“Pandemic Agreement”: a direct and obvious threat to Russian sovereignty

“Pandemic Agreement”: a direct and obvious threat to Russian sovereignty

Socialism WHO

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) is determined to protect the world from future viral disasters. In December 2021, at the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, WHO presented the so-called zero version of the “Pandemic Agreement”. At first glance everything looks beautiful. The fight against the infection must be strictly coordinated, and not as it happened during the last pandemic. Some countries introduced draconian measures, while others, on the contrary, let go of the bit as if nothing had happened. China, for example, did not allow international observers to the site of the start of the pandemic, and in general noticeably slowed down informing the world community about the new infection. According to WHO experts, all this has significantly complicated the fight against COVID-19. As a result, the world lost at least 7 million people.

The idea to concentrate power in the hands of the WHO came to the heads of the powers that be in March 2021. Then representatives of the “golden billion” and those close to them stated that
“...there will be other pandemics and serious health emergencies. No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone...”
Only nine months passed and the “Pandemic Agreement” was born, with the long technical name “Convention, agreement or other WHO international instrument for the prevention, preparedness and response to a pandemic.” In short, the WHO bosses call on all countries of the world to delegate part of their sovereignty to the fight against future pandemics.

The "pandemic agreement" is simply replete with outrageous demands. Anyone who signs this piece of paper must refuse to sign other agreements in the future concerning the fight against pandemics. There is no way without the opinion of WHO officials now. This is the first blow to state independence. From now on, the parties to the agreement will not have the right to independently protect their own population from biological threats. Only after the encouragement of the "big boss" from WHO. According to experts, uncoordinated actions by an individual country can cause some damage to the other participants. Simply put, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin will not be able to introduce, for example, a mask regime in the capital without the go-ahead from the WHO. And vice versa, he will be obliged to obey if foreign commanders order the entire city to wear muzzles.

Under the Pandemic Agreement, Russia will have to fully disclose all of its laboratories and research institutions involved in working with pathogens and protecting public health. All know-how and developments must be immediately made public and tested. And this means an immediate outflow of technology from the country and, most likely, along with specialists. Now everything is common - why work for your homeland if it is now everywhere? Supranational socialism WHO, no less.

Even more dangerous is the requirement to ensure “access to genetic resources by international organizations and their donors for the transfer of interoperable data on genetic sequences, pathogens, samples, materials and patient data.” We translate into Russian - potentially the genotype of every Russian could be available to specialists from WHO. While ethnic weapon mass destruction seems like science fiction, but such measures will clearly speed up progress. Who will rule out the emergence of a super-virus that infects only residents of central Russia, for example? Not all of them, of course, but only carriers of certain genes. But even without fantastic prejudices, transferring the genetic resources of the population to the outside is an extremely risky undertaking. Such personal data is not shared.

WHO is coming

Further more. WHO activists call for the occupation of national educational standards in medicine. Who in Russia is fighting LGBT propaganda? Sign the Pandemic Agreement and start again. Medical recommendations for gender reassignment and other hellish heresies will become commonplace in Russia. Especially when the WHO tentacles reach the faculties of pediatrics.

All signatories of the “Pandemic Agreement” will have to say goodbye to the sovereign information field. If it is present, of course. Article 16 of the document obliges the creation of an information agenda in the state in the interests of WHO, that is, under its control. Everything else is under the knife, that is, from now on there will be no independent expert opinion. And “Anti-vaxers” will have a hard time in such a situation.

Delegating a solid part of independence sounds sour in itself, but when it comes to WHO, it becomes doubly sickening. The office is under the complete financial and political control of the United States. First of all, WHO draws its finances from the George Soros and Bill Gates Foundation, which is undesirable in Russia. In today's reality, this means letting the beast into your house through the back door.

The WHO's reputation has been tarnished for a long time and irrevocably. In the early 90s, the Japanese paid well for the election of their director, Hiroshi Nakajima. The current boss, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is from Ethiopia and is never a doctor. In his homeland, as Minister of Health, he allowed three cholera epidemics at once. On a global scale, WHO chief Ghebreyesus has consolidated his skills with COVID-19. And this person will teach countries how to fight new pandemics.

WHO has repeatedly inspired false rumors about epidemics around the world. A very good trick when you want to improve the financial situation of the office with new donations. This was the case with swine flu in 2009, which killed less than two thousand people. But pharmaceutical corporations made a lot of money on the urgent and total vaccination that WHO insisted on. By the way, lobbying the interests of big pharma is an old tradition of the organization. WHO is especially hostile to Russia's achievements in the field of vaccine production. Everyone remembers the scandal when the West refused to register our Sputnik-V solely for financial reasons. Why do the golden four Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson need competitors? If WHO tried to say something against it, Ghebreyesus would immediately be accused of harassment and replaced by a more accommodating person.

In conclusion, it can be said that the creation of a supranational "firefighting structure" to combat future pandemics is not a bad idea. At the very least, it will reduce response time and save many lives. But the structures of the "Pandemic Agreement" should be led by true angels in the flesh, so unlimited are their powers. In the current situation, it is necessary to either disband the WHO and assemble something new (it is unclear how this is even possible), or send the initiators of another global divorce far away. A timid hope for change is given by the creation of an alternative organization - the World Health Council, assembled from prominent figures in medicine. However, only 40 countries are registered in it and the competition with the WHO here is purely nominal.

It is not surprising that the "Pandemic Agreement" has caused, to put it mildly, a mixed reaction abroad. In Japan, since April, there have been thousands of protests by those who have read the provisions of the agreement. Anti-vaxxers have also joined in, which has added spice. Englishman Andrew Stevenson has stated that Great Britain will not sign the "Pandemic Agreement". He is the Minister of State for Health and he knows better. The British were simply greedy - the agreement regulated the reservation of 20 percent of national vaccines and medicines, which in the event of an emergency would be donated to the poorest countries. This did not suit the islanders.

Trouble came from an unexpected source - US governors called on Biden not to sign the agreement, as it would "undermine national sovereignty, infringe on state rights and threaten constitutionally guaranteed freedoms." Looking ahead, we will say that no one could accept the draconian terms of the "Pandemic Agreement." At the last WHO meeting, 194 countries did not accept the provision, sending it back for revision. The WHO's attempt to take over the entire world failed. Russia's position on this issue looks extremely suspicious. For example, on May 22, a closed meeting of the State Duma was held to discuss signing the "Pandemic Agreement." Why closed and why no word on the results? And how did Russia vote at the WHO thematic session, which began on May 27 and was marked by the failure of the agreement?
It is only known that the same Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated following the results:
“This is not a failure. The world still needs a pandemic agreement, and the world must be ready.”
This means that the battle with WHO is far from over.
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  1. +37
    30 May 2024 05: 06
    They'll work hard and accept it, I'm sure... And the Russian Federation will be in the forefront... My trust in the Darkest One fell, finally, when he "signed up" for the Covid madness. It became clear whose "Cossack" he is... But he will do it, as always, beautifully, and push it off on the regions. And I'm not me and my a....... is not mine smile
    1. +35
      30 May 2024 05: 47
      trust has completely fallen
      And for me, after the pension reform and games with the Constitution.
    2. +20
      30 May 2024 06: 21
      trust fell completely

      and for me - after leaving “Ellochka the Cannibal” with the financial pot (then, in March-April 2022 there was a chance to save the future for the country)
      1. +23
        30 May 2024 06: 58
        Quote: Vladimir80
        trust fell completely

        and for me - after leaving “Ellochka the Cannibal” with the financial pot (then, in March-April 2022 there was a chance to save the future for the country)

        In May 24th, it was also possible to get rid of a lot of people, but they were extended, and some were promoted.
        1. +11
          30 May 2024 07: 01
          In May 24th, it was also possible to get rid of a lot of people, but they were extended, and some were promoted.

          I agree, but after March-April 22 this was expected... most likely someone was promised “immunity” for following instructions
        2. +19
          30 May 2024 09: 57
          The main problem of our no alternative is that he is a huckster and a politician. Like all his nukers. Constantly trying to say something, agree on something, bend somewhere, change something for something... No - for a conventional businessman, these are probably not the worst qualities. But!

          In conditions when the West has clearly declared open war for our complete destruction, such behavior inevitably leads to our defeat and death. Here, you no longer need to spin around, but fight until complete victory, to the last, without any left-wing compromises. This way and only this way. At any cost. We need Stalin, not Putin. Otherwise we will die... For this one was a so-so ruler even in peacetime, but as a military leader he was no good at all. In such critical times, the country should be led by warriors, not hucksters..

          The situation is acutely reminiscent of the epic battle between Rome and Carthage. The Punians believed that all the fuss was due to the division of markets, and if something went wrong, they could always come to an agreement and pay off. But the Romans waged a war to completely destroy their opponent, without any other options. We all know the result. So our current big ones are those same Carthaginian hucksters. Those who stubbornly refuse to understand that they have come to stupidly kill them. And us along with them.
          1. 0
            30 May 2024 10: 39
            Let me disagree with you. This is not his problem, but ours. If you imagine what would have happened if in 2000 they had voted not for Yeltsin’s protege, but for anyone else.
            As for the fact that a warrior should rule the country, I agree unconditionally. But many people confuse if a person in uniform means a military man.
            1. +10
              30 May 2024 11: 03
              Comrade Stalin was also a civilian through and through. But this did not stop him from winning the greatest war against EU 2.0
              1. +7
                30 May 2024 11: 20
                Tsarist prisons, civil war, political struggle, so one can say that, without having a military education, he had the character of a warrior.
            2. +6
              30 May 2024 15: 25
              In 1996, Zyuganov won the elections. But he was intimidated by the Yeltsinoids and he was blown away. And EBN either died then (there were such rumors) and continued to play the double of the godfather, or he came to his senses and continued to surrender everything to the West. So, if someone, instead of a “galley slave,” suddenly ended up at the top and pursued a different policy, he would simply be sent to his forefathers, and even slandered.
          2. +2
            30 May 2024 11: 37
            Those who stubbornly refuse to understand that they have come to stupidly kill them.

            Why "them"? Not them... They are just doing better year after year.
            1. +3
              30 May 2024 11: 39
              Because they, too, will no longer be able to get away with it. Unless, of course, they agree to the complete and final surrender of Russia in exchange for preserving the carcasses and stolen dough... The West will not agree to anything else. The game has gone all-in - the Nalo-Saxons desperately need to neutralize us in any way BEFORE the epic battle with China begins. Time is running out...
              1. +3
                30 May 2024 11: 43
                exchange for the preservation of carcasses and stolen goods

                Is there any threat to their “carcasses”? Not noticeable. And with the “money” everything is just fine, Forbes is tired of recalculating and editing ratings...
          3. +2
            1 June 2024 17: 26
            He won't fight with all his might. He is a trader and manager, not a military leader. . It will drain slowly. It would be better if he didn’t get involved in command and handed over the command in chief to someone else.
      2. +12
        30 May 2024 09: 46
        Haha, but I practically didn’t have it. How can you trust the man Yeltsin appointed? laughing
      3. +11
        30 May 2024 11: 44
        Quote: Vladimir80
        and for me - after leaving “Ellochka the Cannibal” at the financial pot

        We should also not forget about the acute problem of migrants, Islamization and diasporas. In short: no matter where you throw it, there’s a wedge everywhere...
    3. +23
      30 May 2024 07: 18
      What kind of trust can we talk about in relation to a character whose quarter-century of vigorous activity is actually an unbroken chain of epic failures, scams, deceptions and failures?? In almost all areas. With extremely rare exceptions...
      1. +15
        30 May 2024 09: 19
        [quote]What kind of trust can we talk about in relation to a character whose quarter-century of vigorous activity is actually a continuous chain of epic failures, scams, deceptions and misfortunes?? In almost all areas. With extremely rare exceptions...[quote]

        It's like that! It's like that! I won’t say for sure, but since his arrival, not a single instruction that he voiced at the annual federal meeting has been fulfilled, and oh, there were so many of them. Just beautiful words for the population and in the end this population believes!
        Blah-blah-blah “I’m not ready to be a ruler all my life”, with me the retirement age will never be raised”, “overtake Portugal in GDP (PPP) within 15 years”, “25 million jobs by 2020” and much more, what the irreplaceable obelestkin promised. You can write a whole article on this topic, post it on VO and get an article from the UKRF.
        As a result, only one ban works, and from year to year it becomes more and more numerous.
        The most important thing is that they are ready to tear the throats of those who do not agree with his course for him; no arguments will convince them otherwise.
        Before the elections, the boss talked to us, one of those who are in favor of GDP, and he said in all seriousness that he was very afraid that if they were not re-elected, then Russia would be finished. I asked what he would do if tomorrow they announced that he had died, his eyes widened, he only said that this could not happen. You understand how much idolatry has developed among the population over the past 20 years. The tsar will decide everything and the tsar cannot be bad, only the boyars are bad.
        1. +1
          1 June 2024 17: 28
          This means that internal strife is in the future: the authorities do not want to listen to the country.
    4. +5
      30 May 2024 13: 03
      Quote: curvimeter
      My trust in the darkest fell completely when he

      So they went and dumped a decent pile on the fan. The WHO and sovereignty topic is very interesting. We need to figure out who is behind the new viruses. Healthcare profiteers, or an attempt to physically destroy people with weakened health? Maybe burn these (there are no words) at the stake? hi
      1. +1
        8 June 2024 11: 20
        Quote: fif21
        an attempt to physically exterminate people with poor health? Maybe burn these (no words) at the stake?

        But this is a very interesting question. Who benefits?
        Normal biological weapons are developed with the greatest lethality for men of draft age. But "covid" for some reason is more deadly for the elderly. Are the ears of the Pension Fund sticking out from its development?
        Moreover, simply “poor health” has nothing to do with it. I had a compression fracture of the spine as a child, and several other injuries, but I didn’t get Covid at all.
        1. +1
          8 June 2024 11: 44
          Quote: eule
          And for some reason “Covid” is more deadly for the elderly.

          Yes, in the closed laboratories of the world, terrible things are done. The customer of these developments can be a state, an organization, a private person. The goal is to achieve their goals by reducing or destroying the enemy's population, to provide their workshop (WHO doctors) with permanent, highly paid work, there are also completely delirious, misanthropic ideas, the destruction of people of a certain race.
          Quote: eule
          . And for some reason “Covid” is more deadly for the elderly.

          With age, the body ages, and resistance to disease decreases, immunity weakens, therefore, the older a person is, the greater the likelihood of death from disease.
          Quote: eule
          Moreover, simply “poor health” has nothing to do with it. I had a compression fracture of the spine as a child, and several other injuries, but I didn’t get Covid at all.

          I have been a grandfather for a long time, I smoke a lot, and IF I have had Covid, it was in a mild form.
          You have good immunity and an organism trained to resist disease. “Weakened health” is the body’s weak resistance to viral infections. You have the body of a fighter with diseases, for which I congratulate you. hi
    5. -3
      31 May 2024 00: 00
      It’s just not clear why they went to vote for him? Where are the protest sentiments? Well, for example, you can come and spoil the ballot if there is “no one to vote for” (really no one for). Not prohibited by law. I think 10-15 percent of spoiled ballots would already say a lot. But where are they?
      Sorry, but against the backdrop of the election results, words about GDP like “trust has completely fallen” can officially be recognized as an unpopular opinion, despite all its failures, shortcomings and other disadvantages.
      1. +2
        1 June 2024 07: 59
        Plate: “I think 10-15 percent of spoiled ballots would already say a lot.”
        Spoiled ballots are confiscated and not taken into account in the count. All the candidates were outright dummies, and I noted the candidate from the communists only so that the permanent “galley slave” would have a slightly smaller percentage. Although, in any case, I am sure that the required percentage will be drawn.
        1. -1
          1 June 2024 14: 43
          Quote: Tikhonov_Alexander
          Spoiled ballots are confiscated and not taken into account in the count.

          No, of course they are not taken into account. But data on their percentage is still published.
          Quote: Tikhonov_Alexander
          I noted the communist candidate only so that the permanent “galley slave” would have a slightly smaller percentage.

          This is also a good option for action if you want to object.
      2. 0
        1 June 2024 17: 31
        The election results are another manipulation. They played on the desire of the majority not to split amid the war, that is, they deceived us once again. And this is very bad for the boss, much worse than low interest rates. But his Cyrien women do not understand this.
    6. -1
      8 June 2024 11: 14
      While ethnic weapons of mass destruction seem like science fiction, such measures will clearly speed up progress. Who will rule out the emergence of a super-virus that infects only residents of central Russia, for example?

      No longer, it is reality.
      For example, in Sweden, those who died from Covid were either blacks or priests. Those who worked in industry did not get sick at all.
      It’s the same in China - the Chinese got sick and died, but white OTC workers did not get infected at all (a friend works there, first-hand information)
      But in the USA it’s the other way around - the Chinese didn’t get sick, the Americans did.
      That is, in all countries the virus was very selective.
  2. +8
    30 May 2024 05: 06
    WHO's reputation has been tarnished for a long time and irrevocably
    Even Trump, as president, dragged the WHO with terrible force and threatened to leave the WHO....
    1. +2
      31 May 2024 19: 36
      Greetings Vladimir Vladimirovich hi Trump is alive. For now. But several African dissenting leaders who did not agree with the WHO were subjected to
  3. +17
    30 May 2024 05: 24
    Well, even if we put aside all the conspiracy theories and all sorts of wars with Russian genes, the WHO, in principle, has already managed one pandemic. And after the fact of steering, it ended up in a deep ditch. In principle, it could neither localize the pandemic, nor cure it, nor give proper advice. Another organization that can’t do anything, it’s like a modern trade union, be so kind as to pay monthly, and in the New Year we’ll give you a pepper shaker from a nearby store, which you don’t need, and they’re no longer involved in protecting your labor rights. It’s the same thing, and WHO seems to be doing something, but can’t help, and if there’s no difference, why pay more.... (c)
    1. +19
      30 May 2024 05: 37
      And everyone still pays. Either the migration pact, or the pandemic agreement. We are not yet aware of any telemedicine pacts, digitalization pacts, pacts... It's like a gopher, you can't see it, but it's there. This is generally about what sovereignty is. It seems like everyone is fighting the US hegemony until they're blue in the face. They're waiting for the dollar when "everyone" does. No one is fighting real hegemony. It seems like the UN is a dummy, but look at it, it turns out that Theodore Ghebreyesus is the coolest director of the WHO and his crown is not made of cardboard and gold, but of gold.
    2. +1
      30 May 2024 08: 54
      But there was no epidemic, look at the mortality data, they are not secret
      Mortality in 2017 is no different from 2020
      1. +1
        30 May 2024 12: 31
        But there was no epidemic,

        Yeah, there was no Covid either.
        And in Ostashkovo, my neighbor’s family of 7 people buried three.
        Out of a group of 20 people, two died.
        Thank God that no one in power listens to people like you.
        1. +3
          30 May 2024 23: 12
          "Yeah, and there was no covid." - yeah, of course there was. But suddenly, the first salvo of guns rang out in February 22 and "your terrible covid" instantly disappeared somewhere. And practically all over the world. And the manufacturers of the "vaccine" repent that they were mistaken and the "vaccine" causes thrombosis.
          Where do you come from, being so "naive"?
          1. -2
            31 May 2024 00: 03
            Firstly, by that time everything was already on the decline, and secondly, the lifting of covid restrictions (the implementation of which the authorities were still unable to ensure) was an obvious populist step.
            1. +4
              31 May 2024 00: 13
              "Firstly, by that time everything was already going downhill," - nothing was going downhill. On the contrary, the idea was already looming - in the spring of 22nd, to make travel in any transport only by QR codes. People were gathering and already starting to throw out of work if they didn't get a "shot". So it wasn't a decline, but only the beginning. And now the "manufacturers" of the shots are crying that they say - we didn't mean it, but our "mixtures" cause thrombosis.
              "an obvious populist move" - ​​for fools who believe that - "WHO is thinking about us!" and not about their wallets, it is quite possible.
              1. -2
                31 May 2024 00: 18
                Quote: Ivan F
                On the contrary, the idea was already looming - in the spring of the 22nd, to make travel in general in any transport only by QR codes. People gathered and already started throwing them out of work if the “injection” was not done.

                Considering how thinly the authorities acted before? Oh well.
                Quote: Ivan F
                "the most obvious populist step." - for fools who believe that - "WHO is thinking about us!" and not about your wallet, quite possibly.

                Nobody thinks about us. If they had thought, they would have carried out anti-epidemiological measures immediately, as they should and to the end, and not as they were: with delays and clumsy steps, thinly and spinelessly, with a fear of making the necessary decisions and with an abrupt interruption after the start of the SVO. The mask regime was never provided, isolation was not provided, vaccination was not provided... NOTHING was done completely. What else is “*insert correct word* thinking about us”?
                1. +3
                  31 May 2024 00: 27
                  "Considering how weakly the government acted before? Well, well." - they acted so weakly because they knew there was no danger. That's why the entire elite partied while the "rabble" sat at home. And that's why this "epidemic" went away just as easily and quickly. That's right. If there had been a real danger, they would have acted differently.

                  "They didn't enforce the mask regime, they didn't enforce isolation, they didn't enforce vaccination." - they didn't do anything, and the "horrible covid" just disappeared. A miracle - something wonderful happened, according to you.
                  1. -4
                    31 May 2024 00: 29
                    Where did I write that he disappeared? My opinion: the authorities simply gave up on him to the approving nods of the population.
                    1. +3
                      31 May 2024 00: 32
                      Aaaaa, so according to you, we have a deadly epidemic in our country now. Hospitals can't cope, morgues are overcrowded. That's how we were "told" about what was happening back then.
                      Well, of course I don’t know, maybe you’re from Australia, they suffered from “mind” the longest there.
                      1. -1
                        31 May 2024 00: 36
                        Quote: Ivan F
                        Aaaaaa, that is, according to you, there is now a deadly epidemic in our country.

                        But I have no idea. I don't know. And you don't know. Information is not published in the same way as before the authorities began to focus on this problem. It’s unlikely, of course, since viruses tend to mutate into less lethal versions, as I read at the time, but the opposite cannot be ruled out. But again, it’s impossible to say for sure, since everyone is busy with another “problem”.
                        Only I see in this the usual sloppiness and incompetence, seasoned with populism, and you are trying to find some kind of conspiracies.
                      2. +3
                        31 May 2024 00: 42
                        "I don't know. And you don't know." - what do you mean I don't know? I communicate with a lot of people - no one suffers from covid. Or do you think they are hiding something from me? winked

                        "And you are trying to find some conspiracies" - what conspiracies? It was a usual money grab, for a specific topic. No conspiracies, just business.
                      3. -1
                        31 May 2024 06: 56
                        I don't know. And you don't know. " - how is it that I don’t know? I communicate with a lot of people - no one suffers from Covid. Or do you think they are hiding something from me? winked

                        “Are you trying to find some kind of conspiracies” - what kind of conspiracies? there was a regular cut of dough for a specific topic. No conspiracies, just business.

                        Joint replacement in my clinic is up 4 times. All were seriously ill. It would seem, where is the virus and where is the joint? There were long-term consequences...
                    2. +1
                      31 May 2024 21: 44
                      Quote: Plate
                      power is simple scored on him to the approving nods of the population
                      The communists studied this type of acute respiratory viral infection with 1973 on 1977 year and hammered home the phrase: “the consequences of the flu can be severe.” And the Democrats scored a bolt on this strain in 2003 year - then social networks were not yet pumped up and the crown-mongers simply could not intimidate the population in order for society to influence the authorities, and therefore it did not take off. Photo for memory, now live with it...
          2. +1
            31 May 2024 07: 05
            “Yeah, and there was no Covid.” - yeah, of course it was. But unexpectedly, the first salvo of guns was heard in February 22nd and “your terrible Covid” instantly disappeared somewhere. And practically all over the world. And the manufacturers of the “vaccine” repent that they were mistaken and the “vaccine” causes thrombosis.
            Where do you get so “naive” from?

            Epidemics often end like this. Read the books of Colonel M/s Supotnitsky, for example, “Essays on the History of the Plague.” Yes
      2. +1
        30 May 2024 15: 18
        Quote: Citatelle 2013
        But there was no epidemic, look at the mortality data, they are not secret
        The fact that there was no epidemic does not negate the medical experiments of doctors Menge. All foreigners have been in prison for a long time and data on them is publicly available. But our “experimenter” is free and all the data on mortality classified for 30 years!!! Even deputy Mikhail Delyagin does not have access to them, he has said this many times. But for example, I’m not interested in this, I already know approximately the numbers (there are so-called “delayed” death row prisoners, there are long queues at appointments with cardiologists in clinics, but doctors will not help them - graphene oxide, which has no analogues, is not excreted from the body, and these are just micro-razors which cut blood vessels, the more a person is mobile - for example an athlete, the worse it is for him). But all these are flowers, and the berries from WHO are ahead.
      3. -1
        31 May 2024 07: 02
        But there was no epidemic, look at the mortality data, they are not secret
        Mortality in 2017 is no different from 2020

        What kind of data, who compiled it? Ministry of Health? Well then, of course, we are the best, as always. laughing
        1. +2
          31 May 2024 14: 44
          Moscow registry office data on deaths in April
          1. 0
            31 May 2024 20: 43
            Moscow registry office data on deaths in April

            Approximately 130 in the Russian Federation. This is the real number. wink
            1. 0
              31 May 2024 21: 02
              Read it carefully again and carefully!
              Data for Moscow for the month of April by year.
              Not in the USA, not in Britain, not in Argentina, but only in Moscow in one month.
              1. 0
                31 May 2024 23: 09
                Read it carefully again and carefully!
                Data for Moscow for the month of April by year.
                Not in the USA, not in Britain, not in Argentina, but only in Moscow in one month.

                I read it. In April 2020, at the beginning of the epidemic, only in Moscow + 1000.
                Now look at December. wink
                1. 0
                  1 June 2024 17: 10
                  I wrote - 2020 -11846
                  You answered - Approximately 130 in the Russian Federation. This is the real number

                  The difference is still significant, which is why I advised you to read my post carefully. In response, you recommend looking at the data for December. ???????
                  1. -1
                    1 June 2024 17: 45
                    I wrote - 2020 -11846
                    You answered - Approximately 130 in the Russian Federation. This is the real number

                    The difference is still significant, which is why I advised you to read my post carefully. In response, you recommend looking at the data for December. ???????

                    Maybe I'm dumb.

                    This is how I understood it:
                    April 2019 - 10005
                    April 2020 - 11846

                    Total in April plus 1846.

                    But this is the beginning of the pandemic.

                    Do you have data for December?
                    Compare December 2019 and December 2020, when everyone is already wearing masks and the hospitals are full. wink

                    130 is for 000.
    3. +2
      30 May 2024 18: 15
      How cool is the comparison with the trade union. There's simply nothing to add.
    4. 0
      1 June 2024 17: 34
      It doesn't matter at all how the cart was driven. It is important that its orders continue to be carried out, that the national managers remain obedient. Murashko is carrying out, Putin has sworn allegiance to the cart. Hooray, they sold us out.
  4. +8
    30 May 2024 05: 36
    This agreement smells like cutting money, and on a global scale.
    1. +13
      30 May 2024 05: 48
      Quote: parusnik
      This agreement smells like cutting money, and on a global scale.

      WHO calls for full disclosure of its laboratories. What about American laboratories, especially those located in Ukraine? For some reason I haven't heard any complaints against them.
      1. +1
        30 May 2024 12: 32
        WHO calls for full disclosure of its laboratories.

        Nobody would agree. The article is about nothing.
        1. 0
          30 May 2024 17: 39
          Quote: bk316
          Yes, no one will agree.

        2. -2
          30 May 2024 19: 40
          Quote: bk316
          Yes, no one will agree. Nothing with Tatya.

          But how many potential traitors and crap... have appeared?! laughing
        3. 0
          1 June 2024 17: 36
          You are wrong. Murashko is always ready, Mishustin too.
  5. +10
    30 May 2024 05: 42
    Snowden also wrote that the pandemic arose as a result of a public health crisis. One cannot but agree with this. We can leave the WHO. But if we do not build the right medicine, then we will not get anywhere. Sobyanin, by and large, should not decide anything in the event of an epidemic. He should follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health. If, of course, it takes on such responsibility.
    1. +7
      30 May 2024 05: 45
      We can leave the WHO. But if we don’t build proper medicine, we will get nowhere

      It is necessary to write in a modern way: "correct telemedicine", otherwise it looks like you really want to incur expenses for the state so that the doctor can see you personally. wassat
    2. +2
      30 May 2024 13: 15
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      He must follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health. Unless, of course, he takes on such responsibility.

      Maybe the Ministry of Health just cares about the well-being of doctors and pharmaceutical companies? The more sick, the more expensive the treatment, the more funding. Even in the USSR, I read that in the US a patient had his appendix removed twice! What won't a bourgeois do for money? It's not profitable to cure a person, it's profitable to treat his illness to the end. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but such a phenomenon exists in life. hi
      1. 0
        31 May 2024 00: 07
        Then the client-patient will simply go to another doctor, and this one, who does this, will lose his reputation and go bankrupt. And to avoid the formation of collusions, we need well-functioning antimonopoly legislation. This is the problem in Russia.
        1. +1
          31 May 2024 06: 35
          Quote: Plate
          Then the client-patient will simply go to another doctor,

          Everything is clear, either you haven’t been sick yet, or you don’t live in Russia. hi
  6. +15
    30 May 2024 06: 13
    WHO, WTO, IMF, VBR and many other organizations are Russia’s undertakers, but the Kremlin doesn’t reach them
    1. +9
      30 May 2024 06: 17
      doesn't reach them

      why doesn’t it reach, perhaps the functionaries of these structures are sitting there???
    2. +9
      30 May 2024 07: 57
      ...the Kremlin doesn’t reach them

      Everything reaches them, it’s just that undertakers sit in the Kremlin, some planing boards, some hammering nails.
    3. +6
      30 May 2024 10: 46
      On the recommendation of the IMF, the retirement age was raised.
    4. +5
      30 May 2024 11: 35
      Quote: Ryaruav
      the Kremlin doesn't reach them

      The Kremlin is subordinate to them.
  7. +6
    30 May 2024 06: 16
    Pandemic Agreement": a direct and obvious threat to Russian sovereignty

    There is definitely a threat, but what about sovereignty???
    1. -1
      31 May 2024 00: 08
      What is the threat if there is no sovereignty?
  8. +2
    30 May 2024 07: 38
    And who will interfere with the collection of genetic information without providing data?
    Freedom of movement has led to immigrants from Russia settling all over the world. From Mexico to New Zealand. From India to Chile.
    Take any emigrant, collect material, and finding out where you come from is even easier. Collection of statistics will be short-lived.
    That's all. The data will be summarized and a picture will be obtained.
    The genie is out of the bottle.
  9. +2
    30 May 2024 07: 46
    “Pandemic Agreement”: a direct and obvious threat to Russian sovereignty
    . Something common, “international”, has become a matter... dumb and that’s at least!!!
    Even the actions and decisions of such seemingly important structures for medicine as the OPCW and others no less important... do not inspire confidence in any way.
    1. +2
      31 May 2024 19: 45
      Greetings Victor hi according to their dreams it turns out that if an epidemic is declared or there is a fall, then the WHO will control everything. And countries lose their sovereignty and come under the control of pharmaceutical TNCs. That is, then ---- the dream of globalists comes true under the pretext of caring for the population. What will happen. How will our people behave.
      1. +1
        31 May 2024 20: 47
        Hi Dmitry soldier
        It is logical to make a sovereign decision and always take into account the interests of your country!
        Everything is for the benefit of our people, and then everything else...
        1. +1
          31 May 2024 23: 03
          We see how the IAEA and other international organizations behave during the Special Operation. The WHO, if the Russian Federation accepted this agreement, would have enormous influence here too.
  10. +4
    30 May 2024 07: 48
    If Trump wins, this convention will be buried. And if Biden wins, then perhaps the globalists will push through. By the way, a small detail:
    US governors called on Biden not to sign the agreement, as it would “undermine national sovereignty, infringe on states’ rights and jeopardize constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.”
    These governors are all republicans, not a single shitcrat.
    1. +8
      30 May 2024 07: 55
      If trump wins

      dear, well, you’re “in the know”...nothing fundamentally changes depending on who becomes your president, the “deep state” doesn’t change its goals...
      1. +6
        30 May 2024 08: 02
        This is not about the deep state, but about the clash of interests between nationalists and globalists. Trump is just a figure that nationalists considered a suitable spokesman for their views, and therefore supported. But nationalists are much more than Trump.
    2. +4
      30 May 2024 09: 49
      True, it is not guaranteed that Trump in this case will not be shot by some reincarnation of Oswald. hi
      1. +1
        30 May 2024 17: 33
        Well, they're already saying here that this is the only way to prevent his election. But it won't help the democrats. If Trump is killed, whoever the Republicans nominate to replace him will win by a landslide.
  11. -10
    30 May 2024 07: 59
    WHO says it all - the pandemic was terrible and the fight against it was ineffective at first.

    I myself saw all of this from the inside, I saw people in the corridors of hospitals, because there was nowhere to put them, I myself was taken to CT by people in “spacesuits”, a large number of acquaintances received their “doses” of lung damage, many of my acquaintances and, especially, the parents of acquaintances, died.

    It’s hardly worth idly waiting for a repeat.
    1. +6
      30 May 2024 08: 56
      Those who believed in the epidemic died of fear
      1. -5
        30 May 2024 11: 41
        It is not a question of faith, but of knowledge. I myself was sick, my wife was sick, all my neighbors were sick - some in the hospital, some at home.

        My department (15 people) all got sick - some seriously, up to 55% lung damage, some - mildly, without damage, two fathers died in the hospital. I had 5%, I was sick for a month, it was really bad for a week, my wife had about the same, the neighbor's son died (pulmonary edema), the neighbor upstairs died. One of our top managers died...

        Many old people died.

        In general, there was no fear, the first wave lasted for several months, and we gradually got used to it.

        The existence of an epidemic does not require proof.
        1. +6
          30 May 2024 14: 40
          It's not a question of faith, but of knowledge
          Do you know that more than 650 thousand people die from the flu every year?
          1. -5
            30 May 2024 15: 11
            “Did you know that more than 650 people die from the flu every year?”

            So what?

            I saw overcrowded hospitals with pneumonia, I know many families whose relatives died from covid, at least 3 of my friends died from the same thing, I saw the “red zone” (I was there myself), many of my friends suffered lung damage - me It also hurt a little.

            And I have not seen such consequences of the flu.

            Probably no one saw them.

            Because they weren't there.
            1. +2
              30 May 2024 18: 37
              Because they weren't there.
              Wow! It all depends on what you believe!
              1. -2
                31 May 2024 07: 52
                "Because they weren't there.
                Wow! It all comes down to what you believe!"

                Not faith, but knowledge gained from one's own experience.
            2. +5
              30 May 2024 23: 45
              "And I haven't seen such consequences of the flu." - because you haven't been shown them. This is following your stupid logic - that if you haven't seen something, then it doesn't exist.

              "I know many families whose relatives died from covid" - you know nothing. You were TOLD that they died from covid, but in fact people died from anything, because they were not treated for their current illnesses, because the hospital insurance payments for covid patients were the highest. Therefore, they tried to pass off all deaths as covid. Huge amounts of money were "earned" on it.
              But then the topic changed abruptly and with the first shot in February 22, your "horrible covid" instantly disappeared. And these same huge amounts of money, instead of pharmacists with their "fight against covid", suddenly flowed to the military - and all over the world. And now the "pharmacists" look with black envy at the military, who intercepted the cash flows and are thinking about how to get it all back. That is why such "WHO-like ideas-miscarriages" appear.
              1. -3
                31 May 2024 07: 57
                “And I haven’t seen such consequences of the flu.” - because they weren’t shown to you. This is following your stupid logic - that if you haven’t seen something, then it doesn’t exist.”

                I saw the consequences of the pandemic from the inside and did not see the consequences of the flu epidemic.

                ""I know many families whose relatives died from covid" - you know nothing. You were TOLD that they died from covid, but in fact people died from anything, because they were not treated for their current illnesses, because insurance payments to the hospital for Covid patients were the largest."

                Conspiracy :) I don’t believe it. That's exactly what they told you. By the way, no one here paid any insurance payments to anyone - literally at all. Here, in Russia, this is not accepted, he died and died.

                And people died mainly from pneumonia.

                “But then the topic changed abruptly and with the first shot in February 22nd, your “terrible Covid” instantly disappeared.”

                Much earlier - in 2021, all measures were canceled. By the way, only the first wave of Covid was dangerous, then there was no such mortality.

                Of course, you can continue to fantasize there, but I, unlike you, KNOW.
        2. +1
          30 May 2024 15: 50
          So the question is not about the presence of the disease. Even if we assume that the pandemic is man-made, it still cannot be a dummy. Most people are not going to deny the disease.
          The question is about the quality of vaccination. We traditionally have a positive attitude towards vaccination. The number of anti-vaxxers is generally minimal. But in this case, such an abnormal number of side effects have already become clear that in the second wave, God forbid it happens, people will flee from the pills into the forests like Old Believers. Because there are already very few people willing to feed Big Pharma with their lives. The business is too unprincipled and satanic, just like the politicians bought by Bigpharma
          1. -3
            30 May 2024 16: 54
            “The business is too unprincipled and satanic, just like the politicians bought by Big Pharma”

            Are you sure the WHO is to blame?

            As far as I understand, WHO is still a UN organization, and it did not promote Sputnik.

            By the way, I don’t argue at all about the fact that the entire medical business is a business, and not a mechanism for maintaining health (that is, the goal is profit).

            However, WHO has nothing to do with it, capitalism has something to do with it.
            1. +3
              30 May 2024 17: 00
              You seem to be contradicting yourself winked , since capital is the main sponsor of WHO. No one is hiding these documents. How can a superstructure not depend on the foundation?
              And the fact that Sputnik was not promoted - not enough was brought in or it's just politics. Although the two are usually linked.
              1. 0
                31 May 2024 07: 58
                “You are contradicting yourself winked, since capital is the main sponsor of WHO.”

                WHO is the UN in general. But in principle, since the whole world is under the control of capitalists, both supporters and opponents of the WHO reflect the interests of different capitalists, that’s all. Therefore, you should not pay attention to politics, it is better to look at the facts.
    2. +8
      30 May 2024 09: 38
      I myself saw all this from the inside, I saw people in the corridors of hospitals,

      You can see one thing, but understanding what you see is another.
      treated - according to protocols? - by destroying their own immunity - many were able to get out of this case? No, not many
      I’m not a doc, the doc is my friend, he acted according to the rules/protocols - and had to leave for another world, he had to go for medications that weren’t even close to the protocols, he pulled out but with difficulty...
      1. -2
        30 May 2024 11: 44
        “and had to leave for another world, I had to go for such medicines that were not even close to the protocols, I got out, but with difficulty...”

        What protocols are you talking about?

        Initially, there were no methods at all, and even now there is no medicine; the effectiveness of vaccination is in doubt.

        The point is that the measures against the spread are uniform; if quarantine is introduced, then not in a particular area or country, but everywhere.
    3. +10
      30 May 2024 10: 52
      Here's another look. We have been optimizing medicine for several years. Doctors were laid off, essentially kicked out. Those doctors who tried to protest were called Navalnists here at VO.
      I remember how Sobyanin, six months before the so-called pandemic, demanded that a bunch of hospitals be closed.
      1. -1
        30 May 2024 13: 26
        Quote: Gardamir
        I remember how Sobyanin, six months before the so-called pandemic, demanded that a bunch of hospitals be closed.

        For a bunch of hospitals, you need a bunch of sick people. Do you think that your health is needed by someone other than you (or your loved ones)? And doctors need work and a salary. There are practically no healthy people left in the Russian Federation (reasons: food, drinks, ecology, bad habits ...). The ones left are those who have not been examined properly. wassat
      2. -3
        30 May 2024 15: 14
        "Here's another look."

        This is looking the other way. What is the connection with the pandemic?

        By the way, our regular local therapist treated me very well. She immediately determined - by hearing - the approximate lesion, organized a CT scan for me, prescribed medications (which, admittedly, were difficult to buy, but they bought them anyway).

        In other clinics in our city, everything was more and more difficult, but we are not talking about the quality of medicine, but about the pandemic that has affected the country. With better medicine, there would be fewer deaths, but there would still be a pandemic, as well as quarantine.
        1. +4
          30 May 2024 23: 53
          Surprisingly, everything went quietly and calmly in Belarus, no quarantine, nothing. And when everyone hid in the corners, one Batka held a parade on May 9. And people like you then shouted - wait, in a couple of weeks everything will start. When it didn't start in a couple of weeks, they shouted - in a couple of months all of Belarus will die out. And again, nothing, even on the contrary, the Belarusians still managed to "joke around" And only then, such loudmouths simply shut up, sticking their tongues in a certain place.
          1. -3
            31 May 2024 08: 00
            “It’s amazing, but in Belarus everything went quietly and calmly, no quarantine, no anything. And when everyone huddled in the corners, one Old Man held a parade on May 9th. And people like you then shouted - wait, in a couple of weeks everything will begin.”

            I didn't scream, I was sick. Like all my friends.

            There is no need to tell fairy tales about Belarus.
  12. +5
    30 May 2024 08: 47
    Quote: S.Z.
    WHO says it all - the pandemic was terrible and the fight against it was ineffective at first.

    I myself saw all of this from the inside, I saw people in the corridors of hospitals, because there was nowhere to put them, I myself was taken to CT by people in “spacesuits”, a large number of acquaintances received their “doses” of lung damage, many of my acquaintances and, especially, the parents of acquaintances, died.

    It’s hardly worth idly waiting for a repeat.

    How did WHO really help our sanitary and epidemiological service, and especially clinicians, during the Covid period? Nothing. They tried to push Pfizer and their other "products" here. They resisted our Sputnik vaccine with all their might, a very good development, I note.
    WHO is one of the American hammers with which to forge the world for themselves.
    And the topic under discussion... If our people accept this initiative and sign up to control the whole world, my last doubts about one Strategist will disappear. And so already... questions in an endless, so to speak, stream.
    The Amers are looking for holes or Gates through which they will deliver the Trojan Horse here. Well... it’s so understandable.
    1. +6
      30 May 2024 08: 53
      The Americans are looking for holes or Gates through which they will deliver the Trojan Horse here

      or maybe he (she) has been here for a long time, behind the ancient walls?
    2. +5
      30 May 2024 11: 38
      Quote: Uma Palata
      The Amers are looking for holes or Gates through which they will deliver the Trojan Horse here. Well... it’s so understandable.

      The Trojan horse is already
      here (Putin).
    3. -4
      30 May 2024 11: 49
      “How has WHO really helped our Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, and especially clinicians, during the Covid period?”

      And she couldn’t help - and now she wants to introduce monotonous measures, for example, quarantine. if all countries supported quarantine, it would be much easier.

      “They tried to push Pfizer and the rest of their “products” here. They opposed our Sputnik vaccine with all the forces of WHO, a very good development, I note.”

      I'm afraid someone misled you. At that time I looked at the WHO website, all existing vaccines were described there in approximately the same way, WHO did not advertise anything. Our Sputnik passed clinical trials late and was sold without them.

      The effectiveness of all vaccines is questionable.

      "The Amers are looking for holes or Gates through which they will deliver the Trojan Horse here. Well... it's understandable."

      Don't read Soviet newspapers before dinner. (c) The Americans don't give a damn about us - just like we don't care about them.
      1. +2
        30 May 2024 23: 57
        "Don't read Soviet newspapers before dinner. (c) The Americans don't give a damn about us - just like we don't give a damn about them." - with such a "statement" in light of the events in Ukraine, and in the world in general - you look stupid. Which, in general, all your other comments confirm.
        1. -2
          31 May 2024 08: 01
          "Don't read Soviet newspapers before dinner. (c) The Amers don’t give a damn about us - just like we don’t care about them." - with such a “statement” in light of the events in Ukraine, and indeed in the world in general, you look stupid. Which, in general, all your other comments confirm "

          :) An excellent response to a person who has lost an argument is to call his opponent a fool.
      2. 0
        31 May 2024 19: 02
        Darling, I don’t know about vaccines from newspapers)))), I have professional experience. Well, you can’t be so dense, you somehow turn on your brain sometimes.
  13. +9
    30 May 2024 08: 53
    Now medicine is also used in political games.
    If ours sign the agreement, it will be a great shame for them.
    1. +5
      30 May 2024 11: 39
      Quote: Million
      If our

      They are not ours at all.
  14. +7
    30 May 2024 08: 58
    Forgive me if I speak out of topic, but I have a clear conviction that our country's leadership is late in making strategic decisions, both domestically and in foreign policy, by 5-10 years. And the question? What is the reason: the leadership's feeblemindedness or the massive dominance of agents of influence in the Kremlin towers.
    1. 0
      31 May 2024 00: 20
      Indecisiveness. Fear of responsibility for failures, hence the desire to collect all possible information before making a decision, and before that - “I’m not me and the house is not mine.” But collecting all the information takes a long time, hence your “5-10 years”.
  15. +9
    30 May 2024 09: 02
    Now there is no way without the opinion of WHO officials. This is the first blow to state independence. The parties to the agreement will no longer have the right to independently protect their own population from biological threats.

    Why only "now"? wink
    If anyone doesn’t know, in our hospitals people are “treated”/provided medical services, more precisely, according to WHO protocols.
    So there is nothing “sensational” here - globalism with strict control from the “center” in all its glory and the conference in Geneva is just a “synchronization of watches” before the next experiment on the Earth’s population.
    Have the “Strong Patriots” already lined up for the next portion of the liquid? laughing
  16. +13
    30 May 2024 09: 31
    here, just now, I was watching YouTube from Tanzania, and so - the president there announced to the people in 2020-21 that there is no Covid and if anyone talks about it, then prison for it...
    today, the statistics of this country say that there were no more deaths than when there was no covid...
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +3
    30 May 2024 10: 56
    ...Suprastate socialism WHO, no less....

    Yeah right? belay
    The author, like Mrs. Zakharova in her time, compared the well-known substance condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal with socialism? fool
  19. +5
    30 May 2024 12: 48
    As a result, the world lost at least 7 million people.

    And the WHO probably counted on 700 million victims, but now they have decided to take into account all their mistakes for the future...
    1. 0
      31 May 2024 00: 22
      Why would they need this, huh? request
      1. 0
        31 May 2024 22: 37
        So you need to ask them, or rather their owners.
  20. +4
    30 May 2024 12: 52
    For example, on May 22, a closed meeting of the State Duma was held on the issue of signing the “Pandemic Agreement”. Why is it closed and why haven’t we heard a word about the results?

    They were bargaining for money because that’s why it was closed, apparently greed has won for now.
  21. 0
    30 May 2024 15: 36
    Never sign a 'plandemic' agreement. US knows that, its global influence is diminishing. So, US is creating/using different platforms like WHO, UN, IMF etc for neo-colonialism. They are exploring new frontiers for revenue generation to sustain the empire. Creating new wars, new 'plandemic' will be used for global dominance. US is collecting the support as well as funds from EU and Common Wealth nations to corner Russia and China.

    New pathogens were created in labs, to create fear and submission among the global population. We all know that a naturally occurring virus will mutate and will be less harmful during the course of time. Only a new, altered, lab grown virus possess a constant threat to human life (example-HIV virus).

    All international organizations have lost their credibility. UN, WHO, WTO, EU, EC, NATO, IMF, World Bank, G-7 etc passed their expiry date. They are now obsolete and dysfunctional. These western institutions, so called protectors of humanity fails to stop the butchering of 35,000 Palestinians.

    In 2024, there is no medicine for preventing/curing viral fever, various types of cancers, tumors. The western medical mafia is now fully concentrating on plandemics.
  22. +3
    30 May 2024 15: 49
    If the leadership of the Russian Federation are not complete asses, then they will not sign this crap. In general, WHO has long become a prostitute in the service of the West. Just remember how they blocked our vaccines...
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +1
    30 May 2024 21: 11
    I will express a modest hope that domestic medicine will not "lie down under the WHO" in the famous pose from the "Kama Sutra"... It will finally begin to "turn on its head" and act in the interests of Russia, and not a group of new Russian boyars from medicine and pharmacology... There are opportunities for this... However, the "fifth column" in all branches of power and administration is not asleep...
    1. 0
      31 May 2024 09: 17
      yes, the fifth in the echelons of power has not slept for many years now, and ours walks around her like a cat around a makhotka with sour cream :-)
  25. -1
    30 May 2024 23: 03
    How many sissy provocateurs came running...
  26. 0
    31 May 2024 00: 25
    It’s funny that the topic with WHO is “Putin is a traitor”, “Russia is a colony of the West”, etc. and so on. But on topics related to Ukraine, opposite sentiments reign. And this is with the same (plus or minus) users?
  27. +1
    31 May 2024 09: 11
    why so pompous :-) the author seemed to have forgotten how ours on March 27, 2020 announced a lockdown until April 2 ... but then, having received a scolding from the West, the lockdown rushed to fulfill the order with half-bent knees and extended it until May, in fact until mid-May .... even sacrificed the parade in honor of the 75th anniversary of Victory :-) so the sorrowful fears about the danger of losing sovereignty are about 30 years late :-(
  28. +1
    1 June 2024 13: 41
    This agreement is insanity.
    Another thing is that our government does a lot of strange and anti-Russian things, so we continue to watch the Marlision ballet
    Honestly, when I look at what our government is doing, I get a feeling of complete degradation. Unprofessionalism and greed, lack of understanding of what can and cannot be crossed...
    Where are the boundaries between the possible and the impossible?
    Lack of analytics on many issues, or it is so negative that we can’t trust it, let’s fucking blow up this government..
    1. 0
      1 June 2024 14: 18
      Dear Manya Tapochkina! Probably, Manya, you are looking in the wrong place, although... About the degradation and strange behavior of the authorities - you, you, have gone too far... It happens, especially at the end of the week and with "fatigue"... And what did you want? Everything at once and in great quantities? To rebuild the brains of the average person, the economy and finances, in a country that has almost defeated capitalism, in "dohachye", is difficult and not realistic... If, also, to consider that the initiator of the new "perestroika" is practically in proud isolation, surrounded by the new Russian "boyars", thieving officials, the never-fading "fifth column", illiterate managers and the oligarchy continuing to "mow to the West"....
  29. 0
    3 June 2024 14: 47
    I hope we don't sign! And if we sign, then we give up and try to have fun.
  30. 0
    4 June 2024 11: 24
    Sovereignty is a relative thing. We have long been integrated into the world market economy.
  31. 0
    4 June 2024 19: 53
    so get your shit sooner