Leader of Burkina Faso: We will break all the bonds that kept us in slavery

Leader of Burkina Faso: We will break all the bonds that kept us in slavery

The African continent, where at one time the position of the Soviet Union was strong, and then, after its collapse, Western countries (especially France) tried to strengthen their influence, is once again moving away from the West and moving closer to Moscow.

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov, also visited a number of African countries during his visit. He visited Guinea and the Republic of Congo before arriving in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou, where he met with his colleague Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, as well as President Ibrahim Traoré. The parties agreed to open a Russian embassy in Burkina Faso and cooperate in the military sphere.

Following the meeting with Lavrov, the leader of Burkina Faso said a phrase that quickly spread across the African segment of social networks and may be the motto of the processes taking place recently in the countries of the continent.

We will break all the bonds that kept us in bondage!

- said Traore.

Recall that Burkina Faso was a French colony and gained independence in 1960. However, the influence of Paris was felt here until recently. But in September 2022, a coup took place in the country and the military, led by Captain Ibrahim Traore, came to power. Military cooperation with France was then frozen.

Last year, the leader of Burkina Faso came to Russia for the Russia-Africa summit and met with Vladimir Putin.
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  1. +9
    5 June 2024 17: 23
    This is why Emanuel is furious that we are squeezing him out of everything, although he pretends to be...
    1. +6
      5 June 2024 17: 35
      Quote: Irek
      That's why Emanuel is mad that we're squeezing him out of everything.

      It is not us who are driving out the French, it is the choice of small African countries. Having freed themselves from the state of slaves in the colonies, they intuitively seek a force capable of protecting them from slavery. And only Russia or China are capable of doing this. Therefore, these two countries are under pressure from the West. hi
      1. +6
        5 June 2024 17: 41
        Quote: fif21
        Freed from the condition of slaves in the colonies, they intuitively seek a force that can protect them from slavery. And only Russia or China can do this

        China is not going to fight in Africa. Ours are coming there with military support, and China is coming with investments.
        1. +4
          5 June 2024 17: 50
          Quote from kromer
          Ours are there with military support, and China is there with investments.

          We are holding on, and we have little money for investment. wassat The military-industrial complex is strong, so it will protect against the military-industrial complex of the West, and China is the world's leading economy, so it will be able to ensure economic growth. The West is not interested in the economic growth of African countries. They need colonies, raw materials, cheap labor. Therefore, the expansion of China and Russia's presence in Africa is a red rag for the West. hi
        2. KCA
          5 June 2024 18: 23
          If China starts squeezing out its investments, few people will care about the answers; we won’t use forceful methods; economic ones will suffice.
          1. +6
            5 June 2024 18: 47
            Quote: KCA
            If China starts squeezing out its investments, few people will care about the answers; we won’t use forceful methods; economic ones will suffice.

            Well, the Chinese invested in Ukraine by buying Motor Sich for 3 billion. Ukry was squeezed out and why China? Swallowed it.
            1. KCA
              5 June 2024 18: 56
              I think that in addition to businessmen, they have financial analysts and geopolitical analysts who have calculated that it will never work out to butt heads and try to pull out a motor vehicle, and even pumped-up contracts for a large amount for the supply of grains and sunflowers, they will think about how to get theirs, Well, here’s bingo - Russia is tearing up the suckers, but you don’t need to do anything, just help in small ways, quietly
      2. +6
        5 June 2024 18: 04
        this is the choice of small African countries --- fif21

        So many years have passed .... Aswan Dam, assistance to Algeria in geology, mine clearance ..... assistance to Angola .... training of Africans with us, including at the Higher Military Schools ..... construction of facilities.
        After so many years, it turned out that this help has not been forgotten, and the old events have been mythologized. They see Russia as a strong, friendly, honest country. And this is also the Soviet legacy of the USSR
        1. 0
          5 June 2024 18: 13
          Quote: Reptiloid
          They see Russia as a strong, friendly, honest country. And this is also the Soviet legacy of the USSR

          Well, Russian reality is a little different from the Soviet legacy. wassat There will definitely be no freebies; Russia does not need corrupt friendship. But mutually beneficial projects, whatever platform will suit many. I think that our bourgeoisie will be smart enough not to repeat the mistakes of Western transnational companies that think only about their own benefit. hi
          1. +1
            5 June 2024 18: 20
            enough sense ---- fif21

            I also hope that they will finally understand and save and develop such a situation for the benefit of their country. They will take into account the mistakes with the near abroad.
            1. 0
              5 June 2024 18: 25
              Quote: Reptiloid
              Me too, I hope that they will finally understand

              But here there are no options, they won’t understand, and they’ll also get a penal. hi
              1. +1
                5 June 2024 18: 27
                Worse, they can, following the example of others, sit on their necks and hang their legs and pull and pull....
            2. +1
              5 June 2024 19: 40
              I, too, hope that they will finally understand and save and develop such a situation for the benefit of their country. Mistakes with neighboring countries will be taken into account
              How I envy your optimism...
        2. KCA
          5 June 2024 18: 26
          I didn’t study myself, but specifically Angolans studying at the Higher Military School of the Russian Federation were shown not so long ago to be cheerful, cheerful and singing our songs
          1. +1
            5 June 2024 18: 31
            During Socialism, my grandfather taught at the Mozhaisky Air Force Academy, in Leningrad, and also taught foreign students.
            Now it has a different name, I could be wrong..... A few years ago I walked around this whole complex.
          2. +1
            5 June 2024 19: 30
            Quote: KCA
            I didn’t study myself, but specifically Angolans studying at the Higher Military School of the Russian Federation were shown not so long ago to be cheerful, cheerful and singing our songs

            I didn't have them with me. And my school was called NVVPOU.
            I also saw the video.
    2. +2
      5 June 2024 17: 54
      That's why Libya was destroyed, because it behaved too independently.
      That's why Emanuel is mad

      After all, French colonial rule in Africa lasted for hundreds of years and a habit of free natural resources developed.
    3. +2
      5 June 2024 18: 21
      Quote: Irek
      That's why Emanuel is mad

      More likely, Emanuella is furious.
    4. 0
      5 June 2024 21: 18
      You just have to “survive” by your wits, and not by “beautiful eyes and thanks” as in the USSR. We need to take an example from China. The Chinese don’t bother to say “thank you.” And where they come, they will take it at exorbitant prices.
  2. +5
    5 June 2024 17: 23
    In spreading its influence, Russia must take into account all the mistakes of the USSR. Cooperation with Africa should be mutual.
    1. +3
      5 June 2024 17: 41
      Quote: Roust
      Cooperation with Africa should be mutual.

      Mutually beneficial...
  3. +4
    5 June 2024 17: 24
    Brave Captain Traore!
    By the way, Niger has also already broken contracts with French companies for uranium mining and sent the amers out.
    1. 0
      5 June 2024 17: 56
      Quote: Victor19
      Brave Captain

      There was a case when a certain Patrice Lumumba publicly, on camera, declared to the Belgian king, "We are no longer your monkeys!" Well, how did he end up? And in the end he was replaced Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa za Banga bully , who was no better to his people than the Belgian king. And would Lumumba have a mind...
      1. 0
        5 June 2024 18: 22
        Quote: Nagan
        There was a case when a certain Patrice Lumumba publicly, on camera, declared to the Belgian king “we are no longer your monkeys!” So how did he end up? And in the end he was replaced by Mobutu Sese Seko K

        American! Lumumba made a mistake, first he should have asked the USSR to build a couple of military bases in his country, and only then send the Belgian king to hell. wink You have to pay for mistakes request And tell me, American, do today’s rulers in the USA have any intelligence? hi
        1. +1
          5 June 2024 18: 25
          Quote: fif21
          In the USA, do today's rulers have any intelligence?
          Of course there is, only the user constantly forgets to turn it on. What can you do - dementia. Oh-oh, old age is no joy...
          1. +1
            5 June 2024 18: 31
            Quote: Nagan
            Of course there is, but the user constantly forgets to turn it on. What can you do - dementia.

            Do you seriously think that grandfather "Dementiy" can decide anything on his own? I believe that all US decisions, internal and external, are the fruit of a management team with a low level of education and inflated self-esteem. hi
            1. +2
              5 June 2024 18: 34
              Quote: fif21
              management teams with low levels of education and high self-esteem
              A fairly close description of what is called deep state.hi
              1. 0
                5 June 2024 18: 39
                Quote: Nagan
                A fairly close description of what is called deep state.

                In English I don't boom, boom. feel I speak German. But I want to say: “God! Give America some sense.” hi
                1. KCA
                  5 June 2024 21: 54
                  In simple terms, the Deep State is a shadow government, the meaning, I think, is clear, those who are not visible, but those who really rule
                  1. 0
                    6 June 2024 00: 19
                    Quote: KCA
                    Simply put, the Deep State is a shadow government,

                    Thank you ! The truth is, in my understanding, the shadow government is not a team of Democratic or Republican managers. They are in plain sight. recourse
      2. +2
        5 June 2024 19: 22
        "We are no longer your monkeys!"
        No man's property follows the first to seize Yes .
        1. +2
          5 June 2024 19: 59
          The monkeys are not yours, they are others. Monkey.
      3. 0
        5 June 2024 21: 36
        Lumumba was killed by the CIA and Belgian counterintelligence. This was not just a certain person, but a man with a capital M. It’s not for nothing that our university was named after him. More than 60 years have passed since then. And so something in the world has changed. The Americans and the French were kicked out of Niger, for example.
  4. +2
    5 June 2024 17: 27
    We need such captain-leaders in Africa!
    Photos of the meeting with Putin
  5. -2
    5 June 2024 17: 35
    Well said. A determined person. The choice of the people of Burkina Faso. This is not the “choice of the fraternal people”. The difference is palpable - different continents. Yes, and in pots, they don’t jump..)
    1. 0
      6 June 2024 11: 50
      He is a junta, a participant in two military coups. That is, it has nothing to do with the choice of the people of Burkina Faso laughing
  6. +2
    5 June 2024 17: 37
    "Russia will increase the number of military instructors in Burkina Faso, and will also increase the supply of military products." Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
  7. 0
    5 June 2024 17: 38
    “We will break all the bonds that kept us in bondage!” —

    - Good luck, captain! ...
  8. -3
    5 June 2024 17: 38
    We can be proud of our ancestors who did not look to the African continent as a source of slaves. And the slave-owning principles in the generation of Soviet people from childhood aroused only hatred:
    1. 0
      5 June 2024 18: 40
      Proud of what? Having a smartphone with a government services app, credit cards and friends who are also ponies?? They look and say - You'd better sort things out with the Tajiks.
  9. +2
    5 June 2024 18: 11
    Let me remind you that this country was previously called Upper Volta
  10. 0
    5 June 2024 18: 31
    [media=https://yandex.ru/video/preview/6169981979335931928]PMC "Wagner" made foreign policy in Africa, and the liberals are defaming it. but they still work, because “they are not there.” and the guys plow for the state.
  11. -2
    5 June 2024 19: 48
    Did everyone there really hear what he said? And then after that it was not the bonds that had to be broken, but the French. It's just right to tear these pitushers into pieces. Otherwise, lions in Africa are malnourished.
  12. 0
    5 June 2024 20: 06
    Africans are kept enslaved by their own laziness and indifference.
    And no one else.
  13. -1
    5 June 2024 20: 24
    Comrade in arms. I wish I could hear something similar from China and India. But they call their post-colonial wobbles flexibility, refusing to acknowledge the problem.
  14. +1
    5 June 2024 21: 43
    I quite like these people and their desire to move away from the “West” towards Russia.

    Putin builds relationships very well.
  15. 0
    6 June 2024 11: 25
    Captain Ibrahim Traore is decisive and formidable! Let him try to break the colonial ties! There is hope that Russia, in the person of the Russian Federation, will not "quietly leave" Africa, like the USSR, after a successful "suicide" and will cover Burkina Faso's "back", if anything...
  16. 0
    6 June 2024 16: 41
    We must also learn to work purposefully and systematically. And not just break ties. And in Africa so many of these ties have already been broken, And nothing has changed.