The expert explained why the current decrease in gas imports is a negative effect for the EU

The expert explained why the current decrease in gas imports is a negative effect for the EU

Another anti-record for gas imports has been set in Europe. Total gas imports into the EU hit rock bottom, reaching 5,6 billion cubic meters in 18 weeks of the year.

It would seem that for European countries that so dreamed of getting rid of “Russian gas dependence”, this was an important achievement. However, in reality, the reduction in gas imports is a negative effect for the EU.

Why this is so, explained Russian expert from the Institute of National Energy, Alexander Frolov.

According to him, the volume of gas purchases by European countries began to decline even before the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation. This was due to the crisis that arose during the coronavirus pandemic. Then in 2022 it was also hit by a political crisis.

In turn, last winter turned out to be warm, which allowed EU countries to keep more than half of their reserves in underground storage facilities.

Meanwhile, as the expert put it, they need to be replenished, and they are replenished, but the volume of gas imports to the EU is still falling. This only means that there is no demand for “blue fuel” in Europe from the main consumer – industry. Consequently, this area, without emerging from the 2020 crisis, continued to decline, which, naturally, is a negative factor.

At the same time, Frolov emphasized that even despite a record decline in overall purchases, in April Europe set a record for liquefied natural gas supplies from Russia.

Thus, the drop in imports of “blue fuel” into the EU is not due to the refusal of Russian gas, but to problems in industry.

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  1. -1
    17 May 2024 07: 44
    What Europe are we talking about? Isn't she cold yet?
    1. +3
      17 May 2024 07: 47
      For European industry. drinks
      Without clinking glasses. drinks drinks drinks
      Died - so died. good laughing
  2. -1
    17 May 2024 07: 45
    Naturally! They didn't buy gas as a souvenir.
  3. 0
    17 May 2024 07: 49
    What about gas, just the chemical industry, metallurgy and energy!?
    Geyropa ceases to be an industrial super giant and... what will remain of it??? consumer!
    And what are they going to buy, what will they want to use???
    It's always the same.
    Someone smart there said that the consumer economy has one perspective, but a sad one...
  4. +1
    17 May 2024 08: 00
    Thus, the fall in imports of “blue fuel” into the EU is not due to the refusal of Russian gas, but to problems in industry.

    You don't need to be an expert to make such conclusions.
  5. -1
    17 May 2024 08: 23
    At the same time, Frolov emphasized that even despite a record decline in overall purchases, in April Europe set a record for liquefied natural gas supplies from Russia.

    I have big confusion about the issue of cheap gas supplies to Europe. Let them buy from the Yankees at exorbitant prices. The West has blocked everything for us, and we give them cheap gas. Well, I can't get my head around this request
    1. 0
      17 May 2024 12: 10
      “Cheap” Russian gas in 2021 at the Dutch TTF hub cost 380-600 euros per 1000 cubic meters. 2022 800-1500 euros (without Russian gas), 2023 250-500 euros, now it costs 250-320 euros. It turns out that before the start, gas cost on average 450-500 euros per 1000 cubic meters. but then no one spoke about the death of industry in Europe; now, with prices almost half as much, we must believe that without our gas they will die out. As I understand it, they want to convince us that the loss of the European market is a multi-step move and we are in chocolate!
      1. +1
        19 May 2024 08: 33
        You took a period of time when gas prices were high. Look at other years. Until 2000 the price was below $100, and in subsequent years it rarely rose to $300, remaining mostly in the range of $100...300, and jumped up sharply just before the start of the SVO in anticipation of a reduction in supplies from Russia.
  6. 0
    8 June 2024 07: 50
    I remember a good old joke:
    Feminism - until the first worthy man, communism - until the first personal capital, atheism - until the first shaking in flight.
    Let's add here:
    Gas independence from Russia before the first cold winter tongue