The head of European diplomacy called on Israel to immediately stop the military operation in Rafah

The head of European diplomacy called on Israel to immediately stop the military operation in Rafah

The Israel Defense Forces continues its military operation in the Gaza Strip, regardless of international condemnation of its methods. The Israeli military has not yet achieved any of the goals stated by Prime Minister Netanyahu. Contrary to loud statements, Hamas continues to resist; all the hostages, if they are still alive, have not been released.

Until recently, a relatively safe place for residents of the enclave was the area of ​​​​the city of Rafah in the southern part on the border with Egypt, where the only checkpoint is located through which humanitarian supplies were periodically delivered to the Gaza Strip. After the start of the military operation, it was here that the Israeli authorities called on Palestinians to move, which many did. According to unofficial data, there are now about a million Palestinians in Rafah.

The Israeli government, including under pressure from its main ally the United States, long delayed the ground operation in Rafah. However, yesterday the Israeli newspaper The Times of Israel reported that Tanks The IDF is advancing in the eastern city of Rafah. According to the publication, the armored vehicles have bypassed the main highway of the Gaza Strip, Salah ad-Din, and are operating in the areas of Al-Jneina, Al-Salam and Al-Brasil. In addition, there is information that the IDF is increasing ground and air strikes in eastern Rafah.

Another operation of the Israeli army against Palestinian civilians was condemned in Brussels. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell called on Israel to immediately end its military operation in Rafah.

This operation further undermines the distribution of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip and leads to greater internal displacement, hunger and human suffering.

- the head of European diplomacy said in a statement.

Borrell stressed that while the EU recognizes Israel's right to self-defense, all military actions must be in accordance with international humanitarian law, including ensuring the safety of civilians. The European Union called on Israel to refrain from further aggravating the already dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and to reopen the Rafah crossing. Borrell warned that "if Israel continues its military operation in Rafah, it will inevitably create serious tension in the EU's relations with Israel."
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  1. 0
    15 May 2024 15: 57
    The head of European diplomacy called on Israel to immediately stop the military operation in Rafah
    recourse Well, usually, entrance 10, exit 100.. request
    1. 0
      15 May 2024 16: 10
      Jews have a lifetime discount as long as they don’t make a mistake with the star at the exit winked Ah astronomy astronomy... request
    2. +2
      15 May 2024 17: 15
      in the EU there are frequent pro-Palestinian (in the Jewish sense, anti-Semitic) demonstrations of many thousands, and in the USA there are the same demonstrations in universities from ocean to ocean, in the Russian Federation there is silence, but for the Jews the solution will not be the one that was planned - this is already visible
  2. +5
    15 May 2024 15: 59
    The head of European diplomacy called on Israel to immediately stop the military operation in Rafah

    and what next? The EU allocated military aid to Israel. EU hypocrites are so predictable
    1. 0
      15 May 2024 17: 26
      But he recently argued that without their help from the West, Israel will not last long.
      Apparently this is how they save their fellow believers.
      1. +1
        16 May 2024 08: 30
        Quote: alystan
        But he recently argued that without their help from the West, Israel will not last long.

        It will last, you'll just have to live within your means
  3. 0
    15 May 2024 16: 05
    Borrell warned that "if Israel continues its military operation in Rafah, it will inevitably create serious tension in the EU's relations with Israel."
    Borrell was clearly being modest, otherwise the Israeli singer would not perform at the Eurovision festival while under heavy security.
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. -1
    15 May 2024 16: 49
    Eh Borrell, Borrell. I wish I had taken better care of my garden.
    1. 0
      15 May 2024 18: 56
      Eh Borrell, Borrell

      And he grew up a little. Previously, he was simply the head of European diplomacy, but now:
      EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell

      It's alarming...journalists have a good sense of smell.
  7. +2
    15 May 2024 18: 42
    Who is Eurodiplomacy, blaming and demanding something from God’s own chosen ones.