A modern approach to an old weapon. Howitzer D-30 in Special Operations

A modern approach to an old weapon. Howitzer D-30 in Special Operations
A camouflaged D-30 howitzer from the group's artillery troop "Dnepr", May 2024

The Russian missile forces and artillery are armed with various barrel systems, and one of the most common is the 122-mm howitzer D-30(A). Despite its considerable age, this product shows high performance and retains great potential. At the same time, the emergence of new auxiliary means and methods of application makes it possible to use all the capabilities of the howitzer and obtain the best results.

Special Operations Experience

The D-30/2A18 howitzer was adopted by the Soviet armies in 1960. Its modernized version D-30A / 2A18M began to enter service in 1978. The guns were supplied to our units and sent abroad. Over the past decades, D-30s have taken part in a number of armed conflicts. Right now, such howitzers are used as part of the Special Operation to Protect Donbass. At the same time, they are in service with both the Russian army and enemy formations.

According to known data, crews of D-30 howitzers have been participating in the Special Operation since its first days. During the offensive, they followed the main forces and provided fire support. Subsequently, a positional confrontation formed in the main sectors of the front, and the role of howitzer artillery of all calibers increased. The D-30 and other guns of this class have become one of the main means of exerting fire on the enemy. This state of affairs largely continues to this day.

The Ministry of Defense and specialized resources regularly talk about the work of artillerymen, incl. using D-30 howitzers. Combat work is demonstrated, as well as shooting results. Only a small part of their service is captured in the frame, but it also shows the basic principles and features of the combat use of howitzers, as well as the goals achieved.

Placement of a gun under the cover of natural camouflage, Donetsk direction, May 2024.

Combat application

In general, the use of howitzers follows a general algorithm. Having received the order, the crew, using a tractor, moves the gun into position and deploys and prepares for firing. The reconnaissance units receive the coordinates of the target, make the necessary calculations and open fire. If necessary, adjustments and new shooting are carried out. After hitting the target and/or remaining in position for a sufficiently long time, the howitzer moves away to avoid a retaliatory strike.

Camouflaged long-term firing positions are also used. To avoid detection by the enemy, the weapon is camouflaged in the form of nets, branches, etc. It is also possible to place a howitzer on the edge of a forest belt under the cover of branches. In all cases, the enemy’s chances of detecting a position from the air are sharply reduced, and the safety of the gun and crew increases.

In the vast majority of cases, shooting is carried out from a closed position along an overhead trajectory. D-30 howitzers fire at a wide range of targets. They destroy manpower and equipment in open spaces and in shelters. With their help, strongholds and other structures are destroyed. The guns are used in counter-battery warfare. In accordance with the characteristic trends of the present time, the D-30 can destroy UAV crews, leaving the enemy without reconnaissance and strike capabilities.

Depending on the assigned tasks, howitzers can hit specific targets, incl. newly identified by reconnaissance, cover entire areas with fire or support the advance of our troops. With proper organization of combat use, the required results are achieved in all cases.

D-30 with a homemade “visor” for camouflage and protection

Various reconnaissance means work in the interests of D-30 howitzers and other guns. The detection of targets and determination of their coordinates are carried out by reconnaissance officers on the front line, using optical and radio equipment. Various unmanned aerial vehicles are also being actively used aviation systems. Scouts and UAVs are also responsible for adjusting fire. The fastest possible transfer of information from reconnaissance to gun crews is ensured, which reduces reaction speed and increases the chance of successfully hitting a target.

Technical potential

The D-30/2A18 is a 122 mm towed howitzer for regimental and divisional artillery. It is intended to destroy various targets and objects, stationary and mobile, for which it can fire directly or from closed positions. A number of important solutions were used in the design of the gun, which increased its operational and combat characteristics.

The howitzer has a rifled 122 mm barrel with a length of 38 klb. The barrel is equipped with a muzzle brake; The two main modifications of the gun differ in the design of this device. A vertical wedge valve is used. The barrel is mounted on the carriage using hydropneumatic recoil devices.

An original carriage with three sliding frames was developed especially for the D-30. In the combat position, the upper carriage of the gun carriage is located above the frames: thanks to this, direct fire can be fired in any direction without the need to move weapons. Vertical guidance – from -7° to +70° (provided the breech is located between the beds). Guidance is carried out by manual drives. The gunner uses a PG-1 panoramic sight and an OP-4M telescopic sight.

Driver at work

The D-30(A) uses the entire range of domestic 122 mm single-case loaded rounds. Trained crew of 6 people. capable of maintaining a rate of fire of 7-8 rounds/min. The maximum firing range of a conventional projectile is more than 15 km. Active-reactive ammunition increases this parameter to 20-22 km.

In the stowed position, the carriage frames are brought together, and the gun is deployed with the barrel along them. Towing is carried out by a special beam attached to the muzzle brake. In this form, the length of the howitzer does not exceed 5,4 m. Weight is 3,2 tons. The gun, ammunition and crew are moved using trucks or tracked tractors.

Realized potential

The D-30 howitzer was developed more than 60 years ago and has not fundamentally changed since then. In addition, in terms of tactical and technical characteristics, it is inferior to both newer artillery models and larger caliber systems. However, the proper use of a not-so-new weapon - alone or in conjunction with other models - allows you to fully realize its potential and even gain new capabilities. All this is being demonstrated right now during the Special Operation.


Changing the design of the gun, its ammunition and tactical and technical characteristics, for obvious reasons, is not possible. As a result, the effectiveness of application is increased in other ways. All of them are related to the organization of combat work and auxiliary means. Some of them have taken place in the past, while others have only been introduced in recent years.

To date, our army has received a large number of modern artillery reconnaissance equipment - UAVs and specialized radars. They allow you to quickly and efficiently search for targets, issue target designations and adjust fire. With their help, it is possible to make maximum use of the potential of existing weapons, incl. not the newest D-30.

The presence of the enemy's own UAVs and firepower places special demands on artillery protection. Camouflage and means of suppression are now of great importance. Hiding the howitzer from enemy reconnaissance or protecting it from attack drone-kamikaze, you can continue combat work or go to a safe place for subsequent access to a new firing position.

The level of calculation preparation is of great importance. Artillerymen must be able to properly use their equipment, as well as interact with their subordinates. The real effectiveness of fire, their own safety and the results of the work of the supported branches of the military directly depend on their skills.

Defeat a building containing enemy fighters

Using an enemy with similar weapons as an example, one can see the importance of production and logistics. The ability of industry to produce the required amount of ammunition and transport it to the front, as well as the ability to repair weapons, largely determines the results of artillery work. Production and logistics problems can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of howitzers. Fortunately, in our army these issues have been resolved, and the artillerymen receive the necessary supplies.

Still modern

Thus, the D-30 howitzer clearly shows that design age and obsolescence are not always related. The howitzer was developed more than 60 years ago, but is still suitable for combat missions - over the past decades, the laws of ballistics and the principles of influencing the target have not changed. At the same time, the introduction and use of new reconnaissance and control means allows for more efficient use of existing materiel, even within the limits of its characteristics.

D-30 howitzers still remain one of the main weapons of our artillery units, and there are no plans to abandon them. At the same time, in the near future, the guns and their crews will continue to participate in the Special Operation and solve all expected combat missions. In this they will be helped by related systems of various kinds and specialists managing them.
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  1. 28+
    7 June 2024 05: 14
    Nothing... An article for the sake of an article.
    1. 11+
      7 June 2024 09: 25
      An article for the sake of an article.
      Article for the sake of a fee. Repetitions through a paragraph. It is still necessary to place the author's name before the article, and not after.
      1. +3
        7 June 2024 15: 03
        How much do VO pay per article?
        1. +2
          7 June 2024 15: 06
          I have no idea. Ask Caliber (Shpakovsky) or Samsonov. They pay the select few who are on staff.
      2. +3
        8 June 2024 00: 22
        It is still necessary to place the author's name before the article, and not after.

        This graphomaniac is recognized after the first paragraph.
      3. +2
        10 June 2024 13: 47
        I learned to identify this author from the very first lines.
    2. +8
      7 June 2024 09: 55
      What are you for? Have you been offered a topic for discussion, but you have nothing to add?
      The D-30/2A18 is a 122 mm towed howitzer for regimental and divisional artillery.

      Now there are no regiments and no divisions, that is, interaction at the command level has not been worked out. Shoot as you want, including how to use the fire control system, and especially the UAV, to find targets and make adjustments and interaction is not clear. This explains the Makhnovshchina with the use of drones, and the generals in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces sit and... eat. One cannot even dream of counter-battery firing organized according to instructions.
      Having received the order, the crew, using a tractor, moves the gun into position and deploys and prepares for firing. The reconnaissance units receive the coordinates of the target, make the necessary calculations and open fire. If necessary, adjustments and new shooting are carried out. After hitting the target and/or remaining in position for a sufficiently long time, the howitzer moves away to avoid a retaliatory strike.

      How long does it take to deploy from the march and tie in? How long does it take to change positions and these same events to start shooting? If the enemy has UAVs and reconnaissance for counter-battery fire, then how to fight?
      All these are the views of an outdated war that flourishes in the Northern Military District and the results that we have, including the pace of the offensive, losses, ammunition consumption, wiping out our cities into dust...
      The 122 mm US "Kitolov-2M" does not even smell here, because the concepts of modern warfare, including the use of precision ammunition, the organization of interaction and the presence of new staff structures, do not exist in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. An example is the state of affairs with the ESU TZ "Sozvezdie-M", the automated control system "Andromeda-D", and similar advertising tales. Have you heard such names in the Northern Military District...
      The D-30 is outdated and is used out of hopelessness and for creating commercials, to cover up the stupidity of individual elements...
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +5
        7 June 2024 11: 07
        I agree with every word. Not a single proposal for modernization. The performance characteristics are the most unsuitable for modern warfare. No range, no efficiency, no battery control system. Wherever you throw it, everywhere...
        And here he just puffs out his cheeks
      3. +3
        7 June 2024 19: 11
        Now there are no regiments and no divisions, that is, interaction at the command level has not been worked out.
        It's not about regiments and divisions, because...
        generals in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces sit and...eat.

        After all, no matter how you reorganize the lions, under the control of the rams they will not fight much
      4. +3
        8 June 2024 13: 15
        The crew usually work from disguised positions in the dugout. They get the coordinates, fire a couple of shots and hide. It just seems easy to detect
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +4
      7 June 2024 22: 47
      Quote: Amateur
      This is not an article, but an unintelligible set of words.

      You're right ! Moreover, the article is full of inaccuracies... instead of specific descriptions there are meaningless phrases...
  3. 17+
    7 June 2024 06: 29
    Lots of letters, zero useful information negative
  4. +5
    7 June 2024 06: 34
    Isn’t the author of the article embarrassed by the need for ASUNO on the gun, a counter-gun maneuver literally after every ten shots? Now the enemy is short of guns, it looks like they have taken out the artillery and don’t have enough shells, but what if these are units of the armies of NATO countries?
  5. NSV
    7 June 2024 06: 51
    So where is the information about the D-30???? Maybe...okay....in general....The article is ABOUT NOTHING!
  6. +1
    7 June 2024 08: 54
    Back in the 80s they planned to remove 122mm guns (D30 and 2S1) from service (except for the Airborne Forces) and replace them with 152mm ones, but it didn’t work out. In some places there were even M30s in the photos
  7. +4
    7 June 2024 09: 10
    The unlucky author forgot to mention that the howitzer has driven coulters, which must literally be torn out of the ground in order to leave the position. No amount of camouflage with nets will help if the enemy has a counter-battery radar. These mantras about proper use depend on the period of training of an artilleryman in wartime.
  8. +1
    7 June 2024 09: 33
    Thanks to the Soviet “galoshes”, what would we do without them now...
  9. +1
    7 June 2024 09: 48
    Well, if you take into account that in Banderovafen, the Western partners pushed howitzers with a caliber of 105 mm, then 122 mm. - this is still wow.
  10. +2
    7 June 2024 10: 14
    In general, the use of howitzers follows a general algorithm. Having received the order, the crew, using a tractor, moves the gun into position and deploys and prepares for firing. The reconnaissance units receive the coordinates of the target, make the necessary calculations and open fire. If necessary, adjustments and new shooting are carried out. After hitting the target and/or remaining in position for a sufficiently long time, the howitzer moves away to avoid a retaliatory strike.

    I'm not an artilleryman, maybe someone can explain this algorithm of actions. Why can’t reconnaissance calculations be made in advance at the deployment site before the gun arrives there?
    1. +4
      7 June 2024 13: 10
      It is quite possible to make calculations in advance when the gun is moved to a pre-prepared position. This is when artillery reconnaissance officers have determined the firing location and tied it topographically; as a rule, this place is simply indicated by a peg driven into the ground. Knowing in advance the coordinates of the target and your fire, these calculations are made - both using shooting tables and on tablets - in different ways. These calculations are cancelled.
    2. +5
      7 June 2024 13: 27
      In addition to fire platoons, an artillery battery has a control platoon with a reconnaissance section. Scouts often prepare a firing position, including topographic and geodetic, in advance. A peg is simply driven into the place where the gun is installed; as a rule, if you know the coordinates of the target and your coordinates, calculations can be made in advance. This will be called 'calculated shooting data'. Based on those counted, the first shot is fired, deviations are measured, etc. The target is sighted, and according to the sighted data, fire is applied to the target.
      1. +2
        7 June 2024 14: 36
        One peg is not enough. Binding is carried out in direction, and not just in place. 2 benchmarks are hammered in and the direction is referenced and the coordinates of the central point are determined. On the reference object (aircraft, gun, ...) there are also reference points, from which the current reference points are projected as plumb lines. Deviations from the axis are measured and additional corrections are introduced using a special table, and there is no need to accurately align and move the gun... In aviation, everything is cooler, and there are still ways to determine the parking course and coordinates.
        1. +6
          7 June 2024 14: 40
          I did not list the contents of the “topographic reference of the firing position” section; I gave brief and understandable data. Naturally there are many factors.
          1. 0
            7 June 2024 14: 48
            Tell me, is it possible to quickly link the MSTA-B self-propelled guns? Are there reference points on the installation itself for using the prepared position? On "Gvozdika", "Acacia"?
            1. +3
              7 June 2024 15: 21
              The fastest and most accurate alignment is the placement of guns in a pre-prepared position, and there are no special differences between self-propelled guns of early models and BGs; it increasingly depends on the efficiency and qualifications of the scouts. The binding of an unprepared position is also identical. Modern and modernized self-propelled guns, including Msta-S, have a satellite navigation unit; during normal operation, it, of course, speeds up the alignment of the gun in an unprepared position
              1. 0
                7 June 2024 18: 33
                Modern and modernized self-propelled guns, including Msta-S, have a satellite navigation unit; during normal operation, it, of course, speeds up the alignment of the gun in an unprepared position

                Well, the coordinates are clear. Now motorists have navigators through one. What about directional angles? Where do they come from: from a satellite - I haven’t heard of that. A constantly working self-propelled gun gyrocompass? Or simply with a magnetic compass needle, which is not so accurate for long-range shots. (Former topographer)
                1. +1
                  7 June 2024 22: 11
                  You know, if the guns are completely modern, then they are connected through an automated control system, and orientation by angle and rotation is carried out using a digital map. The same axes have an electric drive for horizontal aiming. The car is older, of course, from its own and Sobov’s gyroscope. When working at long ranges, when zeroing, the first shots will always have deviations, so aiming along the horizon and through the compass is possible. And if it is possible to shoot a reference point at the same time, then all errors of the magnetic needles are compensated in advance.
              2. 0
                8 June 2024 10: 40
                The fastest and most accurate alignment is the placement of guns in a pre-prepared position, and there are no special differences between self-propelled guns of early models and BGs; it increasingly depends on the efficiency and qualifications of the scouts. The binding of an unprepared position is also identical. Modern and modernized self-propelled guns, including Msta-S, have a satellite navigation unit; during normal operation, it, of course, speeds up the alignment of the gun in an unprepared position

                This is a question from an amateur: which loses aim faster, a towed gun or a self-propelled gun? What shoots longer without adjustment, in short. hi
                1. +3
                  8 June 2024 12: 37
                  There is no direct dependence on the type of gun, it is more related to the density, moisture of the soil, how close to the horizontal in both planes the gun is placed, on what charges, sights (barrel elevation), rotation (turning the barrel or turret) and charges the fire is fired . But long-term fire on one target is rarely practiced now. I took aim, burst 3-5, this is enough without adjusting the sighted settings for any properly positioned gun. Transfer of fire, change of position - any settings are subject to adjustment.
                2. +3
                  8 June 2024 12: 41
                  Well, the Rapier on an armor-piercing one needs to be adjusted after each shot, no matter how you set it
        2. +1
          7 June 2024 18: 26
          The anchoring object (aircraft, gun, ...) also has reference points

          I’m a topographer-geodesist of RV and A and I can’t understand, what does this have to do with airplanes? Are they shooting from the ground?
  11. -1
    7 June 2024 10: 31
    The guns are used in counter-battery warfare.

    This was the case until 1944, and then they realized that it was much more effective to hammer artillery into stationary targets, such as enemy strongholds, long-term fortifications, trenches, and in counter-battery warfare to use aviation, for example, attack aircraft, which were previously used against the front line, which tried to destroy the enemy, buried in the ground and covered by small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery. And now, dude, we need to figure out how to use artillery again?
  12. -2
    7 June 2024 10: 35
    The main jamb is D-30 - caliber. How much cheaper, smarter and more thoughtful it would be to produce a single howitzer in 152 caliber instead.
    1. -1
      7 June 2024 11: 01
      The main problem with the D-30 is that it is TOWED! In China, several 122mm howitzers on a wheeled chassis have been put into service for a long time. And we all continue to use the Soviet “towed” reserve (and in huge quantities) - D-30, Msta-B, Giatsint-B and even D-20!
      1. 0
        7 June 2024 14: 46
        And you forgot about the 2S1 “Gvozdika”. And what is the question?
      2. 0
        25 June 2024 20: 04
        And even D-1 was used
    2. 0
      7 June 2024 15: 13
      and in the USSR a 152 mm howitzer 2A61 "Pat" was developed to replace the 122 mm howitzer D-30... a total of 6 howitzers were made... the firing range, like the D-30, is 15 km, the projectile is of course 43,6 kg, weight about 4,3 tons... so what? the General Staff didn’t understand the benefits of 152 mm caliber compared to 122 mm?
      1. 0
        7 June 2024 15: 30
        and in the USSR a 152 mm howitzer 2A61 "Pat" was developed to replace the 122 mm howitzer D-30... a total of 6 howitzers were made... the firing range, like the D-30, is 15 km, the projectile is of course 43,6 kg, weight about 4,3 tons... so what? the General Staff didn’t understand the benefits of 152 mm caliber compared to 122 mm?

        No. Otherwise, they would have crossed over themselves, rather than waiting for NATO to cross over.
        We, IMHO, have no military science at all. They sit and wait for the amers to come up with something. Let's wait a little longer, Kalash's transition to 6,8 is not far off. Yes
        1. -1
          7 June 2024 19: 27
          No, there is military science, articles are published by very smart people. But, as with any science in Russia, it is all limited to articles. There are a lot of howitzers, their storage requires few resources, there are soldiers, but it’s better to spend the money on the general’s dacha or a new car for his daughter
        2. +1
          8 June 2024 08: 32
          Wasn’t the stupidity of switching from 7,62x39 mm to 5,45x39 mm instead of 5,6x45 mm enough to clear their minds? :-)
      2. 0
        8 June 2024 09: 43
        the General Staff didn’t understand the benefits of 152 mm caliber compared to 122 mm?

        In fact, there is a point of view that a 6" caliber is justified only when using cluster munitions. When firing conventional OFS, there is no need for a 6" caliber. 5 105mm shells are much more effective than one 6". At least in defense, when there is no need to work on fortifications.
        1. 0
          8 June 2024 10: 03
          let's do the math :-))) 152 mm covers an area of ​​1700 sq.m. with fragments. ... 122 mm - 1200 sq.m. 105 mm about 700-800 sq.m ... from the point of view of hitting an open target - 105 mm is more profitable ... now logistics .... projectile weight 152 mm - 43-44 kg .... 122 mm - 22-23 kg .... 105 mm - 15-16 kg. and so we fired 5 105 mm shells and covered 4000 sq.m. like a bull. area ... weight of a 105 mm salvo - 80 kg. 122 mm - will cover the same 4000 sq.m. - 3,3 shells... salvo weight 76 kg. ... 152 mm will cover 4000 sq.m. - 2,4 shells... salvo weight - 106 kg. and it turns out that the 122 mm caliber is more profitable than 105 mm due to the fact that the high explosiveness of 122 mm is approximately half that of 152 mm, the area covered by fragments is 1,5 times less, in terms of the shock wave of a high explosive explosion, a 122 mm projectile corresponds to approximately 3/4 of a high explosive 152 mm projectile .... alas, a 105 mm high-explosive projectile is inferior in high explosiveness to 122 mm by 2,2-2,5 times, and 152 mm by 3,8-4,0 times .... in terms of shock wave this lag is already behind 122 mm makes 105 mm hopeless
          1. +1
            8 June 2024 10: 16
            Khe khe.
            You illustrated the effectiveness of the 122mm caliber. Or they simply took data from different countries, calculated using different methods. An increase in the weight of a projectile between 105 and 122 mm by 1,5 times gives an increase in the area of ​​the fragment field by the same 1,5 times. At the same time, an increase in the weight of the projectile by 2 times between 122 and 152 gives an increase in the area of ​​the fragment field by less than 1,5 times - which is closer to the truth.
            1. +1
              8 June 2024 17: 44
              then let's change the artillery to 76 mm or 85 mm - they are even more effective when shooting at an open target, the rate of fire is higher :-) but in terms of actual dispersion of projectiles from 1/2 to 3/4 of the maximum range, who has surpassed the D-30?
              1. 0
                8 June 2024 19: 28
                You will be very surprised, but during WWII the British used the 25-pounder (87,6mm caliber) - they considered it one of the best weapons of war, more successful than 105mm howitzers. From the above considerations.

                I won’t discuss dispersion now, sorry. This is another topic.
                1. 0
                  9 June 2024 09: 35
                  those. Don't you know that shells have dispersion?
                  1. 0
                    10 June 2024 08: 04
                    I know. But I see no point in wasting time discussing it. It's math, but I'm lazy.
        2. 0
          8 June 2024 10: 46
          In fact, there is a point of view that a 6" caliber is justified only when using cluster munitions. When firing conventional OFS, there is no need for a 6" caliber. 5 105mm shells are much more effective than one 6". At least in defense, when there is no need to work on fortifications.

          As I understand it, they stopped at 6" because this is the maximum acceptable weight and size of a projectile for a person. I mean the calculation of the gun. More than that - it is no longer realistic to maintain an acceptable rate of fire without loading mechanisms.
          1. 0
            8 June 2024 11: 13
            It’s not like maintaining the rate of fire. It is difficult to simply load (as well as load and unload, remove from boxes, clean, prepare for firing) shells without using a crane.

            But we are discussing the opposite question. A complete abandonment of small calibers in favor of 6" makes sense only with the massive use of cluster munitions.
  13. +4
    7 June 2024 11: 21
    Here some people criticize Kirill Ryabov, but I will praise him.

    After the next article “Little, late, useless!” about AWACS aircraft, the article “There are still berries in the buttocks!” was simply necessary. about the 1960 gun.
  14. +3
    7 June 2024 14: 11
    Towed howitzer D 30 (2A18) developed under the leadership of the talented Fedor Fedorovich Petrov in 1960 and modernized in 1978. Becoming D30A (2A18M). For their time, these were modern guns with a good service life (more than 30 thousand rounds). Today they are hopelessly outdated. (Most VO readers are younger than these products). Insufficient firing range and power of the HE projectile. These howitzers needed replacement back in the late 80s. The fact that they, together with their self-propelled “sister” D32 (2A31, self-propelled gun “S1”) are used in the Northern Military District, is the result of the “wise” military development of the last 30 years.
    1. +5
      7 June 2024 15: 16
      In fact, the service life of the D-30 barrel on a full charge is 4000 rounds :-)
      1. 0
        31 August 2024 10: 29
        They don't shoot at full capacity. At "half" capacity - the resource increases 8 times. Here you have 30,000
  15. -2
    7 June 2024 14: 21
    I understand when they write this in military officialdom. But what is it that forces you? ;-)
  16. +1
    7 June 2024 15: 21
    Quote: moreman78
    The main problem with the D-30 is that it is TOWED! In China, several 122mm howitzers on a wheeled chassis have been put into service for a long time. And we all continue to use the Soviet “towed” reserve (and in huge quantities) - D-30, Msta-B, Giatsint-B and even D-20!

    Well, not quite. If a shell explodes near a self-propelled version on a wheeled chassis, the weapon is immobilized and becomes inoperable. The towed weapon is very durable and easy to repair and can only be destroyed by a direct hit.
    1. -1
      7 June 2024 17: 43
      Well, yes, but the towing vehicle is unarmored, a simple truck, and is not damaged. And the personnel are made of steel.
      1. +3
        8 June 2024 01: 51
        The personnel of the howitzer can dig a trench two meters from it and jump there at the first suspicious noise. And there is less chance of escaping from a self-propelled gun, the armor is weak, and in our time it can be cut off even on the route by a drone. In addition, a self-propelled gun is higher above the ground, the shells are also higher, but with a howitzer they lie on the ground until they flare up. In general, the fact is that it is not very safe for calculations.
        1. +3
          8 June 2024 08: 36
          towed artillery is more durable than self-propelled guns - smaller in size and therefore better camouflaged and there are no traces of the tracks... the self-propelled gun was hit - the chassis or engine was broken - the self-propelled gun has practically lost its combat effectiveness... and any truck can carry a cannon on wheels :-0
          1. +3
            8 June 2024 13: 22
            Plus, due to its smaller size, a towed howitzer will receive proportionally fewer fragments.
            If only they had finally made a control and ammunition supply unit for them, this is not too difficult a task. So that the crew would arrive in an armored car, pour shells onto the conveyor belt, start the diesel generator and press buttons into the trench to correct the shooting. And after the shooting, the diesel was turned off and went to the next howitzer in a different landing. They seem to be cheap and you can rivet so many of them that you can only tow them occasionally
          2. +1
            8 June 2024 15: 04
            not a fact about survivability, but there are already questions about the security of the crew, the vulnerability of the numbers, as well as about the fire control system, the preparation of the operational unit for firing, etc. and so on. And there are big questions regarding changing positions during a fire maneuver, maneuverability and maneuverability. This is not a fortress weapon, but a field artillery system.
      2. +2
        25 June 2024 20: 01
        Why not armored
        MTLBV is quite an artillery tractor.
  17. AMG
    8 June 2024 08: 54
    The article is an educational program for beginners. But it attracted a lot of comments. We are waiting for another story from the author about the effective use of the AKM assault rifle in the SVO.
    1. +2
      8 June 2024 15: 05
      For kindergarten, beginners should already know the basics of at least topography and ballistics, in extreme cases, distinguish a triangle from a rectangle, what sin and cos are, know that there is such a subject as trigonometry and topography, this will be the preliminary level of those who want to become a calculation number
  18. +2
    8 June 2024 09: 10
    Quote: gromila78
    Well, yes, but the towing vehicle is unarmored, a simple truck, and is not damaged. And the personnel are steel

    Another tractor was brought in. In addition, tractors usually move away from the position
  19. +3
    8 June 2024 14: 57
    At least they said the institute and the name of the designer, the normal performance characteristics and description of the gun, its advantages and disadvantages, modifications or the same “Gvozdika”, etc. and so on. It’s all blah blah blah, here’s the barrel, you saw it on TV, it’s called D-30, but what’s the difference and why is the muzzle brake that was mentioned, fiction, in a word, not serious for this site.
    1. +1
      8 June 2024 17: 46
      You can find on the Internet the article “Comparison of the artillery of Russia, the USA and NATO”, everything is chewed up there in such detail - there’s nowhere else to go :-)
      1. +3
        8 June 2024 19: 58
        Thank you, there is no such need, I am a former siege police officer. I was not looking for technical documentation, but expressed an opinion about the content of the article, its meaning and the need for publication on this site.
      2. 0
        31 August 2024 10: 42
        There is nothing there about the USA.
  20. -1
    8 June 2024 18: 49
    [b][/bI have a question for the author. The howitzer fires along an overhead trajectory, let’s say through a 9-story building. Is that correct? But if you put it on its side and shoot, the projectile will fly around the corner? After all, it has a hinged projectile flight path, only in the horizon. Or am I wrong?
    1. +2
      8 June 2024 20: 00
      Does a fly land on the ceiling from a half loop or from a half barrel?
      1. +2
        9 June 2024 14: 03
        I think from the Nesterov loop, at the top point it releases its legs and sits down. By the way, you don’t know whether a fly tucks its legs in flight or not? and some readers are really bad at humor.
        1. 0
          9 June 2024 19: 12
          It won’t work with a loop; then she will have to walk under (above) the ceiling 2 times, which is not entirely rational. Good luck.
  21. +1
    8 June 2024 20: 26
    I remember the furniture "Urfin Juice" wanted to destroy 122 mm artillery like a class... I was lucky, I didn’t have time. I didn’t even have time to buy foreign tanks.
    1. 0
      9 June 2024 11: 13
      And Shoigu’s ronins continue to roam the Internet and blame the damned furniture maker...
      1. +1
        9 June 2024 13: 13
        "A plague on both their houses!" (With)
  22. +2
    9 June 2024 14: 18
    Nonsense... what is the article about, what did I just read.
  23. -1
    25 June 2024 19: 50
    Yes, I haven’t read such heresy about the high performance of the D-30 for a long time.
    Shot from it.
    A long-outdated howitzer with mediocre characteristics is hardly worth sucking.
    Did they look at the 777 with full automation and come up with an analogue, this would be the right task.
    1. 0
      31 August 2024 10: 46
      Does the 777 have "full mechanization"? laughing laughing Look at her swash plate, how crooked it is. And how two blacks are working with it, cursing. laughing
  24. +1
    29 July 2024 15: 40
    D-30 howitzers still remain one of the main weapons of our artillery units, and there are no plans to abandon them.

    This is the most important thing. An ordinary howitzer with ordinary ammunition is more effective on the battlefield than any prodigy that fires projectiles with artificial intelligence.
    We need to produce more of these guns and think about 76, 85 and 100 mm guns.
  25. -1
    31 July 2024 04: 56
    The reality is that the D30 howitzer was not modernized only in Russia; in China, the D30 was placed on a truck chassis and acquired the ability to self-propelled and semi-automatic loading, including PLC-09 and PCL-171.
  26. -2
    11 August 2024 19: 22
    The D30 is of course crap and it’s not for nothing that it was removed from service, like all 122mm. Leaving it only in the Airborne Forces, maybe you can land it lightly.
    But there are thousands of them in warehouses and it would be stupid not to use them in war.
    It is inferior to 152 and 155mm in everything, but it should be compared not with them, but with NATO 105mm.
    The method of attaching it to the ground and the weight of course sucks compared to the 105mm, but the projectile is more powerful. But in fact, it is more difficult to transport and, most importantly, to roll it up due to its attachment to the ground during shooting. However, it can be used mostly from disguised long-term positions. But is there any point in them with such a short range?
    As a result, the D30 is completely outdated, like the Rapier, even the M46 cannon looks better compared to them.
    1. 0
      3 September 2024 06: 21
      you don't fight well with 10 old guns against 10 modern ones, but you have a good chance with 50, with a minimum of coordination and electronic coverage. curzio malaparte knew ussr will end the war as winner because they were "an army of machines". as for personnel, spread one professional among 3-4 recruits, which is exactly what nato instructors do, only quick, before losing too many. one professional (even contracted personal) as commander of the gun/ifv, one with some qualities (professional driver, other technical profession, hobbyist) and the rest can be even old female florists. imagine if you had them in kursk... same with air defense, extend the current modern expensive networks with an old radar, two old missile systems and three old antiair guns each (some of them small and not even connected, just communicating the coordinates when needed), add 1-2 heavy weapons for small groups and they will matter. many uav that hit russia were aircraft type and even the weapons for which ukraine asks approval are aircraft-launched.
      1. 0
        8 September 2024 00: 54
        A female florist won't be able to carry many shells and won't be able to assemble a D30. The job of an artilleryman is essentially the job of a loader - a job for strong guys. The rest is some kind of water, completely far from the topic of D30.
        1. 0
          8 September 2024 01: 08
          indeed, curzio malaparte didn't know much about D-30, but he is known for other things.
  27. 0
    13 September 2024 18: 12
    Everything is fine, only the towed artillery system is vulnerable in a duel situation. It needs to be moved from the frame to the truck.