the comments. And, it must be said that, reading the comments, carefully translated by Yandex, you understand that the main part of them is simply beautifully staged.

And the same can be said about some of the comments on our side. Well, it cannot be that American and Russian brains independently produce such similar gems. They (brains) are too different. I don’t believe it, if according to the old Stanislavsky.

But God bless him, our organisms, the American gentlemen are more interested. And they discussed in every possible way... the composition of the group (well, it’s not a group, you’ll agree) of Russian ships. The tugboat “Nikolai Chiker” excited the American organisms the most. Just an explosion of emotions on this topic.

Really mocked from the heart. They say that a tugboat is the most important vessel in the detachment; it will be great if it can pull two ships and stuff like that.

For those who don’t know: the group of Russian ships consists of the Project 22350 frigate Admiral fleet Soviet Union Gorshkov" (2018), nuclear submarine of the Yasen-M project "Kazan" (2021), tanker "Akademik Pashin" (2021) and ocean tug "Nikolai Chiker" (1989).

Tanker "Akademik Pashin"

So “Nikolai Chiker” caused a storm of emotions among Americans. They say that an old, rusty tug will have to drag the same old ships somewhere there.

But the ships are not old at all!

Let's dot that very letter for ourselves: very new ships have been sent, which are quite modern. Especially, excuse me, “Yasen-M”. This is not the Borei, but it is also a ship capable of doing some serious things.

But everyone is haunted by the tug... Okay, as they say, get it and sign for it.

From Russian ports to Cuba is from 9 to 10 thousand kilometers. And on this path there are somehow not a couple of dozen bases, like the Americans. Therefore, having a tugboat just in case is not a lack of confidence in your own ships, but a real desire to avoid any troubles on a fairly decent passage.

Americans have a problem: they have a very short memory. And they have already somehow forgotten, like the former beauty and pride of shipbuilding “Zamvolt”, which in 2018 collapsed in the Caribbean Sea, completely losing its speed. And nothing, the most ordinary tug came from Panama and dragged the super-destroyer “by the nose” to repair the collapsed turbine.

Nothing bothers anyone, right?

The fact that Russian ships need to travel 10 thousand kilometers, and for this they need fuel (except for nuclear submarines, of course), water, food - this is normal. The Gorshkov has a cruising range of 4500 miles at 14 knots. And this is more than half the way, but the whole journey will take more than two weeks. And refueling is required. But with solar columns in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the situation is not very good. That’s why the column follows in the wake along with the repair tug. It's no secret that a tugboat is also a floating repair shop.

So everything is simply obvious: three surface ships, of which two are auxiliary, are going to the other end of the earth to participate in exercises and pay visits. A nuclear submarine does not count at all: it has autonomy for six months.

What is the purpose of such trips?

Even in our segments of the Internet you can hear whining that there will be no point in this fuss, that they won’t be able to do anything useful and effective there. What could the American or British destroyers and frigates that hung around our shores on the Black Sea do before the start of the Northern Military District? Also a dubious pastime, but nevertheless, it was very difficult to get them out of the Black Sea.

A frigate or destroyer is not only an attack ship, but also a reconnaissance instrument, capable of seeing a lot through its systems. So both NATO ships in the Black Sea and the Russian frigate in the Caribbean are not so much friendly visits as exercises and maneuvers, the essence of which is to study the enemy’s coastal zones. Moreover, not only on the sea surface, but also under and above it.

However, it was already above her. Do you remember such very warm and friendly visits of Russian Tu-160s to Venezuela? In 2018? Then the United States raised a very decent outcry about the fact that Russian strategic bombers could get a base near the borders of the United States.

Actually, yes: an hour of flight and you can make a point-blank launch from neutral waters near Cuba. There is something to worry about. Or it can be done almost immediately after takeoff, the only question is what to launch.

And, by the way, since our strategic pilots are with Venezuelan airfields aviation Already familiar, why not get to know Cuban or Nicaraguan airstrips?

But let's get back to the ships. The Admiral Gorshkov and Kazan are modern combat ships capable of carrying various weapons, including nuclear ones. And if the Kalibr - missiles are quite good, then the "Zircons" and "Onyxes" have proven themselves in the SVO more than worthy, and, perhaps, even better. Both the frigate and the submarine have at their disposal vertical launch cells, from which it is possible to launch almost the entire range of Russian missiles weapons.

Yasen-M is a much more versatile ship, and not just a platform for launching cruise missiles; these submarines are capable of operating as general-purpose attack boats, but according to some reports they can be used as platforms for special missions to collect various intelligence information.

American generals and admirals from various commands take the Yasen-M project boats very seriously, which has already been mentioned more than once in various interviews and statements. So seriously that they consider the Ashes to be “not inferior to American submarines,” which in itself is more than worthy praise. How should an American evaluate the Yasen in order to put it on par with their boats?

Well they appreciate them.

The Russian side announced in advance that the ships do not carry nuclear weapons that could pose a threat to the security of the United States; Washington also made similar statements. And if so, the command of the American fleet immediately dispatched a detachment of ships three times larger than the Russian one for observation.

The Admiral Gorshkov (well, not a tugboat!) will be monitored by an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer and a Legend-class coast guard patrol ship (comparable in size to a frigate, although called a boat).

Arleigh Burke-class destroyer

Legend-class patrol ship

"Kazan" was respected even more: two destroyers and two Coast Guard ships were additionally equipped with towed sonars.

In general, of course, providing Yasen-M for comprehensive study in a relatively calm environment to the enemy - many did not really like the idea, the Internet was seething with indignation, however, what’s done is done.

Of course, the Americans will try to extract maximum benefit for themselves from this visit, but since at the very beginning we started with a discussion of reactions, here’s the inconsistency that occurs: the fact that all these attacks and screams against Russian “rusty” ships are not carefully orchestrated, then excuse me, but why then would such a crowd of ships wander after ours?

If the Russian submarine and frigate are not worth attention at all, if they are “old and rusty,” then why do American admirals assign a detachment of ships many times superior in strength to spy on them? Three, no, THREE Arleigh Burke destroyers are not too much for “three rusty troughs”, no?

It turns out that first they made waves on the Internet, then they laughed on air about the fact that the Russians can’t cross the Atlantic without a tugboat, they discussed all the advantages of Russian ships (which, naturally, did not exist) up and down, and then...

And then they sent three ships the size and displacement of the same frigate of Project 22350 (4500 tons), and three Arleigh Burke destroyers, which were half as large, to jackal after the frigate and submarine.

You know, if you don’t want to, you will start to be proud. Such power against two “worthless” Russian ships...

Really, shut up, America. And calmly watched our ships. Without such shameful noise.
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  1. -1
    13 June 2024 04: 37
    And then they sent three ships to jackal after the frigate and submarine

    "And I tell you, America,
    The broken half of the earth, -
    Fear the seas of unbelief
    Iron ships to launch!
    1. +1
      13 June 2024 17: 55
      The Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, of which there are about 70, has 96 universal launch cells on board, compared to 32 on our Project 22350 frigate Admiral Gorshkov, of which we have as many as 3. Its air defense system detects targets at a range of up to 400 km. Our Poliment-Redut air defense missile system has more modest characteristics and its own separate 32 cells only for air defense missiles... I don't understand, who should shut up?
      1. +4
        13 June 2024 21: 56
        Quote: Vitov
        The Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, of which there are about 70, has 96 universal launch cells on board versus 32 on our Project 22350 frigate Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov

        "Admiral Gorshkov" has 16 cells in two UKKS and 32 cells of the Poliment-Redut air defense system, which gives a total of 48 cells (versus 96 for "Burke", which is twice as large according to VI). I still don’t understand why, when comparing our ships with American ones, ours only count UKSK cells with strike weapons.
        32 cells in 4 UKSK frigates project 22350.1 (starting from the 5th in the series) which are still under construction.
        If we compare our 22350M (which still won’t be laid down) in this way, which promises either 48 cells in 6 UKKS, or 64 in 8, plus at least 64 cells for the Poliment-Reduta missile defense system, then at the most modest In the calculation, he will have 112 cells (!) versus 96 for the “Burks” and 112 for the “Ticks”. lol But it is classified only as a "large frigate". If all 22350 cells are crammed into 64 UKSK on the 8M, then the total number of cells for missiles on it will be 64 + 64 = 128 units. And this is not counting the SAMs of two Pantsir-M SAMPGs, of which there will be 32 x 2 = 64 if you count without the Gvozdi, and if the BK includes Gvozdi (and they definitely will), then the BK of two Pantsir-Ms alone will have an additional 106 SAMs with a range of 10 to 40 km.
        Total 112 + 106 = 218 missiles (attack, anti-ship missiles and missiles) on one frigate-class ship. lol It’s creepy if you compare it with “Burke” using such accounting. . . They just won’t pawn it in any way. feel
        Quote: Vitov
        I don't understand, who should shut up?

        That's it. It's normal combat work. Both fleets. I wouldn't be surprised if they also assigned a couple of MAPLs to monitor our small detachment, not to mention patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. That's normal. Especially since the US has enough resources for that.
        Regular flag display. With a hint. But not more .
        1. +5
          13 June 2024 23: 49
          As always, all our undertakings in the construction of ships shift to the right. Until a boathouse for two hulls is built at the Severnaya Verf shipyard, there is no point in waiting for the keel of the 22350 M frigate. This year for sure, maybe in a year or two.
          And, about the number of missiles in the Polyment Redoubt complex. 32 long-range missiles, and if the missiles are close-range, then 4 missiles are loaded into one cell. But, usually they load missiles of different ranges and this is no longer 32 missiles, much more. You cannot compare 22350 and Arleigh Burke - these are different ships, but with 22350 M you can. But, alas, our ship is still only on paper.
        2. +1
          16 August 2024 10: 08
          You forgot to mention that Berkov’s anti-ship missiles are much worse than ours, and there is no hypersound at all. Gorshkov has problems with target designation: he needs an AWACS helicopter. If these three Berks fire at Gorshkov first and not at point-blank range, then Gorshkov in a retaliatory strike can drown them and 3-4 more frigates. Yes And if Gorshkov shoots back first, he will drown the entire squad and move on.
          The Americans' laughter is completely inappropriate. wink
          1. 0
            16 August 2024 14: 59
            All the media have been loudly talking about the advantages of our anti-ship missiles, so why repeat ourselves? But size (including the size of the BC and the size of the ship group always matters. We just need to build our own Fleet so as not to prove that our light/medium frigate will pile up a KUG of several destroyers, several frigates and a couple of MAPLs. “It’s better to be than seem" - G.Yu. Caesar. hi
      2. +2
        14 June 2024 00: 03
        About 400 km you bent it, in air defense in general it’s not so simple, and with “Burke” in particular it’s even more difficult, just look at the illumination antennas, in the complete absence of a surveillance locator, with “Gorshkov” you need to understand the “Zircons” from which “Burke” has "There's just nothing!
      3. +1
        14 June 2024 16: 36
        With your writing, you confirm the words of the author. Only you did not understand their meaning, or pretended that you did not understand for an understandable purpose.
        Let me try to explain. One guy yells at another: you're dead, I'll kill you with one hand, and your shoes are torn. And then he jumps behind three big guys. So he's the one who should shut up and not embarrass himself.
  2. +3
    13 June 2024 04: 46
    Why then do the American admirals send a detachment of ships, many times superior in strength, to spy on them?

    So it’s one thing to laugh on social networks or in the press, and another to actually evaluate the enemy. Again, the United States no longer knows where to go. On the one hand, “the terrible evil Russians are trying to capture everyone,” and on the other, “they are backward, worthless, and don’t even have normal ships.” This is how they will jump from one topic to another, depending on the “advantage of the moment.” You need to powder your people's brains.
    1. +3
      13 June 2024 05: 13
      a detachment of ships many times superior in strength?

      Are you not surprised that border ships “many times superior in strength” catch fishing longboats? laughing laughing
      There is no need to pull an owl onto a globe - they say, and this is possible with skill, it just makes sense...
      1. -1
        14 June 2024 16: 58
        And one more. Yes, there is no man floating in a kayak in front of the border ship and shouting: yes, your barges are rusty, yes, I will splash you with an oar now and you will all drown at once. This is exactly what the article is about. If the Americans had silently deployed even their entire fleet, this article would not have appeared. Yes, there would have been articles that the Americans are concerned, the Americans are afraid, someone would even have written that they are scared. But this article is not about that.
        1. -1
          14 June 2024 22: 13
          Quote: Nafanya999
          If the Americans had silently deployed even their entire fleet, this article would not have appeared.

          Who do you call "Americans"? Commentators like you and me? So they are simply interested.
          Like me, for example, to an unanswered question - without any jokes, by the way - HOW TYPICAL is it for a squadron of two ships to have a tug as a third???
          Such a composition of the squadron, even from the states or England - or even from Nicaragua - was simply asking for banter.
          Well, just think, “England sent 2 light ships and a tug to the shores of Yemen” - what would have been raised in our press???
          1. +2
            24 June 2024 01: 19
            Well, when the destroyer Duncan, accompanying our Kuzya, returned to the port in a tugboat, how could one not make fun of it? But since there was no tugboat in the squadron, it hung around in the sea for two days. That's great. But no one made fun of the fact that the tugboat was in the British squadron.
  3. +4
    13 June 2024 04: 49
    from our non-partners, who are looking more and more like enemies every day.
    With apologies, the author of non-partners is written separately, and you yourself will decide who the North Americans are for you. Was the article written under the supervision of Kremlin censorship, right in the Kremlin? Analytics is zero, please forgive me, what is this all for?
    1. +18
      13 June 2024 05: 19
      Yes, this is not analytics, but light banter. With all due respect to R.S., it somehow turned out forced, unconvincing.
    2. +24
      13 June 2024 06: 11
      In this case, the word non-partner is a noun - an antonym of the word partner, and not a negation
      1. -3
        13 June 2024 06: 54
        Thank you Irina, I already understood, but it was too late to correct it.
    3. +15
      13 June 2024 06: 13
      Was the article written under the supervision of Kremlin censorship, right in the Kremlin?

      The author gave out wishful thinking, ala Zakharova.
      How one frigate and submarine scared the Pentagon. And now the entire US Army and Navy are washing their pants.
      It was Prigozhin who scared the Kremlin so much last year that they ventilated him for a week. And this frigate with a submarine will live for exactly five minutes while the Americans take aim.
      1. +2
        13 June 2024 06: 38
        Quote: Obi Wan Kenobi
        this frigate with a submarine has to live for exactly five minutes while the Americans take aim
        While they are aiming at them, the tug will fire hypersonic “tow-based” daggers at them laughing
      2. +5
        13 June 2024 07: 55
        Why did they even scare us here? It’s a common practice. And yes, for your information, Yasen is very dangerous, the American military, unlike the ordinary people, the Amer people or you and me, understand this, that’s why this outfit. Firstly, if it gets lost, it’s a serious gamble, and secondly, removing signatures from Russia’s most advanced multi-purpose nuclear submarine is a tasty morsel for them..
      3. -3
        13 June 2024 07: 56
        And Prigozhin scared the Kremlin so much that the Kremlin gobbled him up and didn’t even notice, and in a couple of years, the majority will ask, who is this Prigozhin of yours...
      4. +5
        13 June 2024 12: 33
        Actually, it was not the nuclear boat and the frigate that scared the enemy, but the tugboat.
        1. +5
          13 June 2024 15: 24
          And also the tanker! It represents a very big danger for the US Navy.
          1. 0
            14 June 2024 10: 15
            Enough of the blizzard about this tug and tanker. Back in the days of the USSR, when going out for exercises, a group of ships was accompanied by ships of the rescue and auxiliary fleet. Even in the Baltic. Another thing is that the Northern Fleet could send more warships on the campaign, but it is what it is.
          2. +4
            16 June 2024 01: 41
            Quote: vadim dok
            And also a tanker! he poses a very great danger to the US Navy.
            Yes Well, yes. He is transporting sanctioned Russian oil...(!) under the cover of a frigate!!! winked
      5. +1
        13 June 2024 13: 28
        Come on. The novel is most likely written under compulsion. The articles not so long ago were of a completely different direction. And I consider this campaign to be simply training for sailors. So that the skills are not forgotten. Although, it is correctly noted, if something happens, they can live with it for a matter of minutes
        1. -1
          13 June 2024 17: 01
          Well then, definitely not only for them, but for 80% of the planet’s population..
    4. -2
      13 June 2024 06: 36
      Did you learn Russian poorly at school? Oh yes! This is not your language, but the language of the barbarians. Okay, then I’ll give you an educational program. The word "non-partners" is a noun and the "not" part is a prefix. A separate spelling of “not” would indicate its use as an adversative particle in the structure “not XXX, but UUU.” The article does not have this structure, which means you can go through the forest.
      1. -18
        13 June 2024 06: 48
        Too smart or something, I already realized that I was mistaken, and you’re not the first one to point this out to me and you’ll be insolent to your children, you’re a show-off.
        1. +16
          13 June 2024 08: 42
          Quote: yuliatreb
          Too smart or what?

          But “too much” is written together, and with an “s” :))))
          1. +5
            13 June 2024 09: 10
            Leave the person alone already. laughing
    5. +2
      13 June 2024 06: 47
      Quote: yuliatreb
      Apologizing, the author of non-partners is written separately,

      Why did it happen? There is no opposition in the phrase.
      I agree with the rest.
    6. +3
      13 June 2024 06: 58
      This is not analytics, this is journalism, and a rather uninteresting one at that. Roma could have remained contemptuously silent about the reaction of someone there; no, he’d go there to protect the tugboat.
    7. +6
      13 June 2024 07: 56
      . Apologies, the author is not a partner and is written separately

      I apologize for not passing by.
      The particle “not” is written separately from the noun if there is an opposition. For example, “not partners, but enemies.” In this case, there is no opposition in the text, as a result of which “non-partners” is a single semantic construction, a noun, Roman is right.
      The waters are muddied by a telephone or computer assistant. It is far from the meaning of the text and acts, ignoring exceptions, according to a single rule, according to which the particle “not” is written separately. But we are people.
      I'm late! wassat )))
      It’s nice that there are so many literate people at VO love
    8. SNA
      13 June 2024 14: 00
      Did you show off your diploma? Sorry, not apologizing. Non-partners is a normal term.
      1. -1
        13 June 2024 15: 20
        Well, your sarcastic comment was definitely not enough, apparently people like you and above won’t pass by, but will definitely kick you or add some more hesitation.
  4. -1
    13 June 2024 04: 52
    After the short-sighted surrender of positions in America's underbelly, visits by ships and aircraft are necessary to gradually restore status.
    1. 0
      13 June 2024 06: 16
      visits by ships and planes are necessary

      To create “positive news content” (to use modern language)
  5. +11
    13 June 2024 04: 53
    Such trips and visits should be constant, at least to develop navigational practice in the ocean, plus the military component is the detection and avoidance of ships of a potential enemy. This is also good practice for a tugboat. As a former river navigator, I will say that taking on a tow and towing is a very difficult process, especially in stormy conditions or with fast currents on the river. It’s good if you don’t need a tug, but then you need to conduct a training tug plant and walk, for example, 50 miles with a towed vessel. Bunkering at sea is still a process. It would also be nice to conduct practical shooting practice at some kind of training ground in Cuba or Venezuela.
    So this trip or visit is a good school for our Navy. soldier
    1. -3
      13 June 2024 06: 56
      I agree with the need for towing and bunkering training. The processes are indeed very complex. But why go to the “other end of the ball” to do this? In the north we will have better conditions for training!
      1. +8
        13 June 2024 16: 35
        You definitely need to get to the other end of the ball! Otherwise, you will not gain experience in performing tasks far from your base. The north is the north, the southern seas are no less “harmful”... This is the first thing. Second: checking the performance of mechanisms in different climatic zones. It is no secret that a ship has a huge number of mechanisms that must be cooled, and the working fluid is mainly sea water. In warm seas, engines are poorly cooled due to the high temperature of the sea water; this is usually taken into account during design, provided that the navigation area is defined as “unlimited”. In Soviet times, submarines, including nuclear submarines of various classes, had such problems and there was a big headache when serving in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean as part of the 5th and 8th OpEsk, and in the 10th OpEsk ships also suffered... By the way, the process fouling in warm seas is proceeding at an amazing pace! Typically, representatives of factories are taken to transitions of this level to repair ship equipment at sea. But “setting up” Yasen for the adversary under surveillance.... if measures are taken to camouflage and misinform the enemy, including distortion of signatures, then there are no problems, but if it’s stupid, “here I am!” - then there’s trouble... I’d like to hope that the idiots in the navy are not in commercial quantities after all...
    2. +1
      13 June 2024 19: 51
      . So this trip or visit is a good school for our Navy.

      A completely reasonable and well-founded opinion. I agree. There is nothing better than real seamanship.
  6. +7
    13 June 2024 05: 09
    Really mocked from the heart. They say that a tugboat is the most important vessel in the detachment; it will be great if it can pull two ships and stuff like that.

    Do you have any idea what caused this? Let me give you a hint - the Black Sea Fleet.
    And then they sent three ships to jackal after the frigate and submarine...

    I don’t understand something - how is this evidence of a high assessment of combat capabilities?
    And what is the point of sending these ships - in general - without nuclear weapons??? Demonstrate that they can get there without a tug? The presence of a tug just raises the question - what is such a strange squadron for? I wish I could explain!
    Some kind of baby talk.
    The states were sent to monitor - because they could. Send both three and five. Or do you think they were afraid of a surprise attack on Mayport???
    1. +6
      13 June 2024 06: 58
      Where did you get the idea that without nuclear weapons?
  7. +1
    13 June 2024 05: 11
    We need to make such visits more often. Preferably, in conjunction with Tu-160 flights to Venezuela.
  8. -11
    13 June 2024 05: 58
    It takes pride that we can send our own to the other side of the earth, to show that we can, that we are not only from the shore. There may be three ships, but they exist
    1. +2
      13 June 2024 06: 59
      Quote: Vadim S
      Takes pride

      What is there to be proud of? That they were able to swim to Cuba? Yes, an achievement...
  9. +5
    13 June 2024 06: 08
    When will it be possible to write 3.14ndos without encryption?
  10. +22
    13 June 2024 06: 09
    I specially reviewed the Los Angeles Times website..... not a word about our ships in Cuba... commenting on Zelya’s visit to Normandy... and that’s all.
    unfortunately, we pay much more attention to them than they pay to us.
    1. +6
      13 June 2024 06: 21
      Quote from moneron
      unfortunately, we pay much more attention to them than they pay to us.

      laughing laughing I can say the same about the New York Times, and somehow Apple News was not mentioned. Maybe I missed it - buried it deep?
      Then why bother?
    2. +1
      14 June 2024 22: 09
      If you don’t praise yourself, who else will? laughing
  11. +1
    13 June 2024 06: 10
    What did I read? How old is this “analyst” or is this just banter? Hand face...
  12. +2
    13 June 2024 06: 14
    In North America, partners???
    Okay, out of 3 one is neutral, but the rest are the ENEMY.
    To perceive/consider otherwise is simply stupid.
  13. +2
    13 June 2024 06: 19
    And..... don't like it? We're excited... that means we're doing everything right..... Yes
  14. 0
    13 June 2024 06: 38
    Quote: Vladimir80
    visits by ships and planes are necessary

    To create “positive news content” (to use modern language)

    And yes, “positive news content” is also needed. By the way, this article doesn’t sound like news at all.
  15. -2
    13 June 2024 06: 41
    Americans have been wandering around our country all their lives, why don’t ours do that? let them feel firsthand the beauty of life under gunpoint, I don’t understand why our people are ashamed of this?
  16. +4
    13 June 2024 06: 50
    Quote: Vadim S
    It takes pride that we can send our own to the other side of the earth, to show that we can, that we are not only from the shore. There may be three ships, but they exist

    Excuse me, but here you should cry, and not be proud of how you write. What's the use of 3 ships off the coast of the USA? And NOTHING! Because of this, their drones do 100 thousand times more harm at our borders, and this is a fact.
    1. -1
      14 June 2024 22: 14
      Why excuse you? They are already crying. Out of pride that they showed the fig in their pocket overseas! lol
  17. -8
    13 June 2024 07: 11
    Well, it’s not clear who they wanted to make fun of, and they also wore down the ships’ resources, it’s horrible, terrible!
    That's better?
  18. +2
    13 June 2024 07: 24
    The crews need training, let them go if the Moscow Region budget allows it.

    As a fighting force, our fleet, of course, does not pose a threat to the United States, except for nuclear submarines - but those nuclear submarines that are in positions and do not surface near Cuba for training.
  19. +3
    13 June 2024 07: 49
    About the tug. The Soviet Navy did not have the practice of escorting ships with a tug on a long voyage. If problems arose, spare parts were promptly delivered by plane; our Air Force flew to many places at that time. This is what I saw at BS, spare parts were delivered to us 2 times, once to BC-5, another time to BC-2. Floating workshops were located in ports where our ships constantly called. And there was more than one tanker in the ocean; during the passage, the ships could refuel different tankers. The tanker did not necessarily accompany us; we met at the rendezvous point. After refueling, the tanker could go to the nearest port to load fresh products, since tankers accepted not only fuel and water, but also fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.
    1. +1
      13 June 2024 10: 44
      Quote: Waterways 672
      The Soviet Navy did not have the practice of escorting ships with a tug on a long voyage.

      Do you know that for sure?
      Quote: Waterways 672
      Our Air Force flew a lot then. This is what I saw at BS, spare parts were delivered to us 2 times, once to BC-5, another time to BC-2.

      Did the Air Force planes land directly on the ship?
      Quote: Waterways 672
      Floating workshops stood in ports where our ships constantly called

      What ports are you talking about?
      Quote: Waterways 672
      After refueling, the tanker could leave for the nearest port

      Again, which port?
      And lastly....which port can a military tanker now call at and in which port can a Russian military floating workshop be stationed?
      1. -2
        13 June 2024 11: 42
        We had problems with the warhead-5 when approaching Conakry, where our air base was located by agreement with the government of Guinea. So there were no problems with the delivery of spare parts to the port of Conakry. We also saw planes from this airbase in the sky over Luanda. Tankers called at ports to buy food from countries with which the Soviet Union had agreements in this regard. They even delivered pasteurized milk to us from there in bags; I tried pineapples there for the first time. The floating workshop and large landing craft with marines on board were constantly in Luanda, the ships were replaced with similar ones after 6-9 months. Sometimes submarines came in and saw a relay boat for Navy communications there, on the way to the Pacific Fleet.
        1. -1
          13 June 2024 14: 00
          Quote: Waterways 672
          We had problems with the bch-5 when approaching Conakry

          Those. Have you ever visited the BS as part of OpEsk? In those blessed times, the USSR Navy had a whole network of PMTO, so in the event of any emergency, help would always arrive within three to four days! Your passage to Angola was provided by PMTO in the Canary Islands...berths were rented there in Santa Cruz. But as part of the OpEsk MB, PM, KKS, they served on par with warships.
          In Soviet times, detachments going on a friendly visit across the Atlantic, for example to Canada, always included a tugboat and a tanker!
          Now, we only have one PMTO!
          1. -1
            13 June 2024 15: 19
            The 30th Atlantic Operational Brigade, although they reported directly to the Chief of Staff of the 7th Squadron, Rear Admiral Gusev P. P. He was often on board with us and left for the Union with us. As for the logistics, it's not that simple. We needed parts for the main battery turret, problems arose with turning it in the horizontal plane, so they were taken from the submarine "Svetly", which was undergoing repairs, and they were delivered to us. Our first mate Radzevsky G. A. subsequently commanded the 7th Squadron.
            1. 0
              14 June 2024 09: 00
              Quote: Waterways 672
              30th Operational Atlantic Brigade

              Interesting connection! Can you tell me more details?
              1. -2
                14 June 2024 11: 06
                We somehow didn’t bother with this topic; we generally had the name “African Squadron” in use at that time. If the 7th Opesk was created from the ships of the Northern Fleet, then in our brigade there were ships of the Bf, Black Sea Fleet and Sf. In Luanda, with us, the BDK “Donetsk Shakhtyor” of the Baltic Fleet exchanged the BDK with the Black Sea Fleet. We were replaced by a destroyer from the Northern Fleet. And the task, presumably, is the presence of our ships in South-West Africa, namely Guinea and Angola, then Sao Tome and Principe was added. Our ship was not in the same port; it visited Conakry and Luanda several times. If based in Angola
                there were no problems, then in Guinea it happened that a French frigate was in the port, such was the geopolitics then. Six months before us, “Persistent” from our base in Liepaja was in that area on the BS. In general, our destroyer, together with Nastoychivy, was part of the 76th brigade of destroyers, and at BS we were already in the 30th operational Atlantic brigade, i.e. this brigade did not have a permanent composition.
                1. 0
                  14 June 2024 13: 57
                  Quote: Waterways 672
                  Six months before us, “Persistent” from our base in Liepaja was in that area on the BS.

                  what How old are you then, my friend?
                  As I understand it, you served on Speshny!? Only the brigade number doesn’t add up...
                  1. -2
                    14 June 2024 14: 13
                    Troll or what? Yes, open Wikipedia. The 76th destroyer brigade was part of the 12th missile ship division and was based in Liepaja since 1971.
                    1. +1
                      14 June 2024 14: 17
                      Quote: Waterways 672
                      Is it a troll?

                      Why are we arguing? I apologize, it’s just that in 84 I did my internship in this brigade... in Tallinn. That's why I doubted it.
                      1. -2
                        14 June 2024 14: 43
                        Yes I am, everything is fine. I gave you a plus sign.
          2. +1
            13 June 2024 17: 12
            You say the truth... The MB was included in the group of ships almost constantly during long journeys, in OpEsk, just like a tanker, often PM... and of course, spare parts were delivered by air to their bases, no doubt. And a long-distance passage without a MB and a support vessel is pure suicide... There have been cases when, on the passage route, MBs, PMs, tankers and SOs were already more or less evenly deployed in advance; usually they were part of another detachment of ships and were not redirected “to support "specific transition for a short time.
        2. -6
          13 June 2024 18: 44
          I tried pineapples there for the first time
          There was an ocean fleet, but there were no pineapples sad A superpower, however...
          1. 0
            13 June 2024 18: 57
            Well, we exchanged the fleet and a lot of other things for pineapples, chewing gum and jeans. request We're still sorting it out...
            1. -1
              14 June 2024 22: 18
              And we will continue to unravel for a long time. If we disentangle ourselves at all? sad
    2. -2
      13 June 2024 19: 45
      Let me disagree with you. Tugs have dragged our ships more than once. Yes, not only ships, but also nuclear submarines on the surface. And, under the USSR there was a much larger fleet.
      1. -4
        13 June 2024 20: 02
        This also happened. The tugs moved forward after the incident, and other warships, of which there were more at that time, or our merchant ships, could also come to the rescue. But going to the tugboat for a visit was somehow “out of line.” For some reason, merchant ships sail without tugs.
  20. +5
    13 June 2024 07: 50
    If a Russian submarine and frigate are not worth attention at all, if they are “old and rusty,” then why do American admirals assign a detachment of ships many times superior in strength to spy on them?
    And does this detachment of ships "many times superior in strength" exist?! Frigate of project /22350, the most modern and largest attack surface ship in the entire history of the Russian Federation.
    Three, no, THREE Arleigh Burke destroyers are not too much for “three rusty troughs”, no?
    Not much, because they have 68 of these destroyers in service. But we have only 22350 frigates 3! So maybe they also had a competition to see who was more worthy of accompanying the Russian guests fellow
    1. -7
      13 June 2024 19: 49
      Oh-la-la! The main trump card, frigate 22350 missiles "Zircon". One rocket, one Arleigh Burke. Oh, there are a maximum of 16 missiles on the ship. According to your ideas, who is in line among the destroyers?
  21. +7
    13 June 2024 08: 04
    But the ships are not old at all!
    Let's dot that very letter for ourselves: very new ships have been sent, which are quite modern.

    The very attempt to threaten the States with a couple of ships looks naive and childish, and the exaggerated pathos around it generally turns it into a comedy. :((
    1. +1
      13 June 2024 10: 26
      Yes, what is there to threaten with BECs? The penguins are probably more likely than the Sumerians to have, according to rumors, underwater variations
    2. -3
      13 June 2024 19: 52
      There has always been, since the Cold War, a show of force. A ship, a submarine and two auxiliary ships, made a noise. Just like they "dragonized" us in the Black Sea or in Peter the Great Bay.
      1. 0
        13 June 2024 19: 58
        A show of force to the States with the force of one frigate? Aren't you funny yourself?
        But in the Black Sea at one time it was completely different - there the Americans did not allow a precedent to be created for unilateral changes to the convention, they have a whole program for periodically visiting disputed areas of the sea so that no one could use this to legally consolidate unilateral decisions.
        1. -2
          13 June 2024 23: 56
          More recently, only one Arleigh Burke competed with our BOD 1155 in Peter the Great Bay, and where is the whole program?
          1. -1
            14 June 2024 18: 52
            Take an interest. The Americans have a whole program that has been working for decades. Their ships enter disputed waters around the world specifically to indicate their disputed nature.
  22. -4
    13 June 2024 09: 03
    No one thinks that the ships shown are the tip of the iceberg, and somewhere in the depths of the sea there is also Severodvinsk and its comrades from the Animal Division. This really looks like a diversionary maneuver, where Admiral Gorshkov acts as a target designator, Kazan is a scarecrow, and the main force is somewhere nearby.
    1. +5
      13 June 2024 11: 42
      So the Americans know who, when and where went out. Therefore, they control the "underwater part of the iceberg" just as well as its "tip".
      1. -2
        13 June 2024 12: 27
        There have already been a couple of similar operations in the past when the Americans were 6 pl. 971 projects on their shores were not noticed. They may repeat ours this time, but we’ll find out about this in 50 years when the bar is removed. The ocean is big in it and 1000 nuclear submarines can be hidden. Or maybe the fellow Pacific Islanders are putting something into practice already off the western coast of the states.
        1. +2
          13 June 2024 13: 01
          "Or maybe the Pacific Ocean comrades are putting something into practice" - judging by how our fleet is feeling and what is happening in the Ministry of Defense, no - they are not putting anything into practice. That is for sure. It does not happen that the entire mechanism is rusty, but one part of it works perfectly. Alas, no matter how much we would like to dream about something else, but this is the reality.
      2. -2
        13 June 2024 20: 05
        It is possible to record the exit to the sea. But where the submarine or SSBN went is not. A good example, in the late 90s, early 2000s, the Americans knew that our submarine was "grazing" near their shores, but they did not find it. And it was only a 3rd generation submarine, project 871 "Shchuka B".
        1. +1
          13 June 2024 22: 12
          That was in the late 90s. If you read about their systems for listening in and tracking underwater vehicles in the oceans, what they already have and what is planned for the near future, you understand that the time of submarine secrecy will soon be over, if it hasn't already. You can make fun of them as much as you like, but the fact is that the Americans have no equal in search and surveillance systems. And they continue to develop these systems by leaps and bounds. And yes, don't forget that they have submarines too, 20 Virginias alone. But unfortunately, we don't have a listening system like theirs. We have very, very big problems with the anti-submarine direction.
  23. 0
    13 June 2024 09: 07
    Everything is good... But... NOT ENOUGH! It is stated that there are no special weapons on the ships. And this is not enough of a scare... If you are going to scare, then you need to SCARE!
  24. +3
    13 June 2024 09: 16
    Everything that the author says about the visit is quite succinct and informative. But the interpretation of the reaction in the media and KMK is not particularly correct. Considering that in SGA with high, no, HIGH!!! The election advertising campaign is heating up, the reaction in the press is more like sucking up the news feed (responses - “what the demos have brought the country to, the Russians are like home!!!”, the demos - “why make noise? A couple of rusty troughs in tow, just laugh )))".
    And in our segment of the Internet they sing along according to the established procedure, the same statements (well, can’t they invent their own?) with conclusions for the local user (what the Terran has brought, it’s ruining, they could have pensioners...). Something like this.
  25. +1
    13 June 2024 09: 17
    Now, after this visit, the USA and Alaska will be returned... An article on the topic, they are still afraid of us.
  26. BAI
    13 June 2024 09: 17
    1. During the Soviet war, large groups headed by missile cruisers went to Cuba. An entire book was dedicated to the cruise of the missile cruiser "Grozny".
    2. It has been suggested that the submarine is the tip of the iceberg. They say there were 3 more there, but they didn’t show up
    1. -2
      13 June 2024 20: 09
      Yes! But the missile cruiser "Grozny" and its brother "Varyag" pr 58 are comparable in displacement to the frigate 22350. But in other respects, these cruisers are inferior to the frigate.
      1. -2
        13 June 2024 23: 58
        Oh, what a minus. Is it difficult for you to compare the characteristics of these ships?
  27. +1
    13 June 2024 10: 24
    on Lourdes, the base would not have had to be solemnly closed to the guarantor and there would have been no need to conduct reconnaissance.... and even from a frigate, the trip in itself is useful, but it would be better if this trip ended with the opening of a naval base in Cuba
  28. 0
    13 June 2024 10: 26
    I don’t see the point in explaining anything to the poor people; they won’t understand anyway. Yes, and there is no such task, understand, for these mattress pads. They sent the ships they considered necessary and sent them. And send these commentators.
  29. +2
    13 June 2024 10: 40
    They would write directly: a probable enemy enemy.
  30. +3
    13 June 2024 10: 57
    If you don’t have a couple of dozen bases, then there’s no point in getting into the headband of the reproductive organ. And it will be like with the SVO, they wanted it in a month, but it turned out how it turned out
  31. +6
    13 June 2024 10: 59
    Can anyone explain what this article is about? About our flying hats?
  32. +2
    13 June 2024 11: 00
    To be honest, the impression from this news is ambivalent. On the one hand, there is an undoubted reason to be proud of our Navy: resources were found - this is an indicator of economic power, and warships displaying the country’s flag are quite modern and quite combat-ready - this is a definite indicator of our technological power, and they arrived without incident - “this is a plus for our deputy technical manager”... In other words, they seem to be great! But...
    On the other hand, for a powerful military power, as our country undoubtedly appears to someone, this military campaign is a very, very ordinary phenomenon, both in terms of the number of military pennants and the combat power of our group, and in terms of the frequency of such demonstrations of force , and most importantly, from the point of view of the reality of a potential military threat to our North American “partners”. In other words, this campaign could not surprise or frighten anyone, nor could it inspire confidence in anyone...
    When in 1982, the unnoticed Soviet nuclear submarine "Pike" surfaced tens of miles from the American nuclear submarine base "Ohio" and conditionally "destroyed" this base, the American admirals first shit themselves, and then thought hard. It seems that this is exactly what our army and navy exist for, doesn’t it?
    1. +6
      13 June 2024 16: 18
      Quote: Vladimir Yurievich
      When in 1982, the unnoticed Soviet nuclear submarine "Pike" surfaced tens of miles from the American nuclear submarine base "Ohio" and conditionally "destroyed" this base, the American admirals first shit themselves

      Whether it’s our admirals’ business - how many of their nuclear submarines are not grazing at our bases, no problem :)))
      1. -1
        13 June 2024 20: 22
        You, Andrey, as always, “shower negativity” at our country and its army and navy. But, alas, both the Americans and our boats graze in patrol areas and in naval base areas. There is constant confrontation. Oh, I see from your speeches that you advocate for the enemy’s fleet more than once, don’t hide behind an independent assessment.
        The Americans have always accused us of being backward (there was a time when our boats made noise “like cows”), but alas for you, that time has passed and our SSBNs and nuclear submarines have become less noisy and more dangerous with their strike systems.
        1. +3
          13 June 2024 22: 04
          Quote: Sergey39
          But, alas, both the Americans and our boats graze in patrol areas and in naval base areas

          Yes, but there is a nuance. The Americans are grazing in the area of ​​our naval bases. And ours graze in the area of ​​our naval bases. But ours did not graze in the area of ​​the American naval bases even during the Soviet era. Yes, there was a case when our “Pike” grazed “Ohio” for five days. But the Americans then controlled up to 70-80% of the output of the Pacific Fleet SSBNs to the BS. feel the difference
          Quote: Sergey39
          There is a constant confrontation

          Doesn't work. We have practically nothing to oppose.
          Quote: Sergey39
          do not hide behind an independent assessment.

          I prefer to hide behind facts.
          Quote: Sergey39
          The Americans have always accused us of being backward (there was a time when our boats made noise “like cows”), but alas for you, that time has passed and our SSBNs and nuclear submarines have become less noisy and more dangerous with their strike systems.

          Sorry, why did you just say that? Do you think the key problem there is noise, or what? :)))))))
          In terms of noise, we sharply narrowed the gap with the United States back in the late 70s; our “Pikes” and “Pikes-B” are generally quite competitive. But for some reason the problems remained. Why do you think?
          1. -2
            14 June 2024 00: 20
            It is very curious that in your opinion in our fleet there are 6 SSBNs and 16 nuclear submarines in the Northern Fleet and 6 boats under repair. In the Pacific Fleet there are 5 SSBNs, 7 nuclear submarines and 5 boats under repair. And this is not a force capable of destroying any enemy. And, keep your speculations and your eternal "that everything is bad with us" to yourself. Naturally, there are problems and we are solving them "the Russian way", but we are solving them.
            1. +1
              14 June 2024 00: 35
              Quote: Sergey39
              It is very interesting that according to you, our fleet on the Northern Fleet includes SSBN-6 and nuclear submarines - 16 and 6 boats under repair. At the Pacific Fleet, SSBNs-5, nuclear submarines-7 and 5 boats are being repaired. And this is not a force capable of destroying any enemy.

              No, not strength.
              Quote: Sergey39
              Oh, keep your speculations and your eternal “that everything is bad with us” to yourself

              When I need your advice, I will ask you for it.
              Quote: Sergey39
              Naturally, there are problems and we solve them “the Russian way,” but we solve them.

              You don't decide anything. You're just chatting on the Internet. At the same time, you avoided my question, which once again speaks of you as a person who is extremely superficially familiar with the topic.
  33. +1
    13 June 2024 11: 08
    A very correct explanation for a tugboat in the squad. And a repairman, and a rescuer, and a tractor, and a fireman... Anything can happen at sea, but you may not get help. But in this regard, it is still unclear why they sent a ship from 89, because in recent years they have been commissioning new tugs of this class, if I am not mistaken?
  34. -2
    13 June 2024 11: 15
    do zircons carry jabs? If so, then you can understand this bold campaign. The Americans will not organize sabotage on their shores, much less drown them...
  35. +1
    13 June 2024 11: 47
    As the hero of one of the Soviet films used to say: "The point of view depends on the point of sitting...." And hence the views, opinions and judgments... God bless them, the Americans... Let them say, write what they want... The main thing is that our warships perform "specific" tasks in the Caribbean, near the territory of the sworn "partner"... And something "in my heart" tells me that there are weapons on board our warships, with "specific" warheads... From the experience of the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet "stagnation" - on such long voyages, our Navy, as a rule, did not go with conventional weapons, preferring "unusual" warheads of missiles and torpedoes.... There is nothing personal here, the usual combat training of ships and auxiliary vessels of the Russian Navy with the implementation of the "Demonstration of the Flag" in the Caribbean and a "Friendly Visit" to Cuba to the great pleasure of all Parties.....
  36. +1
    13 June 2024 11: 54
    As the hero of one of the Soviet films used to say: "The point of view depends on the point of sitting...." And hence the views, opinions and judgments... God bless them, the Americans... Let them say, write what they want... The main thing is that our warships perform "specific" tasks in the Caribbean, near the territory of the sworn "partner"... And something "in my heart" tells me that there are weapons on board our warships, with "specific" warheads... From the experience of the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet "stagnation" - on such long voyages, our Navy, as a rule, did not go with conventional weapons, preferring "unusual" warheads of missiles and torpedoes.... There is nothing personal here, the usual combat training of ships and auxiliary vessels of the Russian Navy with the implementation of the "Demonstration of the Flag" in the Caribbean and a "Friendly Visit" to Cuba to the great pleasure of all Parties..... For local "experts": nowadays, even one "pennant", but with nuclear (thermonuclear) weapons on board will make more "noise" than an armada of ships with conventional weapons...
  37. +3
    13 June 2024 12: 33
    Well, now we’ll all get better. The Americans rushed to buy up diapers...
    That is, for domestic consumption it is an image of an all-powerful power, but in reality uranium and gas are shipped to the states.
    And nothing - it has been working for many years, the method is as reliable as clockwork.
    1. +1
      13 June 2024 19: 16
      Dear Dozorny severa! War is war, but nobody has cancelled commerce, especially in the "friendly family" of capitalist states... And are you aware that we are, for now, in its ("family") composition? And the Supreme Commander is silent about leaving it, apparently, for now, it is "more convenient" to be like that.....
  38. +1
    13 June 2024 13: 09
    Our naive Mother Russia loves articles like this :-)
  39. -1
    13 June 2024 14: 09
    If we imagine that this unit will be attacked by the BEC, what will be the outcome?
    1. +2
      13 June 2024 14: 41
      If we imagine that this unit will be attacked by the BEC, what will be the outcome?
      Guess it three times wink
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 22: 29
        I strongly suspect that any of those present will guess the first time? laughing
    2. -2
      13 June 2024 19: 26
      Dear Garris199! For "this case" a nuclear "secret vessel" has been included in the Russian Navy detachment, possibly with "specific" weapons on board.... It is too early to talk about the "exodus" of North Americans from the continent - the Lord God, and the circumstances have not yet "formulated" for them the reasons for the "exodus"... That's how it is...
  40. +1
    13 June 2024 15: 01
    I was hoping to see an article describing the capabilities of a group of ships based on their systems in comparison with the capabilities of the American group that was sent after us. Was hoping to see an analysis.
    But instead, it’s simply a statement of the fact that they sent a group of their ships after us and the discussion of the topic that “look how their journalists screwed it up”! Honestly, last year, number of analytical articles. Those who bring something new or coldly and scientifically predict something - less and less
    But there is more bravado (((
    1. -1
      13 June 2024 19: 36
      Dear Mustachioed Cook! In short, only a very narrow circle of people, even official ones, should know about the capabilities of this group of warships, otherwise the whole intrigue of the "Flag Show" in the Caribbean is lost... But if it's long, with explanations, from "hoary history", and with comparisons, then the cutlets in the galley may burn, without your supervision....
  41. 0
    13 June 2024 15: 41
    Why do we, in the sense of Russia, have to ask someone for permission on what to do and how to live. RUSSIA IS RUSSIA and that says it all.
  42. The comment was deleted.
  43. -1
    13 June 2024 17: 01
    This is all just a show-off. What we really need is to open rebel party cells in unstable regions of the world. Give them long-range and precise weapons, give them coordinates and shoot at the address.
    Libya has France, Syria has someone else, Yemen, etc. All interesting games need to be played both ways.
    1. +1
      13 June 2024 19: 42
      Oh, my dear sir, you've gone too far, dear Zaurbek! Are you by any chance a graduate of the Ernesto Che Guevara party school in La Higuera (Bolivia)...?????
      1. 0
        13 June 2024 21: 33
        Everything is more prosaic, polytechnic.
  44. 0
    13 June 2024 17: 27
    [Quote]And, by the way, since our strategic aviation pilots are already familiar with Venezuelan airfields, why not get acquainted with Cuban or Nicaraguan runways?/quote] After my only acquaintance with Venezuelan airfields, 6 years have passed, everything has already been forgotten. Now let's try to get acquainted with Cuban airfields, and in 6 years with Nicaraguan ones? And then again in a circle (with a cycle of 18 years)? Fear America.
  45. -2
    13 June 2024 17: 59
    Well, they made some noise. And what? The meaning of the operation is the rustle? We do not have any strength or ability to pull the US's mustache out of Cuba. No. They don’t believe that we will hit them. Khrushchev was a village idiot. He could. There were two bombs, and he would have thrown both. Putin is not. The Americans can neutralize our forces there.
    In general, that’s not what we’re doing.
  46. -4
    13 June 2024 18: 40
    Do You remember how Kuznetsov was sailing in 2016 to Syria? Nothing strange, that they are interested in tug boat in case that another ship would break down.
  47. -1
    13 June 2024 18: 53
    How can it be that there are no nuclear weapons on board the nuclear submarine? Should the boat really return to base to reload in case of war)) It’s ridiculous for a ship to go on a long voyage without main weapons.. So the Americans should think 100 times before making such statements about the absence of nuclear weapons on board, but we don’t There's no point in calming them down!!
  48. -1
    14 June 2024 02: 47
    What kind of “joint exercises” are there if Cuba has only motor boats.
    We just came to chat. Our guys also went to Cuba for 80 days in the 5s. In those years, she still had some boats built in the 70s. Fidel later drowned one of them for tourists to scuba dive near Varadero
  49. -1
    14 June 2024 19: 36
    Sad. We are not building large ocean-going ships, naval aviation is rapidly becoming obsolete, and we do not have new destroyer-type ships. What can we be proud of at sea? Nothing. What is all this for?
    1. 0
      14 June 2024 22: 35
      So in order for the “hurray patriots” to be proud, the above-mentioned “cultural trip” to the Caribbean was started! lol
  50. -2
    14 June 2024 22: 59
    America would undoubtedly have shut up 40 - 50 years ago, when the Soviet Navy was roaming around the world, forcing it to reckon with the main counterweight to American hegemony on our planet - the Soviet Union. The current visit to Cuba seems to have caused only “American concern” in the Russian media, and even then not in all of them. The consequence of this was a lot of invigorating remarks in “The Cart”, according to some of which the overseas public panickedly rushed to prepare bomb shelters, and government and military institutions hastily opened safes with evacuation plans. Obviously, some do not even rule out that many Americans, scared to death by the new Russian invasion, will follow the example of James Forrestal, who (according to a widespread legend) jumped from the 16th floor shouting: “The Russians are coming!” It is possible that with some amendment: “The Russians are sailing!” lol
  51. 0
    18 June 2024 21: 56
    The United States can simply do nothing and push with its weight. Actually, that's what they do. And they succeed in this, we note.
    If you are a lightweight, then your chances are zero. Anyone who knows boxing knows about the term “championship rounds.” Where the resource turns out to be more important than spurt in the first rounds.
    You can puff out your cheeks as much as you like, but it’s not that the forces are incomparable, but the order of forces. Alas.
  52. 0
    19 June 2024 12: 13
    well, this article is also just to joke...
  53. 0
    10 July 2024 12: 18
    There was nothing but depletion of the resources of the already small fleet in this visit.
    Well, we swam and swam to Cuba. What's next? Did they scare the Americans with a frigate and a submarine?