Experience in using the Kinzhal complex in Special Operations

Experience in using the Kinzhal complex in Special Operations
MiG-31K aircraft with rocket "Dagger"

In the spring of 2022, the Russian military aviation for the first time used the 9-A-7660 Kinzhal aircraft missile system against a real target. Soon the next launches took place, and later the regular use of new hypersonic missiles began. The Ministry of Defense periodically reports on new strikes using Daggers and reports on the successful defeat of intended targets. Due to their special characteristics, these missiles are assigned the most complex and important combat missions.

"Dagger" in Special Operation

On March 18, 2022, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out the first launch of the 9-S-7760 Kinzhal missile as part of the recently launched Special Operation to demilitarize the Kyiv regime. This was the first combat use of the complex against a real target. In addition, for the first time in world practice, a hypersonic missile was used outside the test site.

The ammunition carrier, apparently, was the modified MiG-31K interceptor. The target for the rocket was the so-called. “Object 711” is an underground ammunition warehouse in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The hypersonic missile successfully aimed at the target, entered the ground at high speed and exploded at some depth. The underground structure, designed to withstand powerful air strikes, was destroyed.

Preparing for departure as part of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, May 2024.

The next launches of the Daggers took place in April and May. This time attacks were carried out on enemy warehouses and control structures. Based on the results of the first strikes, the Russian Ministry of Defense highly appreciated the new weapon. It was noted that it showed high performance and efficiency. They also pointed out that other countries do not have weapons with similar parameters and capabilities.

Of particular interest is the Kinzhal strike carried out on the night of May 16, 2023. This time, the target of the missile was the American-made Patriot anti-aircraft system located on the territory of the Kyiv airport. The hypersonic missile passed through the area of ​​responsibility of this air defense system and hit the target. The explosion of a standard warhead led to the destruction of several key components of the anti-aircraft system and damage to others.

Just a couple of weeks later, on May 29, a Kinzhal missile hit a facility of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, also on the territory of Kyiv. A hypersonic product hit a bunker under the main buildings and killed up to several dozen GUR employees. The organization's senior management was also affected.

"Kinzhals" are still used against various targets practically throughout the entire territory of Ukraine and the regions occupied by it. Up to several dozen missiles have been used, and practically all launches have been successful. Despite opposition from Defense enemy, equipped with modern foreign air defense systems, hypersonic missiles successfully break through to their targets and destroy them.

Rocket approaching an underground target, March 2022

It should be noted that the Kiev regime and its foreign patrons, despite the well-known successes of the Daggers, talk about the low effectiveness of this complex. Ukrainian propaganda denies objective reality and regularly reports on the successful destruction of flying hypersonic missiles and tries to hide the facts of the destruction of objects.

Technical potential

Product 9-A-7660 “Dagger” is an attack aircraft complex consisting of a carrier aircraft with the necessary instruments and a hypersonic aeroballistic missile 9-C-7760. Such a complex is intended to strike important enemy command and control facilities and infrastructure within a radius of up to several thousand kilometers. Due to the high flight characteristics of the missile, a breakthrough of modern and promising air defense and missile defense systems available in foreign countries, incl. from potential opponents.

The first carrier of the Kinzhal missiles at the stage of testing and experimental combat duty was the modified MiG-31K interceptor. It received the ability to carry one hypersonic missile and updated control devices for its use. Tu-9M7760M long-range bombers are also carriers of 22-S-3 missiles. Their size and carrying capacity allow them to carry and launch up to four missiles.

At the beginning of September 2023, domestic media reported the first combat launch of the Kinzhal missile from a new carrier in the form of a Su-34 front-line bomber. In the past, plans were mentioned to introduce a new missile into the ammunition load of the Tu-160M ​​strategic bomber and the promising Su-57 fighter. There have been no reports of launches from Tu-160M ​​and Su-57 yet.

Explosion of a rocket after deepening

The missile of the Kinzhal complex has a length of approx. 8 m and a diameter of about 800-1000 mm excluding planes. The product has a pointed head fairing, under which the warhead and, probably, control devices are located. The rest of the body is dedicated to a solid-fuel rocket engine. The mass of the rocket, according to various estimates, does not exceed 4-4,5 tons. Combat load - approx. 500 kg.

After being dropped from the launch vehicle, the rocket independently enters the calculated trajectory and picks up the required speed. The maximum speed of the product on the trajectory reaches 10-12 M. Its own flight range is at least 1500 km. At the same time, the use of carrier aircraft with high range indicators makes it possible to increase the combat radius of the complex as a whole.

There is no exact information about the missile control devices. It is assumed that there will be a satellite and inertial navigation system, as well as the use of certain homing heads. The product remains controllable throughout the flight and can perform corrections on the downward part of the trajectory.

The missile is equipped with a penetrating high-explosive warhead weighing 500 kg. Due to the high speed when falling, the rocket can go deep into the ground and/or damage underground structures. It also provides for the installation of a tactical class nuclear warhead.

Patriot air defense system before being hit by a Kinzhal missile, May 2023.

Benefits Realized

The advantages and benefits of the Kinzhal missile system and its aeroballistic missile as a whole have long been well known. Since March 2022, they have been demonstrated in practice as part of a real military operation and are fully confirmed. It is clear that the Russian Aerospace Forces will continue to use these weapons and strike at suitable enemy targets.

The main advantages of the 9-A-7660 “Dagger” complex are associated with the high flight speed of the 9-S-7760 rocket. The hypersonic speed of the ammunition reduces the flight time to the target and reduces the enemy’s chances of a timely response. In this case, the highest speeds of the order of 10-12 M develop on the downward part of the trajectory, which is why the enemy actually has no time to react.

The Kinzhal missile's own flight range exceeds 1500 km. When using a carrier in the form of a MiG-31K, the combat radius of the complex reaches 2-2,5 thousand km, and the Tu-22M3M allows strikes at a distance of 3-5 thousand km or more, when refueling in flight. Such a combat radius allows us to consider the Kinzhal both as an operational-tactical and as an operational-strategic weapon with a corresponding role and tasks.

Flight of the 9-S-7760 rocket over Kiev, December 2023.

As part of the current Special Operation, the Kinzhal complex is used to defeat the most important and complex targets. Thus, hypersonic missiles destroyed several buried enemy objects. The missile’s ability to penetrate air defense and missile defense is actually demonstrated in every combat use, but it was best demonstrated by last year’s strike on the Patriot air defense system.

The high effectiveness of the Kinzhal complex is demonstrated not only by individual episodes, but also by all combat use as a whole. To date, the Russian Aerospace Forces have used up to several dozen hypersonic missiles and hit a comparable number of targets, incl. overly complex for other aircraft weapons. Positive statistics have been accumulated showing the effectiveness of products 9-A-7660 and 9-C-7760, and they continue to be used. Moreover, the complex is receiving new carriers, which indicates the Ministry of Defense has big plans for it.

Positive experience

The promising missile system with hypersonic ammunition "Dagger" was first presented to the public in March 2018, and by this time the first carriers with missiles had entered experimental combat duty. From the very beginning it was reported that the Kinzhal missile has unique flight characteristics that determine its combat qualities. In March 2022, the complex was able to demonstrate its potential outside the test site for the first time, and now hypersonic missiles are regularly launched at various targets.

Over the past two years, Russian aerospace forces have accumulated extensive experience in operating and using Kinzhal complexes for various purposes and in different conditions. It is obvious that the 9-A-7660 product will be used until the end of the Special Operation and will remain in service after a future victory. At the same time, we can expect that the application statistics will not deteriorate in the future, and the Dagger will remain one of the most effective models in service with our aerospace forces.
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  1. +13
    3 June 2024 04: 18
    But how everyone laughed - “cartoons, cartoons.” Is there another avant-garde, besides the dagger?
    1. +20
      3 June 2024 05: 29
      The dagger flies far and fast - that's good!

      The Dagger has not yet arrived to Zelensky - this is bad.

      The enemy has no means of knocking down the Dagger - that's good!

      There are still few daggers in the troops - that’s bad...
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. 0
          3 June 2024 12: 33
          In continuation of the post.
          A rating of missiles used in the air defense system has appeared on the Internet. It is a table indicating their effectiveness. The table was published by the author of the channel, Aslan Nashuev. He claims that the table was taken from one chat, and the person who published it claims that he has access to classified Pentagon documents and reprints the data himself.

          . The best of the enemy missiles, Storm Shadow, was only in sixth place. At the same time, in terms of widespread use, it is catastrophically inferior to the Caliber, which is in seventh place.

          It is worth saying that these data are based on the results of 2022-2023, and therefore do not take into account, firstly, the recently successfully tested most important Russian missile, the Zircon, and the massive use of American ATACMS by Ukraine.

          Well, judging by the published table, the P-800 Onyx missile was in first place within the SVO. The effectiveness of its use is 88%.

          1. +3
            4 June 2024 00: 37
            Quote: OrangeBigg
            The table was published by the author of the channel, Aslan Nashuev. He claims that the table was taken from one chat, and the person who published it claims that he has access to classified Pentagon documents and reprints the data himself.

            Strange data in the table:
            1. 40N6E and 48N6E are not in service with the Russian Army and are not used in the Northern Military District.
            2. As of 31.12.2023/133/XNUMX, XNUMX storms/scalps have been destroyed.
            3. As of December 31.12.2023, 2352, XNUMX HIMARS were destroyed.
            4. As of December 31.12.2023, 7, XNUMX ATAKMS were destroyed.
            5. How are targets hit counted? If 2 missiles land on one object, are these two targets hit or one?
            6. What is the consumption of SAMs per destroyed missile? One thing is 1-2 SAMs, quite another is 10 SAMs.
            1. +1
              4 June 2024 01: 22
              The S-300 has a target hit rate close to 100%. Therefore, two missiles are guaranteed destruction. Thor and beech and shell. Well, the missiles there are cheaper than those for Highmars
          2. +2
            4 June 2024 18: 23
            I was most surprised by two photos in the article with a view of the falling "Kinzhal" and then the explosion... And who and from where filmed this attack with such clarity and time far from the front? Does anyone have any options? It is unlikely that this was filmed from a drone, although at first our SVO could risk sending a long-range UAV there. (The option is so-so...)
            Another option is that there was our agent with a simple UAV, who knew the exact time of the attack and lifted it into the air in advance.
            Well, the third option is space, where it was necessary to choose the time of attack and cloudless weather for such observation from an optical reconnaissance satellite. (The most realistic option)
            Why were these photographs shown only now, two years later? I'm trying to compare photos with the view of "Object 711" on Google and Yandex maps and can't find any similarities
        2. +8
          3 June 2024 15: 16
          Alexander. Good afternoon. The Patriot PAC-3MSE SAM system cannot even theoretically work against targets like the Kinzhal. The upper interception limit of the MIM-104F SAM system is 25 km, the lower limit is 15 km. The maximum speed of the target being hit should not exceed 1600 m/s at these altitudes. The Kinzhal has a speed of 1850 m/s at the upper limit, and 1730 m/s at the lower limit. The system's SRP is not capable of processing such a digital array of data. This picture that you published shows how the SRP "freezes". The Kinzhal attack on the Patriot PAC-3MSE SAM system in May 2023. The SAM "saw the target" and took it on AS (at least it tried to), it should be noted that the Patriot SAM system performs all these operations automatically. Just a classic example of an "AS failure". The system takes the target on the AS, launches the first SAM, a second later the AS "breaks down", it automatically searches for the target - finds it, again "takes on the AS", launches the next missile, while naturally control over the first SAM is lost and so on 32 times, hence all this fireworks in the night sky of Kyiv. In old Soviet systems - for example 2K11M "Krug" in case of "AS breaks down" it was necessary to "take the target on the AS" in manual mode, or, if the SRP does not cope, to manually guide the missile to the target, it is even possible by TOV, this way the target is even better visible. "Patriot" does not have such modes. The missile fragments that Klitschko demonstrated are most likely "Iskander" 9M723, the PAC-3MSE modification was created for such purposes. Only THAAD can theoretically combat targets like the Kinzhal, why theoretically, because it can only process classic ballistic targets, but this is the topic of a separate article.
          1. -1
            3 June 2024 17: 56
            sergeyketonov (Sergey Ketonov)

            You may be right about a lot of things, but...
            ...then they really reduce the probability of their interception by MIM-104F PAC-3MSE and Aster-30 anti-missile missiles to 0,35 - 0,6.

            Time is war... excuse me, SVO-shnoe, time to lie to all sides, but IF these numbers are real, then your other reasoning is only qualitative, explaining why such numbers are.
            0,35 is not bad, you need 6 missiles to become 0,92.
            0,6 is much worse, you need 3 missiles to make it 0,94... and 2 for 0,84
            But how it REALLY is, only numbers can give an answer, not lyrics...
            1. +1
              4 June 2024 00: 47
              Quote from tsvetahaki
              You may be right about a lot of things, but...
              ...then they really reduce the probability of their interception by MIM-104F PAC-3MSE and Aster-30 anti-missile missiles to 0,35 - 0,6.

              Where is this from? And from what value are the probabilities of what reduced?
              1. -2
                4 June 2024 05: 24
                Quote: Comet
                Where is this from? And from what value are the probabilities of what reduced?

                ...then they really reduce the probability of their interception by MIM-104F PAC-3MSE and Aster-30 anti-missile missiles to 0,35 - 0,6.

                It was in the article. Not anymore laughing Apparently edited for those too smart.
                This means that if the probability of interception is 0.35, then 6 missiles must be launched to raise it to 0,92 (92%) - that is, a certain defeat.
                The same at 0,6 - you need to fire 3 missiles to intercept with a probability of 94%
                Or in other words, if the probability of interception is 0,6 and 3 missiles are fired to intercept one dagger, out of 100 missiles 94 will be intercepted
                1. +1
                  5 June 2024 00: 49
                  Quote from tsvetahaki
                  Or in other words, if the probability of interception is 0,6 and 3 missiles are fired to intercept one dagger, out of 100 missiles 94 will be intercepted

                  ...then they really reduce the probability of their interception by MIM-104F PAC-3MSE and Aster-30 anti-missile missiles to 0,35 - 0,6

                  Where did this come from? From what value is it reduced? Why are they reducing? “Up to 0.35-0.6” is an interval that makes the assessment meaningless: the uncertainty is a quarter of the range of possible values.
          2. +6
            3 June 2024 18: 16
            Quote from sergeyketonov
            The fragments of the missiles that Klitschko demonstrated are most likely the Iskander 9M723; it was for such purposes that the PAC-3MSE modification was created.

            What Klitschko showed did not even stand next to Iskander.
            The network is inclined to believe that this is BetAB-500.
            1. +4
              3 June 2024 18: 18
              Basil. Good afternoon. I won’t even argue with you - I completely agree with you!!!
              1. 0
                3 June 2024 18: 27
                Quote from sergeyketonov
                Basil. Good afternoon. I won’t even argue with you - I completely agree with you!!!

                In general, I also agree with you. Regarding Klitschko - you just assumed (did not claim), I just clarified hi
          3. +4
            4 June 2024 00: 44
            Quote from sergeyketonov
            The Patriot PAC-3MSE air defense system cannot even theoretically work against such targets as the Kinzhal.

            It is possible, but it requires a large consumption of missiles for one Dagger. And the number of such missiles is very limited.
            Quote from sergeyketonov
            This picture that you published just shows how the PSA “freezes”. Kinzhal attack on the Patriot PAC-3MSE air defense system in May 2023. The air defense system “saw the target” and took it to the AS (at least it tried), it should be noted that the “Patriot” air defense system performs all these operations automatically. Just a classic demonstrative example of “speaker failure”. The complex takes the target on the AS, launches the first missile, after a second the AS fails, it automatically searches for the target - finds it, again “takes on the AS”, launches the next missile, and naturally control over the first missile is lost and so on 32 times, hence all these fireworks in the night sky of Kyiv.

            There is no AC failure. There, as soon as it becomes clear that the predicted meeting point with the Dagger is not achievable for the SAM, the SAM self-destructs and the target SAM channel is freed. And the prediction of the meeting point can be, in the simplest case, according to the hypothesis of the rectilinear and uniform movement of the Dagger. In this case, the missiles are launched at a given time interval one after another.
          4. 0
            5 June 2024 08: 29
            I apologize, at first I thought this was a response to me (Alexander Saburov) and only then I realized that it was OrangeBigg (Alexander).
            I wish someone would answer me with such details and options about the photo with the “Dagger” in Delyatino (Object 711).
            The point here is that my father visited this facility in the late 60s, when he served in missile units. In 1967, its missile unit was sent in full force from the village of Gat (near Mukachevo, Transcarpathia) to Taldy-Kurgan (Kazakhstan). And my father had one year left to serve before retirement, and he was sent to Kolomyia next to Delyatin, to finish off that year and not bother the whole family with moving to Kazakhstan.
            So my father said that the nuclear warhead storage facility itself was in a deep adit under the mountain... Our media wrote about the same thing after the Kinzhal attack on this storage facility... And here in the photographs there is a completely flat area with ground barracks-warehouses, the appearance of which I can't compare it with a photo of an object from Google Maps...
            Perhaps they were not hitting the former nuclear warhead storage facility under the mountain, but the above-ground warehouse, under which an underground one was built. But in any case, I cannot find these barracks-warehouses on the Google map in Delyatyn, hence the questions...
    2. +5
      3 June 2024 17: 50
      Quote: igorbrsv
      But how everyone laughed - “cartoons, cartoons.” Is there another avant-garde, besides the dagger?

      Exactly, and then a bunch of specialists appeared who claimed that the Dagger was nothing special, all the missiles were hypersonic, and that it was not controlled hypersound, just think, a missile from Iskander was attached to an airplane, etc. It’s just that the States have been puffing themselves up for so many years, but nothing has come of it yet with similar projects, and they don’t spare money for it.
  2. +11
    3 June 2024 06: 43
    The dagger is very good, but the fact that the MiG-31 was converted to it was not very good. Supersonic interceptors with powerful radars are an irreplaceable resource and, for example, they would be a waste of time to shoot down drones over the Black Sea. Because only the MiG-31 can find the enemy on its own and quickly reach the attack line so that no one has time to go anywhere.
    1. +2
      3 June 2024 08: 41
      And instantly the 31st release is not established recourse
      The carcasses will remain. I hope they resume interceptors
      1. +2
        3 June 2024 09: 23
        It's time to roll out the Mig-41.
      2. +3
        3 June 2024 11: 24
        There was information. That all combat MIG-31s ​​were modernized on the Sokol.
    2. +2
      3 June 2024 15: 21
      Vladimir. Good day. What other aircraft is capable of lifting this rocket to a height of 22 km and, having accelerated to a speed of 2650 km per hour, launch it? I think such aircraft do not yet exist in nature.
      1. 0
        3 June 2024 18: 01
        Quote from sergeyketonov
        Vladimir. Good afternoon

        Indeed, good afternoon! hi
    3. +3
      3 June 2024 15: 40
      I already wrote in my posts - well, let's say they hung a "Kinzhal" under a Tu-22M3. To what altitude will it rise with it - 9 km, well, 11 km?, what speed will it develop with it on an external under-fuselage suspension - 1700 km per hour, well, 1750 km per hour. About 10 years ago I made calculations, the launch range will be in the best case - 800 km, well, it will be enough for the SVO. But as a medium-range strategic weapon, well, not a "fountain".
      1. -1
        3 June 2024 17: 50
        Quote from sergeyketonov
        Vladimir. Good afternoon, what other aircraft is capable of lifting this rocket to a height of 22 km and accelerating to a speed of 2650 km per hour and launching it? I don’t think such planes exist in nature.

        Exactly, because the Mig-31 does not launch the Kinzhal from such heights and speeds...

        Quote from sergeyketonov
        Well, let’s say they hung the “Dagger” under the Tu-22M3. To what height will he rise with it - 9 km, well, 11 km?, what speed will he develop with it on the external ventral suspension - 1700 km per hour, well, 1750 km per hour. About 10 years ago I made calculations, the launch range would be, at best, 800 km
        Those. Do you think that an Iskander launched from such heights and speeds, and even with an accelerator, and a Kinzhal, both in shape and in size, like an “I”, only with an accelerator, will fly only 300 km further than one launched from the ground? You've got something wrong...
        1. -1
          3 June 2024 18: 14
          There is no booster there - "Kinzhal" and "Iskander" are practically the same, equipped with the same solid propellant rocket engine 9X820 with a thrust of 175,00 kN, in general the differences are minimal, most likely only the seeker. Well, and the fairing in the tail section, which is jettisoned immediately after launch. The real range of "Iskander" is 627 km, not 500.
          1. -1
            3 June 2024 18: 23
            Quote from sergeyketonov
            The Iskander has a real range of 627 km, not 500.

            Well, even more so.
            Quote from sergeyketonov
            There is no accelerator there - "Dagger" and "Iskander" are practically the same, they are equipped with the same solid propellant rocket engine 9X820 thrust - 175,00 kN, in general the differences are minimal, most likely only the seeker. Well, there’s a fairing in the tail section, which shoots off immediately after launch.
            Yes, I considered the fairing not just a fairing but also with an accelerator, I was wrong.
            But I insist that it is wrong to use the MiG as a carrier of the Kinzhal. Although for the speed of development and start of use, it’s okay, you can convert several machines.
            1. 0
              3 June 2024 18: 27
              So it seems that the Su-34 is slowly being brought under the Dagger carriers, for the air defense system that’s the best thing, 800 km of launch range is enough for the eyes. Another plus is the range of the Su-34 aircraft - 1500, with external tanks up to 2000 km.
          2. 0
            9 September 2024 20: 26
            Where did you get the information about the "real" range, and such precise figures?
    4. Aag
      3 June 2024 19: 40
      This is scary!
      I am not an expert in this area. But, on "VO" the idea was repeated more than once by adequate users, - that the technologies for reproducing the 31st are lost, the 41st is in the distant, foggy future... And the resource of the elderly 31st is spent on the newly acquired tasks of the MiG-31K for launching "Daggers". (And the air defense, missile defense, - suffers.). I remember the cheerful reports on "Zvezda", where four MiG-31s ​​cover the air front for the enemy with a length of more than 1000 km! I understand - small drones - are not their target. But, it seems - "Tochka" (of which in UA two years ago, - according to the stories of Konashenkov, other "analysts", - there were no more than ten), other missile foreign crap - are their targets!
      IMHO: the colleague in the neighboring thread wrote correctly, - they say, - ground-based air defense, missile defense, - is only a tactical or objective thing (about the strikes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces deep into the territory of the Russian Federation), - air defense aviation should rule the roost! And with this, - it seems there are problems... (((
  3. +4
    3 June 2024 09: 39
    Here are two articles on the resource with a time difference of one minute. Both the topics are relevant, and the attention of readers is ensured by the anticipation of knowledge of the hidden - and what a bummer it is when reading informational chewing gum from Kirill in multiple interpretations of an already well-known fact, and a presentation from Sergei, which you want not only to read, but also to take notes for the future...
  4. kig
    3 June 2024 10: 04
    The experience of use so far is as follows: launch-flight-hit, explosion. The effectiveness can be judged by statistics: how many launches, how many were shot down, how many did not reach or landed in the wrong place. What destruction was caused, did they achieve what was desired. We will not be told the statistics for a long time, and we will not be able to visit the impact site either. So at this stage, all discussions about the experience of use are from the category of OBS.
    1. +2
      3 June 2024 12: 46
      Exactly. For now, one thing can be said about “Dagger”: it exists and is used. The effectiveness (unlike, say, Atacama or Storm Shadow) is unknown.
      1. -2
        3 June 2024 16: 07
        Well, you're going too far. In war, it's effective when it's cheap and mass produced. The Kinzhal is expensive and extremely rare. On the domestic Paralay forum (stealth systems), they counted the launches of "Kinzhals", and it came out to only 67 times. Yes, it's menacing..., yes, it's beautiful... and it's ideal for tactical nuclear weapons, but as an effective means - I disagree.
        1. 0
          3 June 2024 16: 13
          Well, you are bent.

          What exactly did he “bend”? I wrote that the effectiveness of "Dagger" unknown. I meant efficiency of use.
        2. +1
          3 June 2024 19: 49
          We have specific goal-setting in the NWO zone. If, for example, we suddenly become super-brave and shoot daggers at aircraft carriers and NATO SSBNs with the first strike, then a billion percent will be of use. But if you hit some barn to show your partners your prowess, then yes, it’s of little use
        3. +1
          4 June 2024 00: 53
          Quote: quaric
          In war, it is effective when it is cheap and massive.

          No. The effect of solving a combat mission related to the resource expended. If the combat mission has not been solved, then there is no point in talking about cheapness and mass production.
  5. +1
    3 June 2024 18: 31
    Quote: Vladimir_2U
    The dagger is very good, but the fact that the MiG-31 was converted to it was not very good. Supersonic interceptors with powerful radars are an irreplaceable resource and, for example, they would be a waste of time to shoot down drones over the Black Sea. Because only the MiG-31 can find the enemy on its own and quickly reach the attack line so that no one has time to go anywhere.

    Whether the MiG-31 is needed as interceptors is a big, big question. Especially after equipping the Su-30 and Su-35 with R-37M missiles. As for emotions - Shoot down drones over the Black Sea, the old Su-27 can handle that.
  6. 0
    3 June 2024 23: 43
    updated control devices for its application

    under which the warhead and, probably, control devices are located.

    Author, what are they? devices.
    In aviation this is never the case at all.
  7. +1
    4 June 2024 02: 19
    "Dagger" will remain one of the most effective models in service with our Aerospace Forces.

    I believe that soon these weapons will strike the famous tunnels for the supply of weapons with a nuclear warhead.
    And at the Yavorsky training ground too...
    1. -4
      4 June 2024 12: 30
      Quote: Alexey G
      I believe this weapon will soon strike the famous tunnels

      I believe that if it hasn't hit in 2 years, it won't hit in the future. There are still 6 Ukrainian oil refineries, compressor stations on oil pipelines..... No...ah... I believe it won't hit.... hi

      PS There is an old joke: ".....shouldn't we just hang out in Voronezh? There are no relatives there..."
  8. 0
    4 June 2024 23: 35
    Of course, it's good. Our guys should make more videos with them to inspire. But for some reason we think that those who need to know... No matter how they downplay the effectiveness, the way they fear When the MiG31 takes off, it speaks for itself
  9. 0
    7 June 2024 09: 06
    Quote: igorbrsv
    But how everyone laughed - “cartoons, cartoons.” Is there another avant-garde, besides the dagger?

    Propaganda is effective, but it constantly lies
  10. 0
    7 June 2024 15: 47
    Quote: OrangeBigg
    In continuation of the post.
    A rating of missiles used in the air defense system has appeared on the Internet. It is a table indicating their effectiveness. The table was published by the author of the channel, Aslan Nashuev. He claims that the table was taken from one chat, and the person who published it claims that he has access to classified Pentagon documents and reprints the data himself.

    . The best of the enemy missiles, Storm Shadow, was only in sixth place. At the same time, in terms of widespread use, it is catastrophically inferior to the Caliber, which is in seventh place.

    It is worth saying that these data are based on the results of 2022-2023, and therefore do not take into account, firstly, the recently successfully tested most important Russian missile, the Zircon, and the massive use of American ATACMS by Ukraine.

    Well, judging by the published table, the P-800 Onyx missile was in first place within the SVO. The effectiveness of its use is 88%.


    You need to compare oranges with oranges. If one missile weighs 4 times more than the other and has a launch range 3-4 times greater (at the same time, the cost is corresponding), then only an amateur school student can compare them.
  11. +1
    12 June 2024 13: 27
    So Vitalika boasted that he had captured one dagger. There's even a photo.
  12. -1
    18 June 2024 16: 47
    Quote from sergeyketonov
    Another plus is the range of the Su-34 aircraft - 1500, with external tanks up to 2000 km.

    The trouble is that these 1,5...2,0 thousand km are only over their own territory... From some conventional Tyumen, a Su-34 with a "Dagger" can take off, but it can plow at least 1 thousand km over the territories of the enemy (not “conditional”), as the events of the last three years show - no! They just won't give...
    1. -2
      22 June 2024 14: 44
      Well, they destroyed their RSDs themselves back in 1991.

      It is difficult for gunsmiths to compete with high-tech countries, especially if they have weights on their feet in the form of the idiocy of their own politicians, living in their own separate virtual world.
  13. 0
    30 June 2024 19: 22
    It should be noted that the Kiev regime and its foreign patrons, despite the well-known successes of the Daggers, talk about the low effectiveness of this complex. Ukrainian propaganda denies objective reality and regularly reports on the successful destruction of flying hypers...
    Should read: foreign leaders of the Kyiv regime.