The President of the Russian Federation answered the question of whether Russia can use nuclear weapons

The President of the Russian Federation answered the question of whether Russia can use nuclear weapons

During yesterday's big press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked about the possibility of the Russian Federation using nuclear weapons. weapons. Answering this question, President Putin pointed out that many abroad believe that Russia will never use nuclear weapons.

Head of State:

We have a nuclear doctrine. Everything is written there. If someone's actions threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, then we consider it possible for ourselves to use all the means that are at our disposal.

According to President Putin, this cannot be treated superficially and frivolously.

Vladimir Putin noted that today a new horror story about Russia is being actively promoted in the West - allegedly Moscow is hatching plans to attack NATO:

Have you gone crazy there, or what? Who even came up with this? Are you as stupid as this table...

According to the president of the country, all these statements could be nonsense, if not for one thing. By trying to portray Russia as the enemy, the West is trying to fool its own citizens.

Vladimir Putin:

Western authorities do this in order to hold on to themselves, to preserve their greatness. That's what these scarecrows are for the German burghers, for the people in France. We defend ourselves in Ukraine. We did not have and do not have any plans to attack NATO.

Meanwhile, in the West itself they are already comparing interviews with representatives of foreign news agencies (USA, Turkey, Britain, the Republic of Korea, Italy and other countries) with the interview that Vladimir Putin previously gave to American journalist Tucker Carlson. It is comparable in the sense that this press conference also caused significant spectator excitement from Ukraine to North America.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +23
    6 June 2024 06: 34
    According to President Putin, it is impossible to treat this superficially and frivolously

    As can be seen from the statements of the Balts’ limitrophes, you can...they don’t really care what Putin says...they have the whole NATO behind them and they are sure that Putin will never give the order to use nuclear weapons...because NATO is this narrative in the West.
    The threshold of fear in the West of our country's nuclear weapons has dropped to the limit of the impudence that Putin allows them... and they take full advantage of it.
    The inoculation of fear of war in Europe with WWII and the Cold War is over...a new one is needed.
    1. +38
      6 June 2024 06: 37
      The West would not have such a narrative if Putin had kept his promises. Tough and inevitable... Then they would know for sure that if they warned, they would definitely fulfill it and not like it is now... Putin himself brought this situation to such a dangerous level
      1. Des
        6 June 2024 07: 15
        Who fought, is fighting - among those commenting?
        1. -5
          6 June 2024 08: 01
          and what does this have to do with it? Well, my uncle... a retired regiment.
          1. +1
            6 June 2024 12: 59
            Vladimir Putin:
            We defend ourselves in Ukraine.
            It is unlikely that he realizes how unconvincing this sounds to an outside observer.
            1. +2
              6 June 2024 14: 20
              and what are we minus... uncle Afghan passed, wounds, awards...
        2. Des
          6 June 2024 08: 41
          Here is the answer. Nobody.
          Briefly, of course.
          1. +8
            6 June 2024 08: 50
            exactly, only militarists, even now ready to use nuclear weapons, just put them at the helm. At the same time, not only military experts, but also well versed in the economy on a national scale, and of course in diplomacy. True, the initial information is drawn from telegram channels or, at best, from TV news.
          2. -1
            6 June 2024 09: 10
            Quote: Des
            Here is the answer. Nobody.
            Briefly, of course.

            You are spreading demagoguery again...
            Putin never fought with us anywhere... Once he came out onto the porch with a pistol and dispersed 5 Germans... Why did you ask your question?
            1. +3
              6 June 2024 10: 30
              ...and here you are right... both about demagoguery and about Putin.(+)
              And now GDP is already pushing the Frenchman’s face across the table.)
      2. +5
        6 June 2024 07: 38
        It is not that simple. Putin has promised an asymmetric response to attacks by Western missiles and military personnel on Russian territory. Where will we answer? From Yemen? So the Houthis still need to deliver our missiles. We don't have Kuznetsov's fleet. You can strike from Kaliningrad, but then there will be strikes from our territory on enemy territory, and we may get a response and the Third World War. Container-type Club-K missiles would be very useful, but I’m not sure they were finished off and not left at the level of cartoons. If they are finished, then the containers can be installed on any scow full of mullet, and hammered at enemy bases or capitals, and then send the “ISIS” scow to the bottom to Neptune.
        1. +3
          6 June 2024 07: 55
          I like the word “asymmetrical”... the explanatory dictionary explains that it is “the absence or violation of symmetry”...
          Vladimir Vladimirovich says every time... you get it many times, I doubt that he meant “lack of symmetry”...
          and where... so, I think that GDP will find a position.)
          1. +2
            6 June 2024 09: 19
            Quote from Egeni
            I like the word “asymmetrical”... the explanatory dictionary explains that it is “the absence or violation of symmetry”...

            And an asymmetrical answer presupposes the absence of any answer...Isn’t this asymmetry?
            Asymmetry is the absence or violation of symmetry.
            This symmetrical answer implies the identity (adequacy) of the measures...
            1. 0
              6 June 2024 10: 09
              Sorry, I’m listening to Putin on the forum... he’s very good at moving the German’s muzzle across the table...
              Yuri, why reprint what I already said...
              “no response” is impossible in our case.
              1. +5
                6 June 2024 10: 34
                Quote from Egeni
                Yuri, why reprint what I already said...

                An old habit. Back in 2011, I was told about personalizing responses. Since then, I first present the user’s quote, and then the response to it.
                Quote from Egeni
                “no response” is impossible in our case.

                As time has shown, the answer may be ordinary chatter (shaking the air). For you and me, people not burdened with official duties and powers, this is a common thing. For an official from the executive branch, this is indecent.
                1. +2
                  6 June 2024 10: 38
                  “ordinary chatter” but not (shaking the air)” ... sometimes, after a glass, but “not burdened with official ..”, so I’m a captain and watch my language.)
                2. 0
                  6 June 2024 10: 45
                  Now Putin (based on a VO video) is “shaking the air” in front of representatives of the world’s leading media... and quite competently, without cheat sheets
                  1. 0
                    6 June 2024 11: 22
                    Quote from Egeni
                    and quite competently, without cheat sheets

                    First, I dare to give an example of the inadequacy of the answers:
                    BEIJING, June 6 – RIA Novosti. China is ready to develop cooperation with Ukraine in all areas, said Deputy Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China Sun Weidong.
                    Consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries took place on Wednesday in Beijing; Ukraine was represented by First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Andriy Sibiga.

                    So, quite competently and without cheat sheets... We are fighting the Nazis, and China has forgotten its interests there...
                    Surely all the prospects for cooperation are much gloomier than they present us...
                    1. 0
                      6 June 2024 12: 00
                      This news caught my attention too. I already asked earlier - “why did the chess player go to China?” For which I picked up a ton of minuses. Now it turns out that the Power of Siberia 2 continues to hang, the issue of payments is in the same place and an additional "China is ready to develop cooperation with Ukraine in all areas", which is tantamount to latent betrayal, in my opinion. M.b. Putin is a great grandmaster, but for some reason he loses games. Another cunning move?
                      1. +3
                        6 June 2024 12: 48
                        China also sets a condition - the purchase of resources from us at domestic Russian prices. In principle, China's actions are clear - it is taking advantage of the moment.
                      2. +2
                        6 June 2024 12: 52
                        Tactically correct, strategically - the path to the western colony. China will take advantage of the fact that it will be left without northern cover, then it will be possible to do whatever it wants with it. We have one problem - there is no one to clearly outline the “tempting prospects” for our cunning neighbors.
                      3. +1
                        6 June 2024 12: 56
                        I don’t care about China, but if China becomes a “Western colony”, by that time we will no longer be a state.
                      4. +1
                        6 June 2024 12: 59
                        What I mean is that China, as an interested party, should understand all this and act somewhat differently than it does now. If he himself does not understand, he must actively suggest, at least try, then perhaps a nuclear club will cease to be the only way out of escalation
                      5. +3
                        6 June 2024 13: 17
                        We ourselves should understand what is happening. Otherwise, all the latest “multi-moves,” to put it mildly, are not impressive.
                      6. +2
                        6 June 2024 13: 41
                        Quote: Vladimir M
                        We ourselves should understand what is happening. Otherwise, all the latest “multi-moves,” to put it mildly, are not impressive.

                        Likewise, the “Brownian movement” can be considered as a multi-pass... Only the result from such a movement is meager...
                      7. 0
                        6 June 2024 14: 13
                        We ourselves should understand what is happening.

                        It seems that what is happening is what is planned. Pushing on the LB with the expectation of a 1:5 result, patching up the damage without any sudden movements with the hope that the white master will get tired of it. At least Putin's tone sounded confident when he spoke about this method of war - "we will shoot down, we will protect, let no one think". The autumn PR campaign in the media "the West is tired, the West is fed up, he is about to give up, Trump, the Republicans, Speaker Johnson!" fits in well with this calculation.
                      8. +1
                        6 June 2024 14: 31
                        "Power S-2" is stuck because musician Xi is holding his horses and is waiting for Miller to sign a contract for pumping gas at a price for OUR regions. Completely crazy.
                      9. 0
                        6 June 2024 14: 32
                        ...well, yes, nuclear “winter is coming.”)
                        China won't survive either
                      10. +1
                        6 June 2024 15: 14
                        ...well, yes, nuclear “winter is coming.”)
                        China won't survive either

                        I agree, while China continues to portray an independent “Martian”.
                      11. +1
                        6 June 2024 15: 44
                        you see, sometimes we are on the same side.)
                      12. +1
                        6 June 2024 14: 28
                        "Strength S-2" froze, so VVP convened a "squad"
                    2. +1
                      6 June 2024 14: 26
                      I'm here on raids... so they only "present" us with what they can.
        2. +3
          6 June 2024 08: 16
          We will get TMB anyway, it’s a matter of time and the desire of “businessmen” to part with their businesses, homes and families in the West, because in soul they have been there for a long time, and Russia for them is only a place for making money.
          Nothing personal, just business.
          1. +1
            6 June 2024 12: 03
            We will get TMV anyway,

            Moreover, if now, by sharply raising the escalation, there is a chance to bring them to their senses, then later only mutual destruction will remain a worthy solution.
        3. -4
          6 June 2024 10: 31
          Don't drift, Bearded Man! If Putin hits, there will be no one to answer.
        4. +4
          6 June 2024 16: 17
          Quote: Bearded
          we can get an answer and Third World War

          Whoever chooses shame between shame and war will still receive war in addition to shame.
        5. 0
          6 June 2024 18: 19
          Beard has a very fresh solution
      3. +1
        6 June 2024 07: 59
        Uncle Joe also harnessed it for a long time...)))
        How did it end, remember?
        1. +1
          6 June 2024 09: 39
          It’s one thing to harness your fingers for a long time, it’s quite another to let your fingers hang loose.
          1. 0
            6 June 2024 10: 11
            ................wait and see
    2. +5
      6 June 2024 06: 41
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      The threshold of fear in the West of our country's nuclear weapons has dropped to the limit of the impudence that Putin allows them... and they take full advantage of it.

      Yeah! I would add decisiveness and firmness to the GDP...
      1. 0
        6 June 2024 14: 17
        no one will add their own. It is necessary to choose someone who is decisive, only those who are decisive were repressed.
        1. 0
          6 June 2024 16: 19
          Quote: Gardamir
          Only those who were determined were repressed.

          And who was repressed? First and last names.
          1. 0
            7 June 2024 06: 38
            Quote: guest
            Quote: Gardamir
            Only those who were determined were repressed.

            And who was repressed? First and last names.

            Facts on the table(C)
    3. +6
      6 June 2024 06: 45
      And what, is NATO weaker than us? It’s clear what is stronger. In human, economic, financial resources. In the military, conventional sphere. And it is clear that in the event of a mess with NATO, we will either lose or the whole world will crumble. And who cares? Even to the promised paradise? After all, this also concerns them, the highest ones. They are not immortal, they will be the first to hit
      1. +1
        6 June 2024 07: 27
        Yes, in green candy wrappers, NATO countries are ahead of us. But not in the real sector of the economy and production.
        In terms of resources, all of Europe is starved, they have almost nothing of their own left, everything they had was pumped out back in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. That is why there are no colonies, because there are no strategic resources left. The same Hitler essentially pumped oil from Romania (Ploiesti), and transported ore from Norway for the steel industry. Although he already had all of Europe under his feet.

        It’s the same with human potential. Yes, NATO has a lot more people, but they themselves made cosmopolitans, perverts, and anyone else out of their people, but not warriors. And numerous surveys only confirm this. Most will either run away or not resist. But they really are not slaves, so Ukrainian methods of mobilization in Europe will definitely not work.
        1. +3
          6 June 2024 07: 42
          Quote: Kuroneko
          but they themselves made cosmopolitans, perverts, anything but warriors out of their peoples.

          about Ukrov they threw hats about the same... they will run away in 3 days... etc. In general, there’s no way to go without hats..
          1. 0
            6 June 2024 08: 09
            What, Ukrainians are NATO?
            Apparently I missed something.

            Ukry are Russian Janissaries. That’s why they fight stubbornly, because they are Russians after all.
            1. +4
              6 June 2024 08: 46
              Actually, in fact, yes. Formally, of course, they are not yet part of the bloc, but they are fighting for it. And yes, the tenacity and courage are the same as our fighters. We can call them whatever we want. But we are from the same nest.
              1. +3
                6 June 2024 09: 54
                But the conversation was specifically about NATO countries.

                And I consider my theses stated above to be correct. It was you who introduced the conversation in Ukrainian. Which clearly do not belong to NATO countries either in fact or in spirit.
                1. +2
                  6 June 2024 13: 05
                  The objection was fair. Now it’s “Ukrs are Russian Janissaries, that’s why they fight stubbornly.” And before that they talked about running away, victory in three days, falling from flying American planes, etc. That there is a clear empirical demonstration of how throwing hats turned out to be an unusable and inadequate tool, and it’s worth thinking again before resorting to it again.
                  1. +2
                    6 June 2024 13: 58
                    They said this, most likely, given the power of the UkrovPK, in this sense the estimates were not far from the truth. They fundamentally misjudged the West’s readiness to fight for the asset. They thought that it would really be like with Afghanistan, which was continuously talked about on TV.
                    1. 0
                      6 June 2024 14: 27
                      Estimates that are correct, if we exclude a fundamental and completely changing factor, are incorrect. And yes, “the West’s readiness to fight for the asset” initially came down to the supply of bulletproof vests and helmets, precisely because they, too, assessed the situation incorrectly and thought that it would be like with Afghanistan.
                      1. 0
                        6 June 2024 15: 18
                        What I mean is that it wouldn't have lasted long if the West had limited itself to diapers. Not three days of course, but 4-5-6 months no more, during a war to the last. Or even earlier. Otherwise, the topic of negotiations would not have arisen in principle.
        2. +1
          6 June 2024 07: 43
          Where should Europeans run?
        3. +7
          6 June 2024 07: 57
          “But they really are not slaves, so Ukrainian methods of mobilization in Europe will definitely not work.”
          Dear Kuroneko!
          They'll get through it! Before the Patriotic War there were such hopes that the German proletariat would not fight against the country of the victorious workers. He did, however - they promised him lands, profit, taken from the Russians! Well, how not to grab someone else’s! Moreover, their proletariat showed itself to be an exceptional beast! And today it will be exactly the same. In addition, Western armies are much better trained than us to fight remotely. The Northern Military District has already shown this, however, with the dill troops!
          1. +3
            6 June 2024 08: 14
            Before the Second World War, if we talk about the Germans, there was also the predatory Treaty of Versailles, which not a single German accepted indifferently. It was a national disgrace. Hence the thirst for revenge.
            And there was no all this cosmopolitanism and LGBT. So the burghers got it about the “superior race” that Hitler was pushing. Then.

            But now the situation is completely different.
            1. +2
              6 June 2024 15: 45
              Dear Kuroneko!
              On the outskirts, over 33 years, Nazi propaganda formed a people of Bandera’s ideological heirs - almost the entire population. And in Germany, Nazi sentiments have been lurking latently for many decades - nothing to compare with dill - and now they are well fueled. So it won’t be difficult to drive the little people into the army. We remembered about Versailles - everything is so! But even after World War II, it’s unlikely that the little one lost his desire for revenge! And the fact that they show us all kinds of LGBT people and others on TV is already our propaganda! We need to constantly hammer into our heads how bad things are for them, what they have sunk to! And the opinion that the Germans will not fight because they are cosmopolitan, LGBT people, is akin to the naive ideas before WW2 that their proletariat would not fight with the country of workers and peasants! So now, as in WW2, all of Europe will come against us - their population has long been brainwashed and sharpened against Russia.
          2. 0
            6 June 2024 08: 16
            Well, military robot soldiers are still "nema". So in the coming years, we will still have to fight at the last distance with living people. The NATO members themselves, according to their generals, give about 5 years to brainwash their people.
          3. +1
            6 June 2024 10: 57
            Quote: Tikhonov_Alexander
            Before the Patriotic War there were such hopes that the German proletariat would not fight against the country of the victorious workers

            As far as I remember history, the Bolsheviks had hopes for the German proletariat in the First World War. I don’t remember anything like this about the Great Patriotic War.
            But even so. The Germans in the thirties were not burghers pampered by wealth, tranquility and comfort, as they are now, but angry, hungry, wounded workers and former front-line soldiers who survived defeat in the World War, reparations, several coups and revolutions, devastation with wild inflation. It was on this wave that Hitler came to power and began to make Germany great again, for which the Germans adored him, with the exception of those who were sent to concentration camps.
            This does not mean that modern Germans cannot be driven to war, but the situations are still very different.
            1. +1
              6 June 2024 16: 11
              Dear nik-mazur!
              Of course, the time is different and the position of the Germans in the country is different. Ordinary people, for the most part, were hardly eager to fight, and even now it’s the same! We don’t want to fight either! But I am sure that the majority of Germans believe that they should not have been defeated in the war and they would like it the opposite! And their propaganda again makes enemies out of Russians, and the same Germans, and all of Europe with them, will take up arms - there is no doubt about that! Only before there were tens of millions killed and maimed - but now, most likely, there will be not even hundreds - but billions! Possessing weapons of such destructive power, politicians must be doubly, triply restrained - and what we are seeing can only be explained by the degradation of the authorities of Western countries and their populations.
              1. The comment was deleted.
        4. +1
          6 June 2024 08: 35
          That’s right. I wanted to answer, but the commentators have already described my vision of the situation. A la Prince Menshikov also thought so. In the real sector of the economy.. Why did we bring Siemens equipment from Germany, and not from some Asia. From China, for example. The same Italian Telemechanics (I say this because I work with this equipment). Trains from Spain.. These are just a few things off the top of my head... French and Israeli equipment on our tanks and planes?
          1. -1
            6 June 2024 10: 41
            .Why did we bring Siemens equipment from Germany, and not from some Asia. From China, for example. The same Italian Telemechanics (I say this because I work with this equipment). Trains from Spain.

            They are getting closer to China.
            1. +1
              6 June 2024 10: 52
              Talgo, is it Chinese? The equipment at our plant is entirely from Germany, the components are only from there... No, now in Voronezh they have mastered the production of similar equipment for grain processing, but again I climbed into the closet, everything is as before - Europe. It’s not clear, though through How many borders has it all crossed? The switches seem to be Chinese.
          2. -2
            6 June 2024 11: 01
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            In the real sector of the economy... Why did we transport Siemens equipment from Germany?

            Why, for example, do others take our nuclear power plants to their homes? Or why does the whole world, including Taiwan and the USA, use lithographs from one single Dutch company?
            Globalism and the impossibility of doing absolutely everything using the forces of one country, no?
            1. +1
              6 June 2024 11: 06
              That’s right. Even the USSR couldn’t do everything. Offhand, printing equipment, printing machines. So that’s not the question. But the fact is that, in fact, these globalists will be stronger. United by the goal of destroying or weakening our country to the extreme. Domestic lithograph (extremely necessary) where? In Sochi at the exhibition? Layout, that is.
              1. -2
                6 June 2024 11: 47
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                Domestic lithograph (extremely necessary) where?

                They recently did it in Zelenograd. Completely ours and fully working...
                1. 0
                  6 June 2024 17: 55
                  For some reason, Csötarzh and the two minusers didn’t like the fact that they started making their own lithographs in Russia...
        5. 0
          6 June 2024 16: 25
          Quote: Kuroneko
          But they really are not slaves, so Ukrainian methods of mobilization in Europe will definitely not work.

          And in Ukraine it doesn’t really matter; the most Russophobic Western media even write that Ukrainians are trying in every possible way to avoid mobilization.
      2. -1
        6 June 2024 08: 20
        Moreover, Western values ​​are closer to them, in the literal sense of the word
      3. 0
        6 June 2024 10: 38
        Hitler was also stronger than us and all of Europe was with him. Today Europe is still the same and in the same composition as under Hitler. Repetition is the mother of learning. Obviously, Europe has forgotten the lessons of 1945. We'll have to repeat it. Nothing new.
        1. -1
          6 June 2024 10: 43
          Just don’t forget with whom Hitler waged war. No, we bore the brunt. But count how much we had from the allies. Transport, explosives in shells, basic food... And how they took over the color of the Luftwaffe. Yes and not only him. And now we have no allies, just like that economy, socio-political system. And wherever you look, people are clearly not in the mood to fight on a big scale.
          1. 0
            6 June 2024 10: 51
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Just don’t forget with whom Hitler waged war. No, we bore the brunt. But count how much we had from the allies. Transport, explosives in shells, basic food... And how they took over the color of the Luftwaffe. Yes and not only him. And now we have no allies, just like that economy, socio-political system. And wherever you look, people are clearly not in the mood to fight on a big scale.

            It was only pennies. Mongolia supplied more food and clothing (sheepskin sheepskin coats), and the “allies” supplied pennies at a very high price.
            Nobody always wants war, but there are always wars. Humanity is far from compromise, and Europe and the USA are the least capable of compromise.
            1. -2
              6 June 2024 10: 55
              Explosives: produced 558 thousand tons; delivered 295,6 thousand tons; 53%.

              • Copper: 534 thousand tons produced; 404 KT; 76%.

              • Aluminum: 283 thousand tons; 301 KT; 106%.

              • Tin: 13 KT; 29 KT; 223%.

              • Aviabenzin: 4700 thousand tons; 2586 KT; 55%.

              • Car tires: 5953 thousand; 3659 thousand; 62%.

              • Railway cars: 1086 pcs .; 11 075 units; 1020%.
              So, offhand. This is not the whole list.
              1. -2
                6 June 2024 11: 04
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                Explosives: produced 558 thousand tons; delivered 295,6 thousand tons; 53%.

                Horrible! How much! Most importantly, for everything supplied, the USA and England did not forget to get a good price. Russia only stopped paying their Lend-Lease in 2006. Today, Russia’s allies are more reliable than they were in the Second World War and they are not such pitiful penny-pinchers. And the war with today’s enemy will not be as long as the Northern Military District. Everything can be decided in the first hours.
                1. +2
                  6 June 2024 11: 23
                  Well, you see. And you say, pennies.. But tell me, who are our allies? Don’t forget China, it’s not an ally at all..
                  1. -1
                    6 June 2024 12: 27
                    Pennies and pennies...Little Mongolia delivered much more. She dressed almost the entire army in good sheepskin coats and we received much more stew from her than from the USA and Great Britain.
                    Quote from: dmi.pris1
                    Don't forget that China is not an ally at all.

                    So England and the USA were not allies. When did they open the Second Front? Six months before the end of the war. Everyone was waiting for Russia to run out of all its resources. Such friends, such friends... The century did not give birth to the poppy and there was no famine. So are these “allies”
                    1. 0
                      6 June 2024 12: 34
                      And now little Mongolia will put up tuoupe? No, only for currency. Moreover, not for tugriks. This is about the question of current allies. So, before throwing out a cry and caps, saying “we can repeat #”, we need to think about who we are now..
                      1. 0
                        6 June 2024 14: 23
                        Where do these figures about oversupplies from the allies come from? There seem to be others. Lend-lease is 4-5% of our production. In other respects I agree, the Russian Federation is not the USSR in terms of industrial potential, there are no normal allies, the united West is fighting us, including the USA and England, which is significantly more serious than the German coalition, in absolute and relative potential with us. One difference - there are nuclear weapons and, very hypothetically, China.
                      2. 0
                        6 June 2024 14: 32
                        Both numbers are correct. We’re just counting from different products. Do you think that during the war we produced a lot of railway cars or mined the same tin? And there is interesting data on certain explosives. And so, if we count on tanks and airplanes or small arms (even more so) then this 4% will be. All this is on the net, freely available. The contribution to our Allied Victory is quite significant, but this cannot be exaggerated
                      3. -1
                        6 June 2024 18: 19
                        Quote from: dmi.pris1
                        We need to think about who we are now..

                        A good, strong country, well trained in the Northern Military District, capable of resisting NATO, which has not had wars like the Northern Military District. We know all the shortcomings of our army and we have time to eliminate them.
                2. +1
                  6 June 2024 16: 29
                  Dear Olga!
                  You correctly remembered a real ally - Mongolia!
                  The US supplied us with only 4 percent of our military supplies. dmi.pris1 correctly pointed out that in some very sensitive products the US supplies helped a lot. But even without this, the Soviet people would have defeated Nazi Europe, led by Hitler’s Germany. It is only clear that this would have cost us tens, or even hundreds of thousands of extra losses and several extra months of war.
                  And about the allies, you are mistaken! We have only one ally - Belarus! All! No more allies! If you are talking about China, then this is only a situational partner. He has his own interests.
                  1. +1
                    6 June 2024 18: 22
                    Quote: Tikhonov_Alexander
                    And about the allies, you are mistaken! We have only one ally - Belarus! All! No more allies!

                    Agree with you!
                3. 0
                  6 June 2024 17: 39
                  Not for everything, but only for what was not disposed of during the fighting and was not returned.
              2. +1
                6 June 2024 20: 00
                Explosives: produced 558 thousand tons; delivered 295,6 thousand tons; 53%.

                Calculate more precisely: (558 + 296) = 854; 296: 854 * 100% = 35% And so on throughout the list. And if it weren't for the USA, we might not have won the war. And food supplies in the winter of 1942-1943 saved the USSR from mass starvation, although there were cases of starvation.
                1. 0
                  6 June 2024 20: 27
                  I copied these numbers. I didn’t count them. Source: “Lend-Lease in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. There’s a lot of data on the assortment supplied. I didn’t post everything
                  1. 0
                    7 June 2024 16: 08
                    Be more specific about the name, otherwise the search doesn’t find it. And this interests me. Otherwise, the materials often contain general numbers, and even distort them, such as 4% of all weapons, and for example, they do not say that almost all the aluminum for aircraft was supplied from the USA.
                    1. +1
                      7 June 2024 16: 42
                      "Lend Lease. Roads to Russia. Military supplies to the USSR in 1941-45. Author Robert Jones. I will add. This issue is politicized on both sides. The most adequate coverage of these supplies is in this book
          2. 0
            6 June 2024 14: 58
            They basically supplied it to Hitler.
          3. 0
            6 June 2024 18: 00
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Now we have no allies

            So there is no Luftwaffe in Ukraine either. Just as there are no tank armies and an army of five million.
      4. 0
        6 June 2024 12: 06
        What, is NATO weaker than us? It’s clear what is stronger

        Absolutely. Therefore, to win, you need to at least equalize the potentials. There are only two ways
        1. Bring to your senses through nuclear weapons
        2. Military Union, equalizing economic and human potential.
    4. +6
      6 June 2024 06: 49
      The inoculation of fear from WWII and the Cold War is over...a new one is needed.

      Definitely needed. Moreover, the West needs to be “vaccinated” thoroughly, since their confidence in their permissiveness and their “rules” have crossed all reasonable boundaries. You need to clearly understand that the West is not a “partner”, but an enemy, and stop worrying about what they will think and say
      1. -2
        6 June 2024 06: 57
        "Vaccination" of geyropa will not give anything. The Russian Federation has zero opportunities to reach the main “west”. He is behind a puddle. Only the universal Armageddon. But there are no takers.
        The heirs of the usurper cannot ignore what their spiritual mentors say and think. Cutting the umbilical cord with a bourgeois mother? What are you talking about?
        1. +1
          6 June 2024 08: 08
          Vaccination of geyropa will not give anything. The Russian Federation has zero opportunities to reach the main “west”. It is beyond a puddle.

          Of course it will. The West feasted on the ruins of the USSR for 20 years, the States can feed on the ruins of Europe for another 30 years - Europe is "fatter". And then we'll see.
          If the missiles don’t fly overseas, then nothing will come from there - they want to eat, not die. Don’t forget the classics - capital needs to rob someone in order to live. And it doesn’t matter to him about Russia or Europe.
          1. 0
            6 June 2024 23: 06
            Where are you going? The talk is supposedly about OUR "vaccination" of the West. And they suggest starting with gayrope. Ineffective. And with gayrope... we'll swallow a lot of dust while we "vaccinate". We'll grind to zero. It's not the 1940s now, and Stalin isn't in the Kremlin. And the Russian nouveau riche don't have the guts to stand up to the hegemon, just hot air and red markers.
        2. 0
          6 June 2024 10: 57
          Quote: Essex62
          "Vaccination" of geyropa will not give anything. The Russian Federation has zero opportunities to reach the main “west”. He is behind a puddle. Only the universal Armageddon. But there are no takers.

          You're in a panic. Today it is easy to jump over a puddle. And it’s even good that it’s “behind the puddle.” By the time it reaches Russia, everything in Europe will settle down.
          1. 0
            6 June 2024 23: 08
            No panic. And you should leave your wet dreams of preemptively throwing a loaf of bread behind a puddle. No way and no way. There are no crazy people in the towers.
            1. +1
              7 June 2024 05: 44
              I just know what it will be. Imagine, it’s not Russia that will do this. And neither a puddle, nor even the Pacific Ocean, will save your beloved America. Her time has expired. She will have to die. Puddles won't save you. It was said to her “die!” and she will have to die. By the way, this will happen this year. Stock up on large handkerchiefs for your sobs at the light of “democracy” and “universal evil.”
    5. +2
      6 June 2024 06: 50
      maybe they just know more than us)))
    6. +2
      6 June 2024 07: 31
      "...Every generation needs its own war...": Mao Zedong. And: "...the war will begin in twenty years, when a new generation grows up that has not seen the horrors of this...": Lloyd George.
  3. -7
    6 June 2024 06: 37
    Well, so our sovereignty and territorial integrity are threatened...And? I see. The wind blows...
  4. +4
    6 June 2024 06: 43
    Another pouring from empty to empty. As usual, “we can do it,” and not “we did it and today you received it and will receive it again.” This empty chatter. NATO creatures, sleep well, we have Putin. Of course, he threatens menacingly, but that’s all...
    1. +7
      6 June 2024 07: 08
      This is the whole essence of GDP, he is a lover of beautiful meaningless words, nothing concrete, as you correctly wrote from empty to empty. Since 2014 he has been shaking his finger, since 2022 he is shaking his fist and drawing red lines. To begin with, he would at least give the go-ahead for the destruction of reconnaissance aircraft over the World Cup, in the Crimea region and the Krasnodar coast, and then progressively. Instead of destroying the top of the junta, our military-political leadership didn’t come up with anything smarter than putting them on the wanted list, I can imagine how scared they were and laughed from that moment.
      This is what the policy of non-intervention, which began to be preached in the 90s, leads to!!!
      1. +6
        6 June 2024 07: 23
        This is our problem - because Putin only talks, people are dying. A couple of days ago near Sudzha, NATO weapons destroyed an entire column, and this was on OUR territory... Even the "truth-tellers" from the "telegram" kept their mouths shut. Not to mention that one of the brainless commanders should be held accountable, at the very least with shoulder straps and a position, but here, as usual, problems are solved by hushing them up. And the situation will not change under Putin.
        1. +3
          6 June 2024 07: 40
          So what! They brought him a piece of paper that the Ukrainians had losses of 50 thousand a month and this is many times more than ours, he talks about it for the sake of beauty of words. I’m interested in the position of some people who say that ours are engaged in grinding the dill army, and they are engaged in grinding our army, and in fact they are destroying both of us, ordinary Slavic guys who did not want to fight.
          They have few ideological ones left.
          Why am I writing this? Isn’t it time to destroy the entire Kyiv junta so that they understand that they have moved from words to deeds?
        2. +1
          6 June 2024 08: 38
          I didn’t see such a message anywhere in the cart among the military correspondents
          1. -5
            6 June 2024 09: 21
            Quote: Nastia Makarova
            I didn’t see such a message anywhere in the cart among the military correspondents

            We need to read Western sources and not limit ourselves to “war correspondents.” The first photo shows the convoy before destruction, the second photo shows the first hits. The convoy was attacked 3 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. Of the 18 vehicles in the convoy, 10 were destroyed. Which idiot sent a convoy of cars driving one after another, the question remains unanswered.
            1. 0
              6 June 2024 10: 36
              To be honest, they wrote that these were drones and not “Western weapons.”
            2. -1
              6 June 2024 11: 27
              in the photo the first two are lit
          2. -1
            6 June 2024 09: 23
            I wrote that the "truth-tellers" from Telegram were speechless. On the 3rd, no one posted anything, I thought that on the 4th "Elder Edda" would at least be able to, but no. The road from Kursk to Sudzha was blocked. It was just a disaster.
          3. -1
            6 June 2024 09: 42
            “Even the “truth-tellers” from the “cart” felt like they were filled with water.”
            That's what my friend wrote.
        3. 0
          6 June 2024 09: 34
          A whole column? The video shows how one car in the column was blown up, and then a video of the same two cars being hit by drones over and over again, and clearly empty, and at the end there is a Kamaz and a yellow Gazelle, which it is not clear whether they were blown up or not. And there are many splices in the video, from completely different places: for example, a car is on fire, and from above it shows that there is nothing at all in a large radius, an empty field. And where are the columns? ))) The guys from the field said that most of the cars were taken away, there are no casualties, only two were wounded. )) And why will war correspondents post the same thing over and over again? To please the enemies once again?
          1. -4
            6 June 2024 10: 01
            The column was gouged. And you, madam, before you refer to some “guys from the field,” think, what if your appanent has information from someone who was there? So to speak, I was clearing away the leftovers. For people like you, nothing is a reason - not the death of civilians with children, not even attacks on radars.
            1. 0
              6 June 2024 10: 04
              When the attack began, the cars stopped, the guys ran out and ran for cover. The trucks were empty, going back. ))) And now you suggest that we get hysterical about every little thing. Our enemy is strong both militarily and economically, so it's hard for us. We beat them, and they beat us. This is war.
              1. -2
                6 June 2024 10: 28
                Oh my God. We must not be hysterical, but respond blow to blow! When in Belgorod and the region they kill children with a Czech Vampire, a 155-mi landmine or a “made-in-the-West” cassette player. Should I remain silent?
                Should I be hysterical?
                Or should we respond blow to blow?
                And in the column - and those who, after being hit on the head, tried to escape through the fields and were caught there, how is that?
                So that the West will continue to become impudent from impunity, at the hands of Bandera’s supporters. And they will send their troops openly: I have no doubt.
                1. Egg
                  6 June 2024 13: 14
                  Or should we respond blow to blow?

                  They answer, as they answer, the recent attack by Highmars on Belgorod, before they had time to shoot down all 12 missiles, 2 planes above us crossed the sound barrier towards Kharkov.. the next day there was a message about the destruction of 2 Highmars installations.
                  And so, they hammer them every day, the rumble from Shebekino is incessant, it rumbles around the clock.
              2. -2
                6 June 2024 12: 18
                Our enemy is strong both militarily and economically, so it’s hard for us.

                The problem is that the enemy forces us to play by his rules, in which he is stronger than us. These rules include endless and unanswered escalation on his part, which will lead us to defeat due to the large difference in potentials. There are two ways to equalize potentials. One of them is a progressive response with a real prospect of using the entire line of nuclear weapons in the very nest of the white master.
    2. -4
      6 June 2024 08: 38
      It’s very good that our president doesn’t read in VO those who want to bang/throw at Nata without calculating the consequences.
      Because the general point is to cause a retaliatory nuclear strike on Ukraine and then start shouting how bad Pu is and in general they are crazed scoundrels and nonhumans with whom you can’t even deal.
      1. +1
        6 June 2024 09: 26
        What nuclear? Let them at least demolish the bridges across the Dnieper! They will complicate Bandera logistics to the limit! How much can you put the income of Bandera's oligarchs above the rivers of blood of our guys? No army can fight with cut off logistics.
        1. 0
          6 June 2024 09: 31
          Will destroying bridges solve the logistics problem? Should the dams be demolished too?
          what if they use floating/pontoon bridges in countless numbers?
          or maybe there is a political agreement on bridges, for example - entire bridges across the Dnieper in exchange for the security of Transnistria, or something else.
          We don’t know much, but we will find out only years later, and that may be.
          1. 0
            6 June 2024 09: 48
            You are not writing nonsense. Such a group cannot be provided without a railway. No motor transport can cope. This is millions of tons of cargo - you can count, just one 155 mm shell-charge weighs with a case about 80 kg. How many cars are needed to transport ammunition, equipment, and just food for such an army, there is no way to provide Banderovites with pontoons. Keep in mind that the roads in Ukraine were not in the best condition before, and now even more so. So, without bridges, their group on the Left Bank would have ended back in 22.
            1. 0
              6 June 2024 11: 40
              Quote: Khibiny Plastun
              Such a grouping cannot be achieved without a railway

              Wow, our grandfathers didn’t know.
              Stalingrad was supplied through the Volga, and a group of about a million people fought there.
              During the battle for the Dnieper, ours supplied two full-fledged armies on the right bank.
              And the bridges then looked something like this:
              1. -3
                6 June 2024 11: 59
                All artillery in Stalingrad was withdrawn beyond the Volga.
                1. +1
                  6 June 2024 12: 04
                  Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                  All artillery in Stalingrad

                  That's all? And in Stalingrad itself, half a million soldiers fought with stones and sticks? And what about the battle for the Dnieper - there was no artillery or tanks there either?
                  In general, there is no need to waffle - supplying huge groups without bridges or railways is quite possible. Moreover, when these bridges and railways are not on the front line, but in their own deep rear.
                  1. +1
                    6 June 2024 14: 54
                    Before dropping your two cents, it wouldn't hurt to read up on the topic. ALL the heavy artillery in Stalingrad was withdrawn beyond the Volga, which initially had a depressing effect on the troops. And there were never half a million Soviet soldiers in Stalingrad. And for your information, a pontoon bridge can't compare with permanent bridges, either in terms of throughput or load capacity. And how many additional trucks should the Banderas use? People like you love to talk about the topic.
                    Anything that contributes to the defeat of the enemy must be used. Including the destruction of bridges.
                    1. 0
                      6 June 2024 17: 34
                      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                      ALL heavy artillery in Stalingrad was transferred to the Volga

                      Did I argue? What did the hundreds of thousands of people who remained in Stalingrad fight with? And where did all this come from if there were no bridges?
                      And once again, what was the situation with supplies during the Battle of the Dnieper?

                      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                      And for your information, a pontoon bridge cannot be compared with permanent bridges, neither in terms of throughput nor in terms of load-carrying capacity

                      And for your information, the presence of a pontoon or floating bridge is much better than the complete absence of bridges, both in terms of throughput and load-carrying capacity.
                      And, by the way, pontoon bridges are not the only way to organize an operational crossing.

                      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                      People like you love to talk about the topic

                      “Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?”
                      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                      Don't write nonsense. Such a grouping cannot be achieved without a railway. No vehicle can cope

                      What is your thesis? I gave you examples of how, without bridges and railways, much larger groups were supported in the near rear.
                      To which you began to mumble about the artillery on the other side and the carrying capacity of the pontoons.

                      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                      there were never half a million Soviet soldiers in Stalingrad

                      Well, you, as a world-famous specialist in the history of World War II, of course, know better.
                      By the way, 230 tanks, apparently, also fought on the other side, and not in Stalingrad itself...
                      1. +1
                        7 June 2024 06: 13
                        Do you read anything else besides Wiki? And give as an example the number of fronts before the operation that ended with the encirclement of Paulus’s group. The supply of strike groups was carried out along internal lines of the USSR. I repeat, the figures you gave are the TOTAL number of fronts before the offensive, and not the number of troops in Stalingrad itself, supplying which was an extremely difficult task, and the flank groupings of the fronts were supplied both along bridges and along newly built railway roads, and in those days rear communications were not attacked missiles and unmanned aircraft, only by aviation or sabotage groups. And the battle for the Dnieper, which you persistently cite as an example, so at the first opportunity bridges were built and restored. And if we remember that the battle for the Dnieper was one of the bloodiest for the Red Army... And several fronts took part in it, with the strain of the forces and capabilities of the entire Union. Do you take the liberty of asserting that the capabilities of modern Banderlogia are comparable to those of the USSR? I repeat that to supply the fronts, bridges across the Dnieper were restored, built at an accelerated pace, and considerable air defense forces and fighters were allocated for cover.
                        So, it is unlikely that modern Ukraine is able to compensate for the loss of the Dnieper bridges, using panton bridges and with the corresponding involvement of vehicles, the charge is not the same.
              2. 0
                6 June 2024 12: 21
                The absence of bridges does not stop supply completely, but it significantly complicates it, otherwise no one would destroy the bridges.
                1. 0
                  6 June 2024 17: 49
                  Quote: IvanIvanov
                  The absence of bridges does not stop supply completely, but it significantly complicates it

                  It certainly makes it difficult, but it doesn’t stop. And therefore, weapons, ammunition, fuel, etc., one way or another, they will get to the front line.
                  And then they present the one-time destruction of all the bridges across the Dnieper as a magical way of almost instant victory - like, on the right bank, enemy units will sadly stagnate on the bank, and on the left they will quickly surrender or run away.

                  Quote: IvanIvanov
                  otherwise no one would destroy bridges

                  If anything, it is mostly the retreating side that destroys the bridges. And in the enemy rear, if possible, when the benefits outweigh the risks and costs. This has never been the basis of the strategy. Except for those cases when you need to quickly isolate a local area during a specific operation.
    3. 0
      7 June 2024 18: 12
      Before any big war there is a war of nerves. Whose nerves cannot stand before the fight, he loses. It’s like how boxers usually look into each other’s eyes before a fight.
      Putin is stalling for time and testing other people’s nerves, but also, a little, ours. This is a side effect of this taffy.
  5. -1
    6 June 2024 06: 48
    can be applied, but there is a possibility of not applying it, we must consider the issue as a whole and conceptually, because if we allow delays and chance, then we can reach the desired horizons with obviously negative growth, because our partners always reserve for us the right not to create hysteria, but to thoughtfully and comprehensively approach the problem with different angles in order to achieve, I emphasize, to achieve acceptable results, and as for the possibility of using or not using, we will forward this issue to the competent authorities, well, how can I or is it not really possible?
  6. +4
    6 June 2024 06: 59
    Kim Jong Il works silently, does not give press conferences, and regularly sends missiles towards Japan.. And then there are only words..
  7. -3
    6 June 2024 07: 00
    Conduct a black explosion test near Spitsbergen.. Who is stopping Putin.. But it is necessary.
    1. +5
      6 June 2024 07: 11
      Who is stopping Putin...

      Putin, however, is in the way.
    2. +7
      6 June 2024 08: 20
      And what will this give? In a fight, they are afraid when they hit you in the face, and not when they hit a punching bag next to you.
  8. +6
    6 June 2024 07: 18
    It feels like "the emperor has no clothes". It is worth recognizing that the main threat to our country is far from the West with all their NATO.
    1. -1
      6 June 2024 08: 08
      I was more surprised that he says and How He says.
      Briskly, with enthusiasm.
      The impression is that the speaker is no more than 50 years old. Getting younger year by year. fellow
      Biden was probably jealous.
      1. -3
        6 June 2024 08: 27
        I want to believe that he knows something and all his actions are correct. But it’s annoying that now in Ukraine the Slavs are destroying the Slavs to the delight of the Anglo-Saxons. Not all the “Bandera” are there.
        1. +1
          6 June 2024 12: 37
          I would like to believe, of course, we do not know what the chess player knows, but we can evaluate the result of this knowledge - “we were deceived,” and many times.
          1. 0
            6 June 2024 12: 46
            Yes, tactically we lost to the West with all these "multi-move" moves. We can only hope and believe that we will pull through strategically.
  9. +4
    6 June 2024 07: 19
    I have this association with his warnings/threats.
    1. 0
      6 June 2024 07: 51
      Damn great movie, I wanted to watch it again, I need to download it good
      1. +5
        6 June 2024 08: 32
        By the way, on the topic of cinema. Yandex began to remove films and music from its services at the request of Western copyright holders. VKontakte blocks communities where films and music are posted too. There was even an absurd situation when, at the request of a Ukrainian company, the Belarusian community was closed and only a call to the VKontakte administration from one of the powerful people removed this nonsense. It seems to me that it is high time for these structures to clearly explain how they need to work in conditions of economic war.
        1. +1
          6 June 2024 09: 26
          Oh, thanks for the clarification. I noticed this too, some of my favorite pieces of music that I listened to from time to time were missing. I thought that this was some kind of mistake and, probably, these were “purges” at the request of “Western partners.”
          1. +2
            6 June 2024 09: 28
            Well, not purges, these are demands of copyright holders, which is the norm under normal conditions, but absurd under sanctions.
        2. +3
          6 June 2024 10: 13
          Quote: Smoked
          There was even an absurd situation when, at the request of a Ukrainian company, the Belarusian community was closed and only a call to the VKontakte administration from one of the powerful people removed this nonsense.

          in fact, it's even more absurd. It turned out that the blocking request was sent not by a Ukrainian company but by a Kiev schoolchild, but VK didn’t even bother to check the validity of the blocking demands. request
  10. +4
    6 June 2024 07: 22
    If someone's actions threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, then we consider it possible for ourselves to use all the means that are at our disposal.

    The West will spit on all the statements of our leadership and mockingly trample on any red lines. And what Putin said today cannot even be called a red line. They say that if we are hit even harder, we will consider it possible to launch a nuclear strike.

    We won’t hit, we’ll just consider it possible to hit.
    The Russian language has become pale...
    1. +2
      6 June 2024 08: 02
      It's just that they're one gang and they have common goals... And in this theater, everyone plays their role, for the audience... You just have to take a closer look and everything is in plain sight.
  11. +2
    6 June 2024 07: 22
    Not only are the Scandinavian lymphotropics afraid to close the Baltic Sea, they can’t even close the Gulf of Finland. Is it just the Botanical Gulf - why do we need it?
  12. 0
    6 June 2024 07: 22
    He is not going to use nuclear weapons - that's good.
  13. +3
    6 June 2024 07: 25
    On the one hand, he did not say anything new, on the other hand, stability in the position of protecting our state is the definition of the fact that the government is stable and confident in its actions.
    1. -1
      6 June 2024 07: 53
      You can stand in a stable position until the second coming. What actions are the authorities confident in? Talking is not action.
      1. -1
        6 June 2024 07: 59
        Everything is known by comparison, and so, time passes, events happen, different ones... something is visible, heard, there are also those that we don’t know about....
        In general... "do you see the gopher?... and there it is!" It also happens.
    2. 0
      6 June 2024 07: 58
      On the one hand, he didn’t say anything new

      For some reason, neither here nor in the West they listen carefully. Novorossiya is our new regions. Those. by accepting them into the Federation, the precondition was created for the first use of nuclear weapons... we can use tactical nuclear weapons at any time based on our policy.
      1. +2
        6 June 2024 08: 06
        Over the hill they listen, attentively and shake their hands, those who are supposed to!
        Public faces, talkers, listen to these and... and here are the options, believe it or not! A person is given a head with brains to think.... everyone can’t do it all at once once he learns to do it, and it’s not a fact that the part is so noisy, very noticeable, more significant than the one that does everything without loud screams.
        In general, everything is learned by comparison, and the results are what can put an end to all disputes.
        1. 0
          6 June 2024 11: 39
          Of course, the loud part works for the internal market of the electorate, and the shadow part does everything without unnecessary fanfare.
          And yes, I agree that a lot will become clear based on the results.
    3. +2
      6 June 2024 09: 39
      We just don’t know a lot about what’s going on, and we’re trying to build strategies on our couches from scanty information. The main thing is that Putin has everything under control.
      1. 0
        6 June 2024 09: 57
        There is POWER in the country.
        They treat her well/badly, this is, albeit, personal preference/attitude... the main thing is that the authorities keep their finger on the pulse of events and it cannot be said that they survived the entire blood flow, making things worse for the patient...
        It’s like this now and nothing else is visible.
        To catch up... in Afghanistan the Taliban are in power, they were not recognized, they were branded in different ways, so what??? Now they are the only government that is fighting against the frankly dangerous infection of ISIS...
        Obviously, we will have to recognize them and work with them...
  14. +2
    6 June 2024 08: 03
    A worthy answer to the insolent tribalists...
  15. -3
    6 June 2024 08: 04
    Quote: rocket757
    confident in her actions.

    I am 100% and 146% sure of my impunity...
  16. +1
    6 June 2024 08: 12
    It’s hard to believe that they will allow it, because the influential guys have businesses THERE, houses, yachts, families, finally, their children study at Oxford and Harvard, and not at Moscow State University and Baumanka, their souls have been in the West for a long time and they can just go and burn it all down?!
    Come on!
    I do not believe.
    1. -1
      6 June 2024 10: 21
      Quote: 75Sergey
      After all, the influential guys have businesses, houses, yachts, families, and finally, the kids study at Oxford and Harvard, and not at Moscow State University and Baumanka, they have long been in the West with their souls and just like that, go and burn everything?!

      a familiar song... when have I heard it before? what Oh yes! in 2021-2022! laughing
      The manual has been rotten for 2 years now. change it. wink
      1. +1
        6 June 2024 10: 56
        But nothing has changed, one is driving gas, another is titanium, another is driving a palm tree to Russia.
        Or you....
        1. 0
          6 June 2024 11: 01
          Quote: 75Sergey
          But nothing has changed, one is driving gas, another is titanium, another is driving a palm tree to Russia.

          that is, your awesome plan to strangle Russia with sanctions did not work and you are worried? belay suffer! bully
          Quote: 75Sergey
          Or you....

          This is more of a question for you. wink you are drowning here in order to ruin the economy. request although what a question... you’re not even really hiding it. laughing
          1. -1
            6 June 2024 11: 08
            Not helping the enemies who, using our resources, bought from ours, produce weapons that kill our civilians and guys on the front line, is this called “ruining the Russian economy”?! No! This means not helping your enemies. Eh, Stalin I.V. I didn’t hear you, I think he knew how to convince.
            In general, it’s not cringe, your ability to change shoes on the fly has not surprised anyone for a long time.
            1. +1
              6 June 2024 11: 28
              Quote: 75Sergey
              Not helping the enemies who, using our resources bought from ours, produce weapons that kill our civilians and guys on the front line, is this called “ruining the Russian economy”?! No! This means not helping your enemies.

              Have you already burned down hypermarkets in your city? Well, just for the sake of "fighting the enemy"... there are all sorts of IKEAs and Leroy Merlins? Maybe the fire in the Valberis warehouse was your doing? what No? Why aren’t you fighting? Or are you just Leo Tolstoy in words, but in reality... lol
              Quote: 75Sergey
              Eh, Stalin I.V. I didn’t hear you, I think he knew how to convince.

              Do you yourself understand how spectacularly screwed up you are now? Until the very beginning of the war, the USSR, under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, sold grain and oil to its obvious and existential enemies - the German fascists. and it seems to me that Comrade Stalin understood why this had to be done. but there is nothing to ask from you... request You are not Comrade Stalin. Yes
              Quote: 75Sergey
              In general, it’s not cringe, your ability to change shoes on the fly has not surprised anyone for a long time.

              wooo! and if you suddenly decide to engage in your favorite distortion, then I will immediately remind you that Russia is not at war with NATO, the EU or the USA. not announced by us or them. request so leave your creative ideas for “shooting your own economy in the foot” to your Western curators. wink they're doing great. good
  17. +1
    6 June 2024 08: 20
    . horror story about Russia - allegedly Moscow is hatching plans to attack NATO:

    Have you gone crazy there, or what? Who even came up with this? Are you as stupid as this table...

    That's why they cross red lines so easily. These stupid people know for sure that they are safe.
  18. -2
    6 June 2024 08: 22
    of course it won't be used... for completely objective and subjective reasons.... subjective reasons - the elite and our commander-in-chief are trying with all their might to return back to the ranks of Western countries and restore the economic relations that existed before the start of the NWO... therefore all hints at using our nuclear weapons are nothing more than words for the electorate, so to speak, for internal use... objective reasons - any weapon has a service life... for plutonium warheads this period is from 15 to 18 years... for uranium warheads no more than 30 years... after the end of the service life of nuclear weapons, no regular detonation of a nuclear warhead is possible due to the isotopic degradation of its nuclear substance - weapons-grade uranium or plutonium... since weapons-grade uranium ceased to be produced back in 1989-90 under Gorbachev and weapons-grade plutonium was last produced in 1994, then if you can count mentally, you can find out that all the service lives of plutonium warheads the blocks ran out by 2012, and all the service life of the uranium blocks - by 2020 .... now it is clear why in 2008 the West was a little indignant about Georgia and went quiet .... and why the SVO began in 2022, and not in 2014 or 2015 ...
    1. 0
      6 June 2024 10: 33
      Merci pour vos précisions, comme vous semblez bien connaître le problème et à cause du "flou" de la traduction je me permets de vous demander des détails,
      En occident le stock de missiles nucléaire Russe est estimé à environ 6000,
      Vous dites qu'à partir de 2012 pour le plutonium et 2020 pour l'uranium les ogives seraient en fin de vie ,,,
      Mais la traduction dit « après la fin de la durée de vie opérationnelle des armes nucléaires, pas de détonation régulières,,, » Et cela peut avoir différents sens,
      Par exemple il m'est arrivé de tirer avec de vieilles cartouches de Mauser qui avaient elles aussi « régulières n'avaient pas de detonations régulières » c'est à dire que 1 sur 10 faisait « long feu » ou ne détonait pas du tout,
      Donc sur environs 6000 ogives combien fonctionneraient, malgré leur grand âge? 5%,10%,30%,,
      Il me semble que même seulement 10% cela nous (les Français) renverrait à l'âge de pierre pour les rares survivants,
      Qui se mettrait devant un vieux Mauser en pariant que 1 balle sur 10 ne fonctionnerait pas? Qui le ferait même si 9 balles sur 10 ne fonctionnaient pas (je ne suis pas friand de la roulette ,,,Russe:-) !
      Donc même en supposant que seules environs 600 ogives fonctionneraient cela est déjà insupportable pour tout dirigeant sain d'esprit (d'accord "sain d'esprit" cela élimine de facto ,,,Macron de la liste ,,,),
      Qui plus est les 5400 ogives restantes même si elles ne «détonnaient pas de manière régulière», même si je ne connait pas le poids des matières radioactives contenues dans ses ogives, ni la vitesse et le poids d'arrivé de l'ensemble je pensent que même sans détonation les dégâts causés par le choc de leur arrivées et la dispersion de leur contenus radioactifs ne serait pas négligeable d'autant plus que les lieus visés seraient sans doute des lieux à forte densité de population (sauf les lieux de commandement et de communications),
      Donc, sans doute à cause de mon manque de connaissance, contrairement à vous je pense que l'usage serait, malgré la date de validité dépassée, dévastateur,

      Thank you for your clarifications, because you seem to have a good understanding of the problem, and due to the "fuzzy" translation, I will take the liberty of asking you about the details,
      in the West, stocks of Russian nuclear missiles are estimated at approximately 6000 units,
      you say that as of 2012. As of the end of 2014, Russia's stockpile of nuclear missiles is estimated at approximately 6000. for plutonium and from 2020 for Uranus, the service life of warheads expires,,,
      but the translation says "" upon the expiration of the service life of the nuclear weapon, without regular explosions,,,", and this may have different meanings,
      For example, I have had occasion to shoot old Mauser ammo that usually "didn't explode regularly", meaning 1 in 10 fired "at long range" or didn't explode at all.
      so out of approximately 6000 warheads, how many would work, despite their great age? 5%,10%,30%,,
      it seems to me that even just 10% it will return us (the French) to the stone age for the few survivors,
      Who would put themselves in front of an old Mauser, betting that one bullet out of ten would not work? Who would do it, even if 9 balls out of 10 did not work (I'm not into Russian roulette,,,:-)!
      Thus, even if we assume that only about 600 warheads are operational, this is already unbearable for any sane leader (okay, a “sane” one de facto excludes Macron from the list),
      Furthermore, the remaining 5400 warheads, even if they did not "explode regularly", although I do not know the weight of the radioactive materials contained in its warheads, nor the speed and weight with which all this happened, I think that even without detonation, the damage caused by the explosion would have been insignificant. The impact of their warheads would have been minimal. The entry and dissemination of their radioactive contents would not have been insignificant, especially considering that the intended sites would undoubtedly be places with high population density (at the time; with the exception of command and communication sites).
      so no doubt due to my lack of knowledge, unlike you, I believe that use, despite the expiration date, would be destructive,
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. -2
          6 June 2024 11: 15
          Information for reflection
          Not long ago, the US and the USSR conducted dozens of nuclear tests. But why? After all, new nuclear weapons were not created every year. So they created a new nuclear charge and tested it - it exploded ... And why then conduct tests again - to dispel doubts about the combat capability of the new weapon? No, they tested nuclear weapons of old models of a certain year - they took a nuclear weapon from a series produced in a certain year - if it worked - the series of weapons remained on combat duty or in storage, and if it did not work - the entire series of that year was removed from combat duty or removed from storage and sent for disposal. They paid attention - some of the nuclear weapons exploded with minimal power - this is what was officially reported in our newspapers. But in reality - such an allegedly "unsuccessful" or declared low-power test passed a sentence on the entire series of nuclear weapons produced in the same year as the one that failed the test.
          And since combat nuclear weapons tests are prohibited, why not conduct so-called peaceful nuclear explosions? ... That's what the USSR did. For example, to create underground gas storage facilities near the city of Astrakhan, 35 km north of the city, on October 18, 1982, four underground nuclear explosions with a capacity of 46-46 kt were carried out under the Vega program. The first on October 18.10.1982, 9 at 00-1050 at a depth of 9 meters, the second at 05-1100 at a depth of 9 meters, the third at 10-990 at a depth of 9 meters, the fourth at 15-975 at a depth of 24 meters. And on September 1983, 8, to the north of the city of Astrakhan, similar explosions (six in total) under the Vega program were repeated at 00-8, 05-8, 10-8, 15-8, 20-8, 25-21 with the same power and at the same depths. On July 1984, 140, 6 km to the east of the city of Uralsk, to create underground gas storage facilities under the Lira program, three nuclear explosions were carried out at 00-6, 05-6, 10-850 at a depth of 850, 960, 27 meters. On October 1984, 9, under the Vega program, to the north of the city of Astrakhan, two more nuclear explosions were carried out at 00-9 and 05-850 at depths of 950 and 2022 meters with the above-mentioned power to create underground gas storage facilities. And now, by detonating a couple of nuclear charges, we would create several underground gas storage facilities, which are not at all superfluous for us. At the same time, we would set the brains of the "hawks" from the West back in place. Which is even more profitable. But nothing of the sort has happened. There were, however, rumors that in the summer of XNUMX they tried to test nuclear weapons twice. Both times unsuccessfully. And, apparently, it is no coincidence that our president has repeatedly called and is calling again on the West and Ukraine to hold peace talks...
  19. 0
    6 June 2024 08: 54
    The Jews said beautifully - we don’t have it, but if necessary, we’ll hit it!
    With us it’s the other way around - we have it, but we never let it go...
  20. -1
    6 June 2024 09: 03
    We consider it possible for ourselves to use all the means that are at our disposal.
    “Consider possible” and “use” in our situation should no longer be in the same sentence.
    It's time to decide on the verb...
    In battle, the most reliable defense is to finish off the enemy as quickly as possible, and not to hide behind a shield. (With)
    ...Or remain silent.
  21. 0
    6 June 2024 09: 43
    So he himself gave a good reason to think so. Recently there was an article on VO about how our station was hit warning of a missile attack (nuclear) and ours remained silent, they didn’t even shout on TV. Although our doctrine says that an attack on such a facility is a reason for a nuclear response. And we didn’t even make any noise, so how should they think after that? And there is no need to compare them to us; they have a completely different mindset.
  22. +1
    6 June 2024 09: 43
    Quote: Alexander Igorevich Rifeev
    for plutonium warheads this lifespan is from 15 to 18 years.... for uranium warheads no more than 30 years.... after the end of the nuclear weapons service life, no regular detonation of a nuclear warhead is possible due to the isotopic degradation of its nuclear substance - weapons-grade uranium or plutonium ...

    You should have sorted out this issue first, rather than write something like this...
    I wish I could read that it’s even in the public domain..
    There are problems with maintaining the effectiveness of nuclear weapons, but they are not nearly as critical as you described..
    "Isotopic degradation" - Pu239 decays at a rate of 0,0028% per year, turning into U235. Yes, in about 300 years, the change in the content of weapons-grade plutonium in the warhead will be noticeable somehow...
    1. 0
      6 June 2024 11: 21
      I also had to take a school physics course in the 9th grade that mentioned nuclear bombs and nuclear physics :-) isotopic degradation of nuclear warheads and the half-life of uranium or plutonium are different phenomena
  23. -3
    6 June 2024 10: 15
    Western authorities do this in order to hold on to themselves, to preserve their greatness. That's what these scarecrows are for the German burghers, for the people in France. We defend ourselves in Ukraine. We did not have and do not have any plans to attack NATO.

    But NATO has it, and this way the country of the Russian Federation can be wasted!
  24. 0
    6 June 2024 10: 15
    Nato crossed Moscow’s various red lines so many times, which were not followed by any reaction, that Nata began to feel confident in his impunity and permissiveness.
    It’s possible that the Russian Federation will use nuclear weapons if only Nat gets crazy and starts bombing Moscow, but this is unlikely - the Pentagon understands this.
    And why would Moscow use nuclear weapons when the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been successfully "grinding" for three years, the Russian economy is growing on military orders, and NATO is in recession due to rising energy prices, which, however, does not prevent trade with NATO and replenishment of the Russian budget
  25. +1
    6 June 2024 10: 44
    "Moscow is allegedly hatching plans to attack NATO...". Stop repeating the same thing for the hundredth time, it’s all in vain. It is necessary to say what they want to hear: “if we deem it necessary, we will attack.” Let them tag themselves.
  26. -1
    6 June 2024 12: 51
    Quote: ROSS 42
    Quote: Des
    Here is the answer. Nobody.
    Briefly, of course.

    You are spreading demagoguery again...
    Putin never fought with us anywhere... Once he came out onto the porch with a pistol and dispersed 5 Germans... Why did you ask your question?

    He came out with good German and an unfastened holster. *) I saw it myself.
  27. 0
    6 June 2024 14: 51
    And that is, the seizure of Russian cities Khersoy Balakleya Liman is not a threat
    They also explode, there were at least two cases yesterday
  28. 0
    6 June 2024 16: 13
    this press conference caused significant spectator excitement from Ukraine to North America.

    Was this press conference shown in Ukraine?
  29. 0
    7 June 2024 08: 28
    I would answer differently. Maybe. But first we will sell all our dollars, which will be enough to collapse the Fed and stop all supplies to the West.
  30. 0
    7 June 2024 18: 20
    Quote: Khibiny Plastun
    This is our problem - because Putin just talks, people are dying.

    Before any big war there is a war of nerves. Whose nerves cannot stand before the fight, he loses. It’s like how boxers usually look into each other’s eyes before a fight.
    Putin is stalling for time and testing other people’s nerves, but also, a little, ours. This is a side effect of this taffy.