A-4 Skyhawk: why the relatively primitive carrier-based attack aircraft has become so in demand

A-4 Skyhawk: why the relatively primitive carrier-based attack aircraft has become so in demand

Douglas A-4 Skyhawk - an American carrier-based attack aircraft was developed in the 50s of the last century. The plane was not distinguished by anything extraordinary. It had subsonic speed and was not equipped with ultra-modern weapons and systems.

Meanwhile, as paradoxical as it may sound, it was the aforementioned simplicity that allowed the combat aircraft to outlive its peers. Moreover, he manages to fly today.

It’s worth starting with the fact that in the middle of the last century there was a revolution in the military aviation. Aircraft with piston engines began to be replaced en masse by jet aircraft. At the same time, the new winged aircraft cost many times more than their obsolete predecessors, and they had to be produced in large quantities.

As a result, Douglas Aircraft Company tried to solve this problem. Designers focused on how to simplify the design of the jet aircraft as much as possible. True, their ideas were not to the liking of the Air Force command, which in no case agreed that American fighters would be in any way inferior to Soviet MiGs.

At the same time, the proposals of Douglas engineers were liked by the command of the US Navy, which needed a new aircraft for aircraft carriers.

This is how the A-4 Skyhawk was born, relatively cheap, with an extremely simple design, but extremely in demand.

An example of a simplified design is the wing of an attack aircraft, which had a triangular shape. It was a single piece that was attached to the fuselage from below. The wing mechanization is also extremely simple - large ailerons extended to the very tips, large slats without drive motors, as well as paired flaps and aerodynamic brakes.

The aircraft received a landing gear with one wheel and an elongated strut so that weapons could be suspended under the wing, attached to the lower part of the fuselage. The fuselage itself was also as simple as possible, with an armored nose section.

One jet engine with a thrust of 38 kN was used as a power plant.

The A-4 Skyhawk was armed with two 20 mm cannons and various unguided rockets and bombs.

The aircraft's cruising speed is subsonic about 950 km/h, and the maximum speed reached 1118 km/h. The flight range of the deck attack aircraft reached 1800 km. At the same time, it became the first American combat aircraft to receive an in-flight refueling system.

As a result, an extremely simple and relatively cheap aircraft had excellent flight and combat characteristics for that time. In addition, its maintenance also did not require large expenses and was not labor-intensive. This ensured the attack aircraft the aforementioned “longevity” and demand not only in the USA, but also in other countries.

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  1. +1
    17 May 2024 17: 55

    Douglas A-4 Skyhawk - an American carrier-based attack aircraft was developed in the 50s of the last century.

    The A-4 Skyhawk was armed with two 20 mm cannons and various unguided rockets and bombs.

    The weapons also look like they're from the 50s.
  2. +3
    17 May 2024 17: 56
    Our Mig 27 was also good, it would come in handy now.
  3. 0
    17 May 2024 18: 13
    Quote: Maxim G

    Douglas A-4 Skyhawk - an American carrier-based attack aircraft was developed in the 50s of the last century.

    The A-4 Skyhawk was armed with two 20 mm cannons and various unguided rockets and bombs.

    The weapons also look like they're from the 50s.

    At first, the Skyhawk was supposed to carry a torpedo. They refused it. Then guided weapons appeared - Bullpap missiles.
  4. -8
    17 May 2024 18: 16
    A very informative article. Russia and China must carefully focus on US stealth aircraft's. I believe that US possess atleast a dozen different, hidden, stealth aircraft in Area 51. Lot's of aircrafts were originally started testing in Area 51some of them are A-12, M-21 + D-21, B-52H, F-117, B-2, SR-71 etc.
  5. -1
    17 May 2024 18: 19
    Ask the British what they think about the A-4...

    Especially those who were in "Invincible"...



    Pregúntenle a los Ingleses que opinan del A-4...

    Sobretodo a los que estuvieron en el Invencible...

  6. +7
    17 May 2024 18: 22
    Everything is correct. On the battlefields, it is not the wunderwaffe that rules the show, but the combination of simplicity, efficiency and quantity, that is, cheapness
    1. -2
      17 May 2024 20: 32
      Ease of field service is extremely important.
  7. 0
    17 May 2024 18: 22
    I thought you were going to mention the Malouin War!

    The A-4 pilots, at a complete disadvantage to the Harriers, were driving the English fleet crazy.



    Pensé que iban a mencionar la Guerra de Malvinas!

    Los pilotos de A-4 en total desventaja con los Harriers, volvieron locos a la flote inglesa.

    1. +7
      17 May 2024 18: 34
      Quote from SimonDellsen
      The A-4 pilots, at a complete disadvantage to the Harriers, were driving the English fleet crazy.

      Strictly speaking, the fact that the Argentines terrorized the British with skyhawks near the Falklands is not the advantage of the skyhawks, but the shortcomings of the British
      1. 0
        17 May 2024 21: 02
        And the big shortcomings of the Argentine armed forces - there is a story (myth) about the inability of the Argentine “specialists” from the BAO to correctly “set up” bomb fuses for the Skyhawks even at the end of that war.
        1. +1
          18 May 2024 00: 05
          As I understand it, the problem with the bombs was that the A-4s, flying low over the sea, had to rise to the target.

          It happened that in some cases the bomb did not explode and passed through the casing without exploding because the delay did not stop or was set incorrectly.

          I have met and spoken with Air Force pilots and this confirms this problem.



          Hasta donde tengo entendido, el problema de las bombas, hacía que los A-4, que volaban rasante al mar, tenían que elevarse previo al blanco.

          Pasó que en algunas veces, la bomba no explotaba y atravezaba el casco sin estallar, porque el retardo no daba para o había sido mal colocado.

          He visto y hablado con pilotos de la Fuerza Aérea, y confirma este problema.

      2. 0
        18 May 2024 00: 10
        Partially yes, and partially no.

        The fact is that during the Korean War, a Saber crashed while trying to shoot down a Soviet biplane of the year it was made!

        According to the surviving pilots, during the attack on the Invincible, out of four A-4s, the British shot down 2 before reaching their target.

        It is obvious that the British defense was not prepared for such a “use” of weapons.

        In fact, this war forced the British and Yankees to reconsider many tactics!!



        Partially yes, and partially no.

        The fact is that during the Korean War, a Saber crashed while trying to shoot down a Soviet biplane of the year it was made!

        According to the surviving pilots, during the attack on the Invincible, out of four A-4s, the British shot down 2 before reaching their target.

        It is obvious that the British defense was not prepared for such a “use” of weapons.

        In fact, this war forced the British and Yankees to reconsider many tactics!!

  8. -9
    17 May 2024 18: 38
    It’s a pity we didn’t get along with the Il-102, but they launched this porn Su-25, it was not far-sighted on the part of our military, it seemed to them again that it was expensive to maintain a radio operator gunner, and the eyes in the rear hemisphere always cost no less than an airplane...
    1. IVZ
      18 May 2024 05: 18
      It’s a pity we didn’t get along with the Il-102, but they launched this Su-25 porno
      I don’t know how wrong the experts were about the “eyes in the rear hemisphere” in modern conditions, but to call “Rook” a porno... I don’t know who you should be.
  9. 0
    17 May 2024 18: 59
    Douglas A-4 Skyhawk - an American carrier-based attack aircraft was developed in the 50s of the last century. The plane was not distinguished by anything extraordinary. It had subsonic speed and was not equipped with ultra-modern weapons and systems.

    You don't have to read any further. Bring me an attack aircraft with supersonic speed and justify this stupidity
    And now the Tucan (EMB-314 Super Tucano) is super in its class, but very expensive.

    Especially pleased
    equipped with ultra-modern weapons and systems.

    Is it like an analogy to go to another continent with a guidance system and shoot at a pillbox 3 km away?
  10. 0
    18 May 2024 15: 41
    An extremely short article about nothing. And even the author didn’t sign up. I'm probably ashamed of unsubscribing. Meanwhile, a lot can be written about this plane.
    First, look at his long "legs". Initially, the plane was made as a “basket for an atomic bomb.” It was then assumed that nuclear weapons would be widely used on the battlefield, but bombs were still large.
    The aircraft was widely used not only as a carrier-based attack aircraft for the US Navy. Thanks to its good maneuverability, it was used as an enemy.
    The Skyhawk was supplied to countries “friendly” to the United States and was widely used by them.
    After all, that same famous enemy of our country, Senator McCain, also flew a Skyhawk over Vietnam, where he was shot down by a Russian missile.