ODAB and tactical nuclear weapons: comparison of lethal capabilities

ODAB and tactical nuclear weapons: comparison of lethal capabilities

Currently in service with the RF Armed Forces are aviation ODAB-500P bombs. These are volumetric detonating bombs designed to destroy enemy personnel and military equipment with high explosive action. In fact, this is a modern version of the ODAB-1970 aerial bomb that appeared in the late 500s. The letter "P" in the name of the bomb stands for piperylene.

Piperylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon with a linear structure of five carbon atoms with two conjugated double bonds. The previous ODAB-500 aerial bomb was filled with ethylene oxide. The ODAB-500P bomb contains 212 liters of piperylene. But due to its low density, the mass of the substance is only 145 kilograms.

The shock wave from the explosion of an aerial bomb is guaranteed to kill at a distance of 25,6 meters, most likely it will kill at a distance of 72,5 meters, at a distance of 102 meters it is guaranteed not to kill, and at a distance of 176 meters and further it will not even cause shell shock. We are talking about the distance from the center of the explosion.

The next most powerful volumetric detonating ammunition is ODAB-1500. It contains 805 kg of piperylene. The shock wave from the explosion of such an aerial bomb kills at a distance of 45 meters, most likely kills at a distance of 128 meters, and certainly will not kill at a distance of 182 meters or more.

The most powerful vacuum bomb currently is ODAB-9000. It contains 7100 kilograms of ethylene. The shock wave of a bomb can definitely kill at a distance of 77 meters, most likely it will kill at a distance of 218 meters, and it will not kill at a distance of 310 meters or more. At a distance of 529 meters, the shock wave will even stop causing shock.

The lowest-yield serial nuclear weapon is the W48. The power of the nuclear charge in TNT equivalent is 72 tons; when the aerial bomb exploded, a fireball with a diameter of 98 meters was formed. At a distance of 49 meters from the center of the explosion, any substance not only burned or melted, but simply evaporated. The shock wave was guaranteed to kill at a distance of up to 91 meters.

However, this does not mean that a person had a chance to survive if he found himself at a greater distance. After all, the ammunition also affected by light radiation - at a distance of 145 meters a person was guaranteed to die, and by penetrating radiation - instant death at a distance of 120 meters, slow death - at a distance of 340 meters.

Thus, we can conclude that even the lowest-power tactical nuclear weapon is superior to the most powerful vacuum bomb in its lethal characteristics.

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  1. 0
    3 June 2024 10: 32
    FAB 99000 must be done! (joke)
  2. +1
    3 June 2024 10: 38
    In the mid-80s, when I was serving in the VSS, there was such a blank - ODAB 500PE, and so, PE meant increased efficiency. And, the highly dispersed substance “pererylene” was already used then. By the way, the cloud detonation system was rebuilt, then it was called “Leader”.
    1. 0
      3 June 2024 23: 24
      Piperylene has not been used for a long time, about forty years... It is unknown what they screwed up in ODAB with the PM index.
  3. 0
    3 June 2024 10: 40
    There was talk about tactical nuclear weapons.
    They teach the population to think.
    China pulled it back, IMHO, they took a break, now again
    1. 0
      3 June 2024 12: 14
      Speeches about tactical nuclear weapons are conducted by armchair analysts and so-called “military bloggers”.
      1. +1
        3 June 2024 14: 02
        Medvedev, Kadyrov, Simonyan.....
        1. +3
          3 June 2024 15: 15
          Listening to these people means not respecting yourself. It is clear that the use of tactical nuclear weapons is a fool’s errand for the narrow-minded.
        2. 0
          3 June 2024 21: 28
          Quote: Max1995
          Medvedev, Kadyrov, Simonyan.....

          Have you listed all the freaks?
        3. 0
          4 June 2024 06: 36
          Which of them can give the order for the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons?
  4. +4
    3 June 2024 16: 03
    The main thing here is to be at the epicenter, you will burn out so quickly that the signals along the nerves will not have time to reach the brain, you will not feel pain wink
    Have a nice evening
    1. -2
      3 June 2024 18: 42
      Have you tried it on yourself? Are you a Phoenix bird?
  5. -1
    3 June 2024 18: 25
    Horror! No, nuclear weapons have no place in the modern world. This is a guaranteed death not only of civilization, but also of almost the entire biogenesis of the planet
    1. +2
      3 June 2024 20: 56
      Be horrified, don’t be horrified, but things are heading towards the bombing of Moscow. The toothless and weak are beaten. The kinder and more humane we are, the sooner we will be attacked.
  6. 0
    3 June 2024 20: 54
    Apparently, oxyethylene is expensive, pipyrylene is cheaper. The next step is to wait for a kerosene (or gasoline, propane...) bomb, in which an agent has been added that accelerates detonation. It will be even cheaper.
    The damage radius numbers are a little low. With ideal mixing with air they should be larger. It is necessary to invest in the electronics of these bombs, and run simulations on supercomputers similar to atomic bombs.
    Goal: a bomb that does not need to be slowed down by a parachute and spraying an azeotropic mixture. Options - projectile. a rocket, a bottle dropped from a drone...
  7. +2
    3 June 2024 23: 20
    Again this dung was dragged here from YouTube...

    The specific heat of combustion of TNT in air is 16 J/kg, and during detonation it is only from 490 to 2673 J, the conventionally accepted theoretical one is 6702 J/g... The actually measured, under ideal conditions, thermodynamic work during the detonation of 4 kg of TNT is 853 J /G.

    In addition to the fact that this fool considers a shock wave pressure of 1 kg/cm² to be fatal with a 100% fatal outcome, the military considers the defeat to be 0,6 kg/cm². It does not take into account the speed of detonation of explosives at all. For some reason, the wave front is counting from the center of the explosion, and not from the edge of the detonation cloud...
  8. 0
    12 July 2024 23: 25
    Why such comparisons at all? It’s a no brainer that even a low-power nuclear loaf will be more lethal than the most powerful “ordinary” bomb
  9. 0
    30 July 2024 17: 32
    It's a small matter: recarnation David Crockett.