Mikhail Leontyev: Freezing the war is the worst guarantee of security

Mikhail Leontyev: Freezing the war is the worst guarantee of security

In the Western press, articles are increasingly appearing with discussions on how to make sure that the Ukronazi regime is preserved intact (at least partially), and at the same time significantly reduce the costs of sponsoring it, but at the same time, if not won on the battlefield, then at least he did not roll back hundreds of kilometers towards the West. Of course, with all this, in the same West they want to declare “victory over Russia,” but only so that Russia does not use “something heavy” against the West itself. In general, typical Anglo-Saxon logic, in which “they, of course, won,” but “Russia continues to remain a universal threat.”

At the moment, they are trying to get some “unnamed Russian sources” from among either current or former “unnamed officials” who allegedly claim that Moscow is “ready to fight for a long time, but is already ready to freeze the conflict along the current demarcation line.”

In his author’s program “However,” Mikhail Leontyev, commenting on the situation, speaks in extremely intelligible language:

Freezing the war - the worst security guarantee.

Moreover, who is ready to provide these guarantees to Russia today?

Zelensky? So who is he anyway after May 20 of this year? And who, in principle, was he before that, to provide or not provide something.

Biden? But who will guarantee Biden himself that voting by mail in the US will again be as successful for him as it was 4 years ago...

Scholz, Borrell, Sunak or Macron? This is completely ridiculous.

And in such a situation, Western non-comrades want to somehow profitably sell Ukraine to “the whole world” (through a summit in Switzerland), so that the suitcase without a handle will be pulled by the Global South, but at the same time, the Kiev regime will continue to spoil Russia.

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  1. +7
    26 May 2024 09: 17
    This point of view should be put into Peskov’s mouth.
    1. 12+
      26 May 2024 09: 19
      What Peskov is told, he sometimes voices, adding his own nonsense.
      1. -6
        26 May 2024 09: 39
        They tell Peskov, then he sometimes voices out his own nonsense

        And sometimes it seems to me that our mustachioed press secretary is one of the pillars of our real policy, along with the unsinkable and untouchable Manturov and Nabiullina
        1. +1
          26 May 2024 10: 40
          This Manturov and Nabiulina were given to you, why are you all talking about him like crazy?
          In fact, there will be no agreement. Putin is not an idiot and understands perfectly well that those who are now on the LBS will not forgive him for any agreement. So we will fight until complete victory!
          1. +4
            26 May 2024 14: 03
            Well, they won’t forgive, so what, they will return home to the arms of their relatives and forget about everything and everyone and move on with their lives.
          2. +3
            26 May 2024 17: 02
            If your children are already 18 and you are ready to send them to war, go to war.
            1. -4
              26 May 2024 21: 25
              golen (Andrey)
              If your children are already 18 and you are ready to send them to war, go to war.
              I am 50 years old, I have two daughters, 5 and 6 years old (both adopted) and I have already fought in the Northern Military District, last year as a volunteer under contract (and before that, a stint in the Caucasus). I have two wounds (one serious) and two concussions (one also serious). Any questions?
              P.S. What regiment did you serve in? (O. Bender)
              1. 0
                29 May 2024 18: 57
                And I am four times Hero of the Soviet Union and five times full holder of the Order of Glory. Everything you write about yourself on the Internet cannot be verified and is therefore worth nothing. There are so many bots...
          3. 0
            26 May 2024 20: 19
            this Manturov... ---- Aleks1973

            He, in my opinion, was the very first in the Russian Federation to speak openly about eating insects. For the population of Russia. I’m probably not mistaken if I say that in September it will be 2 years since then. It was said about black lion I wonder what has been done in this direction. And there were plans ----- huge!
    2. -3
      26 May 2024 10: 20
      Quote: avia12005
      This point of view should be put into Peskov’s mouth.

      This point of view must be put into Putin’s head. Unless, of course, he decides something.
    3. +6
      26 May 2024 11: 14
      This point of view should be put into Peskov’s mouth
      Peskov’s lips are more accustomed to kissing Pugacheva
    4. -2
      26 May 2024 11: 59
      Quote: avia12005
      This point of view should be put into Peskov’s mouth.

      No brain to his boss.
    5. 0
      26 May 2024 19: 35
      Heh, he'll lie - he'll take it inexpensively! laughing Or he will say what he is ordered to say.
  2. +3
    26 May 2024 09: 21
    There is no dollar. It collapsed in 2011.
    Or a little later.
    Not a joke with its 80 days around the world and submarines. It’s true that the judiciary was mistaken - there are no civilians, almost all are military.
    1. +3
      26 May 2024 15: 16
      There is no dollar. It collapsed in 2011.

      Much earlier. In 2001, the dollar collapsed, according to Leontyev.
      1. +1
        26 May 2024 17: 09
        Leontiev is still the same guy, but he won’t go to mobilization himself, even as a political officer, ugh, deputy regiment commander for educational work. And in general, you read here the pearls of heroic hacks who are ready to lay down the lives of Russian boys for the sake of Victory and you think that they are ready to sacrifice their children. Not one of the armchair experts here on the site wrote that his sons were fighting at the front.
        1. +2
          26 May 2024 17: 49
          Local scribblers-generals also giggle at those who were on the front line. They are generals here, the conceit is such that they are not the front line with a machine gun, they earned this title, and not in keyboard battles.
          1. +2
            26 May 2024 21: 48
            I welcome the namesake! hi That’s right, almost all of the local generals and marshals are, well, such “patriots” that you’re amazed, you feel like you’re not in the Military Military District, but in some kind of Ukrainian resource (not to be remembered by night), but as soon as you mention participation in the Northern Military District, then They immediately try to peck. "Hiroi", what can I say... request
            1. 0
              27 May 2024 13: 49
              Alexey, I also welcome you! With a few exceptions, these armchair generals love to be smart and really value their only correct opinion. And all this without the slightest experience in SVO, as you rightly said, as soon as you show them that you lack this experience, they immediately start to get nervous. And all this is just because of some virtual stars, but what a lot of ambition.
              Quote: Alex_1973
              so they immediately try to peck. "Hiroi"

              Of course, but how? They imagine themselves to be almost military generals, how can you disagree with them! And they don’t care what a SVO member tells them about SVO, they know better from the couch. Some kind of disgrace for a patriotic resource, they are ready to slide into insults in the spirit of ukrosites, just to boost their ego about how important they are here.
              PS Along the way, some of them slapped you with a minus out of excess of feelings, someone was offended by your words. Ay-yay, someone felt offended.
              1. +1
                27 May 2024 19: 17
                Namesake, greetings again hi . People on this site don’t like me very much, so they just shove downvotes, even for a neutral comment. I just had the imprudence to get into a fight with Skomorokhovo, with several authors, and with all the crystal bakers combined. So they take revenge as best they can, but I don’t really care about these + and -. Without false modesty, I will say that I saw death in the eye, barely survived (the skull was collected in fragments in Burdenko), so I don’t really care about their opinion.
    2. 0
      26 May 2024 19: 39
      I do remember! As they showed on TV a certain video with a screensaver: a smoker lights a cigarette from a burning dollar. And the corresponding comments: citizens, the dollar will not be green for long, Khan to it. Where did this propaganda go - lost? recourse
    3. +1
      27 May 2024 00: 56
      Quote: antivirus
      There is no dollar. It collapsed in 2011.

      Quote from solar
      Much earlier. In 2001, the dollar collapsed, according to Leontyev.

      or maybe it (the dollar doesn’t exist at all?! winked and in what equivalent do countries/banks/exchanges engage in commodity exchange...?!! request

      Quote: Alex_1973
      That’s right, almost all of the local generals and marshals are, well, such “patriots” that you’re literally amazed, the feeling that you’re not in the Military District, but in some kind of Ukrainian resource (not to be remembered by night), but as soon as you mention participation in the Northern Military District, then They immediately try to peck.

      Quote: Frank Muller
      I do remember! As they showed on TV a certain video with a screensaver: a smoker lights a cigarette from a burning dollar. And the corresponding comments: citizens, the dollar will not be green for long, Khan to it. Where did this propaganda go - lost?
  3. 0
    26 May 2024 09: 27
    In principle, freezing the conflict and peace negotiations are possible only on the condition that Ukraine will never have its own armed forces and army
    1. +8
      26 May 2024 10: 17
      With whom and what can you negotiate? Do you want our head of state to say in a few years that he was deceived again? Only surrender!
      1. +1
        26 May 2024 10: 24
        Firstly, to achieve a change in the constitution of Ukraine, so that this country should never have its own army.
        Secondly, place Russian military bases, military advisers, and Russian peacekeeping forces on this territory of Ukraine who will control all this
        1. +1
          27 May 2024 01: 07
          Quote: AlekMikh
          Firstly, achieve changes to the constitution of Ukraine, that this country should never have its own army.
          belay It seems that no one (!) succeeded in this, neither the British in past centuries, nor the USA, in the present tense... (!), even in relation to the mountaineers of Afghanistan!!! No.

          Quote: AlekMikh
          Secondly, place Russian military bases, military advisers, and Russian peacekeeping forces on this territory of Ukraine who will control all this
          Yes yeah, the main thing is not to call these circumstances occupation..?!! winked

          and here’s a comrade against, -
          Quote: Last centurion
          Japan, and earlier Nazi Germany, were also banned from having an army. And what happens? The fact is that today the Japanese self-defense forces are already a full-fledged army and navy, and Germany at one time staged World War II.
          All these freezes are an attempt to make the enemy fall in love

          because he guesses that -
          Quote: Last centurion
          The conflict at this stage can only be frozen by the absolutely wooden elite of oligarchs, who have nothing in their heads except yachts and Louboutins
          But alas, he can’t do anything against that (!)... Well, you understand... winked if (and when) exactly THOSE tops agree.... wink
          Not by asking, not by you... and not by Us... laughing
      2. +2
        26 May 2024 19: 43
        The head of state will begin to complain about his cheating the next day, but this will not make it any easier for anyone (except those who cheated him). As for capitulation, believe me, such an “undertaking” is not included in the plans of Transoceanic and its allies. sad
    2. +2
      26 May 2024 13: 10
      Japan, and earlier Nazi Germany, were also banned from having an army. And what happens? The fact is that today the Japanese self-defense forces are already a full-fledged army and navy, and Germany at one time staged World War II.
      All these freezes are an attempt to make the enemy fall in love. This is a no-brainer for any cook. I hope our people don’t fall for this, because those in power are not stupid. Since only the absolutely wooden elite of oligarchs, who have nothing in their heads except yachts and Louboutins, can freeze the conflict at this stage
    3. +1
      26 May 2024 14: 16
      Quote: AlekMikh
      In principle, freezing the conflict and peace negotiations are possible only on the condition that Ukraine will never have its own armed forces and army

      Well, they will sign the papers as before, make promises, and they themselves will arm themselves and create an army, and then what to do with them, other than express concerns to the Foreign Ministry.
  4. +1
    26 May 2024 09: 29
    Once upon a time, Mr. Leontiev, in his program “However,” raised topical issues and was known as an original presenter... Andrei Karaulov with his “Moment of Truth” interrupted Leontiev’s popularity. Today Mikhail can only say about himself:
    I was also young, I was also hot. It's gone out now, but the smoke is still coming out.
    1. +3
      26 May 2024 10: 15
      Leontiev is simply smoking, and Andrei Karaulov has risen to the rank of foreign agent. Now he can only be mentioned with a label.
      1. +1
        26 May 2024 10: 27
        And that I don’t see any prerequisites for freezing the conflict if the early warning system is already at gunpoint. We also need to look at its radar field, in case it is duplicated - NATO is acting cunningly.
    2. -1
      26 May 2024 17: 17
      At the same time, we can clearly see from where the smoke is now coming from.
  5. -3
    26 May 2024 09: 37

    In his author’s program “However,” Mikhail Leontyev, commenting on the situation, speaks in extremely intelligible language:

    I wonder if he is still a press secretary at Rosneft or has again become a “full-time political scientist” on Channel 1?
  6. +2
    26 May 2024 09: 37
    The West wants to win by starting negotiations on its own terms, our conditions are not acceptable to it. On whose terms the negotiations begin, he won. The West has already changed its conditions - but they are still not acceptable to us, we wait further and continue to fight.
    1. +7
      26 May 2024 09: 44
      What difference does it make on whose terms the negotiations begin? The “agreement” is a “shame,” but then it’s still war, and it’s far from a fact that Russia will be better prepared for the next war.
      1. +4
        26 May 2024 10: 30
        What difference does it make on whose terms the negotiations begin? “Agreement” is a “shame”...
        hi I apologize, but capitulation is also the result of a “negotiation”, as you say. So “negotiations” are sometimes very useful. And they greatly depend on whose terms the negotiations begin. hi
        1. 0
          26 May 2024 10: 33
          I don’t argue that “negotiations” can be useful, but not in this case. hi
        2. +1
          26 May 2024 11: 09
          surrender is also the result of an “agreement”
          surrender is surrender. A deal. this is when bash on bash. You regroup, and we will lift sanctions from someone.
          1. +3
            26 May 2024 12: 23
            .You regroup, and we will lift sanctions from someone.
            And I would bargain with Poland. They give us Suwalki, and we give them three times more, but in Galicia
            1. +1
              26 May 2024 21: 09
              But you are a comedian! Are you offering the skin of an unkilled bear? laughing I suspect that things will not come to an exchange: the Poles themselves will take what (in their opinion) belonged to them before 1939. Moreover, the Russian Federation will not reach Galicia and Volyn soon in any case. If it gets there at all?
              1. +1
                27 May 2024 09: 04
                And it’s a “national pastime” on this site to share the skin of someone who doesn’t exist yet. hi
  7. +5
    26 May 2024 09: 42
    ...at least it didn’t roll back hundreds of kilometers towards the West.

    Are there any prerequisites?
  8. 0
    26 May 2024 10: 01
    Any negotiations with the Nazis, other than their surrender, are a betrayal of the memory of our grandfathers and the future blood of our children and grandchildren.
  9. -7
    26 May 2024 10: 06
    There is nothing else left to do except roll up the “Korean version”. And everyone will come to this, only after many years of butting heads and the death of hundreds of thousands of fighters on both sides
    1. +1
      26 May 2024 18: 34
      Korean version

      Forget this banana republic destiny.
  10. +3
    26 May 2024 10: 09
    In modern capitalism and a non-functioning UN, what guarantees can there be for anyone from anyone? Only the right of the strong. Our team needs a guarantee that there will be no military threat from the outskirts. Their team needs to weaken us. It's strange that we don't take advantage of our competitive advantage (nuclear weapons). We have already been given so many pretexts that we can choose any...
  11. +2
    26 May 2024 10: 09
    Moreover, who is ready to provide these guarantees to Russia today?

    Yes, everyone has already realized that no guarantees work in this world, neither the USA, nor Europe, nor even Russia
  12. +3
    26 May 2024 10: 12
    It seems that business is useful in solving the issues, “there is no crime that capital would not commit for the sake of 300% profit,” and their homeland is where it’s warmer in the ass, like the khkhlovs!
  13. 0
    26 May 2024 10: 15
    What's wrong with his face? drunkenness?
    But in terms of meaning, even such “disgraced” fighters against the buck are thrown in to explain something...

    although it is clear to everyone that as the GDP says, they will explain in that direction... And whoever is against it - Strelkov’s fate is before his eyes...
  14. +2
    26 May 2024 10: 23
    However, one can agree with this statement. Having reached the state borders, the USSR did not stop, but continued to destroy the hydra of fascism. But desires and possibilities must coincide. In this case, little depends on the banderoges. They will either end or the West will decide that enough is enough. Let's see what comes first.
  15. +1
    26 May 2024 10: 33
    Leontyev voiced what Western publications wrote, no more. I don’t see any connection with the Kremlin’s position.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    26 May 2024 10: 47
    There can be no talk of any temporary suspension of hostilities on our part, the war will continue until our goals and objectives are fully achieved, and this, as we all know, is complete denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, this means that we need the surrender of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, disarmament and change of the Nazi regime in Kyiv to a government loyal to us, those who think differently are traitors to Russia’s national interests.
  17. +4
    26 May 2024 11: 29
    By prolonging the war, we are giving the West time to quickly rebuild its military production to larger volumes and to the latest types of weapons. That is, carefully prepare for a war with us and no longer at the hands of Ukraine. Sergei Karaganov, understanding this situation, proposes to force events up to the point of a preventive nuclear strike on US bases outside their territory, in order to show that our words do not differ from deeds. That Russia is not bluffing and real negotiations have begun on future equal security.
    1. +1
      27 May 2024 12: 45
      That is, he proposes to start a war of destruction - an excellent plan!
      1. +1
        27 May 2024 16: 24
        That is, he proposes to start a war of destruction - an excellent plan!

        Apparently it is believed that you can drown in a quagmire slowly if you don’t flutter, but you can also drown quickly if you take active steps. True, the outcome of both actions can be positive for us - it all depends on how the world situation changes and what measures we take.
  18. -2
    26 May 2024 11: 31
    The question is not about partition according to the Korean version.
    What about 1813 and 1944 - should we continue the liberation campaign to the West?
  19. 0
    26 May 2024 11: 59
    Well, actually, with total control of information in the media, there is absolutely no problem declaring yourself loved in any victories over any adversity. The main thing here is not to allow a large percentage of alternative opinion to be admitted on the other side (which is and is being done in the West) the minority who knows the true situation is either an elite decision-maker or a part of society declared to be freaks (the scheme has been working since the advent of media control).
    1. +1
      26 May 2024 12: 12
      Well, actually, with total control of information in the media, there is absolutely no problem declaring yourself loved in any victories over any adversity. The main thing here is not to allow a large percentage of alternative opinion to be admitted on the other side (which is and is being done in the West) the minority who knows the true situation is either an elite decision-maker or a part of society declared to be freaks (the scheme has been working since the advent of media control).

      There is such a point of view.
      If you want, then declare yourself winners, but return NATO to the borders of 1990, and Ukraine must forever become a neutral state. And if the EU is impatient, then let it accept it into its economic union. ps It will last another 10 years due to its robbery. Yes
      1. +2
        26 May 2024 12: 42
        It won't last. Processes speed up over time. The Union was eaten up in 20 years, 404 will not be enough for 5 years if only the EU eats. What is a union and what is 404 after the war. It is not even economically profitable for them, only as a military battering ram against us.
      2. 0
        27 May 2024 12: 47
        Nobody will do this. It’s more about Russia, no matter how it ends up being declared a victory, as was the case in 2014, for example.
  20. 0
    26 May 2024 13: 56
    Half a century ago, in 1974, a comprehensive treaty of world-historical significance was concluded in Helsinki. On the inviolability of borders in Europe. Compare the political map of Europe and today's. You will be amazed. A third of countries have disappeared!
    1. 0
      27 May 2024 15: 12
      Helsinki Accords, 1975, there are more than 30 signatures.
  21. +3
    26 May 2024 19: 18
    Quote: Former soldier
    By prolonging the war, we are giving the West time to quickly rebuild its military production to larger volumes and to the latest types of weapons.

    And for little money. European countries had already allocated 1-1,5% of their budget to defense. Aid to Ukraine did not change this; taking into account the size of the countries’ GDP, aid to Kyiv is a pittance.
    But for Russia, prolonging the war is quite dangerous. Now about a third of the budget is going to war. Everyone is suffering - healthcare, education, pensioners, etc. I think these funds can be used otherwise for the benefit of the people. Delaying, freezing the conflict is contraindicated for Russia. hi
  22. -1
    26 May 2024 21: 20
    Freezing, what kind of freezing? The cryogenic engineer would certainly clarify: is it a “frost” type of freezing, or “no frost”? laughing