About towed artillery

About towed artillery

It is customary to criticize towed artillery. The combat/travel conversion time is too long, automation is low, etc. Nevertheless, almost all armies in the world, with a few exceptions, do not completely abandon it in favor of self-propelled. They are in service in series of varying numbers, but they are released, infrequently, but new models of towed guns are being adopted. And it’s apparently not just a matter of lower cost.

To figure out whether towed guns are really needed, and perhaps necessary, we will simulate several real service and combat situations in which artillery is involved as an integral part of the armed forces.

For simplicity, we will compare towed and self-propelled howitzer systems of the ground forces without considering the mortars and artillery of the paratroopers and marines. I would like to make a reservation right away that I consider self-propelled and towed systems not as competitors, but as complementary types of artillery.

To start.


Mobilization of personnel and commissioning of equipment from long-term storage. The gun commander and gunner, who served on towed howitzers (BG), no matter what model, 5, 10, 20 years ago, being called up from the reserve, will restore their skills in a week or two of real combat training. Numbers for the BG can be prepared from conscripts who are not related to artillery quickly enough. An intelligent civilian driver will learn to put a panorama “on a peg” with a KamAZ or Ural, not counting other operations, within a period of days or weeks.

Of course, conscripts will acquire the skills to operate towed artillery much faster than self-propelled artillery.

A properly preserved complete BG is put into operation by the unit's l/s and technical services within tens of hours. At the same time, putting a self-propelled gun removed from storage in order will require qualified personnel; in the conditions of a repair enterprise, the repair period is far from days.

Division 2A65 in storage in the park. Photo from the author’s personal archive

In the spring of 2014, the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed several 2C19 early releases on the territory of the now Russian Kherson region adjacent to Crimea. It did not reach combat use then, but losses of self-propelled guns were recorded with the complete burnout of at least one unit. The incidents occurred as a result of errors in the operation of hastily introduced complex equipment by unprepared soldiers, and it was not a matter of belonging to a specific army. Increased attention, and therefore energy and time, for the operation of more complex equipment must be spent in any army in the world.

All this testifies to the mobilization value of towed artillery.

Next episode.

The artillery unit has been mobilized, combat coordination and other necessary measures have been carried out. Some of them move into the database area, for example, near Orekhov, Zaporozhye region - the example was chosen arbitrarily for clarity. To the railway station - conditionally: Millerovo or Feodosia, some arrived on platforms and in wagons. Next - about 200-300 km along roads.

To transport tracked self-propelled guns, specialized tractors with increased carrying capacity will be required; after unloading, the towed guns will be attached to their own tractors - and off they go; vehicle platforms will only be needed for SOB and reconnaissance MTLBs, if the SOB, radar and sound vehicle is not on wheels. Transporting self-propelled guns on tank carriers requires more time, fuel, and people.

The main dangers on the march are an attack by the DRG, aviation the enemy - unmanned or manned, as well as their own technical malfunctions.

Where will the enemy gunner aim when attacking vehicles on the march?

It is unlikely to be the thin silhouette of a towed howitzer. The defeat of a self-propelled gun on a platform or a tank tractor will in any case lead to the absence of a gun at the front at the right time, at least for a while. Defeat or failure due to a malfunction of the BG tractor is solved by replacing it with almost any army truck.

Thus, towed artillery has advantages in terms of movement in the operational and operational-tactical zones.

Further. Movements in the tactical zone and combat work itself.

Here, the advantages of BGs over wheeled and tracked self-propelled guns are sharply reduced, although not so catastrophically. Obviously, wheeled vehicles will move better on roads, and tracked self-propelled guns will move better off-road, but “a truck with a howitzer on a trailer stuck in the mud can be pushed out with the help of, if not a crew, then certainly a fire platoon(s). It will not be possible to rescue a tracked self-propelled gun in a similar situation without the use of additional tractors.

2A65 on wheels on tactics. Photo from the author’s personal archive

Placement at a firing position

Undoubtedly, the transfer from the traveling position to the combat position and back for towed systems requires a lot of calculation effort (“soldier, be vigilant, you were not given boots in order to drop the 2A36 base plate on them!”), and a little more time is spent on the transfer. However, the coherence of the crew’s work is “achieved through exercise,” and the selection and placement on the fire requires effort, time and attention from the crews of all systems - both towed and self-propelled. However, as in any situation and always.

OP topographic reference.

With timely and correct operation of artillery reconnaissance, the gun, platoon, and battery occupy positions that have been verified in engineering terms and plotted on a map (tablet) indicating the main direction, turning points, safe angles, etc. There are no particular differences in the operation of BGs and self-propelled guns here, as The orientation of the HE, the turnaround, and the construction of the fan for the BG and self-propelled guns are no different.

Of course, modern modifications of self-propelled guns with automation of all guidance processes from satellite positioning to the start of shooting according to the calculated ones with subsequent adjustments have undeniable advantages in speed, accuracy and ease of operation over previous generations of combat vehicles and self-propelled guns. Electronics, especially reliable ones, are very functional and convenient, but at the same time I remember the words of my OMS teacher, Ivan Ivanovich E. - “a bullet will hit your expensive unit, and you will be left in an open field with binoculars and a map, if you don’t lose it” . By the term “bullet”, the competent and ironic E. meant all kinds of damage and malfunctions of the material part.

In addition, it is quite possible to equip existing and future BGs with electronic units, to the extent possible and necessary, following the example of the same “axes”.

We got attached, calculated the data, zeroed in.

“Stop... Target... Shell... Fuse... Charge... Sight... Level... Turnover... Fire... Gun... Shot... Undershot 200... Move the gun 200 m forward...”

Zeroing and adjustment are identical for towed and self-propelled systems, regardless of whether signs of explosions are observed in the compass, binoculars, or camera drone or deviations are measured by a rangefinder (optical, quantum), radar or acoustics.

Directly BR in position

Inside the self-propelled gun (with the crew located in the turret and hull), rain, snow and wind do not hit the back of the head, there is light and heating, communications and mechanization (not always) of the main processes. At the same time, in the armored space there is noise, clanging, smoke, and limited possibilities for observing the outside, especially the airspace. And the tracked turret self-propelled guns themselves, of which we and everyone else have the majority, are, in fact, a movable metal structure with a high density of highly dangerous mechanisms, flammable and explosive substances.

If modern weapons get into the self-propelled guns with, we repeat, limited observation capabilities, it will, at best, lead to the need for restoration in a specialized repair organization.

The crew of a towed gun works in the fresh air with all the advantages and disadvantages of such work; one of the main advantages in modern conditions is the ability to continuously monitor the environment, and if an enemy drone, projectile, or mine is detected by ear, visually or technically, the crew has the opportunity to take cover in a timely manner from defeat.

A direct analogy arises with the placement of infantry on armor “on horseback” - in movement everyone is watching, in a dangerous situation - scattered, and then actions according to necessity and circumstances.

When placed in a firing position, especially a stationary one, a towed gun is much easier to camouflage; shells and charges are dispersed at safe distances, ideally in covered trenches, which contributes to better stability of the gun and crew.

Even in “pre-unmanned” times, it was practiced to “remove” 1–2 numbers from the BG crews for observation and protection of the perimeter of the firing position. Now this opportunity has acquired even greater value.

The gun parts, charges, and shells, including adjustable and active-reactive ones, are the same for self-propelled and towed howitzer versions. The firing range is the same, the rate of fire is comparable. The undeniable value of self-propelled guns, especially modern ones, is the best time dynamics when implementing a “hit-and-run” fire attack and the ability to use the “barrage of fire” mode. This is still a promising opportunity for us. All other fire capabilities for BGs and self-propelled guns are the same.

Counter-battery fight

CBB is a separate broad topic, but, in short, it is primarily reconnaissance, target designation, competent placement of firing positions with cover by both artillery and other fire weapons. And the maximum firing range of artillery systems - both towed and self-propelled, or a few “extra” minutes in the combat/traveling position, are, of course, important, but can and should be compensated by the correct organization of combat work.

Let us note in parentheses that firing at full charge at maximum range means the greatest wear on the barrel and gun mechanisms, increased loads on carriages and chassis, increased dispersion of projectiles and a corresponding decrease in accuracy. It's like a car's speedometer may say maximum speed, but how often is the car driven at it?

Combat stability, maintenance and maintainability

A direct or close hit from enemy large-caliber ammunition will result in the failure of any weapon. Weapons of lower power also do not increase the combat effectiveness of either the crew or the materiel. Considered an indisputable advantage 10–20 or more years ago, the bulletproof and anti-fragmentation armor protection of self-propelled guns with modern means of destruction - primarily loitering ammunition of all types - requires strengthening and addition.

And in the case of self-propelled guns, on the one hand, it is important that the reinforcements have something to attach to and the additions have something to power with energy, but, on the other hand, such reinforcements increase the already considerable mass and dimensions of the installation, making camouflage more difficult to one degree or another limit the functionality of the howitzer, and in an emergency increase the time to leave the combat vehicle.

Perhaps the open layout of modern self-propelled guns on a car chassis is one way out.

If a towed gun is hit by the same FPVdrone or in a swarm, the crew at least has the opportunity to timely detect the approaching ammunition and hide from destruction, and a hit by a warhead in most cases will not lead to the formation of secondary damaging factors. BG is several tons of high-quality metal and a relatively small amount of rubber and machine oil.

The list of operations for daily and periodic maintenance is much shorter for the BG compared to any self-propelled guns. Medium, major and restoration repairs, as noted above, in terms of labor intensity and duration for towed systems also differ significantly for the better.


Summarizing the situational comparison of towed and self-propelled guns, we come to the conclusion that towed systems have an undeniable advantage during mobilization deployment, if it is necessary to build up an artillery group in a short time, especially in the operational and operational-tactical zones.

Towed systems are less susceptible to breakdowns and damage, easier to maintain, repair, and restore. With almost equal fire capabilities to self-propelled guns, the shortcomings of the BG can and should be compensated for by the correct organization of combat work. Although, of course, it was smooth on paper...

Of course, included tank, mechanized formations, it is most advisable to use self-propelled guns made on standardized tracked chassis, which has been confirmed by practice since the time of the SA. We haven’t seen tank breakthroughs in modern times, but no one has canceled them yet.

The place of the BG is, first of all, as part of artillery regiments and brigades, including the RVGK, which are quickly moved under their own power to the necessary sectors of the front. Also, the place of the BG is in motorized rifle regiments on wheeled vehicles.

In the spring of 2014, during the “Crimean Spring,” KamAZ trucks with a 2A65 on a trailer were the first to arrive near Dzhanka along the Feodosia highway.

Currently, several systems are in service and used in combat simultaneously - D-20, D-30, 2A65, 2A36, their corresponding self-propelled guns and several types of HE shells with charges, not counting systems of caliber 85, 100, 120 mm. Such a large number of systems had and still has its reasons, but we are not talking about them now. During the database bоMost of these systems will use up their resources and will need to be replaced.

One of the 2A35 variants. Photo by the author

According to information from open sources, our armed forces consider guns of two calibers – 120 and 152 mm – promising. Apparently, in the 152 mm caliber, a system created on the basis of 2A64/65, taking into account combat experience, will become promising for mass production. Perhaps the barrel length will be increased to 52 klb, both for self-propelled and towed versions.

Technologically, making a 47-club barrel or a 52-club barrel is practically the same thing. I assume that this has not been done yet due to the high dispersion of existing shells at ranges corresponding to 52 klb.

The high consumption of projectiles during combat maintenance will make it possible to launch the production of a promising HE projectile for a promising howitzer. Will it be unified with the 2S35 projectile? I assume not. Due to its design features, the 2S35 “Coalition” is unlikely to become widespread; most likely, it will be used by individual units to solve the most important tasks and CBB. A towed version of the Coalition will also not be created.

The question of creating a promising artillery system for the Airborne Forces and Marines remains open, but this is a topic for another discussion.
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  1. +5
    11 June 2024 05: 17
    Did the Spanish general read the conclusions of our respected author ... declaring that the time of towed artillery has passed. smile
    1. +8
      11 June 2024 08: 13
      The Spanish general would be INTERESTED in purchasing a dozen or two Pz2000s or some other expensive specimen, which would be fired once every 5 years at the training ground, and tell everyone how modern the Spanish army is. When heels of leopards were collected all over Spain, the real combat capability of those same Spaniards became clear. And these people will teach us?
      1. +3
        11 June 2024 11: 55
        We will compare towed and self-propelled howitzer systems

        I would also like to hear the opinion of professional artillery experts about wheeled and tracked self-propelled guns, and perhaps wheeled self-propelled guns will still replace the BG? Or not?
      2. +2
        11 June 2024 13: 18
        Our path is to replace towed artillery with self-propelled artillery. "Gvozdiki" and "Acacia" were supposed to replace towed artillery in motorized rifle divisions. And this process ended in 2013. The only reasonable tracked self-propelled guns are wheeled ones.
  2. +8
    11 June 2024 05: 28
    From my own sofa observations, I can conclude that in modern warfare the rule works: shoot back as quickly as possible and leave at full speed as quickly as possible. Until something came back
    1. +5
      11 June 2024 10: 53
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      From my own sofa observations, I can conclude that in modern warfare the rule works: shoot back as quickly as possible and leave at full speed as quickly as possible. Until something came back

      But where can you get away from a submarine? wink
      After all, when you move away, “it’s far away to see you...” Here it is necessary, depending on the situation, when to retire, when to hide.
      The article correctly describes both the advantages and disadvantages of towed and self-propelled systems.
      In general, both are required, as always, depending on the tasks. and all types of artillery need to be improved.
      1. +1
        12 June 2024 22: 23
        I think today's fighting clearly shows that dedication is an important factor for fighters. When will a towed and self-propelled, modern soldier and a soldier who served 15-20 years ago be evaluated differently? I tried to remember my school days, but without training and preparation, I probably wouldn’t succeed. Although the theory does not change, practice in your own combat unit is different, more complex and demanding. am
      2. +3
        13 June 2024 16: 28
        That's right - when to run away, when to hide, when, on the contrary, to make noise - what task will be completed?
    2. +3
      11 June 2024 16: 11
      Some D-30 can be left in position; no one will find it in the forest belt. Towed howitzers are good in defense when they have been dug into the right place, and the enemy is not aware of it. You just need to understand that instead of one self-propelled gun we may have twenty howitzers in positions, and crews are waiting in dugouts
      1. +1
        27 June 2024 00: 48
        You will be surprised, but the crews of self-propelled guns also live in dugouts. They climb into self-propelled guns only on the command “to fight”. And even then, two of the crew remain outside the hull - feeding shells from the ground.
        1. 0
          27 June 2024 01: 15
          You can’t really jump out of a self-propelled gun into the dugout, and you won’t really hear anything. And now there is not much movement around the self-propelled guns; they arrived, stopped, quickly shot back and moved on.
          The main and unknown question is the prices of self-propelled guns and towed howitzers. If it’s 50 to 1 then it’s one thing, but if it’s 5 to 1 then it’s not so obvious
          1. +1
            27 June 2024 01: 20
            alexoff .arrived, stopped, quickly shot back and moved on.

            Nothing like this. We arrived, dug in, built a dugout, and settled in. They stood in one place for weeks. A day later, they completed the fire mission and piled up the branches. They fenced it in with rowan grouse. Watch the reports on TV, everything is shown in detail.
          2. ada
            1 July 2024 04: 17
            Quote from alexoff
            ... arrived, stopped, quickly shot back and moved on. ...

            Where to go"? Back, to the rear area or to the side to the new OP, to the waiting area or the expectant area? If you flutter like a blotter, then you need to drink a lot of fuel, add oil, some spare parts, water and grub with tablets. So it’s possible to get to double or triple CHF sets, but who will produce them? Who will catch up with GeSeEMu? Give me a ride? Who will repair and feed these “hunted” people, wash and change them, and treat them? The benefits of moving are clear, but what about the costs? And, mind you, this is a completely different organization of the military and military personnel, their weapons, the formation of their battle formations, their echelons, the organization of control and not only the military and military forces!
            Prices? No - resources! All calculations are based on resource capabilities!
            1. 0
              1 July 2024 11: 45
              So, in any case, you will have to move, whether on a self-propelled gun, motor scooter or off-road vehicle. I just indicated the option of moving without a towed howitzer
    3. +2
      27 June 2024 00: 44
      Dutchman Don't listen to journalists. This is why they organize this for them. But in fact, the howitzer sits in one place for weeks.
  3. 10+
    11 June 2024 05: 35
    Where will the enemy gunner aim when attacking vehicles on the march?
    It is unlikely to be the thin silhouette of a towed howitzer.
    Into the tractor that tows this howitzer. At a minimum, the tractor is destroyed, at most the entire crew that is transported in the same tractor, and if there were shells in the back that could detonate... The gun remains intact, but has neither the tractor nor the crew...
    1. +7
      11 June 2024 07: 17
      The gun remains intact, but has neither a tractor nor a crew... if you hit a self-propelled gun, the effect is even worse - there will be nothing left.
    2. +1
      11 June 2024 13: 21
      It’s unlikely that the gun will remain intact if a dozen or two shells explode nearby.
  4. -1
    11 June 2024 06: 33
    Towed artillery is still relevant, because of its simplicilty and ease of use. But to increase the precision and lethality of strike, guided-shells must be used. Krasnopol artilley shell is the answer. A Krasnopol shell can change, a towed artillery machine into a super-duper weapon. Emphasis should be given to manufacture (a) long-range (b) low-cost (c) high-precision and (d) light-weight Krasnopol shells. Towed artillery + Krasnopol shells, could be a game changer.
  5. +6
    11 June 2024 07: 03
    This is called "a debate about which arm (leg) is better - the right or the left." Isn’t it clear that it’s stupid to compare BG and SG? Both varieties are necessary and should be used comprehensively, complementing each other.
    1. -4
      11 June 2024 18: 10
      Quote: Yuras_Belarus
      This is called "a debate about which arm (leg) is better - the right or the left."

      In general, the article is unconvincing. The author emphasizes the “pros” of his point of view, carefully making the “cons” unimportant. At the same time, he often contradicts himself. It looks like the problem statement is being adjusted to fit the answer.
      PS I’m not an artilleryman myself, but the tendentiousness of the article hurts my eyes.
      1. +2
        11 June 2024 21: 34
        Give an example of bias, at least one
  6. +8
    11 June 2024 07: 21
    Many thanks to the Author for a competent and interesting article.
    1. +2
      13 June 2024 16: 29
      Thank you very much, I tried to write to the point, without prolonging it
  7. +2
    11 June 2024 07: 58
    We got attached, calculated the data, zeroed in.
    “Stop... Target... Shell... Fuse... Charge... Sight... Level... Turnover... Fire... Gun... Shot... Undershoot 200... Move the gun 200 m forward... »
    The crew of the towed gun works in the fresh air winked with all the advantages and disadvantages of such work, one of the main advantages in modern conditions is the possibility of continuous monitoring wassat environment, and when detected by ear lol , visually lol or by technical means of an enemy drone belay , projectile belay , mines belay payment is possible in a timely manner laughing hide from defeat.

    Today is definitely not the first of April?!
    1. +1
      26 June 2024 23: 35
      Today is definitely not the first of April?!
      recourse Who knows, maybe according to some Martian calendar it’s the first of April! laughing
      Yeah... I especially liked:
      Undershot 200... Move the gun 200 m forward...
      laughing laughing good
  8. -1
    11 June 2024 08: 00
    According to the wiki, there are 3 pieces of TM-3-12 available. The question is, is it possible to revive them? Our opponents will definitely like the 470 kg 12-inch projectile.
    1. +4
      11 June 2024 11: 44
      For what? there is more gimor than exhaust
    2. +1
      27 June 2024 00: 53
      Caliber 305 mm - this is how to work in a million-plus bunker. But there are no such people. And there is already a FAB-1500 with UMPC. The niche is occupied.
  9. +1
    11 June 2024 08: 14
    “Stop... Target... Shell... Fuse... Charge... Sight... Level... Turnover... Fire... Gun... Shot... Undershot 200... Move the gun 200 m forward..."

    And if “flight 200”, then move it 200 m back?
    This phrase raises serious doubts that the author ever had any practical relationship with artillery. When flying 200 meters, no one moves the gun anywhere, the aiming angle simply changes.
    1. 16+
      11 June 2024 08: 37
      Quote from Frettaskyrandi
      This phrase raises serious doubts that the author ever had any practical relationship with artillery.

      This phrase just shows that the author is an artilleryman. Features of professional humor.
      1. -4
        11 June 2024 08: 46
        So is the article about artillery or professional humor?
        1. +8
          11 June 2024 09: 00
          Quote from Frettaskyrandi
          So is the article about artillery or professional humor?

          It does not interfere. Moreover. This is not only humor, but also an educational measure (when you can aim, but skate more clearly, this increases responsibility and clears the mind). But you apparently didn’t quite understand the essence of the article (artillery).
          1. 0
            11 June 2024 12: 43
            But you apparently didn’t quite understand the essence of the article (artillery).

            I understood the essence of the article. It’s just interesting to observe that the local artillerymen have a unique sense of humor - they make jokes themselves, but they don’t take jokes in return.
      2. +1
        11 June 2024 19: 08
        here recently there was an article about the D-30, its use in the Northern Military District. Well, I asked the author a question. I was also joking, so they covered it with minuses. And the question is this. The howitzer fires along a hinged trajectory, let’s say through a 9-story building. And if you put it on side and shoot. Will the projectile fly around the corner? After all, it has a hinged trajectory, that’s the same, but in a horizontal plane. I really didn’t set it))), and the readers didn’t understand the humor.
        1. ada
          1 July 2024 02: 43
          Quote: vadivm59
          ... The howitzer fires along a hinged trajectory, ...

          In artillery they “shoot” not “along a trajectory”, but by the type and type of fire - firing, which, in particular, depends on the type, or more precisely, the characteristics of the projectile trajectory obtained in the air of the planet’s atmosphere. The typical characteristic of a projectile trajectory depends on the angle of incidence of the projectile on the surface; if it is less than 20 degrees, then the trajectory is considered sloping, and shooting - flat, if more than 20 degrees, then the trajectory is considered steep, and shooting mounted, and at an elevation angle of more than 45 degrees. - mortar.
          If you put the howitzer on its side, then all of the above will be true in this case for the conditions of planet Earth at the present time, if you do not find fault with the angle of inclination of the trunnions and a number of other conventions Yes
      3. +2
        13 June 2024 16: 30
        Guys, thank you very much
    2. +9
      11 June 2024 10: 29
      If anything, this is a joke, the artillerymen understand. Thanks to the author, I liked the article, he knows what he is writing about. I immediately remembered: autumn, night, rain. The position of the self-propelled battery - not a single living soul, not even the sentries in sight, everyone was hiding. Next is the position of battery D20, all the soldiers at the guns are getting wet under their raincoats, and there is also a fighter standing at the compass. In fact, well-prepared crews work very quickly; for us (290 aabr of the 2nd Guards Tank Army of the GSVG), D20 batteries rolled up and left the position in 3-5 minutes. The political officers of the batteries helped, oddly enough, if anything happened, the l/s moved faster and this was perceived as normal by the OP, no one was offended.
      1. +4
        13 June 2024 16: 42
        Thank you. One of my first commanders (the major in the photo on the screensaver) served in the GSVG as a battalion commander in Acacia in the mid-80s. I talked about the highest level of preparation, as you say. What I remember most vividly is how the Acacia column on the march receives an order, the battalion commander goes ahead to the checkpoint, 6 vehicles turn around in the nearest clearing while occupying the OP, scouts jump out of SOBovskaya on the move, orient the compass, tie up the unprepared one, SOB immediately sets up the third one for shooting. From the order on the march to the sighting shot no more than 5 minutes. Conscripts, using paper maps without a satellite.
        1. +4
          14 June 2024 08: 44
          They were very well prepared, despite the fact that the crews usually only had Russian gunners (Ukrainians, Belarusians). One year, cadets from Tbilisi were sent to us for an internship and classes were organized with them. I also had to do something related to ammunition. And so one asks: Comrade. Art. l-nt, did you put us here on purpose? I know that the graduates are smart guys and I don’t understand what’s going on, I tell him - explain. He: Well, the battery opposite us is working, you specifically placed us in front of the best battery, we won’t be able to work at that speed, even though we’re in the 4th year. That's what I'm saying - it's the 12 battery they use in their boxes, the most common and not the best at all, so at first they didn't believe it. And then, after graduation, several people came to us; at army headquarters they themselves asked to join our brigade. The last or penultimate graduation was from this school.
      2. +1
        27 June 2024 01: 00
        . D20, all the fighters at the guns are getting wet under their raincoats, and a fighter is also standing at the compass.

        At the self-propelled gun position, the fighter is also getting wet. And also a ground server. It gets wet and gets stuck. And after lights out, the BG crew also has a place to rest - in the back of the tractor.
        1. +2
          27 June 2024 09: 06
          I didn’t write about this, but about what I saw then. There were simply no tractors in the position, and you can always hide in a self-propelled vehicle, and even the senior officer. Battery D20 was apparently more strict in that he assigned a separate fighter to guard the compass. But the self-propelled guns hid and there wasn’t even a sentry. And of course the difference is small, the guns all fire according to the same principle.
          1. +1
            27 June 2024 20: 09
            The tractors are moved to the side, 200-400 meters away. And they disguise it. A tractor is a great convenience for calculation. He will bring food, take the wounded, water, shells. It will protect you from bad weather. Self-propelled gunners have less of this stuff, not for every crew.
            1. ada
              1 July 2024 03: 12
              Yes Yes , but using vehicles, self-propelled guns, or tractors for shelter or recreation of l/s is strictly prohibited, only by adapting local objects to the needs (temporarily) and carrying out engineering equipment of the area (positions, concentration, etc.) of the first stage (gap), and when availability of time and the second stage (closed gap) and then in increasing order. You cannot die with a vehicle, only during combat work at a gun or in a vehicle.
              The SOB compass on the OP in the deployed state is not necessary if the CVM is equipped with appropriate instruments, is tied to the terrain and oriented, and the front of the battery is built.
              D-20 apparently the guys were experienced laughing In general, direct security and defense in artillery is bad; this is a clear saving of staff units and underestimation of threats.
              1. +2
                1 July 2024 18: 54
                I completely agree, you seem to be well versed. I just noted that the tractor can be used usefully even after the OP class. Yes, and you can hide at night, cracks and dugouts do not immediately appear...
              2. +2
                5 July 2024 14: 03
                By the way - the "Bear" tractor - there is a special cabin for rest of the crew. Beat everyone...
                1. ada
                  6 July 2024 05: 11
                  Thanks, I haven't seen this. This is probably for specialized troops, such as BRAV and individual missile defense and air forces units and formations in relation to the specifics of the assigned tasks.
                  1. +1
                    6 July 2024 16: 10
                    Army art. Hyacinth and Msta are drawn to it. Search

                    KamAZ-63501AT “Bear” is a general-purpose all-terrain chassis, mass-produced by the Kama Automobile Plant (KAMAZ) since 2004 for military and civilian needs.

                    This is what you need, not gluing the gun to the chassis wink
                    1. ada
                      7 July 2024 18: 12
                      I wonder if you have your finger on the pulse. Thank you, I’ll definitely look into what this symbiosis is. hi
  10. 10+
    11 June 2024 08: 21
    Folks, the author emphasized that a towed one is basically a mobility option. Which is absolutely true. Now is the time that the OP is engaged in only one fire raid. Shooting for towed mainly for planned purposes. And then it is possible not to build linearly, but to build zonally on the OP. Previously, --- individual linking of the gun (now this is not difficult), complete preparation of data for each gun, taking into account the place in the fan., hammer in a peg with the gun number, orientation in OH (or you can immediately use a protractor to the target) according to previously defined (here a pyramid of stones for sticking a targeting point, or a characteristic point on the ground. And communication with each gun. When the battery is scattered over an area of ​​600x600 m, the probability of hitting the entire battery drops. Linear formation is now deadly. Well, it is advisable to make the systems self-propelled. in bulk to the tractors.
    1. ada
      1 July 2024 03: 44
      Quote: chenia
      - this is the basis of all planning and all attempts to escape from it “to the astral plane” ended in a return “to the roots.”
      You propose understandable things, but then a change in the structure of the artillery CHF and the organization of the fire system is required, linked to the proposed tactics of constant movements, which in turn will require careful and high-quality preparation of the OP area and the rear support zone, otherwise the “scattering” may not be collected, but if weapons and military equipment are not withdrawn to safe (relatively remote) holding areas, then all actions will be reduced to changing the OP ad infinitum. Everything requires a resource and an increased military supply of used weapons. and RMS, enhanced comprehensive support or provision. There is no need to talk about the organization of management.
      Now in the Northern Military District zone one can observe a low density of troops, literally in all echelons and zones, but with the build-up of groups and their replacement during the movements of the fronts, in the zone of their actions there will be a “Brownian movement” of high concentration of forces and means - this is not for the faint of heart. The rear zone in the support zone for each front in the West. SN will have to start from beyond the Urals, if not further, and the whole country will become a continuous military and military-production camp.
  11. +4
    11 June 2024 11: 50
    Respect and respect to the author - everything was written correctly as it is good
    1. +2
      13 June 2024 16: 49
      Thank you very much, I tried to write to the point
  12. +6
    11 June 2024 12: 11
    You can pass off need as virtue... But is it necessary?
    There are a couple more points not mentioned.
    1. Most of our self-propelled guns have self-digging equipment. And the towed one is only BSL.
    2. There were repeated reports from stationary positions of towed artillery. They did the work, quickly camouflaged the gun and quickly hid in shelters. In such conditions, a towed one has a clear advantage over a self-propelled one: what is not used is superfluous, and, therefore, reduces efficiency.
    I’ve never been an artilleryman, but I understood and appreciated the joke about “undershooting 200...”, +100500 to the author!
  13. +3
    11 June 2024 12: 12
    The author forgot to mention one factor. Cluster munitions. A couple of MLRS missiles cover a dozen other hectares. And here at least some armor is beyond competition.
    He forgot to mention the rate of fire. The self-propelled gun can easily implement such a trick as “fire barrage/storm”. Show me a calculation capable of this.. The convenience of integration into a single fire control network is also not very much mentioned.
    So BS is certainly better than nothing, but their time has passed. They can be used for some tasks. But self-propelled guns cover them like a bull covers a sheep.
    1. +2
      11 June 2024 19: 34
      Quote: Single-n
      such a trick as "firestorm/storm"

      It is implemented by many NATO guns with 45-caliber barrels and self-propelled guns. From GC-45 to Denel. Mechanized ammunition rack, guidance system.
    2. +3
      11 June 2024 21: 32
      Resistance to large- and small-caliber weapons, which include cluster munitions, is briefly mentioned at the beginning of the Combat Resistance section
      Here, depending on your luck, there are no indisputable and universal methods of protection
      About the rate of fire, including the burst of fire mode, at the end of the section Direct BR in position
      Mentioned briefly so as not to lengthen the text, my past publications were mercilessly cut
      I don’t agree about the fact that self-propelled guns cover the BG.
      In war, everyone has their place, as Sergeant Major Vaskov said
    3. +3
      11 June 2024 21: 50
      For ease of integration into a common network - yes please
      As mentioned in the article, during modernization it is quite possible to install electronic units even without an additional electric drive. Install both on previous generation self-propelled guns and on warheads. But do we have a reliable noise-free connection for the network?
  14. exo
    11 June 2024 13: 04
    A mobilization colleague of mine ended up serving as a Rapier gunner. He speaks positively about the gun. Towed artillery has its place. Now in the Northern Military District they have found applications for means that seemed to be gone forever. There is no need to rush to bury anything.
    1. 0
      11 June 2024 14: 51
      The rapier is T55 (T62) for the poor. And it has no place now... the same 122mm D30 is much more versatile in use.
      1. exo
        11 June 2024 17: 13
        A rapier is, for example. Here is a topic about towed guns in general. We are currently undergoing a large-scale (read: global) operation. Essentially, it's war. But, if it ends, then there will definitely be a place for towed artillery in low- and medium-intensity conflicts. And in other areas, too. Its valuable quality is air mobility. Even by helicopter, the same MI-26, you can throw it to the right place. This, of course, is not about SVO. This won't happen here.
  15. 0
    11 June 2024 14: 49
    Here you still need to compare the same thing, but depending on the length of the barrel and the range and weight of the gun.
    Where self-propelled guns are towed (with short barrels), it’s not always the same with 55-56 caliber barrels, and it’s not at all the same when firing corrugated projectiles at coordinates.
    And you need to compare the Tractor + gun and the gun on the truck with BC and the Truck with additional BC
  16. +3
    11 June 2024 17: 46
    Undershot 200... Move the gun 200 m forward...

    - Comrade captain, it’s tied like that!
    - So what? Cut the ropes!!!
    1. +2
      11 June 2024 21: 15
      Thanks, I haven't heard this continuation wink
  17. +2
    11 June 2024 18: 17
    finally a good and smart article
  18. -4
    11 June 2024 20: 11
    I want to laugh - reading this baby talk - like artillery, it is, of course, self-propelled - but sometimes there are strange towed ones laughing
  19. +3
    11 June 2024 21: 35
    Thanks everyone for the kind words hi

    Thanks for the criticism too
  20. -2
    13 June 2024 14: 12
    The only advantage of towed artillery is its low cost. The inability to quickly change position greatly increases the chances of being destroyed upon detection by the enemy. The personnel are completely defenseless. Failure of the transporter will lead to loss of combat effectiveness. At the same time, the author is confident that the cross-country ability of the tractor is higher than that of a tracked installation.
    Moreover, the tendency to increase the power of guns, the abandonment of 122mm and the transition to 152mm caliber in our army, and 155mm NATO, is being missed. An increase in the length of the barrel also leads to an increase in the mass of the gun, as a result of which the only possible option for a self-propelled gun remains.
    1. -1
      13 June 2024 15: 01
      The modern view of towed guns is guns mounted on trucks like the Malva or Caesar.
      This solution increases mobility, reduces the time of occupying and leaving a position, and is comparable to the cost of a towed gun and tractor.
      Perhaps the only niche for towed guns remains the possibility of their transfer by helicopters in difficult-to-reach areas.
      Everything else is an attempt to pass off need as virtue and retrograde: “before, how nice it was with a flintlock gun and a bayonet, simple, cheap, cheerful....'
    2. +1
      13 June 2024 16: 51
      Did you even read the article? The answers to your statements are interesting, read the article anyway. Everything is there
      1. 0
        14 June 2024 15: 58
        Taken from Lostarmour:

        In Ukraine, the administrator of a telegram channel was arrested for publishing a post about the transfer of 155-mm M777 towed howitzers from Poland to Ukraine in April 2024. Despite the fact that this telegram channel takes an absolutely pro-Ukrainian position, the author is probably in pursuit of “hype.” , revealed the fact of “shadow supplies” of M777 howitzers, as evidenced by:

        1. The number of delivered M198s fixed at 777 pieces in Pentagon reports from July 19, 2023 to May 24, 2024;

        2. An abnormal number of destroyed/damaged howitzers of this type, recorded by means of objective control. More than 200 videos, which indirectly indicates a significantly larger number (than 198 pieces) of M777s in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

        These are only the losses of the M777; for the same Lostarmour, the loss of all self-propelled artillery was 250 units.
        So much for greater survivability.
        1. +2
          14 June 2024 21: 16
          Let's get a look.
          You cite the total number of lost/damaged M777s as evidence of the vulnerability of BA as a species. But it is extremely important to differentiate this number into those that are replaceable and those that are not, what is the reason for failure - combat, repair, captured, during storage and transportation, etc. Lost with or without calculation.
          Then look at M777. The howitzer is good. But. The barrel is secured in a rigid frame made of recoil cylinders and, apparently, hydropneumatic accumulators. Their dimensions seem to invite them to hit them with any ammunition or shrapnel. Between them there are continuous pipelines and valves. All this is swept away by an explosion. M777 is made using titanium alloys; I don’t think that titanium welding in a protective environment is available in all APU workshops. Those. , compared to the same 2A65, the maintainability of the M777 is very so-so, and I would not use it as an example.
          And so, it’s harder to hit a BG, it doesn’t explode, the crew at least has the opportunity to hide from defeat scattered and in the nearest trench.
  21. -1
    21 June 2024 12: 30
    Towed artillery is useless in mechanized and tank units and formations, but is still appropriate as a means of reinforcement at the corps and army level.
    The main disadvantage is low mobility on the battlefield and, accordingly, vulnerability from counter-battery weapons (from artillery to manned and unmanned aviation), but in areas where the enemy has a shortage of such weapons, it can be used - the main application is defense or directly processing the front lines of trenches from maximum range. Again, a siege of populated areas, where such artillery from the depths can destroy city blocks...
    Anti-tank towed guns of the rapier type - they are outdated and it is extremely difficult to use them effectively - the range is not great, and mobility is too - in the end, even the “Papuans” can bring a swarm of FVP drones to positions.
    1. +2
      22 June 2024 00: 00
      Useless is not exactly a term that makes sense to use in relation to 152.4 mm howitzers and the like.
      More like vulnerability
      But what the article says is that for tank and mechanized formations, rather, self-propelled guns, on unified platforms.
      Regarding artillery regiments and brigades of corps and other subordination, yes, but this is what the article talks about, in general, you and I have practically the same conclusion
  22. +2
    27 June 2024 00: 42
    Well, finally a professional spoke up. In the meantime, we were waiting to see how much nonsense we had to read from amateurs...

    Thanks to the author!
  23. ada
    1 July 2024 04: 57
    “Stop... Target... Shell... Fuse... Charge... Sight... Level... Turnover... Fire... Gun... Shot... Undershot 200... Move the gun 200 m forward...”

    Vascheta, this is almost a real episode, no matter how anyone thinks about it, and unfortunately, it’s not very funny.
    I can’t help but join others in thanking the author - thank you for the article!