Progress of North Korea's missile weapons
The Hwasong-18 missile system undergoing testing, April 2023.
The DPRK's defense strategy is based on the idea of a massive retaliatory nuclear missile strike. To implement this concept, the country is developing, adopting and mass-producing strategic missile systems of various classes. To date, the defense industry of the DPRK has reached a very high level, and similar developments in their parameters and capabilities are close to products from the world leaders in the missile industry.
Ballistic potential
The key element of the North Korean strategic missile system is ballistic missile systems. Operational-tactical, short- and medium-range systems have been created and are in service. In addition, the last decade has seen significant progress in the class of ground-launched intercontinental missiles.
According to known data, the first North Korean ballistic missile with a flight range of at least 5500 km was tested in the mid-XNUMXs, but then it was only an experiment. By the tenth year, the DPRK industry had accumulated the necessary experience and began to create full-fledged ICBMs suitable for adoption and operation by the troops.
Hwaseong-18 rocket launch
Over the past decade, several Hwasong series complexes with high flight characteristics and combat load have been created, tested and presented. Thus, the flight range was gradually increased from 5,5-6 thousand km to 8-10 thousand km. Due to this, the DPRK for the first time had the opportunity to target its ICBMs at targets located on the continental United States.
The most advanced Korean ICBM at the moment is the Hwasong-18, first introduced last year. Three test launches took place in April, July and December, demonstrating the potential of this missile and the system as a whole. According to known data, the Hwasong-18 is now in serial production and is entering service troops.
Like other North Korean missile systems, the Hwasong-18 is mobile and built on a multi-axle special chassis. Such a vehicle carries a lifting transport and launch container with a missile having a length of approx. 25 m and a mass of about 55-60 tons. The rocket is three-stage and has solid fuel engines. The flight range, according to foreign estimates, can reach 13-15 thousand km. The missile can carry a conventional and nuclear warhead.
Underwater component
The DPRK is striving to build a full-fledged nuclear triad, and for this purpose is developing the direction of submarine-launched ballistic missiles. The first missile of this class, called Pukkyuksong-1, was developed in the first half of the 2014s and first tested in 2016. Then at least a dozen new test and training launches took place, after which in 17-1,2. the product was accepted for service. According to foreign estimates, the first North Korean SLBM belonged to the class of short- or medium-range missiles and could fly 2-XNUMX thousand km.
Launch of the Pukkyuksong-3 rocket, October 2019
The field of SLBMs has developed, and already in 2017, the Pukkyukson-3 missile was shown for the first time at one of the parades. For unknown reasons, flight tests of this product began much later, only in 2019. During the test launch, the rocket followed a trajectory corresponding to a flight at a range of up to 2,5 thousand km. It is assumed that Pukkyukson-3 entered service at the turn of the decade and is now used on combat duty.
In 2020, again at a military parade, a missile with the designation “Pukkyukson-4” was demonstrated. Just a few months later, the next product of the family with the number “5” was shown. In 2022, a similar premiere of the Pukkyukson-6 SLBM took place. All of these missiles are significantly different from their predecessors and should probably show better performance. However, tests of the three products have not yet been carried out, and even their approximate parameters remain unknown.
Hypersonic direction
To increase the combat potential of the missile forces, fundamentally new technologies are being studied and mastered. Thus, several years ago it became known that the DPRK was working on the creation of missile systems with hypersonic gliding warheads. Such products or their models were even demonstrated at exhibitions and parades.
On April 2, 2024, tests of a similar development, the Hwasongpo-16na complex, took place. The launch of a rocket with advanced combat equipment took place at one of the test sites near Pyongyang; the end point of the trajectory was in the Sea of Japan. In order to ensure the safety of the tests and conceal the real characteristics of the complex, the flight was carried out with restrictions on the flight range.
Pukkyuksong-5 missiles on parade, January 2021
As reported, the hypersonic warhead successfully flew to the target area. In flight, he maintained a given speed and performed maneuvers in altitude and heading. The maximum altitude of the trajectory exceeded 100 km. The flight ended with the fall of the warhead at a given point in the Sea of Japan.
The real parameters and combat qualities of the Hwasongpo-16na complex remain unknown. DPRK official sources indicate that it has a “medium-long range,” but do not provide exact numbers. Also, other design features are not disclosed. Apparently, the new hypersonic complex can send its warhead to a distance of at least 2-3 thousand km and attack point targets. A direct hit from such an object can cause serious damage to the target, and it is possible to install a warhead, incl. nuclear.
Strategic winged
Recently, the DPRK's arsenals have included ground-based cruise missiles designed to solve strategic-level combat missions. The first complex of this class, called Khvasar-2, was developed at the turn of the decade, and in January 2022 the first test launch of the new rocket took place. Then they carried out several more tests, after which the missile was presumably put into service.
Hypersonic missile system "Hwasongpo-16na", April 2024
"Khwasar-2" is a cruise missile of a traditional layout, built in a cylindrical body approx. 6 m and diameter approx. 600 mm. The product has a straight wing that expands in flight. The launch is carried out from a ground launcher using a solid propellant engine. The main engine is a turbojet. It is assumed that the missile can be equipped with a special warhead.
Like other products of its class, the Khvasar-2 missile is subsonic. It is capable of long-distance flight. Thus, during tests in the recent past, missiles flew along closed trajectories and showed a range of 2 thousand km. Perhaps there were restrictions again, and the real characteristics of the rocket are much higher.
Defense issues
For obvious reasons, the DPRK pays a lot of attention to the development of strategic missile systems. Various samples of all main classes, including the newest ones, are being developed and brought into service by the troops. New developments are regularly demonstrated, and test and training launches are reported.
The gradual and systematic development of missile technology and weapons has led the DPRK to very interesting results. The country's missile forces have a number of land-based missile systems of different classes, including intercontinental ones. Moreover, the highest range characteristics have been achieved, making it possible to solve the most complex combat missions. With all this, other classes of missiles continue to develop, incl. non-strategic - from operational-tactical to medium-range systems.
Launch of the Khvasar-2 cruise missile, February 2023.
The land component of the strategic missile group has recently been replenished with fundamentally new models. Tests of a ground-launched cruise missile have been conducted and probably completed. A mobile complex with a medium-range missile carrying a hypersonic warhead is also being tested.
Construction of the underwater component of the strategic forces has begun. To date, it has received medium-range SLBMs. At the same time, the level of development of North Korean missile technology allows us to expect that in the foreseeable future ICBMs will also be deployed on submarines. These will probably be missiles with a minimum range for their class, but this will also change the capabilities fleet.
In parallel with missiles, their possible combat equipment is being developed. The DPRK has a full-fledged nuclear program and produces special warheads of a number of types with different characteristics. All or almost all of them are compatible with the latest model missile systems. The deployment of such warheads on modern missiles will in a certain way increase the combat effectiveness of missile forces and have a positive effect on deterrence processes.
Thus, despite limited resources and capabilities, the DPRK pays great attention to issues of strategic deterrence and creates appropriate weapons and means. With their help, it is possible to send a signal to potential opponents and maintain an acceptable situation in the region. It is obvious that the DPRK's missile weapons will continue to develop, and promising models will help maintain peace.