An American historian said he had identified Trotsky's sources of funding.

An American historian said he had identified Trotsky's sources of funding.

At the beginning of May 1917, revolutionary Leon Trotsky and his family arrived in the Norwegian port of Christiania. Despite the fact that the voyage from New York to Christiania took about six weeks, Trotsky did not intend to stop in Norway - he was in a hurry to Russia, where he had not been for ten years. Before boarding the train to Petrograd, Trotsky sent a telegram to a certain Abram Zhivotovsky.

The natural questions of who Zhivotovsky was and what Trotsky did in New York were answered by the American historian Richard Spence, who examined documents relating to Trotsky’s three-month stay in New York. Among the ship tickets, apartment rental bills and other payment documents, Spence was able to establish who financed and stood behind Trotsky before he was sent to Russia to organize a new revolution.

Until August 1917, Trotsky was not a Bolshevik and he had a conflictual relationship with Lenin. Back in 1911, Lenin called Trotsky a “Jew,” and in February 1917 he called him a scoundrel and an “opportunistic zigzag” who “wiggles, cheats, poses like a leftist, while helping the right.” Trotsky also did not remain in debt: in 1912 he called Lenin a “thief and parasite” because he began publishing the newspaper Pravda, which had the same name as the printed organ published by Trotsky since 1908. And yet, the union of Lenin and Trotsky still took place. The turning point was the uprising, which involved the Bolsheviks and anarchists.

According to Spence, Trotsky, who fled from persecution by the tsarist authorities, had a mysterious benefactor who financed him during his stay abroad. The French intelligence report mentions the figure of Ernst Bark, a longtime Russian emigrant and cousin of Russian Finance Minister Pyotr Bark. It was Ernst Bark, who lived in Madrid, who supplied Trotsky with money for his travels to New York and other cities, and also provided the revolutionary with comfortable living abroad.

Coming from an Estonian German noble family, Bark advocated the liberation of his Baltic homeland from tsarism. At the same time, Bark’s connection with Trotsky, according to the said historian, survived even after the Bolshevik victory.

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  1. +3
    21 May 2024 14: 48
    They liberated their homeland (Estonia) from tsarism, and at the same time from the Germans themselves. Received, sign.
  2. +4
    21 May 2024 14: 59
    One woman on the tram today told me that the “Ice Ax Troops” disbanded during the “tagged” era are now being recreated again, and that everyone who is good with an ice ax is accepted into these troops without restrictions. . . winked
  3. +4
    21 May 2024 15: 03
    Please be kind enough to provide links to sources. Once the sources are available, it will be possible to talk about their adequacy. And only after a historical analysis of the sources...maybe this text can be taken into account. In the meantime, “Like flies here and there, rumors circulate from house to house, and toothless old women spread them around..” (c) In general, for now these are idle tales. From the same series as how the German General Staff organized the November revolution of 1918 in Germany through Lenin.
  4. +1
    21 May 2024 16: 42
    It is not clear why Bark, who financed the White movement during the Civil War, needed Trotsky.
    1. +2
      21 May 2024 17: 34
      When there are no links to materials, there is nothing to discuss. Everything should be supported by links to sources.
    2. +1
      21 May 2024 19: 06
      Quote: ivan2022
      It is not clear why Bark, who financed the White movement during the Civil War, needed Trotsky.

      So, after the revolution, his “Estonian homeland” was free. If the hypothesis of Bark's financing is correct, Trotsky has earned his money.
    3. +1
      22 May 2024 10: 18
      so maybe he was the same German as Leiba - Russian))? The BUND, little by little, also stirred up affairs in those days, and the Hagan was already quietly letting go of the oat-eaters
    4. 0
      28 May 2024 06: 52
      Then the Russian Reds would kill the Russian Whites. And vice versa
  5. +5
    21 May 2024 18: 11
    What these Americans won’t come up with just to turn the tables on the Jews.
    Trotsky was financed by a certain Parvus and Schiff, American bankers.
    1. -1
      21 May 2024 18: 21
      For what? To create the USSR?

      That’s why Denikin was buried with honors in the USA in 1947 as the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied US Army - it’s clear. But why Trotsky was financed is not clear.
      1. 10+
        21 May 2024 18: 48
        They failed to foresee Stalin. And so they would have succeeded.
        1. 0
          22 May 2024 14: 34
          Quote: rs777
          They failed to foresee Stalin. And so they would have succeeded.

          “They” - who are they? The commander in chief of the Red Army, Trotsky, managed to take Kyiv in 1919, and then throw Wrangel into the sea and drive the Poles . True, on the Vistula, his protege, Tukhachevsky, made a blunder.... But Gerasimov and Shoigu did not manage to take Kyiv or Kharkov at all, and it is still unknown what will happen.
          Stalin was always the leader of the Bolsheviks and held elected positions in the 30s. Stalin could not be “foreseen or not foreseen”; he was first nominated in his government and in the Central Committee of the party by Lenin, and then, when Lenin was no longer there, the Bolsheviks nominated him at all congresses.
          1. +1
            28 May 2024 06: 58
            The commander-in-chief of the Red Army, Trotsky, managed to take Kyiv in 1919, and then throw Wrangel into the sea and drive the Poles. True, on the Vistula, his protege, Tukhachevsky, made a blunder.... But Gerasimov and Shoigu did not manage to take Kyiv or Kharkov at all, and it is still unknown what will happen.
            What is the connection between all these words of yours..?
    2. Mwg
      22 May 2024 08: 45
      And the banker Zhivotovsky was actually his uncle on his mother’s side (as the Internet reports).
    3. +3
      22 May 2024 12: 25
      Parvus was a brilliant swindler who robbed the German General Staff of organizing a revolution in Russia, to which he had not the slightest connection. The center of the February Revolution was not with Lenin in Geneva, but with the British Embassy.
      At the beginning of his revolutionary career, Parvus joined the RSDLP. He wrote beautiful articles, even grandfather Lenin praised him for one of them. However, in 1910, Parvus whistled the party cash register of the RSDLP and the money transferred for safekeeping to this cash register by the writer Maxim Gorky. With these grandmas, he fled to Germany and until the end of his days, more than anything else, he was afraid of meeting his fellow party members in a dark alley. After this theft, he was considered a provocateur, and they would have ended without hesitation.
      In Germany, Parvus told the Germans that they were talking about the “revolution in Russia.” Of course, he put the money in his pocket.
      During 1915, Parvus received a number of “trenches” that a revolution would begin in Russia on January 22, 1916. However, the revolution did not happen, and in Germany they began to suspect Parvus of elementary fraud. But he not only got out of it, but also continued to extract money from the Germans for the “revolution.”
      Parvus pulled off his last scam at the end of the First World War, receiving 40 million marks (!!!) to create a newspaper empire in Soviet Russia to indoctrinate its population in a pro-German spirit (!!!). A special feature of this company was the promise to publish a million copies of a photo album with the face of William II to glorify him and educate Russian citizens in the spirit of monarchism. And this is in a country that spanked the entire Romanov family. Laugh and that's all! But the Germans bought it.
      It goes without saying that no printing empire or albums of Wilhelm II were created, and 40 million marks is a good sum.
      Shortly after this, a revolution occurred in Germany in November 1918. After her, Parvus had many bad questions to which he had no clear answers. The matter smelled of frying, and Parvus fled to Switzerland, where he had more than two million francs in his account. He had the same accounts in most European countries - the boy worked not out of fear, but conscientiously! This is money for the revolution in Russia. You might as well collect money for the sunrise.
      Starting from Kerensky to the present day, the falsehood about Parvus financing the Bolsheviks has been circulating in the media without evidence. Classic propaganda.
      A similar propaganda is the alleged financing of the Bolsheviks by Jacob Schiff. This story was started by the White Guards. The USA is a country of fierce Russophobia and anti-Sovietism. Suffice it to say that the United States recognized the Provisional Government on the third day after the overthrow of the Tsar, and the USSR only in 1933. The United States took an active part in the armed intervention against the young Soviet Republic in 1918-1920. The worst thing in the USA is to be known as a “red”. With such a stigma in the light of democracy, you can not only lose your business, but also eat a dozen lead pills. When Schiff heard the story about his financing of the Bolsheviks, he liquid-liquidly, as it were, to put it culturally, and immediately sent an angry letter to the US State Department, in which he categorically dissociated himself from the “Reds”.
      The assertion that the Bolsheviks were financed by the Germans and Americans is a disease of white emigrants who attribute all their troubles to mythical Jews. Shouldn't they have themselves to blame?
      The loudest voice in exile about the fact that the Bolsheviks were financed by the Germans was General Krasnov, who later headed the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops of the Third Reich. Judging by the monument to Krasnov and memorial plaques to the Cossacks from the 15th SS Cavalry Corps, for some reason they are not traitors in modern Russia.
      Trotsky’s departure from the United States was not organized by US President Wilson, but by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government, Miliukov. It was he who instructed all Russian consuls to facilitate the return of revolutionaries from emigration. However, he had a problem with Trotsky. During the Revolution of 1905, Trotsky and Miliukov barked heavily, so taking advantage of the opportunity, he decided to take revenge on him.
      On March 27.03.1917, 3, Trotsky and his family left New York on the Norwegian steamer Christianiafiord. In addition to the Mensheviks Melnichansky and Chudnovsky, 350 more revolutionaries were traveling with him on this ship. I was unable to establish their identities and party affiliations. They did not have weapons; American workers collected $XNUMX (three hundred and fifty bucks) for them to return to Russia.
      In Halifax (Canada), all 6 revolutionaries were disembarked from the ship and put in a concentration camp along with German prisoners of war. An exception was made for Trotsky's wife and children, who were placed under house arrest. The attitude towards those arrested was extremely cruel; for the search they were publicly stripped naked on the pier, Trotsky was beaten. Naturally, neither gold nor weapons were found on them.
      Trotsky's arrest was carried out at the request of Miliukov through the British Ambassador to Russia Buchanan.
      A.F. Kerensky learned about the arrest of Russian revolutionaries in Halifax and, presenting himself as a defender of the offended, naively published an article about them in the newspaper - self-PR is a sacred thing! However, the effect of this article exceeded all expectations. The arrest of political emigrants in Halifax caused a revolutionary storm in Russia. The tsarist gendarmes, for all their disadvantages, did not allow themselves such bullying, so the Russian revolutionary press literally howled with hatred towards the British. Everyone united in a single impulse - from the Bolsheviks to the Cadets. There was a real threat of massacres of British subjects. The Miliukov-Buchanan couple rushed about and began to publicly accuse each other. Quote from the memoirs of the British ambassador to Russia in 1910-1918, Buchanan:
      ... The attacks of the press, hostile to England, in view of its detention of Russian political emigrants, took such a serious turn that they even began to threaten the lives of some Englishmen, factory owners, whose position had already become far from safe due to the unreliable attitude of the workers. Therefore, I had to have a serious conversation with Miliukov and demand that he take measures to put an end to this campaign in the press. In response to his objection that the Russian Government was being subjected to the same attacks, I replied that it was none of my business, and that I could not allow my Government to be used as a lightning rod to paralyze attacks on the Russian Government. Then I reminded him that at the beginning of April I informed him that Trotsky and other Russian political emigrants were detained in Halifax pending clarification of the intentions of the Provisional Government regarding them. On April 8, at his request, I asked my government to release them and allow them to continue their journey to Russia. Two days later he asked me to withdraw this request and inform him that the Provisional Government hoped that they would be detained in Halifax until further communication about them. Therefore, it is the Provisional Government that is responsible for their further detention until April 21...

      Miliukov, as they say, had his teeth in his mouth, and a major scandal with the allies was brewing. Therefore, Kerensky took control of the situation and Trotsky and his comrades were released. Soon Miliukov was removed from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs.
      Within three months, Kerensky, who pulled Trotsky out of the concentration camp, began to compose tales about a steamship from the United States with 1000 revolutionaries, gold and weapons on board to organize a revolution in Russia and about a “sealed carriage” for the German spy Lenin. Then Miliukov joined these songs. None of them wanted to admit that it was they who returned Lenin and Trotsky to Russia. This lie was happily picked up by all anti-Soviet media, and then everything went from there.
      Thanks to his arrest in Halifax, the previously unknown journalist Trotsky returned to Russia in an aura of glory and became recognizable. He was immediately co-opted into the Socialist-Revolutionary-Menshevik Petrosoviet. At that revolutionary time, rallies were held for any reason. Trotsky became their idol.
      Without the support of the Petrograd Soviet and its chairman Trotsky, the slogan “All Power to the Soviets!” lost all meaning. Therefore, at the Sixth Congress of the RSDLP(b), held illegally in Petrograd in August 1917, Trotsky and the “Mezhrayontsy” were accepted into the party, and Trotsky became a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b). After the October Revolution, he automatically became a member of the Council of People's Commissars. This is how Trotsky and the Trotskyists penetrated the party.
      1. +1
        27 May 2024 00: 26
        I would just add that in 1905 Trotsky was for some time one of the co-chairs and the de facto head of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers' Deputies
      2. 0
        28 May 2024 07: 06
        There are a lot of you here, lawyers for Jewish oligarchs - sponsors of the revolution in Russia....
        To return to Russia, American workers collected $350 (three hundred and fifty bucks).
  6. Mwg
    22 May 2024 08: 44
    But it seems to me that Trotsky then had the same sources of funding as Kolomoisky recently.
    1. 0
      22 May 2024 14: 40
      Quote: MVG
      But it seems to me that Trotsky then had the same sources of funding as Kolomoisky recently.

      Only Trotsky was the Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army and defended the independence of the RSFSR during the period of intervention by the Entente, Germany and Poland... Did someone finance him for this?
      Do you think Kolomoisky is also a military talent?
      1. Mwg
        22 May 2024 16: 57
        Different times, different circumstances. The main thing is to keep the given right direction for the gamble.
        “Defended independence” was bold. Soviet Russia 1917 is a project of the fathers of money. Who did Trotsky “defend” there?
        1. 0
          23 May 2024 04: 57
          He defended the independence and integrity of the RSFSR. It is more likely to admit that people like you are a “project of TsIPsO” than to recognize the Red Army and the Russian Federation with a population of more than 100 million under the Bolsheviks as a “project of the fathers of money.”

          PS Were your ancestors also someone's... heh... heh.. "project"? laughing but it seems.....
          1. Mwg
            23 May 2024 15: 32
            “He defended the independence and integrity of the RSFSR” - you are repeating yourself.
            But to suddenly get personal is to show your bestiality
  7. 0
    22 May 2024 10: 04
    Quote: zombirusrev
    Please be kind enough to provide links to sources. Once the sources are available, it will be possible to talk about their adequacy. And only after a historical analysis of the sources...maybe this text can be taken into account. In the meantime, “Like flies here and there, rumors circulate from house to house, and toothless old women spread them around..” (c) In general, for now these are idle tales. From the same series as how the German General Staff organized the November revolution of 1918 in Germany through Lenin.

    Well, yes, your opinion interests everyone here. Conduct an analyst analysis and give us a bunch of “verified information.” If you can, of course, which I highly doubt.
  8. 0
    22 May 2024 12: 30
    Estamos acostumbrados a las calumnias. Estas son habituales. Pero si Trotski fue financiado también debieron serlo todos los lideres bolcheviques. De hecho, mucha gente lo dice.
    Esas mentiras son asquerosas, pero no se sostienen con la realidad de los hechos. Si Trotski fue e hizo lo que se le atribuye, hubiera acabado sus días tranquila, cómoda y hasta opulentamente, en un seguro refugio de algún país capitalista de primera fila. Pero solo los estúpidos ignorantes, y de esos los hay muchos, el calvario que tras ser expulsado de la URSS de Stalin, tuvo que pasar hasta que el presidente de México Lázaro Cárdenas, al que nunca se podría acusar de connivencia con imperialismo alguno le dio Asilo como refugiado político.
    Mejor sería que empezaran a saber, o si lo saben, a asumir, que la URSS fue una caricatura del socialismo construida por el Psicópata Stalin. Y se explica no solo por el terror desatado contra todo aquel que no sometiese a la camarilla, y por lo más oculto u ocultado, que ese terror tuvo como objeto, que entre diez o doce millones de soviéticos, la creme de la creme de la burocracia del partido, de los sindicatos, del Ejército etc, vivieran como una clase superior, casi opulenta, con sus tiendas exclusivas a las que los menos soviéticos que otros, no podían ni entrar, mientras el resto, hasta 150 millones de soviéticos (todos eran soviéticos, pero algunos eran más soviéticos que otros), vivían en la penuria, hasta tal punto, que el movimiento obrero mundial, horrorizado, dejó de considerar a la URSS como ejemplo a imitar, tan pronto como en los años 30.
    Nunca un pueblo fue tan ignorante de su propia Historia como el ex soviético. ESTA Fue, Por La Corrupción Y El Terror Institutezados, Y Podrida DesDe La Desaparición de Lenin, Y El Acoso a la Vieja Guardia Revolucionaria, Trotski Incluid, La Verdader a Causa del Fracaso del Experimento Que PretenDía Construur Una Sociedad de la ignominiosa práctica de la explotación del hombre por el hombre fuera erradicada. No ha sido así; y la bestial y salvaje práctica de esa explotación del hombre por el hombre, ha vuelto de la mano de lo peor de la naturaleza humana pastoreada por el chupóptero clero ortodoxo ruso.
    La más falsa que judas "Leyenda dorada" de la Revolución nos presenta al gran Stalin dirigiendo a las masas pero no fue así. Fueron las masas rusas las que hicieron la revolución cuando todos los lideres bolcheviques estaban en el exilio ya los que sorprendió una Revolución que no esperaban. Y esas mismas masas, fueron indiferentes en la hora fatal y no movieron un dedo por defender lo que no consideraban suyo.
    Aunque no es difícil de entender, se necesitan más de dos neuronas para comprender que cuando en una sociedad comunista, la mayoría no tiene acceso al tren de vida de de una minoría privilegiada, lo esencial, se pudrió.
    1. +1
      22 May 2024 14: 55
      Why are so many journalists and writers busy spreading slander against the USSR?
      Because Hitler wrote in 1924; if a nation is not able to intelligently build a state in its country for its own benefit, it is an inferior nation. And it can be destroyed.
      If Stalin was a psychopath and at the same time gained power over 200 million, then who were the Soviet people? And what should be done with the Russians?
      What happened in the USSR was not a consequence of Stalin’s actions, but a consequence of a difficult internal political struggle and powerful external interventions.

      In the 30s of the 20th century, Stalin held only the elected positions of secretary of the Central Committee of the ruling party and deputy of the Supreme Council. According to its charter, the Bolshevik Party did not even have the position of party chairman. During this period, Stalin did not hold positions in the government at all and therefore, objectively, was the most democratic leader in the USSR and Russia in history.
  9. +2
    22 May 2024 13: 51
    The source of funding for this or that political figure or revolutionary is not significant. If you have ideas and personal abilities, funding will always be available.
    The tsar could also finance anyone, and his capabilities in this regard were incomparable to some emigrant Bark.
    Lenin himself was a landowner and had enough money to go abroad.
    Engels financed Marx.
    Stalin was financed by the tsar because he was a smart boy and studied at the seminary.
    Dimitrov worked as a laborer since childhood and earned money himself.
    Mao, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, Enver Hoxha, Kolarov, Castro, Che Guevara, etc. came from married families.
    Ho, Hoxha and Kolarov studied in France with money from their parents.
    Who and why financed these people at some point does not matter at all - the main thing is that these are very capable and smart people who worked for the progress of their countries and the world.
  10. +2
    7 June 2024 21: 06
    Peter Bark, the Minister of Finance of the Empire, convinced Nicholas II to transfer half of the Empire's gold reserves to England, supposedly from being captured by the Germans. The gold would then become the property of England, as would the jewels of the royal family. The cousin and the King of England did not send a cruiser to save citizen Romanov and his family; parliament banned it. All. All the Romanovs were doomed, and Bark became a baron of England.
  11. 0
    19 July 2024 21: 59
    The American historian is a hack and doesn’t know Russia well! If he had studied the work on journalistic investigations by the famous scientist M. Zadornov, “From Reliable Sources!”, he would have easily established that Trotsky was financed by Nicholas II in order to discredit an exceptional nation! (Americans, gentlemen Jews tongue )