Threats posed by promising orbital US electronic reconnaissance systems

Threats posed by promising orbital US electronic reconnaissance systems

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Despite the fact that the first artificial Earth satellite (AES) PS-1 was launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957, the first reconnaissance satellite was launched by the USA on February 28, 1959 - it became the Discoverer photo-reconnaissance satellite, developed under the CORONA program, this date marked the end an era when an independent power could by force prevent reconnaissance over its territory - the jurisdiction of nation states does not extend to outer space.

By the way, the first Soviet photo-reconnaissance satellite, the Zenit, appeared only five years later - the Americans have always been more practical in terms of using outer space for military purposes. Since then, the number of “eyes in the sky” has rapidly increased, now before our eyes a real revolution is taking place in the exploration of outer space, but, unfortunately, it does not bring anything good for us yet.

The evolution of American photo reconnaissance satellites

In the material Elon Musk is building a Star Shield: SpaceX is forming a new constellation of Starshield satellites commissioned by the Pentagon The US deployment of the latest intelligence, command and communications (RUS) system, which in the future may well be supplemented by a strike echelon, was considered. The creation of the Starshield system is proceeding very quickly, in addition, within the framework of the above material, a number of other projects of orbital constellations for various purposes, deployed by US public and private structures, are listed.

In comments to articles about the enemy’s deployment of one or another orbital constellation and its use against our country, there are usually calls to immediately start shooting down their satellites, but, unfortunately, everything is not so simple. The author is a convinced supporter of the need to strike hard and cruel blows to our real enemies - the United States and European countries, since they will not stop supplying weapon, killing our fellow citizens until they themselves begin to die, and not in the form of mercenaries and “advisers” on the territory of Ukraine, but wherever possible, without any restrictions on the “type of targets,” including on its territory.

It is possible and necessary sink their ships, strike military bases and industrial facilities, shoot down planes and derail trains. However, we must do this not directly, but using “proxy” formations, cynically denying involvement or hiding behind the crafty formulation “we can neither confirm nor deny...”.

Well, we cannot shoot down American satellites now, since we are not in a state of war with them, not even declared, and if we move into this phase, then it will be a completely different story.

Our reality is “no peace, no war,” and we will have to exist in this reality.

We can potentially cause some damage to them, for example, in the material Project Anxiety: Disrupt Starlink Satellites Without Destroying Them we considered the concept of a spacecraft (SV) moving in an orbit as close as possible to the orbit of Starlink satellites, so that they could carry out evasive maneuvers, thereby reducing their resource, but this is not opposition, but rather anxiety. However, other methods of covertly damaging enemy satellites and satellites may be considered, but that is not the topic today.

There are three main types of reconnaissance from space:

- radio reconnaissance (RTR);
- radar reconnaissance (RLR);
- optical reconnaissance in the visible and thermal wavelength ranges.

RTR assets can be placed in both high orbits and low ones, which significantly affects the capabilities they provide.

RTR satellites in geostationary orbit

During the Cold War, huge and expensive American RTR satellites belonging to the US military and intelligence services were launched into geostationary orbit. They are present there now, in our time.

The estimated appearance of the American geostationary satellite RTR Orion (also known as Mentor or Advanced Orion) weighing over 5200 kilograms and an antenna diameter of about 100 meters

It can be assumed that they were and are mainly engaged in listening to a limited number of high-priority radio communication channels or the activity of any large objects, such as air bases, naval bases or spaceports. It is unlikely that RTR satellites located in geostationary orbit can detect and track individual radar stations, radars from anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) or tactical-level radio communications. It is also unlikely to be possible to determine the exact location of a particular signal from geostationary orbit, at least not quickly.

In other words, PTP satellites located in high orbits pose a familiar and limited threat to us; low-orbit RTR satellites are a different matter.

The sensitivity of RTR means is quite high: just remember that anyone can contact a person located on the other side of the planet through the “ancient” analog communication satellites SATCOM, owned by the US Navy, located in geostationary orbit at an altitude of about 35-40 thousand kilometers, while civilian radios with a power of 4-5 watts and simple antennas with circular polarization are sufficient for communication.

Modern electronic reconnaissance equipment is attractive because it has relatively small dimensions and weight, as well as energy consumption. In particular, RTR equipment is often sold in the form of a container installed on tactical aircraft aviation, however, in this case they should be located at a relatively short distance from the detected signal - several tens to hundreds of kilometers, that is, they are quite suitable for placement in low orbits.

RTR satellites in low orbit

Recently, more and more low-orbit satellites have been created that provide communication with extremely compact terminals located on the surface of the Earth, for example, smart watches. Moreover, satellites have appeared that are capable of communicating directly from space with ordinary smartphones, without the need to install any satellite communication modems in them, while the maximum radiation power of a modern smartphone does not exceed several watts. One can imagine the capabilities of modern PTP equipment located in low orbit in terms of detecting radiation from radars with their transmitters with a power of tens to hundreds of kilowatts. And army radio stations with tens of watts of power also most likely will not be able to avoid detection of satellites with RTR equipment.

Previously, the author suggested that, given the “tender friendship” of the Pentagon and the SpaceX company, RTR equipment can already be installed on Starlink satellites. Considering the number of Starlink network satellites in orbit, this would give the United States a colossal amount of data on all sources of electromagnetic radiation on the surface of the planet and in the air, with the ability to determine their coordinates by triangulation.

Starlink satellites could be full of surprises

Even if this is not the case, then with a high probability RTR equipment will be integrated into the satellites of the Starshield military network, created on the basis of Starlink technical solutions. Presumably, the Starshield network will include fewer satellites - hundreds versus thousands (or even tens of thousands), but still large enough to provide 24/365 real-time control of most of the planet.

Taken together, all these means most likely now allow the US Armed Forces to detect radars, including air defense systems and aircraft radars. With a high probability, the enemy also detects radio communications, and communications that do not have encryption can potentially be tapped. Starshield satellites must operate in real time, that is, the RTR equipment installed on them will potentially be able to track even flying aircraft with the radar turned on, not to mention ground and surface objects.


What does this give the enemy?

This gives him the ability to plot flight routes for Ukrainian low-flying air attack weapons, such as cruise missiles (CR) and kamikaze unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), bypassing Russian air defense systems, as well as issuing target designations for certain radio-emitting targets - radar communications. The ability to inform the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) to launch strikes with high-speed airborne missiles moving along a high-altitude trajectory at a time when Russian radars are not functioning due to a malfunction or for maintenance.

By transmitting information to the Ukrainian Armed Forces about the operation of the radars of our fighters and long-range radar detection and control aircraft (AWACS), the United States minimizes the likelihood of the destruction of Ukrainian planes and helicopters. On the other hand, this allows Ukrainian air defense systems use ambush tactics to hunt Russian planes and helicopters.

The installation of electronic intelligence equipment on the huge number of military satellites that the United States wants to place in low orbits, combined with their real-time operation, will provide the United States with unprecedented capabilities to monitor sources of electromagnetic radiation over much of the planet. A special feature of RTR means is that it is possible to determine the very fact of their operation only indirectly, based on certain actions of the enemy.

It remains to be understood how we can counteract the enemy’s low-orbit RTR systems.
21 comment
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  1. +1
    2 June 2024 06: 11
    The scouts of Jesus stop at the house of a representative of the first ancient profession - the harlot Rahab

    Intelligence has always been and always will be. The technical means have simply changed.
  2. +3
    2 June 2024 07: 00
    Well, as the story with Crocus showed, the FSB and the great and mighty SORM are being blown away on their own field by the American RTR, which is listening from somewhere far away.
  3. +3
    2 June 2024 10: 17
    We are many years behind in all this.
    1. +2
      2 June 2024 20: 23
      Quote: Rom8681
      We are many years behind in all this.

      If only they were chasing, they were chasing, but they never caught up. It looks like they didn’t even try to chase us. They gave up thirty years ago... Perhaps without it, no matter what...
    2. +1
      3 June 2024 09: 47
      We are many years behind in all this.

      But they pump money into football.
      1. +3
        25 July 2024 16: 26
        Several years ago, at work, he was almost spat upon by sports fans because he thought it was a waste to spend money on the Winter Olympics and the World Cup, and that money should have been spent on new technologies, aviation and microelectronics. As it turned out, he was right.
  4. +1
    2 June 2024 10: 58
    It remains to be understood how we can counteract the enemy’s low-orbit RTR systems

    Yes, there are few options: destruction (damage), interference and “spam” in the form of many false imitation sources. Well, radio camouflage: do not light up unnecessarily, use the minimum required power, directional antennas, low-power radio networks, wired communications. Plus, we need our own satellites in commercial quantities.
  5. +1
    2 June 2024 11: 04
    It remains to be understood how we can counteract the enemy’s low-orbit RTR systems.

    Ultra-wideband signals and highly directional antennas have not been canceled. The methods, although old, are quite effective. There are also newer countermeasures technologies. But unfortunately, now all information is strictly closed. I think there is no reason for the author of the article to shout “everything is lost, boss, the plaster is being removed.”
    1. +1
      2 June 2024 11: 54
      Quote: Vita VKO
      Ultra-wideband signals and highly directional antennas have not been canceled.
      This is also an arena for the fight between shield and sword. And the one who has the best element base wins it.
      1. +1
        2 June 2024 14: 17
        Quote: Commissar Kitten
        the element base is better.

        At the modern technological level, it is an auxiliary tool that can make it easier or more difficult to achieve goals.
        1. +1
          3 June 2024 01: 02
          The best element base can complicate achieving goals?..
  6. +2
    2 June 2024 11: 43
    It is unlikely that RTR satellites located in geostationary orbit can detect and track individual radar stations, radars from anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) or tactical-level radio communications. It is also unlikely to be possible to determine the exact location of a particular signal from geostationary orbit, at least not quickly.
    If there is more than one such satellite there, then they can.
  7. 0
    2 June 2024 12: 51
    It remains to be understood how we can counteract the enemy’s low-orbit RTR systems.

    Here you need to understand that this game of cat and mouse has one very definite end, because such funds are not just thrown in “for fun.” The buildup of a complex advantage by the enemy pursues one goal - victory through leveling the enemy’s capabilities for resistance OR through the direct use of these complex advantages in a relatively short-lived conflict.
    This is not “hihi-haha” and not alarmism - the United States is pursuing goals not just of global dominance, they are interested in absolute control over the situation in order to suppress or effectively resolve issues through this absolute control. As some “tru patsantra” write here, “If a fight is inevitable, you need to hit first.” The Americans think absolutely the same way, but they understand very well the certainty of the inevitability of a fight. So the vector of their efforts coincides - they extinguish the enemy’s desire to organize this fight through building up the complex, and at the same time they try to be as prepared as possible for such a development of the situation through building up the complex. Here there is a fundamental difference between them and us, I would say - for us, “nuclear deterrence” is deterrence primarily through a complex as part of the “unthinkable, unacceptable”. We believe that some things will not happen “simply because...#NUCLEAR WEAPONS”. The variation that this is real, damn real is overshadowed by this paradigm of thinking, where the unreal is unreal, unthinkable, and, therefore, why waste a lot of energy on something that is unreal and unthinkable. And the Americans will do this - they don’t have a ceremonial stick, if they have a stick, then they THINK THAT they are ready to bludgeon with it “in real life.”

    I wrote such a long hook to understand a simple thing - we will never clear up this situation by simply “cosmeticly stopping” any threat. Here we need to either prepare to break the chessboard over the enemy’s head, or begin to act actively ourselves and be the first in the gray zone of possibilities to interfere with their security. One way or another, one simple thing should be clear - you should not indulge yourself with illusions about the eternal struggle of “shield and sword” and a long confrontation. Sooner or later there will be an objective fight - and we won’t win it if we “just try to somehow jam their satellites.” The file is not won in the block.
  8. DO
    2 June 2024 12: 57
    Let's assume that Russia has irreversibly disabled all NATO satellites whose orbits are projected onto Russian territory. What will the US and NATO do? Will they launch a massive nuclear strike on Russia? Hardly. For if they were not afraid of retaliation, they would have done it long ago. Moreover, without reconnaissance and guidance satellites, the effectiveness of their strike will drop significantly. Consequently, the likelihood of such a strike after NATO satellites are disabled over Russia will be lower, not higher.
    But NATO members, seeing Russian indecisiveness, were not afraid to attack the Voronezh radar station, despite the Russian nuclear doctrine.
    1. +1
      2 June 2024 17: 44
      Well, not NATO members, but the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Just weapons made by NATO countries. Since the times of the USSR, there has been an unspoken policy: we supply weapons, but we ourselves do not enter into direct conflict. No one thinks that when Egypt fought with Israel with our weapons, it was like the USSR fought with Israel, and with Vietnam it was even more interesting, even our instructors were there on our air defense and planes, the Americans didn’t even say a word that they were fighting the USSR.
      1. DO
        2 June 2024 20: 55
        I will not delve into the technical and political details of how the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to hit a strategic Russian target without target designation through the US/NATO infrastructure and the military personnel serving it, and also who gave the order for this attack.
        In your opinion, it turns out that Russia, for a symmetrical response, must supply the means for dismantling the US/NATO satellite constellation over Russian territory to some Houthis or other enemies of the West.
        1. 0
          2 June 2024 21: 19
          Well, regarding the “orcization” of satellites, such a weapon has not yet been invented, other than to organize a nuclear explosion in space. And yet we sell $15 billion worth of weapons every year, and certainly not to NATO countries (Turkey is an exception), they work somewhere and definitely cause problems for NATO fighters, sometimes fatal. I understand you, I want to hurt these Amer’s fiends right now, but objectively, our Ministry of Defense is orders of magnitude more effective in destroying the military infrastructure of Ukraine (we will still consider the power system to be military) than the Ukrainian Armed Forces with plywood airplanes with suspended grenades.
          1. DO
            3 June 2024 10: 04
            Alex Starley, why wasn’t it invented?
            Radiation weapons, including microwaves, are not affected by the atmosphere in space.
            And a satellite whose antennas and solar panels have been covered up or entangled with something suitable will be no more useful in orbit than a brick.
            And of course, an electromagnetic pulse generator, not just a low-power nuclear one. Firing with tungsten bullets or rackets can also be used if the problem of approaching a space drone, aiming and hitting the desired node of an enemy satellite is adequately solved.
            And as for “bigger and more painful,” these are just empty emotions. You need no more and no less, but as much as you need, that is, symmetrically. The “partners” need to develop a conditioned reflex, like Pavlov’s dog - shooting at Russia is the same as shooting at yourself.
  9. +1
    2 June 2024 17: 52
    In general, of course, I would like specifics, and not general words. Let’s say whether the Liana satellite constellation takes part in the Northeast Military District. It would be interesting to know how a satellite with an active Pion-NSK radar works against ground targets and objects on the territory of Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense would boast about the work of this system.
  10. 0
    4 June 2024 01: 06
    Je lis les commentaires, je ris…pensez-vous que la Russie n'a pas ses propres satellites de reconnaissance et de suivi ? pour le moment,sans les drones reconnaissance,aucun pays au monde ne peut suivre des cibles mobiles...les américains placent des drones dans la mer noire pour suivre les mouvements russes en Crimée
  11. 0
    21 July 2024 16: 14
    However, we must do this not directly, but using “proxy” formations, cynically denying involvement or hiding behind the crafty formulation “we can neither confirm nor deny...”.

    The problem is that NATO can do exactly the same thing. Only many times tougher and more cunning. There is nothing stopping them from carrying out terror on our territory with the hands of Wahhabi migrants. Scarier than a crocus.
    Nothing prevents them from launching strikes on the Russian Black Sea coast themselves, and then saying: “It’s not us, it’s the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”
    As if we, compared to NATO, are a pug.
    You just have to wait and believe that it will end as soon as possible.