Anatoly Sobchak in an interview in 1992: now we see what kind of “independence” Ukraine needs

Anatoly Sobchak in an interview in 1992: now we see what kind of “independence” Ukraine needs

The mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, warned back in 1992 during an interview about what Ukraine could turn into after gaining its independence.

He recalled that, being one of the initiators of the creation of the CIS, the Ukrainian authorities used the idea of ​​the commonwealth only to gain a respite that would allow them to create their own the armyAnd already in 1992, statements began to be made in Kyiv about the intention to build armed forces numbering 400 thousand people.

At the same time, according to Sobchak, he does not understand why citizens from Kazakhstan, Belarus and other former Soviet republics sent to serve in Ukraine should join its army. Just like Chernomorsky fleet.

As a Russian official put it, after the declaration of so-called independence in Ukraine, not a single word was heard about democracy, human rights or freedoms. The conversation immediately turned to creating a powerful army.

Now we see what kind of “independence” Ukraine needs

- summed up the mayor of St. Petersburg, talking to journalists.

In turn, Sobchak noted that the authorities of “independent” Ukraine are a symbiosis of the former party nomenklatura of the CPSU and nationalists, who very quickly found a common language.

Thus, according to the Russian politician, Ukraine, if it manages to build a powerful army, will pose a danger to the whole world.

Let us recall that Anatoly Sobchak expressed the above opinion back in 1992. At that time, these words were not given much importance either in our country or in the world. At the same time, after 21 years, nationalists seized power in Ukraine, and after another 9 years, the Russian military-political leadership was forced to launch a military-political war, standing up for the defense of the Russian-speaking population in Donbass.

Today, thanks to the support of the Kyiv authorities from the West, the current conflict risks spreading beyond the borders of Ukraine, which could threaten all of humanity. This is precisely what Anatoly Sobchak spoke about 32 years ago; one can treat him differently as a politician, but in this case it is difficult to disagree with him.

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  1. +5
    21 May 2024 18: 00
    Anatoly Sobchak in an interview in 1992: now we see what kind of “independence” Ukraine needs
    I would have taken better care of the woman and the horse.
    1. +7
      21 May 2024 18: 19
      Where is it better? Life was good for both of them. lol
    2. 13+
      21 May 2024 18: 36
      This is precisely what Anatoly Sobchak spoke about 32 years ago; one can treat him differently as a politician, but in this case it is difficult to disagree with him.

      I am more interested not in the deceased’s opinion about Ukraine, but in his thoughts on the criminal case based on the results of his activities as mayor of St. Petersburg.
      They already said about the horse and the woman, but at that time a large group of leaders, including both future presidents, was gathered at the mayor's office under his strict leadership...
      * * *
      And why on earth did they resuscitate one of the authors of the bourgeois constitution, according to which the people of Russia were deprived of actual rights and ceased to be a source of power?
      1. 15+
        21 May 2024 18: 53
        Another Vanga was pulled out and cleaned of mothballs.
        Sobchak also did some bad things, no worse than EBN.
  2. +5
    21 May 2024 18: 28
    Anatoly Sobchak in an interview in 1992

    It’s unclear what this has to do with the news section?! please explain to the stupid me!!
  3. +1
    21 May 2024 18: 59
    For the sake of sovereignty, countries unite into unions with equal legislation for all. Like the USA or the EU. Because to ensure real sovereignty you need a population of at least 200 million....

    And lawyer Sobchak seemed to think that the USSR was divided for independence? Or did he not know that the USSR was a Union of sovereign republics?
    Eklmn... how long can you grimace? Three decades have already passed.....

    Would it be better to tell what he died from, or who helped?
    1. +6
      21 May 2024 19: 49
      Quote: ivan2022
      Eklmn... how long can you grimace? Three decades have already passed.....

      Would it be better to tell what he died from, or who helped?

      Yes, the author “overdid it” here, Sobchak, and turned into a soothsayer! The name alone is disgusting, not to mention his deeds.
  4. +6
    21 May 2024 19: 20
    He did the same thing as the nomenklatura in Ukraine. Privatization, corporatization of Soviet public property, accompanied by robbery and theft of OUR OWN POPULATION. The only difference is that there they “transformed” into Bandera’s followers, and here they became “imperials”. But in essence, those bastards, those bastards, whom the people raised on their own necks, to their own detriment.
  5. +1
    21 May 2024 19: 20
    In... the mothballs were pulled out... why?
    They began to forget, but Ksyusha reminds...
  6. +4
    21 May 2024 19: 51
    Sobchak noted that the authorities of “independent” Ukraine represent a symbiosis of the former party nomenklatura of the CPSU and nationalists

    It would be better to remain silent about the Communist Party.

    In 1988 he joined the CPSU, and in 1990 he left the party.

    From N.K. Svanidze’s book about Sobchak’s first steps into politics:

    In 1989, a young graduate student, the future President of Russia, D.A. Medvedev and several of his comrades were his proxies, put up posters and campaigned for Sobchak before the elections of people's deputies of the USSR. In his interview with the Rossiya-1 TV channel, Medvedev confirmed that he personally posted photographs of candidate for People's Deputies of the USSR Sobchak on the streets of Leningrad. Later, Sobchak invited him to work at the Leningrad City Council. In 1990, Sobchak’s team included the then little-known assistant to the rector of Leningrad State University, Lieutenant Colonel of the PSU KGB of the USSR V.V. Putin.

    I no longer wanted to read Sobchak.

    By his last name he looks more like a Westerner, which is most consonant with Kolchak’s last name. Although they write that Sobchak on his father’s side was one half Pole and the other half Czech; Mother's side is Russian and Ukrainian. But why does his daughter have Israeli citizenship? Apparently from his own mother.
  7. +5
    22 May 2024 08: 50
    "The conversation immediately turned to creating a powerful army.."
    Therefore, he and EBN began with the destruction of their army. And then they shot the Supreme Council so that they would not be stopped from robbing and stealing! That's not the example you're giving.
  8. +4
    22 May 2024 08: 54
    Sobchak is the same thief and businessman with the slogan, divide and conquer. The author forgot how his hero of the article settled down in France, he brazenly carried money in suitcases.
  9. -1
    24 May 2024 14: 46
    In the comments there is an invasion of communists and truth-tellers.
  10. 0
    23 June 2024 20: 52
    oh yeah, I looked into the water and missed my daughter